changeset 0 dd21522fd290
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:dd21522fd290
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 /*
    20     $Workfile: wml_ops.h $
    22     Purpose:
    24         Maps the WML bytecodes from the WML Specification to a unique namespace.
    25         This also makes the browser code more readable.
    26 */
    28 #ifndef WML_OPS_H
    29 #define WML_OPS_H
    31 /* #defines for Global tokens. */
    34 #define GT_SWITCH_PAGE          0x0
    35 #define GT_END                  0x1
    36 #define GT_ENTITY               0x2
    37 #define GT_STR_I                0x3
    38 #define GT_LITERAL              0x4
    39 #define GT_PI                   0x43
    40 #define GT_LITERAL_C            0x44
    41 #define GT_STR_T                0x83
    42 #define GT_LITERAL_A            0x84
    43 #define GT_EXT_0                0xC0
    44 #define GT_EXT_1                0xC1
    45 #define GT_EXT_2                0xC2
    46 #define GT_OPAQUE               0xC3
    47 #define GT_LITERAL_AC           0xC4
    49 /* #defines for overridden Global tokens. */
    51 #define GT_VAR_ESC_I            0x40
    52 #define GT_VAR_UNESC_I          0x41
    53 #define GT_VAR_DIRECT_I         0x42
    54 #define GT_VAR_ESC_T            0x80
    55 #define GT_VAR_UNESC_T          0x81
    56 #define GT_VAR_DIRECT_T         0x82
    58 /* #defines for Tag tokens. */
    60 #define TAG_A                   0x1C
    61 #define TAG_ANCHOR              0x22
    62 #define TAG_ACCESS              0x23
    63 #define TAG_B                   0x24
    64 #define TAG_BIG                 0x25
    65 #define TAG_BR                  0x26
    66 #define TAG_CARD                0x27
    67 #define TAG_DO                  0x28
    68 #define TAG_EM                  0x29
    69 #define TAG_FIELDSET            0x2A
    70 #define TAG_GO                  0x2B
    71 #define TAG_HEAD                0x2C
    72 #define TAG_I                   0x2D
    73 #define TAG_IMG                 0x2E
    74 #define TAG_INPUT               0x2F
    75 #define TAG_META                0x30
    76 #define TAG_NOOP                0x31
    77 #define TAG_P                   0x20
    78 #define TAG_POSTFIELD           0x21
    79 #define TAG_PRE                 0x1B
    80 #define TAG_PREV                0x32
    81 #define TAG_ONEVENT             0x33
    82 #define TAG_OPTGROUP            0x34
    83 #define TAG_OPTION              0x35
    84 #define TAG_REFRESH             0x36
    85 #define TAG_SELECT              0x37
    86 #define TAG_SMALL               0x38
    87 #define TAG_STRONG              0x39
    88 #define TAG_TABLE               0x1F
    89 #define TAG_TD                  0x1D
    90 #define TAG_TEMPLATE            0x3B
    91 #define TAG_TIMER               0x3C
    92 #define TAG_TR                  0x1E
    93 #define TAG_U                   0x3D
    94 #define TAG_SETVAR              0x3E
    95 #define TAG_WML                 0x3F
    97 /* #defines for AttrName tokens. */
    99 #define AS_ACCEPT_CHARSET       0x5
   100 #define AS_ACCESSKEY            0x5E    /* 3/30/00, JCashook */
   101 #define AS_ALIGN                0x52
   102 #define AS_ALIGN_BOTTOM         0x6
   103 #define AS_ALIGN_CENTER         0x7
   104 #define AS_ALIGN_LEFT           0x8
   105 #define AS_ALIGN_MIDDLE         0x9
   106 #define AS_ALIGN_RIGHT          0xA
   107 #define AS_ALIGN_TOP            0xB
   108 #define AS_ALT                  0xC
   109 #define AS_CLASS                0x54
   110 #define AS_COLUMNS              0x53
   111 #define AS_CONTENT              0xD
   112 #define AS_CONTENT_MIME_CHARSET 0x5C
   113 #define AS_DOMAIN               0xF
   114 #define AS_EMPTYOK_FALSE        0x10
   115 #define AS_EMPTYOK_TRUE         0x11
   116 #define AS_ENCTYPE              0x5F
   117 #define AS_ENCTYPE_APPLICATION  0x60
   118 #define AS_ENCTYPE_MULTIPART    0x61
   119 #define AS_FORMAT               0x12
   120 #define AS_FORUA_FALSE          0x56
   121 #define AS_FORUA_TRUE           0x57
   122 #define AS_HEIGHT               0x13
   123 #define AS_HREF                 0x4A
   124 #define AS_HREF_HTTP            0x4B
   125 #define AS_HREF_HTTPS           0x4C
   126 #define AS_HSPACE               0x14
   127 #define AS_HTTP_EQUIV           0x5A
   128 #define AS_HTTP_EQUIV_CONT_TYPE 0x5B
   129 #define AS_HTTP_EQUIV_EXPIRES   0x5D
   130 #define AS_ID                   0x55
   131 #define AS_IVALUE               0x15
   132 #define AS_INAME                0x16
   133 #define AS_LABEL                0x18
   134 #define AS_LOCALSRC             0x19
   135 #define AS_MAXLENGTH            0x1A
   136 #define AS_METHOD_GET           0x1B
   137 #define AS_METHOD_POST          0x1C
   138 #define AS_MODE_NOWRAP          0x1D
   139 #define AS_MODE_WRAP            0x1E
   140 #define AS_MULTIPLE_FALSE       0x1F
   141 #define AS_MULTIPLE_TRUE        0x20
   142 #define AS_NAME                 0x21
   143 #define AS_NEWCONTEXT_FALSE     0x22
   144 #define AS_NEWCONTEXT_TRUE      0x23
   145 #define AS_ONENTERBACKWARD      0x25
   146 #define AS_ONENTERFORWARD       0x26
   147 #define AS_ONPICK               0x24
   148 #define AS_ONTIMER              0x27
   149 #define AS_OPTIONAL_FALSE       0x28
   150 #define AS_OPTIONAL_TRUE        0x29
   151 #define AS_PATH                 0x2A
   152 #define AS_SCHEME               0x2E
   153 #define AS_SENDREFERER_FALSE    0x2F
   154 #define AS_SENDREFERER_TRUE     0x30
   155 #define AS_SIZE                 0x31
   156 #define AS_SRC                  0x32
   157 #define AS_SRC_HTTP             0x58
   158 #define AS_SRC_HTTPS            0x59
   159 #define AS_ORDERED_TRUE         0x33
   160 #define AS_ORDERED_FALSE        0x34
   161 #define AS_TABINDEX             0x35
   162 #define AS_TITLE                0x36
   163 #define AS_TYPE                 0x37
   164 #define AS_TYPE_ACCEPT          0x38
   165 #define AS_TYPE_DELETE          0x39
   166 #define AS_TYPE_HELP            0x3A
   167 #define AS_TYPE_PASSWORD        0x3B
   168 #define AS_TYPE_ONPICK          0x3C
   170 #define AS_TYPE_ONENTERFORWARD  0x3E
   171 #define AS_TYPE_ONTIMER         0x3F
   172 #define AS_TYPE_OPTIONS         0x45
   173 #define AS_TYPE_PREV            0x46
   174 #define AS_TYPE_RESET           0x47
   175 #define AS_TYPE_TEXT            0x48
   176 #define AS_TYPE_VND             0x49
   177 #define AS_VALUE                0x4D
   178 #define AS_VSPACE               0x4E
   179 #define AS_WIDTH                0x4F
   180 #define AS_XML_LANG             0x50
   181 #define AS_XML_SPACE_PRESERVE   0x62
   182 #define AS_XML_SPACE_DEFAULT    0x63
   183 #define AS_CACHE_NOCACHE        0x64
   185 /* #defines for AttrValue tokens. */
   186 /* Following AV definitions are not being
   187    used, so it has been commented out.
   188    Note: its not deleted, for feature use.
   189 #define AV_COM                  0x85
   190 #define AV_EDU                  0x86
   191 #define AV_NET                  0x87
   192 #define AV_ORG                  0x88
   193 #define AV_ACCEPT               0x89
   194 #define AV_BOTTOM               0x8A
   195 #define AV_CLEAR                0x8B
   196 #define AV_DELETE               0x8C
   197 #define AV_HELP                 0x8D
   198 #define AV_HTTP                 0x8E
   199 #define AV_HTTP_WWW             0x8F
   200 #define AV_HTTPS                0x90
   201 #define AV_HTTPS_WWW            0x91
   202 #define AV_LIST                 0x92
   203 #define AV_MIDDLE               0x93
   204 #define AV_NOWRAP               0x94
   205 #define AV_ONENTERBACKWARD      0x96
   206 #define AV_ONENTERFORWARD       0x97
   207 #define AV_ONPICK               0x95
   208 #define AV_ONTIMER              0x98
   209 #define AV_OPTIONS              0x99
   210 #define AV_PASSWORD             0x9A
   211 #define AV_RESET                0x9B
   212 #define AV_TEXT                 0x9D
   213 #define AV_TOP                  0x9E
   214 #define AV_UNKNOWN              0x9F
   215 #define AV_WRAP                 0xA0
   216 #define AV_WWW                  0xA1
   217 */
   219 #endif  /* WML_OPS_H */