1 /* |
2 Copyright (C) 2007 Trolltech ASA |
3 Copyright (C) 2007 Staikos Computing Services Inc. |
4 Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. |
5 |
6 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
7 modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
8 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
9 version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
10 |
11 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
14 Library General Public License for more details. |
15 |
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
17 along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
18 the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
19 Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
20 |
21 This class provides all functionality needed for loading images, style sheets and html |
22 pages from the web. It has a memory cache for these objects. |
23 */ |
24 |
25 #include "qwebpage.h" |
26 #include "qwebframe.h" |
27 #include "qwebpage_p.h" |
28 #include "qwebframe_p.h" |
29 #include "qwebnetworkinterface.h" |
30 #include "qwebpagehistory.h" |
31 #include "qwebpagehistory_p.h" |
32 #include "qwebsettings.h" |
33 |
34 #include "Frame.h" |
35 #include "ChromeClientQt.h" |
36 #include "ContextMenuClientQt.h" |
37 #include "DragClientQt.h" |
38 #include "DragController.h" |
39 #include "DragData.h" |
40 #include "EditorClientQt.h" |
41 #include "Settings.h" |
42 #include "Page.h" |
43 #include "FrameLoader.h" |
44 #include "KURL.h" |
45 #include "Image.h" |
46 #include "IconDatabase.h" |
47 #include "InspectorClientQt.h" |
48 #include "FocusController.h" |
49 #include "Editor.h" |
50 #include "PlatformScrollBar.h" |
51 #include "PlatformKeyboardEvent.h" |
52 #include "ProgressTracker.h" |
53 |
54 #include <QDebug> |
55 #include <QDragEnterEvent> |
56 #include <QDragLeaveEvent> |
57 #include <QDragMoveEvent> |
58 #include <QDropEvent> |
59 #include <QFileDialog> |
60 #include <QHttpRequestHeader> |
61 #include <QInputDialog> |
62 #include <QMessageBox> |
63 #include <QNetworkProxy> |
64 #include <QUndoStack> |
65 #include <QUrl> |
66 #include <QPainter> |
67 |
68 using namespace WebCore; |
69 |
70 QWebPagePrivate::QWebPagePrivate(QWebPage *qq) |
71 : q(qq), modified(false) |
72 { |
73 q->setMouseTracking(true); |
74 q->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); |
75 chromeClient = new ChromeClientQt(q); |
76 contextMenuClient = new ContextMenuClientQt(); |
77 editorClient = new EditorClientQt(q); |
78 page = new Page(chromeClient, contextMenuClient, editorClient, |
79 new DragClientQt(q), new InspectorClientQt()); |
80 |
81 undoStack = 0; |
82 mainFrame = 0; |
83 networkInterface = 0; |
84 insideOpenCall = false; |
85 } |
86 |
87 QWebPagePrivate::~QWebPagePrivate() |
88 { |
89 delete undoStack; |
90 delete page; |
91 } |
92 |
93 QWebPage::NavigationRequestResponse QWebPagePrivate::navigationRequested(QWebFrame *frame, const QWebNetworkRequest &request, QWebPage::NavigationType type) |
94 { |
95 if (insideOpenCall |
96 && frame == mainFrame) |
97 return QWebPage::AcceptNavigationRequest; |
98 return q->navigationRequested(frame, request, type); |
99 } |
100 |
101 void QWebPagePrivate::createMainFrame() |
102 { |
103 if (!mainFrame) { |
104 QWebFrameData frameData; |
105 frameData.ownerElement = 0; |
106 frameData.allowsScrolling = true; |
107 frameData.marginWidth = 0; |
108 frameData.marginHeight = 0; |
109 mainFrame = q->createFrame(0, &frameData); |
110 QObject::connect(mainFrame, SIGNAL(titleChanged(const QString&)), |
111 q, SIGNAL(titleChanged(const QString&))); |
112 QObject::connect(mainFrame, SIGNAL(hoveringOverLink(const QString&, const QString&)), |
113 q, SIGNAL(hoveringOverLink(const QString&, const QString&))); |
114 |
115 mainFrame->d->frameView->setFrameGeometry(q->geometry()); |
116 } |
117 } |
118 |
119 |
120 QWebPage::QWebPage(QWidget *parent) |
121 : QWidget(parent) |
122 , d(new QWebPagePrivate(this)) |
123 { |
124 setSettings(QWebSettings::global()); |
125 QPalette pal = palette(); |
126 pal.setBrush(QPalette::Background, Qt::white); |
127 |
128 setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); |
129 |
130 setPalette(pal); |
131 setAcceptDrops(true); |
132 connect(this, SIGNAL(loadProgressChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onLoadProgressChanged(int))); |
133 } |
134 |
135 QWebPage::~QWebPage() |
136 { |
137 FrameLoader *loader = d->mainFrame->d->frame->loader(); |
138 if (loader) |
139 loader->detachFromParent(); |
140 delete d; |
141 } |
142 |
143 QWebFrame *QWebPage::createFrame(QWebFrame *parentFrame, QWebFrameData *frameData) |
144 { |
145 if (parentFrame) |
146 return new QWebFrame(parentFrame, frameData); |
147 QWebFrame *f = new QWebFrame(this, frameData); |
148 return f; |
149 } |
150 |
151 void QWebPage::open(const QUrl &url) |
152 { |
153 open(QWebNetworkRequest(url)); |
154 } |
155 |
156 void QWebPage::open(const QWebNetworkRequest &req) |
157 { |
158 d->insideOpenCall = true; |
159 |
160 QUrl url = req.url(); |
161 QHttpRequestHeader httpHeader = req.httpHeader(); |
162 QByteArray postData = req.postData(); |
163 |
164 WebCore::ResourceRequest request(KURL(url.toString())); |
165 |
166 QString method = httpHeader.method(); |
167 if (!method.isEmpty()) |
168 request.setHTTPMethod(method); |
169 |
170 QList<QPair<QString, QString> > values = httpHeader.values(); |
171 for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { |
172 const QPair<QString, QString> &val = values.at(i); |
173 request.addHTTPHeaderField(val.first, val.second); |
174 } |
175 |
176 if (!postData.isEmpty()) { |
177 WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::FormData> formData = new WebCore::FormData(postData.constData(), postData.size()); |
178 request.setHTTPBody(formData); |
179 } |
180 |
181 mainFrame()->d->frame->loader()->load(request); |
182 d->insideOpenCall = false; |
183 } |
184 |
185 QUrl QWebPage::url() const |
186 { |
187 return QUrl((QString)mainFrame()->d->frame->loader()->url().url()); |
188 } |
189 |
190 QString QWebPage::title() const |
191 { |
192 return mainFrame()->title(); |
193 } |
194 |
195 QWebFrame *QWebPage::mainFrame() const |
196 { |
197 d->createMainFrame(); |
198 return d->mainFrame; |
199 } |
200 |
201 QSize QWebPage::sizeHint() const |
202 { |
203 return QSize(800, 600); |
204 } |
205 |
206 void QWebPage::stop() |
207 { |
208 FrameLoader *f = mainFrame()->d->frame->loader(); |
209 f->stopForUserCancel(); |
210 } |
211 |
212 QWebPageHistory QWebPage::history() const |
213 { |
214 WebCore::BackForwardList *lst = d->page->backForwardList(); |
215 QWebPageHistoryPrivate *priv = new QWebPageHistoryPrivate(lst); |
216 return QWebPageHistory(priv); |
217 } |
218 |
219 void QWebPage::goBack() |
220 { |
221 d->page->goBack(); |
222 } |
223 |
224 void QWebPage::goForward() |
225 { |
226 d->page->goForward(); |
227 } |
228 |
229 void QWebPage::goToHistoryItem(const QWebHistoryItem &item) |
230 { |
231 d->page->goToItem(item.d->item, FrameLoadTypeIndexedBackForward); |
232 } |
233 |
234 void QWebPage::javaScriptConsoleMessage(const QString& message, unsigned int lineNumber, const QString& sourceID) |
235 { |
236 } |
237 |
238 void QWebPage::javaScriptAlert(QWebFrame *frame, const QString& msg) |
239 { |
240 //FIXME frame pos... |
241 QMessageBox::information(this, title(), msg, QMessageBox::Ok); |
242 } |
243 |
244 bool QWebPage::javaScriptConfirm(QWebFrame *frame, const QString& msg) |
245 { |
246 //FIXME frame pos... |
247 return 0 == QMessageBox::information(this, title(), msg, QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No); |
248 } |
249 |
250 bool QWebPage::javaScriptPrompt(QWebFrame *frame, const QString& msg, const QString& defaultValue, QString* result) |
251 { |
252 //FIXME frame pos... |
253 bool ok = false; |
254 #ifndef QT_NO_INPUTDIALOG |
255 QString x = QInputDialog::getText(this, title(), msg, QLineEdit::Normal, defaultValue, &ok); |
256 if (ok && result) { |
257 *result = x; |
258 } |
259 #endif |
260 return ok; |
261 } |
262 |
263 QWebPage *QWebPage::createWindow() |
264 { |
265 return 0; |
266 } |
267 |
268 QWebPage *QWebPage::createModalDialog() |
269 { |
270 return 0; |
271 } |
272 |
273 QObject *QWebPage::createPlugin(const QString &classid, const QUrl &url, const QStringList ¶mNames, const QStringList ¶mValues) |
274 { |
275 Q_UNUSED(classid) |
276 Q_UNUSED(url) |
277 Q_UNUSED(paramNames) |
278 Q_UNUSED(paramValues) |
279 return 0; |
280 } |
281 |
282 QWebPage::NavigationRequestResponse QWebPage::navigationRequested(QWebFrame *frame, const QWebNetworkRequest &request, QWebPage::NavigationType type) |
283 { |
284 Q_UNUSED(request) |
285 return AcceptNavigationRequest; |
286 } |
287 |
288 void QWebPage::setWindowGeometry(const QRect& geom) |
289 { |
290 Q_UNUSED(geom) |
291 } |
292 |
293 bool QWebPage::canCut() const |
294 { |
295 return d->page->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame()->editor()->canCut(); |
296 } |
297 |
298 bool QWebPage::canCopy() const |
299 { |
300 return d->page->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame()->editor()->canCopy(); |
301 } |
302 |
303 bool QWebPage::canPaste() const |
304 { |
305 return d->page->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame()->editor()->canPaste(); |
306 } |
307 |
308 void QWebPage::cut() |
309 { |
310 d->page->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame()->editor()->cut(); |
311 } |
312 |
313 void QWebPage::copy() |
314 { |
315 d->page->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame()->editor()->copy(); |
316 } |
317 |
318 void QWebPage::paste() |
319 { |
320 d->page->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame()->editor()->paste(); |
321 } |
322 |
323 /*! |
324 Returns true if the page contains unsubmitted form data. |
325 */ |
326 bool QWebPage::isModified() const |
327 { |
328 return d->modified; |
329 } |
330 |
331 |
332 QUndoStack *QWebPage::undoStack() |
333 { |
334 if (!d->undoStack) |
335 d->undoStack = new QUndoStack(this); |
336 |
337 return d->undoStack; |
338 } |
339 |
340 static inline DragOperation dropActionToDragOp(Qt::DropActions actions) |
341 { |
342 unsigned result = 0; |
343 if (actions & Qt::CopyAction) |
344 result |= DragOperationCopy; |
345 if (actions & Qt::MoveAction) |
346 result |= DragOperationMove; |
347 if (actions & Qt::LinkAction) |
348 result |= DragOperationLink; |
349 return (DragOperation)result; |
350 } |
351 |
352 static inline Qt::DropAction dragOpToDropAction(unsigned actions) |
353 { |
354 Qt::DropAction result = Qt::IgnoreAction; |
355 if (actions & DragOperationCopy) |
356 result = Qt::CopyAction; |
357 else if (actions & DragOperationMove) |
358 result = Qt::MoveAction; |
359 else if (actions & DragOperationLink) |
360 result = Qt::LinkAction; |
361 return result; |
362 } |
363 |
364 void QWebPage::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) |
365 { |
366 QWidget::resizeEvent(e); |
367 if (mainFrame()->d->frame && mainFrame()->d->frameView) { |
368 mainFrame()->d->frameView->setFrameGeometry(rect()); |
369 mainFrame()->d->frame->forceLayout(); |
370 mainFrame()->d->frame->view()->adjustViewSize(); |
371 } |
372 } |
373 |
374 void QWebPage::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *ev) |
375 { |
377 QTime time; |
378 time.start(); |
379 #endif |
380 |
381 QPainter p(this); |
382 |
383 QVector<QRect> vector = ev->region().rects(); |
384 if (!vector.isEmpty()) { |
385 for (int i = 0; i < vector.size(); ++i) { |
386 mainFrame()->render(&p, vector.at(i)); |
387 } |
388 } else { |
389 mainFrame()->render(&p, ev->rect()); |
390 } |
391 |
393 int elapsed = time.elapsed(); |
394 qDebug()<<"paint event on "<<ev->region()<<", took to render = "<<elapsed; |
395 #endif |
396 } |
397 |
398 void QWebPage::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) |
399 { |
400 mainFrame()->mouseMoveEvent(ev); |
401 } |
402 |
403 void QWebPage::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) |
404 { |
405 mainFrame()->mousePressEvent(ev); |
406 } |
407 |
408 void QWebPage::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) |
409 { |
410 mainFrame()->mouseDoubleClickEvent(ev); |
411 } |
412 |
413 void QWebPage::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) |
414 { |
415 mainFrame()->mouseReleaseEvent(ev); |
416 } |
417 |
418 void QWebPage::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *ev) |
419 { |
420 mainFrame()->wheelEvent(ev); |
421 if (!ev->isAccepted()) |
422 QWidget::wheelEvent(ev); |
423 } |
424 |
425 void QWebPage::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *ev) |
426 { |
427 PlatformKeyboardEvent kevent(ev, false); |
428 |
429 if (!mainFrame()->d->eventHandler) |
430 return; |
431 |
432 bool handled = mainFrame()->d->eventHandler->keyEvent(kevent); |
433 if (handled) { |
434 } else { |
435 handled = true; |
436 PlatformScrollbar *h, *v; |
437 h = mainFrame()->d->horizontalScrollBar(); |
438 v = mainFrame()->d->verticalScrollBar(); |
439 |
440 if (ev == QKeySequence::MoveToNextPage) { |
441 if (v) |
442 v->setValue(v->value() + height()); |
443 } else if (ev == QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousPage) { |
444 if (v) |
445 v->setValue(v->value() - height()); |
446 } else { |
447 switch (ev->key()) { |
448 case Qt::Key_Up: |
449 if (v) |
450 v->setValue(v->value() - 10); |
451 break; |
452 case Qt::Key_Down: |
453 if (v) |
454 v->setValue(v->value() + 10); |
455 break; |
456 case Qt::Key_Left: |
457 if (h) |
458 h->setValue(h->value() - 10); |
459 break; |
460 case Qt::Key_Right: |
461 if (h) |
462 h->setValue(h->value() + 10); |
463 break; |
464 default: |
465 handled = false; |
466 break; |
467 } |
468 } |
469 } |
470 |
471 ev->setAccepted(handled); |
472 } |
473 |
474 void QWebPage::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *ev) |
475 { |
476 if (ev->isAutoRepeat()) { |
477 ev->setAccepted(true); |
478 return; |
479 } |
480 |
481 PlatformKeyboardEvent kevent(ev, true); |
482 |
483 if (!mainFrame()->d->eventHandler) |
484 return; |
485 |
486 bool handled = mainFrame()->d->eventHandler->keyEvent(kevent); |
487 ev->setAccepted(handled); |
488 } |
489 |
490 void QWebPage::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *ev) |
491 { |
492 if (ev->reason() != Qt::PopupFocusReason) { |
493 mainFrame()->d->frame->page()->focusController()->setFocusedFrame(mainFrame()->d->frame); |
494 mainFrame()->d->frame->setIsActive(true); |
495 } |
496 QWidget::focusInEvent(ev); |
497 } |
498 |
499 void QWebPage::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *ev) |
500 { |
501 QWidget::focusOutEvent(ev); |
502 if (ev->reason() != Qt::PopupFocusReason) { |
503 mainFrame()->d->frame->selectionController()->clear(); |
504 mainFrame()->d->frame->setIsActive(false); |
505 } |
506 } |
507 |
508 bool QWebPage::focusNextPrevChild(bool next) |
509 { |
510 Q_UNUSED(next) |
511 return false; |
512 } |
513 |
514 void QWebPage::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *ev) |
515 { |
516 #ifndef QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP |
517 DragData dragData(ev->mimeData(), ev->pos(), QCursor::pos(), |
518 dropActionToDragOp(ev->possibleActions())); |
519 Qt::DropAction action = dragOpToDropAction(d->page->dragController()->dragEntered(&dragData)); |
520 ev->setDropAction(action); |
521 ev->accept(); |
522 #endif |
523 } |
524 |
525 void QWebPage::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *ev) |
526 { |
527 #ifndef QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP |
528 DragData dragData(0, IntPoint(), QCursor::pos(), DragOperationNone); |
529 d->page->dragController()->dragExited(&dragData); |
530 ev->accept(); |
531 #endif |
532 } |
533 |
534 void QWebPage::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *ev) |
535 { |
536 #ifndef QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP |
537 DragData dragData(ev->mimeData(), ev->pos(), QCursor::pos(), |
538 dropActionToDragOp(ev->possibleActions())); |
539 Qt::DropAction action = dragOpToDropAction(d->page->dragController()->dragUpdated(&dragData)); |
540 ev->setDropAction(action); |
541 ev->accept(); |
542 #endif |
543 } |
544 |
545 void QWebPage::dropEvent(QDropEvent *ev) |
546 { |
547 #ifndef QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP |
548 DragData dragData(ev->mimeData(), ev->pos(), QCursor::pos(), |
549 dropActionToDragOp(ev->possibleActions())); |
550 Qt::DropAction action = dragOpToDropAction(d->page->dragController()->performDrag(&dragData)); |
551 ev->accept(); |
552 #endif |
553 } |
554 |
555 void QWebPage::setNetworkInterface(QWebNetworkInterface *interface) |
556 { |
557 d->networkInterface = interface; |
558 } |
559 |
560 QWebNetworkInterface *QWebPage::networkInterface() const |
561 { |
562 if (d->networkInterface) |
563 return d->networkInterface; |
564 else |
565 return QWebNetworkInterface::defaultInterface(); |
566 } |
567 |
568 QPixmap QWebPage::icon() const |
569 { |
570 Image* image = iconDatabase()->iconForPageURL(url().toString(), IntSize(16, 16)); |
571 if (!image || image->isNull()) { |
572 image = iconDatabase()->defaultIcon(IntSize(16, 16)); |
573 } |
574 |
575 if (!image) { |
576 return QPixmap(); |
577 } |
578 |
579 QPixmap *icon = image->getPixmap(); |
580 if (!icon) { |
581 return QPixmap(); |
582 } |
583 return *icon; |
584 } |
585 |
586 void QWebPage::setSettings(const QWebSettings &settings) |
587 { |
588 WebCore::Settings *wSettings = d->page->settings(); |
589 |
590 wSettings->setStandardFontFamily( |
591 settings.fontFamily(QWebSettings::StandardFont)); |
592 wSettings->setFixedFontFamily( |
593 settings.fontFamily(QWebSettings::FixedFont)); |
594 wSettings->setSerifFontFamily( |
595 settings.fontFamily(QWebSettings::SerifFont)); |
596 wSettings->setSansSerifFontFamily( |
597 settings.fontFamily(QWebSettings::SansSerifFont)); |
598 wSettings->setCursiveFontFamily( |
599 settings.fontFamily(QWebSettings::CursiveFont)); |
600 wSettings->setFantasyFontFamily( |
601 settings.fontFamily(QWebSettings::FantasyFont)); |
602 |
603 wSettings->setMinimumFontSize(settings.minimumFontSize()); |
604 wSettings->setMinimumLogicalFontSize(settings.minimumLogicalFontSize()); |
605 wSettings->setDefaultFontSize(settings.defaultFontSize()); |
606 wSettings->setDefaultFixedFontSize(settings.defaultFixedFontSize()); |
607 |
608 wSettings->setLoadsImagesAutomatically( |
609 settings.testAttribute(QWebSettings::AutoLoadImages)); |
610 wSettings->setJavaScriptEnabled( |
611 settings.testAttribute(QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled)); |
612 wSettings->setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically( |
613 settings.testAttribute(QWebSettings::JavascriptCanOpenWindows)); |
614 wSettings->setJavaEnabled( |
615 settings.testAttribute(QWebSettings::JavaEnabled)); |
616 wSettings->setPluginsEnabled( |
617 settings.testAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled)); |
618 wSettings->setPrivateBrowsingEnabled( |
619 settings.testAttribute(QWebSettings::PrivateBrowsingEnabled)); |
620 |
621 wSettings->setUserStyleSheetLocation(KURL(settings.userStyleSheetLocation())); |
622 |
623 // ### should be configurable |
624 wSettings->setDefaultTextEncodingName("iso-8859-1"); |
625 } |
626 |
627 QWebSettings QWebPage::settings() const |
628 { |
629 QWebSettings settings; |
630 WebCore::Settings *wSettings = d->page->settings(); |
631 |
632 settings.setFontFamily(QWebSettings::StandardFont, |
633 wSettings->standardFontFamily()); |
634 settings.setFontFamily(QWebSettings::FixedFont, |
635 wSettings->fixedFontFamily()); |
636 settings.setFontFamily(QWebSettings::SerifFont, |
637 wSettings->serifFontFamily()); |
638 settings.setFontFamily(QWebSettings::SansSerifFont, |
639 wSettings->sansSerifFontFamily()); |
640 settings.setFontFamily(QWebSettings::CursiveFont, |
641 wSettings->cursiveFontFamily()); |
642 settings.setFontFamily(QWebSettings::FantasyFont, |
643 wSettings->fantasyFontFamily()); |
644 |
645 settings.setMinimumFontSize(wSettings->minimumFontSize()); |
646 settings.setMinimumLogicalFontSize(wSettings->minimumLogicalFontSize()); |
647 settings.setDefaultFontSize(wSettings->defaultFontSize()); |
648 settings.setDefaultFixedFontSize(wSettings->defaultFixedFontSize()); |
649 |
650 settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings::AutoLoadImages, |
651 wSettings->loadsImagesAutomatically()); |
652 settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled, |
653 wSettings->isJavaScriptEnabled()); |
654 settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings::JavascriptCanOpenWindows, |
655 wSettings->JavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically()); |
656 settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings::JavaEnabled, |
657 wSettings->isJavaEnabled()); |
658 settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, |
659 wSettings->arePluginsEnabled()); |
660 settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings::PrivateBrowsingEnabled, |
661 wSettings->privateBrowsingEnabled()); |
662 |
663 settings.setUserStyleSheetLocation( |
664 wSettings->userStyleSheetLocation().url()); |
665 |
666 return settings; |
667 } |
668 |
669 QString QWebPage::chooseFile(QWebFrame *parentFrame, const QString& oldFile) |
670 { |
671 //FIXME frame pos... |
672 #ifndef QT_NO_FILEDIALOG |
673 return QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, QString::null, oldFile); |
674 #else |
675 return QString::null; |
676 #endif |
677 } |
678 |
679 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY |
680 void QWebPage::setNetworkProxy(const QNetworkProxy& proxy) |
681 { |
682 d->networkProxy = proxy; |
683 } |
684 |
685 QNetworkProxy QWebPage::networkProxy() const |
686 { |
687 return d->networkProxy; |
688 } |
689 #endif |
690 |
691 QString QWebPage::userAgentStringForUrl(const QUrl& forUrl) const { |
692 Q_UNUSED(forUrl) |
693 return QLatin1String("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/418.9.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/419.3 Qt"); |
694 } |
695 |
696 |
697 void QWebPage::onLoadProgressChanged(int) { |
698 d->m_totalBytes = d->page->progress()->totalPageAndResourceBytesToLoad(); |
699 d->m_bytesReceived = d->page->progress()->totalBytesReceived(); |
700 } |
701 |
702 |
703 quint64 QWebPage::totalBytes() const { |
704 return d->m_bytesReceived; |
705 } |
706 |
707 |
708 quint64 QWebPage::bytesReceived() const { |
709 return d->m_totalBytes; |
710 } |