changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 25 0ed94ceaa377
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2000 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef __MVCSHELL_H
    20 #define __MVCSHELL_H
    23 #include <apmstd.h>
    24 #include "BrsrStatusCodes.h"
    25 #include "BrsrTypes.h"
    26 #include <badesca.h>
    27 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    28 #include <charconv.h>
    29 #include <e32base.h>
    30 #include <e32std.h>
    31 #include <f32file.h>
    32 #include <ApEngineConsts.h>
    34 #include "BrCtlDialogsProvider.h"
    36 #include "HEDDocumentListener.h"
    37 #include "httploader_mlinkresolvercallbacks.h"
    38 #include "MSGMessageListener.h"
    39 #include "MVCViewListener.h"
    40 #include "nw_hed_appservices.h"
    41 #include "nw_errnotify.h"
    42 #include "nw_scrproxy.h"
    43 #include "nw_wae.h"
    44 #include "nwx_defs.h"
    45 #include "nwx_status.h"
    46 #include "urlloader_urlresponse.h"
    47 #include "EmbeddedDocExitObserver.h"
    48 //R
    49 #include "historystack.h"
    50 //#include "webkitview.h"
    51 #include "wmlcontrol.h"
    54 #ifdef __SERIES60_WIM
    55 #include "WimUi.h"
    56 #endif __SERIES60_WIM
    59 enum TUrlLoadState
    60   {
    61   // We are now loading the URL
    62   EUrlLoadingProgressing,
    64   // The loading progress has finished because of successful
    65   // finish, user cancel or some other reason.
    66   EUrlLoadingStopped,
    68   // Reset iDoNotRestoreContentFlag in the BrowserUI
    69   EResetDoNotRestoreContentFlag
    70   };
    72 class CDataLoadInfo;
    74 const TInt KPanicKmShellPanicBase = -10000;
    75 const TInt KPanicKmShellSingletonAlreadyCreated = KPanicKmShellPanicBase - 1;
    76 const TInt KPanicKmShellViewPtrIsNotSet = KPanicKmShellPanicBase - 2;
    78 class CView;
    79 class CCnvCharacterSetConverter;
    80 class CContentLoader;
    81 class CBrCtl;
    83 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CShell): public CBase, public MHttpLoader_LinkResolverCallbacks,
    84                public MViewListener, public MHEDDocumentListener, public MMessageListener
    85 {
    86   public: // Epoc constructor and destructor
    88     static CShell* NewL (CView* aEpoc32View, CBrCtl* aBrCtl, MWmlInterface* aWKWmlInterface, CWmlControl* aWmlControl);
    90     ~CShell();
    93   public: // Public exported methods
    95     /**
    96      *
    97      * Starts loading of content from given URL.
    98      *
    99      * @param URL to be loaded
   100      * @return KErrNone if successfull, KErrGeneral on error
   101      */
   102     TInt Load(const TDesC& aUrl, TInt aApId, NW_Cache_Mode_t cacheMode=NW_CACHE_NORMAL);
   104     TInt CancelAll();
   106     TInt FreeConnection();
   107     TInt HistoryLoad(THistoryStackDirection aDirection);
   109     /**
   110      *
   111      * Process the Back event
   112      * Now that we have multiple views (normal view and image map view), the processing
   113      * of the back event may be different depending on which view we are in.  If we
   114      * are in the image map view, we will want to switch back to the normal view if the
   115      * back button is selected.  If we are in normal view, we will want to call HistoryLoad
   116      * and load the previous page.
   117      *
   118      * @param None
   119      * @return KErrNone if successfull, KErrUnknown on error
   120      */
   121     TInt ProcessBack();
   123      /**
   124      *
   125      * Switch to image map view
   126      * Now that we have multiple views (normal view and image map view).If we select
   127      * an image map we want to switch to image map view
   128      *
   129      * @param None
   130      * @return KErrNone if successfull, KErrUnknown on error
   131      */
   132     TInt SwitchToImgMapView();
   134      /**
   135      *
   136      * Switch from image map view
   137      * Now that we have multiple views (normal view and image map view).If we
   138      * are in the image map view, we will want to switch back to the normal view.
   139      *
   140      * @param None
   141      * @return KErrNone if successfull, KErrUnknown on error
   142      */
   143     TInt SwitchFromImgMapViewIfNeeded();
   145     void SetView(CView* aEpocView); // Does not take the ownership!
   147     TInt HandleDo( TUint32 aElemId );
   149     /**
   150      *
   151      * Get a history list
   152      *
   153      * @param aUrls Descriptor array to append
   154      * @return Error code
   155      */
   156     TInt GetHistoryList (CArrayFix<TBrCtlSelectOptionData>& aHistoryList);
   158     /**
   159      *
   160      * Gives current position in the history stack
   161      *
   162      * @return THistoryStackPosition enumeration 
   163      */
   164     TWmlEngineDefs::THistoryStackPosition HistoryStackPosition();
   166     /**
   167      * Loads page from history by given index
   168      *
   169      * @param history list
   170      * @return KErrNone if found, otherwise KErrNotFound
   171      */
   172     TInt LoadHistoryEntry( CArrayFix<TBrCtlSelectOptionData>& aHistoryList );
   174     /**
   175     *
   176     * Gets the current URL as HBufC*, Leaves on error
   177     * Returns at least zero-length HBufC on success
   178     *
   179     * @return HBufC* Current URL
   180     */
   182     HBufC* GetCurrentUrlInHBufCL() const;
   184     /**
   185     *
   186     * Gets the current title of the content as HBufC*, leaves on error
   187     * Returns at least zero-length HBufC on success
   188     *
   189     * @return HBufC* Current WML deck / XHTML Page <title> element contents
   190     */
   191     HBufC* GetCurrentTitleInHBufCL(TBool& aStripUrl) const;
   193     TUint16 SaveToFileL(TDesC& aFileName) const;
   195 	/**
   196     *
   197     * Gets the WML of the domtree
   198     * Returns pointer to HBufC
   199     * 
   200     * @return HBufC* extracted WML MarkUp
   201     */
   203 	HBufC8* GetPageAsWMLMarkUp();
   206     /**
   207     *
   208     * Gets the text of the domtree
   209     * Returns pointer to HBufC
   210     * 
   211     * @return HBufC* extracted text	
   212     */
   213     HBufC* GetPageAsTextL();
   216     /**
   217     *
   218     * Gets the charset from the domtree
   219     * Returns pointer to the charset
   220     * 
   221     * @return charset
   222     */
   223 	const NW_Uint8* GetCharsetFromResponse();
   225     /**
   226     *
   227     *
   228     */
   229     void ShowImagesL() const;
   231     /**
   232     *it must be called when the browser view loses focus
   233     */
   234     void LoseFocus();
   236     /**
   237     *it must be called when the browser view gains focus
   238     */
   239     void GainFocus(); 
   241     /**
   242     *provide for browser to reset the history list, when close softkey is selected.
   243     */
   244     void ClearHistoryList();
   246     // Called when selected character set changes
   247     void CharacterSetChangedL(TUint aSelectedCharacterSet);
   249     void* GetCertInfo();
   251   public: // public not exported methods
   254     /**
   255     * From MHttpLoader_LinkResolverCallbacks Called to obtain the current URL.
   256     * @since 2.8
   257 	* @param 
   258     * @return The current URL
   259     */
   260     HBufC* CurrentUrlLC();
   262     /**
   263     * From MHttpLoader_LinkResolverCallbacks Called to obtain a pointer to the Link Resolver
   264     * @since 2.8
   265     * @return The Browser Control's Link Resolver
   266     */
   267     MBrCtlLinkResolver* LinkResolver();
   269     /**
   270     * From MHttpLoader_LinkResolverCallbacks Called to check if the Host Application should be called to resolve the URL
   271     * @since 2.8
   272     * @return ETrue if the Host Application will resolve the URL, EFalse otherwise
   273     */
   274     TBool ShouldResolveUrl(TBool aIsTopLevel, NW_Uint8 aReason);
   276     /**
   277     * From MHttpLoader_LinkResolverCallbacks Called to call LoadUrlL
   278     * @since 3.0
   279     * @return void
   280     */
   281     void LoadLinkUrl(const TDesC& aUrl, void* aHeaders );
   283 	/**
   284     * From MHttpLoader_LinkResolverCallbacks Called to call PostUrlL
   285     * @since 3.0
   286     * @return void
   287     */
   288 	void PostLinkUrl(TDesC& aUrl, TDesC8& aPostData, TDesC& aContentType);
   290 	/**
   291     * From MHttpLoader_LinkResolverCallbacks Called to load Embeded content
   292     * @since 3.1
   293     * @return void
   294     */
   295 	CWmlResourceLoadListener* LoadEmbededUrl( const TDesC& aUrl, void *aLoadContext,
   296                         void* aPartialLoadCallback, TUint16 aTransId  );
   298 	/**
   299     * From MHttpLoader_LinkResolverCallbacks Called to set the OEB event
   300     * @since 3.1
   301     * @return void
   302     */
   303 	void SetOnEnterBackwordReason();
   305     /**
   306     * From MHttpLoader_LinkResolverCallbacks Convert a charset from string to IANA encoding
   307     * @since 2.8
   308     * @return IANA encoding of the charset
   309     */
   310     TUint16 ConvertCharset(const TDesC8& aCharset);
   312     TUint ConvertFromForeignCharSetL(void* response);
   313     TUint ConvertFromForeignChunkL(  NW_Uint32 foreignEncoding, void* inBuf, TInt * numUnconvertible, TInt* indexFirstUnconvertible, void** outBuf);
   314     static TBrowserStatusCode ConvertToForeignCharSet(void* ucsText);  
   315     TUint ConvertToForeignCharSetL(void* text);
   316     NW_Text_t* ConvertToValidUrl (NW_Text_t* url, TBrowserStatusCode* status);
   317 		/**
   318 		* From MHttpLoader_ToUiCallbacks Called when the user need to be notified with an error
   319 		* @since 2.0
   320 		* @return void
   321 		*/
   322     void CoverageEvent (TInt aError);
   323     CBrCtl* BrCtl() {return iBrCtl;}
   324 		/**
   325 		* From MHttpLoader_ToUiCallbacks Called after disconnect is complete.
   326 		* @since 2.0
   327 		* @param 
   328 		* @return void
   329 		*/
   330 		void Disconnect_Resp() {};
   332     TBrowserStatusCode DocumentChanged (NW_HED_DocumentRoot_t* documentRoot, 
   333       CActive::TPriority aMessagePriority );
   335     TBrowserStatusCode DocumentChangedPartial (NW_HED_DocumentRoot_t* documentRoot, 
   336       CActive::TPriority aMessagePriority );
   338     NW_Uint32 GetCharsetUid(NW_Uint32 internalEncoding);
   339     NW_Uint32 GetCharsetUid2(NW_Uint32 ianaEncoding);
   340     NW_Uint32 GetUidFromCharset( NW_Uint8* charset, NW_Uint32 charsetLength );
   341     NW_Text_t* GetCurrentUrl ();
   342     NW_Text_t* GetCurrentUrlL ();
   343     const NW_Text_t* GetCurrentTitle ();
   344     inline NW_HED_DocumentRoot_t* GetDocumentRoot() { return iDocumentRoot; };
   345     NW_LMgr_RootBox_t* GetRootBox ();
   346     TBrowserStatusCode GetUseNumberBuf (NW_ADT_DynamicVector_t* dynamicVector, void** ptr );
   347     TBrowserStatusCode GetUseNumberContent (NW_ADT_DynamicVector_t *dynamicVector);
   348     inline CView* GetView() { return iView; };
   349 	TBool HandleDownloadL(RArray<TUint>* aTypeArray, CDesCArrayFlat* aDesArray);
   350     void HandleError (TBrowserStatusCode status);
   351     void FormattingComplete ();
   352     void HandleMessage (NW_Msg_Message_t* message);
   353     TBrowserStatusCode IsActive (NW_HED_DocumentRoot_t* documentRoot, NW_Bool state);
   354     NW_Bool LoadEnd (NW_HED_DocumentRoot_t* documentRoot, NW_Int16 errorClass, NW_WaeError_t error);
   355     TBrowserStatusCode LoadProgressOn (NW_Uint16 transactionId);
   356     TBrowserStatusCode LoadProgressOff (NW_Uint16 transactionId);
   357     void NewDocument (NW_HED_DocumentRoot_t* documentRoot, NW_HED_UrlRequest_t* urlRequest, NW_Bool aDestroyBoxTree);
   358     void DestroyPreviousDocument();
   359     void RestoreDocument ();
   360     void NotifyProgress (TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlLoadEvent aEvent, TUint32 aSize, TUint16 aTransactionId);
   361     MBrCtlSpecialLoadObserver* GetLoadObserver ();
   362     static TBrowserStatusCode NW_Http_ConnNeeded (TInt* aConnectionPtr, TInt* aSockSvrHandle, TBool* aNewConn, TApBearerType* aBearerType);
   363 //    static TBrowserStatusCode NW_UI_AboutToLoadPageL( NW_Uint32 aNoteType );
   364     static TBrowserStatusCode NW_UI_ConvertFromForeignCharSet (void* ctx, NW_Url_Resp_t* response);
   365     static TBrowserStatusCode NW_UI_ConvertToForeignCharSet (void* ctx, NW_String_t* text);
   366     static TBrowserStatusCode NW_UI_ConvertFromForeignChunk ( void* ctx, NW_Uint32 foreignEncoding, void* inBuf, TInt * numUnconvertible, TInt* indexFirstUnconvertible, void** outBuf);
   367     static void NW_UI_DialogListSelect (NW_Dlg_ListSelect_t* data, void* callbackCtx, NW_Dlg_ListSelectCB_t *callback );
   368     static void NW_UI_DialogPrompt (NW_Dlg_Prompt_t* data, void* callbackCtx, NW_Dlg_PromptCB_t *callback);
   369     static void NW_UI_DialogInputPrompt (NW_Dlg_InputPrompt_t *data, void* callbackCtx, NW_Dlg_InputPromptCB_t *callback );
   370     static void NW_UI_DialogSelectOption (NW_Dlg_SelectData_t *data, void* callbackCtx, NW_Dlg_SelectCB_t* callback );
   371     /* Return localized string for 'back', 'reset', 'select', 'submit' */
   372     static NW_Ucs2* NW_UI_GetLocalizedString (NW_Uint32 type);
   373     void NW_UI_GetUserAuthenticationDataL(const NW_Ucs2* aUri, const NW_Ucs2* aUsername, const NW_Ucs2* aRealm, 
   374                                           NW_Ucs2** aRetUsername, NW_Ucs2** aRetPassword,
   375                                           TBool aBasicAuthentication = EFalse);
   376     static void NW_UI_GetUserRedirectionData (void* wae, const NW_Ucs2* originalUrl, const NW_Ucs2* redirectedUrl,
   377 												                      void  *callbackCtx, NW_Wae_UserRedirectionCB_t *callback);
   378     static TBrowserStatusCode NW_UI_HttpError (void *userAgent, const NW_WaeHttpStatus_t httpError, 
   379                                                const NW_Ucs2 *uri, void *callback_ctx, NW_ErrorCB_t *callback);
   380      /**
   381      *
   382      * Query if we are in image map view
   383      * We have multiple views (image map view or normal view)  
   384      *
   385      * @param None
   386      * @return KErrNone if successfull, KErrUnknown on error
   387      */
   388     static TBool NW_UI_IsImageMapView();
   389     static void NW_UI_NotifyCoverageEvent (TInt aError);
   390     static TBrowserStatusCode NW_UI_NotifyError (void *userAgent, const TBrowserStatusCode status, void *callback_ctx, NW_ErrorCB_t *callback);
   391     // Display the object info dialog box
   392     static NW_Bool NW_UI_ShowObjectDialog();
   393     static void NW_UI_SoftKey_UpdateSoftKeys (NW_SoftKeyText_t softKeyText);
   394     static TBrowserStatusCode NW_UI_StartContentLoad (void *userAgent, const NW_Ucs2* urlName);
   395     static TBrowserStatusCode NW_UI_StopContentLoad (void *userAgent, const NW_Ucs2* urlName);
   396     static TInt NW_UI_SwitchFromImgMapViewIfNeeded();
   397     static TInt NW_UI_SwitchToImgMapView();
   398     static TBrowserStatusCode NW_UI_UrlLoadProgressOn (void *wae, NW_Uint16 transactionId);
   399     static void NW_UI_ViewImage (void* rawData, NW_Int32 length, NW_Bool isWbmp);
   400     /* display a alert dialog to the user */
   401     static void NW_UI_WmlScriptDlgAlert (void* wae, const NW_Ucs2* message, void* callback_ctx, NW_ScrProxy_DlgAlertCB_t* callback );
   402     /* display a confirm dialog to the user */
   403     static void NW_UI_WmlScriptDlgConfirm (void *wae, const NW_Ucs2 *message, const NW_Ucs2 *yesMessage,
   404                                            const NW_Ucs2 *noMessage, void  *callback_ctx, NW_Dlg_ConfirmCB_t *callback );
   405     /* display a prompt dialog to the user */
   406     static void NW_UI_WmlScriptDlgPrompt (void *wae, const NW_Ucs2 *message, const NW_Ucs2 *defaultInput,
   407                                           void  *callback_ctx, NW_ScrProxy_DlgPromptCB_t *callback );
   408     void OptionListInit(); // just forwards call to CEpoc32View
   409     void OptionListAddItem( const TText* aText, const TUint32 aElemID, const TInt aElType ); // just forwards call to CEpoc32View
   410     NW_Bool ReportError (NW_HED_DocumentRoot_t* documentRoot, NW_Int16 errorClass, NW_WaeError_t error,
   411                          ReportErrorCallback* callback);
   412     TBrowserStatusCode SendRedrawMsg (NW_Bool drawNow);
   413     TBrowserStatusCode SendRelayoutMsg (NW_Bool createTabList);
   414 	  TUint SelectedCharacterSet() const {return iSelectedCharacterSet;}
   415     TBrowserStatusCode SetAnchorName (NW_Text_t* anchorName);
   416     void SetFileOpenedByDocHandler( TBool aFileOpenedByDocHandler );
   417     TBrowserStatusCode ShowNamedBox (NW_LMgr_Box_t* boxTree, const NW_Text_t* targetName);
   418 	/**
   419 	* From MHttpLoader_ToUiCallbacks Called after shutdown is complete.
   420 	* @since 2.0
   421 	* @param 
   422 	* @return void
   423 	*/
   424 	void Shutdown_Resp() {};
   425     TBrowserStatusCode SwitchLayout (NW_Bool aVerticalLayout, NW_Bool aReformatBoxTree);
   426     void UpdateSoftKeys();
   427     void UpdateTitle();
   428     void UrlLoadStateChanged (TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlLoadEvent aEvent);
   430     // Following functions are for ECMAScript support 
   431     static void WindowAlert (void* browserApp_Ctx, NW_Ucs2* msg);
   432     static NW_Bool WindowConfirm (void* browserApp_Ctx, NW_Ucs2* msg, NW_Ucs2* yesMsg, NW_Ucs2* noMsg);
   433     static NW_Ucs2* WindowPrompt (void* browserApp_Ctx, NW_Ucs2* msg, NW_Ucs2* defaultVal); 
   435     static NW_Ucs2* WindowPromptL (void* browserApp_Ctx, NW_Ucs2* msg, NW_Ucs2* defaultVal); 
   436     static void WindowOpen(void* browserApp_Ctx, NW_Ucs2* url, NW_Ucs2* target, NW_Uint32 reason);
   438      /**
   439     * Request the host applicaion to open the URL in a new window
   440     * @since 3.0
   441     * @param aUrl The Url of the request to be done in the new window
   442     * @param aTargetName The name of the new window
   443     * @param aReason The reason for opening the new window
   444     * @param aMethod The method to be used for fetching the supplied url
   445     * @param aContentType If the method is POST, this is the content type of the data to be posted 
   446     * @param aPostData If the method is POST, this is the data to be posted 
   447     * @param aBoundary The boundary used if the content is multipart/form-data
   448     * @param aReserved For future use
   449     * @return Return Value is for future reference and is currently ignored
   450     */
   451     void WindowOpenAndPostL(TUint16* url, TUint16* target, TUint32 reason, 
   452         TUint16 method, TDesC8* contentType, TDesC8* postData,
   453         TDesC8* aBoundary, void* reserved);
   455      /**
   456     * 
   457     * @since 3.0
   458     * @param url
   459     * @param target
   460     * @param reason
   461     */
   462     void WindowOpenL(TUint16* url, TUint16* target, TUint32 reason);
   464     TBool Exiting() {return iExiting;};
   466     // Support for AboutToLoadPage and the UI
   467     TBool SecureItemsInNonSecurePage() { return iSecureItemsInNonSecurePage; }
   468     TBool NonSecureItemsInSecurePage() { return iNonSecureItemsInSecurePage; }
   470     TInt GetCharsetAndCharsetStringFromUid(TUint aUid, TUint16* aCharset,
   471                                            const TUint8** aCharsetString);
   472     TBrowserStatusCode StartDataLoad (TDesC& aUrl, CDataLoadInfo* aDataLoadInfo,
   473         NW_MVC_ILoadListener_t* loadListener, TUint16* aTransId, 
   474         void* aOwner, void* aClientData, void* aLoadRecipient, TUint8 aLoadType);    
   476     TBrowserStatusCode PostUrl(const TDesC& aUrl, 
   477         const TDesC8& aContentType, const TDesC8& aPostData, 
   478         const TDesC8* aBoundary, void* aReserved);
   480     static TInt RunBGTask(TAny* aShell);
   481     void StartIdle() {if (!iIdle->IsActive()) iIdle->Start(TCallBack(RunBGTask, this));}
   483     /**
   484     * Create observer to delete temp files when the embedded application exists
   485     * @param TFilename Name and path for the temporary file
   486     * @return NULL if creation failed;
   487     */
   488     MApaEmbeddedDocObserver* CreateEmbeddedDocObserver( TFileName aFilename, RFs& aRfs);
   490   void WmlShellLoadUrlL( const TDesC& aUrl, TInt aAppId );
   491   public: // Public member variables
   492     TBool                  iEmbedded;
   493     TInt                   iApId; 
   494     CContentLoader*        iContentLoader;
   495     RFs                    iRfs;
   497   private: // Private methods
   499     CShell( CView* aEpoc32View, CBrCtl* aBrCtl );
   500     void ConstructL (TBool aUseWsp, MWmlInterface* aWmlInterface, CWmlControl* aWmlControl );
   501     TBrowserStatusCode DisplayDocument ();
   502     void DisplayError (NW_Int16 errorClass, NW_WaeError_t error);
   503     TBrowserStatusCode InitComponents ();
   504     TBrowserStatusCode InitializeClass (const NW_Osu_Hwnd_t hWnd);
   505     // check whether the charset is supported and whether its char converter is in the ROM
   506     NW_Bool IsConversionSupported(NW_Uint32 uid, NW_Bool * ConverterAvailable);
   507     static void NW_UI_DoDialogSelectOptionL( NW_Dlg_SelectData_t *data, void* callbackCtx, 
   508                                              NW_Dlg_SelectCB_t* callback );
   509     /* display a confirm dialog to the user */
   510     static void NW_UI_WmlScriptDlgConfirmL (void *wae, const NW_Ucs2 *message, const NW_Ucs2 *yesMessage,
   511                                             const NW_Ucs2 *noMessage, void  *callback_ctx, NW_Dlg_ConfirmCB_t *callback );
   512     static void NW_UI_WmlScriptDlgPromptL( void* wae, const NW_Ucs2 *message, const NW_Ucs2 *defaultInput,
   513                                            HBufC*& aReturnedInput );
   514     TInt SetBoxTree( NW_LMgr_Box_t* aBoxTree ); // just forwards call to CEpoc32View
   515     TBrowserStatusCode StartLoad (const NW_Text_t* url, NW_MVC_ILoadListener_t* loadListener, NW_Cache_Mode_t cacheMode);
   517   private: // Private member variables
   519     CView* iView;
   520     CBrCtl*                iBrCtl;
   521     TBool                  iIsEpoc32ShellDestroyed;// The instance is set to true in the  
   522                                                    // destructor, and is used not to delegate 
   523     CCnvCharacterSetConverter* iCharacterSetConverter;
   524     TUint iSelectedCharacterSet;
   525     TUint iCurrentConverter; 
   526     CArrayFix<CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SCharacterSet>* iArrayOfCharacterSetsAvailable;
   528     NW_MVC_ILoadListener_t* iLoadListener;
   529     NW_Osu_Hwnd_t iHWnd;
   530     NW_HED_DocumentRoot_t* iDocumentRoot;
   531     NW_HED_DocumentNode_t* iPrevDocument;
   532     NW_Uint16 iNumUpdates;
   533     NW_Int16 iNumUpdatesPartial;
   534     NW_Uint16 iNumRelayouts;
   535     NW_Uint16 iNumRedraws;
   536     NW_Bool iDisplayDocumentInvoked ;
   537     TBool iSecureItemsInNonSecurePage;
   538     TBool iNonSecureItemsInSecurePage;
   540     NW_LMgr_Box_t* iBoxTree;
   542     /* Do background tasks */
   543     CIdle* iIdle;
   545     CEmbeddedDocExitObserver* iDocExitObserver;
   546     TBool iExiting;
   548     // flag to indicate the file processed by document handler
   549     // e.g. unknowCH invoke docHanlder to open a .txt file
   550     TBool iFileOpenedByDocHandler;
   551     CWmlControl* iWmlControl;
   552 };
   554 #endif