changeset 48 79859ed3eea9
parent 36 c711bdda59f4
child 49 919f36ff910f
--- a/web_plat/widget_registry_api/inc/WidgetRegistryConstants.h	Thu Aug 19 10:58:56 2010 +0300
+++ b/web_plat/widget_registry_api/inc/WidgetRegistryConstants.h	Tue Aug 31 16:17:46 2010 +0300
@@ -29,15 +29,8 @@
 const TUid KWidgetRegistryServerUid = { 0x10282F06 };
 const TUid KUidWidgetUi = { 0x10282822 };
 const TUid KUidWidgetLauncher = { 0x10282821 };
-const TUid KUidWgtWidgetLauncher = { 0x200267DC };
-const TInt KWidgetPropertyListVersion32 = 1;
-const TInt KWidgetPropertyListVersion71 = 3;
-const TInt KWidgetPropertyListVersion71CWRT = 4;
 // Before changing these, consider that there will be widgets
 // installed on removable memory cards according to an allocation
 // scheme using these bounds.
@@ -52,15 +45,6 @@
 const TInt32 KWidgetUidExternalMemoryStart = (KWidgetUidLowerBound + KWidgetUidUpperBound + 1) / 2; // half way
 const TInt32 KWidgetUidExternalMemoryStop = KWidgetUidUpperBound;
-// Additions for separation of CWRT Widget UID space from WRT Widget UID space
-const TInt32 KWidgetUidWRTInternalMemoryStop = (KWidgetUidInternalMemoryStart + KWidgetUidExternalMemoryStart + 1) / 2;
-const TInt32 KWidgetUidCWRTInternalMemoryStart = KWidgetUidWRTInternalMemoryStop;
-const TInt32 KWidgetUidCWRTInternalMemoryStop = KWidgetUidExternalMemoryStart;
-const TInt32 KWidgetUidWRTExternalMemoryStop = (KWidgetUidExternalMemoryStart + KWidgetUidExternalMemoryStop + 1) / 2;
-const TInt32 KWidgetUidCWRTExternalMemoryStart = KWidgetUidWRTExternalMemoryStop;
-const TInt32 KWidgetUidCWRTExternalMemoryStop = KWidgetUidUpperBound + 1;
 const TInt KWidgetRegistryClientVersionMajor = 0;
 const TInt KWidgetRegistryClientVersionMinor = 1;
 const TInt KWidgetRegistryClientVersionBuild = 1;
@@ -75,7 +59,6 @@
 _LIT( KWidgetRegistryImage, "WidgetRegistry" ); // DLL/EXE name
 _LIT8( KWidgetMime, "application/x-nokia-widget");
 _LIT( KLauncherApp, "widgetlauncher.exe" );
-_LIT( KWgtLauncherApp, "wgtwidgetlauncher.exe" );
 // Enumerations
@@ -142,15 +125,9 @@
     EFileSize,                  // int
     EUid,                       // TUid
     ENokiaWidget,               // int 0 (not Nokia DTD) or 1 (Nokia DTD)
-    // Do not add enums prior to this, if you are adding enums here 
-    // take into consideration the compatibility problems, i.e widgets working after firmware update.  
-    EMiniViewEnable,            // optional; int internally 0 0r 1
-    EBlanketPermGranted,        // optional; int internally 0 0r 1
+    EMiniViewEnable,            //optional; int internally 0 0r 1
+    EBlanketPermGranted,              //optional; int internally 0 0r 1
     EPreInstalled,              // optional; int internally 0 or 1
-    EProcessUid,                // int (UID of widget execution process)
-    EMimeType,
     // end property list, begin special values
     EWidgetPropertyIdCount,     // must be at end of properties