--- a/webengine/widgetregistry/Server/src/WidgetEntry.cpp Fri Mar 12 15:48:51 2010 +0200
+++ b/webengine/widgetregistry/Server/src/WidgetEntry.cpp Mon Mar 15 12:44:50 2010 +0200
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "WidgetEntry.h"
+#include "UidAllocator.h"
#include <widgetregistryconstants.h>
#include <s32file.h>
#include <f32file.h>
@@ -54,8 +55,6 @@
_LIT( KXmlDataTypeString, "string" );
_LIT( KXmlDataTypeUid, "uid" );
-static const TInt KWidgetPropertyListVersion32 = 1;
-static const TInt KWidgetPropertyListVersion71 = 3;
@@ -93,7 +92,8 @@
CWidgetEntry* CWidgetEntry::NewL( RPointerArray<CWidgetPropertyValue>** aProps )
CWidgetEntry* tmp = NewL();
- for ( TInt i = 0; i < (*aProps)->Count(); i++ )
+ TInt i = 0;
+ for ( ; i < (*aProps)->Count(); i++ )
CWidgetPropertyValue* value = CWidgetPropertyValue::NewL();
tmp->iPropertyValues.AppendL( value );
@@ -102,6 +102,14 @@
(**aProps)[i]->iType = EWidgetPropTypeUnknown;
delete (**aProps)[i];
+ // Pad out with unknown properties to reach the correct number
+ for ( ; i < EWidgetPropertyIdCount ; i++ )
+ {
+ CWidgetPropertyValue* value = CWidgetPropertyValue::NewL();
+ tmp->iPropertyValues.AppendL( value );
+ }
delete *aProps;
*aProps = NULL;
@@ -170,12 +178,42 @@
//WIDGETPROPERTYLISTVERSION is 1 in case of Tiger engine and 3 in case of Leopard engine. Therefore, modifying the check such that
//when the Version id is 1 or 3, we do not treat the file as corrupt.
if ( ( EWidgetPropTypeUnknown == (*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion].iType )
- || ( (KWidgetPropertyListVersion32 != (*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion] ) && (KWidgetPropertyListVersion71 != (*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion] )) )
+ || ( (KWidgetPropertyListVersion32 != (*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion] ) &&
+ (KWidgetPropertyListVersion71 != (*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion] ) &&
+ (KWidgetPropertyListVersion71CWRT != (*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion] ) ))
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
- // Read only until the ENokiaWidget for the 3.2 widgets
- TInt propertyIdCount = (*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion] == KWidgetPropertyListVersion32 ? ENokiaWidget+1 : EWidgetPropertyIdCount;
+ // Provide appropriate values for EProcessUid and EMimeType
+ (*this)[EProcessUid] = KUidWidgetUi.iUid;
+ HBufC* heapBuf = HBufC::NewLC(KWidgetMime().Length());
+ TPtr ptr(heapBuf->Des());
+ ptr.Copy(KWidgetMime); // 8-bit to 16-bit copy
+ (*this)[EMimeType] = *heapBuf;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ // Read only until the ENokiaWidget for the 3.2 widgets, EPreInstalled for 7.1 widgets
+ TInt propertyIdCount = 0;
+ switch ((*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion]) {
+ case KWidgetPropertyListVersion32:
+ propertyIdCount = ENokiaWidget+1;
+ // since we've filled in the EProcessUid and EMimeType we're
+ // now at KWidgetPropertyListVersion71CWRT
+ (*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion] = KWidgetPropertyListVersion71CWRT;
+ break;
+ case KWidgetPropertyListVersion71:
+ propertyIdCount = EPreInstalled+1;
+ // since we've filled in the EProcessUid and EMimeType we're
+ // now at KWidgetPropertyListVersion71CWRT
+ (*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion] = KWidgetPropertyListVersion71CWRT;
+ break;
+ case KWidgetPropertyListVersion71CWRT:
+ propertyIdCount = EWidgetPropertyIdCount;
+ break;
+ }
// fill property values array
for ( TInt i = 1; i < propertyIdCount; ++i )
@@ -218,6 +256,8 @@
iPropertyValues.AppendL( val );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // val
+ // Internalization of the Xml is complete, cleanup the properties appropriately
+ PropertyCleanupL();
TPtrC8 propTag( n->name );
@@ -584,7 +624,17 @@
User::LeaveIfError( wsSession.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( wsSession );
TApaTaskList taskList( wsSession );
- TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp( KUidWidgetUi );
+ TUid uid;
+ if ( EWidgetPropTypeUnknown == (*this)[EProcessUid].iType ) {
+ uid = KUidWidgetUi;
+ } else {
+ uid = TUid::Uid( (*this)[EProcessUid] );
+ }
+ TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp( uid );
if ( EFalse == task.Exists() )
// widget UI crashed, reset active
@@ -618,5 +668,49 @@
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetEntry::PropertyCleanupL()
+// Make adjustments to bring the property values up to the current
+// property list version
+// @since
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetEntry::PropertyCleanupL()
+ TInt currentVersion = (*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion];
+ while (currentVersion < WIDGETPROPERTYLISTVERSION) {
+ switch (currentVersion) {
+ case KWidgetPropertyListVersion32:
+ // Go from PropertyListVersion32 to PropertyListVersion71
+ // Adds EMiniViewEnable, EBlanketPermGranted, EPreInstalled
+ // (all are optional, just update the version number now
+ // and they will be undefined when serialized/deserialized)
+ currentVersion = KWidgetPropertyListVersion71;
+ break;
+ case KWidgetPropertyListVersion71:
+ // Go from PropertlyListVersion71 to PropertyListVersion71CWRT
+ // 1) add ProcessUid for WRT (wgz) widgets
+ (*this)[EProcessUid] = KUidWidgetUi.iUid;
+ // 2) add MIMEType
+ HBufC* heapBuf = HBufC::NewLC(KWidgetMime().Length());
+ TPtr ptr(heapBuf->Des());
+ ptr.Copy(KWidgetMime); // 8-bit to 16-bit copy
+ (*this)[EMimeType] = *heapBuf;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ currentVersion = KWidgetPropertyListVersion71CWRT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Trouble
+ return;
+ }
+ (*this)[EWidgetPropertyListVersion] = currentVersion;
+ }
// End of File