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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Declaration of class CCodDownload.   
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef COD_DOWNLOAD_H
    20 #define COD_DOWNLOAD_H
    22 // INCLUDES
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    28 class CCodDownload;
    29 class CCodDownloadImpl;
    30 class CAiwGenericParamList;
    31 class CEikonEnv;
    35 /**
    36 * Cod Download observer.
    37 */
    38 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( MCodDownloadObserver )
    39     {
    40     public:     // types
    42         enum TEvent              ///< Event.
    43             {
    44             EStart,              ///< Load initiated.
    45             ENameChanged,        ///< Name changed.
    46             ETypeChanged,        ///< Type changed.
    47             EProgressUpdate,     ///< Progress update.
    48             EDone,               ///< Finished (success or failure).
    49             EAccept,             ///< Load accepted by user (start of load).
    50             EEndLoad,            ///< Waiting for service flow (end of load).
    51             EPdPlayAvailable,	 ///< in case of PD allow user to choose 'play'
    52             EUpdatedDDURI,       ///< Updated DD URI notification to the DM Server
    53             EResumed,			 ///< Resume successful and ready for PD
    54             EDownloadPausable,   ///< Informs the Server that download is PAUSABLE
    55             EDownloadNonPausable,///< Informs the Server that download is NOT PAUSABLE
    56             EHandlePostResponse, ///<  Intiates fresh download as part handling PostResponseURL of metering response 
    57             EUpdatedMediaInfo,   ///< Updated Media Info to DM Server
    58             ESetActiveDownload,  ///< Inform the server about currently active download
    59             EUpdatedTrackInfo    ///< Updated Media Info to DM Server
    60             };
    62     public:     // New methods.
    64         /**
    65         * Cod Download event.
    66         * @param aDownload Download.
    67         * @param aEvent Event.
    68         */
    69         virtual void CodEventL( CCodDownload& aDownload, TEvent aEvent ) = 0;
    71     };
    73 /**
    74 * Cod Download progress tracking.
    75 */
    76 NONSHARABLE_STRUCT( TCodDownloadProgress )
    77     {
    78     public:     // types
    80         enum TState             ///< State.
    81             {
    82             EInit,              ///< Initial state.
    83             EInProgress,        ///< In progress.
    84             ESucceeded,         ///< Succeeded.
    85             EFailedTemporary,   ///< Failed (temporary error).
    86             EFailedPermanent,    ///< Failed (permanent error).
    87             EPaused  			///< Paused
    88             };
    90     public:     // data
    92         TState iState;  ///< Download state.
    93         TInt iError;    ///< Error code.
    94         TInt iBytesCur; ///< Bytes downloaded so far (-1 if unknown).
    95         TInt iBytesMax; ///< Total download size (estimated; -1 if unknown).
    96     };
    98 /**
    99 * Descriptor-based download.
   100 * Supported descriptor types:
   101 * - text/x-co-desc (Nokia COD)
   102 * - application/vnd.oma.dd+xml (OMA DD)
   103 * - multipart/related, where the first part is one of the two above.
   104 */
   105 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCodDownload ): public CBase
   106     {
   107     public:     // Constructors and destructor
   109         /**
   110         * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
   111         * @param aBuf The descriptor.
   112         * @param aType Descriptor data type.
   113         * @param aObserver Observer.
   114         * @param aEikEnv Eikon environment or NULL. Can be NULL if download
   115         * does not require UI functionality. If download needs UI but NULL is
   116         * passed here, the download fails with EFailedPermanent KErrCancel.
   117         * @return The constructed object.
   118         */
   119         IMPORT_C static CCodDownload* NewL
   120             (
   121             const TDesC8& aBuf,
   122             const TDesC8& aType,
   123             MCodDownloadObserver& aObserver,
   124             CEikonEnv* aEikEnv
   125             );
   127         /**
   128         * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
   129         * This one supports multipart/related where the first part of the
   130         * multipart is the descriptor.
   131         * @param aBuf Data buffer (descriptor or multipart).
   132         * @param aType Data type.
   133         * @param aObserver Observer.
   134         * @param aEikEnv Eikon environment or NULL. Can be NULL if download
   135         * does not require UI functionality. If download needs UI but NULL is
   136         * passed here, the download fails with EFailedPermanent KErrCancel.
   137         * @param aMultipartBoundary Multipart boundary or NULL.
   138         * Required for processing multipart.
   139         * @param aMultipartUrl Multipart URL or NULL.
   140         * Required for processing multipart.
   141         * @return The constructed object.
   142         */
   143         IMPORT_C static CCodDownload* NewL
   144             (
   145             const TDesC8& aBuf,
   146             const TDesC8& aType,
   147             MCodDownloadObserver& aObserver,
   148             CEikonEnv* aEikEnv,
   149             const TDesC8* aMultipartBoundary,
   150             const TDesC16* aMultipartUrl
   151             );
   153         /**
   154         * Destructor.
   155         */
   156         IMPORT_C virtual ~CCodDownload();
   158     public:     // New methods
   160         /**
   161         * Start download. Panics if already active.
   162         * Restart is OK for completed downloads.
   163         * @param aParams Parameters or NULL.
   164         */
   165         IMPORT_C void StartL( const CAiwGenericParamList* aParams );
   167         /**
   168         * Stop (cancel) download. Safe to call in any state.
   169         * Note: processing continues until MCodDownloadObserver::EDone event.
   170         */
   171         IMPORT_C void Stop();
   173         /**
   174         * Pauses the COD download
   175         */  
   176         IMPORT_C void Pause();
   178         /**
   179         * Get progress.
   180         * @return Progress.
   181         */
   182         IMPORT_C const TCodDownloadProgress& Progress() const;
   184         /**
   185         * Get name attribute. This may be empty string, if attribute is
   186         * empty or not available. Do not store pointer (data may change as
   187         * download proceeds).
   188         */
   189         IMPORT_C TPtrC Name();
   191         /**
   192         * Get data type of content (or empty string: type may not be
   193         * available).
   194         * @return Data type.
   195         */
   196         IMPORT_C TPtrC8 Type() const;
   198         /**
   199         * Get path of saved content (or empty string).
   200         * Available in ESucceeded state only.
   201         * @return Path of saved content. Fits to KMaxFileName.
   202         */
   203         IMPORT_C TPtrC GetPath() const;
   205         /**
   206         * Perform service flow after a succesful or failed download.
   207         * This consists of zero, one or both of
   208         * - launching downloaded content
   209         * - activating Next-URL.
   210         * Load may also be retried.
   211         * Call this in response to EEndLoad event.
   212         */
   213         IMPORT_C void ServiceFlowL();
   215         /**
   216         * Get Next-URL.
   217         * @return Next-URL. Owner is the caller.
   218         */
   219         IMPORT_C HBufC8* NextUrlL() const;
   221         /**
   222         * Get PostResponse-URL.
   223         * @return PostResponse-URL. Owner is the caller.
   224         */
   225         IMPORT_C HBufC8* GetPostResponseUrlL() const;
   227         /**
   228         * Get the updated DD URL.
   229         * @return Updated DD URL.
   230         */
   231         IMPORT_C HBufC8* UpdatedDDUriL() const;
   233 		/**
   234         * Check if downloading to removable media.
   235         * Available after EAccept event.
   236         * @return ETrue if downloading to removable media.
   237         */
   238         IMPORT_C TBool RemovableMedia() const;
   240         /**
   241         * Set COD download attached
   242         * @param aValue If equals ETrue - download is attached
   243         */
   244         IMPORT_C void SetCodDlAttached(const TBool aValue);
   246     public:     // Transparent user data
   248         /**
   249         * Get tansparent user data.
   250         * @return User data.
   251         */
   252         IMPORT_C TAny* UserData() const;
   254         /**
   255         * Set tansparent user data.
   256         * @param aUserData User data.
   257         */
   258         IMPORT_C void SetUserData( TAny* aUserData );
   260     public:     //Added as part of multiple download
   262         /**
   263         * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
   264         * @param aDownloadId Download ID.
   265         * @param aDlUid App UID.        
   266         * @param aType Descriptor data type.
   267         * @param aObserver Observer.
   268         * @param aEikEnv Eikon environment or NULL. Can be NULL if download
   269         * does not require UI functionality. If download needs UI but NULL is
   270         * passed here, the download fails with EFailedPermanent KErrCancel.
   271         * @return The constructed object.
   272         */            
   273         IMPORT_C static CCodDownload* NewL
   274 	        (
   275 	        const TInt aDownloadId,
   276 	        const TUid aDlUid,
   277 	        const TDesC8& aType,
   278 	        MCodDownloadObserver& aObserver,
   279 	        CEikonEnv* aEikEnv 
   280 	        );
   282         /**
   283         * Set the CodData stream descriptor.
   284         * @param aDesStream.
   285         */
   286         IMPORT_C HBufC8* UpdatedDownloadDataL() const;
   288         /**
   289         * Set the stream descriptor for single media object (track).
   290         * @param aDesStream.
   291         */
   292         IMPORT_C HBufC8* UpdatedTrackDataL(TInt& aValue) const;
   294         /**
   295         * Get COD Active download 
   296         * @return Count of currently active download
   297         */
   298         IMPORT_C TInt ActiveDownload ( );
   299         /**
   300         * Get Destination file name 
   301         * @param aMOIndex media object index between 1 to 'n'
   302         * @return NULL if index out of range
   303         */
   304         IMPORT_C TPtrC GetDestFilePath (TInt aMOIndex ) const;
   306     private:    // Constructor
   308         /**
   309         * Constructor.
   310         */
   311         CCodDownload();
   313     private:    // Data 
   315         CCodDownloadImpl* iImpl;    ///< Implementation. Owned.
   317     };
   319 #endif /* def COD_DOWNLOAD_H */