changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 25 0ed94ceaa377
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/browserutilities/aiwbrowserprovider/src/AiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl.cpp	Mon Mar 30 12:54:55 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Providing open url functionality
+#include "AiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl.h"
+#include <AiwMenu.h>
+#include <coemain.h>
+#include <barsread.h>
+#include <aknnotedialog.h>
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+#include <AiwBrowserProvider.rsg>
+#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh> 
+#include <aknnotewrappers.h> 
+#include <AknNoteDialog.h>
+#include <apgcli.h>
+#include <FavouritesLimits.h>
+#include "AiwBrowserCommands.hrh"
+#include "logger.h"
+_LIT( KResourceFileName, "AiwBrowserProvider.rsc");
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// NewL 
+// Constructor of CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl
+// Returns:
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl* CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl::NewL()
+    {
+	CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl* self = new(ELeave) CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl
+// Constructor of CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl
+// Returns:
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ConstructL
+// Constructor of CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl
+// Returns:
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl::ConstructL()
+    {
+    TFileName fName(  KNullDesC );
+    iResourceOffset = -1;
+    fName.Append( _L("Z:") );
+    fName.Append( KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR );
+    fName.Append( KResourceFileName );
+    iResourceOffset = CCoeEnv::Static()->AddResourceFileL( fName );
+    LOG_WRITE("AIWBP: OpenUrl Resource file added.");    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ~CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl
+// Destructor of CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl
+// Returns:
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    if( iResourceOffset != -1 )
+        {
+    	CCoeEnv::Static()->DeleteResourceFile( iResourceOffset );
+        iResourceOffset = -1;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// InitialiseL 
+// aiw initialization
+// Returns: none
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl::InitialiseL(MAiwNotifyCallback& aFrameworkCallback, 
+                                       const RCriteriaArray& aInterest)
+    {
+    iNotifyCallback = &aFrameworkCallback;
+    iInterest = &aInterest;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// HandleServiceCmdL 
+// Returns: 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl::HandleServiceCmdL
+        (const TInt& /*aCmdId*/, const CAiwGenericParamList& /*aInParamList*/,
+         CAiwGenericParamList& /*aOutParamList*/, TUint /*aCmdOptions*/,
+         const MAiwNotifyCallback* /*aCallback*/)
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// InitializeMenuPaneL 
+// initialization of menu pane 
+// Returns: none
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl::InitializeMenuPaneL
+        (CAiwMenuPane& aMenuPane, TInt aIndex,
+         TInt /*aCascadeId*/, const CAiwGenericParamList& /*aInParamList*/)
+    {
+    TResourceReader reader;    
+    CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC
+    aMenuPane.AddMenuItemsL(reader, EBrowserAiwCmdOpenUrl, aIndex);//open url
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
+    LOG_WRITE("AIWBP: OpenUrl menupane initialized.");
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// HandleMenuCmdL
+// handles menu commands
+// Returns: none
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl::HandleMenuCmdL
+        (TInt aMenuCmdId, const CAiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
+         CAiwGenericParamList& /*aOutParamList*/, TUint /*aCmdOptions*/,
+         const MAiwNotifyCallback* /*aCallback*/)
+    {
+    if ( aMenuCmdId == EBrowserAiwCmdOpenUrl )
+        {
+        TInt index = 0;
+        const TAiwGenericParam* genericParam = NULL;
+        TPtrC paramtext;
+        index = 0;
+        genericParam = aInParamList.FindFirst( index, 
+                                    EGenericParamURL, 
+                                    EVariantTypeDesC);
+        LOG_WRITE("AIWBP: LaunchBrowser called with url:");
+        LOG_WRITE_TDES( genericParam->Value().AsDes() );
+        if( index == KErrNotFound )
+            {
+            LOG_WRITE("AIWBP: Open Url Parameter not found!" );
+            return;
+            }
+	    LaunchBrowserL( genericParam->Value().AsDes() );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// LaunchBrowser 
+// Launches a browser with an url
+// Returns: none  
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAiwBrowserProviderOpenUrl::LaunchBrowserL( const TDesC& aUrl )
+const TInt KBrowserUid = 0x10008D39;
+HBufC* param = HBufC::NewLC( KFavouritesMaxUrl );
+param->Des().Copy( _L( "4 " ) );
+param->Des().Append( aUrl );
+TUid id( TUid::Uid( KBrowserUid ) );
+TApaTaskList taskList( CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession() );
+TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp( id );
+LOG_WRITE("AIWBP: Browser launched with url:" );
+LOG_WRITE_TDES( param->Des() ); 
+if ( task.Exists() )
+    {
+    HBufC8* param8 = HBufC8::NewLC( param->Length() );
+    param8->Des().Append( *param );
+    task.SendMessage( TUid::Uid( 0 ), *param8 ); // Uid is not used
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+    }
+    {
+    RApaLsSession appArcSession;
+    User::LeaveIfError( appArcSession.Connect() ); // connect to AppArc server
+    CleanupClosePushL( appArcSession );
+    TThreadId id;
+    User::LeaveIfError
+        ( appArcSession.StartDocument( *param, TUid::Uid( KBrowserUid ), id ) );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &appArcSession );
+    }
+CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // param