changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 5 10e98eab6f85
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of class CCodDownloadImpl.   
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    22 #include <AiwGenericParam.h>
    23 #include <DocumentHandler.h>
    24 #include <apgcli.h>
    25 #include <eikenv.h>
    26 #include <StringLoader.h>
    27 #include <ErrorUi.h>
    28 #include <DcfRep.h>
    29 #include <RoapDef.h>
    30 #include <DRMCommon.h>
    31 #include <aknmessagequerydialog.h>
    32 #include <hlplch.h>             
    33 #include <MultipartParser.h>
    34 #include <AknQueryDialog.h>
    35 #include "CodDownloadImpl.h"
    36 #include "CodUiPanic.h"
    37 #include <CodStatus.h>
    38 #include <CodDefs.h>
    39 #include <CodError.h>
    40 #include <CodEng.h>
    41 #include <CodData.h>
    42 #include <RoapData.h>
    43 #include <DdEng.h>
    44 #include <CodUtil.h>
    45 #include "CodUiResource.h"
    46 #include <CodUi.rsg>
    47 #include "CodViewDialog.h"
    48 #include "CodLogger.h"
    49 #include "CodDialog.h"
    50 #include "CodUi.hrh"
    51 #include <pathinfo.h>
    52 #include <Oma2Agent.h>
    53 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    54 #include "CodConfirm.h" 
    55 #include  <bautils.h>
    57 #ifdef RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE
    58 #include <driveinfo.h>
    59 #endif
    61 // ================= CONSTANTS =======================
    63 /// COD MIME type.
    64 _LIT8( KCodDataType, COD_MIME_TYPE );
    65 /// multipart/related type.
    66 _LIT8( KMultipartRelatedDataType, "multipart/related" );
    67 #ifdef __SYNCML_DM_FOTA
    68 /// FOTA Update Package type.
    69 _LIT8( KFotaPackageDataType, "application/" );
    70 #endif /*def __SYNCML_DM_FOTA */
    71 /// UID of Wml Browser.
    72 LOCAL_D const TInt KCodWmlBrowserUid = 0x10008D39;
    73 /// Message prefix, to launch browser with URL.
    74 _LIT( KCodMsgLaunchBrowserWithUrl, "4 " );
    75 /// Reserved word "local".
    76 _LIT8( KCodReservedWordLocal, "local" );
    77 /// Reserved word "back".
    78 _LIT8( KCodReservedWordBack, "back" );
    79 /// For launching more info DRM_HLP_REGISTRATION
    81 /// Next Line
    82 _LIT( KNextLine, "\n" );
    84 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    86 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    87 // CCodDownloadImpl::NewL()
    88 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    89 //
    90 EXPORT_C CCodDownloadImpl* CCodDownloadImpl::NewL
    91         (
    92         CCodDownload& aProxy,
    93         const TDesC8& aBuf,
    94         const TDesC8& aType,
    95         MCodDownloadObserver& aObserver,
    96         CEikonEnv* aEikEnv,
    97         const TDesC8* aMultipartBoundary,
    98         const TDesC16* aMultipartUrl
    99         )
   100     {
   101     CLOG(( 2, _L8("-> CCodDownloadImpl::NewL aType<%S> aEikEnv(0x%x)"), \
   102         &aType, aEikEnv ));
   103     CCodDownloadImpl* download =
   104         new (ELeave) CCodDownloadImpl( aProxy, aObserver, aEikEnv );
   105     CleanupStack::PushL( download );
   106     download->ConstructL( aBuf, aType, aMultipartBoundary, aMultipartUrl );
   107     CleanupStack::Pop( download );
   108     CLOG(( 2, _L8("<- CCodDownloadImpl::NewL") ));
   109     return download;
   110     }
   112 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   113 // CCodDownloadImpl::NewL()
   114 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   115 //
   116 EXPORT_C CCodDownloadImpl* CCodDownloadImpl::NewL
   117         (
   118         CCodDownload& aProxy,
   119         const TInt aDownloadId,
   120         const TUid aDlUid,
   121         const TDesC8& aType,
   122         MCodDownloadObserver& aObserver,
   123         CEikonEnv* aEikEnv,
   124         const TDesC8* aMultipartBoundary,
   125         const TDesC16* aMultipartUrl 
   126         )
   127     {
   128     CLOG(( 2, _L8("-> CCodDownloadImpl::NewL aType<%S> aEikEnv(0x%x)"), \
   129         &aType, aEikEnv ));
   130     CCodDownloadImpl* download =
   131         new (ELeave) CCodDownloadImpl( aProxy, aObserver, aEikEnv );
   132     CleanupStack::PushL( download );
   133     download->ConstructL( aDownloadId, aDlUid, aType, aMultipartBoundary, aMultipartUrl );
   134     CleanupStack::Pop( download );
   135     CLOG(( 2, _L8("<- CCodDownloadImpl::NewL") ));
   136     return download;
   137     }
   138 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   139 // CCodDownloadImpl::~CCodDownloadImpl()
   140 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   141 //
   142 EXPORT_C CCodDownloadImpl::~CCodDownloadImpl()
   143     {
   144     CLOG(( 2, _L("*** -> CCodDownloadImpl::~CCodDownloadImpl") ));
   145     Cancel();
   146     delete iParams;
   147     iParts.ResetAndDestroy();
   148     delete iBuf;
   149     delete iEng;
   150     delete iUiResource;
   151     delete iErrorUi;
   152     delete iDocHandler;
   153     delete iDocParams;
   154     delete iPostResponseURL;
   155     iFs.Close();
   156     CLOG(( 2, _L("*** <- CCodDownloadImpl::~CCodDownloadImpl") ));
   157     }
   159 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   160 // CCodDownloadImpl::StartL()
   161 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   162 //
   163 EXPORT_C void CCodDownloadImpl::StartL( const CAiwGenericParamList* aParams )
   164     {
   165     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::StartL") ));
   166    // __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EInit , CodUiPanic( ECodUiRequestPending ) );
   167     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !IsActive(), CodUiPanic( ECodUiRequestPending ) );
   169     iAutoAccept = EFalse;
   170     iSilentMode = EFalse;
   171     iSuppressNextUrl = EFalse;
   172     iSuppressLaunch = EFalse;
   173     iFota = EFalse;
   174     iParams->Reset();
   176     if ( aParams )
   177         {
   178         // We must copy parameters, there is no guarantee that the caller
   179         // keeps the original during the whole download process.
   180         iParams->AppendL( *aParams );
   181         CodUtil::GetBoolParam
   182             ( iSilentMode, EGenericParamSilentDownload, *iParams );
   183         CodUtil::GetBoolParam( iAutoAccept,
   184             EGenericParamSuppressDownloadConfirmation, *iParams );
   185         CodUtil::GetBoolParam
   186             ( iSuppressNextUrl, EGenericParamSuppressNextUrl, *iParams );
   187         CodUtil::GetBoolParam
   188             ( iSuppressLaunch, EGenericParamSuppressLaunch, *iParams );
   190         CodUtil::GetUint32Param( iDownloadId, EGenericParamDownloadId, *iParams );
   192         TUint32 intAppUId(0);
   193         CodUtil::GetUint32Param( intAppUId, EGenericParamApplication, *iParams );
   194         iAppUId.iUid = intAppUId;
   196 #ifdef __SYNCML_DM_FOTA
   197         TInt i( 0 );
   198         if ( iParams->FindFirst( i, EGenericParamFotaPkgId ) )
   199             {
   200             CLOG(( 2, _L("  EGenericParamFotaPkgId set"), &iProxy ));
   201             iFota = ETrue;
   202             }
   203 #endif /*def __SYNCML_DM_FOTA */
   204         }
   208     if(iDownloadPaused)
   209     {
   210         iEng->Start(aParams,&iStatus);
   211         SetActive();
   212         iState = ELoad;
   213         iProgress.iState = TCodDownloadProgress::EInProgress;
   214         TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EStart ) );
   215         return;
   216     }
   218 	iEng->SetL( iDescriptor, &iStatus, iParams, &iParts );
   219     SetActive();
   220     // Warning: no leave after this point!
   221     iState = ESet;
   222     ResetProgress();
   223     iProgress.iState = TCodDownloadProgress::EInProgress;
   224     CLOG(( 2, _L("CodEventL(0x%x,EStart)"), &iProxy ));
   225     TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EStart ) );
   226     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::StartL") ));
   227     }
   229 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   230 // CCodDownloadImpl::Stop()
   231 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   232 //
   233 EXPORT_C void CCodDownloadImpl::Stop()
   234     {
   235     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::Stop") ));
   236     iEng->Stop();
   237     delete iDocHandler;
   238     iDocHandler = NULL;
   239     delete iDocParams;
   240     iDocParams = NULL;
   241     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::Stop") ));
   242     }
   244 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   245 // CCodDownloadImpl::Progress()
   246 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   247 //
   248 EXPORT_C const TCodDownloadProgress& CCodDownloadImpl::Progress() const
   249     {
   250     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::Progress state(%d) error(%d) cur(%d) max(%d)"), \
   251         iProgress.iState, \
   252         iProgress.iError, \
   253         iProgress.iBytesCur, \
   254         iProgress.iBytesMax ));
   255     return iProgress;
   256     }
   258 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   259 // CCodDownloadImpl::Name()
   260 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   261 //
   262 EXPORT_C TPtrC CCodDownloadImpl::Name()
   263     {
   264 #ifdef __TEST_COD_LOG
   265     TPtrC ptr( iEng->Data().Name() );
   266     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::Name returns<%S>"), &ptr ));
   267 #endif /* def __TEST_COD_LOG */
   269     if(iEng->Data().Count() > 0)
   270         return (*iEng->Data()[iEng->Data().ActiveDownload()]).Name();
   271     else
   272         return KNullDesC();
   273     }
   275 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   276 // CCodDownloadImpl::Type()
   277 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   278 //
   279 EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CCodDownloadImpl::Type() const
   280     {
   281 #ifdef __TEST_COD_LOG
   282     if(iEng->Data().Count() > 0)
   283         {
   284         TPtrC8 ptr( (*iEng->Data()[iEng->Data().ActiveDownload()]).Type() );
   285         CLOG(( 2, _L8("CCodDownloadImpl::Type returns<%S>"), &ptr ));
   286         }
   287 #endif /* def __TEST_COD_LOG */
   288     if(iEng->Data().Count() > 0)
   289         return (*iEng->Data()[iEng->Data().ActiveDownload()]).Type();
   290     else
   291         return KNullDesC8();
   292     }
   294 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   295 // CCodDownloadImpl::GetPath()
   296 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   297 //
   298 EXPORT_C TPtrC CCodDownloadImpl::GetPath() const
   299     {
   300 #ifdef __TEST_COD_LOG
   301     TPtrC ptr( iEng->GetPath() );
   302     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::GetPath returns<%S>"), &ptr ));
   303 #endif /* def __TEST_COD_LOG */
   304     return iEng->GetPath();
   305     }
   307 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   308 // CCodDownloadImpl::GetDestFilePath()
   309 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   310 //
   311 EXPORT_C TPtrC CCodDownloadImpl::GetDestFilePath (TInt aMOIndex ) const
   312     {
   313     return iEng->GetDestFilePath(aMOIndex);
   314     }   
   316 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   317 // CCodDownloadImpl::ServiceFlowL()
   318 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   319 //
   320 EXPORT_C void CCodDownloadImpl::ServiceFlowL()
   321     {
   322     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::ServiceFlowL") ));
   323     if ( iState != ELoadDone )
   324         {
   325         // No completed download!
   326         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   327         }
   328     TBool done( ETrue );
   329     TRAPD( err, done = DoServiceFlowL() );
   330     if ( done || err )
   331         {
   332         Done();
   333         }
   334     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::ServiceFlowL") ));
   335     }
   337 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   338 // CCodDownloadImpl::NextUrlL()
   339 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   340 //
   341 EXPORT_C HBufC8* CCodDownloadImpl::NextUrlL() const
   342     {
   343     HBufC8* absUrl = NULL;
   344     TBool back( EFalse );
   345     // Empty string is returned while in progress.
   346     if ( iState == ELoadDone || iState == EServiceFlow || iState == EInit )
   347         {
   348         TPtrC8 url( NextUrlAttr( back ) );
   349         if ( url.Length() )
   350             {
   351             absUrl = CodUtil::AbsoluteUrlLC( iEng->Data().SourceUri(), url );
   352             CleanupStack::Pop( absUrl );
   353             }
   354         }
   355     if ( !absUrl )
   356         {
   357         absUrl = HBufC8::NewL( 0 );
   358         }
   359     return absUrl;
   360     }
   362 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   363 // CCodDownloadImpl::PostResponseUrlL()
   364 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   365 //
   366 EXPORT_C HBufC8* CCodDownloadImpl::GetPostResponseUrlL() const
   367     {
   369     return iPostResponseURL;
   370     }
   373 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   374 // CCodDownloadImpl::UpdatedDDUriL()
   375 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   376 //
   377 EXPORT_C HBufC8* CCodDownloadImpl::UpdatedDDUriL() const
   378     {
   379     HBufC8* absUrl = NULL;
   380     absUrl = CodUtil::AbsoluteUrlLC( iEng->Data().UpdatedDDUriL(), iEng->Data().UpdatedDDUriL() );
   381     CleanupStack::Pop( absUrl );
   383     if ( !absUrl )
   384         {
   385         absUrl = HBufC8::NewL( 0 );
   386         }      
   387     return absUrl;
   389     }
   391 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   392 // CCodDownloadImpl::UpdatedDownlaodDataL()
   393 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   394 //
   395 EXPORT_C HBufC8* CCodDownloadImpl::UpdatedDownloadDataL() const
   396     {
   397     return (iEng->UpdatedDownloadDataL());
   398     }
   400 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   401 // CCodDownloadImpl::UpdatedTrackDataL()
   402 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   403 //
   404 EXPORT_C HBufC8* CCodDownloadImpl::UpdatedTrackDataL(TInt& aValue) const
   405     {
   406     return (iEng->UpdatedTrackDataL(aValue));
   407     }
   409 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   410 // CCodDownloadImpl::RemovableMedia()
   411 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   412 //
   413 EXPORT_C TBool CCodDownloadImpl::RemovableMedia() const
   414     {
   415     TBool removable = iEng->RemovableMedia();
   416     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::RemovableMedia (%d)"), removable ));
   417     return removable;
   418     }
   420 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   421 // CCodDownloadImpl::UserData()
   422 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   423 //
   424 EXPORT_C TAny* CCodDownloadImpl::UserData() const
   425     {
   426     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::UserData returns 0x%x"), iUserData ));
   427     return iUserData;
   428     }
   430 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   431 // CCodDownloadImpl::SetUserData()
   432 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   433 //
   434 EXPORT_C void CCodDownloadImpl::SetUserData( TAny* aUserData )
   435     {
   436     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::SetUserData (0x%x)"), aUserData ));
   437     iUserData = aUserData;
   438     }
   440 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   441 // CCodDownloadImpl::SetCodDlAttached()
   442 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   443 //
   444 EXPORT_C void CCodDownloadImpl::SetCodDlAttached(const TBool aValue)
   445     {
   446     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::SetCodDlAttached") ));
   447     iEng->SetCodDlAttached(aValue);
   448 	iAttached = aValue;
   449     }
   451 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   452 // CCodDownloadImpl::ConstructL()
   453 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   454 //
   455 void CCodDownloadImpl::ConstructL
   456         (
   457         const TDesC8& aBuf,
   458         const TDesC8& aType,
   459         const TDesC8* aMultipartBoundary,
   460         const TDesC16* aMultipartUrl
   461         )
   462     {
   463     iBuf = aBuf.AllocL();
   465     // By default, use the whole buffer and passed type.
   466     iDescriptor.Set( *iBuf );
   467     TDataType type( aType );
   469     // For multipart content, use the first part.
   470     // If there is no such (or cannot get it), fail on MIME check below.
   471     if ( type == TDataType( KMultipartRelatedDataType ) &&
   472          aMultipartBoundary && aMultipartUrl )
   473         {
   474         MultipartParser::ParseL
   475             ( *iBuf, aType, *aMultipartBoundary, *aMultipartUrl, iParts );
   476         if ( iParts.Count() )
   477             {
   478             // Use first part of multipart/related.
   479             iDescriptor.Set( iParts[0]->Body() );
   480             type = iParts[0]->ContentType();
   481             }
   482         }
   484     // Now iDescriptor and type are either the whole buffer and its type,
   485     // or those of the first part of multipart.
   487     if ( type == TDataType( KCodDataType ) )
   488         {
   489         iCod = ETrue;
   490         iEng = CCodEng::NewL( NULL, this );
   491         }
   492     else if ( type == TDataType( KDdDataType ) )
   493         {
   494         iCod = EFalse;
   495         iEng = CDdEng::NewL( NULL, this );
   496         iEng->SetDd2Type(EFalse);
   497         }
   498     else if ( type == TDataType( KDd2DataType ) )
   499         {
   500         iCod = EFalse;
   501         iEng = CDdEng::NewL( NULL, this );
   502         iEng->SetDd2Type(ETrue);
   503         }
   504     else
   505         {
   506         if( type == TDataType(KNullDesC8))
   507         	{
   508         	iEng = CDdEng::NewL( NULL, this );
   509         	}
   510         else
   511         	{
   512         	User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   513         	}
   514         }
   515     // HACK: Priority set lower than DownloadManagerUiLib's download list.
   516     // In-download queries (currently, ROAP device registration query)
   517     // need to come on top of Download Manager's download list.
   518     iEng->SetPriority( CActive::EPriorityStandard - 1 );
   519     if ( iEikEnv )
   520         {
   521         iUiResource = CCodUiResource::NewL( *iEikEnv );
   522         iErrorUi = CErrorUI::NewL( *iEikEnv );
   523         }
   525     iParams = CAiwGenericParamList::NewL();
   526     }
   528 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   529 // CCodDownloadImpl::ConstructL()
   530 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   531 //
   532 void CCodDownloadImpl::ConstructL
   533         (
   534         const TInt aDownloadId,
   535         const TUid aDlUid,
   536         const TDesC8& aType,
   537         const TDesC8* aMultipartBoundary,
   538         const TDesC16* aMultipartUrl       
   539         )
   540     {
   541     //iBuf = aBuf.AllocL(); NO need for Descriptor buffer in case of paused download
   542     iParams = CAiwGenericParamList::NewL();
   543     iAutoAccept = EFalse;
   544     iSilentMode = EFalse;
   545     iSuppressNextUrl = EFalse;
   546     iSuppressLaunch = EFalse;
   547     iFota = EFalse;
   548     iParams->Reset();
   549     iDownloadPaused = ETrue;        
   550 	iState = EInit;
   552     // By default, use the whole buffer and passed type.
   554     TDataType type( aType );
   556     // For multipart content, use the first part.
   557     // If there is no such (or cannot get it), fail on MIME check below.
   558     if ( type == TDataType( KMultipartRelatedDataType ) &&
   559          aMultipartBoundary && aMultipartUrl )
   560         {
   561         MultipartParser::ParseL
   562             ( *iBuf, aType, *aMultipartBoundary, *aMultipartUrl, iParts );
   563         if ( iParts.Count() )
   564             {
   565             // Use first part of multipart/related.
   566             iDescriptor.Set( iParts[0]->Body() );
   567             type = iParts[0]->ContentType();
   568             }
   569         }
   571     // Now iDescriptor and type are either the whole buffer and its type,
   572     // or those of the first part of multipart.
   574     if ( type == TDataType( KCodDataType ) )
   575         {
   576         iCod = ETrue;
   577         iEng = CCodEng::NewL( NULL, this );
   578         }
   579     else if ( type == TDataType( KDdDataType ) )
   580         {
   581         iCod = EFalse;
   582         iEng = CDdEng::NewL( NULL, this );
   583         iEng->SetDd2Type(EFalse);
   584         }
   585     else if ( type == TDataType( KDd2DataType ) )
   586         {
   587         iCod = EFalse;
   588         iEng = CDdEng::NewL( NULL, this );
   589         iEng->SetDd2Type(ETrue);
   590         }
   591     else
   592         {
   593         if( type == TDataType(KNullDesC8))
   594         	{
   595         	iEng = CDdEng::NewL( NULL, this );
   596         	}
   597         else
   598         	{
   599         	User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   600         	}
   601         }
   602     // HACK: Priority set lower than DownloadManagerUiLib's download list.
   603     // In-download queries (currently, ROAP device registration query)
   604     // need to come on top of Download Manager's download list.
   605     iEng->SetPriority( CActive::EPriorityStandard - 1 );
   606     if ( iEikEnv )
   607         {
   608         iUiResource = CCodUiResource::NewL( *iEikEnv );
   609         iErrorUi = CErrorUI::NewL( *iEikEnv );
   610         }
   611 	iEng->SetL( aDownloadId, aDlUid, &iParts );
   613     // Warning: no leave after this point!
   614     iState = EInit;
   615     ResetProgress();
   616 	iProgress.iState = TCodDownloadProgress::EPaused;
   617     //TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EStart ) );	
   619     }
   620 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   621 // CCodDownloadImpl::DoCancel()
   622 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   623 //
   624 void CCodDownloadImpl::DoCancel()
   625     {
   626     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::DoCancel") ));
   627     iEng->Cancel();
   628     iProgress.iError = KErrCancel;
   629     iProgress.iState = TCodDownloadProgress::EFailedPermanent;
   630     Done();
   631     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::DoCancel") ));
   632     }
   634 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   635 // CCodDownloadImpl::Pause()
   636 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   637 //
   638 EXPORT_C void CCodDownloadImpl::Pause()
   639     {
   641     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::Pause") ));
   642     iEng->Pause();
   643     iProgress.iState = TCodDownloadProgress::EPaused;
   644     //Done();
   645     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::Pause") ));
   646     }
   648 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   649 // CCodDownloadImpl::RunL()
   650 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   651 //
   652 void CCodDownloadImpl::RunL()
   653     {
   654     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::RunL iStatus(%d)"), iStatus.Int() ));
   655     iProgress.iError = iStatus.Int();
   656     switch ( iState )
   657         {
   658         case ESet:
   659             {
   660             if ( iProgress.iError )
   661                 {
   662                 LoadDoneL();
   663                 }
   664             else
   665                 {
   666                 SetOkL();
   667                 }
   668             break;
   669             }
   671         case ELoad:
   672             {
   673             LoadDoneL();
   674             break;
   675             }
   676         case EInit:
   677         case ELoadDone:
   678         default:
   679             {
   680             CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal );
   681             break;
   682             }
   683         }
   684     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::RunL") ));
   685     }
   687 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   688 // CCodDownloadImpl::RunError()
   689 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   690 //
   691 TInt CCodDownloadImpl::RunError( TInt aError )
   692     {
   693     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::RunError aError(%d)"), aError ));
   694     iProgress.iError = aError;
   695     iProgress.iState = TCodDownloadProgress::EFailedPermanent;
   696     Done();
   697     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::RunError") ));
   698     return KErrNone;
   699     }
   701 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   702 // CCodDownloadImpl::SetOkL()
   703 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   704 //
   705 void CCodDownloadImpl::SetOkL()
   706     {
   707     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::SetOkL") ));
   708     // Data parsed.
   709     CLOG(( 2, _L("CodEventL(0x%x,ENameChanged)"), &iProxy ));
   710     iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::ENameChanged );
   711     CLOG(( 2, _L("CodEventL(0x%x,ETypeChanged)"), &iProxy ));
   712     iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::ETypeChanged );
   713     TInt cmd( 0 );
   714     TDataType type( Type() );
   715     // if centra respository vale set iAutoAccept true, or the descritor do so
   716     // we won't ask for user confirmation 
   717     if ( iAutoAccept || iEng->Data().SuppressConfirm() )  
   718         {
   719         cmd = ECodUiCmdAccept;
   720         }
   722 #ifdef __DRM_OMA2
   723     if ( type == TDataType( KOma2TriggerContentType ) )
   724         {
   725         // ROAP Trigger is accepted automatically (no user interaction).
   726         cmd = ECodUiCmdAccept;
   727         }
   728 #endif /*def __DRM_OMA2*/
   729 #ifdef __SYNCML_DM_FOTA
   730     if ( type == TDataType( KFotaPackageDataType ) )
   731         {
   732         // Safety check, this should be set already (via GenericParam).
   733         iFota = ETrue;
   734         }
   735     if ( iFota && !iEikEnv )
   736         {
   737         // FOTA package is auto-accepted, if no UI present.
   738         cmd = ECodUiCmdAccept;
   739         }
   740 #endif /*def __SYNCML_DM_FOTA */
   742     if ( !cmd && iEikEnv )
   743         {
   744             CCodConfirm* confirm = new (ELeave) CCodConfirm;
   745             if (confirm->ShowDownloadConfirmationL(R_COD_UI_CBA_ACCEPT_CANCEL, 
   746                                                iEng->Data(), 
   747                                                iCod
   748                                                ) 
   749             )
   750             {
   751         	cmd = ECodUiCmdAccept;
   752             }
   753             else
   754             {
   755         	cmd = ECodUiCmdReject; 
   756             }
   757             delete confirm; 
   758         }
   759     CLOG(( 2, _L("  CCodDownloadImpl::SetOkL cmd(%d)"), cmd ));
   760     if ( cmd == ECodUiCmdAccept )
   761         {
   762         iEng->Accept( &iStatus );
   763         SetActive();
   764         iState = ELoad;
   765         // Do not leave after this point!
   766         }
   767     else if ( cmd == ECodUiCmdReject )
   768         {
   769         iEng->Reject( &iStatus );
   770         SetActive();
   771         iState = ELoad;
   772         // Do not leave after this point!
   773         }
   774     else
   775         {
   776         // No command. There is no UI to ask user, or dialog was dismissed
   777         // in some other way.
   778         iProgress.iError = KErrCancel;
   779         iProgress.iState = TCodDownloadProgress::EFailedPermanent;
   780         Done();
   781         }
   782     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::SetOkL") ));
   783     }
   785 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   786 // CCodDownloadImpl::LoadDoneL()
   787 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   788 //
   789 void CCodDownloadImpl::LoadDoneL()
   790     {
   791     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::LoadDoneL status(%d)"), \
   792         iEng->GetStatusCode() ));
   794     iProgress.iState = iEng->GetProductStatusCode();
   795     if( iEng->Data().Count() > 1  )
   796         {
   798         if( iProgress.iState == TCodDownloadProgress::EFailedPermanent )
   799             {
   800             iProgress.iError = KErrMultipeObjectDownloadFailed ;
   801             }
   802         else if( iProgress.iState == TCodDownloadProgress::EFailedTemporary )
   803             {
   804             iProgress.iState = TCodDownloadProgress::EPaused;
   805             }
   806         }
   808     if( iProgress.iState  == TCodDownloadProgress::EInit )
   809         {
   810         iState = EInit;
   811         TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EUpdatedDDURI ) ); 
   812         return;
   813         }
   815     if (  iEng->Data().ActiveDownload() && iEng->Data().Count() && iEng->GetPath().Length() )
   816         {
   817         // ROAP involved loading a file, treat as download and not as ROAP.
   818         iRoap = EFalse;
   819         }
   821     // State change must come before the EEndLoad / EDone callback.
   822     iState = ELoadDone;
   823     if ( iEikEnv && !iFota )
   824         {
   825         CLOG(( 2, _L("CodEventL(0x%x,EEndLoad)"), &iProxy ));
   826         if( iProgress.iState == TCodDownloadProgress::EFailedPermanent ||
   827 			iProgress.iState == TCodDownloadProgress::EPaused 
   828          )
   830         	{
   831         	// Done with permanent failure or paused
   832         	iDownloadPaused = ETrue;
   833         	iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EDone );
   834         	}
   835         else
   836         	{
   837         	iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EEndLoad );
   838         	}
   839         }
   840     else
   841         {
   842         // No service flow without UI -> we are done.
   843         // FOTA does not need any UI activity (except Details View) -> done.
   844         Done();
   845         }
   846     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::LoadDoneL") ));
   847     }
   849 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   850 // CCodDownloadImpl::DoServiceFlowL()
   851 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   852 //
   853 TBool CCodDownloadImpl::DoServiceFlowL()
   854     {
   855     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::DoServiceFlowL") ));
   856     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == ELoadDone, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
   857     TBool done( ETrue );
   858     if ( iEikEnv && !iFota )    // Safety code.
   859         {
   860         // No service flow for Cancel or Reject.
   861         if ( iProgress.iError != KErrCancel && iProgress.iError != KErrAbort )
   862             {
   863             if ( iRoap )
   864                 {
   865                 if ( iProgress.iError )
   866                     {
   867                     done = RoapFailedL();
   868                     }
   869                 else
   870                     {
   871                     done = RoapOkL();
   872                     }
   873                 }
   874             else
   875                 {
   876                 if ( iProgress.iError )
   877                     {
   878                     done = LoadFailedL();
   879                     }
   880                 else
   881                     {
   882                     done = LoadOkL();
   883                     }
   884                 }
   885             if ( done )
   886                 {
   887                 ActivateNextUrlL();
   888                 }
   889             }
   890         }
   891     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::DoServiceFlowL (%d)"), done ));
   892     return done;
   893     }
   895 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   896 // CCodDownloadImpl::LoadOkL()
   897 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   898 //
   899 TBool CCodDownloadImpl::LoadOkL()
   900     {
   901     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::LoadOkL") ));
   902     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iEikEnv, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
   903     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iFota, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
   904     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iRoap, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
   905     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iProgress.iError, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
   906     TBool done( ETrue );    // Done by default.
   907     // Content is not launched if:
   908     // - in silent mode
   909     // - suppress launch
   910     // - there is no content to launch
   911     // - COD is not 'local'
   912     // - DRM protected object and no rights present.
   913     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::LoadOkL (%d)"), done ));    
   914     return done;
   915     }
   917 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   918 // CCodDownloadImpl::LaunchHelpL()
   919 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   920 //
   921 void CCodDownloadImpl::LaunchHelpL( const TDesC& aContext )
   922     {
   923     CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* contexts = 
   924         new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TCoeHelpContext>( 1 );
   925     CleanupStack::PushL( contexts );
   926     TCoeHelpContext context;
   927     context.iMajor = KDRMHelperUid;
   928     context.iContext = aContext;
   929     contexts->AppendL( context );
   930     CleanupStack::Pop(); // contexts
   932     #ifdef __SERIES60_HELP
   933     HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL( iEikEnv->WsSession(), contexts );
   934     #endif // __SERIES60_HELP
   935     }
   938 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   939 // CCodDownloadImpl::ShowRoapCallback(TAny* aPtr)
   940 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   941 //
   943 TInt CCodDownloadImpl::ShowRoapCallback( TAny* aPtr )
   944 {
   945     TInt err( KErrNone );    
   946     CCodDownloadImpl* self = static_cast<CCodDownloadImpl*>(aPtr);
   947     TRAP( err, self->LaunchHelpL( KDRM_HLP_REGISTRATION ) );     
   948     return err;        
   949 }
   951 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   952 // CCodDownloadImpl::LoadFailedL()
   953 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   954 //
   955 TBool CCodDownloadImpl::LoadFailedL()
   956     {
   957     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::LoadFailedL") ));
   958     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iEikEnv, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
   959     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iFota, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
   960     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iRoap, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
   961     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iProgress.iError, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
   962     TInt resId = 0;
   963     TInt err = iProgress.iError;
   964     if ( err == KErrCodNoAccessPoint )
   965         {
   966         // "No access point" error has the same status code as all connection
   967         // related errors, but needs different note.
   968         resId = R_QTN_CD_INFO_NO_VALID_AP;
   969         }
   970     else
   971         {
   972         // Investigating status code (which carries less information than the
   973         // error code) is generally enough to get the correct note.
   974         switch( iEng->GetStatusCode() )
   975             {
   976             case KHttp900Success:
   977             case KHttp902UserCancelled:
   978             case KHttp921UserAborted:
   979                 {
   980                 // No error note shown for user cancel.
   981                 err = KErrNone;
   982                 break;
   983                 }
   985             case KHttp901InsufficientMemory:
   986             case KHttp910NoMemory:
   987                 {
   988                 resId = R_QTN_CD_INFO_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM;
   989                 break;
   990                 }
   992             case KHttp903LossOfService:
   993                 {
   994                 // User Text Resolver to get "Connection timeout".
   995                 err = KErrCodHttpNoResponse;
   996                 break;
   997                 }
   999             case KHttp906InvalidDescriptor:
  1000                 {
  1001                 resId = R_QTN_CD_INFO_SYNTAX_ERR;
  1002                 break;
  1003                 }
  1005             case KHttp907InvalidType:
  1006                 {
  1007                 resId = R_QTN_CD_INFO_UNSUPP_MIME_TYPE;
  1008                 break;
  1009                 }
  1011             case KHttp922DeviceAborted:
  1012             case KHttp952DeviceAborted:
  1013                 {
  1014                 resId = R_QTN_CD_INFO_UNKNOWN_TYPE;
  1015                 break;
  1016                 }
  1018             case KHttp905AttributeMismatch:
  1019             case KHttp923NonAcceptableContent:
  1020             case KHttp953NonAcceptableContent:
  1021                 {
  1022                 resId = R_QTN_CD_INFO_UNSUPP_MIME_TYPE;
  1023                 break;
  1024                 }
  1026             case KHttp924LoaderError:
  1027             case KHttp954LoaderError:
  1028             case KHttp951InvalidDdVersion:
  1029                 {
  1030                 resId = R_QTN_CD_INFO_GENERIC_ERROR;
  1031                 break;
  1032                 }
  1034             default:
  1035                 {
  1036                 __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, CodUiPanic( ECodUiUnknownStatus ) );
  1037                 break;
  1038                 }
  1039             }
  1040         }
  1042     if ( resId )
  1043         {
  1044         CodDialog::InfoNoteL( resId, *iEikEnv );
  1045         }
  1046     else if ( err )
  1047         {
  1048         TPtrC msg( iErrorUi->TextResolver().ResolveErrorString( err ) );
  1049         CodDialog::InfoNoteL( msg );
  1050         }
  1051     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::LoadFailedL") ));
  1052     return ETrue;
  1053     }
  1055 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1056 // CCodDownloadImpl::RoapOkL()
  1057 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1058 //
  1059 TBool CCodDownloadImpl::RoapOkL()
  1060     {
  1061     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::RoapOkL") ));
  1062     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iEikEnv, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1063     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iFota, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1064     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iRoap, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1065     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iProgress.iError, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1066     TBool done( ETrue );
  1067     const CRoapData* roapData = iEng->GetRoapData();
  1068     if ( roapData ) // Safety code.
  1069         {
  1070         switch( roapData->iType )
  1071             {
  1072             case Roap::ERegistrationTrigger:
  1073                 {
  1074                 CodDialog::ConfNoteL
  1075                     ( R_QTN_DRM_CONF_DEVICE_REGISTERED, *iEikEnv );
  1076                 break;
  1077                 }
  1079             case Roap::ERoAcquisitionTrigger:
  1080                 {
  1081                 done = RoAcqOkL();
  1082                 break;
  1083                 }
  1085             case Roap::EJoinDomainTrigger:
  1086                 {
  1087                 if ( roapData->iDomainOperation == Roap::EJoinDomainOperation )
  1088                     {
  1089                     CodDialog::ConfNoteL
  1090                         ( R_QTN_DRM_CONF_JOINED_TO_DOMAIN, *iEikEnv );
  1091                     }
  1092                 else
  1093                     {
  1094                     CodDialog::ConfNoteL
  1095                         ( R_QTN_DRM_CONF_ACCOUNT_UPDATED, *iEikEnv );
  1096                     }
  1097                 break;
  1098                 }
  1100             case Roap::ELeaveDomainTrigger:
  1101                 {
  1102                 CodDialog::ConfNoteL
  1103                     ( R_QTN_DRM_INFO_REMOVE_FR_ACCOUNT, *iEikEnv );
  1104                 break;
  1105                 }
  1107             case Roap::EMeteringReportTrigger:
  1108                 {
  1109                 break;
  1110                 }                
  1112             default:
  1113                 {
  1114                 // We should never get here.
  1115                 __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1116                 }
  1117             }
  1118         }
  1119     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::RoapOkL (%d)"), done ));
  1120     return done;
  1121     }
  1123 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1124 // CCodDownloadImpl::RoAcqOkL()
  1125 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1126 //
  1127 TBool CCodDownloadImpl::RoAcqOkL()
  1128     {
  1129     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::RoAcqOkL") ));
  1130     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iEikEnv, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1131     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iFota, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1132     const CRoapData* roapData = iEng->GetRoapData();
  1133     __ASSERT_DEBUG ( roapData, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1134     __ASSERT_DEBUG ( roapData->iType == \
  1135         Roap::ERoAcquisitionTrigger, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1137     TFileName name;    // Note, filename and extension only! Not full path.
  1138     TDataType type;
  1139     TUid appUid( TUid::Null() );
  1140     RFile f;
  1141     CleanupClosePushL<RFile>( f );
  1142     if ( !iSilentMode && !iSuppressLaunch && roapData->iContentIdList.Count() )
  1143         {
  1144         __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iFs.Handle(), CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1145         User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
  1146         User::LeaveIfError( iFs.ShareProtected() );
  1147         CDcfRep* dcfRep = CDcfRep::NewL();
  1148         CleanupStack::PushL( dcfRep );
  1149         // It is not specified what to do if we have more content ids.
  1150         // Best guess: open the first.
  1151         TPtrC8 cid( *(roapData->iContentIdList[0]) );
  1152         TRAPD( err, dcfRep->GetFileHandleL ( cid, f, iFs ) );
  1153         if ( !err && CodUtil::CanOpenL( f ) )
  1154             {
  1155             User::LeaveIfError( f.Name( name ) );
  1156             RApaLsSession apaLs;
  1157             User::LeaveIfError( apaLs.Connect() );
  1158             CleanupClosePushL<RApaLsSession>( apaLs );
  1159             User::LeaveIfError( apaLs.AppForDocument( f, appUid, type ) );
  1160             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // apaLs
  1161             }
  1162 #ifdef __TEST_COD_LOG
  1163         else
  1164             {
  1165             CLOG(( 4, _L8("  err(%d) getting file by cid<%S>"), err, &cid ));
  1166             }
  1167 #endif /* def __TEST_COD_LOG */
  1168         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dcfRep );
  1169         }
  1171     TBool done( ETrue );
  1172     if ( appUid.iUid )
  1173         {
  1174         // MO (related to the received RO) is already here and is supported
  1175         // by the system. Ask user if he wants to open it now.
  1176         // "Activation key for 'Foo.jpg' received. Open the file now?"
  1177         __ASSERT_DEBUG( iFs.Handle(), CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1178         __ASSERT_DEBUG( f.SubSessionHandle(), CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1179         __ASSERT_DEBUG( name.Length(), CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1180         CAknQueryDialog* dialog = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
  1181         dialog->PrepareLC( R_COD_UI_CONFIRM_NOTE );
  1182         HBufC* prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC
  1183             ( R_QTN_DRM_QUERY_KEY_RECEIVED_OPEN, name, iEikEnv );
  1184         dialog->SetPromptL( *prompt );
  1185         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
  1186         if ( dialog->RunLD() ) 
  1187             {
  1188             CLOG(( 4, _L("  launching <%S>, handler(0x%x)"), \
  1189                 &name, appUid.iUid ));
  1190             __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iDocHandler, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1191             __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iDocParams, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1192             iDocHandler = CDocumentHandler::NewL();
  1193             iDocHandler->SetExitObserver( this );
  1194             iDocParams = CAiwGenericParamList::NewL();
  1195             User::LeaveIfError
  1196                 ( iDocHandler->OpenFileEmbeddedL( f, type, *iDocParams ) );
  1197             // Warning: no leave after this point!
  1198             iState = EServiceFlow;
  1199             done = EFalse;
  1200             }
  1201         }
  1202     else
  1203         {
  1204         // "Activation key received"
  1205         CodDialog::ConfNoteL( R_QTN_DRM_INFO_ACT_KEY_RECEIVED, *iEikEnv );
  1206         }
  1207     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &f );
  1208     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::RoAcqOkL (%d)"), done ));
  1209     return done;
  1210     }
  1212 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1213 // CCodDownloadImpl::RoapFailedL()
  1214 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1215 //
  1216 TBool CCodDownloadImpl::RoapFailedL()
  1217     {
  1218     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::RoapFailedL iProgress.iError(%d)"), \
  1219         iProgress.iError ));
  1220     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iEikEnv, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1221     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iFota, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1222     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iRoap, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1223     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iProgress.iError, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1224     TBool done( ETrue );
  1225     TInt resId = 0;
  1226     const CRoapData* roapData = iEng->GetRoapData();
  1227     if ( roapData ) // Safety code
  1228         {
  1229         // Some errors need specific message.
  1230         switch ( iProgress.iError )
  1231             {
  1232             case KErrRoapDomainFull:
  1233                 {
  1234                 resId = R_QTN_DRM_INFO_ACCOUNT_IS_FULL;
  1235                 break;
  1236                 }
  1237             case KErrRoapInvalidDomain:
  1238                 {
  1239                 resId = R_QTN_DRM_ACCOUNT_NOT_RECOGNISED;
  1240                 break;
  1241                 }
  1242             case KErrRoapServer:
  1243                 {
  1244                 // Temporary server error. For RoAcq, offer retry; for other
  1245                 // ROAP-s, fall through to default handling (plain error note).
  1246                 if ( roapData->iType == Roap::ERoAcquisitionTrigger )
  1247                     {
  1248                     CAknQueryDialog* dialog = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
  1249                     dialog->PrepareLC( R_COD_UI_CONFIRM_NOTE );
  1250                     HBufC* prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC
  1251                         ( R_QTN_DRM_GET_KEY_FAILED_RETRY, iEikEnv );
  1252                     dialog->SetPromptL( *prompt );
  1253                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
  1254                     if ( dialog->RunLD() ) 
  1255                         {
  1256                         ResetProgress();
  1257                         iProgress.iState = TCodDownloadProgress::EInProgress;
  1258                         iEng->Accept( &iStatus );
  1259                         SetActive();
  1260                         iState = ELoad;
  1261                         // Do not leave after this point!
  1262                         done = EFalse;
  1263                         }
  1264                     break;
  1265                     }
  1266                 // Not RoAcq: fall through to default (error note).
  1267                 }
  1268             default:
  1269                 {
  1270                 // Default error message is based on trigger type.
  1271                 switch ( roapData->iType )
  1272                     {
  1273                     case Roap::ERegistrationTrigger:
  1274                         {
  1275                         resId = R_QTN_DRM_INFO_DEVICE_REGIST_FAIL;
  1276                         break;
  1277                         }
  1278                     case Roap::ERoAcquisitionTrigger:
  1279                         {
  1280                         resId = R_QTN_DRM_INFO_GETTING_KEY_FAILED;
  1281                         break;
  1282                         }
  1283                     case Roap::EJoinDomainTrigger:
  1284                         {
  1285                         if ( roapData->iDomainOperation ==
  1286                              Roap::EJoinDomainOperation )
  1287                             {
  1288                             resId = R_QTN_DRM_INFO_REGISTRATION_FAILED;
  1289                             }
  1290                         else
  1291                             {
  1292                             resId = R_QTN_DRM_INFO_UPDATE_DOMAIN_FAIL;
  1293                             }
  1294                         break;
  1295                         }
  1296                     case Roap::ELeaveDomainTrigger:
  1297                         {
  1298                         resId = R_QTN_DRM_REMOVE_FR_ACCOUNT_FAIL;
  1299                         break;
  1300                         }
  1301                     case Roap::EMeteringReportTrigger:
  1302                         {
  1303                         break;
  1304                         }
  1305                     default:
  1306                         {
  1307                         __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, \
  1308                             CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1309                         }
  1310                     }
  1311                 break;
  1312                 }
  1313             }
  1314         if( resId )
  1315             {
  1316             CodDialog::InfoNoteL( resId, *iEikEnv );
  1317             }
  1318         }
  1319     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::RoapFailedL (%d)"), done ));
  1320     return done;
  1321     }
  1323 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1324 // CCodDownloadImpl::ActivateNextUrlL()
  1325 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1326 //
  1327 void CCodDownloadImpl::ActivateNextUrlL()
  1328     {
  1329     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::ActivateNextUrlL") ));
  1330     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iEikEnv, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1331     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iFota, CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1333     if ( iSilentMode || iSuppressNextUrl )
  1334         {
  1335         CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::ActivateNextUrlL (off)") ));
  1336         return;
  1337         }
  1339     TBool back( EFalse );
  1340     TPtrC8 url( NextUrlAttr( back ) );
  1342     if ( url.Length() || back )
  1343         {
  1344         HBufC8* msg;
  1345         if ( url.Length() )
  1346             {
  1347             // Activate URL in Browser.
  1348             HBufC8* absUrl =
  1349                 CodUtil::AbsoluteUrlLC( iEng->Data().SourceUri(), url );
  1350             msg = HBufC8::NewL
  1351                 ( ((TDesC)KCodMsgLaunchBrowserWithUrl).Length() +
  1352                   absUrl->Length() );   // Not pushed, no leaving calls...
  1353             msg->Des().Append( KCodMsgLaunchBrowserWithUrl );
  1354             msg->Des().Append( *absUrl );
  1355             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( absUrl );
  1356             CleanupStack::PushL( msg ); // ...until this point!
  1357             }
  1358         else
  1359             {
  1360             // Empty URL (back), activate Browser.
  1361             msg = HBufC8::NewLC( 0 );
  1362             }
  1364         TApaTaskList taskList( iEikEnv->WsSession() );
  1365         TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp( TUid::Uid( KCodWmlBrowserUid ) );
  1366         if ( task.Exists() )
  1367             {
  1368             // Browser is already running, send a message to it.
  1369             // (If not running, we don't launch it.)
  1370             task.SendMessage( TUid::Uid( 0 ), *msg );
  1371             }
  1373         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msg );
  1374         }
  1375     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::ActivateNextUrlL") ));
  1376     }
  1378 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1379 // CCodDownloadImpl::Done()
  1380 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1381 //
  1382 void CCodDownloadImpl::Done()
  1383     {
  1384     CLOG(( 2, \
  1385         _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::Done state (%d) p.state(%d) p.err(%d)"),
  1386         iState, iProgress.iState, iProgress.iError ));
  1387     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iProgress.iState > TCodDownloadProgress::EInProgress, \
  1388         CodUiPanic( ECodUiInternal ) );
  1389     iState = EInit;
  1390     // State change must come before the EDone callback.
  1391     CLOG(( 2, _L("CodEventL(0x%x,EDone)"), &iProxy ));
  1392     TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EDone ) );
  1393     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::Done") ));
  1394     }
  1396 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1397 // CCodDownloadImpl::GetRootPathL()
  1398 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1399 //
  1400 void CCodDownloadImpl::GetRootPathL( TDes& aRootPath )
  1401     {
  1402     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::GetRootPathL") ));
  1403     if ( iEikEnv )
  1404         {
  1405         CodDialog::GetRootPathL( aRootPath );
  1406         }
  1407     else
  1408         {
  1409         // Without UI we download to phone memory.
  1410 #ifdef RD_MULTIPLE_DRIVE 
  1411         TInt drive;
  1412         User::LeaveIfError(
  1413             DriveInfo::GetDefaultDrive( DriveInfo::EDefaultPhoneMemory, drive ) );
  1414         User::LeaveIfError( PathInfo::GetRootPath( aRootPath, drive ) );
  1415 #else
  1416         aRootPath = PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath();
  1417 #endif
  1418         }
  1419     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::GetRootPathL <%S>"), &aRootPath ));
  1420     }
  1422 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1423 // CCodDownloadImpl::StartLoadL()
  1424 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1425 //
  1426 void CCodDownloadImpl::StartLoadL( TInt aStatusCode )
  1427     {
  1428     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::StartLoadL aStatusCode(%d)"), \
  1429         aStatusCode ));
  1430     if ( aStatusCode != KHttp900Success )
  1431         {
  1432         // Error report started, update name.
  1433         CLOG(( 2, _L("CodEventL(0x%x,ENameChanged)"), &iProxy ));
  1434         iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::ENameChanged );
  1435         CLOG(( 2, _L("CodEventL(0x%x,ETypeChanged)"), &iProxy ));
  1436         iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::ETypeChanged );
  1437         }
  1438     // Network activity started, bring up download list.
  1439     CLOG(( 2, _L("CodEventL(0x%x,EAccept)"), &iProxy ));
  1440     iObserver.CodEventL ( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EAccept );
  1441     iObserver.CodEventL ( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::ENameChanged );
  1442     }
  1444 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1445 // CCodDownloadImpl::StartCancelL()
  1446 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1447 //
  1448 void CCodDownloadImpl::StartCancelL()
  1449     {
  1450     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::StartCancelL") ));
  1451     }
  1453 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1454 // CCodDownloadImpl::ProgressL()
  1455 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1456 //
  1457 void CCodDownloadImpl::ProgressL( TInt aFinalValue, TInt aCurrentValue )
  1458     {
  1459     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::ProgressL(%d/%d)"), \
  1460         aCurrentValue, aFinalValue ));
  1461     iProgress.iBytesCur = aCurrentValue;
  1462     iProgress.iBytesMax = aFinalValue;
  1463     CLOG(( 2, _L("CodEventL(0x%x,EProgressUpdate)"), &iProxy ));
  1464     iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EProgressUpdate );
  1465     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::ProgressL") ));
  1466     }
  1468 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1469 // CCodDownloadImpl::Done()
  1470 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1471 //
  1472 void CCodDownloadImpl::Done
  1473 ( TInt LOG_ONLY( aStatusCode ), TInt LOG_ONLY( aError ) )
  1474     {
  1475     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::Done aStatusCode(%d) aError(%d)"), \
  1476         aStatusCode, aError ));
  1477     }
  1479 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1480 // CCodDownloadImpl::ConfirmConnectL()
  1481 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1482 //
  1483 TBool CCodDownloadImpl::ConfirmConnectL()
  1484     {
  1485     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::ConfirmConnectL") ));
  1486     TBool connect( EFalse );  // Say no by default. (Applies if no UI present.)
  1487     if ( iEikEnv )
  1488         {
  1489         connect = CodDialog::ConfirmConnectL();
  1490         }
  1491     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::ConfirmConnectL(%d)"), connect ));
  1492     return connect;
  1493     }
  1495 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1496 // CCodDownloadImpl::StartConnect()
  1497 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1498 //
  1499 void CCodDownloadImpl::StartConnect( TUint32 LOG_ONLY( aIap ) )
  1500     {
  1501     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::StartConnect aIap(%d)"), aIap ));
  1502     }
  1504 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1505 // CCodDownloadImpl::EndConnect()
  1506 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1507 //
  1508 void CCodDownloadImpl::EndConnect()
  1509     {
  1510     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::EndConnect") ));
  1511     }
  1513 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1514 // CCodDownloadImpl::UserAuthL()
  1515 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1516 //
  1517 TBool CCodDownloadImpl::UserAuthL
  1518         (
  1519         const TDesC& LOG_ONLY( aHost ),
  1520         const TDesC& LOG_ONLY( aRealm ),
  1521         TBool LOG_ONLY( aProxyAuth ),
  1522         TDes& aUsername,
  1523         TDes& aPassword
  1524         )
  1525     {
  1526     CLOG(( 2, _L("CCodDownloadImpl::UserAuthL") ));
  1527     CLOG(( 3, _L("  aHost<%S>"), &aHost ));
  1528     CLOG(( 3, _L("  aRealm<%S>"), &aRealm ));
  1529     CLOG(( 3, _L("  aProxyAuth(0x%x)"), aProxyAuth ));
  1530     // Feature dropped - empty implementation.
  1531     aUsername.Zero();
  1532     aPassword.Zero();
  1533     return ETrue;
  1534     }
  1536 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1537 // CCodDownloadImpl::RoapTriggerParsedL()
  1538 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1539 //
  1540 void CCodDownloadImpl::RoapTriggerParsedL( const CRoapData& aData )
  1541     {
  1542     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::RoapTriggerParsedL") ));
  1543     iRoap = ETrue;
  1544 #ifdef __TEST_COD_LOG
  1545     CLOG(( 4, _L("  Trigger type(%d) contextStatus(%d) domainOp(%d)"), \
  1546         aData.iType, aData.iContextStatus, aData.iDomainOperation ));
  1547     TPtrC8 ptr;
  1548     for ( TInt i = 0; i < aData.iContentIdList.Count(); i++ )
  1549         {
  1550         ptr.Set( aData.iContentIdList[i]->Des() );
  1551         CLOG(( 4, _L8("  cid#%d:<%S>"), i, &ptr ));
  1552         }
  1553     if ( aData.iRiAlias )
  1554         {
  1555         ptr.Set( aData.iRiAlias->Des() );
  1556         CLOG(( 4, _L8("  riAlias <%S>"), &ptr ));
  1557         }
  1558     else
  1559         {
  1560         CLOG(( 4, _L8("  riAlias NULL") ));
  1561         }
  1562 #endif /* def __TEST_COD_LOG */
  1564     if ( aData.iContextStatus == Roap::EInvalidContext )
  1565         {
  1567         HBufC* header = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_DRM_MSQ_QRY_TITLE_REGISTRAT ); 
  1568         HBufC* regtxt = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_DRM_MSQ_QUERY_REGISTRATION );
  1569         HBufC* moreinfo = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_DRM_MSQ_QUERY_LINK_MORE_INF  );
  1571         HBufC* regtxt_moreinfo = HBufC::NewLC(regtxt->Length() + moreinfo->Length() + 1 );
  1572         TPtr regPtr( regtxt_moreinfo->Des() );
  1573         regPtr += *regtxt;
  1574         regPtr += KNextLine; 
  1575         regPtr += *moreinfo; 
  1578         CAknMessageQueryDialog* dlg = CAknMessageQueryDialog::NewL( *regtxt_moreinfo );
  1579         dlg->PrepareLC( R_COD_REGISTERCANCEL_QUERY  );
  1581         CAknPopupHeadingPane* hPane = dlg->QueryHeading();
  1582         if ( hPane )
  1583         {
  1584             hPane->SetTextL( *header );
  1585         }
  1587         // set link 
  1588         dlg->SetLinkTextL(*moreinfo);
  1589         TCallBack callback(ShowRoapCallback, this); 
  1590         dlg->SetLink(callback); 
  1592         TInt ret = dlg->RunLD();
  1593         if( ret != EAknSoftkeyYes ) 
  1594             {
  1595             CLOG(( 4, _L("  cancelled") ));
  1596             User::Leave( KErrCancel );
  1597             }            
  1598         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // header, regtxt, moreinfo and regtxt_moreinfo   
  1600         // No valid RI context, ROAP will involve device registration.
  1601         // User must confirm.
  1602         CLOG(( 4, _L("  invalid context") ));
  1603         CAknQueryDialog* dialog = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
  1604         dialog->PrepareLC( R_COD_UI_CONFIRM_NOTE );
  1605         HBufC* prompt;
  1606         if ( aData.iRiAlias )
  1607             {
  1608             // "Registration with %U needed. Register phone?"
  1609             HBufC* riAlias16 = CodUtil::ConvertLC( *aData.iRiAlias );
  1610             prompt = StringLoader::LoadL
  1611                 ( R_QTN_DRM_QUERY_REGISTER_WITH_U, *riAlias16, iEikEnv );
  1612             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( riAlias16 );
  1613             CleanupStack::PushL( prompt );
  1614             }
  1615         else
  1616             {
  1617             // "Registration with content provider needed. Register phone?"
  1618             prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC
  1619                 ( R_QTN_DRM_QUERY_REGISTER_WITH_CP, iEikEnv );
  1620             }
  1621         dialog->SetPromptL( *prompt );
  1622         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
  1623         if ( !dialog->RunLD() ) 
  1624             {
  1625             CLOG(( 4, _L("  cancelled") ));
  1626             User::Leave( KErrCancel );
  1627             }
  1628 #endif 
  1629         }
  1631     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::RoapTriggerParsedL") ));
  1632     }
  1634 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1635 // CCodDownloadImpl::HandleServerAppExit()
  1636 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1637 //
  1638 void CCodDownloadImpl::HandleServerAppExit( TInt /*aReason*/ )
  1639     {
  1640     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::HandleServerAppExit") ));
  1641     TRAP_IGNORE( ActivateNextUrlL() );
  1642     Done();
  1643     CLOG(( 2, _L("<- CCodDownloadImpl::HandleServerAppExit") ));
  1644     }
  1646 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1647 // CCodDownloadImpl::NextUrlAttr()
  1648 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1649 //
  1650 TPtrC8 CCodDownloadImpl::NextUrlAttr( TBool& aBack ) const
  1651     {
  1652     CLOG(( 2, _L("-> CCodDownloadImpl::NextUrlAttr") ));
  1653     TPtrC8 url;
  1654     aBack = EFalse;
  1655     const CCodData& data = iEng->Data();
  1656     if( iCod )
  1657         {
  1658         // This is a COD: choose between Next-URL or Next_URLatError.
  1659         if ( iEng->GetStatusCode() == KHttp900Success )
  1660             {
  1661             url.Set( data.NextUrl() );
  1662             }
  1663         else
  1664             {
  1665             url.Set( data.NextUrlAtError() );
  1666             }
  1667         // Recognize 'back' or 'local'.
  1668         if ( url.Length() )
  1669             {
  1670             if ( !url.Compare( KCodReservedWordLocal ) )
  1671                 {
  1672                 // 'local' -> no URL to launch.
  1673                 url.Set( KNullDesC8 );
  1674                 }
  1675             else if ( !url.Compare( KCodReservedWordBack ) )
  1676                 {
  1677                 // 'back' -> no URL to launch.
  1678                 url.Set( KNullDesC8 );
  1679                 aBack = ETrue;
  1680                 }
  1681             }
  1682         }
  1683     else
  1684         {
  1685         // This is a DD: NextURL goes for success and failure.
  1686         url.Set( data.NextUrl() );
  1687         }
  1689     CLOG(( 2, _L8("<- CCodDownloadImpl::NextUrlAttr url<%S> back(%d)"), \
  1690         &url, aBack ));
  1691     return url;
  1692     }
  1694 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1695 // CCodAppUi::PdPlayAvailable()
  1696 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1697 //
  1698 void CCodDownloadImpl::PdPlayAvailable()
  1699 {
  1700     TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EPdPlayAvailable ) );
  1701 }
  1703 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1704 // CCodDownloadImpl::UpdateMediaInfoL()
  1705 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1706 //
  1707 void CCodDownloadImpl::UpdateMediaInfoL()
  1708 {
  1709     TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EUpdatedMediaInfo ) );
  1710 }
  1712 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1713 // CCodDownloadImpl::UpdateTrackInfoL()
  1714 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1715 //
  1716 void CCodDownloadImpl::UpdateTrackInfoL()
  1717 {
  1718     TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EUpdatedTrackInfo ) );
  1719 }
  1721 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1722 // CCodDownloadImpl::WaitForLicenseL()
  1723 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1724 //
  1725 void CCodDownloadImpl::WaitForLicenseL()
  1726     {
  1727     CodDialog::InfoNoteL( R_QTN_BROWSER_DOWNLOADS_WAITING_FOR_LICENSE, *iEikEnv );
  1728     }
  1730 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1731 // CCodDownloadImpl::UpdatePausable
  1732 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1733 //
  1734 void CCodDownloadImpl::UpdatePausable( TBool aPausable )
  1735 {
  1736     TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, aPausable ? MCodDownloadObserver::EDownloadPausable 
  1737                                                         : MCodDownloadObserver::EDownloadNonPausable ) );
  1738 }
  1740 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1741 // CCodDownloadImpl::MediaObjectNameChanged()
  1742 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1743 //
  1744 void CCodDownloadImpl::MediaObjectNameChanged()
  1745 {
  1746     TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::ENameChanged ));
  1747 }
  1749 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1750 // CCodDownloadImpl::ContentTypeChanged()
  1751 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1752 //
  1753 void CCodDownloadImpl::ContentTypeChanged()
  1754 {
  1755     TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::ETypeChanged ));
  1756 }
  1758 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1759 // CCodDownloadImpl::SetActiveDownload()
  1760 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1761 //
  1762 void CCodDownloadImpl::SetActiveDownload( )
  1763     {
  1764     TRAP_IGNORE( iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::ESetActiveDownload ));
  1765     }
  1767 EXPORT_C TInt CCodDownloadImpl::ActiveDownload()
  1768     {
  1769     return iEng->ActiveDownload();
  1770     }
  1771 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1772 // CCodDownloadImpl::HandleRoapPostResponseUrlL()
  1773 // ----------------------------------------------------------
  1774 //
  1775 void CCodDownloadImpl::HandleRoapPostResponseUrlL( const TDesC8& aPrUrl ) 
  1776 {
  1778 	if(iPostResponseURL)
  1779 		{
  1780 		delete iPostResponseURL;
  1781 		iPostResponseURL = NULL;
  1782 		}
  1784     iPostResponseURL = aPrUrl.AllocL();	
  1786     iObserver.CodEventL( iProxy, MCodDownloadObserver::EHandlePostResponse );
  1787 }