changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 10 a359256acfc6
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #ifndef BRCTL_H
    21 #define BRCTL_H
    23 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include <BrCtlInterface.h>
    26 #include "BrCtlDefs.h"
    27 #include "HistoryInterface.h"
    29 #include "WmlInterface.h"
    30 //  CONSTANTS
    32 // DATA TYPES
    33 enum TBrCtlLoadState
    34     {
    35     ELoadStateIdle,
    36     ELoadStateRequestSent,
    37     ELoadStateResponseInProgress,
    38     ELoadStateLoadingChildren
    39     };
    41 const int KMainScrollbarWidth = 5;
    44 class CBrCtl;
    45 class WebView;
    46 class HistoryHandler;
    47 class MWmlEngineInterface;
    48 class MWmlInterface;
    49 class MWidgetExtension;
    50 class MWidgetCallback;
    51 class SettingsContainer;
    52 //class ScrollingProvider;
    53 class CPeriodic;
    54 class WebDataLoadConsumer;
    55 class HistoryHandler;
    56 class HttpDownload;
    57 class CPageScaler;
    58 class CWmlDispatcher;
    59 class CWmlContentInterface;
    60 class CUserAgent;
    62 namespace WebCore {
    63     class FormData;
    64 }
    67 class HistoryHandler : public HistoryCallback
    68 {
    69 public:
    70     static HistoryHandler* initWithHandle(CBrCtl* brctl);
    71     ~HistoryHandler();
    72     void updateGlobalHistoryForStandardLoad(const TPtrC8& url, const TPtrC8& requestUrl,
    73         TPtrC& formContentType, WebCore::FormData* formData);
    74     void setCurrentEntryTitle(TPtrC title);
    75     void updateGlobalHistoryForReload ();
    76     HistoryHandler(CBrCtl* brctl) { m_brctl = brctl; m_historyController = NULL; }
    77 public: // from HistoryCallback
    78     virtual CCoeControl* parent();
    79     virtual TPoint currentPosition(); 
    80     virtual int currentZoomLevel(); 
    81     virtual int minZoomLevel(); 
    82     virtual bool wmlMode();
    83     virtual void setWmlMode(bool aWml);
    84     virtual void doHistoryGet(TPtrC8 url, TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlCacheMode cacheMode);
    85     virtual int doHistoryPost(TPtrC8 url, TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlCacheMode cacheMode, TPtrC contentType, WebCore::FormData* formData);
    86     virtual void stateChanged(bool enter);
    87     virtual void navigationStateChanged(TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlState state, bool value);
    88     virtual CFbsBitmap* scaledPage() ;
    89     virtual void makeVisible(bool visible);
    90     virtual WebSurface* surface();
    91     virtual void handleWmlBackL();
    92     virtual bool dialogSelectOption(SelectArray* historyList);
    93     virtual void setUse(bool use, WebCore::FormData* formData);
    94     HistoryControllerInterface* historyController() { return m_historyController; }
    95     virtual void deferTimers(bool option);
    97 private:
    98     CBrCtl* m_brctl;
    99     HistoryControllerInterface* m_historyController;
   100 };
   103 /**
   104 *  Implementation of the Browser Control
   105 *
   106 *  @lib webkit.dll
   107 *  @since 3.0
   108 */
   109 class CBrCtl : public CBrCtlInterface, public MBrCtlLoadEventObserver
   110     {
   111     public:     // Constructors and destructor
   113         /**
   114         * Two-phased constructor.
   115           MBrCtlSoftkeysObserver       // Default: browser does not update softkeys
   116           MBrCtlLinkResolver           // Must be provided if ECapabilityClientResolveEmbeddedURL or ECapabilityClientNotifyURL is set
   117           MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver    // Default: DocumentHandler and SchemeDispatcher are not called by browser and connection created by Proxy Filter
   118           MBrCtlLayoutObserver         // Default: Browser does not update scroll location
   119           MBrCtlDialogsProvider        // Default: Use Browser's own dialogs
   120           MBrCtlWindowObserver         // Default:
   121           MBrCtlDownloadObserver     // Default:
   122         */
   123         static CBrCtlInterface* NewL(CCoeControl* aParent,
   124                                      TRect aRect,
   125                                      TUint aBrCtlCapabilities,
   126                                      TUint aCommandIdBase,
   127                                      MBrCtlSoftkeysObserver* aBrCtlSoftkeysObserver,
   128                                      MBrCtlLinkResolver* aBrCtlLinkResolver,
   129                                      MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver* aBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver,
   130                                      MBrCtlLayoutObserver* aBrCtlLayoutObserver,
   131                                      MBrCtlDialogsProvider* aBrCtlDialogsProvider,
   132                                      MBrCtlWindowObserver* aBrCtlWindowObserver,
   133                                      MBrCtlDownloadObserver* aBrCtlDownloadObserver );
   135         /**
   136         * Destructor.
   137         */
   138         IMPORT_C virtual ~CBrCtl();
   140     public: // Class methods
   142         /**
   143         * Returns the parent CCoeControl
   144         * @since 3.0
   145         */
   146         CCoeControl* CCoeControlParent()        { return m_coectrlparent; }
   147         WebView* webView()              const   { return m_webView; } 
   148         void LoadDllWmlEngineL(); 
   149         void UnloadDllWmlEngine();
   150         MWmlEngineInterface* wmlEngineInterface() const { return m_wmlEngineInterface; }
   151         void setWmlMode (bool aWml);
   152         bool wmlMode() const {return m_wmlMode;}
   153         void resetWmlServiceOptions();
   154         void wmlServiceOptionsAddItemL( const TText* aText, TUint32 aActualElemID, TInt aIsPrev );
   155         void postUrlL(TDesC& aUrl, TDesC8& aPostData, TDesC& aContentType);
   156         void setWmlPageScaler( CPageScaler& aPageScaler ) { m_wmlPageScaler = &aPageScaler; }
   157         CPageScaler& wmlPageScaler() const { return *m_wmlPageScaler; }
   158         CWmlDispatcher* wmlDispatcher() const {return m_wmlDispatcher;}
   159         void setWmlDispatcher(CWmlDispatcher* dispatcher){m_wmlDispatcher = dispatcher;}
   160         void loadResource(TDesC8& url, CWmlContentInterface* content );
   161         TBrCtlWmlServiceOption* firstPrevDoElement() const { return m_firstPrevDoElement; }
   162         HBufC* fileNameToUrlLC(const TDesC& aFileName);
   163         void SetScriptLogMode(TInt aMode);
   165     public: // Methods from CBrCtlInterface
   167         /**
   168         * From CBrCtlInterface
   169         * Pass a command to the Browser Control
   170         * @since 3.0
   171         * @param aCommand The command that the Browser Control should process
   172         * @return void
   173         */
   174         IMPORT_C void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
   176         /**
   177         * From CBrCtlInterface Pass a command to the Browser Control
   178         * @since 2.8
   179         * @param aCommand The command that the Browser Control should process
   180         * @param aTransId The transaction Id associated with this command
   181         * @return void
   182         */
   183         IMPORT_C void HandleDownloadCommandL(TUint16 aTransId, TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlDownloadCmd aCommand);
   185         /**
   186         * From CBrCtlInterface
   187         * Return the display size that would be needed to see all the content
   188         * @since 3.0
   189         * @return The display size that would be needed to see all the content
   190         */
   191         IMPORT_C TSize ContentSize();
   193         /**
   194         * From CBrCtlInterface
   195         * Update a Browser Control setting
   196         * @since 3.0
   197         * @param aSetting The setting to update
   198         * @param aValue The new value of the setting
   199         * @return void
   200         */
   201         IMPORT_C void SetBrowserSettingL(TUint aSetting, TUint aValue);
   203         /**
   204         * From CBrCtlInterface
   205         * Get a setting from the Browser Control
   206         * @since 3.0
   207         * @param aSetting The setting to get
   208         * @return The value of the setting
   209         */
   210         IMPORT_C TUint BrowserSettingL(TUint aSetting);
   212         /**
   213         * From CBrCtlInterface
   214         * Request the Browser Control to display the content of a buffer
   215         * @since 3.0
   216         * @param aUrl A url that refers to the data. If a url scheme is used, it must be "data:"
   217         * @param aData The content to display. Browser Control does not take ownership
   218         * @param aDataType The data type of the data
   219         * @param aCharsetUid The UID of the character converter of the content's charset 0 assumed Latin-1
   220         * @return void
   221         */
   222         IMPORT_C void LoadDataL(const TDesC& aUrl,
   223                                 const TDesC8& aData,
   224                                 const TDataType& aDataType,
   225                                 TUid aCharsetUid);
   227         /**
   228         * From CBrCtlInterface
   229         * Request the Browser Control to display content incrementaly
   230         * @since 3.0
   231         * @param aUrl A url that refers to the data. If a url scheme is used, it must be "data:"
   232         * @param aDataType The data type of the data
   233         * @param aCharsetUid The UID of the character converter of the content's charset 0 assumed Latin-1
   234         * @param aContentLength The length of the content.
   235         * @param aBrCtlDataLoadSupplier A callback interface to stop passing data if an error occured in the Browser Control
   236         * @param aBrCtlDataLoadConsumer A callback interface returned by the browser. Data should be passed to that interface
   237         * @return void
   238         */
   239         IMPORT_C void InitLoadDataL(const TDesC& aUrl,
   240                                     const TDataType& aDataType,
   241                                     TUid aCharsetUid,
   242                                     TUint aContentLength,
   243                                     MBrCtlDataLoadSupplier* aBrCtlDataLoadSupplier,
   244                                     MBrCtlDataLoadConsumer** aBrCtlDataLoadConsumer);
   246         /**
   247         * From CBrCtlInterface
   248         * Request the Browser Control to load a url
   249         * @since 3.0
   250         * @param aUrl The url to load
   251         * @param aApId The Access Point Id to use
   252         * @param aBrCtlCacheMode The cache mode to use
   253         * @return void
   254         */
   255         IMPORT_C void LoadUrlL(const TDesC& aUrl,
   256                                TInt aApId = -1,
   257                                TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlCacheMode aBrCtlCacheMode = TBrCtlDefs::ECacheModeNormal);
   259         /**
   260         * Requests the Browser Control to POST to a URL
   261         * @since 5.0
   262         * @param aUrl URL to which the Browser Control sends the POST request
   263         * @param aContentType Content type of the data to be posted
   264         * @param aPostData Data to be posted
   265         * @param aBoundary Boundary for form-data or multi-part content. 
   266         * @param aReserved For future use only
   267         * @return void
   268         */        
   269         IMPORT_C void PostUrlL (const TDesC& aUrl, 
   270                                 const TDesC8& aContentType, 
   271                                 const TDesC8& aPostData, 
   272                                 const TDesC8* aBoundary, 
   273                                 TAny* aReserved);
   274         /**
   275         * From CBrCtlInterface
   276         * Request the Browser Control to load and display a file from the file system
   277         * @since 3.0
   278         * @param aFileName The name of the file
   279         * @return void
   280         */
   281         IMPORT_C void LoadFileL(const TDesC& aFileName);
   283         /**
   284         * From CBrCtlInterface
   285         * Request the Browser Control to load and display a file from the file system
   286         * @since 3.0
   287         * @param aFileHandle The handle of the file
   288         * @return void
   289         */
   290         IMPORT_C void LoadFileL(RFile& aFileHandle);
   292         /**
   293         * From CBrCtlInterface
   294         * Return the WML Options for the current page
   295         * @since 3.0
   296         * @param
   297         * @return The WML Options for the current page
   298         */
   299         IMPORT_C RPointerArray<TBrCtlWmlServiceOption>* WMLOptionMenuItemsL();
   301         /**
   302         * From CBrCtlInterface
   303         * Request the Browser Control to add its own options to the option menu
   304         * @since 3.0
   305         * @param aMenuPane Handle of the menu that will contain the options
   306         * @param aResourceId The resource ID of the menu
   307         * @param aAfter WML options should be added after that index
   308         * @return void
   309         */
   310         IMPORT_C void AddOptionMenuItemsL(CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane, TInt aResourceId, TInt aAfter=-1);
   312         /**
   313         * From CBrCtlInterface
   314         * Request the Browser Control to clear the cache
   315         * @since 3.0
   316         * @return The number of bytes that were freed from cache
   317         */
   318         IMPORT_C TUint ClearCache();
   320         /**
   321         * From CBrCtlInterface
   322         * Ask the Browser Control if a URL is in cache
   323         * @since 3.0
   324         * @param aUrl The Url
   325         * @return ETrue if a specific Url is in cache
   326         */
   327         IMPORT_C TBool IsUrlInCache(TDesC& aUrl);
   329         /**
   330         * From CBrCtlInterface
   331         * Ask the Browser Control to clear a URL from the cache
   332         * @since 3.0
   333         * @param aUrl The Url
   334         * @return KErrNone, or an error code
   335         */
   336         IMPORT_C TInt ClearItemInCache(TDesC& aUrl);
   338         /**
   339         * From CBrCtlInterface
   340         * Request the Browser Control to return info about the page. The info is returned on the Cleanup Stack.
   341         * @since 3.0
   342         * @param aBrCtlPageInfo The type of requested info
   343         * @return void
   344         */
   345         IMPORT_C HBufC* PageInfoLC(TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlPageInfo aBrCtlPageInfo);
   347         /**
   348         * From CBrCtlInterface
   349         * Query the Browser Control if there is a previous or next
   350         * (depending on aDirection) element in history stack
   351         * @since 3.0
   352         * @return ETrue if can go aDirection, EFalse otherwise
   353         */
   354         IMPORT_C TBool NavigationAvailable(TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlNavigationDirection aDirection);
   356         /**
   357         * From CBrCtlInterface
   358         * Request the Browser Control to save the current content to a file
   359         * @since 3.0
   360         * @param aFileName The name of the file to use for saving the content
   361         * @return The number of bytes in the saved file
   362         */
   363         IMPORT_C TUint16 SaveToFileL(const TDesC& aFileName);
   365         /**
   366         * From CBrCtlInterface
   367         * Request the Browser Control to pass the server's certificate info for the current page
   368         * @since 3.0
   369         * @return Certificate info of the server of the current page
   370         */
   371         IMPORT_C const TCertInfo* CertInfo();
   373         /**
   374         * From CBrCtlInterface
   375         * Request the Browser Control to register for load events
   376         * @since 3.0
   377         * @param aBrCtlLoadEventObserver A load events observer to add
   378         * @return void
   379         */
   380         IMPORT_C void AddLoadEventObserverL(MBrCtlLoadEventObserver* aBrCtlLoadEventObserver);
   382         /**
   383         * From CBrCtlInterface
   384         * Request the Browser Control to unregister for load events
   385         * @since 3.0
   386         * @param aBrCtlLoadEventObserver A load events observer to remove
   387         * @return void
   388         */
   389         IMPORT_C void RemoveLoadEventObserver(MBrCtlLoadEventObserver* aBrCtlLoadEventObserver);
   391         /**
   392         * From CBrCtlInterface
   393         * Return the number of images in the current page
   394         * @since 3.0
   395         * @param
   396         * @return The number of images in the current page
   397         */
   398         IMPORT_C TInt ImageCountL();
   400         /**
   401         * From CBrCtlInterface
   402         * Returns the focused element
   403         * @since 3.0
   404         * @return The type of the focused element
   405         */
   406         IMPORT_C TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlElementType FocusedElementType();
   408         /**
   409         * From CBrCtlInterface
   410         * Returns void
   411         * @since 
   412         * @Collects offscreen bitmap
   413         */
   414         IMPORT_C void TakeSnapshotL(CFbsBitmap& snapshot);
   416         /**
   417         * From CBrCtlInterface
   418         * Register an observer for state change changes
   419         * @since 3.0
   420         * @param The observer to register
   421         * @return void
   422         */
   423         IMPORT_C void AddStateChangeObserverL(MBrCtlStateChangeObserver* aBrCtlStateChangeObserver);
   425         /**
   426         * From CBrCtlInterface
   427         * Unregister an observer for state changes
   428         * @since 3.0
   429         * @param The observer to unregister
   430         * @return void
   431         */
   432         IMPORT_C void RemoveStateChangeObserver(MBrCtlStateChangeObserver* aBrCtlStateChangeObserver);
   434         /**
   435         * From CBrCtlInterface
   436         * Returns the version info requested
   437         * @since 3.0
   438         * @param The observer to unregister
   439         * @return The version control info
   440         */
   441         IMPORT_C HBufC* VersionInfoLC(TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlVersionInfo aVersionInfo);
   443         /**
   444         * Pass a list of content types to the Browser Control.
   445         * These content types will not be using the download manager
   446         * The list must be separated by ';' e.g. "text/html;text/wml"
   447         * @since 2.8
   448         * @param aContentTypes The content types that should not use Download Manager
   449         * @return void
   450         */
   451         IMPORT_C void SetSelfDownloadContentTypesL(TDesC& aContentTypes);
   453         /**
   454         * Update a Browser Control parameter.
   455         * @since 2.8
   456         * @param aParam The parameter to update
   457         * @param aValue The new value of the parameter
   458         * @return void
   459         */
   460         IMPORT_C void SetParamL(TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlParams aParam, const TDesC& aValue);
   462         /**
   463         * Request the Browser Control to load a saved page.
   464         * @since 3.0
   465         * @param aUid a unique identifier for the saved page
   466         * @param aSavedPageBuffer buffer which contains the content of the saved page
   467         * @return void
   468         */
   469         IMPORT_C void LoadSavedPageL(const TDesC& aUid, TDesC& aSavedPageBuffer);
   471         /**
   472         * Return the zoom levels index
   473         * @since 3.0
   474         * @return const RArray<TUint>&
   475         */
   476         IMPORT_C RArray<TUint>* ZoomLevels() const;
   478         /**
   479         * Return information about the linked feeds in the current page - used to
   480         * build a "Subscribe to" submenu.
   481         * @since 3.0
   482         * @param aItems Information about the linked feeds in the current page.
   483         * @return void
   484         */
   485         IMPORT_C const RPointerArray<TBrCtlSubscribeTo>& SubscribeToMenuItemsL();
   487         /**
   488         * Request icon for the given url
   489         * @since 3.1
   490         * @param aUrl url to a favicon or a page
   491         * @param aBitmapInfo info on whether to retun a favicon or a page thumbnail
   492         * @return favion icon or page icon
   493         */
   494         IMPORT_C CGulIcon* GetBitmapData(const TDesC& aUrl, TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlBitmapInfo aBitmapInfo);
   496         /**
   497         * Register a client interface for the browser engine
   498         * @since 2.8
   499         * @param The observer to register
   500         * @return void
   501         */
   502         IMPORT_C void AddCommandObserverL(MBrCtlCommandObserver* aBrCtlCommandObserver);
   504         /**
   505         * Unregister a client interface for the browser engine
   506         * @since 2.8
   507         * @param The observer to unregister
   508         * @return void
   509         */
   510         IMPORT_C void RemoveCommandObserver(MBrCtlCommandObserver* aBrCtlCommandObserver);
   513    public: // Methods from CCoeControl
   515         /**
   516         * From CCoeControl
   517         * Return the minimum size the Browser Control can use
   518         * @since 3.0
   519         * @return The minimum size that the Browser Control can use
   520         */
   521         IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
   523         /**
   524         * From CCoeControl
   525         * Pass key events to the Browser Control
   526         * @since 3.0
   527         * @param aKeyEvent The key event
   528         * @param aType The key code
   529         * @return If the Browser Control consumed the key event or not
   530         */
   531         IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aEventCode);
   533         /**
   534         * From CCoeControl
   535         * Sets that the Browser Control has keyboard focus.
   536         * @since 3.0
   537         * @param aFocus If the Browser Control gets or loses focus
   538         * @param ENoDrawNow If the Browser Control should redraw itself as result of focus change
   539         * @return void
   540         */
   541         IMPORT_C void SetFocus(TBool aFocus, TDrawNow aDrawNow = ENoDrawNow);
   543         /*
   544         * This method calls to download manager in order to display query "Cancel
   545         * outstanding downloads?" and cancel if it requested by user
   546         * @param none
   547         * @return ETrue if it is OK to exit; EFalse - if it is not OK to exit
   548         */
   549         IMPORT_C TBool OkToExit();
   551         /**
   552         * Perform the incremental find operation
   553         * @since 3.0
   554         * @return TBrCtlFindResponse
   555         */
   556         IMPORT_C int FindKeyword( const TDesC& aKeyword );
   558         /**
   559         * Continue the incremental find operation
   560         * @since 3.0
   561         * @return TBrCtlFindResponse
   562         */
   563         IMPORT_C TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlFindResponse FindKeywordAgain( TBool aFowardDirection );
   565         IMPORT_C MWidgetExtension* CreateWidgetExtensionL(MWidgetCallback& aWidgetCallback);
   567         /**
   568         * Get information about the focused image. The function leaves if the focus is not on an image
   569         * @since 3.2
   570         * @param 
   571         * @return The requested information
   572         */
   573         IMPORT_C TBrCtlImageCarrier* FocusedImageLC();
   575         /**
   576         * From CCoeControl
   577         * Sets that the Browser Control visible.
   578         * @since 3.0
   579         * @param aVisible If the Browser Control is visible or invisible
   580         * @return void
   581         */
   582         void MakeVisible(TBool aVisible);
   584         /**
   585         * From CCoeControl
   586         * Handle changes in size of the display.
   587         */
   588         void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
   590         /**
   591          * From CCoeControl
   592          */
   593         void HandlePointerBufferReadyL();
   594         MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver* brCtlSpecialLoadObserver() const { return m_brCtlSpecialLoadObserver; }
   595         MBrCtlDownloadObserver* brCtlDownloadObserver();
   596         MBrCtlLinkResolver* brCtlLinkResolver() const { return m_brCtlLinkResolver; }
   597         MBrCtlDialogsProvider* brCtlDialogsProvider() const { return m_brCtlDialogsProvider; }
   598         MBrCtlWindowObserver* brCtlWindowObserver() const { return m_brCtlWindowObserver; }
   599         MBrCtlLayoutObserver* brCtlLayoutObserver() const { return m_brCtlLayoutObserver; }
   600         MBrCtlSoftkeysObserver* brCtlSoftkeysObserver() const { return m_brCtlSoftkeysObserver; }
   602         unsigned int commandIdBase() const { return m_commandIdBase; }
   603         unsigned int capabilities() const { return m_capabilities; }
   604         SettingsContainer* settings() const { return m_settingsContainer; }
   605         CBrCtl* getWindowL(TDesC& windowName, bool userGesture);
   607         void reportStateChanged(TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlState state, bool enter);
   608         void showHorizontalScrollbar(bool show);
   610         void showWindow();
   611         void closeWindowSoon();
   612         void doCloseWindowSoon();
   613         TBool sendCommandsToClient(TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlClientCommands aCommand,
   614                                     const CArrayFix<TPtrC>& aAttributesNames,
   615                                     const CArrayFix<TPtrC>& aAttributeValues );
   616         void endLoadData();
   617         void updateDefaultSoftkeys();
   618         void setCertInfo(TCertInfo* aCertInfo);
   620         void updateScrollbars(int documentHeight, int displayHeight, int displayPosY,
   621             int documentWidth, int displayWidth, int displayPosX);
   623         bool hasHorizontalScrollbar() { return m_hasHorizontalScrollbar; }
   625     public: // from MBrCtlLoadEventObserver
   627         void HandleBrowserLoadEventL( TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlLoadEvent aBrCtlLoadEvent,
   628             TUint aSize, TUint16 aTransactionId );
   630         HistoryHandler* historyHandler() { return m_historyHandler; }
   632     protected:  // Functions from CCoeControl
   634         /**
   635         * From CCoeControl
   636         * Handle changes in size of the display.
   637         */
   638         void SizeChanged();
   640         /**
   641         * From CCoeControl
   642         * Get the number of controls in the Browser Control
   643         */
   644         TInt CountComponentControls() const;
   646         /**
   647         * From CCoeControl
   648         * Get a specified control with a given index
   649         */
   650         CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
   651         void doEnableFavicon();
   652         static TInt doCloseCb(TAny* aPtr);
   653         static TInt doEnableFaviconCb(TAny* aPtr);
   655     private:    // Constructors and destructor
   657         /**
   658         * C++ default constructor.
   659         */
   660         CBrCtl( CCoeControl* aParent,
   661         TUint aBrCtlCapabilities,
   662         TUint aCommandIdBase,
   663         MBrCtlSoftkeysObserver* aBrCtlSoftkeysObserver,
   664         MBrCtlLinkResolver* aBrCtlLinkResolver,
   665         MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver* aBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver,
   666         MBrCtlLayoutObserver* aBrCtlLayoutObserver,
   667         MBrCtlDialogsProvider* aBrCtlDialogsProvider,
   668         MBrCtlWindowObserver* aBrCtlWindowObserver,
   669         MBrCtlDownloadObserver* aBrCtlDownloadObserver );
   671         /**
   672         * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   673         */
   674         void ConstructL(CCoeControl* aParent, TRect& aRect);
   676     private:
   677         void LoadResourceFileL();
   678         int getMainScrollbarWidth() const;
   680     private:    // Class data
   681         CCoeControl* m_coectrlparent;
   682         TRect        m_rect;
   683         WebView*     m_webView;
   684         HistoryHandler* m_historyHandler;
   685         SettingsContainer* m_settingsContainer;
   686         WebDataLoadConsumer* m_dataLoadConsumer;        
   687         CUserAgent* m_usrAgnt;
   689         RPointerArray<TBrCtlSubscribeTo> m_subscribeToItems;
   690         RPointerArray<HBufC> m_subscribeToUrls;
   691         RPointerArray<MBrCtlLoadEventObserver> iLoadEventObserversArray;
   692         RPointerArray<MBrCtlCommandObserver> m_commandObserverArray;
   694         // tot:fixme
   695         MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver* m_brCtlSpecialLoadObserver;
   696         MBrCtlLinkResolver* m_brCtlLinkResolver;
   697         MBrCtlDialogsProvider* m_brCtlDialogsProvider;
   698         MBrCtlWindowObserver* m_brCtlWindowObserver;
   699         MBrCtlSoftkeysObserver* m_brCtlSoftkeysObserver;
   700         MBrCtlLayoutObserver* m_brCtlLayoutObserver;
   701         RPointerArray<MBrCtlStateChangeObserver> m_stateChangeObserverArray;
   702         unsigned int m_commandIdBase;
   703         unsigned int m_capabilities;
   704         TInt m_resourceFile;
   705         CPeriodic* m_timer;
   706         bool m_wmlMode;
   707         bool m_suspendTimers;
   708         MWmlEngineInterface* m_wmlEngineInterface;
   709         RLibrary  m_Library;
   710         MWmlInterface* m_WmlInterface;
   711         TCertInfo* m_certInfo;
   712         int m_documentHeight;
   713         int m_displayHeight;
   714         int m_displayPosY;
   715         int m_documentWidth;
   716         int m_displayWidth;
   717         int m_displayPosX;
   718         bool m_hasHorizontalScrollbar;
   719         bool m_wmlUnloadPending;
   720         bool m_ownsLayoutObserver;
   721         bool m_ownsDialogsProvider;
   722         CPageScaler* m_wmlPageScaler;
   723         CWmlDispatcher* m_wmlDispatcher;
   724         RPointerArray<TBrCtlWmlServiceOption>   m_wmlServiceOption;
   725         TBrCtlWmlServiceOption*                 m_firstPrevDoElement;
   726 		MBrCtlDownloadObserver*                 m_brCtlDownloadObserver;
   728 };
   730 #endif      // BRCTL_H
   732 // End of File