changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 1 7c90e6132015
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Gesture class
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "gesture.h"
    21 #include <e32math.h>
    22 #include <coemain.h>
    24 #include "gesturedefs.h"
    25 #include "utils.h"
    27 using namespace RT_GestureHelper;
    29 /** 
    30  * Point array for which only x axis is relevant
    31  */
    32 class TXAxisPointArray : public TPointArray
    33     {
    34 public:
    35     TXAxisPointArray( const RArray< TPointEntry >& aPoints )
    36             : TPointArray( aPoints ) {}
    38     // from TPointArray
    39     TPoint operator[]( TInt aIndex ) const 
    40         {
    41         return TPoint( Raw( aIndex ).iX, 0 );
    42         }
    43     };
    45 /** 
    46  * Point array for which only y axis is relevant
    47  */
    48 class TYAxisPointArray : public TPointArray
    49     {
    50 public:
    51     TYAxisPointArray( const RArray< TPointEntry >& aPoints )
    52             : TPointArray( aPoints ) {}
    54     // from TPointArray
    55     TPoint operator[]( TInt aIndex ) const 
    56         {
    57         return TPoint( 0, Raw( aIndex ).iY );
    58         }
    59     };
    61 namespace 
    62     {
    63     /** @return the current time */
    64     TTime CurrentTime()
    65         {
    66         TTime time;
    67         time.HomeTime();
    68         return time;
    69         }
    71     /**
    72      * @param aRelevantAxis See @ref MGestureEvent::Code
    73      * @return gesture code by analysing the sequence of points
    74      */
    75     TGestureCode CodeFromPoints( const RArray< TPointEntry >& aPoints, 
    76             MGestureEvent::TAxis aRelevantAxis ) 
    77         {
    78         // select the correct filter based on aRelevantAxis
    79         // these filter_ objects are array decorators that will eliminate either 
    80         // x, y or neither coordinate of each point
    81         TXAxisPointArray filterY( aPoints );
    82         TYAxisPointArray filterX( aPoints );
    83         TPointArray filterNone( aPoints );
    84         TPointArray& filter = 
    85             aRelevantAxis == MGestureEvent::EAxisHorizontal ? static_cast< TPointArray& >( filterY ) : 
    86             aRelevantAxis == MGestureEvent::EAxisVertical   ? static_cast< TPointArray& >( filterX ) :
    87             /* otherwise EAxisBoth */                         filterNone;
    89         // currently the gesture recogniser does not have any state, so it is fast
    90         // to instantiate. The call is not static however, to allow the recogniser
    91         // to be replaced by a more complicated implementation that has state.
    92         // then it may make sense to make the recogniser a member variable.
    93         return TGestureRecogniser().GestureCode( filter );
    94         }
    95     } // unnamed namespace
    97 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 // destructor
    99 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   100 //
   101 CGesture::~CGesture()
   102     {
   103     iPoints.Close();
   104     }
   106 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   107 // AsStartEventL
   108 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 //
   110 CGesture* CGesture::AsStartEventLC() const
   111     {
   112     __ASSERT_DEBUG( 0 < iPoints.Count(), Panic( EGesturePanicIllegalLogic ) );
   113     CGesture* gesture = new ( ELeave ) CGesture;
   114     CleanupStack::PushL( gesture );
   115     User::LeaveIfError( gesture->AddPoint( iPoints[0].iPos, CCoeEnv::Static()->LastEvent().Time()));
   116     return gesture;
   117     }
   119 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 // Reset
   121 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   122 //
   123 void CGesture::Reset()
   124     {
   125     iPoints.Reset();
   126     iHoldingState = ENotHolding;
   127     iState = ENotComplete;
   128     iHoldingPointIndex = 0;
   129     iVisual = NULL;
   130     iIsDoubleTap = EFalse;
   131     iIsLongTap = EFalse;
   132     }
   134 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   135 // Reset
   136 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   137 //
   138 TBool CGesture::IsEmpty() const
   139     {
   140     return iPoints.Count() == 0;
   141     }
   143 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 // Add a point to the sequence of points that together make up the gesture
   145 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 //
   147 TInt CGesture::AddPoint( const TPoint& aPoint, const TTime& aEventTime )
   148     {
   149     if ( !IsLatestPoint( aPoint ) )
   150         {
   151         return iPoints.Append( TPointEntry( aPoint, aEventTime ) );
   152         }
   153     return KErrNone;
   154     }
   156 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 // SetVisual
   158 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   159 //
   160 void CGesture::SetVisual( CAlfVisual* aVisual )
   161     {
   162     iVisual = aVisual;
   163     }
   165 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   166 // IsNearHoldingPoint
   167 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   168 //
   169 TBool CGesture::IsNearHoldingPoint( const TPoint& aPoint ) const
   170     {
   171     return ToleranceRect( iPoints[ iHoldingPointIndex ].iPos ).Contains( aPoint );
   172     }
   174 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   175 // IsLatestPoint
   176 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   177 //
   178 TBool CGesture::IsLatestPoint( const TPoint& aPoint ) const
   179     {
   180     if ( iPoints.Count() > 0 )
   181         {
   182         return aPoint == CurrentPos();
   183         }
   184     return EFalse;
   185     }
   187 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   188 // StartHolding
   189 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   190 //
   191 void CGesture::StartHolding()
   192     {
   193     iHoldingState = EHoldStarting;
   195     // remove all points that were introduced after holding started
   196     for ( TInt i = iPoints.Count() - 1; i > iHoldingPointIndex; i-- )
   197         {
   198         iPoints.Remove( i );
   199         }
   200     }
   202 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 // SetHoldingPoint
   204 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 //
   206 void CGesture::SetHoldingPoint()
   207     {
   208     iHoldingPointIndex = iPoints.Count() - 1;
   209     }
   211 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   212 // ContinueHolding
   213 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 //
   215 void CGesture::ContinueHolding()
   216     {
   217     iHoldingState = EHolding;
   218     }
   220 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 // SetReleased
   222 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   223 //
   224 void CGesture::SetReleased()
   225     {
   226     // IsMovementStopped expects SetComplete to be called before SetRelea
   227     __ASSERT_DEBUG( EComplete == iState, Panic( EGesturePanicIllegalLogic ) );
   228     iState = EReleased;
   229     }
   231 /**
   232  * @return elapsed time between aStartTime and aEndTime
   233  */
   234 inline TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 Elapsed( const TTime& aStartTime, 
   235                                             const TTime& aEndTime )
   236     {
   237     return aEndTime.MicroSecondsFrom( aStartTime ).Int64();
   238     }
   240 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   241 // SetComplete
   242 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 //
   244 void CGesture::SetComplete()
   245     {
   246     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iPoints.Count() > 0, Panic( EGesturePanicIllegalLogic ) );
   247     iState = EComplete;
   248     iCompletionTime = CurrentTime();
   249     }
   251 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   252 // SetComplete
   253 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   254 //
   255 void CGesture::SetCancelled()
   256     {
   257     iState = ECancelled;
   258     }
   260 void CGesture::SetDoubleTap() 
   261     { 
   262     iIsDoubleTap = ETrue; 
   263     }
   265 void CGesture::SetLongTap(TBool aLongTap) 
   266     { 
   267     iIsLongTap = aLongTap; 
   268     }
   270 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   271 // IsTap
   272 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   273 //
   274 TBool CGesture::IsTap() const
   275     {
   276     return CodeFromPoints( iPoints, MGestureEvent::EAxisBoth ) == EGestureTap;
   277     }
   279 /**
   280  * Translates a non-holding code into a holding code
   281  * @param aCode original gesture code
   282  * @return a gesture code with hold flag applied
   283  */
   284 inline TGestureCode Hold( TGestureCode aCode )
   285     {
   286     if ( aCode != EGestureStart && 
   287          aCode != EGestureDrag && 
   288          aCode != EGestureReleased && 
   289          aCode != EGestureUnknown )
   290         {
   291         return static_cast< TGestureCode >( aCode | EFlagHold );
   292         }
   293     return aCode;
   294     }
   296 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   297 // Code
   298 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   299 //
   300 TGestureCode CGesture::Code( MGestureEvent::TAxis aRelevantAxis ) /* const */
   301     {
   302     TGestureCode code;
   304     switch ( iState )
   305         {
   306         case ENotComplete:
   307             {
   308             // "start" event if only first point received
   309             // need to check that not holding, in case user pressed stylus
   310             // down, and activated holding without moving the stylus
   311             if ( iPoints.Count() == 1 && !IsHolding() )
   312                 {
   313                 code = EGestureStart;
   314                 }
   315             // "drag" event if holding not started or holding started earlier
   316             else if ( iHoldingState != EHoldStarting )
   317                 {
   318                 code = EGestureDrag; 
   319                 }
   320             // holding was just started
   321             else 
   322                 {
   323                 code = Hold( CodeFromPoints( iPoints, aRelevantAxis ) );
   324                 }
   325             iPrevGestureCode = code;
   326             break;
   327             }
   328         case EComplete:
   329             {
   330             if ( iIsDoubleTap )
   331                 {
   332                 code = EGestureDoubleTap;
   333                 }
   334             else if ( iIsLongTap )
   335                 {
   336                 code = EGestureLongTap;
   337                 }
   339             else if (iPrevGestureCode == EGestureDrag)
   340                 {
   341                 //code = IsFlick() ? EGestureFlick : EGestureDrop;
   342                 if (IsFlick()) 
   343                     {
   344                     code = EGestureFlick ;
   345                     }
   346                   else
   347                     {
   348                     // Check if it is a swipe.  In this case a swipe is a gesture where 
   349                     // - the direction is close to the axes (up, down, left, right)
   350                     // - speed is slower than flick 
   351                     code = CodeFromPoints( iPoints, aRelevantAxis );
   352                     if (code == EGestureUnknown)    
   353                       {
   354                       code = EGestureDrop ; // It was not a swipe, so then it is the drop gesture 
   355                       }
   356                     }
   357                 }
   358             else
   359                 {
   360                 code = CodeFromPoints( iPoints, aRelevantAxis );
   361                 }
   362             iPrevGestureCode = code;
   363             break;
   364             }
   366         case EReleased:
   367             {
   368             code = EGestureReleased;
   369             break;
   370             }
   372         case ECancelled: // fallthrough
   373         default: 
   374             code = EGestureUnknown;
   375         }
   376     return code;
   377     }
   380 TBool CGesture::IsFlick() const
   381     {
   382     bool flick = EFalse;
   383     TRealPoint speed = Speed();
   384     TReal32 xSpeed = speed.iX;
   385     TReal32 ySpeed = speed.iY;
   387     flick = (Abs(xSpeed) > KFlickSpeed || 
   388              Abs(ySpeed) > KFlickSpeed);
   390     return flick;
   391     }
   393 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   394 // IsHolding
   395 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   396 //
   397 TBool CGesture::IsHolding() const
   398     {
   399     return iHoldingState >= EHoldStarting;
   400     }
   402 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   403 // StartPos
   404 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   405 //
   406 TPoint CGesture::StartPos() const
   407     {
   408     // at least one point will be in the array during callback (pointer down pos)
   409     return iPoints[ 0 ].iPos;
   410     }
   412 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   413 // CurrentPos
   414 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   415 //
   416 TPoint CGesture::CurrentPos() const
   417     {
   418     // at least on point will be in the array during callback (pointer down pos)
   419     return iPoints.Count() > 0 ? iPoints[ iPoints.Count() - 1 ].iPos : TPoint(-1, -1);
   420     }
   422 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   423 // IsMovementStopped
   424 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   425 //
   426 inline TBool CGesture::IsMovementStopped() const
   427     {
   428     // iCompletionTime is only only valid if client has called SetComplete 
   429     if ( iState >= EComplete )
   430         {
   431         TInt el = Elapsed( NthLastEntry( 1 ).iTime, iCompletionTime ).Int(); 
   432         return el > KSpeedStopTime;
   433         }
   434     return EFalse;
   435     }
   437 namespace 
   438     {
   439     const TInt KFloatingPointAccuracy = 0.000001;
   441     /** @return percentage (0.0-1.0) how far aPos is from aEdge1 towards aEdge2 */
   442     inline TReal32 Proportion( TReal32 aPos, TReal32 aEdge1, TReal32 aEdge2 )
   443         {
   444         if ( Abs( aEdge2 - aEdge1 ) > KFloatingPointAccuracy )
   445             {
   446             return ( aPos - aEdge1 ) / ( aEdge2 - aEdge1 );
   447             }
   448         return 0; // avoid division by zero 
   449         }
   451     /** Edges (pixels) at which speed should be -100% or 100% */
   452     NONSHARABLE_STRUCT( TEdges )
   453         {
   454         TReal32 iMin;
   455         TReal32 iMax;
   456         };
   458     /** 
   459      * scale which allows different (coordinate -> percentage) mapping
   460      * between -100% to 0% and 0 and 100%
   461      */
   462     NONSHARABLE_STRUCT( TScale )
   463         {
   464         TScale( TInt aZero, const TEdges& aEdges )
   465                 : iMin( aEdges.iMin ), iZero( aZero ), iMax( aEdges.iMax )
   466             {
   467             }
   469         /** @return aPos as a percentage between -100% and 100% in aScale */
   470         TReal32 Percent( TReal32 aPos ) const;
   472         /// coordinate where speed is -100%
   473         TReal32 iMin;
   474         /// coordinate where speed is 0%
   475         TReal32 iZero;
   476         /// coordinate where speed is 100%
   477         TReal32 iMax;
   478         };
   480     /** @convert aPos into a percentage between -100% and 100% in aScale */
   481     TReal32 TScale::Percent( TReal32 aPos ) const
   482         {
   483         TReal32 percent;
   484         if ( aPos < iZero )
   485             {
   486             // return negative percentages on the lower side of zero point
   487             percent = -1 * Proportion( aPos, iZero, iMin );
   488             }
   489         else 
   490             {
   491             percent = Proportion( aPos, iZero, iMax );
   492             }
   493         // constrain between -100% and 100%
   494         return Min( Max( percent, -1.0F ), 1.0F );
   495         }
   497     /** Scale in x and y dimensions */
   498     NONSHARABLE_STRUCT( TScale2D )
   499         {
   500         TRealPoint Percent( const TPoint& aPos ) const
   501             {
   502             return TRealPoint( iX.Percent( aPos.iX ),
   503                                iY.Percent( aPos.iY ) );
   504             }
   506         TScale iX;
   507         TScale iY;
   508         };
   510     enum TDirection { ESmaller, ELarger };
   512     /** @return the direction of pos compared to the previous pos */
   513     inline TDirection Direction( TInt aPos, TInt aPreviousPos )
   514         {
   515         return aPos < aPreviousPos ? ESmaller : ELarger;    
   516         }
   518     /** Direction in x and y dimensions */
   519     NONSHARABLE_STRUCT( TDirection2D )
   520         {
   521         TDirection iX;
   522         TDirection iY;
   523         };
   525     /** Return the direction (up/down) of signal at aIndex */
   526     inline TDirection2D Direction( TInt aIndex, const RArray< TPointEntry >& aPoints )
   527         {
   528         const TPoint& pos = aPoints[ aIndex ].iPos;
   529         const TPoint& prevPos = aPoints[ aIndex - 1 ].iPos;
   530         TDirection2D dir = { Direction( pos.iX, prevPos.iX ),
   531                              Direction( pos.iY, prevPos.iY ) };
   532         return dir;
   533         }   
   534     /** 
   535      * @return a position in the aLow and aHigh, so that it aProportion of
   536      *         of length is above the pos 
   537      */
   538     TReal32 ProportionalLength( TReal32 aLow, TReal32 aHigh, TReal32 aProportion )
   539         {
   540         return ( aHigh - aLow ) * aProportion / ( 1 + aProportion );
   541         }
   543     /** 
   544      * @return aVariableEdge scaled to new position, when the other edge changes
   545      *         from aOldEdge to aNewEdge, so that aOrigin maintains the *same relative
   546      *         position* between aVariableEdge and the other edge 
   547      */
   548     inline TReal32 ScaledEdge( TReal32 aOrigin, TReal32 aVariableEdge, 
   549             TReal32 aOldEdge, TReal aNewEdge )
   550         {
   551         TReal32 proportion = Proportion( aOrigin, aVariableEdge, aOldEdge );
   552         return ( proportion * aNewEdge - aOrigin ) / ( proportion - 1 );
   553         }
   555     TScale Rescale( TReal32 aPos, TDirection aDir, TDirection aPrevDir, 
   556             const TScale& aPrevScale, const TEdges& aEdges )
   557         {
   558         TScale scale( aPrevScale );
   559         if ( aPrevDir != aDir )
   560             {
   561             // the code duplication is accepted here, since it is difficult to factor out
   562             // while maintaining the understandability of this anyway complex algorithm
   563             if ( aDir == ESmaller )
   564                 {
   565                 scale.iMin = aEdges.iMin;
   566                 if ( aPrevScale.iZero < aPos )
   567                     {
   568                     TReal32 proportionAboveZero = Proportion( aPos, aPrevScale.iZero, aPrevScale.iMax );
   569                     scale.iZero = aPos - ProportionalLength( aEdges.iMin, aPos, proportionAboveZero );
   570                     }
   571                 else 
   572                     {
   573                     // adjust zero pos so that proportion between aPos, Min, and Zero pos 
   574                     // stay the same (Min will move to 0, aPos stays the same)
   575                     scale.iZero = ScaledEdge( aPos, aPrevScale.iZero, 
   576                         aPrevScale.iMin, aEdges.iMin );
   577                     }
   578                 // adjust the upper edge to take into account the movement of zero pos
   579                 scale.iMax = ScaledEdge( aPos, aPrevScale.iMax, 
   580                     aPrevScale.iZero, scale.iZero );
   581                 }
   582             else // ELarger
   583                 {
   584                 scale.iMax = aEdges.iMax;
   585                 if ( aPos < aPrevScale.iZero )
   586                     {
   587                     TReal32 proportionBelowZero = Proportion( aPos, aPrevScale.iZero, aPrevScale.iMin );
   588                     scale.iZero = aPos + ProportionalLength( aPos, aEdges.iMax, proportionBelowZero );
   589                     }
   590                 else
   591                     {
   592                     // adjust zero pos so that proportion between aPos, Max, and Zero pos 
   593                     // stay the same (Max will move edge, aPos stays the same)
   594                     scale.iZero = ScaledEdge( aPos, aPrevScale.iZero, 
   595                         aPrevScale.iMax, aEdges.iMax );
   596                     }
   597                 // adjust the lower edge to take into account the movement of zero pos
   598                 scale.iMin = ScaledEdge( aPos, aPrevScale.iMin, 
   599                     aPrevScale.iZero, scale.iZero );
   600                 }
   601             }
   602         return scale;
   603         }
   605     /** Edges in x and y dimensions */
   606     NONSHARABLE_STRUCT( TEdges2D )
   607         {
   608         TEdges iX;
   609         TEdges iY;
   610         };
   612     /** 
   613      * @param aEdges edges of the area in which gesture points are accepted
   614      * @return the scale of latest point in the list of points 
   615      */
   616     TScale2D Scale( const RArray< TPointEntry >& aPoints, const TEdges2D& aEdges )
   617         {
   618         TScale2D scale = { TScale( aPoints[0].iPos.iX, aEdges.iX ),
   619                            TScale( aPoints[0].iPos.iY, aEdges.iY ) };
   620         TInt count = aPoints.Count();
   621         if ( count > 1 )
   622             {
   623             // iterate the whole point list to arrive to the current scale
   624             TDirection2D dir( Direction( 1, aPoints ) );
   625             for ( TInt i = 1; i < count; i++ )
   626                 {
   627                 // get direction at i
   628                 TDirection2D newDir( Direction( i, aPoints ) );
   629                 // get new scale at i
   630                 scale.iX = Rescale( aPoints[i - 1].iPos.iX, newDir.iX, dir.iX, scale.iX, aEdges.iX );
   631                 scale.iY = Rescale( aPoints[i - 1].iPos.iY, newDir.iY, dir.iY, scale.iY, aEdges.iY );
   632                 dir = newDir;
   633                 }
   634             }
   635         return scale;
   636         }
   637     } // unnamed namespace
   639 TRealPoint CGesture::SpeedPercent( const TRect& aEdges ) const
   640     {
   641     // x and y coordinates are easier to handle separately, extract from TRect:
   642     // ((iMinX, iMinY), (iMaxX, iMaxY)) -> ((iMinX, iMaxX), (iMinY, iMaxY))
   643     TEdges2D edges = { { aEdges.iTl.iX, aEdges.iBr.iX },
   644                        { aEdges.iTl.iY, aEdges.iBr.iY } };
   645     // work out the current scale (coordinate -> percentage mapping) from 
   646     // the history of points (i.e., points of current gesture). Then
   647     // calculate the percentage of the current position.
   648     return Scale( iPoints, edges ).Percent( CurrentPos() );
   649     }
   651 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   652 // Speed
   653 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   654 //
   655 TRealPoint CGesture::Speed() const
   656     {
   657     const TReal32 KMicroSecondsInSecond = 1000000;
   659     // Speed is only evaluated at the end of the swipe
   660     // if user stops at the end of the swipe before lifting stylus,
   661     // speed is zero. If time is zero, return 0 speed (infinite does 
   662     // not make sense either). Will need to consider also earlier points 
   663     // and their times or start time, if this zero-speed behavior is a problem
   664     TRealPoint speed;
   665     TReal32 time = static_cast<TReal32>( TimeFromPreviousPoint().Int() ) 
   666         / KMicroSecondsInSecond;
   667     if ( !IsMovementStopped() && time > 0 )
   668         {
   669         TPoint distance = CurrentPos() - PreviousPos();
   670         speed.iX = static_cast<TReal32>( distance.iX ) / time;
   671         speed.iY = static_cast<TReal32>( distance.iY ) / time;
   672         }
   673     return speed;
   674     }
   676 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   677 // Distance
   678 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   679 //
   680 TPoint CGesture::Distance() const
   681     {
   682     return CurrentPos() - StartPos();
   683     }
   685 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   686 // Visual
   687 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   688 //
   689 CAlfVisual* CGesture::Visual() const
   690     {
   691     return iVisual;
   692     }
   694 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   695 // TimeFromPreviousPoint
   696 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   697 //
   698 inline TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 CGesture::TimeFromPreviousPoint() const
   699     {
   700     const TInt KLatestEntryOffset = 1;
   701     return Elapsed( PreviousEntry().iTime, NthLastEntry( KLatestEntryOffset ).iTime );
   702     }
   704 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   705 // return nth point from the end of the points array
   706 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   707 //
   708 inline const TPointEntry& CGesture::NthLastEntry( TInt aOffset ) const
   709     {
   710     return iPoints[ Max( iPoints.Count() - aOffset, 0 ) ];
   711     }
   713 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   714 // PreviousEntry
   715 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   716 //
   717 inline const TPointEntry& CGesture::PreviousEntry() const
   718     {
   719     return NthLastEntry( KPreviousPointOffset );
   720     }
   722 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   723 // PreviousPos
   724 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   725 //
   726 inline TPoint CGesture::PreviousPos() const
   727     {
   728     return PreviousEntry().iPos;
   729     }
   731 inline TTime CGesture::TimeOfLastEntry() const
   732     {
   733     return NthLastEntry( 1 ).iTime;
   734     }