changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 26 cb62a4f66ebe
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of class CCodView.
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include <eikrted.h>
    22 #include <txtrich.h>
    23 #include <barsread.h>
    24 #include <AknUtils.h>
    25 #include <AknDef.h>
    26 #include <StringLoader.h>
    27 #include <CodData.h>
    28 #include <CodDefs.h>
    29 #include <avkon.rsg>
    30 #include <CodUi.rsg>
    31 #include "CodView.h"
    32 #include "CodLogger.h"
    33 #include <Oma2Agent.h>
    34 #include <AknUtils.h>
    35 #include <AknLayout.cdl.h>
    37 #include "eikon.hrh"
    40 // ================= TYPES =======================
    42 /**
    43 * Mime type to resource id mapping entry.
    44 */
    45 struct TMimeAndResId
    46     {
    47     const TText8* iName;    ///< MIME type.
    48     TInt iResId;            ///< Resource id.
    49     };
    51 // ================= CONSTANTS =======================
    53 /// Number of bytes in a kilobyte.
    54 LOCAL_D const TInt KCodKbyte = 1024;
    56 /**
    57 * Null-terminated MIME-to-resId mapping table.
    58 * Order of entries is important (from most specific to most generic), as
    59 * entries are evaluated linearly.
    60 */
    61 LOCAL_D const TMimeAndResId KCodMimeAndResIds[] =
    62     {
    63 //      { _S8( "game: no such MIME" ),                  R_QTN_CD_TYPE_GAME },
    64         { _S8( "application/" ),  R_QTN_CD_TYPE_RTONE },
    65         { _S8( "application/x-nokiaGameData" ),         R_QTN_CD_TYPE_GAME_LEVEL },
    66         { _S8( "application/vnd.oma.drm" ),             R_QTN_CD_TYPE_NOT_CLASSIFIED },
    67         { _S8( "application/" ),                        R_QTN_CD_TYPE_APPLICATION },
    68         { _S8( "image/" ),          R_QTN_CD_TYPE_OPERATOR_LOGO },
    69         { _S8( "image/vnd.nok-oplogo" ),                R_QTN_CD_TYPE_OPERATOR_LOGO },
    70         { _S8( "image/vnd.nok-picturemessage" ),        R_QTN_CD_TYPE_PICTURE_MESSAGE },
    71         { _S8( "image/" ),                              R_QTN_CD_TYPE_IMAGE },
    72         { _S8( "audio/" ),                              R_QTN_CD_TYPE_SOUND },
    73         { _S8( "text/X-vCard" ),                        R_QTN_CD_TYPE_VCARD },
    74         { _S8( "text/" ),                               R_QTN_CD_TYPE_DOCUMENT },
    75         { _S8( "" ),                                    R_QTN_CD_TYPE_NOT_CLASSIFIED },
    76         { NULL,                                         0 }
    77     };
    79 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    81 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    82 // CCodView:CCodView()
    83 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    84 //
    85 CCodView::CCodView()
    86     {
    87     }
    89 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    90 // CCodView:ConstructL()
    91 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    92 //
    93 void CCodView::ConstructL()
    94     {
    95     CreateWindowL();
    96     TResourceReader rr;
    97     iCoeEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC( rr, R_COD_UI_RTXED );
    98     ConstructFromResourceL( rr );
    99     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // rr
   100     }
   102 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   103 // CCodView:ConstructFromResourceL()
   104 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   105 //
   106 void CCodView::ConstructFromResourceL( TResourceReader& aReader )
   107     {
   108     iEditor = new (ELeave) CEikRichTextEditor();
   109     iEditor->ConstructFromResourceL( aReader );
   110     iEditor->SetContainerWindowL( *this );
   112     CRichText* richText = iEditor->RichText();
   114     iNameStyle = CParagraphStyle::NewL
   115         (
   116         *richText->GlobalParaFormatLayer(),
   117         *richText->GlobalCharFormatLayer()
   118         );
   120     iValueStyle = CParagraphStyle::NewL
   121         (
   122         *richText->GlobalParaFormatLayer(),
   123         *richText->GlobalCharFormatLayer()
   124         );
   126     SetStylesL();
   128     iStyles = CStyleList::NewL();
   129     RParagraphStyleInfo nameStyleInfo( iNameStyle );
   130     User::LeaveIfError( iStyles->AppendL( &nameStyleInfo ) );
   131     RParagraphStyleInfo valueStyleInfo( iValueStyle );
   132     User::LeaveIfError( iStyles->AppendL( &valueStyleInfo ) );
   134     richText->SetStyleListExternallyOwned( *iStyles );
   136     iSbFrame = new (ELeave) CEikScrollBarFrame( this, NULL, ETrue );
   137     iSbFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL
   138         ( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
   139     iSbFrame->SetTypeOfVScrollBar( CEikScrollBarFrame::EArrowHead );
   140     }
   142 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   143 // CCodView::~CCodView()
   144 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   145 //
   146 CCodView::~CCodView()
   147     {
   148     delete iUndefinedValue;
   149     delete iSbFrame;
   150     delete iEditor;
   151     delete iStyles;
   152     }
   154 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   155 // CCodView:SetDataL()
   156 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   157 //
   158 void CCodView::SetDataL( const CCodData& aData, TBool aCod )
   159     {
   160     iEditor->RichText()->Reset();
   161     AddLineL( R_QTN_CD_DETAIL_NAME, aData.Count() > 1 && aData.Name().Length()? aData.Name() : (*aData[aData.ActiveDownload()]).Name() );
   162     HBufC* buf = AllocTypeNameL( DisplayType( aData ) );
   163     CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
   164     AddLineL( R_QTN_CD_DETAIL_TYPE, *buf );
   165     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
   166     if ( aCod )
   167         {
   168         AddLineL( R_QTN_CD_DETAIL_PRICE, aData.Price() );
   169         }
   170     AddLineL( R_QTN_CD_DETAIL_DESCRIPT, aData.Description() );
   172     // Displaying size requires some extra fiddling with B/kB notation.
   173     TInt size = aData.Size();
   174     if ( size >= KCodKbyte )
   175         {
   176         // Round up.
   177         buf = StringLoader::LoadLC
   178             ( R_QTN_SIZE_KB, (size - 1) / KCodKbyte + 1, iCoeEnv );
   179         }
   180     else
   181         {
   182         buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_SIZE_B, size, iCoeEnv );
   183         }
   184     // R_QTN_SIZE_KB is " %N kB", and R_QTN_SIZE_B is " %N B" (with leading
   185     // spaces!!!). Obviously this is a system resource which was adjusted to
   186     // someone's particular "tabulating" needs...
   187     // So we have to remove leading/trailing spaces.
   188     buf->Des().Trim();
   189     AddLineL( R_QTN_CD_DETAIL_SIZE, *buf );
   190     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
   192     AddLineL( R_QTN_CD_DETAIL_VENDOR, aData.Vendor() );
   193     delete iUndefinedValue; // Not needed anymore.
   194     iUndefinedValue = NULL;
   195     SizeChanged();
   196     }
   198 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   199 // CCodView:Clear()
   200 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   201 //
   202 void CCodView::Clear()
   203     {
   204     iEditor->RichText()->Reset();
   205     SizeChanged();
   206     }
   208 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   209 // CCodView::MinimumSize()
   210 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   211 //
   212 TSize CCodView::MinimumSize()
   213     {
   214     return iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->ClientRect().Size();
   215     }
   217 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   218 // CCodView::SizeChanged()
   219 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   220 //
   221 void CCodView::SizeChanged()
   222     {
   223     if ( OwnsWindow() )
   224         {
   225         // View as main control of App UI.
   226         iEditor->SetRect( Rect() );
   227         }
   228     else
   229         {
   230         // View in dialog.
   231         // Dialog sets Rect() so it includes the softkey area.
   232         TAknLayoutRect editorRect;
   233         editorRect.LayoutRect
   234             ( Rect(), AknLayout::main_pane( Rect(), 0, 0, 1 ) );
   235         iEditor->SetRect( editorRect.Rect() );
   236         }
   237     iEditor->DrawNow();
   238     TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateScrollBarL( /*aTile=*/ETrue ) );
   239     }
   241 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   242 // CCodView::CountComponentControls()
   243 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   244 //
   245 TInt CCodView::CountComponentControls() const
   246     {
   247     return iSbFrame->CountComponentControls() + 1;
   248     }
   250 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   251 // CCodView::ComponentControl()
   252 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   253 //
   254 CCoeControl* CCodView::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
   255     {
   256     if ( aIndex == 0 )
   257         {
   258         return iEditor;
   259         }
   260     else
   261         {
   262         return iSbFrame->ComponentControl( aIndex - 1 );
   263         }
   264     }
   266 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   267 // CCodView::OfferKeyEventL()
   268 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   269 //
   270 TKeyResponse CCodView::OfferKeyEventL
   271 ( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
   272     {
   273     TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   274     switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
   275         {
   276         case EKeyLeftUpArrow:     // Northwest
   277         case EStdKeyDevice10:     //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
   278         case EKeyUpArrow:         // North
   279         case EKeyRightUpArrow:    // Northeast
   280         case EStdKeyDevice11:     //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
   281             {
   282             ScrollUpL();
   283             response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   284             break;
   285             }
   287         case EKeyLeftDownArrow:   // Southwest
   288         case EStdKeyDevice13:     //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
   289         case EKeyDownArrow:       // South
   290         case EKeyRightDownArrow:  // Southeast
   291         case EStdKeyDevice12:     //   : Extra KeyEvent supports diagonal event simulator wedge
   292             {
   293             ScrollDownL();
   294             response = EKeyWasConsumed;
   295             break;
   296             }
   298         default:
   299             {
   300             response = iEditor->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   301             break;
   302             }
   303         }
   304     return response;
   305     }
   307 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   308 // CCodView::Draw()
   309 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   310 //
   311 void CCodView::Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const
   312     {
   313     SystemGc().Clear( aRect );
   314     }
   316 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   317 // CCodView::HandleResourceChange()
   318 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   319 //
   320 void CCodView::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
   321     {
   322     CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange( aType );
   323     if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
   324         {
   325         TRAP_IGNORE( SetStylesL() );    // Fontspec might have changed.
   326         SizeChanged();                  // Relayout.
   327         }
   328     }
   330 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   331 // CCodView::SetStylesL()
   332 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   333 //
   334 void CCodView::SetStylesL()
   335     {
   336     TCharFormat charFormat;
   337     TCharFormatMask charFormatMask;
   338     charFormat.iFontPresentation.iTextColor = KRgbBlack;
   339     charFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontTypeface );
   340     charFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontHeight );
   341     charFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttColor );
   342     charFormat.iFontSpec = AknLayoutUtils::FontFromId
   343         ( EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont )->FontSpecInTwips();
   344     iNameStyle->CharFormatLayer()->SetL( charFormat, charFormatMask );
   345     charFormat.iFontSpec = AknLayoutUtils::FontFromId
   346         ( EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont )->FontSpecInTwips();
   347     iValueStyle->CharFormatLayer()->SetL( charFormat, charFormatMask );
   348     }
   350 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   351 // CCodView:AddLineL()
   352 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   353 //
   354 void CCodView::AddLineL( TInt aNameResId, const TDesC& aValue )
   355     {
   356     TPtrC value( aValue );
   357     if ( !value.Length() )
   358         {
   359         // Empty value. Show "undefined".
   360         if ( !iUndefinedValue )
   361             {
   362             // Not yet loaded, do it now. Subsequent calls will reuse
   363             // this buffer, so it is not loaded more than once.
   364             // After all lines are added, the buffer is deleted
   365             // (in SetDataL()), to spare memory.
   366             iUndefinedValue = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceL
   367                 ( R_QTN_CD_VALUE_UNDEFINED );
   368             }
   369         value.Set( *iUndefinedValue );
   370         }
   372     CRichText* richText = iEditor->RichText();
   373     TInt start = richText->DocumentLength();
   374     if ( start )
   375         {
   376         // This is not the first line. End previous paragraph.
   377         richText->InsertL( start, CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter );
   378         }
   379     HBufC* name = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( aNameResId );
   380     start = richText->DocumentLength();
   381     richText->InsertL( start, *name );
   382     TInt end = richText->DocumentLength();
   383     richText->ApplyParagraphStyleL
   384         (
   385         *iStyles->At( 0 ).iStyle,
   386         start,
   387         end - start,
   388         CParagraphStyle::ERetainNoSpecificFormats
   389         );
   390     richText->InsertL( end, CEditableText::EParagraphDelimiter );
   391     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( name );
   392     start = richText->DocumentLength();
   393     richText->InsertL( start, value );
   394     end = richText->DocumentLength();
   395     richText->ApplyParagraphStyleL
   396         (
   397         *iStyles->At( 1 ).iStyle,
   398         start,
   399         end - start,
   400         CParagraphStyle::ERetainNoSpecificFormats
   401         );
   402     // Paragraph delimiter is not added - next call will do it.
   403     // This avoids an extra empty line (after the last).
   404     }
   406 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   407 // CCodView::UpdateScrollBarL
   408 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   409 //
   410 void CCodView::UpdateScrollBarL( TBool aTile )
   411     {
   412     CTextLayout* textLayout = iEditor->TextLayout();
   414     if ( textLayout->IsBackgroundFormatting() )
   415         {
   416         return;
   417         }
   419     TRect viewRect( iEditor->TextView()->ViewRect() );
   420     TEikScrollBarModel vSbModel;
   421     vSbModel.iThumbPosition = textLayout->PixelsAboveBand();
   422     vSbModel.iScrollSpan =
   423         textLayout->FormattedHeightInPixels() - viewRect.Height();
   424     vSbModel.iThumbSpan = 1;
   426     CLOG(( \
   427         5, \
   428         _L("rectHeight(%d) viewRectHeigh(%d) pixelsAboveBand(%d) formattedHeight(%d)"), \
   429         Rect().Height(), \
   430         viewRect.Height(), \
   431         textLayout->PixelsAboveBand(), \
   432         textLayout->FormattedHeightInPixels() \
   433     ));
   435     if ( vSbModel.iScrollSpan <= 0 )
   436         {
   437         vSbModel.iThumbPosition = 0;
   438         vSbModel.iScrollSpan = 0;
   439         }
   441     if ( aTile )
   442         {
   443         TEikScrollBarFrameLayout layout;
   444         TEikScrollBarModel hSbModel;
   445         iSbFrame->TileL
   446             ( &hSbModel, &vSbModel, viewRect, viewRect, layout );
   447         }
   449     iSbFrame->MoveVertThumbTo( vSbModel.iThumbPosition );
   450     }
   452 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   453 // CCodView::AllocTypeNameL
   454 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   455 //
   456 HBufC* CCodView::AllocTypeNameL( const TDesC8& aMimeType )
   457     {
   458     const TMimeAndResId* mapping;
   459     TInt resId = R_QTN_CD_VALUE_UNDEFINED;
   460     for ( mapping = &KCodMimeAndResIds[0]; mapping->iName; mapping++ )
   461         {
   462         TPtrC8 name( mapping->iName );
   463         // Looking for partial match (leftmost part of aMimeType is compared
   464         // to mapping->iName).
   465         if ( name.Length() <= aMimeType.Length() )
   466             {
   467             if ( aMimeType.Left( name.Length() ).CompareF( name ) == 0 )
   468                 {
   469                 resId = mapping->iResId;
   470                 break;
   471                 }
   472             }
   473         }
   474     return StringLoader::LoadL( resId, iCoeEnv );
   475     }
   477 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   478 // CCodView::ScrollUpL
   479 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   480 //
   481 void CCodView::ScrollUpL()
   482     {
   483     CTextLayout* textLayout = iEditor->TextLayout();
   484     if ( !textLayout->IsBackgroundFormatting() )
   485         {
   486         if ( textLayout->PixelsAboveBand() > 0 )
   487             {
   488             iEditor->MoveDisplayL( TCursorPosition::EFLineUp );
   489             UpdateScrollBarL( /*aTile=*/EFalse );
   490             }
   491         }
   492     }
   494 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   495 // CCodView::ScrollDownL
   496 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   497 //
   498 void CCodView::ScrollDownL()
   499     {
   500     CTextLayout* textLayout = iEditor->TextLayout();
   501     if ( !textLayout->IsBackgroundFormatting() )
   502         {
   503         TRect viewRect( iEditor->TextView()->ViewRect() );
   504         if ( textLayout->FormattedHeightInPixels() -
   505              textLayout->PixelsAboveBand() - viewRect.Height() > 0 )
   506             {
   507             iEditor->MoveDisplayL( TCursorPosition::EFLineDown );
   508             UpdateScrollBarL( /*aTile=*/EFalse );
   509             }
   510         }
   511     }
   513 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   514 // CCodView::DisplayType
   515 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   516 //
   517 TPtrC8 CCodView::DisplayType( const CCodData& aData )
   518     {
   519     for ( TInt i = 0; i < (*aData[aData.ActiveDownload()]).Types().MdcaCount(); i++ )
   520         {
   521         TPtrC8 type( (*aData[aData.ActiveDownload()]).Types().MdcaPoint( i ) );
   522         if (
   523             type.Compare( KOma1DrmMessageContentType ) &&
   524             type.Compare( KOma1XmlRoContentType ) &&
   525             type.Compare( KOma1WbxmlRoContentType ) &&
   526             type.Compare( KOma2RoContentType ) &&
   527             type.Compare( KOma2TriggerContentType ) &&
   528             type.Compare( KOma1DcfContentType ) &&
   529             type.Compare( KOma2DcfContentType ) &&
   530             type.Compare( KOmaImportContentType )
   531            )
   532             {
   533             return type;    // Non-DRM, return it.
   534             }
   535         }
   536     return (*aData[aData.ActiveDownload()]).Type();    // By default returns the first, whatever it is.
   537     }