* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains the header file of the CWidgetRegistry class.
* This class implements the CWidgetRegistry class.
#include <e32hashtab.h>
#include <apgcli.h>
#include <browser_platform_variant.hrh>
#include "widgetregistrydata.h"
#include "widgetregistryconstants.h"
#include "widgetpropertyvalue.h"
#include "WidgetRegistryLog.h"
#define KWidgetRegistryMaxPathName 64
class RFs;
class CWidgetMMCHandler;
class CWidgetEntry;
class CWidgetInstaller;
class CWidgetRegistryXml;
class CRTSecManager;
typedef RPointerArray<CWidgetEntry> RWidgetArray;
* CWidgetRegistry
* @since 3.1
class CWidgetRegistry : public CBase
* Returns singleton of factory.
static CWidgetRegistry* NewL( RFs& aFs );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CWidgetRegistry();
* Returns true if the Uid falls within the range specified for widgets.
TBool IsWidget( const TUid& aUid ) const;
* Returns true if the widget is installed.
TBool WidgetExists( const TDesC& aBundleId ) const;
* Returns true if the widget is running.
TBool IsWidgetRunning( const TUid& aUid ) const;
* Returns if widget sapi access is prompted, promptless or denied.
TInt WidgetSapiAccessState( const TUid& aUid ) const;
* Returns true if the widget is in miniview
TBool IsWidgetInMiniView( const TUid& aUid ) const;
* Returns true if the widget is started in fullview
TBool IsWidgetInFullView( const TUid& aUid ) const;
* Returns true if blanket permission is granted
TBool IsBlanketPermGranted( const TUid& aUid ) const;
* Returns count of widgets installed.
TInt WidgetCount() const { return iEntries.Count();}
* Returns path of the widget with a particular UId.
void GetWidgetPath( const TUid& aUid, TDes& aPath );
* Returns the lproj name
void GetLprojNameL( TDes& aLprojName );
* Returns UId of the widget with a particular bundle identifier.
TUid GetWidgetUid( const TDesC& aBundleId ) const;
* Returns uid of the widget with a particular html path.
TUid GetWidgetUidForUrl( const TDesC& aUrl ) const;
* Get next available UId
TUid GetAvailableUidL( TInt aDriveLetter );
* Returns bundle Id of the widget with a particular UId.
void GetWidgetBundleId( const TUid& aUid, TDes& aBundleId );
* Returns bundle display name of the widget with a particular UId.
void GetWidgetBundleName( const TUid& aUid, TDes& aBundleName );
* return serialized value of property aId for the widget aUid or leave
CBufFlat* CWidgetRegistry::GetWidgetPropertyValueL(
const TUid& aUid,
TWidgetPropertyId aId,
TInt aMaxLength );
* Returns widget info for all the installed widgets.
void InstalledWidgetsL( RWidgetInfoArray& );
* Returns widget info for all the running widgets.
void RunningWidgetsL( RWidgetInfoArray& );
* Registers the widget and creates a widget entry.
void RegisterWidgetL( RReadStream& aStream );
* Deregisters the widget and removes the widget entry.
void DeRegisterWidgetL( const TUid& aUid );
* Set/Reset active status of the widget with a particular UId
void SetActive( TUid aUid, TInt aStatus );
* Set/Reset Widget status for launched in MiniView
void SetMiniView( TUid aUid, TInt aStatus );
* Set/Reset Widget status for widget in FullView
void SetFullView( TUid aUid, TInt aStatus );
* Set/Reset Widget Blanket permission for platform services
void SetBlanketPermissionL( TUid aUid, TInt aStatus );
* Load widget information from a file, detect consistency
* errors and correct them. Leave only if unrecoverable issue,
* dirty flag is true only in non leave case and some change
* needs to be written out
void InternalizeL( TBool aDoConsistency,
TBool aIgnoreParseError,
TBool& aDirtyFlag,
TInt& aParseError );
* Store widget information to a file
void ExternalizeL();
* Returns security policyId.
TInt SecurityPolicyId() { return FetchSecurityPolicyIdL(); }
* Insert a widget entry
TInt InsertL( CWidgetEntry* aEntry );
* Get widget entry with a particular UId
CWidgetEntry& GetWidgetEntryL( const TUid& aUid ) const;
* Get widget entry with a particular UId
TInt GetWidgetEntry( const TUid& aUid, CWidgetEntry*& aEntry ) const;
* Get widget entry with a particular UId
TInt GetWidgetOldEntry( const TUid& aUid, CWidgetEntry*& aEntry ) const;
* Get widget entry with a particular bundle Id
TInt GetWidgetEntry(
const TDesC& aBundleId, CWidgetEntry*& aEntry ) const;
* Get widget entry at a particular position in the array
const CWidgetEntry* GetWidgetEntry( const TInt& aPos );
* Remove widget entry with a particular bundle Id
void Remove( const TDesC& aBundleId );
* Remove widget entry with a particular bundle UId
void Remove( const TUid& aUid );
* Returns array of used UIds.
void UsedUidsL( RUidArray& aUsedUids );
* Reset widget entry array
void ResetWidgetEntry();
* Get policy Id from security manager
TInt FetchSecurityPolicyIdL();
* 2-phase constructor
void ConstructL();
* Constructor
CWidgetRegistry( RFs& aFs );
* create the mapping table for language and lproj dir
void CreateLangDirListL();
void ExternalizeBinaryL( const TDesC& aFilename,
const CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aIndices );
void ExternalizeXmlL( const TDesC& aFilename,
const CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aIndices );
void InternalizeBinaryL( const TDesC& aFileName,
const TDriveUnit& aDriveUnit,
TBool aDoConsistency,
RArray<TUid>& aAppArchList,
RArray<TInt>& aAppArchListFlags,
const CDir* aInstalledListForDrive,
RArray<TInt>& aInstalledListForDriveFlags,
TBool& aDirtyFlag );
void InternalizeXmlL( const TDesC& aFileName,
const TDriveUnit& aDriveUnit,
TBool aDoConsistency,
RArray<TUid>& aAppArchList,
RArray<TInt>& aAppArchListFlags,
const CDir* aInstalledListForDrive,
RArray<TInt>& aInstalledListForDriveFlags,
TBool& aDirtyFlag );
CWidgetEntry* EntryConsistency(
CWidgetEntry* entry,
const RArray<TUid>& aAppArchList,
RArray<TInt>& aAppArchListFlags,
const CDir* aInstalledListForDrive,
RArray<TInt>& aInstalledListForDriveFlags,
const TDriveUnit& aDriveUnit,
TBool& aDirtyFlag );
void InstallDirConsistency( const CDir* aInstalledListForDrive,
RArray<TInt>& aInstalledListForDriveFlags,
TBool& aDirtyFlag );
void AppArchListConsistency( const RArray<TUid>& aAppArchList,
RArray<TInt>& aAppArchListFlags );
TBool IsEntryInstalled( CWidgetEntry* entry,
const CDir* aInstalledListForDrive,
RArray<TInt>& aInstalledListForDriveFlags );
TInt IsEntryInAppList( CWidgetEntry* entry,
const RArray<TUid>& aAppArchList,
RArray<TInt>& aAppArchListFlags,
TBool& aInAppList,
TUid& uid );
TInt AppArchWidgetUids( RArray< TUid >& aUids );
TBool AppArchWidgets( RArray<TUid>& aAppArchList,
RArray<TInt>& aAppArchListFlags );
TBool InstallDirWidgets( const TDriveUnit& aDriveUnit,
CDir*& aInstalledListForDrive,
RArray<TInt>& aInstalledListForDriveFlags );
TInt InternalizeEntryNewUidIfNeeded( CWidgetEntry* aEntry,
const TDriveUnit& aDriveUnit );
RWidgetArray iEntries;
RUidArray iUsedUids;
RFs iFs; // not owned
RPointerArray<CWidgetEntry> iOldEntries; // Hold the earlier entries from iEntries
// added for validation purpose
RApaLsSession iAppArch;
CWidgetInstaller* iInstaller;
TBuf<KWidgetRegistryMaxPathName> iWidgetInstallPath;
TBuf<KWidgetRegistryMaxPathName> iRegistryBinaryFileName;
TBuf<KWidgetRegistryMaxPathName> iRegistryXmlFileName;
TBuf<KWidgetRegistryMaxPathName> iRegistryXmlTempFileName;
TBuf<KWidgetRegistryMaxPathName> iLprojName;
// map of language code to lproj dir
RPtrHashMap<TInt,HBufC8> iLangDirList;
CWidgetMMCHandler* iMMCHandler;
TInt iPolicyId;
CWidgetRegistryXml* iXmlProcessor;