changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 1 7c90e6132015
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of CHttpCacheEvictionHandler 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "HttpCacheEvictionHandler.h"
    20 #include "HttpCacheEntry.h"
    21 #include "HttpCacheUtil.h"
    27 // CONSTANTS
    29 // MACROS
    31 // from KHTML loader.cpp
    32 #define FAST_LOG2(_log2,_n)   \
    33       unsigned int j_ = (unsigned int)(_n);   \
    34       (_log2) = 0;                    \
    35       if ((j_) & ((j_)-1))            \
    36       (_log2) += 1;               \
    37       if ((j_) >> 16)                 \
    38       (_log2) += 16, (j_) >>= 16; \
    39       if ((j_) >> 8)                  \
    40       (_log2) += 8, (j_) >>= 8;   \
    41       if ((j_) >> 4)                  \
    42       (_log2) += 4, (j_) >>= 4;   \
    43       if ((j_) >> 2)                  \
    44       (_log2) += 2, (j_) >>= 2;   \
    45       if ((j_) >> 1)                  \
    46       (_log2) += 1;
    48 const TUint KHttpCacheBucketNum = 5;
    58 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
    60 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    62 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::CHttpCacheEvictionHandler
    64 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    65 // might leave.
    66 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 //
    68 CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::CHttpCacheEvictionHandler()
    69     {
    70     }
    72 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::ConstructL
    74 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    75 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 //
    77 void CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::ConstructL()
    78     {
    79     // 5 buckets
    80     // LRU, size/nref = 1 to 1
    81     // LRU, size/nref = 2 to 3
    82     // LRU, size/nref = 4 to 7
    83     // LRU, size/nref = 8 to 15
    84     // LRU, size/nref > 15
    85     iBuckets = new(ELeave)CArrayPtrFlat<TBucket>( KHttpCacheBucketNum );
    86     for( TInt i = 0; i < KHttpCacheBucketNum; i++ )
    87         {
    88         TBucket* bucket = new(ELeave)TBucket( CHttpCacheEntry::iOffset );
    89         iBuckets->AppendL( bucket );
    90         TBucket* bucketi = iBuckets->At( i );
    91         }
    92     }
    94 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::NewL
    96 // Two-phased constructor.
    97 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 //
    99 CHttpCacheEvictionHandler* CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::NewL()
   100     {
   101     CHttpCacheEvictionHandler* self = new( ELeave ) CHttpCacheEvictionHandler();
   103     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   104     self->ConstructL();
   105     CleanupStack::Pop();
   107     return self;
   108     }
   110 // Destructor
   111 CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::~CHttpCacheEvictionHandler()
   112     {
   113     if (iBuckets)
   114         {    	
   115 	    // delete the entries    
   116 	    for( TInt i=0; i<iBuckets->Count(); ++i )
   117 	        delete iBuckets->At( i );	   
   118         }        
   119         delete iBuckets;
   120     }
   122 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::InsertL
   124 //
   125 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   126 //
   127 void CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::Insert(
   128     CHttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
   129     {
   130 #ifdef __CACHELOG__
   131     HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "Eviction table: item is inserted:" ), aCacheEntry.Url() );
   132     // check double insert
   133     CHttpCacheEntry* entry;
   134     for( TInt i = 0; i < KHttpCacheBucketNum; i++ )
   135         {
   136         TBucketIter bucketIter( *iBuckets->At( i ) );
   137         //
   138         bucketIter.SetToFirst();
   139         while( ( entry = bucketIter++ ) != NULL )
   140             {
   141             __ASSERT_DEBUG( ( entry != &aCacheEntry ) , User::Panic( _L("cacheHandler Panic"), KErrCorrupt ) );
   142             }
   143         }
   144     //
   145     HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "insert entry to eviction table:" ), BucketIndex( FastLog2( aCacheEntry.Size() ) ) );
   146 #endif // __CACHELOG__
   147     // Objects are classified into a limited number of groups according to log2(Si/refi)
   148     // caclulate to which bucket it goes.
   149     // buckets are orderd by LRU
   150     Bucket( BucketIndex( FastLog2( aCacheEntry.Size() / aCacheEntry.Ref() ) ) )->AddLast( aCacheEntry );
   151     }
   153 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::Accessed
   155 //
   156 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 //
   158 void CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::Accessed(
   159     CHttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
   160     {
   161     HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "Eviction table: item is accessed:" ), aCacheEntry.Url() );
   162     // first check where it is now
   163     TInt oldRef( aCacheEntry.Ref() - 1 );
   164     if( oldRef > 0 )
   165         {
   166         //
   167         // buckets are orderd by LRU
   168         // see if we need to move it to a new bucket
   169         TInt currentBucketIndex( BucketIndex( FastLog2( aCacheEntry.Size() / oldRef ) ) );
   170         TInt newBucketIndex( BucketIndex( FastLog2( aCacheEntry.Size() / aCacheEntry.Ref() ) ) );
   171         // check if the item is really there
   172         TBool itemOk( ItemIsInBucket( currentBucketIndex, aCacheEntry ) );
   174         if( itemOk )
   175             {
   176             HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "item is in bucket:" ), currentBucketIndex );
   177             if( currentBucketIndex == newBucketIndex )
   178                 {
   179                 HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "move entry to the end of the bucket. it's safe there" ) );
   180                 TBucket* bucket( Bucket( currentBucketIndex ) );
   181                 // move it to the end
   182                 if( !bucket->IsLast( &aCacheEntry ) )
   183                     {
   184                     bucket->Remove( aCacheEntry );
   185                     bucket->AddLast( aCacheEntry );
   186                     }
   187                 }
   188             else
   189                 {
   190                 HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "move item to a new bucket" ), newBucketIndex );
   191                 // new bucket
   192                 TBucket* currBucket( Bucket( currentBucketIndex ) );
   193                 TBucket* newBucket( Bucket( newBucketIndex ) );
   194                 // remove from the current and add it to the
   195                 // new as last item
   197                 // make sure the item is there
   198                 // move it to the end
   199                 currBucket->Remove( aCacheEntry );
   200                 newBucket->AddLast( aCacheEntry );
   201                 }
   202             }
   203         else
   204             {
   205             // assert
   206             __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse , User::Panic( _L("cacheHandler Panic"), KErrCorrupt ) );
   207             }
   208         }
   209     else if( oldRef == 0 )
   210         {
   211         // first -original access. ignore it
   212         // as it is already placed at insert()
   213         }
   214     else
   215         {
   216         // entry with 0 starting refcount??? doh.
   217         __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse , User::Panic( _L("cacheHandler Panic"), KErrCorrupt ) );
   218         }
   219     }
   221 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   222 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::Changed
   223 //
   224 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225 //
   226 void CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::Changed(
   227     CHttpCacheEntry& /*aCacheEntry*/ )
   228     {
   229     // check if size changed
   230     }
   232 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   233 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::Remove
   234 //
   235 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   236 //
   237 void CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::Remove(
   238     CHttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
   239     {
   240     HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "Eviction table: try to remove item:" ), aCacheEntry.Url() );
   241     //
   242     TInt sizeFreqVal( FastLog2( aCacheEntry.Size() / aCacheEntry.Ref() ) );
   243     // check if the item is in the right bucket
   244     TInt bucketIndex( BucketIndex( sizeFreqVal ) );
   245     TBucket* bucket( Bucket( bucketIndex ) );
   246     TBool itemOk( ItemIsInBucket( bucketIndex, aCacheEntry ) );
   248     if( itemOk )
   249         {
   250         //
   251         HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "removed from bucket:" ), bucketIndex );
   252         bucket->Remove( aCacheEntry );
   253         }
   254 #ifdef __CACHELOG__
   255     else
   256         {
   257          HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "item is not in bucket no." ), bucketIndex );
   258         }
   259 #endif // __CACHELOG__
   260     }
   262 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::Evict
   264 //
   265 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   266 //
   267 CArrayPtrFlat<CHttpCacheEntry>* CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::EvictL(
   268     TInt aSpaceNeeded )
   269     {
   270     HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "need space:" ), aSpaceNeeded );
   271 #ifdef __CACHELOG__
   272     LogBuckets();
   273 #endif // __CACHELOG__
   274     //
   275     CArrayPtrFlat<CHttpCacheEntry>* evictedEntries = new(ELeave)CArrayPtrFlat<CHttpCacheEntry>( 10 );
   276     CleanupStack::PushL( evictedEntries );
   277     //
   278     // Each group is managed using a LRU
   279     // policy. The extended cost-to-size model is applied to the
   280     // eviction candidates from all nonempty groups, purging the
   281     // object with largest ( DeltaT * Size / Ref ) ->delataT == curr time - last accessed
   282     TTime currTime;
   283     currTime.HomeTime();
   284     //
   285     while( aSpaceNeeded > 0 )
   286         {
   287         // take one item from each bucket and
   288         // check who has to go
   289         TInt bucketInd( -1 );
   290         TInt maxVal( -1 );
   291         TTimeIntervalSeconds secInt;
   292         CHttpCacheEntry* candidate = NULL;
   293         for( TInt i = 0; i < KHttpCacheBucketNum; i++ )
   294             {
   295             CHttpCacheEntry* entry = NULL;
   296             TBucket* bucket = iBuckets->At( i );
   297             // get the first (LRU) item from each bucket
   298             if( !bucket->IsEmpty() )
   299                 {
   300                 entry = bucket->First();
   301                 }
   302             // evacuate nonactive entries only
   303             if( entry && entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete )
   304                 {
   305                 // watch out for 32 bit. it might overflow secInt.
   306                 currTime.SecondsFrom( entry->LastAccessed(), secInt );
   308                 TInt val( secInt.Int() * entry->Size() / entry->Ref() );
   309                 // get the object with largest ( DeltaT * Size / Ref )
   310                 if( val > maxVal )
   311                     {
   312                     maxVal = val;
   313                     bucketInd = i;
   314                     candidate = entry;
   315                     }
   316                 }
   317             }
   318         // remove from the bucket
   319         // add it to the evicted list
   320         // reduce space needed size
   321         if( candidate )
   322             {
   323 #ifdef __CACHELOG__
   324             // no protected entries should be evacuated
   325             if( candidate->Protected() )
   326             	{
   327 	            HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "PROTECTED entry is about to be removed" ), candidate->Url() );
   328             	}
   329             //
   330             HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "entry to remove:" ), candidate->Url() );
   331 #endif //__CACHELOG__
   332             //
   333             iBuckets->At( bucketInd )->Remove( *candidate );
   334             // reduce size
   335             aSpaceNeeded-= candidate->Size();
   336             aSpaceNeeded-= candidate->HeaderSize();
   337             //
   338             evictedEntries->AppendL( candidate );
   339             //
   340             HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "more space needed" ), aSpaceNeeded );
   341             }
   342         else
   343             {
   344             // no candidate no free
   345             break;
   346             }
   347         }
   348     CleanupStack::Pop(); // evictedEntries
   349     return evictedEntries;
   350     }
   352 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   353 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::RemoveAll
   354 //
   355 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   356 //
   357 void CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::RemoveAll()
   358     {
   359     HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "Eviction table: remove all item:" ) );
   360     //
   361     for( TInt i = 0; i < KHttpCacheBucketNum; i++ )
   362         {
   363         iBuckets->At( i )->Reset();
   364         //
   365         }
   366     }
   368 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   369 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::Bucket
   370 //
   371 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   372 //
   373 TBucket* CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::Bucket(
   374     TInt aIndex )
   375     {
   376     return iBuckets->At( aIndex );
   377     }
   379 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   380 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::BucketIndex
   381 //
   382 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   383 //
   384 TInt CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::BucketIndex(
   385     TInt aSizeFrequencyValue )
   386     {
   387     // last bucket by default
   388     TInt index( 4 );
   389     // supports only 5 buckets at the moment
   390     if( aSizeFrequencyValue == 1 )
   391         {
   392         index = 0;
   393         }
   394     else if( aSizeFrequencyValue < 4 )
   395         {
   396         index = 1;
   397         }
   398     else if( aSizeFrequencyValue < 8 )
   399         {
   400         index = 2;
   401         }
   402     else if( aSizeFrequencyValue < 16 )
   403         {
   404         index = 3;
   405         }
   406     return index;
   407     }
   409 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   410 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::ItemIsInBucket
   411 //
   412 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   413 //
   414 TBool CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::ItemIsInBucket(
   415     TInt aBucketIndex,
   416     const CHttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
   417     {
   418     TBool found( EFalse );
   419     CHttpCacheEntry* entry;
   421     TBucketIter bucketIter( *(iBuckets->At( aBucketIndex )) );
   422     //
   423     bucketIter.SetToFirst();
   424     while( ( entry = bucketIter++ ) != NULL )
   425         {
   426         if( entry == &aCacheEntry )
   427             {
   428             found = ETrue;
   429             break;
   430             }
   431         }
   432 #ifdef __CACHELOG__
   433     if( !found )
   434         {
   435         HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "Eviction table: item NOT FOUND" ) );
   436         }
   437 #endif // __CACHELOG__
   438     return found;
   439     }
   441 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   442 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::FastLog2
   443 //
   444 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   445 //
   446 TInt CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::FastLog2(
   447     TUint aNum )
   448     {
   449     TInt log2;
   450     FAST_LOG2( log2, aNum );
   451     return log2;
   452     }
   454 #ifdef __CACHELOG__
   455 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   456 // CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::LogBuckets
   457 //
   458 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   459 //
   460 void CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::LogBuckets()
   461     {
   462     CHttpCacheEntry* entry;
   463     for( TInt i = 0; i < KHttpCacheBucketNum; i++ )
   464         {
   465         HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "------------------------------" ), i );
   467         TBucketIter bucketIter( *(iBuckets->At( i )) );
   468         //
   469         bucketIter.SetToFirst();
   470         while( ( entry = bucketIter++ ) != NULL )
   471             {
   472             _LIT( KDateString,"%D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%.%*C4%:3%+B");
   473             _LIT( KRefSizeString,"size: %d refcount:%d");
   475             TBuf<50> refStr;
   476             TBuf<50> lastAccessedStr;
   478             TTime lastAccessed( entry->LastAccessed() );
   479             lastAccessed.FormatL( lastAccessedStr, KDateString );
   480             // add size/refcount
   481             refStr.Format( KRefSizeString, entry->Size(), entry->Ref() );
   482             // copy to 8bit string
   483             HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, refStr, entry->Url() );
   484             HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, lastAccessedStr );
   485             }
   486         }
   487     }
   488 #endif // __CACHELOG__
   490 //  End of File