changeset 0 dd21522fd290
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 ** 2001 September 15
     3 **
     4 ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
     5 ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
     6 **
     7 **    May you do good and not evil.
     8 **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
     9 **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
    10 **
    11 *************************************************************************
    12 ** Main file for the SQLite library.  The routines in this file
    13 ** implement the programmer interface to the library.  Routines in
    14 ** other files are for internal use by SQLite and should not be
    15 ** accessed by users of the library.
    16 **
    17 ** $Id: main.c,v 1.356 2006/09/02 13:58:07 drh Exp $
    18 */
    19 #include "sqliteInt.h"
    20 #include "os.h"
    21 #include <ctype.h>
    23 /*
    24 ** The following constant value is used by the SQLITE_BIGENDIAN and
    25 ** SQLITE_LITTLEENDIAN macros.
    26 */
    27 const int sqlite3one = 1;
    29 /*
    30 ** The version of the library
    31 */
    32 const char sqlite3_version[] = SQLITE_VERSION;
    33 const char *sqlite3_libversion(void){ return sqlite3_version; }
    34 int sqlite3_libversion_number(void){ return SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER; }
    36 /*
    37 ** This is the default collating function named "BINARY" which is always
    38 ** available.
    39 */
    40 static int binCollFunc(
    41   void *NotUsed,
    42   int nKey1, const void *pKey1,
    43   int nKey2, const void *pKey2
    44 ){
    45   int rc, n;
    46   n = nKey1<nKey2 ? nKey1 : nKey2;
    47   rc = memcmp(pKey1, pKey2, n);
    48   if( rc==0 ){
    49     rc = nKey1 - nKey2;
    50   }
    51   return rc;
    52 }
    54 /*
    55 ** Another built-in collating sequence: NOCASE. 
    56 **
    57 ** This collating sequence is intended to be used for "case independant
    58 ** comparison". SQLite's knowledge of upper and lower case equivalents
    59 ** extends only to the 26 characters used in the English language.
    60 **
    61 ** At the moment there is only a UTF-8 implementation.
    62 */
    63 static int nocaseCollatingFunc(
    64   void *NotUsed,
    65   int nKey1, const void *pKey1,
    66   int nKey2, const void *pKey2
    67 ){
    68   int r = sqlite3StrNICmp(
    69       (const char *)pKey1, (const char *)pKey2, (nKey1<nKey2)?nKey1:nKey2);
    70   if( 0==r ){
    71     r = nKey1-nKey2;
    72   }
    73   return r;
    74 }
    76 /*
    77 ** Return the ROWID of the most recent insert
    78 */
    79 EXPORT_C sqlite_int64 sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3 *db){
    80   return db->lastRowid;
    81 }
    83 /*
    84 ** Return the number of changes in the most recent call to sqlite3_exec().
    85 */
    86 EXPORT_C int sqlite3_changes(sqlite3 *db){
    87   return db->nChange;
    88 }
    90 /*
    91 ** Return the number of changes since the database handle was opened.
    92 */
    93 int sqlite3_total_changes(sqlite3 *db){
    94   return db->nTotalChange;
    95 }
    97 /*
    98 ** Close an existing SQLite database
    99 */
   100 EXPORT_C int sqlite3_close(sqlite3 *db){
   101   HashElem *i;
   102   int j;
   104   if( !db ){
   105     return SQLITE_OK;
   106   }
   107   if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
   108     return SQLITE_MISUSE;
   109   }
   111 #ifdef SQLITE_SSE
   112   {
   113     extern void sqlite3SseCleanup(sqlite3*);
   114     sqlite3SseCleanup(db);
   115   }
   116 #endif 
   118   /* If there are any outstanding VMs, return SQLITE_BUSY. */
   119   sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0);
   120   if( db->pVdbe ){
   121     sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_BUSY, 
   122         "Unable to close due to unfinalised statements");
   123     return SQLITE_BUSY;
   124   }
   125   assert( !sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) );
   127   /* FIX ME: db->magic may be set to SQLITE_MAGIC_CLOSED if the database
   128   ** cannot be opened for some reason. So this routine needs to run in
   129   ** that case. But maybe there should be an extra magic value for the
   130   ** "failed to open" state.
   131   */
   132   if( db->magic!=SQLITE_MAGIC_CLOSED && sqlite3SafetyOn(db) ){
   133     /* printf("DID NOT CLOSE\n"); fflush(stdout); */
   134     return SQLITE_ERROR;
   135   }
   137   sqlite3VtabRollback(db);
   139   for(j=0; j<db->nDb; j++){
   140     struct Db *pDb = &db->aDb[j];
   141     if( pDb->pBt ){
   142       sqlite3BtreeClose(pDb->pBt);
   143       pDb->pBt = 0;
   144       if( j!=1 ){
   145         pDb->pSchema = 0;
   146       }
   147     }
   148   }
   149   sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0);
   150   assert( db->nDb<=2 );
   151   assert( db->aDb==db->aDbStatic );
   152   for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aFunc); i; i=sqliteHashNext(i)){
   153     FuncDef *pFunc, *pNext;
   154     for(pFunc = (FuncDef*)sqliteHashData(i); pFunc; pFunc=pNext){
   155       pNext = pFunc->pNext;
   156       sqliteFree(pFunc);
   157     }
   158   }
   160   for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aCollSeq); i; i=sqliteHashNext(i)){
   161     CollSeq *pColl = (CollSeq *)sqliteHashData(i);
   162     sqliteFree(pColl);
   163   }
   164   sqlite3HashClear(&db->aCollSeq);
   166   for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aModule); i; i=sqliteHashNext(i)){
   167     Module *pMod = (Module *)sqliteHashData(i);
   168     sqliteFree(pMod);
   169   }
   170   sqlite3HashClear(&db->aModule);
   171 #endif
   173   sqlite3HashClear(&db->aFunc);
   174   sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_OK, 0); /* Deallocates any cached error strings. */
   175   if( db->pErr ){
   176     sqlite3ValueFree(db->pErr);
   177   }
   178   sqlite3CloseExtensions(db);
   180   db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_ERROR;
   182   /* The temp-database schema is allocated differently from the other schema
   183   ** objects (using sqliteMalloc() directly, instead of sqlite3BtreeSchema()).
   184   ** So it needs to be freed here. Todo: Why not roll the temp schema into
   185   ** the same sqliteMalloc() as the one that allocates the database 
   186   ** structure?
   187   */
   188   sqliteFree(db->aDb[1].pSchema);
   189   sqliteFree(db);
   190   sqlite3ReleaseThreadData();
   191   return SQLITE_OK;
   192 }
   194 /*
   195 ** Rollback all database files.
   196 */
   197 void sqlite3RollbackAll(sqlite3 *db){
   198   int i;
   199   int inTrans = 0;
   200   for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
   201     if( db->aDb[i].pBt ){
   202       if( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(db->aDb[i].pBt) ){
   203         inTrans = 1;
   204       }
   205       sqlite3BtreeRollback(db->aDb[i].pBt);
   206       db->aDb[i].inTrans = 0;
   207     }
   208   }
   209   sqlite3VtabRollback(db);
   210   if( db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges ){
   211     sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0);
   212   }
   214   /* If one has been configured, invoke the rollback-hook callback */
   215   if( db->xRollbackCallback && (inTrans || !db->autoCommit) ){
   216     db->xRollbackCallback(db->pRollbackArg);
   217   }
   218 }
   220 /*
   221 ** Return a static string that describes the kind of error specified in the
   222 ** argument.
   223 */
   224 const char *sqlite3ErrStr(int rc){
   225   const char *z;
   226   switch( rc ){
   227     case SQLITE_ROW:
   228     case SQLITE_DONE:
   229     case SQLITE_OK:         z = "not an error";                          break;
   230     case SQLITE_ERROR:      z = "SQL logic error or missing database";   break;
   231     case SQLITE_PERM:       z = "access permission denied";              break;
   232     case SQLITE_ABORT:      z = "callback requested query abort";        break;
   233     case SQLITE_BUSY:       z = "database is locked";                    break;
   234     case SQLITE_LOCKED:     z = "database table is locked";              break;
   235     case SQLITE_NOMEM:      z = "out of memory";                         break;
   236     case SQLITE_READONLY:   z = "attempt to write a readonly database";  break;
   237     case SQLITE_INTERRUPT:  z = "interrupted";                           break;
   238     case SQLITE_IOERR:      z = "disk I/O error";                        break;
   239     case SQLITE_CORRUPT:    z = "database disk image is malformed";      break;
   240     case SQLITE_FULL:       z = "database or disk is full";              break;
   241     case SQLITE_CANTOPEN:   z = "unable to open database file";          break;
   242     case SQLITE_PROTOCOL:   z = "database locking protocol failure";     break;
   243     case SQLITE_EMPTY:      z = "table contains no data";                break;
   244     case SQLITE_SCHEMA:     z = "database schema has changed";           break;
   245     case SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: z = "constraint failed";                     break;
   246     case SQLITE_MISMATCH:   z = "datatype mismatch";                     break;
   247     case SQLITE_MISUSE:     z = "library routine called out of sequence";break;
   248     case SQLITE_NOLFS:      z = "kernel lacks large file support";       break;
   249     case SQLITE_AUTH:       z = "authorization denied";                  break;
   250     case SQLITE_FORMAT:     z = "auxiliary database format error";       break;
   251     case SQLITE_RANGE:      z = "bind or column index out of range";     break;
   252     case SQLITE_NOTADB:     z = "file is encrypted or is not a database";break;
   253     default:                z = "unknown error";                         break;
   254   }
   255   return z;
   256 }
   258 /*
   259 ** This routine implements a busy callback that sleeps and tries
   260 ** again until a timeout value is reached.  The timeout value is
   261 ** an integer number of milliseconds passed in as the first
   262 ** argument.
   263 */
   264 static int sqliteDefaultBusyCallback(
   265  void *ptr,               /* Database connection */
   266  int count                /* Number of times table has been busy */
   267 ){
   268 #if OS_WIN || (defined(HAVE_USLEEP) && HAVE_USLEEP)
   269   static const u8 delays[] =
   270      { 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 25,  25,  50,  50, 100 };
   271   static const u8 totals[] =
   272      { 0, 1, 3,  8, 18, 33, 53, 78, 103, 128, 178, 228 };
   273 # define NDELAY (sizeof(delays)/sizeof(delays[0]))
   274   int timeout = ((sqlite3 *)ptr)->busyTimeout;
   275   int delay, prior;
   277   assert( count>=0 );
   278   if( count < NDELAY ){
   279     delay = delays[count];
   280     prior = totals[count];
   281   }else{
   282     delay = delays[NDELAY-1];
   283     prior = totals[NDELAY-1] + delay*(count-(NDELAY-1));
   284   }
   285   if( prior + delay > timeout ){
   286     delay = timeout - prior;
   287     if( delay<=0 ) return 0;
   288   }
   289   sqlite3OsSleep(delay);
   290   return 1;
   291 #else
   292   int timeout = ((sqlite3 *)ptr)->busyTimeout;
   293   if( (count+1)*1000 > timeout ){
   294     return 0;
   295   }
   296   sqlite3OsSleep(1000);
   297   return 1;
   298 #endif
   299 }
   301 /*
   302 ** Invoke the given busy handler.
   303 **
   304 ** This routine is called when an operation failed with a lock.
   305 ** If this routine returns non-zero, the lock is retried.  If it
   306 ** returns 0, the operation aborts with an SQLITE_BUSY error.
   307 */
   308 int sqlite3InvokeBusyHandler(BusyHandler *p){
   309   int rc;
   310   if( p==0 || p->xFunc==0 || p->nBusy<0 ) return 0;
   311   rc = p->xFunc(p->pArg, p->nBusy);
   312   if( rc==0 ){
   313     p->nBusy = -1;
   314   }else{
   315     p->nBusy++;
   316   }
   317   return rc; 
   318 }
   320 /*
   321 ** This routine sets the busy callback for an Sqlite database to the
   322 ** given callback function with the given argument.
   323 */
   324 EXPORT_C int sqlite3_busy_handler(
   325   sqlite3 *db,
   326   int (*xBusy)(void*,int),
   327   void *pArg
   328 ){
   329   if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
   330     return SQLITE_MISUSE;
   331   }
   332   db->busyHandler.xFunc = xBusy;
   333   db->busyHandler.pArg = pArg;
   334   db->busyHandler.nBusy = 0;
   335   return SQLITE_OK;
   336 }
   339 /*
   340 ** This routine sets the progress callback for an Sqlite database to the
   341 ** given callback function with the given argument. The progress callback will
   342 ** be invoked every nOps opcodes.
   343 */
   344 void sqlite3_progress_handler(
   345   sqlite3 *db, 
   346   int nOps,
   347   int (*xProgress)(void*), 
   348   void *pArg
   349 ){
   350   if( !sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
   351     if( nOps>0 ){
   352       db->xProgress = xProgress;
   353       db->nProgressOps = nOps;
   354       db->pProgressArg = pArg;
   355     }else{
   356       db->xProgress = 0;
   357       db->nProgressOps = 0;
   358       db->pProgressArg = 0;
   359     }
   360   }
   361 }
   362 #endif
   365 /*
   366 ** This routine installs a default busy handler that waits for the
   367 ** specified number of milliseconds before returning 0.
   368 */
   369 EXPORT_C int sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite3 *db, int ms){
   370   if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
   371     return SQLITE_MISUSE;
   372   }
   373   if( ms>0 ){
   374     db->busyTimeout = ms;
   375     sqlite3_busy_handler(db, sqliteDefaultBusyCallback, (void*)db);
   376   }else{
   377     sqlite3_busy_handler(db, 0, 0);
   378   }
   379   return SQLITE_OK;
   380 }
   382 /*
   383 ** Cause any pending operation to stop at its earliest opportunity.
   384 */
   385 void sqlite3_interrupt(sqlite3 *db){
   386   if( db && (db->magic==SQLITE_MAGIC_OPEN || db->magic==SQLITE_MAGIC_BUSY) ){
   387     db->u1.isInterrupted = 1;
   388   }
   389 }
   391 /*
   392 ** Memory allocation routines that use SQLites internal memory
   393 ** memory allocator.  Depending on how SQLite is compiled, the
   394 ** internal memory allocator might be just an alias for the
   395 ** system default malloc/realloc/free.  Or the built-in allocator
   396 ** might do extra stuff like put sentinals around buffers to 
   397 ** check for overruns or look for memory leaks.
   398 **
   399 ** Use sqlite3_free() to free memory returned by sqlite3_mprintf().
   400 */
   401 void sqlite3_free(void *p){ if( p ) sqlite3OsFree(p); }
   402 void *sqlite3_malloc(int nByte){ return nByte>0 ? sqlite3OsMalloc(nByte) : 0; }
   403 void *sqlite3_realloc(void *pOld, int nByte){ 
   404   if( pOld ){
   405     if( nByte>0 ){
   406       return sqlite3OsRealloc(pOld, nByte);
   407     }else{
   408       sqlite3OsFree(pOld);
   409       return 0;
   410     }
   411   }else{
   412     return sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
   413   }
   414 }
   416 /*
   417 ** This function is exactly the same as sqlite3_create_function(), except
   418 ** that it is designed to be called by internal code. The difference is
   419 ** that if a malloc() fails in sqlite3_create_function(), an error code
   420 ** is returned and the mallocFailed flag cleared. 
   421 */
   422 int sqlite3CreateFunc(
   423   sqlite3 *db,
   424   const char *zFunctionName,
   425   int nArg,
   426   int enc,
   427   void *pUserData,
   428   void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **),
   429   void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **),
   430   void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*)
   431 ){
   432   FuncDef *p;
   433   int nName;
   435   if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
   436     return SQLITE_MISUSE;
   437   }
   438   if( zFunctionName==0 ||
   439       (xFunc && (xFinal || xStep)) || 
   440       (!xFunc && (xFinal && !xStep)) ||
   441       (!xFunc && (!xFinal && xStep)) ||
   442       (nArg<-1 || nArg>127) ||
   443       (255<(nName = strlen(zFunctionName))) ){
   444     sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_ERROR, "bad parameters");
   445     return SQLITE_ERROR;
   446   }
   448 #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
   449   /* If SQLITE_UTF16 is specified as the encoding type, transform this
   450   ** to one of SQLITE_UTF16LE or SQLITE_UTF16BE using the
   451   ** SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE macro. SQLITE_UTF16 is not used internally.
   452   **
   453   ** If SQLITE_ANY is specified, add three versions of the function
   454   ** to the hash table.
   455   */
   456   if( enc==SQLITE_UTF16 ){
   457     enc = SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE;
   458   }else if( enc==SQLITE_ANY ){
   459     int rc;
   460     rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunctionName, nArg, SQLITE_UTF8,
   461          pUserData, xFunc, xStep, xFinal);
   462     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
   463     rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunctionName, nArg, SQLITE_UTF16LE,
   464         pUserData, xFunc, xStep, xFinal);
   465     if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
   466     enc = SQLITE_UTF16BE;
   467   }
   468 #else
   469   enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
   470 #endif
   472   /* Check if an existing function is being overridden or deleted. If so,
   473   ** and there are active VMs, then return SQLITE_BUSY. If a function
   474   ** is being overridden/deleted but there are no active VMs, allow the
   475   ** operation to continue but invalidate all precompiled statements.
   476   */
   477   p = sqlite3FindFunction(db, zFunctionName, nName, nArg, enc, 0);
   478   if( p && p->iPrefEnc==enc && p->nArg==nArg ){
   479     if( db->activeVdbeCnt ){
   480       sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_BUSY, 
   481         "Unable to delete/modify user-function due to active statements");
   482       assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
   483       return SQLITE_BUSY;
   484     }else{
   485       sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db);
   486     }
   487   }
   489   p = sqlite3FindFunction(db, zFunctionName, nName, nArg, enc, 1);
   490   if( p ){
   491     p->flags = 0;
   492     p->xFunc = xFunc;
   493     p->xStep = xStep;
   494     p->xFinalize = xFinal;
   495     p->pUserData = pUserData;
   496     p->nArg = nArg;
   497   }
   498   return SQLITE_OK;
   499 }
   501 /*
   502 ** Create new user functions.
   503 */
   504 int sqlite3_create_function(
   505   sqlite3 *db,
   506   const char *zFunctionName,
   507   int nArg,
   508   int enc,
   509   void *p,
   510   void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **),
   511   void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **),
   512   void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*)
   513 ){
   514   int rc;
   515   assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
   516   rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunctionName, nArg, enc, p, xFunc, xStep, xFinal);
   518   return sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
   519 }
   521 #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
   522 int sqlite3_create_function16(
   523   sqlite3 *db,
   524   const void *zFunctionName,
   525   int nArg,
   526   int eTextRep,
   527   void *p,
   528   void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
   529   void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
   530   void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*)
   531 ){
   532   int rc;
   533   char *zFunc8;
   534   assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
   536   zFunc8 = sqlite3utf16to8(zFunctionName, -1);
   537   rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunc8, nArg, eTextRep, p, xFunc, xStep, xFinal);
   538   sqliteFree(zFunc8);
   540   return sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
   541 }
   542 #endif
   544 #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE
   545 /*
   546 ** Register a trace function.  The pArg from the previously registered trace
   547 ** is returned.  
   548 **
   549 ** A NULL trace function means that no tracing is executes.  A non-NULL
   550 ** trace is a pointer to a function that is invoked at the start of each
   551 ** SQL statement.
   552 */
   553 void *sqlite3_trace(sqlite3 *db, void (*xTrace)(void*,const char*), void *pArg){
   554   void *pOld = db->pTraceArg;
   555   db->xTrace = xTrace;
   556   db->pTraceArg = pArg;
   557   return pOld;
   558 }
   559 /*
   560 ** Register a profile function.  The pArg from the previously registered 
   561 ** profile function is returned.  
   562 **
   563 ** A NULL profile function means that no profiling is executes.  A non-NULL
   564 ** profile is a pointer to a function that is invoked at the conclusion of
   565 ** each SQL statement that is run.
   566 */
   567 void *sqlite3_profile(
   568   sqlite3 *db,
   569   void (*xProfile)(void*,const char*,sqlite_uint64),
   570   void *pArg
   571 ){
   572   void *pOld = db->pProfileArg;
   573   db->xProfile = xProfile;
   574   db->pProfileArg = pArg;
   575   return pOld;
   576 }
   577 #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE */
   579 /*** EXPERIMENTAL ***
   580 **
   581 ** Register a function to be invoked when a transaction comments.
   582 ** If the invoked function returns non-zero, then the commit becomes a
   583 ** rollback.
   584 */
   585 void *sqlite3_commit_hook(
   586   sqlite3 *db,              /* Attach the hook to this database */
   587   int (*xCallback)(void*),  /* Function to invoke on each commit */
   588   void *pArg                /* Argument to the function */
   589 ){
   590   void *pOld = db->pCommitArg;
   591   db->xCommitCallback = xCallback;
   592   db->pCommitArg = pArg;
   593   return pOld;
   594 }
   596 /*
   597 ** Register a callback to be invoked each time a row is updated,
   598 ** inserted or deleted using this database connection.
   599 */
   600 void *sqlite3_update_hook(
   601   sqlite3 *db,              /* Attach the hook to this database */
   602   void (*xCallback)(void*,int,char const *,char const *,sqlite_int64),
   603   void *pArg                /* Argument to the function */
   604 ){
   605   void *pRet = db->pUpdateArg;
   606   db->xUpdateCallback = xCallback;
   607   db->pUpdateArg = pArg;
   608   return pRet;
   609 }
   611 /*
   612 ** Register a callback to be invoked each time a transaction is rolled
   613 ** back by this database connection.
   614 */
   615 void *sqlite3_rollback_hook(
   616   sqlite3 *db,              /* Attach the hook to this database */
   617   void (*xCallback)(void*), /* Callback function */
   618   void *pArg                /* Argument to the function */
   619 ){
   620   void *pRet = db->pRollbackArg;
   621   db->xRollbackCallback = xCallback;
   622   db->pRollbackArg = pArg;
   623   return pRet;
   624 }
   626 /*
   627 ** This routine is called to create a connection to a database BTree
   628 ** driver.  If zFilename is the name of a file, then that file is
   629 ** opened and used.  If zFilename is the magic name ":memory:" then
   630 ** the database is stored in memory (and is thus forgotten as soon as
   631 ** the connection is closed.)  If zFilename is NULL then the database
   632 ** is a "virtual" database for transient use only and is deleted as
   633 ** soon as the connection is closed.
   634 **
   635 ** A virtual database can be either a disk file (that is automatically
   636 ** deleted when the file is closed) or it an be held entirely in memory,
   637 ** depending on the values of the TEMP_STORE compile-time macro and the
   638 ** db->temp_store variable, according to the following chart:
   639 **
   640 **       TEMP_STORE     db->temp_store     Location of temporary database
   641 **       ----------     --------------     ------------------------------
   642 **           0               any             file
   643 **           1                1              file
   644 **           1                2              memory
   645 **           1                0              file
   646 **           2                1              file
   647 **           2                2              memory
   648 **           2                0              memory
   649 **           3               any             memory
   650 */
   651 int sqlite3BtreeFactory(
   652   const sqlite3 *db,        /* Main database when opening aux otherwise 0 */
   653   const char *zFilename,    /* Name of the file containing the BTree database */
   654   int omitJournal,          /* if TRUE then do not journal this file */
   655   int nCache,               /* How many pages in the page cache */
   656   Btree **ppBtree           /* Pointer to new Btree object written here */
   657 ){
   658   int btree_flags = 0;
   659   int rc;
   661   assert( ppBtree != 0);
   662   if( omitJournal ){
   663     btree_flags |= BTREE_OMIT_JOURNAL;
   664   }
   665   if( db->flags & SQLITE_NoReadlock ){
   666     btree_flags |= BTREE_NO_READLOCK;
   667   }
   668   if( zFilename==0 ){
   669 #if TEMP_STORE==0
   670     /* Do nothing */
   671 #endif
   673 #if TEMP_STORE==1
   674     if( db->temp_store==2 ) zFilename = ":memory:";
   675 #endif
   676 #if TEMP_STORE==2
   677     if( db->temp_store!=1 ) zFilename = ":memory:";
   678 #endif
   679 #if TEMP_STORE==3
   680     zFilename = ":memory:";
   681 #endif
   682 #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORYDB */
   683   }
   685   rc = sqlite3BtreeOpen(zFilename, (sqlite3 *)db, ppBtree, btree_flags);
   686   if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
   687     sqlite3BtreeSetBusyHandler(*ppBtree, (void*)&db->busyHandler);
   688     sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(*ppBtree, nCache);
   689   }
   690   return rc;
   691 }
   693 /*
   694 ** Return UTF-8 encoded English language explanation of the most recent
   695 ** error.
   696 */
   697 EXPORT_C const char *sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite3 *db){
   698   const char *z;
   699   if( !db || sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
   700     return sqlite3ErrStr(SQLITE_NOMEM);
   701   }
   702   if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) || db->errCode==SQLITE_MISUSE ){
   703     return sqlite3ErrStr(SQLITE_MISUSE);
   704   }
   705   z = (char*)sqlite3_value_text(db->pErr);
   706   if( z==0 ){
   707     z = sqlite3ErrStr(db->errCode);
   708   }
   709   return z;
   710 }
   712 #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
   713 /*
   714 ** Return UTF-16 encoded English language explanation of the most recent
   715 ** error.
   716 */
   717 const void *sqlite3_errmsg16(sqlite3 *db){
   718   /* Because all the characters in the string are in the unicode
   719   ** range 0x00-0xFF, if we pad the big-endian string with a 
   720   ** zero byte, we can obtain the little-endian string with
   721   ** &big_endian[1].
   722   */
   723   static const char outOfMemBe[] = {
   724     0, 'o', 0, 'u', 0, 't', 0, ' ', 
   725     0, 'o', 0, 'f', 0, ' ', 
   726     0, 'm', 0, 'e', 0, 'm', 0, 'o', 0, 'r', 0, 'y', 0, 0, 0
   727   };
   728   static const char misuseBe [] = {
   729     0, 'l', 0, 'i', 0, 'b', 0, 'r', 0, 'a', 0, 'r', 0, 'y', 0, ' ', 
   730     0, 'r', 0, 'o', 0, 'u', 0, 't', 0, 'i', 0, 'n', 0, 'e', 0, ' ', 
   731     0, 'c', 0, 'a', 0, 'l', 0, 'l', 0, 'e', 0, 'd', 0, ' ', 
   732     0, 'o', 0, 'u', 0, 't', 0, ' ', 
   733     0, 'o', 0, 'f', 0, ' ', 
   734     0, 's', 0, 'e', 0, 'q', 0, 'u', 0, 'e', 0, 'n', 0, 'c', 0, 'e', 0, 0, 0
   735   };
   737   const void *z;
   738   if( sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
   739     return (void *)(&outOfMemBe[SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE==SQLITE_UTF16LE?1:0]);
   740   }
   741   if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) || db->errCode==SQLITE_MISUSE ){
   742     return (void *)(&misuseBe[SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE==SQLITE_UTF16LE?1:0]);
   743   }
   744   z = sqlite3_value_text16(db->pErr);
   745   if( z==0 ){
   746     sqlite3ValueSetStr(db->pErr, -1, sqlite3ErrStr(db->errCode),
   747          SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_STATIC);
   748     z = sqlite3_value_text16(db->pErr);
   749   }
   750   sqlite3ApiExit(0, 0);
   751   return z;
   752 }
   753 #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
   755 /*
   756 ** Return the most recent error code generated by an SQLite routine. If NULL is
   757 ** passed to this function, we assume a malloc() failed during sqlite3_open().
   758 */
   759 EXPORT_C int sqlite3_errcode(sqlite3 *db){
   760   if( !db || sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
   761     return SQLITE_NOMEM;
   762   }
   763   if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
   764     return SQLITE_MISUSE;
   765   }
   766   return db->errCode;
   767 }
   769 /*
   770 ** Create a new collating function for database "db".  The name is zName
   771 ** and the encoding is enc.
   772 */
   773 static int createCollation(
   774   sqlite3* db, 
   775   const char *zName, 
   776   int enc, 
   777   void* pCtx,
   778   int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*)
   779 ){
   780   CollSeq *pColl;
   781   int enc2;
   783   if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
   784     return SQLITE_MISUSE;
   785   }
   787   /* If SQLITE_UTF16 is specified as the encoding type, transform this
   788   ** to one of SQLITE_UTF16LE or SQLITE_UTF16BE using the
   789   ** SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE macro. SQLITE_UTF16 is not used internally.
   790   */
   791   enc2 = enc & ~SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED;
   792   if( enc2==SQLITE_UTF16 ){
   793     enc2 = SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE;
   794   }
   796   if( (enc2&~3)!=0 ){
   797     sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_ERROR, "unknown encoding");
   798     return SQLITE_ERROR;
   799   }
   801   /* Check if this call is removing or replacing an existing collation 
   802   ** sequence. If so, and there are active VMs, return busy. If there
   803   ** are no active VMs, invalidate any pre-compiled statements.
   804   */
   805   pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, (u8)enc2, zName, strlen(zName), 0);
   806   if( pColl && pColl->xCmp ){
   807     if( db->activeVdbeCnt ){
   808       sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_BUSY, 
   809         "Unable to delete/modify collation sequence due to active statements");
   810       return SQLITE_BUSY;
   811     }
   812     sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db);
   813   }
   815   pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, (u8)enc2, zName, strlen(zName), 1);
   816   if( pColl ){
   817     pColl->xCmp = xCompare;
   818     pColl->pUser = pCtx;
   819     pColl->enc = enc2 | (enc & SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED);
   820   }
   821   sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_OK, 0);
   822   return SQLITE_OK;
   823 }
   826 /*
   827 ** This routine does the work of opening a database on behalf of
   828 ** sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_open16(). The database filename "zFilename"  
   829 ** is UTF-8 encoded.
   830 */
   831 static int openDatabase(
   832   const char *zFilename, /* Database filename UTF-8 encoded */
   833   sqlite3 **ppDb         /* OUT: Returned database handle */
   834 ){
   835   sqlite3 *db;
   836   int rc;
   837   CollSeq *pColl;
   839   assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
   841   /* Allocate the sqlite data structure */
   842   db = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(sqlite3) );
   843   if( db==0 ) goto opendb_out;
   844   db->priorNewRowid = 0;
   845   db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_BUSY;
   846   db->nDb = 2;
   847   db->aDb = db->aDbStatic;
   848   db->autoCommit = 1;
   849   db->flags |= SQLITE_ShortColNames
   851                  | SQLITE_LegacyFileFmt
   852 #endif
   853       ;
   854   sqlite3HashInit(&db->aFunc, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 0);
   855   sqlite3HashInit(&db->aCollSeq, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 0);
   857   sqlite3HashInit(&db->aModule, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 0);
   858 #endif
   860   /* Add the default collation sequence BINARY. BINARY works for both UTF-8
   861   ** and UTF-16, so add a version for each to avoid any unnecessary
   862   ** conversions. The only error that can occur here is a malloc() failure.
   863   */
   864   if( createCollation(db, "BINARY", SQLITE_UTF8, 0, binCollFunc) ||
   865       createCollation(db, "BINARY", SQLITE_UTF16BE, 0, binCollFunc) ||
   866       createCollation(db, "BINARY", SQLITE_UTF16LE, 0, binCollFunc) ||
   867       (db->pDfltColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, SQLITE_UTF8, "BINARY", 6, 0))==0 
   868   ){
   869     assert( sqlite3MallocFailed() );
   870     db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_CLOSED;
   871     goto opendb_out;
   872   }
   874   /* Also add a UTF-8 case-insensitive collation sequence. */
   875   createCollation(db, "NOCASE", SQLITE_UTF8, 0, nocaseCollatingFunc);
   877   /* Set flags on the built-in collating sequences */
   878   db->pDfltColl->type = SQLITE_COLL_BINARY;
   879   pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, SQLITE_UTF8, "NOCASE", 6, 0);
   880   if( pColl ){
   881     pColl->type = SQLITE_COLL_NOCASE;
   882   }
   884   /* Open the backend database driver */
   885   rc = sqlite3BtreeFactory(db, zFilename, 0, MAX_PAGES, &db->aDb[0].pBt);
   886   if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
   887     sqlite3Error(db, rc, 0);
   888     db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_CLOSED;
   889     goto opendb_out;
   890   }
   891   db->aDb[0].pSchema = sqlite3SchemaGet(db->aDb[0].pBt);
   892   db->aDb[1].pSchema = sqlite3SchemaGet(0);
   895   /* The default safety_level for the main database is 'full'; for the temp
   896   ** database it is 'NONE'. This matches the pager layer defaults.  
   897   */
   898   db->aDb[0].zName = "main";
   899   db->aDb[0].safety_level = 3;
   900 #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_TEMPDB
   901   db->aDb[1].zName = "temp";
   902   db->aDb[1].safety_level = 1;
   903 #endif
   905   /* Register all built-in functions, but do not attempt to read the
   906   ** database schema yet. This is delayed until the first time the database
   907   ** is accessed.
   908   */
   909   if( !sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
   910     sqlite3RegisterBuiltinFunctions(db);
   911     sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_OK, 0);
   912   }
   913   db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_OPEN;
   915   /* Load automatic extensions - extensions that have been registered
   916   ** using the sqlite3_automatic_extension() API.
   917   */
   918   (void)sqlite3AutoLoadExtensions(db);
   920 #ifdef SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1
   921   {
   922     extern int sqlite3Fts1Init(sqlite3*);
   923     sqlite3Fts1Init(db);
   924   }
   925 #endif
   927 opendb_out:
   928   if( SQLITE_NOMEM==(rc = sqlite3_errcode(db)) ){
   929     sqlite3_close(db);
   930     db = 0;
   931   }
   932   *ppDb = db;
   933   return sqlite3ApiExit(0, rc);
   934 }
   936 /*
   937 ** Open a new database handle.
   938 */
   939 int sqlite3_open(
   940   const char *zFilename, 
   941   sqlite3 **ppDb 
   942 ){
   943   return openDatabase(zFilename, ppDb);
   944 }
   946 #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
   947 /*
   948 ** Open a new database handle.
   949 */
   950 EXPORT_C int sqlite3_open16(
   951   const void *zFilename, 
   952   sqlite3 **ppDb
   953 ){
   954   char const *zFilename8;   /* zFilename encoded in UTF-8 instead of UTF-16 */
   955   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
   956   sqlite3_value *pVal;
   958   assert( zFilename );
   959   assert( ppDb );
   960   *ppDb = 0;
   961   pVal = sqlite3ValueNew();
   962   sqlite3ValueSetStr(pVal, -1, zFilename, SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE, SQLITE_STATIC);
   963   zFilename8 = sqlite3ValueText(pVal, SQLITE_UTF8);
   964   if( zFilename8 ){
   965     rc = openDatabase(zFilename8, ppDb);
   966     if( rc==SQLITE_OK && *ppDb ){
   967       rc = sqlite3_exec(*ppDb, "PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-16'", 0, 0, 0);
   968       if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
   969         sqlite3_close(*ppDb);
   970         *ppDb = 0;
   971       }
   972     }
   973   }
   974   sqlite3ValueFree(pVal);
   976   return sqlite3ApiExit(0, rc);
   977 }
   978 #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
   980 /*
   981 ** The following routine destroys a virtual machine that is created by
   982 ** the sqlite3_compile() routine. The integer returned is an SQLITE_
   983 ** success/failure code that describes the result of executing the virtual
   984 ** machine.
   985 **
   986 ** This routine sets the error code and string returned by
   987 ** sqlite3_errcode(), sqlite3_errmsg() and sqlite3_errmsg16().
   988 */
   989 EXPORT_C int sqlite3_finalize(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt){
   990   int rc;
   991   if( pStmt==0 ){
   992     rc = SQLITE_OK;
   993   }else{
   994     rc = sqlite3VdbeFinalize((Vdbe*)pStmt);
   995   }
   996   return rc;
   997 }
   999 /*
  1000 ** Terminate the current execution of an SQL statement and reset it
  1001 ** back to its starting state so that it can be reused. A success code from
  1002 ** the prior execution is returned.
  1003 **
  1004 ** This routine sets the error code and string returned by
  1005 ** sqlite3_errcode(), sqlite3_errmsg() and sqlite3_errmsg16().
  1006 */
  1007 EXPORT_C int sqlite3_reset(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt){
  1008   int rc;
  1009   if( pStmt==0 ){
  1010     rc = SQLITE_OK;
  1011   }else{
  1012     rc = sqlite3VdbeReset((Vdbe*)pStmt);
  1013     sqlite3VdbeMakeReady((Vdbe*)pStmt, -1, 0, 0, 0);
  1014   }
  1015   return rc;
  1016 }
  1018 /*
  1019 ** Register a new collation sequence with the database handle db.
  1020 */
  1021 int sqlite3_create_collation(
  1022   sqlite3* db, 
  1023   const char *zName, 
  1024   int enc, 
  1025   void* pCtx,
  1026   int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*)
  1027 ){
  1028   int rc;
  1029   assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
  1030   rc = createCollation(db, zName, enc, pCtx, xCompare);
  1031   return sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
  1032 }
  1034 #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
  1035 /*
  1036 ** Register a new collation sequence with the database handle db.
  1037 */
  1038 int sqlite3_create_collation16(
  1039   sqlite3* db, 
  1040   const char *zName, 
  1041   int enc, 
  1042   void* pCtx,
  1043   int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*)
  1044 ){
  1045   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  1046   char *zName8; 
  1047   assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
  1048   zName8 = sqlite3utf16to8(zName, -1);
  1049   if( zName8 ){
  1050     rc = createCollation(db, zName8, enc, pCtx, xCompare);
  1051     sqliteFree(zName8);
  1052   }
  1053   return sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
  1054 }
  1055 #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
  1057 /*
  1058 ** Register a collation sequence factory callback with the database handle
  1059 ** db. Replace any previously installed collation sequence factory.
  1060 */
  1061 int sqlite3_collation_needed(
  1062   sqlite3 *db, 
  1063   void *pCollNeededArg, 
  1064   void(*xCollNeeded)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const char*)
  1065 ){
  1066   if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
  1067     return SQLITE_MISUSE;
  1068   }
  1069   db->xCollNeeded = xCollNeeded;
  1070   db->xCollNeeded16 = 0;
  1071   db->pCollNeededArg = pCollNeededArg;
  1072   return SQLITE_OK;
  1073 }
  1075 #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
  1076 /*
  1077 ** Register a collation sequence factory callback with the database handle
  1078 ** db. Replace any previously installed collation sequence factory.
  1079 */
  1080 int sqlite3_collation_needed16(
  1081   sqlite3 *db, 
  1082   void *pCollNeededArg, 
  1083   void(*xCollNeeded16)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const void*)
  1084 ){
  1085   if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
  1086     return SQLITE_MISUSE;
  1087   }
  1088   db->xCollNeeded = 0;
  1089   db->xCollNeeded16 = xCollNeeded16;
  1090   db->pCollNeededArg = pCollNeededArg;
  1091   return SQLITE_OK;
  1092 }
  1093 #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
  1096 /*
  1097 ** This function is now an anachronism. It used to be used to recover from a
  1098 ** malloc() failure, but SQLite now does this automatically.
  1099 */
  1100 int sqlite3_global_recover(){
  1101   return SQLITE_OK;
  1102 }
  1103 #endif
  1105 /*
  1106 ** Test to see whether or not the database connection is in autocommit
  1107 ** mode.  Return TRUE if it is and FALSE if not.  Autocommit mode is on
  1108 ** by default.  Autocommit is disabled by a BEGIN statement and reenabled
  1109 ** by the next COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
  1110 **
  1112 */
  1113 int sqlite3_get_autocommit(sqlite3 *db){
  1114   return db->autoCommit;
  1115 }
  1117 #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
  1118 /*
  1119 ** The following routine is subtituted for constant SQLITE_CORRUPT in
  1120 ** debugging builds.  This provides a way to set a breakpoint for when
  1121 ** corruption is first detected.
  1122 */
  1123 int sqlite3Corrupt(void){
  1124   return SQLITE_CORRUPT;
  1125 }
  1126 #endif
  1130 /*
  1131 ** Enable or disable the shared pager and schema features for the
  1132 ** current thread.
  1133 **
  1134 ** This routine should only be called when there are no open
  1135 ** database connections.
  1136 */
  1137 int sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(int enable){
  1138   ThreadData *pTd = sqlite3ThreadData();
  1139   if( pTd ){
  1140     /* It is only legal to call sqlite3_enable_shared_cache() when there
  1141     ** are no currently open b-trees that were opened by the calling thread.
  1142     ** This condition is only easy to detect if the shared-cache were 
  1143     ** previously enabled (and is being disabled). 
  1144     */
  1145     if( pTd->pBtree && !enable ){
  1146       assert( pTd->useSharedData );
  1147       return SQLITE_MISUSE;
  1148     }
  1150     pTd->useSharedData = enable;
  1151     sqlite3ReleaseThreadData();
  1152   }
  1153   return sqlite3ApiExit(0, SQLITE_OK);
  1154 }
  1155 #endif
  1157 /*
  1158 ** This is a convenience routine that makes sure that all thread-specific
  1159 ** data for this thread has been deallocated.
  1160 */
  1161 void sqlite3_thread_cleanup(void){
  1162   ThreadData *pTd = sqlite3OsThreadSpecificData(0);
  1163   if( pTd ){
  1164     memset(pTd, 0, sizeof(*pTd));
  1165     sqlite3OsThreadSpecificData(-1);
  1166   }
  1167 }
  1169 /*
  1170 ** Return meta information about a specific column of a database table.
  1171 ** See comment in sqlite3.h (sqlite.h.in) for details.
  1172 */
  1174 int sqlite3_table_column_metadata(
  1175   sqlite3 *db,                /* Connection handle */
  1176   const char *zDbName,        /* Database name or NULL */
  1177   const char *zTableName,     /* Table name */
  1178   const char *zColumnName,    /* Column name */
  1179   char const **pzDataType,    /* OUTPUT: Declared data type */
  1180   char const **pzCollSeq,     /* OUTPUT: Collation sequence name */
  1181   int *pNotNull,              /* OUTPUT: True if NOT NULL constraint exists */
  1182   int *pPrimaryKey,           /* OUTPUT: True if column part of PK */
  1183   int *pAutoinc               /* OUTPUT: True if colums is auto-increment */
  1184 ){
  1185   int rc;
  1186   char *zErrMsg = 0;
  1187   Table *pTab = 0;
  1188   Column *pCol = 0;
  1189   int iCol;
  1191   char const *zDataType = 0;
  1192   char const *zCollSeq = 0;
  1193   int notnull = 0;
  1194   int primarykey = 0;
  1195   int autoinc = 0;
  1197   /* Ensure the database schema has been loaded */
  1198   if( sqlite3SafetyOn(db) ){
  1199     return SQLITE_MISUSE;
  1200   }
  1201   rc = sqlite3Init(db, &zErrMsg);
  1202   if( SQLITE_OK!=rc ){
  1203     goto error_out;
  1204   }
  1206   /* Locate the table in question */
  1207   pTab = sqlite3FindTable(db, zTableName, zDbName);
  1208   if( !pTab || pTab->pSelect ){
  1209     pTab = 0;
  1210     goto error_out;
  1211   }
  1213   /* Find the column for which info is requested */
  1214   if( sqlite3IsRowid(zColumnName) ){
  1215     iCol = pTab->iPKey;
  1216     if( iCol>=0 ){
  1217       pCol = &pTab->aCol[iCol];
  1218     }
  1219   }else{
  1220     for(iCol=0; iCol<pTab->nCol; iCol++){
  1221       pCol = &pTab->aCol[iCol];
  1222       if( 0==sqlite3StrICmp(pCol->zName, zColumnName) ){
  1223         break;
  1224       }
  1225     }
  1226     if( iCol==pTab->nCol ){
  1227       pTab = 0;
  1228       goto error_out;
  1229     }
  1230   }
  1232   /* The following block stores the meta information that will be returned
  1233   ** to the caller in local variables zDataType, zCollSeq, notnull, primarykey
  1234   ** and autoinc. At this point there are two possibilities:
  1235   ** 
  1236   **     1. The specified column name was rowid", "oid" or "_rowid_" 
  1237   **        and there is no explicitly declared IPK column. 
  1238   **
  1239   **     2. The table is not a view and the column name identified an 
  1240   **        explicitly declared column. Copy meta information from *pCol.
  1241   */ 
  1242   if( pCol ){
  1243     zDataType = pCol->zType;
  1244     zCollSeq = pCol->zColl;
  1245     notnull = (pCol->notNull?1:0);
  1246     primarykey  = (pCol->isPrimKey?1:0);
  1247     autoinc = ((pTab->iPKey==iCol && pTab->autoInc)?1:0);
  1248   }else{
  1249     zDataType = "INTEGER";
  1250     primarykey = 1;
  1251   }
  1252   if( !zCollSeq ){
  1253     zCollSeq = "BINARY";
  1254   }
  1256 error_out:
  1257   if( sqlite3SafetyOff(db) ){
  1258     rc = SQLITE_MISUSE;
  1259   }
  1261   /* Whether the function call succeeded or failed, set the output parameters
  1262   ** to whatever their local counterparts contain. If an error did occur,
  1263   ** this has the effect of zeroing all output parameters.
  1264   */
  1265   if( pzDataType ) *pzDataType = zDataType;
  1266   if( pzCollSeq ) *pzCollSeq = zCollSeq;
  1267   if( pNotNull ) *pNotNull = notnull;
  1268   if( pPrimaryKey ) *pPrimaryKey = primarykey;
  1269   if( pAutoinc ) *pAutoinc = autoinc;
  1271   if( SQLITE_OK==rc && !pTab ){
  1272     sqlite3SetString(&zErrMsg, "no such table column: ", zTableName, ".", 
  1273         zColumnName, 0);
  1274     rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
  1275   }
  1276   sqlite3Error(db, rc, (zErrMsg?"%s":0), zErrMsg);
  1277   sqliteFree(zErrMsg);
  1278   return sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
  1279 }
  1280 #endif
  1282 /*
  1283 ** Set all the parameters in the compiled SQL statement to NULL.
  1284 */
  1285 int sqlite3_clear_bindings(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt){
  1286   int i;
  1287   int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  1288   for(i=1; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<=sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(pStmt); i++){
  1289     rc = sqlite3_bind_null(pStmt, i);
  1290   }
  1291   return rc;
  1292 }
  1294 /*
  1295 ** Sleep for a little while.  Return the amount of time slept.
  1296 */
  1297 int sqlite3_sleep(int ms){
  1298   return sqlite3OsSleep(ms);
  1299 }