changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 10 a359256acfc6
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 *
    17 */
    22 #include <e32cmn.h>
    24 // forward declarations
    25 class CWidgetEntry;
    26 class CWidgetInfo;
    28 // Constants
    29 const TUid KWidgetRegistryServerUid = { 0x10282F06 };
    30 const TUid KUidWidgetUi = { 0x10282822 };
    31 const TUid KUidWidgetLauncher = { 0x10282821 };
    34 // Before changing these, consider that there will be widgets
    35 // installed on removable memory cards according to an allocation
    36 // scheme using these bounds.
    37 const TInt32 KWidgetUidLowerBound = 0x2000DAD2;
    38 const TInt32 KWidgetUidUpperBound = 0x2000DEB9;
    40 // The current allocation scheme splits the range into two so that
    41 // in-device memory uses one range and removable memory cards use a
    42 // separate range.  Eventually, removable memory is probably going to
    43 // have to use a reallocation scheme on insertion.
    44 const TInt32 KWidgetUidInternalMemoryStart = KWidgetUidLowerBound;
    45 const TInt32 KWidgetUidExternalMemoryStart = (KWidgetUidLowerBound + KWidgetUidUpperBound + 1) / 2; // half way
    46 const TInt32 KWidgetUidExternalMemoryStop = KWidgetUidUpperBound;
    48 const TInt KWidgetRegistryClientVersionMajor = 0;
    49 const TInt KWidgetRegistryClientVersionMinor = 1;
    50 const TInt KWidgetRegistryClientVersionBuild = 1;
    51 const TInt KWidgetRegistryServerAsynchronousSlotCount = 4;
    52 const TInt KWidgetRegistryVal = KMaxFileName;
    53 const TInt KShutdownDelay = 200000;
    54 const TInt KWidgetRegistryGranularity = 100;
    55 const TInt KWidgetRegistryServerStartupAttempts = 2;
    57 // Literal constants
    58 _LIT( KWidgetRegistryName, "!WidgetRegistry" ); // name to connect to
    59 _LIT( KWidgetRegistryImage, "WidgetRegistry" ); // DLL/EXE name
    60 _LIT8( KWidgetMime, "application/x-nokia-widget");
    61 _LIT( KLauncherApp, "widgetlauncher.exe" );
    64 // Enumerations
    65 enum TWidgetRegistryClientOpCodes
    66     {
    67     EOpCodeRegisterWidget = 0,  // do not change, used in capability policy
    68     EOpCodeDeRegisterWidget = 1,// do not change, used in capability policy
    69     EOpCodeWidgetExists,
    70     EOpCodeIsWidget,
    71     EOpCodeIsWidgetRunning,
    72     EOpCodeWidgetCount,
    73     EOpCodeInstalledWidgetsPhase1,
    74     EOpCodeInstalledWidgetsPhase2,
    75     EOpCodeRunningWidgetsPhase1,
    76     EOpCodeRunningWidgetsPhase2,
    77     EOpCodeGetWidgetBundleId,
    78     EOpCodeGetWidgetBundleName,
    79     EOpCodeGetWidgetPropertyValue,
    80     EOpCodeGetWidgetPath,
    81     EOpCodeGetWidgetUid,
    82     EOpCodeGetWidgetUidForUrl,
    83     EOpCodeGetAvailableUid,
    84     EOpCodeSetActive,
    85     EOpCodeWidgetRegistryDisconnect,
    86     EOpCodeGetLprojName,
    87     EOpCodeSecurityPolicyId,
    88     EOpCodeSetWidgetInMiniView,
    89     EOpCodeIsWidgetInMiniView,
    90     EOpCodeSetWidgetInFullView,
    91     EOpCodeIsWidgetInFullView,
    92     EOpCodeSetWidgetPromptNeeded,
    93     EOpCodeIsWidgetPromptNeeded,
    94     EOpWidgetSapiAccessState,
    95     EOpCodeNotSupported // must be last
    96     };
    99 enum TWidgetPropertyId
   100     {
   101     // version must be first
   102     EWidgetPropertyListVersion = 0, // int
   103 // increment version when changing list of properties so when properties
   104 // are written to file with a version header then they can be read in
   105 // by backwards compatible future versions
   107     // begin from bundle XML configuration file
   108     EBundleIdentifier,          // required; string; ex.: com.nokia.widget.HelloWorld
   109     EBundleName,                // required; string; example: Hello World
   110     EBundleDisplayName,         // required; string; example: Hello World
   111     EMainHTML,                  // required; string; example: HellowWorld.html
   112     EBundleShortVersion,        // optional; string; example: 1.0
   113     EBundleVersion,             // optional; string; example: 1.0
   114     EHeight,                    // optional; integer; example: 100
   115     EWidth,                     // optional; integer; example: 100
   116     // TODO remove EAllowFullAccess (grep and remove all mentions)
   117     EAllowFullAccess,           // optional; int internally 0 or 1
   118     EAllowNetworkAccess,        // optional; int internally 0 or 1
   120     // begin internal properties
   121     EDriveName,                 // string;
   122     EBasePath,                  // string; install path for widget, includes drive
   123     EIconPath,                  // string; icon path only
   124     EUrl,                       // string;
   125     EFileSize,                  // int
   126     EUid,                       // TUid
   127     ENokiaWidget,               // int 0 (not Nokia DTD) or 1 (Nokia DTD)
   128     EMiniViewEnable,            //optional; int internally 0 0r 1
   129     EBlanketPermGranted,              //optional; int internally 0 0r 1
   131     // end property list, begin special values
   132     EWidgetPropertyIdCount,     // must be at end of properties
   133     EWidgetPropertyIdInvalid = 1000    // must be after EWidgetPropertyIdCount
   134     };
   137 typedef RArray<TUid>                RUidArray;
   139 typedef RPointerArray<CWidgetInfo>  RWidgetInfoArray;
   141 #endif