changeset 0 dd21522fd290
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/webengine/osswebengine/WebCore/rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp	Mon Mar 30 12:54:55 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+ * This file is part of the select element renderer in WebCore.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "RenderMenuList.h"
+#include "Document.h"
+#include "FrameView.h"
+#include "GraphicsContext.h"
+#include "HTMLNames.h"
+#include "HTMLOptionElement.h"
+#include "HTMLOptGroupElement.h"
+#include "HTMLSelectElement.h"
+#include "PopupMenu.h"
+#include "RenderBR.h"
+#include "RenderText.h"
+#include "RenderTheme.h"
+#include "TextStyle.h"
+#include <math.h>
+using namespace std;
+namespace WebCore {
+using namespace HTMLNames;
+RenderMenuList::RenderMenuList(HTMLSelectElement* element)
+    : RenderFlexibleBox(element)
+    , m_buttonText(0)
+    , m_innerBlock(0)
+    , m_optionsChanged(true)
+    , m_optionsWidth(0)
+    , m_popup(0)
+    , m_popupIsVisible(false)
+    if (m_popup)
+        m_popup->disconnectClient();
+    m_popup = 0;
+void RenderMenuList::createInnerBlock()
+    if (m_innerBlock) {
+        ASSERT(firstChild() == m_innerBlock);
+        ASSERT(!m_innerBlock->nextSibling());
+        return;
+    }
+    // Create an anonymous block.
+    ASSERT(!firstChild());
+    m_innerBlock = createAnonymousBlock();
+    adjustInnerStyle();
+    RenderFlexibleBox::addChild(m_innerBlock);
+void RenderMenuList::adjustInnerStyle()
+    m_innerBlock->style()->setBoxFlex(1.0f);
+    m_innerBlock->style()->setPaddingLeft(Length(theme()->popupInternalPaddingLeft(style()), Fixed));
+    m_innerBlock->style()->setPaddingRight(Length(theme()->popupInternalPaddingRight(style()), Fixed));
+    m_innerBlock->style()->setPaddingTop(Length(theme()->popupInternalPaddingTop(style()), Fixed));
+    m_innerBlock->style()->setPaddingBottom(Length(theme()->popupInternalPaddingBottom(style()), Fixed));
+    if (PopupMenu::itemWritingDirectionIsNatural()) {
+        // Items in the popup will not respect the CSS text-align and direction properties,
+        // so we must adjust our own style to match.
+        m_innerBlock->style()->setTextAlign(LEFT);
+        TextDirection direction = (m_buttonText && m_buttonText->text()->defaultWritingDirection() == WTF::Unicode::RightToLeft) ? RTL : LTR;
+        m_innerBlock->style()->setDirection(direction);
+    }
+void RenderMenuList::addChild(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild)
+    createInnerBlock();
+    m_innerBlock->addChild(newChild, beforeChild);
+void RenderMenuList::removeChild(RenderObject* oldChild)
+    if (oldChild == m_innerBlock || !m_innerBlock) {
+        RenderFlexibleBox::removeChild(oldChild);
+        m_innerBlock = 0;
+    } else
+        m_innerBlock->removeChild(oldChild);
+void RenderMenuList::setStyle(RenderStyle* newStyle)
+    bool fontChanged = !style() || style()->font() != newStyle->font();
+    RenderBlock::setStyle(newStyle);
+    if (m_buttonText)
+        m_buttonText->setStyle(newStyle);
+    if (m_innerBlock) // RenderBlock handled updating the anonymous block's style.
+        adjustInnerStyle();
+    setReplaced(isInline());
+    if (fontChanged)
+        updateOptionsWidth();
+void RenderMenuList::updateOptionsWidth()
+    float maxOptionWidth = 0;
+    const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node())->listItems();
+    int size = listItems.size();    
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+        HTMLElement* element = listItems[i];
+        if (element->hasTagName(optionTag)) {
+            String text = static_cast<HTMLOptionElement*>(element)->optionText();
+            if (!text.isEmpty())
+                maxOptionWidth = max(maxOptionWidth, style()->font().floatWidth(text, TextStyle()));
+        }
+    }
+    int width = static_cast<int>(ceilf(maxOptionWidth));
+    if (m_optionsWidth == width)
+        return;
+    m_optionsWidth = width;
+    setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc();
+void RenderMenuList::updateFromElement()
+    if (m_optionsChanged) {
+        updateOptionsWidth();
+        m_optionsChanged = false;
+    }
+    if (m_popupIsVisible)
+        m_popup->updateFromElement();
+    else
+        setTextFromOption(static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node())->selectedIndex());
+void RenderMenuList::setTextFromOption(int optionIndex)
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = select->listItems();
+    int size = listItems.size();
+    int i = select->optionToListIndex(optionIndex);
+    String text = "";
+    if (i >= 0 && i < size) {
+        HTMLElement* element = listItems[i];
+        if (element->hasTagName(optionTag))
+            text = static_cast<HTMLOptionElement*>(listItems[i])->optionText();
+    }
+    setText(text.stripWhiteSpace());
+void RenderMenuList::setText(const String& s)
+    if (s.isEmpty()) {
+        if (!m_buttonText || !m_buttonText->isBR()) {
+            if (m_buttonText)
+                m_buttonText->destroy();
+            m_buttonText = new (renderArena()) RenderBR(document());
+            m_buttonText->setStyle(style());
+            addChild(m_buttonText);
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (m_buttonText && !m_buttonText->isBR())
+            m_buttonText->setText(s.impl());
+        else {
+            if (m_buttonText)
+                m_buttonText->destroy();
+            m_buttonText = new (renderArena()) RenderText(document(), s.impl());
+            m_buttonText->setStyle(style());
+            addChild(m_buttonText);
+        }
+        adjustInnerStyle();
+    }
+String RenderMenuList::text() const
+    return m_buttonText ? m_buttonText->text() : 0;
+IntRect RenderMenuList::controlClipRect(int tx, int ty) const
+    // Clip to the intersection of the content box and the content box for the inner box
+    // This will leave room for the arrows which sit in the inner box padding,
+    // and if the inner box ever spills out of the outer box, that will get clipped too.
+    IntRect outerBox(tx + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), 
+                   ty + borderTop() + paddingTop(),
+                   contentWidth(), 
+                   contentHeight());
+    IntRect innerBox(tx + m_innerBlock->xPos() + m_innerBlock->paddingLeft(), 
+                   ty + m_innerBlock->yPos() + m_innerBlock->paddingTop(),
+                   m_innerBlock->contentWidth(), 
+                   m_innerBlock->contentHeight());
+    return intersection(outerBox, innerBox);
+void RenderMenuList::calcPrefWidths()
+    m_minPrefWidth = 0;
+    m_maxPrefWidth = 0;
+    if (style()->width().isFixed() && style()->width().value() > 0)
+        m_minPrefWidth = m_maxPrefWidth = calcContentBoxWidth(style()->width().value());
+    else
+        m_maxPrefWidth = max(m_optionsWidth, theme()->minimumMenuListSize(style())) + m_innerBlock->paddingLeft() + m_innerBlock->paddingRight();
+    if (style()->minWidth().isFixed() && style()->minWidth().value() > 0) {
+        m_maxPrefWidth = max(m_maxPrefWidth, calcContentBoxWidth(style()->minWidth().value()));
+        m_minPrefWidth = max(m_minPrefWidth, calcContentBoxWidth(style()->minWidth().value()));
+    } else if (style()->width().isPercent() || (style()->width().isAuto() && style()->height().isPercent()))
+        m_minPrefWidth = 0;
+    else
+        m_minPrefWidth = m_maxPrefWidth;
+    if (style()->maxWidth().isFixed() && style()->maxWidth().value() != undefinedLength) {
+        m_maxPrefWidth = min(m_maxPrefWidth, calcContentBoxWidth(style()->maxWidth().value()));
+        m_minPrefWidth = min(m_minPrefWidth, calcContentBoxWidth(style()->maxWidth().value()));
+    }
+    int toAdd = paddingLeft() + paddingRight() + borderLeft() + borderRight();
+    m_minPrefWidth += toAdd;
+    m_maxPrefWidth += toAdd;
+    setPrefWidthsDirty(false);
+void RenderMenuList::showPopup()
+    if (m_popupIsVisible)
+        return;
+    // Create m_innerBlock here so it ends up as the first child.
+    // This is important because otherwise we might try to create m_innerBlock
+    // inside the showPopup call and it would fail.
+    createInnerBlock();
+    if (!m_popup)
+        m_popup = PopupMenu::create(this);
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    m_popupIsVisible = true;
+    m_popup->show(absoluteBoundingBoxRect(), document()->view(),
+        select->optionToListIndex(select->selectedIndex()));
+void RenderMenuList::hidePopup()
+    if (m_popup)
+        m_popup->hide();
+    m_popupIsVisible = false;
+void RenderMenuList::valueChanged(unsigned listIndex, bool fireOnChange)
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    select->setSelectedIndex(select->listToOptionIndex(listIndex), true, fireOnChange);
+String RenderMenuList::itemText(unsigned listIndex) const
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    HTMLElement* element = select->listItems()[listIndex];
+    if (element->hasTagName(optgroupTag))
+        return static_cast<HTMLOptGroupElement*>(element)->groupLabelText();
+    else if (element->hasTagName(optionTag))
+        return static_cast<HTMLOptionElement*>(element)->optionText();
+    return String();
+bool RenderMenuList::itemIsEnabled(unsigned listIndex) const
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    HTMLElement* element = select->listItems()[listIndex];
+    if (!element->hasTagName(optionTag))
+        return false;
+    bool groupEnabled = true;
+    if (element->parentNode() && element->parentNode()->hasTagName(optgroupTag))
+        groupEnabled = element->parentNode()->isEnabled();
+    return element->isEnabled() && groupEnabled;
+RenderStyle* RenderMenuList::itemStyle(unsigned listIndex) const
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    HTMLElement* element = select->listItems()[listIndex];
+    return element->renderStyle() ? element->renderStyle() : clientStyle();
+Color RenderMenuList::itemBackgroundColor(unsigned listIndex) const
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    HTMLElement* element = select->listItems()[listIndex];
+    Color backgroundColor;
+    if (element->renderStyle())
+        backgroundColor = element->renderStyle()->backgroundColor();
+    // If the item has an opaque background color, return that.
+    if (!backgroundColor.hasAlpha())
+        return backgroundColor;
+    // Otherwise, the item's background is overlayed on top of the menu background.
+    backgroundColor = style()->backgroundColor().blend(backgroundColor);
+    if (!backgroundColor.hasAlpha())
+        return backgroundColor;
+    // If the menu background is not opaque, then add an opaque white background behind.
+    return Color(Color::white).blend(backgroundColor);
+RenderStyle* RenderMenuList::clientStyle() const
+    return m_innerBlock ? m_innerBlock->style() : style();
+Document* RenderMenuList::clientDocument() const
+    return document();
+int RenderMenuList::clientPaddingLeft() const
+    return paddingLeft();
+int RenderMenuList::clientPaddingRight() const
+    return paddingRight();
+int RenderMenuList::listSize() const
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    return select->listItems().size();
+int RenderMenuList::selectedIndex() const
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    return select->optionToListIndex(select->selectedIndex());
+bool RenderMenuList::itemIsSeparator(unsigned listIndex) const
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    HTMLElement* element = select->listItems()[listIndex];
+    return element->hasTagName(hrTag);
+bool RenderMenuList::itemIsLabel(unsigned listIndex) const
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    HTMLElement* element = select->listItems()[listIndex];
+    return element->hasTagName(optgroupTag);
+bool RenderMenuList::itemIsSelected(unsigned listIndex) const
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    HTMLElement* element = select->listItems()[listIndex];
+    return element->hasTagName(optionTag)&& static_cast<HTMLOptionElement*>(element)->selected();
+void RenderMenuList::setTextFromItem(unsigned listIndex)
+    HTMLSelectElement* select = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node());
+    setTextFromOption(select->listToOptionIndex(listIndex));