changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 26 cb62a4f66ebe
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Recognizer for the bowser supported MIME types  
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "BrowserRec.h"
    20 #include "ImplementationProxy.h"
    22 //
    23 // CBrowserRecognizer
    24 //
    25 CBrowserRecognizer::CBrowserRecognizer()
    26 :CApaDataRecognizerType( KUidMimeBrowserRecognizer, CApaDataRecognizerType::EHigh )
    27     {
    28     iCountDataTypes = KSupportedMimetypes;
    29     }
    31 TUint CBrowserRecognizer::PreferredBufSize()
    32     {
    33     return 0x80;
    34     }
    36 TDataType CBrowserRecognizer::SupportedDataTypeL( TInt aIndex ) const
    37     {
    38     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aIndex>=0 && aIndex < KSupportedMimetypes, User::Invariant() );
    39     switch ( aIndex )
    40         {
    41         case 0:
    42             return TDataType( KHTMLMimeType );
    43         case 1:
    44             return TDataType( KXHTMLMimeType1 );
    45         case 2:
    46             return TDataType( KXHTMLMimeType2 );
    47         case 3:
    48             return TDataType( KXHTMLMimeType2 );
    49         case 4:           
    50             return TDataType( KCssMimeType );
    51         case 5:
    52             return TDataType( KJavaSCMimeType);
    53         case 6:
    54             return TDataType( KJavaSCMimeType);
    55         case 7:
    56             return TDataType( KJavaEcmaMimeType);
    57         case 8:
    58             return TDataType( KOPMLMimeType);
    59 #ifndef BRDO_WML_DISABLED_FF                
    60         case 9:
    61              return TDataType( KWMLCMimeType ); 
    62         case 10:
    63             return TDataType( KWMLMimeType );
    64         case 11:
    65             return TDataType( KWBXMLMimeType );
    66         case 12:
    67             return TDataType( KWMLSCMimeType );
    68 #endif                          
    69         default:
    70             return TDataType( KHTMLMimeType );
    71         } 
    72     }
    74 void CBrowserRecognizer::DoRecognizeL( const TDesC& aName, const TDesC8& aBuffer )
    75     {
    76     iConfidence = ENotRecognized;
    77     if ( aBuffer.Length() < 3 )
    78         return;
    80     // First try the name extension
    81     if ( aName.Length() >= 3 )
    82         {
    83         TInt dotPos = aName.LocateReverse( '.' );
    84         if ( dotPos != KErrNotFound )
    85             {
    86             TInt extLength = aName.Length() - dotPos;
    87             HBufC* ext = aName.Right( extLength ).AllocL();
    88             CleanupStack::PushL( ext );
    90 #ifndef BRDO_WML_DISABLED_FF
    91             // application/vnd.wap.wmlc or application/vnd.wap.wbxml
    92             if ( ext->CompareF( KDotWMLC )  == 0 ||
    93                  ext->CompareF( KDotWBXML ) == 0 )
    94                 {
    95                 iDataType = TDataType( KWMLCMimeType );
    96                 if ( CheckWbxmlVersion( aBuffer[0] ) &&
    97                      CheckWbxmlPubId( aBuffer[1] ) )
    98                     {
    99                     iConfidence = ECertain;
   100                     }
   101                 else
   102                     {
   103                     iConfidence = EPossible;
   104                     }
   105                 }
   106             // application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc
   107             else if ( ext->CompareF(KDotWMLSC) == 0 )
   108                 {
   109                 iDataType = TDataType( KWMLSCMimeType );
   110                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   111                 }
   112             else if ( ext->CompareF(KDotJavaScript) == 0 )
   113                 {
   114                 iDataType = TDataType( KJavaSCMimeType );
   115                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   116                 }
   117 #else
   118             if ( ext->CompareF(KDotJavaScript) == 0 )
   119                 {
   120                 iDataType = TDataType( KJavaSCMimeType );
   121                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   122                 }
   123 #endif     // BRDO_WML_DISABLED_FF
   124             else if ( ext->CompareF(KDotCss) == 0 )
   125                 {
   126                 iDataType = TDataType( KCssMimeType );
   127                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   128                 }
   130             // text/html
   131             else if ( ext->CompareF(KDotHTML) == 0 ||
   132                       ext->CompareF(KDotHTM)  == 0 )
   133                 {
   134                 iDataType = TDataType( KHTMLMimeType );
   135                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   136                 }
   137             // application/vnd.wap.html+xml and application/xhtml+xml
   138             else if ( ext->CompareF(KDotXHTML)  == 0 ||
   139                       ext->CompareF(KDotXHTML2) == 0 )
   140                 {
   141                 iDataType = TDataType( KHTMLMimeType );
   142                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   143                 }
   144             // OPML file
   145             else if ( ext->CompareF(KDotOPML) == 0 )
   146                 {
   147                 iDataType = TDataType( KOPMLMimeType );
   148                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   149                 }
   150             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();    // ext
   151             }
   152         }
   154         // No recognized file name extensions, we have to look into the buffer
   155         if ( iConfidence == ENotRecognized )
   156             {
   157 #ifndef BRDO_WML_DISABLED_FF
   158             if ( CheckForWMLC( aBuffer ) )
   159                 {
   160                 iDataType = TDataType( KWMLCMimeType );
   161                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   162                 }
   163             else if ( CheckForOPML( aBuffer ) )
   164                 {
   165                 iDataType = TDataType( KOPMLMimeType );
   166                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   167                 }
   168             else if ( CheckForWML( aBuffer ) )
   169                 {
   170                 iDataType = TDataType( KWMLMimeType );
   171                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   172                 }
   173 #else
   174             if ( CheckForOPML( aBuffer ) )
   175                 {
   176                 iDataType = TDataType( KOPMLMimeType );
   177                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   178                 }
   179 #endif // BRDO_WML_DISABLED_FF                 
   180             else if ( CheckForHtml( aBuffer ) )
   181                 {
   182                 if ( CheckForXhtml( aBuffer ) )
   183                     {
   184                     iDataType = TDataType( KXHTMLMimeType2 );
   185                     }
   186                 else
   187                     {
   188                     iDataType = TDataType( KHTMLMimeType );
   189                     }
   190                 iConfidence = ECertain;
   191                 }
   192             }
   193     }
   196 // We support only wml version 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3
   197 TBool CBrowserRecognizer::CheckWbxmlVersion( TUint8 byte )
   198     {
   199     switch( byte )
   200         {
   201         case 0x01: // wml version 1.1
   202         case 0x02: // wml version 1.2
   203         case 0x03: // wml version 1.3
   204             return ETrue;
   205         default:
   206             return EFalse;
   207         }
   208     }
   210 // We support only wml version 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3
   211 TBool CBrowserRecognizer::CheckWbxmlPubId( TUint8 byte )
   212     {
   213     switch( byte )
   214         {
   215         case 0x00: // String table follows.
   216         case 0x04: // "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN (WML 1.1)
   217         case 0x09: // "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.2//EN (WML 1.2)
   218         case 0x0A: // "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.2//EN (WML 1.3)
   219             return ETrue;
   220         default:
   221             return EFalse;
   222         }
   223     }
   225 //
   226 // Check that the content has certain bytes is correct order
   227 // according to the wmlc spec.
   228 //
   229 TBool CBrowserRecognizer::CheckForWMLC( const TDesC8& aBuffer )
   230     {
   231     TInt IndexOfxmlVer       = 0;
   232     TInt IndexOfpubId        = 1;
   233     TInt IndexOfstrTblLen    = 3;
   234     TInt IndexOfstrTblStart  = 4;
   235     TInt root                = -1;
   237     if ( aBuffer.Length() <=  IndexOfstrTblStart )
   238         return EFalse;
   240     if ( !CheckWbxmlVersion( aBuffer[IndexOfxmlVer] ) ||
   241         !CheckWbxmlPubId( aBuffer[IndexOfpubId] ) )
   242         return EFalse;
   244     // Skip chararcter set
   246     // if the string table length is less than zero or more that the
   247     // length of the buffer we cannot find a root element.
   248     if ( aBuffer[IndexOfstrTblLen] > aBuffer.Length() - IndexOfstrTblLen )
   249         return EFalse;
   251     root = aBuffer[IndexOfstrTblStart + aBuffer[IndexOfstrTblLen]];
   253     // Check if the root element is <wml>
   254     if ( root == 0x7F )
   255         return ETrue;
   257     return EFalse;
   258     }
   260 //
   261 // From RFC 3236 "5. Recognizing XHTML files"
   262 //
   263 TBool CBrowserRecognizer::CheckForHtml( const TDesC8& aBuffer )
   264     {
   265     _LIT8( html, "<html" );
   266     _LIT8( script, "<script" );
   267     if ( aBuffer.FindF( html ) != KErrNotFound )
   268         return ETrue;
   269     if ( aBuffer.FindF( script ) != KErrNotFound )
   270         return ETrue;
   271     return EFalse;
   272     }
   274 //
   275 // From RFC 3236 "5. Recognizing XHTML files"
   276 //
   277 TBool CBrowserRecognizer::CheckForXhtml( const TDesC8& aBuffer )
   278     {
   279     _LIT8( dtd, "//DTD XHTML" );
   280     if ( aBuffer.FindF( dtd ) != KErrNotFound )
   281         return ETrue;
   282     return EFalse;
   283     }
   285 TBool CBrowserRecognizer::CheckForWML( const TDesC8& aBuffer )
   286     {
   287     _LIT8( dtd, "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML" );
   288     if ( aBuffer.FindF( dtd ) != KErrNotFound )
   289         return ETrue;
   290     return EFalse;
   291     }
   293 TBool CBrowserRecognizer::CheckForOPML( const TDesC8& aBuffer )
   294     {
   295     _LIT8( dtd, "<opml" );
   296     if( aBuffer.FindF( dtd ) != KErrNotFound )
   297         return ETrue;
   298     return EFalse;
   299     }
   302 CApaDataRecognizerType* CBrowserRecognizer::CreateRecognizerL()
   303     {
   304     return new (ELeave) CBrowserRecognizer();
   305     }
   307 const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
   308     {
   309 //        { { KBrowserRecognizerImplUIDValue}, CBrowserRecognizer::CreateRecognizerL}
   311         IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(KBrowserRecognizerImplUIDValue, CBrowserRecognizer::CreateRecognizerL)
   312     };
   315 EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)
   316     {
   317     aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
   318     return ImplementationTable;
   319     }