changeset 0 dd21522fd290
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Creating and deleting of url response
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef URLRESPONSE_H
    20 #define URLRESPONSE_H
    22 #ifdef __cplusplus
    23 extern "C" {
    24 #endif
    25     //  INCLUDES
    26 #include "nwx_defs.h"
    27 #include "nwx_buffer.h"
    28 #include "BrsrStatusCodes.h"
    30 // CONSTANTS
    32 // MACROS
    34 // DATA TYPES
    35 typedef enum {
    36     NW_CACHE_NORMAL,      // Normal Http load, use cache if not stale
    37     NW_CACHE_HISTPREV,    // History Prev load, use cache even if stale,
    38 						  // unless must-revalidate
    39     NW_CACHE_NOCACHE,     // Do not use cache, even if fresh
    40     NW_CACHE_ONLYCACHE    // Only load from cache, for loading saved deck
    41 } NW_Cache_Mode_t;
    44 typedef struct NW_Url_Resp_s
    45 {
    46     NW_Ucs2     *uri;               // The original URL of the request
    47 									// NULL terminated
    48     NW_Buffer_t *body;              // The body of the request
    49     void        *headers;           // The response headers
    50     NW_Uint8    *contentTypeString; // The string representation of content type
    51     NW_Ucs2     *contentTypeString16; // The string representation of content type
    52     NW_Uint8    *contentLocationString; // The string representation of Content Base header
    53     NW_Bool     noStore;            // HTTP cache-control directive.
    54     NW_Uint8    *boundary;          // The string representation of boundary (multipart)
    55     NW_Ucs2     *lastModified;      // The string representation of last-modified header. Used by ECMAScript
    56     NW_Uint16   charset;            // WAP encoding of response's character set
    57     NW_Uint8    *charsetString;     // The charset string
    58     NW_Uint8    byteOrder;          // Byte order: big-endian or little-endian for 2-byte charset or single byte
    59     NW_Uint32   httpStatus;         // Response status as received from server
    60     NW_Uint8    method;             // Method used for the final request
    61     NW_Uint16   transId;            // The transaction id of the response
    62     void* 		certInfo;           // The certificate information
    63     NW_Uint32   contentLength;      // The content length of the response. Used only for HEAD requests
    64 } NW_Url_Resp_t;
    67 // A URLPartialResponseCallback is passed into this component to receive partial response
    68 typedef TBrowserStatusCode (NW_Url_RespCallback_t)
    69 	(TBrowserStatusCode   status,        // The load status
    70      NW_Uint16     transId,       // The transaction id of the response
    71      NW_Int32      chunkIndex,      // chunk index
    72      void          *loadContext,  // A context to pass back with the response
    73      NW_Url_Resp_t *resp);        // The response structure
    79 /**
    80 * Create a url response structure
    81 * aUri The response URL, NULL terminated.
    82 * aBody The body of the request.
    83 * aBodyLength The length of the body of the request.
    84 * aHeaders The response headers.
    85 * aContentTypeString The string representation of the content type.
    86 * aCharset The WAP encoding of the response's character set.
    87 * aCharsetString The response's character set.
    88 * aHttpStatus The response status, as received from the server.
    89 * aMethod The method used for the final request.
    90 * aTransId The transaction id of the response.
    91 * aContentLength The content length of the response. Used only for HEAD requests.
    92 */
    94 NW_Url_Resp_t* UrlLoader_UrlResponseNew(const NW_Ucs2   *aUri,
    95                                         NW_Uint8        *aBody,
    96                                         NW_Uint32       aBodyLength,
    97                                         void            *aHeaders,
    98                                         NW_Uint8        *aContentTypeString,
    99                                         NW_Uint8        *aContentLocationString,
   100                                         NW_Bool         noStore,
   101                                         NW_Uint8        *aBoundaryString,
   102                                         NW_Ucs2         *aLastModified,
   103                                         NW_Uint16       aCharset,
   104                                         NW_Uint8        *aCharsetString,
   105                                         NW_Uint32       aHttpStatus,
   106                                         NW_Uint8        aMethod,
   107                                         NW_Uint16       aTransId,
   108                                         NW_Uint32       aContentLength);
   109 /*//R
   110 NW_Url_Resp_t* UrlLoader_UrlResponseNew(const NW_Ucs2   	*aUri,
   111                                         const NW_Uint8      *aBody,
   112                                         NW_Uint32       	aBodyLength,
   113                                         void            	*aHeaders,
   114                                         const NW_Uint8      *aContentTypeString,
   115                                         const NW_Uint8      *aContentLocationString,
   116                                         NW_Bool         	noStore,
   117                                         const NW_Uint8      *aBoundaryString,
   118                                         const NW_Ucs2         	*aLastModified,
   119                                         const NW_Uint16     aCharset,
   120                                         NW_Uint8        	*aCharsetString,
   121                                         NW_Uint32       	aHttpStatus,
   122                                         NW_Uint8        	aMethod,
   123                                         NW_Uint16       	aTransId,
   124                                         NW_Uint32       	aContentLength);
   125 */
   127 /**
   128 * Free a url response structure
   129 */
   130 void UrlLoader_UrlResponseDelete(NW_Url_Resp_t* aResp);
   133 #ifdef __cplusplus
   134 } /* extern "C" */
   135 #endif
   137 #endif      // URLRESPONSE_H
   139 // End of File