--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/widgets/widgetapp/src/WidgetUiObserver.cpp Mon Mar 30 12:54:55 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <apmrec.h>
+#include <apgcli.h>
+#include <eikappui.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <eikbtgpc.h>
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+#include <WidgetUi.rsg>
+#include <avkon.hrh>
+#include <aknmessagequerydialog.h>
+#include <ActiveApDb.h>
+#include <EscapeUtils.h>
+#include <Uri16.h>
+#include <BrCtlDefs.h>
+#include "WidgetUiObserver.h"
+#include "WidgetUiWindow.h"
+#include "WidgetUiWindowView.h"
+#include "WidgetUiWindowManager.h"
+#include "WidgetUiWindowContainer.h"
+#include <genericparam.h>
+#ifndef __BROWSER_SDK
+#include "AiwGenericParam.h"
+_LIT( KFileScheme, "file://" );
+_LIT( KDefaultDrivePath, "C:\\" );
+_LIT( KPathChar, "\\" );
+_LIT( KLprojExt, ".lproj" );
+TInt doTakeSnapshot( TAny* ptr );
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::UpdateBrowserVScrollBarL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWidgetUiObserver::UpdateBrowserVScrollBarL(
+ TInt aDocumentHeight,
+ TInt aDisplayHeight,
+ TInt aDisplayPosY )
+ {
+ (void)aDocumentHeight;
+ (void)aDisplayHeight;
+ (void)aDisplayPosY;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ _LIT(KUpdateScrollbar, "Document height = %d, Display height = %d, Display pos = %d");
+ if ( iCanLog )
+ {
+ iFileLogger.WriteFormat( KUpdateScrollbar, aDocumentHeight, aDisplayHeight, aDisplayPosY );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::UpdateBrowserHScrollBarL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWidgetUiObserver::UpdateBrowserHScrollBarL(
+ TInt aDocumentWidth,
+ TInt aDisplayWidth,
+ TInt aDisplayPosX )
+ {
+ (void)aDocumentWidth;
+ (void)aDisplayWidth;
+ (void)aDisplayPosX;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ _LIT(KUpdateScrollbar, "Document width = %d, Display width = %d, Display pos = %d");
+ if ( iCanLog )
+ {
+ iFileLogger.WriteFormat( KUpdateScrollbar, aDocumentWidth, aDisplayWidth, aDisplayPosX );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::NotifyLayoutChange
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWidgetUiObserver::NotifyLayoutChange( TBrCtlLayout aNewLayout )
+ {
+ (void)aNewLayout;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ _LIT(KUpdateLayout, "New layout is %d");
+ RDebug::Printf("CWidgetUiObserver::NotifyLayoutChange - beginning");
+ if ( iCanLog )
+ {
+ iFileLogger.WriteFormat( KUpdateLayout, aNewLayout) ;
+ }
+ if( iWindow->WidgetMiniViewState() == EPublishStart )
+ {
+ //iWindow->PublishSnapShot();
+ iCollectBitmapTimer->Cancel();
+ iCollectBitmapTimer->Start(TCallBack(&doTakeSnapshot,iWindow));
+ }
+ }
+TInt doTakeSnapshot( TAny* ptr )
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CWidgetUiObserver::doTakeSnapshot");
+ static_cast<CWidgetUiWindow*>(ptr)->PublishSnapShot();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::UpdateTitle
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWidgetUiObserver::UpdateTitleL( const TDesC& /*aTitle*/ )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::UpdateSoftkeyL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWidgetUiObserver::UpdateSoftkeyL( TBrCtlKeySoftkey aKeySoftkey,
+ const TDesC& aLabel,
+ TUint32 /*aCommandId*/,
+ TBrCtlSoftkeyChangeReason aBrCtlSoftkeyChangeReason )
+ {
+ // ignore idle reason. this comes when brctl calls for default softkey update
+ if(aBrCtlSoftkeyChangeReason != EChangeReasonIdle)
+ {
+ if (aKeySoftkey == EKeyRight && aLabel.Length() == 0)
+ {
+ //reset right softkey to "Exit"
+ if (!iSoftkeyExitStr)
+ {
+ iSoftkeyExitStr = StringLoader::LoadL( R_WIDGETUI_SOFTKEY_EXIT );
+ }
+ iWindow->SetSoftKeyLabelL( aKeySoftkey, *iSoftkeyExitStr );
+ }
+ else if (aKeySoftkey == EKeyLeft && aLabel.Length() == 0)
+ {
+ if (!iLeftSoftkeyStr)
+ {
+ iLeftSoftkeyStr = StringLoader::LoadL(R_WIDGETUI_SOFTKEY_OPTION);
+ }
+ iWindow->SetSoftKeyLabelL( aKeySoftkey, *iLeftSoftkeyStr );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iWindow->SetSoftKeyLabelL( aKeySoftkey, aLabel );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::HandleBrowserLoadEventL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWidgetUiObserver::HandleBrowserLoadEventL(
+ TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlLoadEvent aLoadEvent,
+ TUint /*aSize*/,
+ TUint16 /*aTransactionId*/ )
+ {
+ if (aLoadEvent == TBrCtlDefs::EEventLoadFinished)
+ {
+ iWindow->SetWidgetLoaded(ETrue);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::ResolveEmbeddedLinkL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CWidgetUiObserver::ResolveEmbeddedLinkL(const TDesC& aEmbeddedUrl,
+ const TDesC& aCurrentUrl,
+ TBrCtlLoadContentType aLoadContentType,
+ MBrCtlLinkContent& aEmbeddedLinkContent)
+ {
+ (void)aCurrentUrl;
+ (void)aLoadContentType;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ _LIT(KResolveEmbeddedLink, "Resolve embedded link aEmbeddedUrl = :%s:, aCurrentUrl = :%s:, aLoadContentType = %d");
+ if ( iCanLog )
+ {
+ iFileLogger.WriteFormat( KResolveEmbeddedLink, aEmbeddedUrl, aCurrentUrl, aLoadContentType );
+ }
+ if ( IsFileScheme( aEmbeddedUrl ) )
+ {
+ // DENY if accessing anything inside WidgetUI's private dir AND that file is not inside
+ // the widget's own "sandbox". We define an installed widget's "sandbox" to be anything
+ // under e:/private/10282822/<widget ID>/
+ // Convert URL form to a more friendly path form, with locale-specific subdirectory
+ TFileName lprojName;
+ iWindow->WindowManager().WidgetUIClientSession().GetLprojName( lprojName );
+ TranslateURLToFilenameL( aEmbeddedUrl, lprojName );
+ // TRUE if e:/private/10282822/*/* was requested. It may or may not be inside a widget's sandbox.
+ TBool isInsidePrivateDir = ( iFileName && ( (*iFileName).FindF(iAppPrivatePath) == KMaxDriveName ) ) ? ETrue : EFalse;
+ HBufC* widgetPath = iWindow->WidgetPath(); // The widget's sandbox. Object not ours.
+ // TRUE if e:/private/10282822/<widgetID>/foo.js was requested. This is INSIDE widget's sandbox
+ TBool isSandboxed = ( iFileName && widgetPath && (*iFileName).FindF( *widgetPath ) == 0 ) ? ETrue : EFalse;
+ if ( isInsidePrivateDir && !isSandboxed )
+ { //Acess denied!
+ User::Leave(KErrAccessDenied);
+ }
+ if ( !isSandboxed )
+ { // For files in Public areas, don't use localized subdirectory
+ TranslateURLToFilenameL( aEmbeddedUrl, KNullDesC);
+ }
+ HBufC8* buf = ReadFileL( *iFileName);
+ if ( !buf && isSandboxed )
+ { // In case of failure, fall-back to generic/non-localized content
+ TranslateURLToFilenameL( aEmbeddedUrl, KNullDesC );
+ buf = ReadFileL( *iFileName);
+ }
+ if ( !buf )
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
+ HBufC* contentType = NULL;
+ TPtrC p( NULL, 0 );
+ contentType = RecognizeLC( *iFileName, *buf );
+ aEmbeddedLinkContent.HandleResolveComplete( *contentType, p, buf );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, buf ); // contentType, buf
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::ResolveLinkL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CWidgetUiObserver::ResolveLinkL( const TDesC& aUrl, const TDesC& aCurrentUrl,
+ MBrCtlLinkContent& aBrCtlLinkContent )
+ {
+ (void)aCurrentUrl;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ _LIT(KResolveLink, "Resolve embedded link aUrl = :%s:, aCurrentUrl = :%s:");
+ if ( iCanLog )
+ {
+ iFileLogger.WriteFormat( KResolveLink, aUrl, aCurrentUrl );
+ }
+ //Re-use existing logic upstairs to enforce inter-widget (and intra WidgetUI) security policies.
+ return ResolveEmbeddedLinkL(aUrl, aCurrentUrl, ELoadContentTypeAny, aBrCtlLinkContent);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::CancelAll
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWidgetUiObserver::CancelAll()
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ _LIT(KCancelAll, "All requests canceled");
+ if ( iCanLog )
+ {
+ iFileLogger.WriteFormat( KCancelAll );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::CWidgetUiObserver()
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CWidgetUiObserver::CWidgetUiObserver( CWidgetUiWindow& aWindow )
+ : iWindow( &aWindow ),
+ iFileName( NULL )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::ConstructL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWidgetUiObserver::ConstructL()
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ _LIT(KDir, "WidgetUi");
+ _LIT(KFile, "WidgetUi.log");
+ TInt err( 0 );
+ err = iFileLogger.Connect();
+ if ( err == KErrNone )
+ {
+ iFileLogger.CreateLog( KDir(), KFile(), EFileLoggingModeOverwrite );
+ iCanLog = ETrue;
+ }
+ iHandler = CDocumentHandler::NewL( CEikonEnv::Static()->Process() ) ;
+ // Get WidgetUI's private directory (e.g. c:/private/10282822/)
+ iCollectBitmapTimer = CIdle::NewL(CActive::EPriorityLow);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::~CWidgetUiObserver
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ if ( iCanLog )
+ {
+ iFileLogger.CloseLog();
+ iFileLogger.Close();
+ }
+ delete iFileName;
+ delete iHandler;
+ delete iSoftkeyExitStr;
+ delete iLeftSoftkeyStr;
+ delete iCollectBitmapTimer;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::NewL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CWidgetUiObserver* CWidgetUiObserver::NewL( CWidgetUiWindow& aWindow )
+ {
+ CWidgetUiObserver* self = new(ELeave)CWidgetUiObserver( aWindow );
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(1, self);
+ return self;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::IsFileScheme
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CWidgetUiObserver::IsFileScheme( const TDesC& aFileName )
+ {
+ if ( aFileName.Length()> 0 && aFileName.Ptr() )
+ {
+ if ( aFileName.FindF(KFileScheme) == 0 )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {//Check for paths are that not URI, but of the form..
+ // c:/dir/foo.txt. This is to accomodate browser engine inconsistencies.
+ TUriParser16 parser;
+ if( parser.Parse( aFileName ) == KErrNone )
+ {
+ TPtrC16 scheme = parser.Extract( EUriScheme );
+ // As per the URI RFC, the part before : is the Scheme
+ if ( scheme.Length() == (KMaxDriveName-1) )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::ReadFile
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CWidgetUiObserver::ReadFileL( const TDesC& aFileName )
+ {
+ RFile file;
+ if (KErrNone != file.Open( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(), aFileName, EFileRead ) )
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CleanupClosePushL( file );
+ TInt size;
+ User::LeaveIfError( file.Size( size ) );
+ HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC( size );
+ TPtr8 bufPtr( buf->Des() );
+ User::LeaveIfError( file.Read( bufPtr ) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( buf );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file );
+ return buf;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::RecognizeL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC* CWidgetUiObserver::RecognizeLC( const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC8& aData )
+ {
+ TDataRecognitionResult dataType;
+ RApaLsSession apaSession;
+ TInt ret;
+ HBufC* contentTypeString = KNullDesC().AllocL();
+ CleanupClosePushL(apaSession);
+ User::LeaveIfError( apaSession.Connect() );
+ // Ask the application architecture to find the file type
+ ret = apaSession.RecognizeData( aFileName, aData, dataType );
+ apaSession.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, &apaSession);
+ if ( ret == KErrNone &&
+ ( dataType.iConfidence == CApaDataRecognizerType::ECertain ) ||
+ ( dataType.iConfidence == CApaDataRecognizerType::EProbable ) )
+ {
+ // If the file type was found, try to match it to a known file type
+ TPtrC8 mimeTypePtr = dataType.iDataType.Des8();
+ TInt len = mimeTypePtr.Length() + 1;
+ contentTypeString = HBufC::NewL( len );
+ contentTypeString->Des().Copy( mimeTypePtr );
+ contentTypeString->Des().ZeroTerminate();
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL( contentTypeString );
+ return contentTypeString;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::TranslateURLToFilenameL
+// Translate the file name from a URL to a valid file name in the system.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CWidgetUiObserver::TranslateURLToFilenameL( const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aLanguageDir )
+ {
+ // This function accepts URLs in the following format:
+ // file://filename.xxx
+ // file:///filename.xxx
+ // file://c:/filename.xxx
+ // file:///c:/filename.xxx
+ // c:/dir/file.txt (the browser engine can send these too!)
+ TInt count( 0 );
+ TInt index( 0 );
+ TBool drvLetter = EFalse;
+ TUint16 c;
+ HBufC* decodedUrl = EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL(aFileName);
+ CleanupStack::PushL( decodedUrl );
+ // Throw away the intial file:// part, if present
+ TPtrC urlPtr( aFileName );
+ if (urlPtr.FindF( KFileScheme) == 0 )
+ {
+ urlPtr.Set( decodedUrl->Mid( KFileScheme().Length() ) );
+ }
+ // Make sure there are enough characters in the filename before
+ // trying to check them
+ count = urlPtr.Length() + aLanguageDir.Length() + KLprojExt().Length() + KPathChar().Length();
+ if ( urlPtr.Length() > 0 ) //do nothing for trivial input
+ {
+ // Skip the first '/' if there is one
+ if ( urlPtr[0] == '/' )
+ {
+ urlPtr.Set( urlPtr.Mid( 1 ) );
+ }
+ // Is there a drive letter?
+ if ( urlPtr.Length() > 1 )
+ {
+ // Can check for drive letter
+ if ( urlPtr[1 + index] == ':' )
+ {
+ drvLetter = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( drvLetter == EFalse )
+ {
+ // Plan for a c:\ type drive prefix to what we already tallied above
+ count += KDefaultDrivePath().Length();
+ }
+ delete iFileName;
+ iFileName = NULL;
+ iFileName = HBufC::NewL( count );
+ if ( !drvLetter )
+ {
+ iFileName->Des().Append( KDefaultDrivePath );
+ }
+ TBool fragment( EFalse );
+ // Convert relative path containing /./ and /../ to absolute path
+ for ( ; index < urlPtr.Length() && !fragment; index ++ )
+ {
+ switch ( urlPtr[index] )
+ {
+ case '#': // Check if there is a fragment '#'
+ {
+ fragment = ETrue;
+ continue; // Just stop there
+ }
+ case '/':
+ {
+ iFileName->Des().Append( KPathChar );
+ break;
+ }
+ case '.':
+ {
+ if ( index > 1 && urlPtr[index - 1] == '/' )
+ {
+ if ( index < count - 1 && urlPtr[ index + 1 ] == '/' )
+ {
+ index ++; // Skip ./
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( index > 2 && index < count - 3 &&
+ urlPtr[ index + 1 ] == '.' && urlPtr[ index + 2 ] == '/' )
+ {
+ TInt i = index - 2;
+ for ( ; i > 0 && urlPtr[i] != '/'; i-- ) {} // Skip /../
+ iFileName->Des().SetLength( iFileName->Des().Length() - (index - i) );
+ index += 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // No break
+ //lint -fallthrough
+ default:
+ {
+ c = urlPtr[ index ];
+ iFileName->Des().Append( &c, 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ } // end of switch
+ }
+ if ( aLanguageDir.Length() )
+ {
+ TChar backSlash = '\\';
+ TInt pos = iFileName->Des().LocateReverse( backSlash );
+ if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ TPtr p = iFileName->Des();
+ p.Insert(pos, KLprojExt );
+ p.Insert(pos, aLanguageDir );
+ p.Insert(pos, KPathChar );
+ }
+ }
+ } //Do nothing for any trivial input
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, decodedUrl); // decodedUrl
+ return ETrue;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::NewDownloadL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CWidgetUiObserver::NewDownloadL( TUint aTransactionID,
+ const TDesC& aFileName,
+ const TDesC& aContentType,
+ const TDesC& aUrl )
+ {
+ (void)aTransactionID;
+ (void)aFileName;
+ (void)aContentType;
+ (void)aUrl;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ _LIT(KNewDownload1L, "New Download with Trans ID %d, Local filename :%s:");
+ _LIT(KNewDownload2L, "New Download with Trans ID %d, Content Type :%s:");
+ _LIT(KNewDownload3L, "New Download with Trans ID %d, URL :%s:");
+ if ( iCanLog )
+ {
+ iFileLogger.WriteFormat( KNewDownload1L, aTransactionID, aFileName.Ptr() );
+ iFileLogger.WriteFormat( KNewDownload2L, aTransactionID, aContentType.Ptr() );
+ iFileLogger.WriteFormat( KNewDownload3L, aTransactionID, aUrl.Ptr() );
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::HandleDownloadEventL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWidgetUiObserver::HandleDownloadEventL( TUint aTransactionID,
+ TBrCtlDownloadEvent aDownloadEvent,
+ TUint aValue )
+ {
+ (void)aTransactionID;
+ (void)aDownloadEvent;
+ (void)aValue;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ _LIT(KDownloadEvent, "Download Event with Trans ID %d, Event %d, Value %d");
+ if ( iCanLog )
+ {
+ iFileLogger.WriteFormat( KDownloadEvent, aTransactionID, aDownloadEvent, aValue );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::OpenWindowL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CBrCtlInterface* CWidgetUiObserver::OpenWindowL(TDesC& /*aUrl*/, TDesC* /*aTargetName*/, TBool /*aUserInitiated*/, TAny* /*aReserved*/)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::FindWindowL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CBrCtlInterface* CWidgetUiObserver::FindWindowL( const TDesC& /*aTargetName*/ ) const
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CWidgetUiObserver::HandleWindowCommandL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CWidgetUiObserver::HandleWindowCommandL( const TDesC& aTargetName, TBrCtlWindowCommand aCommand )
+ {
+ if( aTargetName == KNullDesC() && aCommand == ECloseWindow)
+ {
+ // prevent background widget from closing active window
+ if (iWindow == iWindow->WindowManager().ActiveWindow())
+ {
+ iWindow->WindowManager().CloseWindowsAsync(EFalse); // close active window
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// End of File