1 /* |
2 * Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
3 * |
4 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
5 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
6 * are met: |
7 * |
8 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
10 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
11 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
12 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
13 * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of |
14 * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived |
15 * from this software without specific prior written permission. |
16 * |
27 */ |
28 |
29 // I don't think this class belongs in WebKit. Lets move it out. |
30 |
31 // Things that I've never bothered working out: |
32 // For non-sheet windows, handle Carbon WindowMove events so as to do the same things as -[NSWindow _windowMoved]. |
33 // Check to see how this stuff deals with various screen size change scenarious. |
34 // M.P. Warning - 9/17/01 |
35 |
36 // There are some invariants I'm maintaining for objects of this class which have been successfully initialized but not deallocated. These all make it easier to not override every single method of NSWindow. |
37 // _auxiliaryStorage->auxWFlags.hasShadow will always be false if the Carbon window has a kWindowNoShadowAttribute, and vice versa. |
38 // _auxiliaryStorage->_auxWFlags.minimized will always reflect the window's Carbon collapsed state. |
39 // _borderView will always point to an NSCarbonWindowFrame. |
40 // _contentView will always point to an NSCarbonWindowContentView; |
41 // _frame will always reflect the window's Carbon kWindowStructureRgn bounds. |
42 // _styleMask will always have _NSCarbonWindowMask set, and will have NSClosableWindowMask, NSMiniaturizableWindowMask, NSResizableWindowMask, and/or NSTitledWindowMask set as appropriate. |
43 // _wflags.oneShot and _wflags.delayedOneShot will always be false. |
44 // _wFlags.visible will always reflect the window's Carbon visibility. |
45 // _windowNum will always be greater than zero, and valid. |
46 // The instance variables involved are ones that came to my attention during the initial writing of this class; I haven't methodically gone through NSWindow's ivar list or anything like that. M.P. Notice - 10/10/00 |
47 |
48 // Things that have to be worked on if NSCarbonWindows are ever used for something other than dialogs and sheets: |
49 // Clicking on an NSCarbonWindow while a Cocoa app-modal dialog is shown does not beep, as it should [old bug, maybe fixed now]. |
50 // Handling of mouse clicks or key presses for any window control (close, miniaturize, zoom) might not be all there. |
51 // Handling of miniaturization of Carbon windows via title bar double-click might not be all there. |
52 // The background on NSCarbonWindowTester's sample window (not sample dialog or sample sheet) might be wrong. |
53 // The controls on NSCarbonWindowTester's sample window look inactive when the window is inactive, but have first-click behavior. |
54 // M.P. Warning - 12/14/00 |
55 |
56 // Some things would have to be made public if someone wanted to subclass this so as to support more menu item commands. M.P. Warning - 9/19/00 |
57 |
58 #ifndef __LP64__ |
59 |
60 #import "CarbonWindowAdapter.h" |
61 |
62 #import "CarbonWindowFrame.h" |
63 #import "CarbonWindowContentView.h" |
64 #import "HIViewAdapter.h" |
65 |
66 #import <WebKitSystemInterface.h> |
67 |
68 #import <AppKit/AppKit.h> |
69 //#import <CoreGraphics/CGSWindow.h> |
70 #import <HIToolbox/CarbonEvents.h> |
71 #import <HIToolbox/Controls.h> |
72 #import <HIToolbox/HIView.h> |
73 #import <assert.h> |
74 |
75 #import <WebCore/WebCoreObjCExtras.h> |
76 |
77 #import "WebKitLogging.h" |
78 #import "WebNSObjectExtras.h" |
79 #import "WebTypesInternal.h" |
80 |
81 @interface NSWindow(HIWebFrameView) |
82 - _initContent:(const NSRect *)contentRect styleMask:(unsigned int)aStyle backing:(NSBackingStoreType)bufferingType defer:(BOOL)flag contentView:aView; |
83 - (void)_oldPlaceWindow:(NSRect)frameRect; |
84 - (void)_windowMovedToRect:(NSRect)actualFrame; |
85 - (void)_setWindowNumber:(NSInteger)nativeWindow; |
86 - (NSGraphicsContext *)_threadContext; |
87 - (void)_setFrame:(NSRect)newWindowFrameRect; |
88 - (void)_setVisible:(BOOL)flag; |
89 @end |
90 |
91 @interface NSApplication(HIWebFrameView) |
92 - (void)setIsActive:(BOOL)aFlag; |
93 - (id)_setMouseActivationInProgress:(BOOL)flag; |
94 - (BOOL)_handleKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent*)theEvent; |
95 @end |
96 |
97 @interface NSInputContext |
98 - (BOOL)processInputKeyBindings:(NSEvent *)event; |
99 @end |
100 |
101 // Forward declarations. |
102 static OSStatus NSCarbonWindowHandleEvent(EventHandlerCallRef inEventHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEventRef, void *inUserData); |
103 |
104 @implementation CarbonWindowAdapter |
105 |
106 |
107 // Return an appropriate window frame class. |
108 + (Class)frameViewClassForStyleMask:(unsigned int)style { |
109 |
110 // There's only one appropriate window style, and only one appropriate window frame class. |
111 assert(style & WKCarbonWindowMask()); |
112 return [CarbonWindowFrame class]; |
113 |
114 } |
115 |
116 |
117 // Overriding of the parent class' designated initializer, just for safety's sake. |
118 - (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect styleMask:(unsigned int)style backing:(NSBackingStoreType)bufferingType defer:(BOOL)flag { |
119 |
120 // Do the standard Cocoa thing. |
121 self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect styleMask:style backing:bufferingType defer:flag]; |
122 if (self==nil) return nil; |
123 |
124 // Simple. |
125 _windowRef = NULL; |
126 _windowRefIsOwned = NO; |
127 _eventHandler = NULL; |
128 |
129 // Done. |
130 return self; |
131 |
132 } |
133 |
134 // Given a reference to a Carbon window that is to be encapsulated, an indicator of whether or not this object should take responsibility for disposing of the Carbon window, and an indicator of whether to disable Carbon window ordering, initialize. This is the class' designated initializer. |
135 - (id)initWithCarbonWindowRef:(WindowRef)inWindowRef takingOwnership:(BOOL)inWindowRefIsOwned disableOrdering:(BOOL)inDisableOrdering carbon:(BOOL)inCarbon { |
136 |
137 NSBackingStoreType backingStoreType; |
138 CarbonWindowContentView *carbonWindowContentView; |
139 NSWindow *windowAsProperty; |
140 OSStatus osStatus; |
141 UInt32 windowFeatures; |
142 WindowAttributes windowAttributes; |
143 unsigned int styleMask; |
144 void *nativeWindow; |
145 WindowModality windowModality; |
146 ControlRef contentView; |
147 |
148 // Simple. |
149 // It's very weak to have to put this before the invocation of [super initWithContentRect:...], but -setContentView: is invoked from within that initializer. It turns out that the common admonition about not calling virtual functions from within C++ constructors makes sense in Objective-C too. M.P. Notice - 10/10/00 |
150 _windowRef = inWindowRef; |
151 //_auxiliaryStorage->_windowRef = inWindowRef; |
152 _windowRefIsOwned = inWindowRefIsOwned; |
153 _carbon = inCarbon; |
154 |
155 // Find out the window's CoreGraphics window reference. |
156 nativeWindow = WKGetNativeWindowFromWindowRef(inWindowRef); |
157 |
158 // Find out the window's Carbon window attributes. |
159 GetWindowAttributes(inWindowRef, &windowAttributes); |
160 |
161 // Find out the window's Carbon window features. |
162 GetWindowFeatures(inWindowRef, &windowFeatures); |
163 |
164 // Figure out the window's backing store type. |
165 // At one time, this had code stolen from CreatePlatformWindow in HIToolbox/Windows/Platform/CGSPlatform.c |
166 // But now the non-retained window class is a Carbon secret that's not even in |
167 // WindowsPriv.h; maybe we'll have to revisit this if someone needs to use WebKit |
168 // in a non-retained window. |
169 backingStoreType = NSBackingStoreRetained; |
170 |
171 // Figure out the window's style mask. |
172 styleMask = WKCarbonWindowMask(); |
173 if (windowAttributes & kWindowCloseBoxAttribute) styleMask |= NSClosableWindowMask; |
174 if (windowAttributes & kWindowResizableAttribute) styleMask |= NSResizableWindowMask; |
175 if (windowFeatures & kWindowCanCollapse) styleMask |= NSMiniaturizableWindowMask; |
176 if (windowFeatures & kWindowHasTitleBar) styleMask |= NSTitledWindowMask; |
177 |
178 osStatus = GetWindowModality(_windowRef, &windowModality, NULL); |
179 if (osStatus != noErr) { |
180 NSLog(@"Couldn't get window modality: error=%d", osStatus); |
181 return nil; |
182 } |
183 |
184 // Create one of our special content views. |
185 carbonWindowContentView = [[[CarbonWindowContentView alloc] init] autorelease]; |
186 |
187 // Do some standard Cocoa initialization. The defer argument's value is YES because we don't want -[NSWindow _commonAwake] to get called. It doesn't appear that any relevant NSWindow code checks _wFlags.deferred, so we should be able to get away with the lie. |
188 self = (CarbonWindowAdapter*)[super _initContent:NULL styleMask:styleMask backing:backingStoreType defer:YES contentView:carbonWindowContentView]; |
189 if (!self) return nil; |
190 assert(_contentView); |
191 |
192 // Record accurately whether or not this window has a shadow, in case someone asks. |
193 // _auxiliaryStorage->_auxWFlags.hasShadow = (windowAttributes & kWindowNoShadowAttribute) ? NO : YES; |
194 |
195 // Record the window number. |
196 [self _setWindowNumber:(NSInteger)nativeWindow]; |
197 |
198 // Set up from the frame rectangle. |
199 // We didn't even really try to get it right at _initContent:... time, because it's more trouble that it's worth to write a real +[NSCarbonWindow frameRectForContentRect:styleMask:]. M.P. Notice - 10/10/00 |
200 [self reconcileToCarbonWindowBounds]; |
201 |
202 // Install an event handler for the Carbon window events in which we're interested. |
203 const EventTypeSpec kEvents[] = { |
204 { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowActivated }, |
205 { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowDeactivated }, |
206 { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowBoundsChanged }, |
207 { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowShown }, |
208 { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowHidden } |
209 }; |
210 |
211 const EventTypeSpec kControlBoundsChangedEvent = { kEventClassControl, kEventControlBoundsChanged }; |
212 |
213 osStatus = InstallEventHandler( GetWindowEventTarget(_windowRef), NSCarbonWindowHandleEvent, GetEventTypeCount( kEvents ), kEvents, (void*)self, &_eventHandler); |
214 if (osStatus!=noErr) { |
215 [self release]; |
216 return nil; |
217 } |
218 |
219 osStatus = InstallEventHandler( GetControlEventTarget( HIViewGetRoot( _windowRef ) ), NSCarbonWindowHandleEvent, 1, &kControlBoundsChangedEvent, (void*)self, &_eventHandler); |
220 if (osStatus!=noErr) { |
221 [self release]; |
222 return nil; |
223 } |
224 |
225 HIViewFindByID( HIViewGetRoot( _windowRef ), kHIViewWindowContentID, &contentView ); |
226 osStatus = InstallEventHandler( GetControlEventTarget( contentView ), NSCarbonWindowHandleEvent, 1, &kControlBoundsChangedEvent, (void*)self, &_eventHandler); |
227 if (osStatus!=noErr) { |
228 [self release]; |
229 return nil; |
230 } |
231 |
232 // Put a pointer to this Cocoa NSWindow in a Carbon window property tag. |
233 // Right now, this is just used by NSViewCarbonControl. M.P. Notice - 10/9/00 |
234 windowAsProperty = self; |
235 osStatus = SetWindowProperty(_windowRef, WKCarbonWindowPropertyCreator(), WKCarbonWindowPropertyTag(), sizeof(NSWindow *), &windowAsProperty); |
236 if (osStatus!=noErr) { |
237 [self release]; |
238 return nil; |
239 } |
240 |
241 // Ignore the Carbon window activation/deactivation events that Carbon sends to its windows at app activation/deactivation. We'll send such events when we think it's appropriate. |
242 _passingCarbonWindowActivationEvents = NO; |
243 |
244 // Be sure to sync up visibility |
245 [self _setVisible:(BOOL)IsWindowVisible( _windowRef )]; |
246 |
247 // Done. |
248 return self; |
249 |
250 } |
251 |
252 - (void)setViewsNeedDisplay:(BOOL)wellDoThey { |
253 // Make sure we can flush anything that needs it. |
254 |
255 // We need to sync the context here. I was hoping I didn't need to do this, |
256 // but apparently when scrolling, the AppKit view system draws directly. |
257 // When this occurs, I cannot intercept it to make it draw in my HIView |
258 // context. What ends up happening is that it draws, but nothing ever |
259 // flushes it. |
260 |
261 if ( [self windowNumber] != -1 ) |
262 { |
263 CGContextRef cgContext = (CGContextRef)[[self _threadContext] graphicsPort]; |
264 CGContextSynchronize( cgContext ); |
265 } |
266 } |
267 |
268 #ifndef BUILDING_ON_TIGER |
269 + (void)initialize |
270 { |
271 WebCoreObjCFinalizeOnMainThread(self); |
272 } |
273 #endif |
274 |
275 // Given a reference to a Carbon window that is to be encapsulated, and an indicator of whether or not this object should take responsibility for disposing of the Carbon window, initialize. |
276 - (id)initWithCarbonWindowRef:(WindowRef)inWindowRef takingOwnership:(BOOL)inWindowRefIsOwned { |
277 // for now, set disableOrdering to YES because that is what we've been doing and is therefore lower risk. However, I think it would be correct to set it to NO. |
278 return [self initWithCarbonWindowRef:inWindowRef takingOwnership:inWindowRefIsOwned disableOrdering:YES carbon:NO]; |
279 } |
280 |
281 |
282 // Clean up. |
283 - (void)dealloc { |
284 |
285 // Clean up, if necessary. |
286 // if we didn't remove the event handler at dealloc time, we would risk getting sent events after the window has been deallocated. See 2702179. M.P. Notice - 6/1/01 |
287 if (_eventHandler) RemoveEventHandler(_eventHandler); |
288 |
289 // Do the standard Cocoa thing. |
290 [super dealloc]; |
291 |
292 } |
293 |
294 - (void)finalize { |
296 if (_eventHandler) RemoveEventHandler(_eventHandler); |
297 [super finalize]; |
298 } |
299 |
300 - (WindowRef)windowRef { |
301 |
302 // Simple. |
303 return _windowRef; |
304 |
305 } |
306 |
307 // should always be YES, but check in order to avoid initialization or deallocation surprises |
308 - (BOOL)_hasWindowRef { |
309 return (_windowRef != NULL); |
310 } |
311 |
312 // an NSCarbonWindow does not manage the windowRef. The windowRef manages the NSCarbonWindow |
313 - (BOOL)_managesWindowRef { |
314 return NO; |
315 } |
316 |
317 - (void)_removeWindowRef { |
318 _windowRef = NULL; |
319 |
320 if (_eventHandler) RemoveEventHandler(_eventHandler); |
321 |
322 _eventHandler = NULL; |
323 } |
324 |
325 - (WindowClass)_carbonWindowClass { |
326 WindowClass windowClass = kDocumentWindowClass; |
327 OSStatus osStatus; |
328 |
329 if ([self _hasWindowRef]) { |
330 osStatus = GetWindowClass([self windowRef], &windowClass); |
331 if (osStatus != noErr) { |
332 NSLog(@"Couldn't get window class: error=%d", osStatus); |
333 } |
334 } |
335 return windowClass; |
336 } |
337 |
338 // Update this window's frame and content frame rectangles to match the Carbon window's structure bounds and content bounds rectangles. Return yes if the update was really necessary, no otherwise. |
339 - (BOOL)reconcileToCarbonWindowBounds { |
340 |
341 OSStatus osStatus; |
342 NSRect newContentFrameRect; |
343 NSRect newWindowFrameRect; |
344 NSRect oldContentFrameRect; |
345 Rect windowContentBoundsRect; |
346 Rect windowStructureBoundsRect; |
347 |
348 // Initialize for safe returning. |
349 BOOL reconciliationWasNecessary = NO; |
350 |
351 // Precondition check. |
352 assert(_contentView); |
353 |
354 // Get the Carbon window's bounds, which are expressed in global screen coordinates, with (0,0) at the top-left of the main screen. |
355 osStatus = GetWindowBounds(_windowRef, kWindowStructureRgn, &windowStructureBoundsRect); |
356 if (osStatus!=noErr) NSLog(@"A Carbon window's structure bounds couldn't be gotten."); |
357 osStatus = GetWindowBounds(_windowRef, kWindowContentRgn, &windowContentBoundsRect); |
358 if (osStatus!=noErr) NSLog(@"A Carbon window's content bounds couldn't be gotten."); |
359 |
360 // Set the frame rectangle of the border view and this window from the Carbon window's structure region bounds. |
361 newWindowFrameRect.origin.x = windowStructureBoundsRect.left; |
362 newWindowFrameRect.origin.y = NSMaxY([[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame]) - windowStructureBoundsRect.bottom; |
363 newWindowFrameRect.size.width = windowStructureBoundsRect.right - windowStructureBoundsRect.left; |
364 newWindowFrameRect.size.height = windowStructureBoundsRect.bottom - windowStructureBoundsRect.top; |
365 if (!NSEqualRects(newWindowFrameRect, _frame)) { |
366 [self _setFrame:newWindowFrameRect]; |
367 [_borderView setFrameSize:newWindowFrameRect.size]; |
368 reconciliationWasNecessary = YES; |
369 } |
370 |
371 // Set the content view's frame rect from the Carbon window's content region bounds. |
372 newContentFrameRect.origin.x = windowContentBoundsRect.left - windowStructureBoundsRect.left; |
373 newContentFrameRect.origin.y = windowStructureBoundsRect.bottom - windowContentBoundsRect.bottom; |
374 newContentFrameRect.size.width = windowContentBoundsRect.right - windowContentBoundsRect.left; |
375 newContentFrameRect.size.height = windowContentBoundsRect.bottom - windowContentBoundsRect.top; |
376 oldContentFrameRect = [_contentView frame]; |
377 if (!NSEqualRects(newContentFrameRect, oldContentFrameRect)) { |
378 [_contentView setFrame:newContentFrameRect]; |
379 reconciliationWasNecessary = YES; |
380 } |
381 |
382 // Done. |
383 return reconciliationWasNecessary; |
384 |
385 } |
386 |
387 |
388 // Handle an event just like an NSWindow would. |
389 - (void)sendSuperEvent:(NSEvent *)inEvent { |
390 |
391 // Filter out a few events that just result in complaints in the log. |
392 // Ignore some unknown event that gets sent when NSTextViews in printing accessory views are focused. M.P. Notice - 12/7/00 |
393 BOOL ignoreEvent = NO; |
394 NSEventType eventType = [inEvent type]; |
395 if (eventType==NSSystemDefined) { |
396 short eventSubtype = [inEvent subtype]; |
397 if (eventSubtype==7) { |
398 ignoreEvent = YES; |
399 } |
400 } else if (eventType == NSKeyDown) { |
401 // Handle command-space as [NSApp sendEvent:] does. |
402 if ([NSInputContext processInputKeyBindings:inEvent]) { |
403 return; |
404 } |
405 } |
406 |
407 // Simple. |
408 if (!ignoreEvent) [super sendEvent:inEvent]; |
409 } |
410 |
411 - (void)relinquishFocus |
412 { |
413 NSResponder* firstResponder; |
414 |
415 // Carbon thinks that a control has the keyboard focus, |
416 // or we wouldn't be being asked to relinquish focus. |
417 |
418 firstResponder = [self firstResponder]; |
419 if ([firstResponder isKindOfClass:[NSView class]] ){ |
420 // Make the window the first responder, so that no view is the key view. |
421 [self makeFirstResponder:self]; |
422 } |
423 } |
424 |
425 - (BOOL)makeFirstResponder:(NSResponder *)aResponder |
426 { |
427 // Let NSWindow focus the appropriate NSView. |
428 if (![super makeFirstResponder:aResponder]) |
429 return NO; |
430 |
431 // Now, if the view we're focusing is in a HIWebView, find the |
432 // corresponding HIWebView for the NSView, and tell carbon to |
433 // clear any focused control. |
434 HIViewRef viewRef = 0; |
435 NSResponder *firstResponder = [self firstResponder]; |
436 if ([firstResponder isKindOfClass:[NSView class]]) { |
437 NSView *view = (NSView *)firstResponder; |
438 while (view) { |
439 viewRef = [HIViewAdapter getHIViewForNSView:view]; |
440 if (viewRef) |
441 break; |
442 view = [view superview]; |
443 } |
444 } |
445 |
446 HIViewRef focus; |
447 GetKeyboardFocus (_windowRef, &focus); |
448 if (focus != viewRef) { |
449 SetKeyboardFocus (_windowRef, viewRef, kControlIndicatorPart ); |
450 } |
451 |
452 return YES; |
453 } |
454 |
455 // There's no override of _addCursorRect:cursor:forView:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because Carbon windows won't have subviews, and therefore won't have cursor rects. |
456 |
457 |
458 // There's no override of _autoResizeState, despite the fact that NSWindow's operates on _windowNum, because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
459 |
460 |
461 // Disappointingly, -_blockHeartBeat: is not immediately invoked to turn off heartbeating. Heartbeating is turned off by setting the gDefaultButtonPaused global variable, and then this method is invoked later, if that global is set (at heartbeating time I guess). Something has to change if we want to hook this up in Carbon windows. M.P. Warning - 9/17/01 |
462 /* |
463 // Do the right thing for a Carbon window. |
464 - (void)_blockHeartBeat:(BOOL)flag { |
465 |
466 ControlRef defaultButton; |
467 OSStatus osStatus; |
468 |
469 // Do the standard Cocoa thing. |
470 [super _blockHeartBeat:flag]; |
471 |
472 // If there's a default Carbon button in this Carbon window, make it stop pulsing, the Carbon way. |
473 // This is inspired by HIToolbox/Controls/Definitions/ButtonCDEF.c's ButtonEventHandler(). M.P. Notice - 12/5/00 |
474 osStatus = GetWindowDefaultButton(_windowRef, &defaultButton); |
475 if (osStatus==noErr && defaultButton) { |
476 Boolean anotherButtonIsTracking = flag ? TRUE : FALSE; |
477 osStatus = SetControlData(defaultButton, kControlNoPart, kControlPushButtonAnotherButtonTrackingTag, sizeof(Boolean), &anotherButtonIsTracking); |
478 if (osStatus==noErr) DrawOneControl(defaultButton); |
479 else NSLog(@"Some data couldn't be set in a Carbon control."); |
480 } |
481 |
482 } |
483 */ |
484 |
485 |
486 // Do the right thing for a Carbon window. |
487 - (void)_cancelKey:(id)sender { |
488 |
489 // Most of the time the handling of the cancel key will be done by Carbon, but this method will be invoked if an NSCarbonWindow is wrapping a Carbon window that contains an NSViewCarbonControl, and the escape key or whatever is pressed with an NSTextView focused. Just do what Carbon would do. |
490 ControlRef cancelButton; |
491 GetWindowCancelButton(_windowRef, &cancelButton); |
492 if (cancelButton) { |
493 if (IsControlActive(cancelButton)) { |
494 HIViewSimulateClick(cancelButton, kControlButtonPart, 0, NULL); |
495 } |
496 } |
497 |
498 } |
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 // Do the right thing for a Carbon window. |
503 - (void)_commonAwake { |
504 |
505 // Complain, because this should never be called. We insist that -[NSCarbonWindow initWithCarbonWindowRef] is the only valid initializer for instances of this class, and that there's no such thing as a one-shot NSCarbonWindow. |
506 NSLog(@"-[NSCarbonWindow _commonAwake] is not implemented."); |
507 |
508 } |
509 |
510 |
511 // There's no override of _commonInitFrame:styleMask:backing:defer:, despite the fact that NSWindow's modifies quite a few instance variables, because it gets called in a harmless way if the class instance is properly initialized with -[NSCarbonWindow initWithCarbonWindowRef:takingOwnership:]. |
512 |
513 |
514 // Do the right thing for a Carbon window. |
515 - _destroyRealWindow:(BOOL)orderingOut { |
516 |
517 // Complain, because this should never be called. We don't support one-shot NSCarbonWindows. |
518 NSLog(@"-[NSCarbonWindow _destroyRealWindow:] is not implemented."); |
519 return self; |
520 |
521 } |
522 |
523 |
524 // There's no override of _discardCursorRectsForView, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because Carbon windows won't have subviews, and therefore won't have cursor rects. |
525 |
526 |
527 // There's no override of _forceFlushWindowToScreen, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
528 |
529 |
530 // There's no override of _getPositionFromServer, despite the fact that NSWindow's operates on _windowNum, because it's only called from -[NSApplication _activateWindows], which is hopefully about to become obsolete any second now. |
531 |
532 |
533 // There's no override of _globalWindowNum, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
534 |
535 |
536 // There's no override of _initContent:styleMask:backing:defer:contentView:, despite the fact that NSWindow's modifies _auxiliaryStorage->_auxWFlags.hasShadow, because it will never get called if the class instance is properly initialized with -[NSCarbonWindow initWithCarbonWindowRef:takingOwnership:]. |
537 |
538 |
539 // There's no override of _initContent:styleMask:backing:defer:counterpart:, despite the fact that NSWindow's modifies _auxiliaryStorage->_auxWFlags.hasShadow, because it will never get called if the class instance is properly initialized with -[NSCarbonWindow initWithCarbonWindowRef:takingOwnership:]. |
540 |
541 |
542 // Do what NSWindow would do, but then sychronize the Carbon window structures. |
543 - (void)_oldPlaceWindow:(NSRect)frameRect { |
544 |
545 OSStatus osStatus; |
546 |
547 // Do the standard Cocoa thing. |
548 [super _oldPlaceWindow:frameRect]; |
549 |
550 // Tell Carbon to update its various regions. |
551 // Despite its name, this function should be called early and often, even if the window isn't visible yet. 2702648. M.P. Notice - 7/24/01 |
552 osStatus = WKSyncWindowWithCGAfterMove(_windowRef); |
553 if (osStatus!=noErr) NSLog(@"A Carbon window's bounds couldn't be synchronized (%i).", (int)osStatus); |
554 |
555 } |
556 |
557 |
558 // There's no override of _orderOutAndCalcKeyWithCounter:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
559 |
560 |
561 // There's no override of _realHeartBeatThreadContext, despite the fact that NSWindows's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might not do anything that will effect a Carbon window. |
562 |
563 |
564 // There's no override of _registerWithDockIfNeeded, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
565 |
566 |
567 // There's no override of _removeCursorRect:cursor:forView:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because Carbon windows won't have subviews, and therefore won't have cursor rects. |
568 |
569 |
570 // There's no override of _setAvoidsActivation:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
571 |
572 |
573 // There's no override of _setFrame:, despite the fact that NSWindow's modifies _frame, because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. The synchronization of the Carbon window bounds rect to the Cocoa frame rect is done in the overrides of _oldPlaceWindow: and _windowMovedToRect:. |
574 |
575 |
576 // There's no override of _setFrameCommon:display:stashSize:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
577 |
578 |
579 // There's no override of _setWindowNumber:, despite the fact that NSWindow's modifies _windowNum and invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
580 |
581 |
582 // Do what NSWindow would do, but for a Carbon window. |
583 // This function is mostly cut-and-pasted from -[NSWindow _termWindowIfOwner]. M.P. Notice - 8/7/00 |
584 - (void)_termWindowIfOwner { |
585 [self _setWindowNumber:-1]; |
586 _wFlags.isTerminating = YES; |
587 if (_windowRef && _windowRefIsOwned) DisposeWindow(_windowRef); |
588 // KW - need to clear window shadow state so it gets reset correctly when new window created |
589 // if ([_borderView respondsToSelector:@selector(setShadowState:)]) { |
590 // [_borderView setShadowState:kFrameShadowNone]; |
591 // } |
592 _wFlags.isTerminating = NO; |
593 } |
594 |
595 |
596 // There's no override of _threadContext, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might not do anything that will effect a Carbon window. |
597 |
598 |
599 // There's no override of _windowMoved:, despite the fact that NSWindow's operates on _windowNum, because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
600 |
601 |
602 // Do what NSWindow would do, but then sychronize the Carbon window structures. |
603 - (void)_windowMovedToRect:(NSRect)actualFrame { |
604 |
605 OSStatus osStatus; |
606 |
607 // Do the standard Cocoa thing. |
608 [super _windowMovedToRect:actualFrame]; |
609 |
610 // Let Carbon know that the window has been moved, unless this method is being called "early." |
611 if (_wFlags.visible) { |
612 osStatus = WKSyncWindowWithCGAfterMove(_windowRef); |
613 if (osStatus!=noErr) NSLog(@"A Carbon window's bounds couldn't be synchronized (%i).", (int)osStatus); |
614 } |
615 |
616 } |
617 |
618 - (NSRect)constrainFrameRect:(NSRect)actualFrame toScreen:(NSScreen *)screen { |
619 // let Carbon decide window size and position |
620 return actualFrame; |
621 } |
622 |
623 - (void)selectKeyViewFollowingView:(NSView *)aView { |
624 HIViewRef view = NULL; |
625 |
626 view = [HIViewAdapter getHIViewForNSView:aView]; |
627 |
628 if ( view ) |
629 { |
630 HIViewRef contentView; |
631 |
632 GetRootControl( GetControlOwner( view ), &contentView ); |
633 HIViewAdvanceFocus( contentView, 0 ); |
634 } |
635 else |
636 { |
637 [super selectKeyViewFollowingView:aView]; |
638 } |
639 } |
640 |
641 - (void)selectKeyViewPrecedingView:(NSView *)aView { |
642 HIViewRef view = NULL; |
643 |
644 view = [HIViewAdapter getHIViewForNSView:aView]; |
645 |
646 if ( view ) |
647 { |
648 HIViewRef contentView; |
649 |
650 GetRootControl( GetControlOwner( view ), &contentView ); |
651 HIViewAdvanceFocus( contentView, shiftKey ); |
652 } |
653 else |
654 { |
655 [super selectKeyViewPrecedingView:aView]; |
656 } |
657 } |
658 |
659 - (void)makeKeyWindow { |
660 [NSApp _setMouseActivationInProgress:NO]; |
661 [NSApp setIsActive:YES]; |
662 [super makeKeyWindow]; |
663 WKShowKeyAndMain(); |
664 } |
665 |
666 |
667 // Do the right thing for a Carbon window. |
668 - (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow { |
669 |
670 return YES; |
671 } |
672 |
673 // Do the right thing for a Carbon window. |
674 - (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow { |
675 OSStatus osStatus; |
676 WindowClass windowClass; |
677 // By default, Carbon windows cannot become the main window. |
678 // What about when the default isn't right? Requiring subclassing seems harsh. M.P. Warning - 9/17/01 |
679 // KW - modify this to allow document windows to become main |
680 // This is primarily to get the right look, so that you don't have two windows that both look active - one Cocoa document and one Carbon document |
681 osStatus = GetWindowClass(_windowRef, &windowClass); |
682 return (osStatus == noErr && windowClass == kDocumentWindowClass); |
683 |
684 } |
685 |
686 |
687 // There's no override of deminiaturize:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
688 |
689 |
690 // There's no override of disableCursorRects, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because Carbon windows won't have subviews, and therefore won't have cursor rects. |
691 |
692 |
693 |
694 // There's no override of enableCursorRects, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because Carbon windows won't have subviews, and therefore won't have cursor rects. |
695 |
696 |
697 // Do the right thing for a Carbon window. |
698 - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { |
699 |
700 // Actually, this will probably never be implemented. M.P. Notice - 8/2/00 |
701 NSLog(@"-[NSCarbonWindow encodeWithCoder:] is not implemented."); |
702 |
703 } |
704 |
705 |
706 // There's no override of frame, despite the fact that NSWindow's returns _frame, because _frame is one of the instance variables whose value we're keeping synchronized with the Carbon window. |
707 |
708 |
709 // Do the right thing for a Carbon window. |
710 - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { |
711 |
712 // Actually, this will probably never be implemented. M.P. Notice - 8/2/00 |
713 NSLog(@"-[NSCarbonWindow initWithCoder:] is not implemented."); |
714 [self release]; |
715 return nil; |
716 |
717 } |
718 |
719 |
720 // There's no override of level, despite the fact that NSWindow's returns _level, because _level is one of the instance variables whose value we're keeping synchronized with the Carbon window. |
721 |
722 |
723 // There's no override of miniaturize:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
724 |
725 |
726 // There's no override of resizeToScreenWithEvent:, despite the fact that NSWindow's operates on _windowNum. |
727 // It looks like it's only called when an _NSForceResizeEventType event is passed into -[NSWindow sendEvent:], and I can't find any instances of that happening. |
728 |
729 /* |
730 // Do the right thing for a Carbon Window. |
731 - (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent { |
732 |
733 // Not all events are handled in the same manner. |
734 NSEventType eventType = [theEvent type]; |
735 if (eventType==NSAppKitDefined) { |
736 |
737 // Handle the event the Cocoa way. Carbon won't understand it anyway. |
738 [super sendEvent:theEvent]; |
739 |
740 } |
741 } |
742 */ |
743 |
744 // There's no override of setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
745 |
746 |
747 // There's no override of setBackingType:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it's apparently not expected to do anything anyway, judging from the current implementation of PSsetwindowtype(). |
748 |
749 |
750 // Do what NSWindow would do, but for a Carbon window. |
751 - (void)setContentView:(NSView *)aView { |
752 |
753 NSRect contentFrameRect; |
754 OSStatus osStatus; |
755 Rect windowContentBoundsRect; |
756 |
757 // Precondition check. |
758 assert(_borderView); |
759 assert([_borderView isKindOfClass:[CarbonWindowFrame class]]); |
760 assert(_windowRef); |
761 |
762 // Parameter check. |
763 assert(aView); |
764 assert([aView isKindOfClass:[CarbonWindowContentView class]]); |
765 |
766 // Find out the window's Carbon window structure region (content) bounds. |
767 osStatus = GetWindowBounds(_windowRef, kWindowContentRgn, &windowContentBoundsRect); |
768 if (osStatus!=noErr) NSLog(@"A Carbon window's content bounds couldn't be gotten."); |
769 contentFrameRect.origin = NSZeroPoint; |
770 contentFrameRect.size.width = windowContentBoundsRect.right - windowContentBoundsRect.left; |
771 contentFrameRect.size.height = windowContentBoundsRect.bottom - windowContentBoundsRect.top; |
772 |
773 // If the content view is still in some other view hierarchy, pry it free. |
774 [_contentView removeFromSuperview]; |
775 assert(![_contentView superview]); |
776 |
777 // Record the content view, and size it to this window's content frame. |
778 _contentView = aView; |
779 [_contentView setFrame:contentFrameRect]; |
780 |
781 // Make the content view a subview of the border view. |
782 [_borderView addSubview:_contentView]; |
783 |
784 // Tell the content view it's new place in the responder chain. |
785 [_contentView setNextResponder:self]; |
786 |
787 } |
788 |
789 |
790 // There's no override of setDepthLimit:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
791 |
792 |
793 - (BOOL)worksWhenModal { |
794 WindowClass windowClass = [self _carbonWindowClass]; |
795 return (windowClass == kFloatingWindowClass || windowClass == kUtilityWindowClass); |
796 } |
797 |
798 - (void)_setModalWindowLevel { |
799 return; |
800 } |
801 |
802 - _clearModalWindowLevel { |
803 return nil; |
804 } |
805 |
806 // There's no override of setLevel:, despite the fact that NSWindow's invokes [self windowNumber], because it looks like it might work on Carbon windows as is. |
807 // I thought at first that there should be a mapping between Cocoa level and Carbon window class, but experiments convince me that such is not the case. M.P. Notice - 9/18/00 |
808 |
809 |
810 // There's no override of windowNumber, despite the fact that NSWindow's returns _windowNum, because _windowNum is one of the instance variables whose value we're keeping synchronized with the Carbon window. |
811 |
812 |
813 - (UInt32)carbonHICommandIDFromActionSelector:(SEL)inActionSelector { |
814 |
815 // Initialize with the default return value. |
816 UInt32 hiCommandID = 0; |
817 |
818 // Pretty simple, if tedious. |
819 if (inActionSelector==@selector(clear:)) hiCommandID = kHICommandClear; |
820 else if (inActionSelector==@selector(copy:)) hiCommandID = kHICommandCopy; |
821 else if (inActionSelector==@selector(cut:)) hiCommandID = kHICommandCut; |
822 else if (inActionSelector==@selector(paste:)) hiCommandID = kHICommandPaste; |
823 else if (inActionSelector==@selector(redo:)) hiCommandID = kHICommandRedo; |
824 else if (inActionSelector==@selector(selectAll:)) hiCommandID = kHICommandSelectAll; |
825 else if (inActionSelector==@selector(undo:)) hiCommandID = kHICommandUndo; |
826 |
827 // Done. |
828 return hiCommandID; |
829 |
830 } |
831 |
832 |
833 - (void)sendCarbonProcessHICommandEvent:(UInt32)inHICommandID { |
834 |
835 EventTargetRef eventTargetRef; |
836 HICommand hiCommand; |
837 OSStatus osStatus; |
838 |
839 // Initialize for safe error handling. |
840 EventRef eventRef = NULL; |
841 |
842 // Create a Process Command event. Don't mention anything about the menu item, because we don't want the Carbon Event handler fiddling with it. |
843 hiCommand.attributes = 0; |
844 hiCommand.commandID = inHICommandID; |
845 hiCommand.menu.menuRef = 0; |
846 hiCommand.menu.menuItemIndex = 0; |
847 osStatus = CreateEvent(NULL, kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess, GetCurrentEventTime(), kEventAttributeNone, &eventRef); |
848 if (osStatus!=noErr) { |
849 NSLog(@"CreateEvent() returned %i.", (int)osStatus); |
850 goto CleanUp; |
851 } |
852 osStatus = SetEventParameter(eventRef, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, sizeof(HICommand), &hiCommand); |
853 if (osStatus!=noErr) { |
854 NSLog(@"SetEventParameter() returned %i.", (int)osStatus); |
855 goto CleanUp; |
856 } |
857 |
858 // Send a Carbon event to whatever has the Carbon user focus. |
859 eventTargetRef = GetUserFocusEventTarget(); |
860 osStatus = SendEventToEventTarget(eventRef, eventTargetRef); |
861 if (osStatus!=noErr) { |
862 NSLog(@"SendEventToEventTarget() returned %i.", (int)osStatus); |
863 goto CleanUp; |
864 } |
865 |
866 CleanUp: |
867 |
868 // Clean up. |
869 if (eventRef) ReleaseEvent(eventRef); |
870 |
871 } |
872 |
873 |
874 - (Boolean)sendCarbonUpdateHICommandStatusEvent:(UInt32)inHICommandID withMenuRef:(MenuRef)inMenuRef andMenuItemIndex:(UInt16)inMenuItemIndex { |
875 |
876 EventTargetRef eventTargetRef; |
877 HICommand hiCommand; |
878 OSStatus osStatus; |
879 |
880 // Initialize for safe error handling and flag returning. |
881 Boolean eventWasHandled = FALSE; |
882 EventRef eventRef = NULL; |
883 |
884 // Create a Process Command event. Don't mention anything about the menu item, because we don't want the Carbon Event handler fiddling with it. |
885 hiCommand.attributes = kHICommandFromMenu; |
886 hiCommand.commandID = inHICommandID; |
887 hiCommand.menu.menuRef = inMenuRef; |
888 hiCommand.menu.menuItemIndex = inMenuItemIndex; |
889 osStatus = CreateEvent(NULL, kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus, GetCurrentEventTime(), kEventAttributeNone, &eventRef); |
890 if (osStatus!=noErr) { |
891 NSLog(@"CreateEvent() returned %i.", (int)osStatus); |
892 goto CleanUp; |
893 } |
894 osStatus = SetEventParameter(eventRef, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, sizeof(HICommand), &hiCommand); |
895 if (osStatus!=noErr) { |
896 NSLog(@"SetEventParameter() returned %i.", (int)osStatus); |
897 goto CleanUp; |
898 } |
899 |
900 // Send a Carbon event to whatever has the Carbon user focus. |
901 eventTargetRef = GetUserFocusEventTarget(); |
902 osStatus = SendEventToEventTarget(eventRef, eventTargetRef); |
903 if (osStatus==noErr) { |
904 eventWasHandled = TRUE; |
905 } else if (osStatus!=eventNotHandledErr) { |
906 NSLog(@"SendEventToEventTarget() returned %i.", (int)osStatus); |
907 goto CleanUp; |
908 } |
909 |
910 CleanUp: |
911 |
912 // Clean up. |
913 if (eventRef) ReleaseEvent(eventRef); |
914 |
915 // Done. |
916 return eventWasHandled; |
917 |
918 } |
919 |
920 - (void)_handleRootBoundsChanged |
921 { |
922 HIViewRef root = HIViewGetRoot( _windowRef ); |
923 HIRect frame; |
924 |
925 HIViewGetFrame( root, &frame ); |
926 [_borderView setFrameSize:*(NSSize*)&frame.size]; |
927 } |
928 |
929 - (void)_handleContentBoundsChanged |
930 { |
931 HIViewRef root, contentView; |
932 HIRect rootBounds, contentFrame; |
933 NSRect oldContentFrameRect; |
934 |
935 root = HIViewGetRoot( _windowRef ); |
936 HIViewFindByID( root, kHIViewWindowContentID, &contentView ); |
937 HIViewGetFrame( contentView, &contentFrame ); |
938 HIViewGetBounds( root, &rootBounds ); |
939 |
940 // Set the content view's frame rect from the Carbon window's content region bounds. |
941 contentFrame.origin.y = rootBounds.size.height - CGRectGetMaxY( contentFrame ); |
942 |
943 oldContentFrameRect = [_contentView frame]; |
944 if ( !NSEqualRects( *(NSRect*)&contentFrame, oldContentFrameRect ) ) { |
945 [_contentView setFrame:*(NSRect*)&contentFrame]; |
946 } |
947 } |
948 |
949 - (OSStatus)_handleCarbonEvent:(EventRef)inEvent callRef:(EventHandlerCallRef)inCallRef { |
950 OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr; |
951 |
952 switch ( GetEventClass( inEvent ) ) |
953 { |
954 case kEventClassControl: |
955 { |
956 ControlRef control; |
957 |
958 check( GetEventKind( inEvent ) == kEventControlBoundsChanged ); |
959 |
960 GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeControlRef, NULL, |
961 sizeof( ControlRef ), NULL, &control ); |
962 |
963 if ( control == HIViewGetRoot( _windowRef ) ) |
964 [self _handleRootBoundsChanged]; |
965 else |
966 [self _handleContentBoundsChanged]; |
967 } |
968 break; |
969 |
970 case kEventClassWindow: |
971 switch ( GetEventKind( inEvent ) ) |
972 { |
973 case kEventWindowShown: |
974 [self _setVisible:YES]; |
975 break; |
976 |
977 case kEventWindowHidden: |
978 [self _setVisible:NO]; |
979 break; |
980 |
981 case kEventWindowActivated: |
982 [self makeKeyWindow]; |
983 break; |
984 |
985 case kEventWindowDeactivated: |
986 [self resignKeyWindow]; |
987 break; |
988 |
989 case kEventWindowBoundsChanged: |
990 [self reconcileToCarbonWindowBounds]; |
991 break; |
992 } |
993 break; |
994 } |
995 |
996 return result; |
997 } |
998 |
999 // Handle various events that Carbon is sending to our window. |
1000 static OSStatus NSCarbonWindowHandleEvent(EventHandlerCallRef inEventHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEventRef, void *inUserData) { |
1001 |
1002 // default action is to send event to next handler. We modify osStatus as necessary where we don't want this behavior |
1003 OSStatus osStatus = eventNotHandledErr; |
1004 |
1005 // We do different things for different event types. |
1006 CarbonWindowAdapter *carbonWindow = (CarbonWindowAdapter *)inUserData; |
1007 |
1008 osStatus = [carbonWindow _handleCarbonEvent: inEventRef callRef: inEventHandlerCallRef]; |
1009 |
1010 // Done. If we want to propagate the event, we return eventNotHandledErr to send it to the next handler |
1011 return osStatus; |
1012 |
1013 } |
1014 |
1015 // [3364117] We need to make sure this does not fall through to the AppKit implementation! bad things happen. |
1016 - (void)_reallyDoOrderWindow:(NSWindowOrderingMode)place relativeTo:(int)otherWin findKey:(BOOL)doKeyCalc forCounter:(BOOL)isACounter force:(BOOL)doForce isModal:(BOOL)isModal { |
1017 } |
1018 |
1019 - (NSRect) _growBoxRect |
1020 { |
1021 WindowAttributes attrs; |
1022 NSRect retRect = NSZeroRect; |
1023 |
1024 GetWindowAttributes( _windowRef, &attrs ); |
1025 |
1026 if ( attrs & kWindowResizableAttribute ) |
1027 { |
1028 HIRect bounds, rect; |
1029 HIViewRef view; |
1030 |
1031 HIViewGetBounds( HIViewGetRoot( _windowRef ), &bounds ); |
1032 HIViewFindByID( HIViewGetRoot( _windowRef ), kHIViewWindowGrowBoxID, &view ); |
1033 HIViewGetFrame( view, &rect ); |
1034 |
1035 rect.origin.y = bounds.size.height - CGRectGetMaxY( rect ) - 1; |
1036 rect.origin.x++; |
1037 |
1038 retRect = *(NSRect*)▭ |
1039 } |
1040 |
1041 return retRect; |
1042 } |
1043 |
1044 @end // implementation CarbonWindowAdapter |
1045 |
1046 #endif |