--- a/webengine/osswebengine/cache/inc/HttpCacheHandler.h Thu Aug 27 07:44:59 2009 +0300
+++ b/webengine/osswebengine/cache/inc/HttpCacheHandler.h Thu Sep 24 12:53:48 2009 +0300
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
class THttpCacheEntry;
class CHttpCacheObserver;
class CHttpCacheFileWriteHandler;
+class CHttpCacheFileHash;
@@ -59,91 +60,6 @@
TInt iWriteTimeout;
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TCompressedEntry )
- {
- public:
- ~TCompressedEntry() { if(!IsCompressed()) delete iName.iNameAsHBuf; };
- static TCompressedEntry *NewL( const TEntry& aEntry );
- private:
- TCompressedEntry(){};
- void ConstructL( const TEntry& aEntry );
- enum {
- EFilenameStoredAsUint32 = 0x01
- };
- public:
- TBool IsCompressed() { return (iFlags && TCompressedEntry::EFilenameStoredAsUint32); };
- static TBool ConvertANameToUint32( const TDesC& aName, TUint32& aConverted);
- static TInt ConvertAsciiToIntSingleHexDigit(const TUint16& aDigitChar);
- TUint32 GetSize() { return iSize; };
- HBufC* GetNameL();
- TUint32 GetCompressedName() { return iName.iNameAsUint32; };
- private:
- TUint32 iFlags;
- TUint32 iSize;
- union {
- TUint32 iNameAsUint32;
- HBufC* iNameAsHBuf;
- }iName;
- };
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCustomCacheDirList ) : public CBase
- {
- public:
- static CCustomCacheDirList* NewL(CDir *aSrc);
- ~CCustomCacheDirList() { iDirList.ResetAndDestroy(); };
- public:
- TBool ValidateCacheEntryL( const CHttpCacheEntry& aEntry );
- TInt Count();
- HBufC* NameAtL( TInt aIndex );
- private:
- CCustomCacheDirList();
- void ConstructL(CDir *aSrc);
- private:
- RPointerArray<TCompressedEntry> iDirList;
- };
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCacheDirectoryFiles ) : public CBase
- {
- public:
- static CCacheDirectoryFiles* NewL(RFs aRfs, const TDesC& aDir);
- static CCacheDirectoryFiles* NewLC(RFs aRfs, const TDesC& aDir);
- public:
- /*
- * Check to see if the entry passed in has a valid file in the directory listing
- * returns ETrue if file present and size matches entry
- * otherwise EFalse.
- * Removes matching files from stored list.
- */
- TBool ValidateEntryL(const CHttpCacheEntry& aEntry);
- /*
- * Delete any files in the stored list from the filesystem
- * Intended to be called after you have validated all the entries
- * against the list - the content of the list will now only be the
- * orphan files in the cache subdirectories.
- * IMPORTANT: only call this once you've looked at all your entries.
- */
- void RemoveLeftoverFilesL();
- private:
- CCacheDirectoryFiles(RFs aRfs, const TDesC& aDir) : iRfs(aRfs), iDir(aDir) {};
- ~CCacheDirectoryFiles();
- void ConstructL();
- private:
- RFs iRfs;
- const TDesC& iDir;
- RPointerArray<CCustomCacheDirList> iDirContent;
- };
* @lib
@@ -422,13 +338,14 @@
void GenerateValidationFilename(TDes& aFilename, const TDesC& aIndexFilename) const;
+ public:
* @since 7.1
* @param
* @return
- void ValidateCacheEntriesL();
+ void ValidateCacheEntriesL(CHttpCacheFileHash *aDiskContent);
private: // Data
@@ -444,8 +361,10 @@
HBufC* iDirectory; // owned
// name of the index file
HBufC* iIndexFile; // owned
+ public:
// Observing changes in cache
CHttpCacheObserver* iHttpCacheObserver; // owned
+ private:
// An opened and configured file server session
RFs iRfs;