* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Enum Definition of the Browser Control API
* The TBrCtlDefs class contains definitions of custom data types for the Browser Control API.
* Usage:
* @code
* #include <BrCtlDefs.h>
* @see S60 Platform: Browser Control API Developer's Guide Version 2.0
* @lib BrowserEngine.lib
* @since 3.0
* @file BrCtlDefs.h
* @endcode *
class TBrCtlDefs
* The Browser Control uses 600 command IDs, whose default
* range is from 15000 - 15600. The host application can specify
* any desired range through the API.
enum TBrCtlCommandId
ECommandIdBrowserBase = 0, ///< The base Browser ID.
ECommandIdSubscribeToBase = 90, ///< The SubscribeToBase ID.
ECommandIdPluginBase = 100, ///< The base plug-in ID.
ECommandIdWMLBase = 300, ///< The base WML ID.
ECommandIdRange = 600, ///< The maximum number of command IDs.
ECommandIdBase = 15000 ///< The base value for the command IDs.
* Rules that determine in which mode the cache operates.
enum TBrCtlCacheMode
* Normal caching operation.
* If the requested entity is in the cache and it has not expired,
* get it from the cache. If the requested entity is not in the cache,
* or if it has expired, the browser should request it from the server.
ECacheModeNormal = 0,
* If the requested entity is in the cache, get it from the cache
* even if it has expired. If the requested entity is not in the cache,
* the browser should request it from the server.
* The browser should request the content from the server even if it is in the cache.
* If the requested entity is in the cache, get it from the cache
* even if it has expired. If the requested entity is not in the cache,
* return an error.
* The host application can send these commands
* to the Browser Control by calling the HandleCommandL function.
* @attention The host application should define the base for the command
* IDs and add that base to the enum value of each command.
enum TBrCtlCommands
ECommandDisconnect = 0, ///< Unloads the HTTP Framework
ECommandCancelFetch, ///< Cancels all outstanding requests
ECommandOpen, ///< Activates the focused element
ECommandReload, ///< Reloads the current page
ECommandBack, ///< Loads the previous page, if available
* Loads the next page. This command is used only to return
* to the next page after going back to a previous page.
ECommandClearHistory, ///< Clears the history stack
* Shows a list of history entries. Do not use this parameter if
* LoadDataL or InitLoadDataL are used.
ECommandAccept, ///< Accepts the input data in the editor.
* Cancels the input data in the editor. Sets the focus back
* on the browser after the focus is shifted to a plug-in.
ECommandOpenToViewer, ///< Opens object data in an external viewer
* Adds the contact information of the link currently selected to
* the phone book
*Makes a phone call using the phone number in the link currently selected
ECommandRemoveFileName, ///< Removes the file name from a file selection box
ECommandShowImages, ///< Shows a list of the images in the current page
ECommandLoadImages, ///< Loads images when automatic image loading is turned off
ECommandGainFocus, ///< Called when the Browser Control returns from background
ECommandLoseFocus, ///< Called when the Browser Control goes to the background
* Do not call this parameter. It is a base for the next three commands.
* Displays the FindItem dialog and highlights all of the
* phone numbers in the current page. Use this parameter only
* if you specified the ECapabilityFindItem capability.
* Displays the FindItem dialog and highlights all of the e-mail
* addresses in the current page. Use this parameter only if you
* specified the ECapabilityFindItem capability.
* Displays the FindItem dialog and highlights all of the URLs in
* the current page. Use this parameter only if you specified
* the ECapabilityFindItem capability.
ECommandFindKeyword, ///< Reserved for future use.
ECommandClearFind, ///< Reserved for future use.
ECommandShowThumbnailView, ///< Reserved for future use.
ECommandShowDownloads, ///< Tells the Download Manager to display the list of downloads.
* Saves the following launch parameters when the application
* unexpectedly shuts down. These parameters all have the prefix ESettingsLaunch:
* AppUid, ViewId, CustomMessageId
* When the phone reboots, it uses these parameters to restart
* the host application and resume the interrupted downloads.
* NOTE: These parameters must be set before calling this command.
ECommandOneStepBack, ///< Reserved for future use.
ECommandAppForeground, ///<
ECommandAppBackground, ///<
ECommandOpenNewWindow, ///<
ECommandClearAutoFormFillData, ///<
ECommandClearAutoFormFillPasswordData, ///<
ECommandFreeMemory, ///<
ECommandMemoryGood, ///<
ECommandDumpRenderTree, ///<
ECommandUnloadWMLEngine, ///<
ECommandSmartLinkMakeCall, ///<
ECommandSmartLinkSendMessage, ///<
ECommandSmartLinkAddToPhoneBook, ///<
ECommandShowToolBar, ///<Shows the toolbar
ECommandSmartLinkSendEmail, ///<
ECommandShowAnchorHref, ///<Display the URL of a hyperlink - supported only for HTML
ECommandLoadFocusedImage, ///<Load the focuesd image - supported only for HTML
ECommandUnLoadPluginWindows, ///<Unload plugin windows
* Displays the FindItem dialog and highlights all of the VoIP
* addresses in the current page. Use this parameter only if you
* specified the ECapabilityFindItem capability.
ECommandFindItemVoIPAddress, ///<Find VoIP address item
ECommandSmartLinkMakeVoipCall, ///<MakeVoip Callthrough smartlink
* Zoom Slider configuration.
ECommandZoomSliderShow, ///< Zoom slider visible.
ECommandZoomSliderHide, ///< Zoom slider hidden.
** Enter/Exit Fullscreen Browsing
* The load event that occurred.
enum TBrCtlLoadEvent
EEventNone = 0, // Non event, Not used.
* A page is beginning to load. This includes images, scripts,
* style sheets, and anything else embedded in the page as a single load event.
/** A URL is beginning to load. This notifies the observer of a
* separate load event for each image or other element embedded in the page.
* The first data chunk has arrived. This occurs when the response
* headers are received.
* Another data chunk has arrived.
* This occurs for each chunk of data that is loaded, including the first chunk.
* The first chunk of content is displayed. The previous page is
* destroyed at this time. This occurs once per page.
* Another chunk of content is displayed. This occurs for each
* chunk of content that is displayed, except for the first chunk.
EEventUrlLoadingFinished, ///< A URL has finished loading.
* The page has finished loading. If the host application draws a
* progress bar, it can be removed when this event is received.
EEventContentFinished, ///< The content has finished loading.
* A page title was encountered. After receiving this
* event, the host application can call PageInfoLC to receive the page title.
EEventLoadError, ///< An error occurred while loading the page.
* The user is navigating from a non-secure page to a secure page.
* The host application displays a secure icon, if needed.
* The user is navigating from a secure page to a non-secure page.
* If the host application displays a secure icon, that icon should be removed.
* The user is entering a secure page that contains non-secure items.
* The user is submitting information to a non-secure page.
* User confirmation is required to redirect the browser.
* User confirmation is required to repost a page that has been viewed previously.
* The user is entering a non-secure page that contains secure items.
* Authentication failed or was cancelled.
* A file is beginning to upload.
* A file has finished uploading; the last chunk of data has been transmitted.
* Length of the data transmitted and the cumulative size of the uploaded file.
* The setting to manipulate.
enum TBrCtlSettings
ESettingsUnknown = -1, ///< Not used
* If set to On, large pages are optimized for display on a small screen.
* If set to Off, all pages display in their original format.
ESettingsSmallScreen = 0,
* If set to On, images automatically load when a page is downloaded.
* If set to Off, images are not loaded. Default: On
* If set to All.Large, all text is shown 40% larger than its declared size.
* If set to Larger, all text is shown 20% larger than its declared size.
* If set to Normal, all text is shown as its declared size.
* If set to Smaller, all text is shown 20% smaller than its declared size.
* If set to All.Small, all text is shown 40% smaller than its declared size.
* If set to On, the host application is embedded within another application.
* If set to Off, the host application is not embedded within another application.
* If set to On, paragraphs are automatically wrapped to fit into the display width.
* If set to Off, paragraphs are not automatically wrapped.
* @attention This parameter is not shown if ESettingsSmallScreen is set to On.
* If set to Allow, the user can send and receive cookie information.
* If set to Reject, the user cannot send or receive cookie information.
* If set to Finest, external style sheets are downloaded when
* Small Screen Layout is used. If set to Fastest, external style
* sheets are not downloaded when Small Screen Layout is used.
* Default value: Fastest
* If set to Enable, ECMA Script is enabled.
* If set to Disable, ECMA Script is disabled.
* Default value: Enable
* Device unique identification number sent to a server for billing
* purposes in e-commerce. If set to Enable, the Browser Control
* sends the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) to the server.
* If set to Disable, the Browser Control does not send the IMEI to the server.
* Default value: Disable
* Character coding. If set to Automatic, the character set is
* automatically selected according to the following criteria, in order or priority:
* 1. Detected from the Byte Order Mark (BOM)
* 2. Detected from XML Document Type Definition (DTD)
* 3. Declared in <meta> element
* 4. Detected from HTTP headers
* 5. Variant-specific default character set for automatic detection.
* Possible character codings are:
* Latin
* Simplified Chinese
* Traditional Chinese
* Unicode (UTF-8)
* Unicode (ucs-2)
* ISO 8859 - 2,4,5,7,or 9
* Hebrew (ISO-Logical)
* Hebrew (ISO-Visual)
* Hebrew (Windows)
* Arabic (ISO)
* Arabic (Windows)
* Windows - 1250, 1251, 1253, 1254, or 1257
* Thai
* Thai (Windows 874)
* Shift_jis
* Euc-jp
* ISO-2022-jp
* The default value is variant-specific.
* URL of the initial page. Tells the
* Browser Control to send the referrer header in the request.
* One of the following:
* Certificate not valid yet
* Server certificate expired
* Server certificate not received
* Invalid server certificate
* Authority certificate not valid yet
* Authority certificate expired
* Authority certificate not found
* Authority certificate corrupted
* Default access point for the Browser Control to use when
* connecting to the network.
ESettingsCurrentZoomLevelIndex, ///< Reserved for future use.
ESettingsPageOverview, ///< Reserved for future use.
ESettingsNumOfDownloads, ///< Number of downloads in progress.
* UID of the application to
* restart after a reboot in order to continue an interrupted download.
* View ID of the application to
* restart after a reboot in order to continue an interrupted download.
* Message that asks the user whether to resume the download.
ESettingsLaunchCustomMessageId, ///< Reserved for future use.
ESettingsBackList, ///< Reserved for future use.
ESettingsAutoRefresh, ///< Reserved for future use.
* If set, the browser encodes URLs using UTF-8 instead of
* the original content encoding.
* @attention This is recommended only for the APAC region.
ESettingsAutoFormFillEnabled, ///< For enabling the auto fill
ESettingsSavedPage, ///< Save the page
ESettingsAutoOpenDownloads, // For automatically open the downloaded files
ESettingsDisableFlash, ///<Enable/Disable the flash
ESettingsScriptLog, /// script log
* Toolbar buttons configuration settings
* Browser Zoom level configuration settings
ESettingsZoomLevelMin, ///< Minimum Zoom level supported
ESettingsZoomLevelMax, ///< Maximum Zoom level supported
ESettingsZoomLevelDefault, ///< Default Zoom level for new page
* Browser cursor show mode -- some phone doesn't have cursor inside Browser
* Enter key mode - default behavior is like in desktop browser - submit the form
* The alternative is to select the link is one is activated.
ESettingsMaxEnum ///< Must be last one
* The size of the font selected.
enum TBrCtlFontSizeLevel
* Text is shown 40% smaller than its declared size.
EFontSizeLevelAllSmall = 0,
* Text is shown 20% smaller than its declared size.
* Text is shown as its declared size.
* Text is shown 20% larger than its declared size.
* Text is shown 40% larger than its declared size.
* Configuration options for the Browser Control
enum TBrCtlCapabilities
* Displays horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
ECapabilityDisplayScrollBar = 0x0001,
* Sends request to load embedded content to the host application.
* The host application indicates whether or not the load request
* should proceed.
ECapabilityClientResolveEmbeddedURL = 0x0002,
* Sends request to load a URL to the host application.
* The host application indicates whether or not the load
* request should proceed.
ECapabilityClientNotifyURL = 0x0004,
* Disables input boxes and Netscape plug-ins.
ECapabilityDisableInputAndPlugins = 0x0008,
* Adds Find Item to the Options menu.
ECapabilityFindItem = 0x0010,
* Allows network access for HTTP requests.
* If this option is not set, HTTP requests will fail.
ECapabilityLoadHttpFw = 0x0020,
* Employs the Download Manager to download content, such as audio or video files.
ECapabilityUseDlMgr = 0x0040,
* Launches a viewer application to view the downloaded content.
ECapabilityLaunchViewer = 0x0080,
ECapabilityGraphicalHistory = 0x0100, ///< Reserved for future use.
ECapabilitySavedPage = 0x0200, ///< Reserved for future use.
ECapabilityConfirmDownloads = 0x0400, ///< Enables confirmation dialog in the Download Manager.
ECapabilityAutoFormFill = 0x0800,
ECapabilityCursorNavigation = 0x1000,
ECapabilityGraphicalPage = 0x2000,
ECapabilityAccessKeys = 0x4000,
ECapabilityFavicon = 0x8000,
ECapabilityToolBar = 0x00010000,
ECapabilityWebKitLite = 0x00020000,
ECapabilityFitToScreen = 0x00040000
* Gets the requested page information.
enum TBrCtlPageInfo
EPageInfoTitle = 0, ///< Page title, if a title was specified
EPageInfoUrl, ///< URL of the current page
EPageInfoContent, ///< Page content as a text buffer
EPageInfoSavedPage, ///< Page content, including all embedded content, as a buffer
EPageInfoFocusedNodeUrl //< URL of the focused link. The function leaves if the focus is not on an anchor or imagemap
* Indicates whether the browser is in Image Map view.
enum TBrCtlState
* Currently, the
* only state change that can be observed is in and out of Image Map view.
EStateImageMapView = 0,
EStateHistoryView, ///< For future use
EStateThumbnailView, ///< For future use
EStateWmlView, ///< For WML view
EStateSmartTextView, ///< For Smart text recognition mode
EStateToolBarMode, ///< For toolbar
EStateZoomSliderMode, ///< For ZoomSlider
EStateFullscreenBrowsing, ///< For entering/escaping fullscreen browsing
EStateSynchRequestMode, ///< For synchronous (XHR) requests
* Type of the focused element.
enum TBrCtlElementType
EElementNone = 0, ///< No element is present.
EElementImageBox, ///< Box containing an image.
* Element used to create either of the following:
* A link to another document
* A bookmark within a document
EElementTelAnchor, ///< Anchor with a "tel:" scheme
EElementMailtoAnchor, ///< Anchor with a "mailto:" scheme
EElementInputBox, ///< Input box that can be selected and activated.
EElementActivatedInputBox, ///< Input box that contains an entry field into which the user can type.
* Box that contains a list of items. The user
* can select one of the items by clicking it.
* Push button that can contain text or images. For example, Submit.
EElementTextAreaBox, ///< Input box that contains more than one line.
EElementRootBox, ///< Root of the document.
EElementObjectBox, ///< Placeholder for a plug-in that has not yet been downloaded.
* Box containing a plug-in that the user can
* manipulate; for example, by navigating links.
EElementDownloadedObjectBox, ///< Plug-in that is present but is not being manipulated.
EElementFileSelectionBoxNoContent, ///< File-browsing box in which no file is selected.
EElementFileSelectionBoxWithContent, ///< File-browsing box in which a file was selected previously.
EElementAreaBox, ///< Image map.
EElementCheckBoxChecked, ///< A check box that was selected.
EElementCheckBoxUnChecked, ///< A check box that was not selected.
EElementRadioButtonSelected, ///< A radio button that was selected.
EElementRadioButtonUnSelected, ///< A radio button that was not selected.
EElementMouseButtonListener, ///< A Mouse button listener
EElementScrollBar, ///< A scroll bar
EElementSmartLinkTel, ///< A telephone number in the page.
EElementSmartLinkEmail, ///< an email address in the page.
EElementBrokenImage, ///< A missing image
EElementSmartLinkVoip, ///< A voip smartlink
EElementSelectMultiBox ///< A select box with multiple select
* Identifies the navigation direction
enum TBrCtlNavigationDirection
ENavigationBack, ///< Navigate to the previous page
ENavigationForward ///< Navigate to the next page
* Returns information about the version of the Browser Control.
enum TBrCtlVersionInfo
EVersionInfoName = 0, ///< Name of the Browser Control
EVersionInfoVersion, ///< Version of the Browser Control
EVersionInfoBuild, ///< Build of the Browser Control
EBrowserVersion ///< Browser Version
* Returns information about the version of the Browser Control.
enum TBrCtlParams
EParamsUnknown = -1, ///< Not used
* List of content types that do not use the Download Manager
EParamsSelfDownoadableTypes = 0,
* List of headers that the Browser Control should add to each request
EParamsMax ///< Not used
* Reserved for future use
enum TBrCtlFindResponse
EFindNoMatches = 0, ///< Reserved for future use
EFindWrapAround, ///< Reserved for future use
EFindAllMatches, ///< Reserved for future use
EFindMatch ///< Reserved for future use
* Specifies the type of method to call to fetch a URL.
* The MbrCtlWindowObserver employs this method.
enum TBrCtlMethod
* Get method should be used to fetch content from a URL
* POST method should be used to fetch content from a URL
* Commands sent by the host application
* to the Browser Control by calling the HandleDownloadCommandL function.
enum TBrCtlDownloadCmd
* Pauses the download identified
* by the aTransId parameter of the HandleDownloadCommandL function.
* Resumes the download identified by
* the aTransId parameter of the HandleDownloadCommandL function.
* Cancels the download identified by the
* aTransId parameter of the HandleDownloadCommandL function.
* Notifies the Download Manager that the download is progressive.
* This means that the file can be played while the download is in progress.
* Notifies the Download Manager that the download is not progressive.
* This means that the file cannot be played while the download is in progress.
enum TBrCtlBitmapInfo
EBitmapThumbnail = 0,
* The client commands.
enum TBrCtlClientCommands
EClientCommandLaunchFindKeyword = 0,
* The widget params.
enum TBrCtlWidgetParams
EWidgetIdentifier = 0,
* Orientation for rotating display
enum TBrCtlOrientation
EOrientationUndefined = 0,
* How to notify javascript logs.
enum TBrCtlScriptLog
* script log output disabled
* script log output to a log file
* script log output to GUI console
* script log output to both GUI console and file
enum TBrCtlFormData
enum TCursorSettings
ENoCursor = 0,
enum TEnterKeySettings
EEnterKeyDefault = 0,
#endif // BRCTLDEFS_H
// End of File