changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 40 8bfb9186a8b8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  CWidgetRegistrySTIF class member functions
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <Stiftestinterface.h>
    21 #include "WidgetRegistrySTIF.h"
    27 // CONSTANTS
    28 _LIT( KPassed , "Test case passed");
    29 _LIT( KFailed , "Test case failed");
    30 _LIT( KDriveC, "C:");
    31 _LIT( KBundleIdentifier, "BundleIdentifier" );
    33 _LIT( KValidBundle, "com.nokia.widget.sapi.landmarks");
    34 const TInt KUidTestValue = 0x2000DEB9 - 50;
    35 const TUid KInvalidUid = TUid::Uid(0);
    38 // MACROS
    39 // Function pointer related internal definitions
    40 // Rounding known bug in GCC
    42 #ifdef __VC32__
    43 #define GETPTR
    44 #else
    45 #define GETPTR &
    46 #endif
    47 #define ENTRY(str,func) {_S(str), GETPTR func,0,0,0}
    48 #define FUNCENTRY(func) {_S(#func), GETPTR func,0,0,0}
    49 #define OOM_ENTRY(str,func,a,b,c) {_S(str), GETPTR func,a,b,c}
    50 #define OOM_FUNCENTRY(func,a,b,c) {_S(#func), GETPTR func,a,b,c}
    60 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
    63 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    65 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 // CWidgetRegistrySTIF::CWidgetRegistrySTIF
    67 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    68 // might leave.
    69 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70 //
    71 CWidgetRegistrySTIF::CWidgetRegistrySTIF()
    72     {
    73     }
    75 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 // CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ConstructL
    77 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    78 // Note: If OOM test case uses STIF Logger, then STIF Logger must be created
    79 // with static buffer size parameter (aStaticBufferSize). Otherwise Logger
    80 // allocates memory from heap and therefore causes error situations with OOM
    81 // testing. For more information about STIF Logger construction, see STIF Users
    82 // Guide.
    83 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 //
    85 void CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ConstructL()
    86     {
    87     iLog = CStifLogger::NewL( KWidgetRegistrySTIFLogPath,
    88                               KWidgetRegistrySTIFLogFile );
    90     User::LeaveIfError( iFileSystem.Connect() );
    92     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
    93     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
    94     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
    95     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
    96     if ( KErrNone == error )
    97         {
    98         RWidgetInfoArray widgetInfoArray;
    99         error = registryClient->InstalledWidgetsL( widgetInfoArray );
   100         CWidgetInfo *myInfo = widgetInfoArray[0];
   101         iValidUid = myInfo->iUid;
   102         }
   103      CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient ); 
   104     }
   106 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   107 // CWidgetRegistrySTIF::NewL
   108 // Two-phased constructor.
   109 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 //
   111 CWidgetRegistrySTIF* CWidgetRegistrySTIF::NewL()
   112     {
   113     CWidgetRegistrySTIF* self = new (ELeave) CWidgetRegistrySTIF;
   114     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   115     self->ConstructL();
   116     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   117     return self;
   118     }
   120 // Destructor
   121 CWidgetRegistrySTIF::~CWidgetRegistrySTIF()
   122     {
   123     iFileSystem.Close();
   124     delete iLog;
   125     }
   127 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 // CWidgetRegistrySTIF::InitL
   129 // InitL is used to initialize the Test Module.
   130 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 //
   132 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::InitL( TFileName& /*aIniFile*/,
   133                                  TBool /*aFirstTime*/ )
   134     {
   135     return KErrNone;
   136     }
   138 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionCreateL( TTestResult& aResult )
   139     {
   140     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   141     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   142     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   143     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   144     aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   145     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   146     return KErrNone;
   147     }
   149     TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionDisconnectFirstL( TTestResult& aResult )
   150     {
   151     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   152     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   153     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   154     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   155         TInt error = registryClient->Disconnect();
   156         if ( KErrNone == error )
   157             {
   158             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   159             }
   160     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   161     return KErrNone;
   162     }
   165 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionConnectL( TTestResult& aResult )
   166     {
   167     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   168     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   169     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   170     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   171     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   172     if ( KErrNone == error )
   173         {
   174         aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   175         registryClient->Disconnect();
   176         }
   177     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   178     return KErrNone;
   179     }
   181 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionTwoConnectL( TTestResult& aResult )
   182     {
   183     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   184     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   185     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   186     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   187     registryClient->Connect();
   188     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient2;
   189     registryClient2 = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   190     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient2 );
   191     TInt error = registryClient2->Connect();
   192     if ( KErrNone == error )
   193         {
   194         aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   195         }
   196     registryClient2->Disconnect();
   197     registryClient->Disconnect();
   198     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient2 );
   199     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   200     return KErrNone;
   201     }
   204 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionDisconnectL( TTestResult& aResult )
   205     {
   206     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   207     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   208     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   209     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   210     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   211     if ( KErrNone == error )
   212         {
   213         error = registryClient->Disconnect();
   214         if ( KErrNone == error )
   215             {
   216             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   217             }
   218         }
   219     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   220     return KErrNone;
   221     }
   223 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionVersionL( TTestResult& aResult )
   224     {
   225     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   226     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   227     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   228     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   229     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   230     if ( KErrNone == error )
   231         {
   232         TVersion version = registryClient->Version();
   233         if ( 0 < (version.iMajor + version.iMinor + version.iBuild) )
   234             {
   235             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   236             }
   237         registryClient->Disconnect();
   238         }
   239     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   240     return KErrNone;
   241     }
   243 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetNullL( TTestResult& aResult )
   244     {
   245     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   246     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   247     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   248     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   249     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   250     if ( KErrNone == error )
   251         {
   252         TBool iswidget = registryClient->IsWidget( KNullUid );
   253         if ( EFalse == iswidget )
   254             {
   255             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   256             }
   257         registryClient->Disconnect();
   258         }
   259     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   260     return KErrNone;
   261     }
   263     TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetValidL( TTestResult& aResult )
   264     {
   265     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   266     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   267     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   268     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   269     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   270     if ( KErrNone == error )
   271         {
   272         TBool iswidget = registryClient->IsWidget( iValidUid );
   273         if ( iswidget == TRUE )
   274             {
   275             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   276             }
   277         registryClient->Disconnect();
   278         }
   279     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   280     return KErrNone;
   281     }
   283     TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetInvalidL( TTestResult& aResult )
   284     {
   285     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   286     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   287     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   288     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   289     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   290     if ( KErrNone == error )
   291         {
   292         TBool iswidget = registryClient->IsWidget( KInvalidUid );
   293         if ( EFalse == iswidget )
   294             {
   295             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   296             }
   297         registryClient->Disconnect();
   298         }
   299     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   300     return KErrNone;
   301     }
   303 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionWidgetExistsL( TTestResult& aResult )
   304     {
   305     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   306     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   307     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   308     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   309     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   310     if ( KErrNone == error )
   311         {
   312         TBool b = registryClient->WidgetExistsL( KNullDesC );
   313         if ( EFalse == b )
   314             {
   315             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   316             }
   317         registryClient->Disconnect();
   318         }
   319     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   320     return KErrNone;
   321     }
   323     TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionWidgetExistsOverflowL( TTestResult& aResult )
   324     {
   325     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   326     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   327     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   328     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   329     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   330     if ( KErrNone == error )
   331         {
   332         TBool b = registryClient->WidgetExistsL( KLong );
   333         if ( EFalse == b )
   334             {
   335             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   336             }
   337         registryClient->Disconnect();
   338         }
   339     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   340     return KErrNone;
   341     }
   343     TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionWidgetExistsValidL( TTestResult& aResult )
   344     {
   345     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   346     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   347     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   348     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   349     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   350     if ( KErrNone == error )
   351         {
   352         TBool b = registryClient->WidgetExistsL( KValidBundle );
   353         if ( b != EFalse )
   354             {
   355             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   356             }
   357         registryClient->Disconnect();
   358         }
   359     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   360     return KErrNone;
   361     }
   363 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetRunningNullL( TTestResult& aResult )
   364     {
   365     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   366     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   367     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   368     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   369     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   370     if ( KErrNone == error )
   371         {
   372         TBool b = registryClient->IsWidgetRunning( KNullUid );
   373         if ( EFalse == b )
   374             {
   375             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   376             }
   377         registryClient->Disconnect();
   378         }
   379     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   380     return KErrNone;
   381     }
   383     TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetRunningValidL( TTestResult& aResult )
   384     {
   385     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   386     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   387     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   388     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   389     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   390     if ( KErrNone == error )
   391         {
   392         TBool b = registryClient->IsWidgetRunning( iValidUid );
   393         if ( b == TRUE )
   394             {
   395             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   396             }
   397         registryClient->Disconnect();
   398         }
   399     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   400     return KErrNone;
   401     }
   403     TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetRunningInvalidL( TTestResult& aResult )
   404     {
   405     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   406     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   407     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   408     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   409     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   410     if ( KErrNone == error )
   411         {
   412         TBool b = registryClient->IsWidgetRunning( KInvalidUid );
   413         if ( b == EFalse )
   414             {
   415             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   416             }
   417         registryClient->Disconnect();
   418         }
   419     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   420     return KErrNone;
   421     }
   424 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionWidgetCountL( TTestResult& aResult )
   425     {
   426     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   427     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   428     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   429     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   430     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   431     if ( KErrNone == error )
   432         {
   433         TInt count = -1;
   434         TInt count2 = count - 1;
   435         count2 = registryClient->WidgetCount( count );
   436         if ( -1 < count && count == count2 )
   437             {
   438             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   439             }
   440         registryClient->Disconnect();
   441         }
   442     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   443     return KErrNone;
   444     }
   448 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetPathL( TTestResult& aResult )
   449     {
   450     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   451     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   452     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   453     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   454     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   455     if ( KErrNone == error )
   456         {
   457         TFileName fn;
   458         fn.SetLength( 0 );
   459         registryClient->GetWidgetPath( iValidUid, fn );
   460         if ( 0 < fn.Length() )
   461             {
   462             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   463             }
   464         registryClient->Disconnect();
   465         }
   466     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   467     return KErrNone;
   468     }
   470 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetUidL( TTestResult& aResult )
   471     {
   472     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   473     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   474     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   475     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   476     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   477     if ( KErrNone == error )
   478         {
   479         TInt uid = registryClient->GetWidgetUidL( KNullDesC );
   480         if ( KNullUid == TUid::Uid( uid ) )
   481             {
   482             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   483             }
   484         registryClient->Disconnect();
   485         }
   486     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   487     return KErrNone;
   488     }
   490     TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetUidValidL( TTestResult& aResult )
   491     {
   492     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   493     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   494     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   495     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   496     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   497     if ( KErrNone == error )
   498         {
   499         TInt uid = registryClient->GetWidgetUidL( KValidBundle );
   500         if ( iValidUid == TUid::Uid( uid ) )
   501             {
   502             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   503             }
   504         registryClient->Disconnect();
   505         }
   506     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   507     return KErrNone;
   508     }
   510 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetUidForUrlL( TTestResult& aResult )
   511     {
   512     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   513     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   514     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   515     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   516     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   517     if ( KErrNone == error )
   518         {
   519         TInt uid = registryClient->GetWidgetUidForUrl( KNullDesC );
   520         if ( KNullUid == TUid::Uid( uid ) )
   521             {
   522             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   523             }
   524         registryClient->Disconnect();
   525         }
   526     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   527     return KErrNone;
   528     }
   530 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetAvailableUidL( TTestResult& aResult )
   531     {
   532     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   533     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   534     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   535     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   536     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   537     if ( KErrNone == error )
   538         {
   539         TRAP( error,
   540         TUid uid = registryClient->GetAvailableUidL( 'C' );
   541         if ( KNullUid != uid )
   542             {
   543             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   544             }
   545         )
   546         registryClient->Disconnect();
   547         }
   548     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   549     return KErrNone;
   550     }
   552     TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetAvailableUidNullL( TTestResult& aResult )
   553     {
   554     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   555     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   556     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   557     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   558     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   559     if ( KErrNone == error )
   560         {
   561 		TRAP(error,
   562 		TUid uid = registryClient->GetAvailableUidL( 'Q' ) );
   563         if ( error == KErrNone )
   564             {
   565             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   566             }
   567         registryClient->Disconnect();
   568         }
   569     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   570     return KErrNone;
   571     }
   573 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetBundleIdL( TTestResult& aResult )
   574     {
   575     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   576     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   577     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   578     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   579     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   580     if ( KErrNone == error )
   581         {
   582         TFileName fn;
   583         fn.SetLength( 0 );
   584         registryClient->GetWidgetBundleId( KNullUid, fn );
   586         {
   587         aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   588         }
   589         registryClient->Disconnect();
   590         }
   591     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   592     return KErrNone;
   593     }	
   595 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetBundleNameL( TTestResult& aResult )
   596     {
   597     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   598     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   599     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   600     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   601     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   602     if ( KErrNone == error )
   603         {
   604         TFileName fn;
   605         fn.SetLength( 0 );
   606         registryClient->GetWidgetBundleName( KNullUid, fn );
   607         if ( 0 == fn.Length() )
   608             {
   609             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   610             }
   611         registryClient->Disconnect();
   612         }
   613     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   614     return KErrNone;
   615     }
   617 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetPropertyValueL( TTestResult& aResult )
   618     {
   619     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   620     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   621     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   622     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   623     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   624     if ( KErrNone == error )
   625         {
   626         CWidgetPropertyValue* value = NULL;
   627         TRAP( error,
   628               value = registryClient->GetWidgetPropertyValueL( iValidUid, EUid ) );
   629         if ( KErrNone == error  )
   630             {
   631             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   632             }
   633         delete value;
   634         registryClient->Disconnect();
   635         }
   636     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   637     return KErrNone;
   638     }
   641 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionInstalledWidgetsL( TTestResult& aResult )
   642     {
   643     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   644     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   645     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   646     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   647     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   648     if ( KErrNone == error )
   649         {
   650         RWidgetInfoArray widgetInfoArray;
   651         error = registryClient->InstalledWidgetsL( widgetInfoArray );
   652         CWidgetInfo *myInfo = widgetInfoArray[0];
   653         if ( KErrNone == error  )
   654             {
   655             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   656             }
   657         registryClient->Disconnect();
   658         }
   659     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   660     return KErrNone;
   661     }
   663 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionRunningWidgetsL( TTestResult& aResult )
   664     {
   665     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   666     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   667     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   668     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   669     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   670     if ( KErrNone == error )
   671         {
   672         RWidgetInfoArray widgetInfoArray;
   673         error = registryClient->RunningWidgetsL( widgetInfoArray );
   674         if ( KErrNone == error  )
   675             {
   676             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   677             }
   678         registryClient->Disconnect();
   679         }
   680     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   681     return KErrNone;
   682     }
   684 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionRegisterWidgetL( TTestResult& aResult )
   685     {
   686     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   687     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   688     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   689     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   690     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   691     if ( KErrNone == error )
   692         {
   693         RPointerArray<CWidgetPropertyValue> propertyValues;
   694         TInt i = 0;
   695         // empty values
   696         for ( ; i < EWidgetPropertyIdCount; ++i )
   697             {
   698             CWidgetPropertyValue* value = CWidgetPropertyValue::NewL();
   699             CleanupStack::PushL( value );
   700             User::LeaveIfError( propertyValues.Insert( value, i ) );
   701             CleanupStack::Pop( value );
   702             }
   703         *(propertyValues[EWidgetPropertyListVersion]) = WIDGETPROPERTYLISTVERSION;
   704         TFileName buf;
   705         buf.Copy( KDriveC );
   706         *(propertyValues[EDriveName]) = buf;
   707         buf.Copy( KBundleIdentifier );
   708         *(propertyValues[EBundleIdentifier]) = buf;
   709         *(propertyValues[EUid]) = KUidTestValue /* arbitrary value */;
   710         TRAP( error,
   711               registryClient->RegisterWidgetL( propertyValues ) );
   712         if ( KErrNone == error  )
   713             {
   714             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   715             }
   716         registryClient->Disconnect();
   717         }
   718     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   719     return KErrNone;
   720     }
   722 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionDeRegisterWidgetL( TTestResult& aResult )
   723     {
   724     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   725     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   726     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   727     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   728     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   729     if ( KErrNone == error )
   730         {
   731         TRAP( error,
   732               registryClient->DeRegisterWidgetL( iValidUid ));
   733         if ( KErrNone == error  )
   734             {
   735             aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   736             }
   737         registryClient->Disconnect();
   738         }
   739     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   740     return KErrNone;
   741     }
   743 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionSetActiveL( TTestResult& aResult )
   744     {
   745     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   746     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   747     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   748     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   749     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   750     if ( KErrNone == error )
   751         {
   752         registryClient->SetActive( KNullUid, 0 );
   753         aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   754         registryClient->Disconnect();
   755         }
   756     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   757     return KErrNone;
   758     }
   760 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetLprojNameL( TTestResult& aResult )
   761     {
   762     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   763     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   764     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   765     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   766     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   767     if ( KErrNone == error )
   768         {
   769         TFileName buf;
   770         registryClient->GetLprojName( buf );
   771         aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   772         registryClient->Disconnect();
   773         }
   774     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   775     return KErrNone;
   776     }
   778  TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionSecurityPolicyId( TTestResult& aResult )
   779  {
   780     aResult.SetResult( KErrGeneral, KFailed );
   781     RWidgetRegistryClientSession* registryClient;
   782     registryClient = new (ELeave) RWidgetRegistryClientSession;
   783     CleanupStack::PushL( registryClient );
   784     TInt error = registryClient->Connect();
   785     if ( KErrNone == error )
   786         {
   787 			TInt SecurityPolicyId = registryClient->SecurityPolicyId();
   788 			if( 0 != SecurityPolicyId )
   789 			{
   790             	aResult.SetResult( KErrNone, KPassed );
   791             }
   792         registryClient->Disconnect();
   793         }
   794     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registryClient );
   795     return KErrNone;
   796  }
   799 const TCaseInfo CWidgetRegistrySTIF::Case ( const TInt aCaseNumber ) const
   800     {
   801     static TCaseInfoInternal const KCases[] =
   802         {
   803         // To add new test cases, add new items to this array
   805         // NOTE: When compiled to GCCE, there must be Classname::
   806         // declaration in front of the method name, e.g.
   807         // CDemoModule::PrintTest. Otherwise the compiler
   808         // gives errors.
   810         ENTRY( "ClientSession New",
   811                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionCreateL ),
   812         ENTRY( "ClientSession DisconnectFirst",
   813                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionDisconnectFirstL ),
   814         ENTRY( "ClientSession Connect",
   815                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionConnectL ),
   816         ENTRY( "ClientSession ConnectAgain",
   817                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionTwoConnectL ),
   818         ENTRY( "ClientSession Disconnect",
   819                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionDisconnectL ),
   820         ENTRY( "ClientSession Version",
   821                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionVersionL ),
   822         ENTRY( "ClientSession IsWidgetNull",
   823                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetNullL ),
   824         ENTRY( "ClientSession IsWidgetInvalid",
   825                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetInvalidL ),
   826         ENTRY( "ClientSession IsWidgetValid",
   827                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetValidL ),
   828         ENTRY( "ClientSession WidgetExists",
   829                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionWidgetExistsL ),
   830         ENTRY( "ClientSession WidgetExistsOverflow",
   831   				CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionWidgetExistsOverflowL),
   832   		ENTRY( "ClientSession WidgetExistsValid",
   833   				CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionWidgetExistsValidL),
   834         ENTRY( "ClientSession IsWidgetRunningNull",
   835                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetRunningNullL ),
   836         ENTRY( "ClientSession IsWidgetRunningValid",
   837                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetRunningValidL ),
   838 		ENTRY( "ClientSession IsWidgetRunningInvalid",
   839                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionIsWidgetRunningInvalidL ),
   840         ENTRY( "ClientSession WidgetCount",
   841                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionWidgetCountL ),
   842         ENTRY( "ClientSession GetWidgetPath",
   843                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetPathL ),
   844         ENTRY( "ClientSession GetWidgetUid",
   845                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetUidL ),
   846         ENTRY( "ClientSession GetWidgetUidValid",
   847                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetUidValidL ),
   848         ENTRY( "ClientSession GetWidgetUidForUrl",
   849                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetUidForUrlL ),
   850         ENTRY( "ClientSession GetAvailableUid",
   851                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetAvailableUidL ),
   852         ENTRY( "ClientSession GetAvailableUidNull",
   853                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetAvailableUidNullL ),
   854         ENTRY( "ClientSession GetWidgetBundleId",
   855                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetBundleIdL ),
   856         ENTRY( "ClientSession GetWidgetBundleName",
   857                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetBundleNameL ),
   858         ENTRY( "ClientSession GetWidgetPropertyValue",
   859                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetWidgetPropertyValueL ),
   860         ENTRY( "ClientSession InstalledWidgets",
   861                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionInstalledWidgetsL ),
   862         ENTRY( "ClientSession RunningWidgets",
   863                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionRunningWidgetsL ),
   864         ENTRY( "ClientSession RegisterWidget",
   865                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionRegisterWidgetL ),
   866         ENTRY( "ClientSession DeRegisterWidget",
   867                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionDeRegisterWidgetL ),
   868         ENTRY( "ClientSession SetActive",
   869                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionSetActiveL ),
   870         ENTRY( "ClientSession GetLprojName",
   871                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionGetLprojNameL ),
   872         ENTRY( "ClientSession SecurityPolicyId",
   873                CWidgetRegistrySTIF::ClientSessionSecurityPolicyId ),
   875         };
   876     /*
   877      * To add new test cases, implement new test case function and add new
   878      * line to KCases array specify the name of the case and the function
   879      * doing the test case
   880      * In practice, do following
   881      *
   882      * 1) Make copy of existing test case function and change its name
   883      *    and functionality. Note that the function must be added to
   884      *    OOMHard.cpp file and to OOMHard.h
   885      *    header file.
   886      *
   887      * 2) Add entry to following KCases array either by using:
   888      *
   889      * 2.1: FUNCENTRY or ENTRY macro
   890      * ENTRY macro takes two parameters: test case name and test case
   891      * function name.
   892      *
   893      * FUNCENTRY macro takes only test case function name as a parameter and
   894      * uses that as a test case name and test case function name.
   895      *
   896      * Or
   897      *
   898      * 2.2: OOM_FUNCENTRY or OOM_ENTRY macro. Note that these macros are used
   899      * only with OOM (Out-Of-Memory) testing!
   900      *
   901      * OOM_ENTRY macro takes five parameters: test case name, test case
   902      * function name, TBool which specifies is method supposed to be run using
   903      * OOM conditions, TInt value for first heap memory allocation failure and
   904      * TInt value for last heap memory allocation failure.
   905      *
   906      * OOM_FUNCENTRY macro takes test case function name as a parameter and uses
   907      * that as a test case name, TBool which specifies is method supposed to be
   908      * run using OOM conditions, TInt value for first heap memory allocation
   909      * failure and TInt value for last heap memory allocation failure.
   910      */
   912     // Verify that case number is valid
   913     if( (TUint) aCaseNumber >= sizeof( KCases ) /
   914         sizeof( TCaseInfoInternal ) )
   915         {
   917         // Invalid case, construct empty object
   918         TCaseInfo null( (const TText*) L"" );
   919         null.iMethod = NULL;
   920         null.iIsOOMTest = EFalse;
   921         null.iFirstMemoryAllocation = 0;
   922         null.iLastMemoryAllocation = 0;
   923         return null;
   924         }
   926     // Construct TCaseInfo object and return it
   927     TCaseInfo tmp ( KCases[ aCaseNumber ].iCaseName );
   928     tmp.iMethod = KCases[ aCaseNumber ].iMethod;
   929     tmp.iIsOOMTest = KCases[ aCaseNumber ].iIsOOMTest;
   930     tmp.iFirstMemoryAllocation = KCases[ aCaseNumber ].iFirstMemoryAllocation;
   931     tmp.iLastMemoryAllocation = KCases[ aCaseNumber ].iLastMemoryAllocation;
   932     return tmp;
   933     }
   935 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   936 // CWidgetRegistrySTIF::GetTestCasesL
   937 // GetTestCases is used to aquire test cases from the Test Module. Test
   938 // cases are stored to array of test cases. The Test Framework will be
   939 // the owner of the data in the RPointerArray after GetTestCases return
   940 // and it does the memory deallocation.
   941 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   942 //
   943 TInt
   944 CWidgetRegistrySTIF::GetTestCasesL( const TFileName& /*aConfig*/,
   945                                     RPointerArray<TTestCaseInfo>& aTestCases )
   946     {
   947     // copy name and number for all the tests--to be used in UI
   948     for( TInt i = 0; Case(i).iMethod; i++ )
   949         {
   950         TTestCaseInfo* newCase = new (ELeave) TTestCaseInfo();
   951         CleanupStack::PushL( newCase );
   952         newCase->iCaseNumber = i; // will be a parameter to RunTestCaseL
   953         newCase->iTitle.Copy( Case(i).iCaseName ); // for display
   954         // transfer ownership
   955         User::LeaveIfError( aTestCases.Append( newCase ) );
   956         CleanupStack::Pop( newCase );
   957         }
   958     return KErrNone;
   959     }
   961 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   962 // CWidgetRegistrySTIF::RunTestCaseL
   963 // RunTestCaseL is used to run an individual test case specified
   964 // by aTestCase. Test cases that can be run may be requested from
   965 // Test Module by GetTestCases method before calling RunTestCase.
   966 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   967 //
   968 TInt CWidgetRegistrySTIF::RunTestCaseL( const TInt aCaseNumber,
   969                                         const TFileName& /*aConfig*/,
   970                                         TTestResult& aResult )
   971     {
   972     TInt result = KErrNotFound;
   973     TCaseInfo tmp = Case( aCaseNumber );
   974     if ( NULL != tmp.iMethod )
   975         {
   976         _LIT( KLogInfo, "Starting testcase [%S]" );
   977         iLog->Log( KLogInfo, &tmp.iCaseName );
   978         result = (this->*tmp.iMethod)( aResult );
   979         }
   980     return result;
   981     }
   983 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   984 // CWidgetRegistrySTIF::OOMTestQueryL
   985 // Used to check if a particular test case should be run in OOM conditions and
   986 // which memory allocations should fail.
   987 //
   988 // NOTE: This method is virtual and must be implemented only if test case
   989 // should be executed using OOM conditions.
   990 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   991 //
   992 TBool CWidgetRegistrySTIF::OOMTestQueryL( const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */,
   993                                           const TInt /* aCaseNumber */,
   994                                           TOOMFailureType& /* aFailureType */,
   995                                           TInt& /* aFirstMemFailure */,
   996                                           TInt& /* aLastMemFailure */ )
   997     {
   998     _LIT( KOOMTestQueryL, "CWidgetRegistrySTIF::OOMTestQueryL" );
   999     iLog->Log( KOOMTestQueryL );
  1000     return EFalse;
  1001     }
  1003 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1004 // CWidgetRegistrySTIF::OOMTestInitializeL
  1005 // Used to perform the test environment setup for a particular OOM test case.
  1006 // Test Modules may use the initialization file to read parameters for Test
  1007 // Module initialization but they can also have their own configure file or
  1008 // some other routine to initialize themselves.
  1009 //
  1010 // NOTE: This method is virtual and must be implemented only if test case
  1011 // should be executed using OOM conditions.
  1012 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1013 //
  1014 void CWidgetRegistrySTIF::OOMTestInitializeL(
  1015     const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */,
  1016     const TInt /* aCaseNumber */ )
  1017     {
  1018     }
  1020 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1021 // CWidgetRegistrySTIF::OOMHandleWarningL
  1022 // In some cases the heap memory allocation should be skipped, either due to
  1023 // problems in the OS code or components used by the code being tested, or even
  1024 // inside the tested components which are implemented this way on purpose (by
  1025 // design), so it is important to give the tester a way to bypass allocation
  1026 // failures.
  1027 //
  1028 // NOTE: This method is virtual and must be implemented only if test case
  1029 // should be executed using OOM conditions.
  1030 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1031 //
  1032 void CWidgetRegistrySTIF::OOMHandleWarningL(
  1033     const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */,
  1034     const TInt /* aCaseNumber */,
  1035     TInt& /* aFailNextValue */ )
  1036     {
  1037     }
  1039 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1040 // CWidgetRegistrySTIF::OOMTestFinalizeL
  1041 // Used to perform the test environment cleanup for a particular OOM test case.
  1042 //
  1043 // NOTE: This method is virtual and must be implemented only if test case
  1044 // should be executed using OOM conditions.
  1045 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1046 //
  1047 void CWidgetRegistrySTIF::OOMTestFinalizeL(
  1048     const TFileName& /* aTestCaseFile */,
  1049     const TInt /* aCaseNumber */ )
  1050     {
  1051     }
  1053 // ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
  1055 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1056 // LibEntryL is a polymorphic Dll entry point
  1057 // Returns: CTestModuleBase*: Pointer to Test Module object
  1058 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1059 //
  1060 EXPORT_C CTestModuleBase* LibEntryL()
  1061     {
  1062     return CWidgetRegistrySTIF::NewL();
  1063     }
  1065 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1066 // SetRequirements handles test module parameters(implements evolution
  1067 // version 1 for test module's heap and stack sizes configuring).
  1068 // Returns: TInt: Symbian error code.
  1069 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1070 //
  1071 EXPORT_C TInt SetRequirements( CTestModuleParam*& /*aTestModuleParam*/,
  1072                                TUint32& /*aParameterValid*/ )
  1073     {
  1074     /* --------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------
  1075     USER PANICS occurs in test thread creation when:
  1076     1) "The panic occurs when the value of the stack size is negative."
  1077     2) "The panic occurs if the minimum heap size specified is less
  1078        than KMinHeapSize".
  1079        KMinHeapSize: "Functions that require a new heap to be allocated will
  1080        either panic, or will reset the required heap size to this value if
  1081        a smaller heap size is specified".
  1082     3) "The panic occurs if the minimum heap size specified is greater than
  1083        the maximum size to which the heap can grow".
  1084     Other:
  1085     1) Make sure that your hardware or Symbian OS is supporting given sizes.
  1086        e.g. Hardware might support only sizes that are divisible by four.
  1087     ------------------------------- NOTE end ------------------------------- */
  1089     // Normally STIF uses default heap and stack sizes for test thread, see:
  1090     // KTestThreadMinHeap, KTestThreadMinHeap and KStackSize.
  1091     // If needed heap and stack sizes can be configured here by user. Remove
  1092     // comments and define sizes.
  1094 /*
  1095     aParameterValid = KStifTestModuleParameterChanged;
  1097     CTestModuleParamVer01* param = CTestModuleParamVer01::NewL();
  1098     // Stack size
  1099     param->iTestThreadStackSize= 16384; // 16K stack
  1100     // Heap sizes
  1101     param->iTestThreadMinHeap = 4096;   // 4K heap min
  1102     param->iTestThreadMaxHeap = 1048576;// 1M heap max
  1104     aTestModuleParam = param;
  1105 */
  1106     return KErrNone;
  1107     }
  1109 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1110 // E32Dll is a DLL entry point function
  1111 // Returns: KErrNone: No error
  1112 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1113 //
  1114 #ifndef EKA2 // Hide Dll entry point to EKA2
  1115 GLDEF_C TInt E32Dll(
  1116     TDllReason /*aReason*/) // Reason
  1117     {
  1118     return(KErrNone);
  1119     }
  1120 #endif // EKA2
  1122 //  End of File