1 /* |
2 * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
3 * |
4 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
5 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
6 * are met: |
7 * |
8 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
10 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
11 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
12 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
13 * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of |
14 * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived |
15 * from this software without specific prior written permission. |
16 * |
27 */ |
28 |
29 #import "WebFrameView.h" |
30 |
31 #import "WebClipView.h" |
32 #import "WebDataSource.h" |
33 #import "WebDocument.h" |
34 #import "WebDynamicScrollBarsView.h" |
35 #import "WebFrame.h" |
36 #import "WebFrameInternal.h" |
37 #import "WebFrameBridge.h" |
38 #import "WebFrameViewInternal.h" |
39 #import "WebFrameViewPrivate.h" |
40 #import "WebHistoryItemInternal.h" |
41 #import "WebHTMLViewPrivate.h" |
42 #import "WebKeyGenerator.h" |
43 #import "WebKitErrorsPrivate.h" |
44 #import "WebKitStatisticsPrivate.h" |
45 #import "WebKitVersionChecks.h" |
46 #import "WebNSDictionaryExtras.h" |
47 #import "WebNSObjectExtras.h" |
48 #import "WebNSPasteboardExtras.h" |
49 #import "WebNSViewExtras.h" |
50 #import "WebNSWindowExtras.h" |
51 #import "WebPDFView.h" |
52 #import "WebPreferenceKeysPrivate.h" |
53 #import "WebSystemInterface.h" |
54 #import "WebViewFactory.h" |
55 #import "WebViewInternal.h" |
56 #import "WebViewPrivate.h" |
57 #import <Foundation/NSURLRequest.h> |
58 #import <JavaScriptCore/Assertions.h> |
59 #import <WebCore/DragController.h> |
60 #import <WebCore/Frame.h> |
61 #import <WebCore/FrameView.h> |
62 #import <WebCore/HistoryItem.h> |
63 #import <WebCore/Page.h> |
64 #import <WebCore/ThreadCheck.h> |
65 #import <WebCore/WebCoreFrameView.h> |
66 #import <WebCore/WebCoreView.h> |
67 #import <WebKitSystemInterface.h> |
68 |
69 using namespace WebCore; |
70 |
71 @interface NSWindow (WindowPrivate) |
72 - (BOOL)_needsToResetDragMargins; |
73 - (void)_setNeedsToResetDragMargins:(BOOL)s; |
74 @end |
75 |
76 @interface NSClipView (AppKitSecretsIKnow) |
77 - (BOOL)_scrollTo:(const NSPoint *)newOrigin animate:(BOOL)animate; // need the boolean result from this method |
78 @end |
79 |
80 enum { |
81 SpaceKey = 0x0020 |
82 }; |
83 |
84 @interface WebFrameView (WebFrameViewFileInternal) <WebCoreBridgeHolder> |
85 - (float)_verticalKeyboardScrollDistance; |
86 - (WebCoreFrameBridge *) webCoreBridge; |
87 @end |
88 |
89 @interface WebFrameViewPrivate : NSObject { |
90 @public |
91 WebFrame *webFrame; |
92 WebDynamicScrollBarsView *frameScrollView; |
93 |
94 // These margin values are used to temporarily hold the margins of a frame until |
95 // we have the appropriate document view type. |
96 int marginWidth; |
97 int marginHeight; |
98 } |
99 @end |
100 |
101 @implementation WebFrameViewPrivate |
102 |
103 - init |
104 { |
105 [super init]; |
106 |
107 marginWidth = -1; |
108 marginHeight = -1; |
109 |
110 return self; |
111 } |
112 |
113 - (void)dealloc |
114 { |
115 [frameScrollView release]; |
116 [super dealloc]; |
117 } |
118 |
119 @end |
120 |
121 @implementation WebFrameView (WebFrameViewFileInternal) |
122 |
123 - (float)_verticalKeyboardScrollDistance |
124 { |
125 // Arrow keys scroll the same distance that clicking the scroll arrow does. |
126 return [[self _scrollView] verticalLineScroll]; |
127 } |
128 |
129 - (WebCoreFrameBridge *) webCoreBridge |
130 { |
131 return [_private->webFrame _bridge]; |
132 } |
133 |
134 @end |
135 |
136 @implementation WebFrameView (WebInternal) |
137 |
138 // Note that the WebVew is not retained. |
139 - (WebView *)_webView |
140 { |
141 return [_private->webFrame webView]; |
142 } |
143 |
144 - (void)_setMarginWidth:(int)w |
145 { |
146 _private->marginWidth = w; |
147 } |
148 |
149 - (int)_marginWidth |
150 { |
151 return _private->marginWidth; |
152 } |
153 |
154 - (void)_setMarginHeight:(int)h |
155 { |
156 _private->marginHeight = h; |
157 } |
158 |
159 - (int)_marginHeight |
160 { |
161 return _private->marginHeight; |
162 } |
163 |
164 - (void)_setDocumentView:(NSView <WebDocumentView> *)view |
165 { |
166 WebDynamicScrollBarsView *sv = [self _scrollView]; |
167 core([self _webView])->dragController()->setDidInitiateDrag(false); |
168 |
169 [sv setSuppressLayout:YES]; |
170 |
171 // If the old view is the first responder, transfer first responder status to the new view as |
172 // a convenience and so that we don't leave the window pointing to a view that's no longer in it. |
173 NSWindow *window = [sv window]; |
174 NSResponder *firstResponder = [window firstResponder]; |
175 bool makeNewViewFirstResponder = [firstResponder isKindOfClass:[NSView class]] && [(NSView *)firstResponder isDescendantOf:[sv documentView]]; |
176 |
177 // Suppress the resetting of drag margins since we know we can't affect them. |
178 BOOL resetDragMargins = [window _needsToResetDragMargins]; |
179 [window _setNeedsToResetDragMargins:NO]; |
180 [sv setDocumentView:view]; |
181 [window _setNeedsToResetDragMargins:resetDragMargins]; |
182 |
183 if (makeNewViewFirstResponder) |
184 [window makeFirstResponder:view]; |
185 [sv setSuppressLayout:NO]; |
186 } |
187 |
188 -(NSView <WebDocumentView> *)_makeDocumentViewForDataSource:(WebDataSource *)dataSource |
189 { |
190 NSString* MIMEType = [[dataSource response] MIMEType]; |
191 if (!MIMEType) |
192 MIMEType = @"text/html"; |
193 Class viewClass = [[self class] _viewClassForMIMEType:MIMEType]; |
194 NSView <WebDocumentView> *documentView; |
195 if (viewClass) { |
196 // If the dataSource's representation has already been created, and it is also the |
197 // same class as the desired documentView, then use it as the documentView instead |
198 // of creating another one (Radar 4340787). |
199 id <WebDocumentRepresentation> dataSourceRepresentation = [dataSource representation]; |
200 if (dataSourceRepresentation && [dataSourceRepresentation class] == viewClass) |
201 documentView = (NSView <WebDocumentView> *)[dataSourceRepresentation retain]; |
202 else |
203 documentView = [[viewClass alloc] initWithFrame:[self bounds]]; |
204 } else |
205 documentView = nil; |
206 |
207 [self _setDocumentView:documentView]; |
208 [documentView release]; |
209 |
210 return documentView; |
211 } |
212 |
213 - (void)_setWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame |
214 { |
215 if (!webFrame) { |
216 NSView *docV = [self documentView]; |
217 if ([docV respondsToSelector:@selector(close)]) |
218 [docV performSelector:@selector(close)]; |
219 } |
220 |
221 // Not retained because the WebView owns the WebFrame, which owns the WebFrameView. |
222 _private->webFrame = webFrame; |
223 } |
224 |
225 - (WebDynamicScrollBarsView *)_scrollView |
226 { |
227 // this can be called by [super dealloc] when cleaning up the keyview loop, |
228 // after _private has been nilled out. |
229 if (_private == nil) { |
230 return nil; |
231 } |
232 return _private->frameScrollView; |
233 } |
234 |
235 - (float)_verticalPageScrollDistance |
236 { |
237 float overlap = [self _verticalKeyboardScrollDistance]; |
238 float height = [[self _contentView] bounds].size.height; |
239 return (height < overlap) ? height / 2 : height - overlap; |
240 } |
241 |
242 static inline void addTypesFromClass(NSMutableDictionary *allTypes, Class objCClass, NSArray *supportTypes) |
243 { |
244 NSEnumerator *enumerator = [supportTypes objectEnumerator]; |
245 ASSERT(enumerator != nil); |
246 NSString *mime = nil; |
247 while ((mime = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) { |
248 // Don't clobber previously-registered classes. |
249 if ([allTypes objectForKey:mime] == nil) |
250 [allTypes setObject:objCClass forKey:mime]; |
251 } |
252 } |
253 |
254 + (NSMutableDictionary *)_viewTypesAllowImageTypeOmission:(BOOL)allowImageTypeOmission |
255 { |
256 static NSMutableDictionary *viewTypes = nil; |
257 static BOOL addedImageTypes = NO; |
258 |
259 if (!viewTypes) { |
260 viewTypes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; |
261 addTypesFromClass(viewTypes, [WebHTMLView class], [WebHTMLView supportedNonImageMIMETypes]); |
262 |
263 // Since this is a "secret default" we don't both registering it. |
264 BOOL omitPDFSupport = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"WebKitOmitPDFSupport"]; |
265 if (!omitPDFSupport) |
266 addTypesFromClass(viewTypes, [WebPDFView class], [WebPDFView supportedMIMETypes]); |
267 } |
268 |
269 if (!addedImageTypes && !allowImageTypeOmission) { |
270 addTypesFromClass(viewTypes, [WebHTMLView class], [WebHTMLView supportedImageMIMETypes]); |
271 addedImageTypes = YES; |
272 } |
273 |
274 return viewTypes; |
275 } |
276 |
277 + (BOOL)_canShowMIMETypeAsHTML:(NSString *)MIMEType |
278 { |
279 return [[[self _viewTypesAllowImageTypeOmission:YES] _webkit_objectForMIMEType:MIMEType] isSubclassOfClass:[WebHTMLView class]]; |
280 } |
281 |
282 + (Class)_viewClassForMIMEType:(NSString *)MIMEType |
283 { |
284 Class viewClass; |
285 return [WebView _viewClass:&viewClass andRepresentationClass:nil forMIMEType:MIMEType] ? viewClass : nil; |
286 } |
287 |
288 @end |
289 |
290 @implementation WebFrameView |
291 |
292 - initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame |
293 { |
294 self = [super initWithFrame:frame]; |
295 if (!self) |
296 return nil; |
297 |
298 static bool didFirstTimeInitialization; |
299 if (!didFirstTimeInitialization) { |
300 didFirstTimeInitialization = true; |
301 InitWebCoreSystemInterface(); |
302 |
303 // Need to tell WebCore what function to call for the |
304 // "History Item has Changed" notification |
305 // Note: We also do this in WebHistoryItem's init method |
306 WebCore::notifyHistoryItemChanged = WKNotifyHistoryItemChanged; |
307 |
308 [WebViewFactory createSharedFactory]; |
309 [WebKeyGenerator createSharedGenerator]; |
310 |
311 NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; |
312 |
313 // CoreGraphics deferred updates are disabled if WebKitEnableCoalescedUpdatesPreferenceKey is set |
314 // to NO, or has no value. For compatibility with Mac OS X 10.4.6, deferred updates are OFF by |
315 // default. |
316 if (![defaults boolForKey:WebKitEnableDeferredUpdatesPreferenceKey]) |
317 WKDisableCGDeferredUpdates(); |
318 |
320 setDefaultThreadViolationBehavior(LogOnFirstThreadViolation); |
321 } |
322 |
323 _private = [[WebFrameViewPrivate alloc] init]; |
324 |
325 WebDynamicScrollBarsView *scrollView = [[WebDynamicScrollBarsView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0.0f, 0.0f, frame.size.width, frame.size.height)]; |
326 _private->frameScrollView = scrollView; |
327 [scrollView setContentView:[[[WebClipView alloc] initWithFrame:[scrollView bounds]] autorelease]]; |
328 [scrollView setDrawsBackground:NO]; |
329 [scrollView setHasVerticalScroller:NO]; |
330 [scrollView setHasHorizontalScroller:NO]; |
331 [scrollView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable]; |
332 [scrollView setLineScroll:40.0f]; |
333 [self addSubview:scrollView]; |
334 // don't call our overridden version here; we need to make the standard NSView link between us |
335 // and our subview so that previousKeyView and previousValidKeyView work as expected. This works |
336 // together with our becomeFirstResponder and setNextKeyView overrides. |
337 [super setNextKeyView:scrollView]; |
338 |
339 ++WebFrameViewCount; |
340 |
341 return self; |
342 } |
343 |
344 - (void)dealloc |
345 { |
346 --WebFrameViewCount; |
347 |
348 [_private release]; |
349 _private = nil; |
350 |
351 [super dealloc]; |
352 } |
353 |
354 - (void)finalize |
355 { |
356 --WebFrameViewCount; |
357 |
358 [super finalize]; |
359 } |
360 |
361 - (WebFrame *)webFrame |
362 { |
363 return _private->webFrame; |
364 } |
365 |
366 - (void)setAllowsScrolling:(BOOL)flag |
367 { |
368 WebDynamicScrollBarsView *scrollView = [self _scrollView]; |
369 [scrollView setAllowsScrolling:flag]; |
370 WebCore::Frame *frame = core([self webFrame]); |
371 if (WebCore::FrameView *view = frame? frame->view() : 0) { |
372 view->setHScrollbarMode((WebCore::ScrollbarMode)[scrollView horizontalScrollingMode]); |
373 view->setVScrollbarMode((WebCore::ScrollbarMode)[scrollView verticalScrollingMode]); |
374 } |
375 } |
376 |
377 - (BOOL)allowsScrolling |
378 { |
379 return [[self _scrollView] allowsScrolling]; |
380 } |
381 |
382 - (NSView <WebDocumentView> *)documentView |
383 { |
384 return [[self _scrollView] documentView]; |
385 } |
386 |
387 - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder |
388 { |
389 // We always accept first responder; this matches OS X 10.2 WebKit |
390 // behavior (see 3469791). |
391 return YES; |
392 } |
393 |
394 - (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder |
395 { |
396 // This works together with setNextKeyView to splice the WebFrameView into |
397 // the key loop similar to the way NSScrollView does this. Note that |
398 // WebView has similar code. |
399 |
400 // If the scrollView won't accept first-responderness now, then we just become |
401 // the first responder ourself like a normal view. This lets us be the first |
402 // responder in cases where no page has yet been loaded (see 3469791). |
403 if ([[self _scrollView] acceptsFirstResponder]) { |
404 NSWindow *window = [self window]; |
405 if ([window keyViewSelectionDirection] == NSSelectingPrevious) { |
406 NSView *previousValidKeyView = [self previousValidKeyView]; |
407 // If we couldn't find a previous valid key view, ask the webview. This handles frameset |
408 // cases like 3748628. Note that previousValidKeyView should never be self but can be |
409 // due to AppKit oddness (mentioned in 3748628). |
410 if (previousValidKeyView == nil || previousValidKeyView == self) { |
411 previousValidKeyView = [[[self webFrame] webView] previousValidKeyView]; |
412 } |
413 // I don't know if the following cases ever occur anymore, but I'm leaving in the old test for |
414 // now to avoid causing trouble just before shipping Tiger. |
415 ASSERT((previousValidKeyView != self) && (previousValidKeyView != [self _scrollView])); |
416 if ((previousValidKeyView != self) && (previousValidKeyView != [self _scrollView])) { |
417 [window makeFirstResponder:previousValidKeyView]; |
418 } |
419 } else { |
420 [window makeFirstResponder:[self _scrollView]]; |
421 } |
422 } |
423 |
424 return YES; |
425 } |
426 |
427 - (void)setNextKeyView:(NSView *)aView |
428 { |
429 // This works together with becomeFirstResponder to splice the WebFrameView into |
430 // the key loop similar to the way NSScrollView does this. Note that |
431 // WebView has very similar code. |
432 if ([self _scrollView] != nil) { |
433 [[self _scrollView] setNextKeyView:aView]; |
434 } else { |
435 [super setNextKeyView:aView]; |
436 } |
437 } |
438 |
439 - (BOOL)isOpaque |
440 { |
441 return [[self _webView] drawsBackground]; |
442 } |
443 |
444 - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect |
445 { |
446 if ([self documentView] == nil) { |
447 // Need to paint ourselves if there's no documentView to do it instead. |
448 if ([[self _webView] drawsBackground]) { |
449 [[[self _webView] backgroundColor] set]; |
450 NSRectFill(rect); |
451 } |
452 } else { |
453 #ifndef NDEBUG |
454 if ([[self _scrollView] drawsBackground]) { |
455 [[NSColor cyanColor] set]; |
456 NSRectFill(rect); |
457 } |
458 #endif |
459 } |
460 } |
461 |
462 - (void)setFrameSize:(NSSize)size |
463 { |
464 if (!NSEqualSizes(size, [self frame].size) && [[[self webFrame] webView] drawsBackground]) { |
465 [[self _scrollView] setDrawsBackground:YES]; |
466 } |
467 [super setFrameSize:size]; |
468 } |
469 |
470 - (WebFrameBridge *)_bridge |
471 { |
472 return [[self webFrame] _bridge]; |
473 } |
474 |
475 - (BOOL)_scrollOverflowInDirection:(WebScrollDirection)direction granularity:(WebScrollGranularity)granularity |
476 { |
477 // scrolling overflows is only applicable if we're dealing with an WebHTMLView |
478 return ([[self documentView] isKindOfClass:[WebHTMLView class]] && [[self _bridge] scrollOverflowInDirection:direction granularity:granularity]); |
479 } |
480 |
481 - (void)scrollToBeginningOfDocument:(id)sender |
482 { |
483 if (![self _scrollOverflowInDirection:WebScrollUp granularity:WebScrollDocument]) { |
484 |
485 if (![self _hasScrollBars]) { |
486 [[self _largestChildWithScrollBars] scrollToBeginningOfDocument:sender]; |
487 return; |
488 } |
489 |
490 [[self _contentView] scrollPoint:[[[self _scrollView] documentView] frame].origin]; |
491 } |
492 } |
493 |
494 - (void)scrollToEndOfDocument:(id)sender |
495 { |
496 if (![self _scrollOverflowInDirection:WebScrollDown granularity:WebScrollDocument]) { |
497 |
498 if (![self _hasScrollBars]) { |
499 [[self _largestChildWithScrollBars] scrollToEndOfDocument:sender]; |
500 return; |
501 } |
502 |
503 NSRect frame = [[[self _scrollView] documentView] frame]; |
504 [[self _contentView] scrollPoint:NSMakePoint(frame.origin.x, NSMaxY(frame))]; |
505 } |
506 } |
507 |
508 - (void)_goBack |
509 { |
510 [[self _webView] goBack]; |
511 } |
512 |
513 - (void)_goForward |
514 { |
515 [[self _webView] goForward]; |
516 } |
517 |
518 - (BOOL)_scrollVerticallyBy:(float)delta |
519 { |
520 // This method uses the secret method _scrollTo on NSClipView. |
521 // It does that because it needs to know definitively whether scrolling was |
522 // done or not to help implement the "scroll parent if we are at the limit" feature. |
523 // In the presence of smooth scrolling, there's no easy way to tell if the method |
524 // did any scrolling or not with the public API. |
525 NSPoint point = [[self _contentView] bounds].origin; |
526 point.y += delta; |
527 return [[self _contentView] _scrollTo:&point animate:YES]; |
528 } |
529 |
530 - (BOOL)_scrollHorizontallyBy:(float)delta |
531 { |
532 NSPoint point = [[self _contentView] bounds].origin; |
533 point.x += delta; |
534 return [[self _contentView] _scrollTo:&point animate:YES]; |
535 } |
536 |
537 - (float)_horizontalKeyboardScrollDistance |
538 { |
539 // Arrow keys scroll the same distance that clicking the scroll arrow does. |
540 return [[self _scrollView] horizontalLineScroll]; |
541 } |
542 |
543 - (float)_horizontalPageScrollDistance |
544 { |
545 float overlap = [self _horizontalKeyboardScrollDistance]; |
546 float width = [[self _contentView] bounds].size.width; |
547 return (width < overlap) ? width / 2 : width - overlap; |
548 } |
549 |
550 - (BOOL)_pageVertically:(BOOL)up |
551 { |
552 if ([self _scrollOverflowInDirection:up ? WebScrollUp : WebScrollDown granularity:WebScrollPage]) |
553 return YES; |
554 |
555 if (![self _hasScrollBars]) |
556 return [[self _largestChildWithScrollBars] _pageVertically:up]; |
557 |
558 float delta = [self _verticalPageScrollDistance]; |
559 return [self _scrollVerticallyBy:up ? -delta : delta]; |
560 } |
561 |
562 - (BOOL)_pageHorizontally:(BOOL)left |
563 { |
564 if ([self _scrollOverflowInDirection:left ? WebScrollLeft : WebScrollRight granularity:WebScrollPage]) |
565 return YES; |
566 |
567 if (![self _hasScrollBars]) |
568 return [[self _largestChildWithScrollBars] _pageHorizontally:left]; |
569 |
570 float delta = [self _horizontalPageScrollDistance]; |
571 return [self _scrollHorizontallyBy:left ? -delta : delta]; |
572 } |
573 |
574 - (BOOL)_scrollLineVertically:(BOOL)up |
575 { |
576 if ([self _scrollOverflowInDirection:up ? WebScrollUp : WebScrollDown granularity:WebScrollLine]) |
577 return YES; |
578 |
579 if (![self _hasScrollBars]) |
580 return [[self _largestChildWithScrollBars] _scrollLineVertically:up]; |
581 |
582 float delta = [self _verticalKeyboardScrollDistance]; |
583 return [self _scrollVerticallyBy:up ? -delta : delta]; |
584 } |
585 |
586 - (BOOL)_scrollLineHorizontally:(BOOL)left |
587 { |
588 if ([self _scrollOverflowInDirection:left ? WebScrollLeft : WebScrollRight granularity:WebScrollLine]) |
589 return YES; |
590 |
591 if (![self _hasScrollBars]) |
592 return [[self _largestChildWithScrollBars] _scrollLineHorizontally:left]; |
593 |
594 float delta = [self _horizontalKeyboardScrollDistance]; |
595 return [self _scrollHorizontallyBy:left ? -delta : delta]; |
596 } |
597 |
598 - (void)scrollPageUp:(id)sender |
599 { |
600 if (![self _pageVertically:YES]) { |
601 // If we were already at the top, tell the next responder to scroll if it can. |
602 [[self nextResponder] tryToPerform:@selector(scrollPageUp:) with:sender]; |
603 } |
604 } |
605 |
606 - (void)scrollPageDown:(id)sender |
607 { |
608 if (![self _pageVertically:NO]) { |
609 // If we were already at the bottom, tell the next responder to scroll if it can. |
610 [[self nextResponder] tryToPerform:@selector(scrollPageDown:) with:sender]; |
611 } |
612 } |
613 |
614 - (void)scrollLineUp:(id)sender |
615 { |
616 [self _scrollLineVertically:YES]; |
617 } |
618 |
619 - (void)scrollLineDown:(id)sender |
620 { |
621 [self _scrollLineVertically:NO]; |
622 } |
623 |
624 - (BOOL)_firstResponderIsFormControl |
625 { |
626 NSResponder *firstResponder = [[self window] firstResponder]; |
627 |
628 // WebHTMLView is an NSControl subclass these days, but it's not a form control |
629 if ([firstResponder isKindOfClass:[WebHTMLView class]]) { |
630 return NO; |
631 } |
632 return [firstResponder isKindOfClass:[NSControl class]]; |
633 } |
634 |
635 - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event |
636 { |
637 NSString *characters = [event characters]; |
638 int index, count; |
639 BOOL callSuper = YES; |
640 BOOL maintainsBackForwardList = core([self webFrame])->page()->backForwardList()->enabled() ? YES : NO; |
641 |
642 count = [characters length]; |
643 for (index = 0; index < count; ++index) { |
644 switch ([characters characterAtIndex:index]) { |
645 case NSDeleteCharacter: |
646 if (!maintainsBackForwardList) { |
647 callSuper = YES; |
648 break; |
649 } |
650 // This odd behavior matches some existing browsers, |
651 // including Windows IE |
652 if ([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) { |
653 [self _goForward]; |
654 } else { |
655 [self _goBack]; |
656 } |
657 callSuper = NO; |
658 break; |
659 case SpaceKey: |
660 // Checking for a control will allow events to percolate |
661 // correctly when the focus is on a form control and we |
662 // are in full keyboard access mode. |
663 if ((![self allowsScrolling] && ![self _largestChildWithScrollBars]) || [self _firstResponderIsFormControl]) { |
664 callSuper = YES; |
665 break; |
666 } |
667 if ([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) { |
668 [self scrollPageUp:nil]; |
669 } else { |
670 [self scrollPageDown:nil]; |
671 } |
672 callSuper = NO; |
673 break; |
674 case NSPageUpFunctionKey: |
675 if (![self allowsScrolling] && ![self _largestChildWithScrollBars]) { |
676 callSuper = YES; |
677 break; |
678 } |
679 [self scrollPageUp:nil]; |
680 callSuper = NO; |
681 break; |
682 case NSPageDownFunctionKey: |
683 if (![self allowsScrolling] && ![self _largestChildWithScrollBars]) { |
684 callSuper = YES; |
685 break; |
686 } |
687 [self scrollPageDown:nil]; |
688 callSuper = NO; |
689 break; |
690 case NSHomeFunctionKey: |
691 if (![self allowsScrolling] && ![self _largestChildWithScrollBars]) { |
692 callSuper = YES; |
693 break; |
694 } |
695 [self scrollToBeginningOfDocument:nil]; |
696 callSuper = NO; |
697 break; |
698 case NSEndFunctionKey: |
699 if (![self allowsScrolling] && ![self _largestChildWithScrollBars]) { |
700 callSuper = YES; |
701 break; |
702 } |
703 [self scrollToEndOfDocument:nil]; |
704 callSuper = NO; |
705 break; |
706 case NSUpArrowFunctionKey: |
707 // We don't handle shifted or control-arrow keys here, so let super have a chance. |
708 if ([event modifierFlags] & (NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask)) { |
709 callSuper = YES; |
710 break; |
711 } |
712 if ((![self allowsScrolling] && ![self _largestChildWithScrollBars]) || |
713 [[[self window] firstResponder] isKindOfClass:[NSPopUpButton class]]) { |
714 // Let arrow keys go through to pop up buttons |
715 // <rdar://problem/3455910>: hitting up or down arrows when focus is on a |
716 // pop-up menu should pop the menu |
717 callSuper = YES; |
718 break; |
719 } |
720 if ([event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) { |
721 [self scrollToBeginningOfDocument:nil]; |
722 } else if ([event modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask) { |
723 [self scrollPageUp:nil]; |
724 } else { |
725 [self scrollLineUp:nil]; |
726 } |
727 callSuper = NO; |
728 break; |
729 case NSDownArrowFunctionKey: |
730 // We don't handle shifted or control-arrow keys here, so let super have a chance. |
731 if ([event modifierFlags] & (NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask)) { |
732 callSuper = YES; |
733 break; |
734 } |
735 if ((![self allowsScrolling] && ![self _largestChildWithScrollBars]) || |
736 [[[self window] firstResponder] isKindOfClass:[NSPopUpButton class]]) { |
737 // Let arrow keys go through to pop up buttons |
738 // <rdar://problem/3455910>: hitting up or down arrows when focus is on a |
739 // pop-up menu should pop the menu |
740 callSuper = YES; |
741 break; |
742 } |
743 if ([event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) { |
744 [self scrollToEndOfDocument:nil]; |
745 } else if ([event modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask) { |
746 [self scrollPageDown:nil]; |
747 } else { |
748 [self scrollLineDown:nil]; |
749 } |
750 callSuper = NO; |
751 break; |
752 case NSLeftArrowFunctionKey: |
753 // We don't handle shifted or control-arrow keys here, so let super have a chance. |
754 if ([event modifierFlags] & (NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask)) { |
755 callSuper = YES; |
756 break; |
757 } |
758 // Check back/forward related keys. |
759 if ([event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) { |
760 if (!maintainsBackForwardList) { |
761 callSuper = YES; |
762 break; |
763 } |
764 [self _goBack]; |
765 } else { |
766 // Now check scrolling related keys. |
767 if ((![self allowsScrolling] && ![self _largestChildWithScrollBars])) { |
768 callSuper = YES; |
769 break; |
770 } |
771 |
772 if ([event modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask) { |
773 [self _pageHorizontally:YES]; |
774 } else { |
775 [self _scrollLineHorizontally:YES]; |
776 } |
777 } |
778 callSuper = NO; |
779 break; |
780 case NSRightArrowFunctionKey: |
781 // We don't handle shifted or control-arrow keys here, so let super have a chance. |
782 if ([event modifierFlags] & (NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask)) { |
783 callSuper = YES; |
784 break; |
785 } |
786 // Check back/forward related keys. |
787 if ([event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) { |
788 if (!maintainsBackForwardList) { |
789 callSuper = YES; |
790 break; |
791 } |
792 [self _goForward]; |
793 } else { |
794 // Now check scrolling related keys. |
795 if ((![self allowsScrolling] && ![self _largestChildWithScrollBars])) { |
796 callSuper = YES; |
797 break; |
798 } |
799 |
800 if ([event modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask) { |
801 [self _pageHorizontally:NO]; |
802 } else { |
803 [self _scrollLineHorizontally:NO]; |
804 } |
805 } |
806 callSuper = NO; |
807 break; |
808 } |
809 } |
810 |
811 if (callSuper) { |
812 [super keyDown:event]; |
813 } else { |
814 // if we did something useful, get the cursor out of the way |
815 [NSCursor setHiddenUntilMouseMoves:YES]; |
816 } |
817 } |
818 |
819 - (NSView *)_webcore_effectiveFirstResponder |
820 { |
821 NSView *view = [self documentView]; |
822 return view ? [view _webcore_effectiveFirstResponder] : [super _webcore_effectiveFirstResponder]; |
823 } |
824 |
825 - (BOOL)canPrintHeadersAndFooters |
826 { |
827 NSView *documentView = [[self _scrollView] documentView]; |
828 if ([documentView respondsToSelector:@selector(canPrintHeadersAndFooters)]) { |
829 return [(id)documentView canPrintHeadersAndFooters]; |
830 } |
831 return NO; |
832 } |
833 |
834 - (NSPrintOperation *)printOperationWithPrintInfo:(NSPrintInfo *)printInfo |
835 { |
836 NSView *documentView = [[self _scrollView] documentView]; |
837 if (!documentView) { |
838 return nil; |
839 } |
840 if ([documentView respondsToSelector:@selector(printOperationWithPrintInfo:)]) { |
841 return [(id)documentView printOperationWithPrintInfo:printInfo]; |
842 } |
843 return [NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView:documentView printInfo:printInfo]; |
844 } |
845 |
846 - (BOOL)documentViewShouldHandlePrint |
847 { |
848 NSView *documentView = [[self _scrollView] documentView]; |
849 if (documentView && [documentView respondsToSelector:@selector(documentViewShouldHandlePrint)]) |
850 return [(id)documentView documentViewShouldHandlePrint]; |
851 |
852 return NO; |
853 } |
854 |
855 - (void)printDocumentView |
856 { |
857 NSView *documentView = [[self _scrollView] documentView]; |
858 if (documentView && [documentView respondsToSelector:@selector(printDocumentView)]) |
859 [(id)documentView printDocumentView]; |
860 } |
861 |
862 @end |
863 |
864 @implementation WebFrameView (WebPrivate) |
865 |
866 - (float)_area |
867 { |
868 NSRect frame = [self frame]; |
869 return frame.size.height * frame.size.width; |
870 } |
871 |
872 - (BOOL)_hasScrollBars |
873 { |
874 NSScrollView *scrollView = [self _scrollView]; |
875 return [scrollView hasHorizontalScroller] || [scrollView hasVerticalScroller]; |
876 } |
877 |
878 - (WebFrameView *)_largestChildWithScrollBars |
879 { |
880 WebFrameView *largest = nil; |
881 NSArray *frameChildren = [[self webFrame] childFrames]; |
882 |
883 unsigned i; |
884 for (i=0; i < [frameChildren count]; i++) { |
885 WebFrameView *childFrameView = [[frameChildren objectAtIndex:i] frameView]; |
886 WebFrameView *scrollableFrameView = [childFrameView _hasScrollBars] ? childFrameView : [childFrameView _largestChildWithScrollBars]; |
887 if (!scrollableFrameView) |
888 continue; |
889 |
890 // Some ads lurk in child frames of zero width and height, see radar 4406994. These don't count as scrollable. |
891 // Maybe someday we'll discover that this minimum area check should be larger, but this covers the known cases. |
892 float area = [scrollableFrameView _area]; |
893 if (area < 1.0) |
894 continue; |
895 |
896 if (!largest || (area > [largest _area])) { |
897 largest = scrollableFrameView; |
898 } |
899 } |
900 |
901 return largest; |
902 } |
903 |
904 - (NSClipView *)_contentView |
905 { |
906 return [[self _scrollView] contentView]; |
907 } |
908 |
909 - (Class)_customScrollViewClass |
910 { |
911 if ([_private->frameScrollView class] == [WebDynamicScrollBarsView class]) |
912 return nil; |
913 return [_private->frameScrollView class]; |
914 } |
915 |
916 - (void)_setCustomScrollViewClass:(Class)customClass |
917 { |
918 if (!customClass) |
919 customClass = [WebDynamicScrollBarsView class]; |
920 ASSERT([customClass isSubclassOfClass:[WebDynamicScrollBarsView class]]); |
921 if (customClass == [_private->frameScrollView class]) |
922 return; |
923 if ([customClass isSubclassOfClass:[WebDynamicScrollBarsView class]]) { |
924 WebDynamicScrollBarsView *oldScrollView = _private->frameScrollView; // already retained |
925 NSView <WebDocumentView> *documentView = [[self documentView] retain]; |
926 |
927 WebDynamicScrollBarsView *scrollView = [[customClass alloc] initWithFrame:[oldScrollView frame]]; |
928 [scrollView setContentView:[[[WebClipView alloc] initWithFrame:[scrollView bounds]] autorelease]]; |
929 [scrollView setDrawsBackground:[oldScrollView drawsBackground]]; |
930 [scrollView setHasVerticalScroller:[oldScrollView hasVerticalScroller]]; |
931 [scrollView setHasHorizontalScroller:[oldScrollView hasHorizontalScroller]]; |
932 [scrollView setAutoresizingMask:[oldScrollView autoresizingMask]]; |
933 [scrollView setLineScroll:[oldScrollView lineScroll]]; |
934 [self addSubview:scrollView]; |
935 |
936 // don't call our overridden version here; we need to make the standard NSView link between us |
937 // and our subview so that previousKeyView and previousValidKeyView work as expected. This works |
938 // together with our becomeFirstResponder and setNextKeyView overrides. |
939 [super setNextKeyView:scrollView]; |
940 |
941 _private->frameScrollView = scrollView; |
942 |
943 [self _setDocumentView:documentView]; |
944 [[self _bridge] installInFrame:scrollView]; |
945 |
946 [oldScrollView removeFromSuperview]; |
947 [oldScrollView release]; |
948 [documentView release]; |
949 } |
950 } |
951 |
952 @end |