--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/webengine/wmlengine/src/lmgr/include/BoxFormatHandler.h Wed Sep 01 12:28:30 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: The class handles formatting of the boxes , refreshes the boxe on the postformatting,
+ adds the active boxes to the tab list
+#include "e32base.h"
+#include "CStack.h"
+#include "nw_gdi_utils.h"
+#include "BoxFormat.h"
+* The class handles formatting of the boxes , refreshes the boxe on the postformatting,
+* adds the active boxes to the tab list
+* @lib lmgr.lib
+class CLMgr_BoxFormatHandler: public CActive
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * A two phase constructor that constructs and initializes CLMgr_BoxFormatHandler class
+ * leaves KErrNoMemory if out of memory
+ * @param aRootBox - flowBox to be formatted
+ * @param aSelectiveFormatting is ETrue if only a flowBox and its children needs to be formatted
+ * @return CLMgr_BoxFormatHandler* - pointer to the instance of class CLMgr_BoxFormatHandler
+ */
+ static CLMgr_BoxFormatHandler* NewL(NW_LMgr_Box_t* aRootBox,
+ TBool aSelectiveFormatting);
+ /**
+ * the method is called from view to format box tree
+ */
+ void PartialFormatL( CActive::TPriority aPriority );
+ /**
+ * the method is called from view after the partialFormat is called
+ * for the last chunk
+ */
+ void PageLoadCompleted();
+ TBrowserStatusCode Collapse( NW_LMgr_FlowBox_t* aContainingFlow, NW_Bool aCollapseAnonymous );
+ /**
+ * the method clears the formatting context .
+ * The formatting context includes the formatting stack and the current format box
+ */
+ void ClearFormattingContext();
+ /**
+ * initializes the flowbox and its children
+ * @param - flowbox and its children to be initialized
+ * @return - returns KBrsrSuccess if no error
+ */
+ TBrowserStatusCode InitializeBox(NW_LMgr_BidiFlowBox_t *flow);
+ /**
+ * initializes the flowbox and its children in small screen mode
+ * @param - flowbox and its children to be initialized
+ * @return - returns KBrsrSuccess if no error
+ */
+ TBrowserStatusCode InitializeBoxSSL(NW_LMgr_BidiFlowBox_t *flow);
+ /**
+ * set the background format flag to true which means that
+ * the next format is a background format
+ */
+ inline void SetBackgroundFormat() { iBackgroundFormat = ETrue; }
+ /**
+ * This function returns true if the current format is a background format
+ */
+ inline TBool BackgroundFormat() { return iBackgroundFormat; }
+ /**
+ * Destructor- deletes format stack and
+ * removes the instance from CActiveScheduler
+ */
+ ~CLMgr_BoxFormatHandler();
+ /**
+ *
+ * adds the box to the tab list
+ * @param box - the box to be added to the tab list
+ * @return - returns KBrsrOutOfMemory if OOM
+ */
+ TBrowserStatusCode AddTabItem(NW_LMgr_Box_t *box);
+ /**
+ *
+ * returns last formatted box
+ * @return - last formatted box of the box tree
+ */
+ NW_LMgr_Box_t* GetLastFormattedBox()
+ {
+ return iFormatBox;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * sets the last box to be formatted from the boxtee
+ * @param aLastBoxToFormat - the last box to be formatted from the boxtee
+ */
+ void SetLastBoxToFormatL(NW_LMgr_Box_t *aLastBoxToFormat)
+ {
+ iLastBoxToFormat = aLastBoxToFormat;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * overriddes Active virtual function . The method formats a flowbox ( including its children)
+ * or a leaf box
+ * leaves if OOM
+ */
+ void RunL();
+ /**
+ * overriddes Active virtual function
+ * Clears the formatting context, if the formatting is cancelled
+ */
+ void DoCancel();
+ /**
+ * overriddes Active virtual function
+ * Clears the formatting context, incase if any error
+ */
+ TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+ /**
+ * sets the root box on the format handler (generally used if the
+ * root box changes, but the format handler is the same)
+ */
+ void SetRootBox(NW_LMgr_Box_t* aRootBox);
+ TBool GetFormattingComplete(){return iFormattingCompleted;};
+ private:
+ // auxiallary class to contain ,enable copying and deleting of FormatContexts
+ class CFormatStackContext: public CBase
+ {
+ public:
+ CFormatStackContext(CLMgr_BoxFormatHandler* aBoxFormatHandler);
+ static void CleanupStackContext(TAny* aFormatStackContext);
+ CFormatStackContext(const CFormatStackContext& aFormatStackContext);
+ ~CFormatStackContext();
+ // formatbox - box to be formatted
+ NW_LMgr_Box_t *iBox;
+ // parent box of iBox
+ NW_LMgr_Box_t *iParentFormatBox;
+ // context to format iBox
+ NW_LMgr_FormatContext_t* iParentContext;
+ // used to calculate rootBox temp height after formatting part of box tree
+ NW_GDI_Dimension2D_t iTempDimensions ;
+ // is ETrue if page load is completed
+ TBool iPageLoadCompleted;
+ // reference to the containing class
+ CLMgr_BoxFormatHandler* iBoxFormatHandler;// has
+ };
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ **/
+ CLMgr_BoxFormatHandler();
+ /**
+ * Initializes CLMgr_BoxFormatHandler , creates stack to handle formatting
+ * and adds the CLMgr_BoxFormatHandler instance to ActiveScheduler
+ * @param aRootBox - flowbox to be formatted
+ * @param aSelectiveFormatting- is ETrue if only aRootBox and its children need
+ to be formatted
+ **/
+ void ConstructL(NW_LMgr_Box_t* aRootBox,
+ TBool aSelectiveFormatting);
+ /**
+ * Formats iFormatBox (the current box to be formatted ) and all the boxes to
+ * the left subtree iFormatBox
+ * Leaves with KErrNoMemory if OOM
+ **/
+ void HandlePartialFormatL();
+ /**
+ * Finds the format context of the next box of aFormatBox to be formatted
+ * If the aFormatBox is NULL , then a new FormatContext is created on rootbox and
+ * the child of the rootbox becomes the next box to be formattec
+ * Leaves with KErrNoMemory if OOM
+ **/
+ void FindFormatContextL(NW_LMgr_Box_t* aFormatBox);
+ /**
+ * The method is called after the formatting all the chunks and no more
+ * chunks are available for the page. The method does post formatting of all
+ * the boxes on the stack and calls the formatting completed on IBoxTreeListener
+ **/
+ void HandlePageLoadCompletedL();
+ /**
+ * The method handles post formatting on a box
+ * @param CFormatStackContext- Formatting context instance to be post formatted
+ **/
+ void PostFormatL(CFormatStackContext& );
+ /**
+ * The method clears all the items on the format stack and sets the current box to
+ * formatted to NULL
+ **/
+ void ClearFormatStack();
+ /**
+ * The method returns the BoxFormatter instance based on the box type
+ * @param aBox the box to find the formatter .
+ * @return TLMgr_BoxFormatter instance that can handle formatting of aBox
+ **/
+ TLMgr_BoxFormatter& GetBoxFormatter(NW_LMgr_Box_t* aBox);
+ /**
+ * The method returns the last box of the boxtree
+ * @return the last box of the boxtree
+ **/
+ NW_LMgr_Box_t* GetLastBox();
+ /**
+ * The method returns dimensions of aBox by the aBox childrens height and width
+ * @return NW_GDI_Dimension2D_t - dimensions of the aBox
+ **/
+ NW_GDI_Dimension2D_t CalculateBoxTempBounds(NW_LMgr_Box_t* aBox );
+ /**
+ * The method normalizes the box on the box tree
+ * @param box - box to be normalized
+ * @return void
+ **/
+ void InitBoxL(NW_LMgr_Box_t *aBox);
+ /**
+ * The method refreshes the box after the box is post formatted
+ * @return void
+ * @param box - box to be refresed
+ **/
+ void RefreshBoxL(NW_LMgr_Box_t *aBox );
+ /**
+ * This method adds the children boxes which are instances of active boxes
+ * to the tab list
+ * @param box - box to be added
+ **/
+ void AddTabItemL( NW_LMgr_Box_t *aBox );
+ /**
+ * This method is called from AddTabItemL to add tabitems
+ * containeed in container box subtree
+ **/
+ void AddSubTreeTabItemsL(NW_LMgr_Box_t *aBox);
+ /**
+ * This method is called from PartialFormatL to initialize the rootbox
+ * It sets the body box and initializes the display bounds
+ **/
+ void InitRootBox();
+ /**
+ * This method appends the NW_LMgr_FormatContext_t* object to the array of pointers
+ * iFormatContextRef.
+ **/
+ void AppendFormatContextL(NW_LMgr_FormatContext_t* aLMgr_FormatContext_t);
+ /**
+ * This method updates the display bounds on a formatted subtree
+ **/
+ void UpdateDisplayBounds( NW_LMgr_Box_t* aBox );
+ private:
+ // friends
+ friend class CFormatStackContext;
+ private:
+ // members
+ // formatted flowboxes are added to the stack(iFormatStack) to be postformatted after
+ // formatting the flowboxes children
+ CStack<CFormatStackContext, ETrue>* iFormatStack;
+ // default box formatter
+ TLMgr_BoxFormatter iTLMgr_BoxFormatter;
+ // marquee box formatter
+ TLMgr_Marquee_Box_Formatter iTLMgr_Marquee_Box_Formatter;
+ // Table cell or table row box formatter
+ TLMgr_StaticCell_Box_Formatter iTLMgr_StaticCell_Box_Formatter;
+ // Last box to be formatted from the boxtree
+ NW_LMgr_Box_t *iLastBoxToFormat ;
+ // RootBox reference
+ NW_LMgr_Box_t *iRootBox;
+ // The current flowbox used to format iFormatBox
+ NW_LMgr_Box_t* iCurrentFlowBox ;
+ // The current format context used to format iFormatBox
+ NW_LMgr_FormatContext_t* iCurrentFormatContext;
+ // The box to be formatted
+ NW_LMgr_Box_t* iFormatBox;
+ // is ETrue if the box that is formatted is split
+ TBool iContainerSplit;
+ // is ETrue if part of the tree is to be formatted
+ TBool iSelectiveFormatting;
+ // is ETrue if PartialFormatL method is called for the last chunk
+ TBool iPageLoadCompleted;
+ TBool iFormattingCompleted;
+ CArrayPtrFlat<NW_LMgr_FormatContext_t>* iFormatContextRef;
+ // the following 2 members are used to normalize the boxtree
+ TBool iFirstBr;
+ TBool iSecondBr;
+ TBool iBackgroundFormat;
+ CActive::TPriority iFormattingPriority;
+ };