* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Represents the Object Widget From Webcore
#ifndef __PLUGINSKIN_H__
#define __PLUGINSKIN_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <npupp.h>
#include "WebCoreWidget.h"
#include "WebCannedImages.h"
#include "PluginPlayer.h"
#include "WebFrame.h"
#include "WebFrameView.h"
#include "WebView.h"
#include <MemoryManager.h>
//#include <Element.h>
class PluginWin;
class PluginStream;
class WebFrame;
namespace WebCore {
class String;
class Element;
// These are used to designate the handling of incoming content and loading Plugins
// during intial construction of the plugin. We could add ELoadModeConstruct.
// They are also used when a plugin requests to download additional content, and
// the mapping of target (windowType) to content/plugin handling.
enum TPluginLoadMode
enum TWindowType
EWindowTypePlugin = 0,
_LIT(KBlank, "_blank");
_LIT(KNew, "_new");
_LIT(KSelf, "_self");
_LIT(KCurrent, "_current");
_LIT(KParent, "_parent");
_LIT(KTop, "_top");
* PluginSkin
* Represents the Object Widget
* This class acts as an Adapter between the webcore and the plugin engines.
* @lib plugin.dll
* @since 3.1
class PluginSkin : public CBase,
public MWebCoreObjectWidget,
public MMemoryCollector
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static PluginSkin* NewL( WebFrame& frame,
const TPtrC8& url,
const Vector<WebCore::String>& attributesNames,
const Vector<WebCore::String>& attributeValues,
const TPtrC8& baseUrl,
const WebCore::String& mimeType,
TBool canInteract);
* destructor.
virtual ~PluginSkin();
private: // Constructors
* C++ default constructor.
PluginSkin( WebFrame& webFrame );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL( const WebCore::String& mimeType,
const Vector<WebCore::String>& attributesNames,
const Vector<WebCore::String>& attributeValues,
const TPtrC8& url,
const TPtrC8& baseUrl,
TBool canInteract);
* PluginWin
* Returns a pointer to the CPluginWin object.
* @since 3.1
* @return The CPluginWin object
PluginWin* pluginWin() { return m_pluginwin;}
* Frame
* Returns a pointer to WebKitFrame object.
* @since 3.1
* @return The WebKitControl object
WebFrame* frame() const { return m_frame; }
* @since 3.1
* @return
void createPluginWinL(TDesC8& url, TDesC& mimetype);
* @since 3.1
* @return
void loadPluginL( const TDesC8& mimetype );
* @since 3.1
* @return
NPP getNPP(){return m_instance;}
* @since 3.1
* @return
NPPluginFuncs* getNPPluginFucs() {return m_pluginfuncs;}
* @since 3.1
* @return
void forceRedraw(bool drawNow = true);
* @since 3.1
* @return
TBool isBrowserScheme(const TPtrC8& url);
* GetLoadMode
* Returns the load mode associated with the "window-type".
TPluginLoadMode GetLoadMode(const TDesC* aWindowType);
* GetWindowType
* Resolves the "window-type" string into a TWindowType.
TWindowType GetWindowType(const TDesC* aWindowType);
public: // Methods From MWebCoreObjectWidget
void setNeedsDisplay( TBool ) {}
void setCursor( CursorTypes ) {}
* Draw
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Repaints the frame.
* @since 3.1
* @param TRect& aRect
* @return void
void draw( WebCoreGraphicsContext& gc,
const TRect& rect );
* IsVisible
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Purpose:
* @since 3.1
* @return void
TBool isVisible() const;
* SizeHint
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Purpose
* @since 3.1
* @return TSize
TSize sizeHint() const;
* IsFocused
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Purpose
* @since 3.1
* @return TBool
TBool isFocused() const { return ETrue; }
* MakeVisible
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Purpose
* @since 3.0
* @param TBool aVisible
* @return void
void makeVisible(TBool visible) ;
* SetFocus
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Purpose
* @since 3.1
* @param TBool aFoucs
* @return void
void setFocus(TBool focus) ;
* Activate
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Purpose Activated the plugin
* @since 3.1
* @param TBool aFoucs
* @return void
void activate();
* Rect
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Purpose
* @since 3.1
* @return TRect
TRect rect() const;
* SetRect
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Purpose Sets the Rect
* @since 3.1
* @param TRect aRect
* @return void
void setRect(const TRect& rect);
* IsFocusable
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Purpose Check if the plugin is focusable
* @since 3.2
* @param TRect aRect
* @return void
TBool isFocusable() const;
* SetParent
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Set the CCoeControl parent for this WebKitBridge
* @since 3.0
* @return void
void setParent( MScrollView* /*aParent*/){/*iParent = aBrCtlInterface*/};
* IsActive
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Returns ETrue is plugin is active and receiving events
* @since 3.1
* @return void
TBool isActive() const { return m_active; }
* Deactivate
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Removes the plugin from control stack
* @since 3.1
* @return void
void deActivate();
* SetFont
* From MWebCoreObjectWidget
* Sets the font
* @since 3.1
* @return void
void setFont(CFont* font);
* CanInteract
* Returns the m_canInteract flag
* @since 5.0
* @return TBool
TBool CanInteract() const
return m_canInteract;
* pluginPlayer
* Returns the plugin player
* @since 5.0
* @return PluginPlayer*
PluginPlayer* pluginPlayer() const {
return m_frame->frameView()->topView()->pluginPlayer();
HBufC8* url() { return m_url; }
void playPluginContent(const TDesC8& aRequestUrl) {};
void positionChanged();
void stopPluginContent(const TDesC8& aRequestUrl) {};
void *pluginScriptableObject();
void pluginFocusChanged(TBool focus);
TBool hasResized () {return m_resized; }
void resized();
void ref() {++m_ref;};
void deref() {if (--m_ref <= 0) delete this;};
TBool loadPluginL( const TDesC& mimetype);
void openInViewerL();
// stream manipulation
void addPluginStream(PluginStream*);
void removePluginStream(PluginStream*);
//callbacks from NpnImplementation
int getRequestL(const TDesC8& url, bool notify, void* notifydata,const TDesC* aWindowType);
int postRequestL(const TDesC8& url, const TDesC& buffer, bool fromfile, bool notify, void* notifydata,const TDesC* aWindowType);
bool isInteractive();
TRect getClipRect() const;
TRect getPluginWinRect() const;
void setClipRect(TRect rect);
TInt handleNetworkAccess() const;
WebCore::Element* getElement() {return m_element;}
void setElement(WebCore::Element* aElement) {m_element = aElement;}
public: // from MMemoryCollector
TUint Collect(unsigned int aRequired);
void Restore() {}
TOOMPriority Priority() { return EOOM_PriorityLow; }
* Run javascript, possibly asynchronously.
* @since 3.2
* @return Bool.
TBool RunScript();
RArray<NPN_GenericElement>* genericElementArray(){
return iGenericElementArray;
private: // private member data
void setPluginWinClipedRect();
TRect frameVisibleRect() const;
void Close();
const TDesC& GetExecutionMode();
void setupGenericElementArrrayL();
void addWidgetAttributesL();
// Window-owning CoeControl which wraps the CoeControl created by the plugin
PluginWin* m_pluginwin;
WebFrame* m_frame; // not owned
CFont* m_font;
HBufC8* m_url;
WebCore::Element* m_element;
TBool m_visible;
TBool m_pluginSupported;
TBool m_pluginClosed;
TBool m_canInteract;
TBool m_focused;
TBool m_active;
TBool m_flashContent;
TRect m_rect;
TRect m_pluginWinClipRect;
int m_ref;
TCannedImageData m_cannedimg;
// Attribute lists - The plugin API expects a separate array for
// attribute names and values
CDesCArrayFlat *m_attributeNames;
CDesCArrayFlat *m_attributeValues;
//Active Object to run script
CIdle* iJavascriptTimer;
//Javascript: url
RPointerArray<HBufC> m_JSUrls;
WTF::HashSet<PluginStream*> m_streams;
RArray<NPN_GenericElement>* iGenericElementArray;
TRect m_oldRect;
TRect m_oldViewport;
TInt m_handle;
NPP m_instance;
NPPluginFuncs* m_pluginfuncs;
bool m_resized;
RPointerArray<HBufC> m_tempFilesArray;
#endif // __PLUGINSKIN_H__