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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Feeds parsers base class.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef FEED_PARSER_H
    20 #define FEED_PARSER_H
    23 // INCLUDES
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    25 #include <xmlengdom.h>
    27 // CONSTANTS
    29 // MACROS
    32 class CFeedParser;
    33 class CXmlUtils;
    34 class RXmlEngDocument;
    35 class TXmlEngElement;
    36 class MFeedParserObserver;
    38 // DATA TYPES
    39 typedef void (*ElementHandlerFunctionL)(const CFeedParser& aParser, CXmlUtils& aXmlUtils, 
    40         TXmlEngElement aNode, TInt aValueId, MFeedParserObserver& aObserver);
    42 struct ElementHandlerMapEntry
    43     {
    44     TPtrC8                   iElementNamespace;
    45     TPtrC8                   iElementName;
    46     TInt                     iValueId;
    47     ElementHandlerFunctionL  iElementHandlerL;
    48     };
    55 /**
    56 *  Feeds parsers base class.
    57 *
    58 *  \b Library: FeedsEngine.lib
    59 *
    60 *  @since 3.0
    61 */
    62 class CFeedParser: public CBase
    63     {
    64     public:  // Destructor
    65         /**
    66         * Destructor.
    67         */        
    68         virtual ~CFeedParser();
    71     protected:
    72         /**
    73         * C++ default constructor.
    74         */
    75         CFeedParser(CXmlUtils& aXmlUtils);
    78     public:  // New Methods
    79         /**
    80         * Creates a Feed instance from the given document.
    81         *
    82         * @since 3.0
    83         * @param aDocument A document.
    84         * @param aObserver The parser's observer.
    85         * @return void
    86         */
    87         virtual void ParseFeedL(RXmlEngDocument aDocument,
    88                 MFeedParserObserver& aObserver) = 0;
    91     protected:  // New Methods
    92         /**
    93         * Add a feed ElementHandler mapping.  See AddMappingL.
    94         *
    95         * @since 3.0
    96         * @param aNamespace The namespace for this mapping -- utf8 encoding.
    97         * @param aElementName The element name for this mapping -- utf8 encoding.
    98         * @param aValueId The normalized value-id.
    99         * @param aHandler The element handler function.
   100         * @return void.
   101         */
   102         void AddFeedMappingL(const TDesC8& aNamespace, const TDesC8& aElementName,
   103                 TInt aValueId, ElementHandlerFunctionL aHandler);
   105         /**
   106         * Add a feed ElementHandler mapping.  See AddMappingL.
   107         *
   108         * @since 3.0
   109         * @param aNode A node.
   110         * @param aObserver The parser's observer.
   111         * @return void.
   112         */
   113         void HandleFeedChildL(TXmlEngElement aNode, MFeedParserObserver& aObserver) const;
   115         /**
   116         * Add a item ElementHandler mapping.  See AddMappingL.
   117         *
   118         * @since 3.0
   119         * @param aNamespace The namespace for this mapping -- utf8 encoding.
   120         * @param aElementName The element name for this mapping -- utf8 encoding.
   121         * @param aValueId The normalized value-id.
   122         * @param aHandler The element handler function.
   123         * @return void.
   124         */
   125         void AddItemMappingL(const TDesC8& aNamespace, const TDesC8& aElementName,
   126                 TInt aValueId, ElementHandlerFunctionL aHandler);
   128         /**
   129         * Add an item ElementHandler mapping.  See AddMappingL.
   130         *
   131         * @since 3.0
   132         * @param aNode A node.
   133         * @param aObserver The parser's observer.
   134         * @return void.
   135         */
   136         void HandleItemChildL(TXmlEngElement aNode, MFeedParserObserver& aObserver) const;
   138          /**
   139         * An ElementHandler function that extracts the value from the 
   140         * child text nodes.
   141         *
   142         * @since 3.0
   143         * @param aParser The parser calling this method.
   144         * @param aXmlUtils The xml util instance.
   145         * @param aNode A node.
   146         * @param aValueId The normalized value-id.
   147         * @param aObserver The parser's observer.
   148         * @return void.
   149         */
   150         static void ElementHandlerCDataL(const CFeedParser& aParser, CXmlUtils& aXmlUtils, 
   151                 TXmlEngElement aNode, TInt aValueId, MFeedParserObserver& aObserver);
   153          /**
   154         * An ElementHandler function that extracts the value from the 
   155         * child text nodes then resolves any html entities and removes any markup.
   156         *
   157         * @since 3.0
   158         * @param aParser The parser calling this method.
   159         * @param aXmlUtils The xml util instance.
   160         * @param aNode A node.
   161         * @param aValueId The normalized value-id.
   162         * @param aObserver The parser's observer.
   163         * @return void.
   164         */
   165         static void ElementHandlerTextL(const CFeedParser& aParser, CXmlUtils& aXmlUtils, 
   166                 TXmlEngElement aNode, TInt aValueId, MFeedParserObserver& aObserver);
   168         /**
   169         * An ElementHandler function that extracts the value from a child
   170         * url element.  If the element doesn't contain any elements and it contains
   171         * text it is extracted instead.
   172         *
   173         * @since 3.0
   174         * @param aParser The parser calling this method.
   175         * @param aXmlUtils The xml util instance.
   176         * @param aNode A node.
   177         * @param aValueId The normalized value-id.
   178         * @param aObserver The parser's observer.
   179         * @return void.
   180         */
   181         static void ElementHandlerUrlChildL(const CFeedParser& aParser, CXmlUtils& aXmlUtils, 
   182                 TXmlEngElement aNode,  TInt aValueId, MFeedParserObserver& aObserver);
   184         /**
   185         * An ElementHandler function that extracts the value from the 
   186         * child text nodes.  It further performs url related clean up.
   187         *
   188         * @since 3.0
   189         * @param aParser The parser calling this method.
   190         * @param aXmlUtils The xml util instance.
   191         * @param aNode A node.
   192         * @param aValueId The normalized value-id.
   193         * @param aObserver The parser's observer.
   194         * @return void.
   195         */
   196         static void ElementHandlerUrlL(const CFeedParser& aParser, CXmlUtils& aXmlUtils, 
   197                 TXmlEngElement aNode, TInt aValueId, MFeedParserObserver& aObserver);
   199         /**
   200         * An ElementHandler function that extracts the date from the 
   201         * child text nodes.  It can handle date formats defined in RFC 3339, RFC 822,
   202         * RFC 1123, RFC 850, and RFC 1036
   203         *
   204         * @since 3.0
   205         * @param aParser The parser calling this method.
   206         * @param aXmlUtils The xml util instance.
   207         * @param aNode A node.
   208         * @param aValueId The normalized value-id.
   209         * @param aObserver The parser's observer.
   210         * @return void.
   211         */
   212         static void ElementHandlerDateL(const CFeedParser& aParser, CXmlUtils& aXmlUtils, 
   213                 TXmlEngElement aNode, TInt aValueId, MFeedParserObserver& aObserver);
   216     private:  // New Methods
   217         /**
   218         * Makes a mapping between an element's namespance and name with the normalized
   219         * value-id (i.e. title or description) and a function which extracts out
   220         * relevant data and applies it to a provided ValueHolder using the value-id 
   221         * (see HandleChildL).
   222         *
   223         * @since 3.0
   224         * @param aMappings Either iFeedMappings or iItemMapping.
   225         * @param aNamespace The namespace for this mapping.
   226         * @param aElementName The element name for this mapping.
   227         * @param aValueId The normalized value-id.
   228         * @param aHandler The element handler function.
   229         * @return void.
   230         */
   231         void AddMappingL(RArray<ElementHandlerMapEntry>& aMappings, const TDesC8& aNamespace, 
   232                 const TDesC8& aElementName, TInt aValueId, ElementHandlerFunctionL aHandler);
   234         /**
   235         * Using the mapping defined by calls to AddMappingL it passes aNode, 
   236         * aValueHolder and associated value-id to the associated function.  The method
   237         * does what is needed to extract the relevant values from the node and applies
   238         * them on aValueHolder (using the normalized value-id).
   239         *
   240         * @since 3.0
   241         * @param aMappings Either iFeedMappings or iItemMapping.
   242         * @param aNode A node.
   243         * @param aObserver The parser's observer.
   244         * @return void.
   245         */
   246         void HandleChildL(const RArray<ElementHandlerMapEntry>& aMappings, TXmlEngElement aNode, 
   247                 MFeedParserObserver& aObserver) const;
   249         /**
   250         * Converts the given RFC 3339 date into a TTime.
   251         *
   252         * @since 3.1
   253         * @param aDateStr The date string.
   254         * @param aDate The resulting TTime.
   255         * @return void.
   256         */
   257         static void ParseRFC3339L(const TDesC8& aDateStr, TTime& aDate);
   260     private:  // Data
   261         RArray<ElementHandlerMapEntry> iFeedMappings;
   262         RArray<ElementHandlerMapEntry> iItemMappings;
   265     protected:  // Data
   266         CXmlUtils&                     iXmlUtils;
   267     };
   269 #endif      // FEED_PARSER_H
   271 // End of File