--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/webengine/widgetregistry/Server/src/WidgetRegistrySession.cpp Mon Mar 30 12:54:55 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1065 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <S32MEM.H>
+// User includes
+#include "WidgetRegistry.h"
+#include "WidgetRegistryConstants.h"
+#include "widgetregistryserver.h"
+#include "WidgetRegistryConstants.h"
+#include "WidgetRegistrySession.h"
+CWidgetRegistry* CWidgetRegistryServerSession::iWidgetRegistry = 0;
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::CWidgetRegistryServerSession()
+// C++ constructor
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+ {
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::~CWidgetRegistryServerSession()
+// Destructor
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+ {
+ CWidgetRegistryServer* server( static_cast<CWidgetRegistryServer*>(
+ const_cast<CServer2*>( Server() ) ) );
+ if ( server && server->SessionCount() <= 0 )
+ {
+ delete iWidgetRegistry;
+ iWidgetRegistry = NULL;
+ iRfs.Close(); // after delete registry because registry/mmc refs it
+ }
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::CreateL()
+// Called by the CServer framework
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetRegistryServerSession::CreateL()
+ {
+ CWidgetRegistryServer* server;
+ server = static_cast<CWidgetRegistryServer*>(
+ const_cast<CServer2*>( Server() ) );
+ User::LeaveIfNull ( server );
+ if ( !iWidgetRegistry )
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError( iRfs.Connect() );
+ iWidgetRegistry = CWidgetRegistry::NewL( iRfs );
+ }
+ server->AddSession();
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ConstructL()
+// ConstructL method
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ConstructL(
+ CWidgetRegistryServer& /*aServer*/,
+ const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ )
+ {
+ if ( !iWidgetRegistry )
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError( iRfs.Connect() );
+ iRfs.CreatePrivatePath( EDriveC );
+ iRfs.SetSessionToPrivate( EDriveC );
+ iRfs.ShareProtected();
+ iWidgetRegistry = CWidgetRegistry::NewL( iRfs );
+ }
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::NewL()
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+CWidgetRegistryServerSession* CWidgetRegistryServerSession::NewL(
+ CWidgetRegistryServer& aServer, const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ CWidgetRegistryServerSession* self;
+ self = new ( ELeave ) CWidgetRegistryServerSession();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( aServer, aMessage );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ServiceL()
+// Handles messages from client
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ServiceL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TBool retBool( EFalse );
+ TInt len = 0;
+ TInt uid = 0;
+ TInt count = 0;
+ TInt policyId = 0;
+ TInt error;
+ const TInt function = aMessage.Function();
+ // TBD seems like we should trap leaves and return error codes so
+ // as not to exit the server
+ switch ( function )
+ {
+ case EOpCodeRegisterWidget:
+ OpRegisterWidgetL( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeWidgetExists:
+ retBool = OpWidgetExists( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( retBool );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeIsWidget:
+ retBool = OpIsWidget( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( retBool );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeIsWidgetRunning:
+ retBool = OpIsWidgetRunning( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( retBool );
+ break;
+ case EOpWidgetSapiAccessState:
+ retBool = OpWidgetSapiAccessState( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( retBool );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeIsWidgetInMiniView:
+ retBool = OpIsWidgetInMiniView( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( retBool );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeIsWidgetInFullView:
+ retBool = OpIsWidgetInFullView( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( retBool );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeIsWidgetPromptNeeded:
+ retBool = OpIsWidgetPromptNeeded( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( retBool );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeWidgetCount:
+ count = OpWidgetCount( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( count );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeInstalledWidgetsPhase1:
+ len = OpInstalledWidgetsPhase1L( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( len );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeInstalledWidgetsPhase2:
+ len = OpInstalledWidgetsPhase2L( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( len );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeRunningWidgetsPhase1:
+ len = OpRunningWidgetsPhase1L( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( len );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeRunningWidgetsPhase2:
+ len = OpRunningWidgetsPhase2L( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( len );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetBundleId:
+ len = OpGetWidgetBundleId( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( len );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetBundleName:
+ len = OpGetWidgetBundleName( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( len );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetPropertyValue:
+ error = OpGetWidgetPropertyValueL( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( error );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetPath:
+ len = OpGetWidgetPath( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( len );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetUid:
+ uid = OpGetWidgetUid( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( uid );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetUidForUrl:
+ uid = OpGetWidgetUidForUrl( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( uid );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeDeRegisterWidget:
+ OpDeRegisterWidgetL( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetAvailableUid:
+ uid = OpGetAvailableUidL( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( uid );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeSetActive:
+ OpSetActive( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeWidgetRegistryDisconnect:
+ OpDisconnect( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetLprojName:
+ len = OpGetLprojNameL( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( len );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeSecurityPolicyId:
+ policyId = OpSecurityPolicyId( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( policyId );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeSetWidgetInMiniView:
+ OpSetMiniView( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeSetWidgetInFullView:
+ OpSetFullView( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeSetWidgetPromptNeeded:
+ OpSetPromptNeeded( aMessage );
+ aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ServiceError()
+// Handles leaves from ServiceL()
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ServiceError( const RMessage2& aMessage,
+ TInt aError )
+ {
+ const TInt function = aMessage.Function();
+ // supply the correct error return message params for each opcode
+ switch ( function )
+ {
+ // TODO many of these opcodes have no provision for proper
+ // error signalling and need to be reworked to communicate
+ // error codes
+ case EOpCodeRegisterWidget:
+ aMessage.Complete( aError );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeWidgetExists:
+ aMessage.Complete( EFalse );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeIsWidget:
+ aMessage.Complete( EFalse );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeIsWidgetRunning:
+ aMessage.Complete( EFalse );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeIsWidgetInMiniView:
+ aMessage.Complete( EFalse );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeIsWidgetInFullView:
+ aMessage.Complete( EFalse );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeIsWidgetPromptNeeded:
+ aMessage.Complete( EFalse );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeWidgetCount:
+ aMessage.Complete( 0 );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeInstalledWidgetsPhase1:
+ aMessage.Complete( 0 );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeInstalledWidgetsPhase2:
+ aMessage.Complete( 0 );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeRunningWidgetsPhase1:
+ aMessage.Complete( 0 );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeRunningWidgetsPhase2:
+ aMessage.Complete( 0 );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetBundleId:
+ aMessage.Complete( 0 );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetBundleName:
+ aMessage.Complete( 0 );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetPropertyValue:
+ aMessage.Complete( aError );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetPath:
+ aMessage.Complete( 0 );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetUid:
+ aMessage.Complete( KNullUid.iUid );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetWidgetUidForUrl:
+ aMessage.Complete( KNullUid.iUid );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeDeRegisterWidget:
+ aMessage.Complete( aError );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetAvailableUid:
+ aMessage.Complete( KNullUid.iUid );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeSetActive:
+ aMessage.Complete( aError );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeWidgetRegistryDisconnect:
+ aMessage.Complete( aError );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeGetLprojName:
+ aMessage.Complete( 0 );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeSecurityPolicyId:
+ aMessage.Complete( 0 );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeSetWidgetInMiniView:
+ aMessage.Complete( EFalse );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeSetWidgetInFullView:
+ aMessage.Complete( EFalse );
+ break;
+ case EOpCodeSetWidgetPromptNeeded:
+ aMessage.Complete( EFalse );
+ break;
+ case EOpWidgetSapiAccessState:
+ aMessage.Complete( EFalse );
+ break;
+ default:
+ aMessage.Complete( aError );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpRegisterWidgetL()
+// Registers the widget
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpRegisterWidgetL(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ // ARGS: 0 -> descriptor to buf of serialized property values
+ TInt l = aMessage.GetDesMaxLength( 0 );
+ HBufC8* msgData = HBufC8::NewLC( l );
+ TPtr8 readPtr( msgData->Des() );
+ aMessage.ReadL( 0, readPtr );
+ RDesReadStream stream( *msgData );
+ CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+ iWidgetRegistry->RegisterWidgetL( stream );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); //stream, msgData,
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpIsWidget()
+// Returns true if the given UId falls within the range allocated for widgets
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TBool CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpIsWidget(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt uid = 0;
+ TBool retVal( EFalse );
+ uid = aMessage.Int0();
+ retVal = iWidgetRegistry->IsWidget( TUid::Uid( uid ) );
+ return retVal;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpWidgetExists()
+// Returns true if the widget with the given UId has been installed.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TBool CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpWidgetExists(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TBool retVal( EFalse );
+ TBuf<KWidgetRegistryVal> bundleId;
+ TInt len = aMessage.Int1();
+ if ( len < 1 || len > KWidgetRegistryVal )
+ {
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ bundleId.SetLength( len );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aMessage.ReadL( 0, bundleId ) )
+ retVal = iWidgetRegistry->WidgetExists( bundleId );
+ return retVal;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpIsWidgetRunning()
+// Returns running status of the widget with the given UId.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TBool CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpIsWidgetRunning(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt uid = 0;
+ TBool retVal( EFalse );
+ uid = aMessage.Int0();
+ retVal = iWidgetRegistry->IsWidgetRunning( TUid::Uid( uid ) );
+ return retVal;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpWidgetSapiAccessState()
+// Returns widget sapi access state is prompted, promptless or denied.
+// @since 5.0
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpWidgetSapiAccessState(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt uid = 0;
+ TInt retVal( -1 );
+ uid = aMessage.Int0();
+ retVal = iWidgetRegistry->WidgetSapiAccessState( TUid::Uid( uid ) );
+ return retVal;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpIsWidgetInMiniView()
+// Returns status whether widget is started in miniview or not.
+// @since
+// ============================================================================
+TBool CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpIsWidgetInMiniView(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt uid = 0;
+ TBool retVal( EFalse );
+ uid = aMessage.Int0();
+ retVal = iWidgetRegistry->IsWidgetInMiniView( TUid::Uid( uid ) );
+ return retVal;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpIsWidgetInFullView()
+// Returns status whether widget is started in full view or not.
+// @since
+// ============================================================================
+TBool CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpIsWidgetInFullView(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt uid = 0;
+ TBool retVal( EFalse );
+ uid = aMessage.Int0();
+ retVal = iWidgetRegistry->IsWidgetInFullView( TUid::Uid( uid ) );
+ return retVal;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpIsWidgetPromptNeeded()
+// Returns status whether miniview platform access prompt is needed or not.
+// @since 5.0
+// ============================================================================
+TBool CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpIsWidgetPromptNeeded(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt uid = 0;
+ TBool retVal( EFalse );
+ uid = aMessage.Int0();
+ retVal = iWidgetRegistry->IsBlanketPermGranted( TUid::Uid( uid ) );
+ return retVal;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpWidgetCount()
+// Returns count of installed widgets
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpWidgetCount(
+ const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ )
+ {
+ return iWidgetRegistry->WidgetCount();
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpInstalledWidgetsPhase1L()
+// gets total size of all elements in the widgetinfo array in terms of
+// buffer length; negative value means one of the system-wide error
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpInstalledWidgetsPhase1L(
+ const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ )
+ {
+ TInt ret = 0;
+ RWidgetInfoArray widgetInfoArr;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem(
+ CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ResetAndDestroy, &widgetInfoArr ) );
+ iWidgetRegistry->InstalledWidgetsL( widgetInfoArr );
+ if ( widgetInfoArr.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ ret = widgetInfoArr.Count() * ( 4 * sizeof( TInt ) +
+ KWidgetRegistryVal + 1 + KMaxDriveName + 1 + 1 );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&widgetInfoArr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpInstalledWidgetsPhase2L()
+// Sets widgetinfo array of the installed widgets in the message itself
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpInstalledWidgetsPhase2L(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt ret = 0;
+ RWidgetInfoArray widgetInfoArr;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem(
+ CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ResetAndDestroy, &widgetInfoArr) );
+ iWidgetRegistry->InstalledWidgetsL( widgetInfoArr );
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ HBufC8* widgetInfoDes = NULL;
+ TRAP( error, widgetInfoDes = MarshalDataL( widgetInfoArr ) );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( widgetInfoDes );
+ if ( error == KErrNone )
+ {
+ ret = widgetInfoArr.Count();
+ aMessage.WriteL( 0, *widgetInfoDes );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpRunningWidgetsPhase1L()
+// gets total size of all elements in the widgetinfo array in terms of
+// buffer length; negative value means one of the system-wide error
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpRunningWidgetsPhase1L(
+ const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ )
+ {
+ TInt ret = 0;
+ RWidgetInfoArray widgetInfoArr;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem(
+ CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ResetAndDestroy, &widgetInfoArr ));
+ iWidgetRegistry->RunningWidgetsL( widgetInfoArr );
+ if ( widgetInfoArr.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ ret = widgetInfoArr.Count() * ( 4 * sizeof( TInt ) +
+ KWidgetRegistryVal + 1 + KMaxDriveName + 1 + 1 );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpRunningWidgetsPhase2L()
+// Sets widgetinfo array of the running widgets in the message itself
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpRunningWidgetsPhase2L(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt ret = 0;
+ RWidgetInfoArray widgetInfoArr;
+ CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem(
+ CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ResetAndDestroy, &widgetInfoArr) );
+ iWidgetRegistry->RunningWidgetsL( widgetInfoArr );
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ HBufC8* widgetInfoDes = NULL;
+ TRAP( error, widgetInfoDes = MarshalDataL( widgetInfoArr ) );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( widgetInfoDes );
+ if ( error == KErrNone )
+ {
+ ret = widgetInfoArr.Count();
+ aMessage.WriteL( 0, *widgetInfoDes );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetBundleId()
+// Returns bundleId of the widget with the given UId.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetBundleId(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt ret = 0;
+ TInt uid = aMessage.Int2();
+ TBuf<KWidgetRegistryVal> buf;
+ buf.SetLength( aMessage.Int1() );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aMessage.ReadL( 0, buf ) )
+ iWidgetRegistry->GetWidgetBundleId( TUid::Uid( uid ), buf );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aMessage.WriteL( 0, buf ) )
+ ret = buf.Length();
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetBundleName()
+// Returns bundle display name of the widget with the given UId.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetBundleName(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt ret = 0;
+ TInt uid = aMessage.Int2();
+ TBuf<KWidgetRegistryVal> buf;
+ buf.SetLength( aMessage.Int1() );
+ iWidgetRegistry->GetWidgetBundleName( TUid::Uid( uid ), buf );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aMessage.WriteL( 0, buf ) )
+ ret = buf.Length();
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetPropertyValue()
+// Produces serialized value and error code
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetPropertyValueL(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ // ARGS( 0 -> UID, 1 -> TWidgetPropertyId,
+ // 2 -> descriptor for buffer to hold serialization of value )
+ // returns error code
+ TRAPD( error,
+ {
+ TUid uid( TUid::Uid( aMessage.Int0() ) );
+ TWidgetPropertyId propId = static_cast<TWidgetPropertyId>(aMessage.Int1());
+ TInt maxLength = aMessage.GetDesMaxLength( 2 );
+ CBufFlat* buf = iWidgetRegistry->GetWidgetPropertyValueL(
+ uid, propId, maxLength );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
+ aMessage.WriteL( 2, buf->Ptr(0) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buf
+ }
+ );
+ return error;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetPath()
+// Returns path of the widget with the given UId.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetPath(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt ret = 0;
+ TInt uid = aMessage.Int2();
+ TBuf<KWidgetRegistryVal> path;
+ path.SetLength( aMessage.Int1() );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aMessage.ReadL( 0, path ) )
+ iWidgetRegistry->GetWidgetPath( TUid::Uid( uid ), path );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aMessage.WriteL( 0, path ) )
+ ret = path.Length();
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetUid()
+// Returns UId of the widget with the given bundle Id.
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetUid(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TUid uid = TUid::Uid( 0 );
+ TBuf<KWidgetRegistryVal> bundleId;
+ TInt len = aMessage.Int1();
+ if ( len < 1 || len > KWidgetRegistryVal )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bundleId.SetLength( len );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aMessage.ReadL( 0, bundleId ) )
+ uid = iWidgetRegistry->GetWidgetUid( bundleId );
+ return uid.iUid;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetUidForUrl()
+// Returns UId of the widget with the given Url
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetWidgetUidForUrl(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TBuf<KWidgetRegistryVal> url;
+ TInt len = aMessage.Int1();
+ if ( len < 1 || len > KWidgetRegistryVal )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ url.SetLength( len );
+ TRAP_IGNORE( aMessage.ReadL( 0, url ) )
+ TInt uid = ( iWidgetRegistry->GetWidgetUidForUrl( url ) ).iUid;
+ return uid;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpDeRegisterWidgetL()
+// Deregister the widget
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpDeRegisterWidgetL(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt uid;
+ TInt ret = KErrNone;
+ uid = aMessage.Int0();
+ iWidgetRegistry->DeRegisterWidgetL( TUid::Uid( uid ) );
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetAvailableUidL()
+// Returns next available UId
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetAvailableUidL(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TUid uid = TUid::Uid( 0 );
+ uid = iWidgetRegistry->GetAvailableUidL( aMessage.Int0() );
+ return uid.iUid;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetLprojName()
+// Returns language project name for directory which holds the localized content
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpGetLprojNameL(
+ const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TBuf<KWidgetRegistryVal> aLprojName;
+ aLprojName.SetLength( aMessage.Int1() );
+ aMessage.ReadL( 0, aLprojName );
+ iWidgetRegistry->GetLprojNameL( aLprojName );
+ aMessage.WriteL( 0, aLprojName );
+ return aLprojName.Length();
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpSetActive()
+// Set/Reset active status of the widget
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpSetActive( const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt uid = aMessage.Int0();
+ TInt status = aMessage.Int1();
+ iWidgetRegistry->SetActive( TUid::Uid( uid ), status );
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpSetMiniView()
+// Set/Reset Widget status for launched in MiniView
+// @since
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpSetMiniView( const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt uid = aMessage.Int0();
+ TInt status = aMessage.Int1();
+ iWidgetRegistry->SetMiniView( TUid::Uid( uid ), status );
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpSetFullView()
+// Set/Reset Widget status in FullView
+// @since
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpSetFullView( const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt uid = aMessage.Int0();
+ TInt status = aMessage.Int1();
+ iWidgetRegistry->SetFullView( TUid::Uid( uid ), status );
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpSetPromptNeeded()
+// Set/Reset Widget miniview platform access prompt is needed
+// @since
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpSetPromptNeeded( const RMessage2& aMessage )
+ {
+ TInt uid = aMessage.Int0();
+ TInt status = aMessage.Int1();
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iWidgetRegistry->SetBlanketPermissionL( TUid::Uid( uid ), status ));
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpDisconnect()
+// Disconnects session with server
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpDisconnect(
+ const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ )
+ {
+ TInt ret = KErrNone;
+ CWidgetRegistryServer* server;
+ server = static_cast<CWidgetRegistryServer*>(
+ const_cast<CServer2*>( Server() ) );
+ if ( server )
+ {
+ server->RemoveSession();
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpSecurityPolicyId()
+// Returns security policy Id
+// @since 5.0
+// ============================================================================
+TInt CWidgetRegistryServerSession::OpSecurityPolicyId(
+ const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/ )
+ {
+ return iWidgetRegistry->SecurityPolicyId();
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::WidgetRegistryServer()
+// Returns server object
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+CWidgetRegistryServer& CWidgetRegistryServerSession::WidgetRegistryServer()
+ {
+ return static_cast<CWidgetRegistryServer&>(
+ *const_cast<CServer2*>( Server() ) );
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::MarshalDataL()
+// Creates and returns heap descriptor which holds contents of RWidgetInfoArray
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+HBufC8* CWidgetRegistryServerSession::MarshalDataL(
+ RWidgetInfoArray& aWidgetInfoArr )
+ {
+ // Create a dynamic flat buffer to hold the data data
+ const TInt KExpandSize = 128; // "Granularity" of dynamic buffer
+ CBufFlat* buf = CBufFlat::NewL( KExpandSize );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
+ RBufWriteStream stream( *buf ); // Stream over the buffer
+ CleanupClosePushL( stream );
+ ExternalizeL( stream, aWidgetInfoArr );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &stream );
+ // Create a heap descriptor from the buffer
+ HBufC8* des = HBufC8::NewL( buf->Size() );
+ TPtr8 ptr( des->Des() );
+ buf->Read( 0, ptr, buf->Size() );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf ); // Finished with the buffer
+ return ( des );
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ExternalizeL()
+// Write data to aStream
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ExternalizeL(
+ RWriteStream& aStream,
+ RWidgetInfoArray& aWidgetInfoArr )
+ {
+ TInt len = 0;
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < aWidgetInfoArr.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ aStream.WriteInt32L( aWidgetInfoArr[i]->iUid.iUid );
+ aStream.WriteInt32L( aWidgetInfoArr[i]->iFileSize );
+ len = aWidgetInfoArr[i]->iBundleName->Length();
+ aStream.WriteInt32L( len );
+ aStream.WriteL( *(aWidgetInfoArr[i]->iBundleName), len );
+ len = aWidgetInfoArr[i]->iDriveName->Length();
+ aStream.WriteInt32L( len );
+ aStream.WriteL( *(aWidgetInfoArr[i]->iDriveName), len );
+ }
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ResetWidgetInfo()
+// delete each item in RWidgetInfoArray before closing it
+// @since 3.1
+// ============================================================================
+void CWidgetRegistryServerSession::ResetWidgetInfo(
+ RWidgetInfoArray& aWidgetInfoArr )
+ {
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < aWidgetInfoArr.Count(); i++ )
+ {
+ CWidgetInfo *item = aWidgetInfoArr[i];
+ delete item ;
+ }
+ }
+// End of File