Merge tags.
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Implementation of Scheme handler interface implementation for wtai:// scheme
#include "WtaiHandler.h"
#include "SchemeDispLogger.h"
#include <ECom.h> // For REComSession
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <apparc.h>
#include <apgcli.h>
// ================= CONSTANTS =======================
LOCAL_C const TText KSemiColon = ';';
LOCAL_C const TText KExclamationMark = '!';
LOCAL_C const TInt KErrUnsuppLibrary = (-26179);
LOCAL_C const TInt KErrUnsupFunction = (-26178);
_LIT( KWtai, "wtai://");
_LIT( KWPMC, "wp/mc" );
_LIT( KWPSD, "wp/sd" );
_LIT( KWPAP, "wp/ap" );
_LIT( KWP, "wp/" );
_LIT( KMC, "mc;" );
_LIT( KSD, "sd;" );
_LIT( KAP, "ap;" );
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::NewL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CWtaiHandler* CWtaiHandler::NewL( const TDesC& aUrl )
CLOG_ENTERFN( "CWtaiHandler::NewL()" );
CWtaiHandler* self=new(ELeave) CWtaiHandler();
self->ConstructL( aUrl );
CLOG_LEAVEFN( "CWtaiHandler::NewL()" );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::~CWtaiHandler()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CLOG_ENTERFN( "CWtaiHandler::~CWtaiHandler()" );
if( iTelService != NULL )
delete iTelService;
iTelService = NULL;
CLOG_LEAVEFN( "CWtaiHandler::~CWtaiHandler()" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::CWtaiHandler()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CWtaiHandler::CWtaiHandler() : CBaseHandler()
// Deliberately do nothing here : See ConstructL() for initialisation
// completion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::ConstructL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWtaiHandler::ConstructL( const TDesC& aUrl )
CLOG_ENTERFN( "CWtaiHandler::ConstructL()" );
BaseConstructL( aUrl );
CLOG_ENTERFN( "calling CBrowserTelService::NewL()" );
CLOG_LEAVEFN( "CWtaiHandler::ConstructL()" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::HandleUrlEmbeddedL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWtaiHandler::HandleUrlEmbeddedL()
CLOG_ENTERFN( "CWtaiHandler::HandleUrlEmbeddedL()" );
TInt err;
TPtrC library_function;
iTelService = CBrowserTelService::NewL();
TRAP( err, library_function.Set( GetWtaiLibraryFunctionL() ) );
TInt count = GetParameterCountL();
TBool confirmDtmfValue = ReadSdConfirmDtmfValueL();
if( ( err == KErrNone ) || ( count <= 0 ) )
if( 0 == library_function.CompareF( KWPMC ) )
TPtrC number = GetParameterL( ESchemeWtaiNumber );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "CWtaiHandler::GetParameter: number: %S", &number );
err = iTelService->MakeCall( number, confirmDtmfValue );
else if( 0 == library_function.CompareF( KWPSD ) )
TPtrC dtmf = GetParameterL( ESchemeWtaiNumber );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "CWtaiHandler::GetParameter: dtmf: %S", &dtmf );
err = iTelService->SendDTMF(dtmf, confirmDtmfValue);
else if( 0 == library_function.CompareF( KWPAP ) )
TPtrC number = GetParameterL( ESchemeWtaiNumber );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "CWtaiHandler::GetParameter: number: %S", &number );
TPtrC name = GetParameterL( ESchemeWtaiName );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "CWtaiHandler::GetParameter: name: %S", &name );
TPtrC email = GetParameterL( ESchemeWtaiEmail );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT( "CWtaiHandler::GetParameter: email: %S", &email );
err = iTelService->AddPBEntryL( number, name, email );
ErrorHandlerL( err );
CLOG_LEAVEFN( "CWtaiHandler::HandleUrlEmbeddedL()" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::HandleUrlStandaloneL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWtaiHandler::HandleUrlStandaloneL()
CLOG_ENTERFN( "CWtaiHandler::HandleUrlStandaloneL()" );
CLOG_LEAVEFN( "CWtaiHandler::HandleUrlStandaloneL()" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::GetWtaiLibraryFunctionL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CWtaiHandler::GetWtaiLibraryFunctionL()
CLOG_ENTERFN( "CWtaiHandler::GetWtaiLibraryFunction()" );
// wtai://<library>/<function> (; <parameter>)*
TPtrC path = RemoveSchemeFromUrlL( KWtai );
// <library>/<function> (; <parameter>)*
TInt colonPos = VerifyWtaiSchemeL( path );
TPtrC library_function = path.Left( colonPos );
CLOG_LEAVEFN( "CWtaiHandler::GetWtaiLibraryFunction()" );
return library_function; // <library>/<function>
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::VerifyWtaiSchemeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CWtaiHandler::VerifyWtaiSchemeL( TPtrC path )
TInt colonPos = path.Locate( ';' ); // first occurance
if ( colonPos <= 0 )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
else if( KErrNotFound == path.FindF( KWP() ) ) // check if it's valid library
User::Leave( KErrUnsuppLibrary );
else if( ( KErrNotFound != path.FindF( KMC() ) ) ||
( KErrNotFound != path.FindF( KSD() ) ) ||
( KErrNotFound != path.FindF( KAP() ) ) ) // check if it's valid function
return colonPos;
User::Leave( KErrUnsupFunction );
return colonPos;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::GetParameterCountL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CWtaiHandler::GetParameterCountL()
CLOG_ENTERFN( "CWtaiHandler::GetParameterCount()" );
// wtai://<library>/<function> (; <parameter>)*
TInt retVal = 0;
TPtrC path = RemoveSchemeFromUrlL( KWtai );
TInt length = path.Length();
/* Count for the amount of parameter */
for( TInt i = 0; i < length; i++ )
if( path[i] == KSemiColon )
CLOG_LEAVEFN( "CWtaiHandler::GetParameterCount()" );
return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::GetParameterL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC CWtaiHandler::GetParameterL(TInt aPos)
CLOG_ENTERFN( "CWtaiHandler::GetParameter()" );
// wtai://<library>/<function> (; <parameter>)*
TPtrC path = RemoveSchemeFromUrlL( KWtai );
// <library>/<function> (; <parameter>)*
TInt length = path.Length();
TInt start = 0; // starting position of the required parameter
TInt pos = 1; // current parameter
TInt i = 0; // character iterator
while( i < length )
if( ( path[i] == KSemiColon ) || ( path[i] == KExclamationMark ) )
// begining of a parameter is found
if( ( pos == aPos ) && ( path[i] != KExclamationMark ) )
// begining of the required parameter
start = i + 1; // skipping semicolon
if( start != 0 )
// end of the required parameter
start = ( start == 0 ) ? i : start; // there is n parameter but the (n+1). is required
CLOG_LEAVEFN( "CWtaiHandler::GetParameter()" );
return path.Mid( start, i-start ); // found parameter
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::BrowserTelServiceEvent()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWtaiHandler::BrowserTelServiceEvent( TBrowserTelServiceState aEvent )
CLOG_ENTERFN( "CWtaiHandler::BrowserTelServiceEvent()" );
if( EIdle == aEvent )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::BrowserTelServiceError()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWtaiHandler::BrowserTelServiceError( TBrowserTelServiceError /*aError*/)
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWtaiHandler::BrowserTelServiceError()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWtaiHandler::NotifyClient()
if( NULL !=iSchemeDoc )
iSchemeDoc->HandleServerAppExit( KErrNone );