* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Supports Download Menu and Downloads List
//#include <platform/mw/Browser_platform_variant.hrh>
#include <Browser_platform_variant.hrh>
#include "CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList.h"
#include "CDownloadMgrUiLibRegistry.h"
#include "CDownloadMgrUiDownloadMenu.h"
#include "CDownloadsListArray.h"
#include "CDownloadsListDlg.h"
#include "AsyncEventHandlerArray.h"
#include "DMgrUiLibPanic.h"
#include "DownloadMgrUiLib.hrh"
#include "CUserInteractionsUtils.h"
#include "UiLibLogger.h"
#include "MDownloadHandlerObserver.h"
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32def.h>
#include <DownloadMgrUiLib.rsg>
#include <DownloadMgrUiLib.mbg>
#include <coemain.h>
#include <eikmenup.h>
#include <gulicon.h>
#include <uikon.hrh>
#include <AknServerApp.h>
#include <uriutils.h>
// following line is temporary: AVKON dependency removal
#include <MGXFileManagerFactory.h>
#include <CMGXFileManager.h>
#include <MediaGalleryUID.h> //Gallery UIDs
#include <DocumentHandler.h>
#include "bautils.h"
#include <BrowserUiSDKCRKeys.h>
#include <aknnotewrappers.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <apgtask.h>
const TInt KUpdateProgressInfoInterval = 2*1000000; // 2 sec
const TInt KMostRecentSort = 2; // Most Recent Sort in File Manager
const TInt KLauchStandAlone = 1; // Launch the File Manager in Stand Alone Mode
_LIT8(KSisxContentType, "x-epoc/x-sisx-app");
class CDownloadsListExecuter;
* Find the given download in the model and give back the ui data and the index.
* It returns 0, if the given download is not found in aListModel and aIndex is set to KErrNotFound!
inline TDownloadUiData* FindDlUiData( CDownloadsListArray& aListModel,
RHttpDownload& aDownload,
TInt& aIndex );
#ifdef __WINS__
TInt AskIapIdL( TUint32& aId );
* Extension class.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDownloadsListExtension ) : public CBase,
public MDownloadHandlerObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CDownloadsListExtension* NewL
( CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& aDownloadsList );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CDownloadsListExtension();
public: // New functions
#ifdef __WINS__
void EnsureIapIdIsSetL();
* Display the list of downloads now.
* @since Series 60 2.8
* @return -
void DisplayDownloadsListL();
* Display the list of downloads in an active object's RunL.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return -
void DisplayDownloadsListAsynchronouslyL();
* Display the list of downloads in an active object's RunL.
* @since Series 60 3.0
* @return -
void DisplayDownloadsListAsynchronouslyL( RHttpDownload& aHighlightDl );
* Cancel displaying the list of downloads.
* @since Series 60 2.8
* @return -
void CancelDisplayingDownloadsList();
* Is the List of Downloads visible?
* @since Series 60 2.8
* @return ETrue/EFalse
TBool IsDialogVisible() const;
* Get a reference. Panics if null!
CDownloadsListExecuter& DlExecuter() const;
* Cancel a progress info timer update.
void CancelProgressTimer();
* Start a progress info timer update.
void StartProgressTimer();
protected: // Constructors
* C++ default constructor.
CDownloadsListExtension( CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& aDownloadsList );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
protected: // From MDownloadHandlerObserver
virtual void NotifyHandlerExit( RHttpDownload* aDownload, TInt aReason );
public: // Data
CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& iDownloadsList;
CDownloadsListExecuter* iDownloadsListExecuter; ///< Owned.
TBool* iDeleted; ///< Used because of the wait popup list
TUint32 iIapId;
TBool iIapIdGotAndSet;
TBool iIsUpdateInfoAllowed;
private: //Data
CPeriodic* iUpdateProgressInfoTimer;
* callback function for the UpdateProgressInfo
static TInt UpdateProgressInfoCallback(TAny* aPtr);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDownloadsListExecuter ) : public CActive
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CDownloadsListExecuter* NewL( CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& aDownloadsList,
CDownloadsListExecuter** aReferer );
* Two-phased constructor.
static CDownloadsListExecuter* NewL( CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& aDownloadsList,
CDownloadsListExecuter** aReferer,
RHttpDownload& aHighlightDl );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CDownloadsListExecuter();
public: // New
* Invoke RunL.
void Start();
* Check if the dialog already exists.
TBool DialogExists() const;
* Get a reference. Panics if null!
CDownloadsListDlg& Dialog() const;
* Execute the dialog now (wait dialog).
void ExecuteLD();
private: // Constructors
* C++ default constructor.
CDownloadsListExecuter( CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& aDownloadsList,
CDownloadsListExecuter** aReferer, RHttpDownload* aHighlightDl );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
private: // From CActive
void DoCancel();
void RunL();
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
private: // Data
CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& iDownloadsList;
TBool* iDeleted; ///< Used because of the wait popup list
CDownloadsListDlg* iDialog; ///< Not owned - only reference.
CDownloadsListExecuter** iReferer;
RHttpDownload* iHighlightDl; ///< Not owned.
TBool iProgressiveDownload;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExecuter::CDownloadsListExecuter
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
( CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& aDownloadsList,
CDownloadsListExecuter** aReferer,
RHttpDownload* aHighlightDl )
: CActive( CActive::EPriorityHigh ), // EPriorityHigh to be visible ASAP.
iDownloadsList( aDownloadsList ),
iReferer( aReferer ),
iHighlightDl( aHighlightDl )
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExecuter::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExecuter::ConstructL()
iProgressiveDownload = iDownloadsList.IsProgressiveDownloadEnabled();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExecuter::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDownloadsListExecuter* CDownloadsListExecuter::NewL
( CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& aDownloadsList, CDownloadsListExecuter** aReferer )
CDownloadsListExecuter* self =
new (ELeave) CDownloadsListExecuter( aDownloadsList, aReferer, 0 );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExecuter::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDownloadsListExecuter* CDownloadsListExecuter::NewL
( CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& aDownloadsList,
CDownloadsListExecuter** aReferer,
RHttpDownload& aHighlightDl )
CDownloadsListExecuter* self =
new (ELeave) CDownloadsListExecuter
( aDownloadsList, aReferer, &aHighlightDl );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Destructor
if ( iDeleted != 0 )
*iDeleted = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExecuter::Start
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExecuter::Start()
if ( !IsActive() )
CLOG_WRITE(" not active");
TRequestStatus* p = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( p, KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExecuter::DialogExists
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDownloadsListExecuter::DialogExists() const
return ( iDialog != 0 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExecuter::Dialog
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDownloadsListDlg& CDownloadsListExecuter::Dialog() const
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" iDialog: %x",iDialog);
return *iDialog;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExecuter::ExecuteLD
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExecuter::ExecuteLD()
delete iDialog;
iDialog = NULL;
iDialog = CDownloadsListDlg::NewL( iDownloadsList, iProgressiveDownload );
// No leaving functions before ExecuteLD!
// If there is download that should be highlighted:
if ( iHighlightDl )
iDialog->HighlightDownload( *iHighlightDl );
// Execute wait dialog... While it is running, 'this' can be deleted:
TBool deleted( EFalse );
iDeleted = &deleted;
TRAP_IGNORE( iDialog->ExecuteLD() );
iDeleted = 0; // No more needed.
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" deleted: %d",deleted);
if ( deleted )
// Do not use any member of this object
if( !iDownloadsList.GetDownloadHide() )
delete iDialog;
iDownloadsList.SetDownloadListHide( EFalse );
iDialog = NULL;
// Reset owner pointer to this object.
if ( iReferer )
*iReferer = 0;
CLOG_WRITE(" referer set was to 0");
// and delete this
delete this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExecuter::DoCancel
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExecuter::DoCancel()
delete iDialog;
iDialog = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExecuter::RunL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExecuter::RunL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExecuter::RunError
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDownloadsListExecuter::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
// Reset owner pointer to this object.
if ( iReferer )
*iReferer = 0;
delete this;
return 0;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::CDownloadsListExtension
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
( CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& aDownloadsList )
: iDownloadsList( aDownloadsList ),
iIapId( 0 ),
iIapIdGotAndSet( ETrue )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExtension::ConstructL()
iUpdateProgressInfoTimer = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityStandard + 1 );
iIsUpdateInfoAllowed = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDownloadsListExtension* CDownloadsListExtension::NewL
( CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList& aDownloadsList )
CDownloadsListExtension* self =
new (ELeave) CDownloadsListExtension( aDownloadsList );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Destructor
delete iUpdateProgressInfoTimer;
delete iDownloadsListExecuter;
iDownloadsListExecuter = 0;
if ( iDeleted != 0 )
*(iDeleted) = ETrue;
#ifdef __WINS__
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::EnsureIapIdIsSetL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExtension::EnsureIapIdIsSetL()
// We chanck iIapIdGotAndSet, because only one IAP ID can be
// set to a DownloadMgr session.
if ( !iIapIdGotAndSet )
iIapIdGotAndSet = AskIapIdL( iIapId );
if ( iIapIdGotAndSet )
( iDownloadsList.iRegistryModel.DownloadMgr().SetIntAttribute
( EDlMgrIap, (TInt32)iIapId ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::NotifyHandlerExit
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExtension::NotifyHandlerExit
( RHttpDownload* /*aDownload*/, TInt aReason )
// Propagate the event to the registered observer, too
if ( iDownloadsList.iServerAppExitObserver != 0 )
CLOG_WRITE(" Propagating event...");
iDownloadsList.iServerAppExitObserver->HandleServerAppExit( aReason );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::DisplayDownloadsListL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExtension::DisplayDownloadsListL()
if ( iDownloadsListExecuter )
// Do nothing if visible?
CLOG_WRITE(" already visible");
iDownloadsListExecuter =
CDownloadsListExecuter::NewL( iDownloadsList, &iDownloadsListExecuter );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::DisplayDownloadsListAsynchronouslyL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExtension::DisplayDownloadsListAsynchronouslyL()
if ( iDownloadsListExecuter )
// Do nothing if visible?
CLOG_WRITE(" already visible");
iDownloadsListExecuter =
CDownloadsListExecuter::NewL( iDownloadsList, &iDownloadsListExecuter );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::DisplayDownloadsListAsynchronouslyL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExtension::DisplayDownloadsListAsynchronouslyL
( RHttpDownload& aHighlightDl )
if ( iDownloadsListExecuter )
// Do nothing if visible?
CLOG_WRITE(" already visible");
iDownloadsListExecuter = CDownloadsListExecuter::NewL
( iDownloadsList, &iDownloadsListExecuter, aHighlightDl );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::CancelDisplayingDownloadsList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExtension::CancelDisplayingDownloadsList()
if ( !iDownloadsListExecuter )
// Do nothing if not visible
CLOG_WRITE(" Not visible");
// Cancel() sets iDownloadsListExecuter to 0.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::IsDialogVisible
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDownloadsListExtension::IsDialogVisible() const
TBool isDialogVisible = EFalse;
if ( iDownloadsListExecuter != 0 )
isDialogVisible = iDownloadsListExecuter->DialogExists();
return isDialogVisible;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::DlExecuter
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDownloadsListExecuter& CDownloadsListExtension::DlExecuter() const
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" iDownloadsListExecuter: %x",iDownloadsListExecuter);
return *iDownloadsListExecuter;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::StartProgressTimer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExtension::StartProgressTimer()
TCallBack( UpdateProgressInfoCallback, this ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::CancelProgressTimer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadsListExtension::CancelProgressTimer()
iIsUpdateInfoAllowed = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadsListExtension::UpdateProgressInfoCallback
// callback function for the TimerUpdateProgressInfo
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDownloadsListExtension::UpdateProgressInfoCallback(TAny* aAny )
CDownloadsListExtension* instance = (CDownloadsListExtension*) aAny;
instance->iIsUpdateInfoAllowed = ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
( CDownloadMgrUiLibRegistry& aRegistryModel )
: CDownloadMgrUiBase( aRegistryModel ),
iIsVisible( EFalse ),
iIsCancelInProgress( EFalse ),
iPlatformSupportsGallery( EFalse )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::ConstructL()
CLOG_WRITE(" BaseConstructL");
iExtension = CDownloadsListExtension::NewL( *this );
CLOG_WRITE(" iExtension");
iDownloadMenu = CDownloadMgrUiDownloadMenu::NewL( iCoeEnv );
CLOG_WRITE(" iDownloadMenu");
iUiUtils = CUserInteractionsUtils::NewL( *this, iRegistryModel );
CLOG_WRITE(" iUiUtils");
iEventHandlerArray = new(ELeave)CAsyncEventHandlerArray();
CLOG_WRITE(" iEventHandlerArray");
iIsTimerStarted = EFalse;
iProgressiveDownload = EFalse;
iRegistryModel.DownloadMgr().GetBoolAttribute(EDlMgrProgressiveDownload, iProgressiveDownload);
//whether the platform supports gallery app or not; defined in browser_platfrom_variant.hrh
iPlatformSupportsGallery = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList* CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::NewL
( CDownloadMgrUiLibRegistry& aRegistryModel )
CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList* self =
new ( ELeave ) CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList( aRegistryModel );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Destructor
delete iDialog;
iDialog = 0;
CLOG_WRITE(" iDialog");
delete iEventHandlerArray;
iEventHandlerArray = 0;
CLOG_WRITE(" iEventHandlerArray");
delete iListModel;
iListModel = NULL;
CLOG_WRITE(" iListModel");
delete iUiUtils;
iUiUtils = NULL;
CLOG_WRITE(" iUiUtils");
delete iDownloadMenu;
iDownloadMenu = NULL;
CLOG_WRITE(" iDownloadMenu");
// iExtension should be the last deleted.
delete iExtension;
iExtension = 0;
CLOG_WRITE(" iExtension");
delete iAIWServiceHandler;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DownloadMenu
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDownloadMgrUiDownloadMenu& CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DownloadMenu() const
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iDownloadMenu, Panic( EUiLibPanNull ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DisplayDownloadsListL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DisplayDownloadsListL()
long noMediaDls = 0;
iRegistryModel.DownloadMgr().GetIntAttribute( EDlMgrNoMediaDls, noMediaDls );
TInt dlCount = iRegistryModel.DownloadMgr().CurrentDownloads().Count();
if (dlCount > noMediaDls)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DisplayDownloadsListL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DisplayDownloadsListL
( RHttpDownload& aHighlightDl )
CLOG_ENTERFN("CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DisplayDownloadsListL aHighlightDl");
iExtension->DisplayDownloadsListAsynchronouslyL( aHighlightDl );
CLOG_LEAVEFN("CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DisplayDownloadsListL aHighlightDl");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::CancelDisplayingDownloadsList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::CancelDisplayingDownloadsList()
delete iDialog;
iDialog = 0;
CLOG_WRITE(" iDialog");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::IsVisible
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::IsVisible() const
return iExtension->IsDialogVisible();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::Count
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::Count() const
return ((iListModel!=NULL)?iListModel->Count():0);
// Not yet supported functions
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::GetIntAttributeL( const TUint /*aAttribute*/, TInt32& /*aValue*/ )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::GetBoolAttributeL( const TUint /*aAttribute*/, TBool& /*aValue*/ )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::GetStringAttributeL( const TUint /*aAttribute*/, TDes16& /*aValue*/ )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::GetStringAttributeL( const TUint /*aAttribute*/, TDes8& /*aValue*/ )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::SetIntAttributeL( const TUint /*aAttribute*/, TInt32 /*aValue*/ )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::SetBoolAttributeL( const TUint /*aAttribute*/, TBool /*aValue*/ )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::SetStringAttributeL( const TUint /*aAttribute*/, const TDesC16& /*aValue*/ )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::SetStringAttributeL( const TUint /*aAttribute*/, const TDesC8& /*aValue*/ )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::AddDownloadsToListModelL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::AddDownloadsToListModelL
( CDownloadsListArray& aLBModel, RHttpDownloadMgr& aDownloadMgr )
TInt downloads = aDownloadMgr.CurrentDownloads().Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < downloads; ++i )
RHttpDownload* download =
// Extract the necessary information from 'download' and
// add a list box item.
(void)AddDownloadToListModelL( aLBModel, *download );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::AddDownloadToListModelL
// This is a very expensive method, so when updating list box items,
// call the less expensive 'update' methods!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::AddDownloadToListModelL
( CDownloadsListArray& aLBModel, RHttpDownload& aDownload )
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" aDownload: 0x%x",&aDownload);
TInt itemIndex( KErrNotFound );
if ( aLBModel.Find( aDownload, itemIndex ) == KErrNone )
// It is already on the list - do not add it again.
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" aDownload already on list (%d)",itemIndex);
// Do not add the download to the list if the storage
// media is not in the device.
TBool noMedia( EFalse );
User::LeaveIfError( aDownload.GetBoolAttribute
( EDlAttrNoMedia, noMedia ) );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrNoMedia: %d",noMedia);
// Do not add the download to the list if it is hidden
TBool isHidden( EFalse );
User::LeaveIfError( aDownload.GetBoolAttribute
( EDlAttrHidden, isHidden ) );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrHidden: %d",isHidden);
if ( noMedia || isHidden )
// Do not add it to the list - hide it from the user.
// Create the holder for the info of the download.
// Quite big structure, allocate it on the heap!
TDownloadUiData* dlData = new (ELeave) TDownloadUiData;
CleanupStack::PushL( dlData );
TInt err(KErrNone);
// Get progress info
err = aDownload.GetIntAttribute
( EDlAttrState, dlData->iDownloadState );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrState err: %d",err);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
//Changes for the bug JERI-7P8CF2
//Changes made in the server side to fix the video center receiving unexpected events
//Reassigning these events back to the changes done in server side
if(dlData->iDownloadState == EHttpDlCompleted )
dlData->iDownloadState = EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted;
else if(dlData->iDownloadState == EHttpDlFailed )
dlData->iDownloadState = EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed;
err = aDownload.GetIntAttribute
( EDlAttrProgressState, dlData->iProgressState );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrProgressState err: %d",err);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
err = aDownload.GetIntAttribute
( EDlAttrLength, dlData->iFullSize );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrLength err: %d",err);
if ( err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound )
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// Number of media objects in download ( inalbum)?
err = aDownload.GetIntAttribute
( EDlAttrNumMediaObjects, dlData->iNumMediaObjects );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrNumMediaObjects err: %d",err);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// Get file name
// In case of album - if download is complete, query album name,
// otherwise query track name
if ((dlData->iNumMediaObjects > 1) &&
(EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted == dlData->iDownloadState))
err = aDownload.GetStringAttribute
( EDlAttrAlbumName, dlData->iName );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrAlbumName err: %d",err);
err = aDownload.GetStringAttribute
( EDlAttrName, dlData->iName );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrName err: %d",err);
if ( err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound )
User::LeaveIfError( err );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrName: %S",&(dlData->iName));
// If download name is empty, use the file name got from URI
if ( dlData->iName.Length() == 0 )
HBufC* url = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxUrlLength );
TPtr urlPtr = url->Des();
err = aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrCurrentUrl, urlPtr );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrCurrentUrl err: %d",err);
if ( err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound )
User::LeaveIfError( err );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrCurrentUrl: %S",url);
if ( url->Length() > 0 )
// Extract file name, if possible
CUri8* converted = UriUtils::CreateUriL( *url );
CleanupStack::PushL( converted );
HBufC* extracted = converted->Uri().GetFileNameL( EUriFileNameTail );
CleanupStack::PushL( extracted );
// Use this for download name
// (Left() is used to avoid overflow.)
dlData->iName = extracted->Left( dlData->iName.MaxLength() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( extracted );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( converted );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( url );
// Get content type
HBufC8* contentType;
if ((dlData->iNumMediaObjects > 1) &&
(EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted == dlData->iDownloadState))
contentType = iUiUtils->ContentTypeL( aDownload, ETrue, KFirstMoIndex );
contentType = iUiUtils->ContentTypeL( aDownload, ETrue );
// Not pushed to cleanup stack - unnecessary.
// There is a limit for dlData.iContentType
if ( contentType->Length() > KMaxContentTypeLength )
// What can we do? Use an empty mime string.
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" Length overflow: %d",contentType->Length());
delete contentType;
contentType = 0;
contentType = KNullDesC8().AllocL();
dlData->iContentType.Copy( *contentType );
delete contentType;
contentType = 0;
// Downloaded size is always known, so it can leave.
err = aDownload.GetIntAttribute
( EDlAttrDownloadedSize, dlData->iDownloadedSize );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrDownloadedSize err: %d",err);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// Is the download pausable?
User::LeaveIfError( aDownload.GetBoolAttribute
( EDlAttrPausable, dlData->iPausable ) );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrPausable: %d",dlData->iPausable);
// Is the download on an external/removable memory (like MMC)?
err = aDownload.GetBoolAttribute
( EDlAttrDestRemovable, dlData->iIsOnExternalMemory );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrDestRemovable err: %d",err);
// 'err' is ignored.
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrDestRemovable: %d",dlData->iIsOnExternalMemory);
// Currently active media object's index (in album)?
err = aDownload.GetIntAttribute
( EDlAttrActiveDownload, dlData->iActiveMoIndex );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrActiveDownload err: %d",err);
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// First add the handler app's icon to model, so that we then
// know the index of it that can then be set in the item text,
// which is then also added to the model.
dlData->iIconIndex =
iListModel->AddHandlerAppIconL( dlData->iContentType );
CLOG_WRITE(" AddHandlerAppIconL OK");
// Add now the structure to the model:
itemIndex = aLBModel.AppendL( *dlData, aDownload );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dlData ); // dlData
return ( itemIndex );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DeleteDownloadL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DeleteDownloadL( RHttpDownload& aDownload )
// Remove from the 'model' and update the 'view' (list) if visible.
if ( iListModel == NULL )
// Do nothing.
CLOG_WRITE(" iListModel == NULL");
TInt index( 0 );
TInt err = iListModel->Find( aDownload, index );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" err: %d",err);
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" index: %d",index);
if ( !err )
if ( iListModel->Count() == 1 )
// Close the list before deleting the last item to avoid the visibility of 'No data' text.
if ( iExtension->IsDialogVisible() )
CLOG_WRITE(" CancelPopup OK");
iListModel->Delete( index );
iListModel->Delete( index );
// Update view
if ( iExtension->IsDialogVisible() )
iExtension->DlExecuter().Dialog().HandleModelChangeL( EDownloadRemoved, index );
CLOG_WRITE(" HandleModelChangeL OK");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DeleteDownloadL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::IsOneProgressive()
TBool anyOneProgress = EFalse;
if (iListModel == NULL)
return EFalse;
TInt count = Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
RHttpDownload& download = iListModel->Download(i);
TInt err = download.GetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrProgressive, anyOneProgress );
// If there is a COD download and check if it is attached. Then set it as attached while resuming
TBool isCodDownload;
if(isCodDownload && anyOneProgress )
download.SetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrProgressive, ETrue );
THttpProgressState state;
if( anyOneProgress )
download.GetIntAttribute(EDlAttrProgressState, (TInt32&)state);
if(state == EHttpProgContentFileMoved || state == EHttpProgContentFileMovedAndDestFNChanged )
anyOneProgress = 0;//once the move() has happened the progressive Download is finished
} //and we can bring MP to foreground and start another PD
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrProgressive err: %d",err);
if ( anyOneProgress )
return ETrue;
return anyOneProgress;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::NewDownloadCreatedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::NewDownloadCreatedL( RHttpDownload& aDownload )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iExtension->IsDialogVisible(), Panic( EUiLibPanCreatedNotVisible ) );
// This download does not exist in the model yet, so add this.
TInt indx = AddDownloadToListModelL( *iListModel, aDownload );
iExtension->DlExecuter().Dialog().HandleModelChangeL( EDownloadAdded, indx );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::UpdateProgressInfoL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::UpdateProgressInfoL
( RHttpDownload& aDownload, THttpDownloadEvent aEvent )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iExtension->IsDialogVisible(), Panic( EUiLibPanProgressNotVisible ) );
// Update the download progress info at the current index.
// First find the current download in the model.
TInt index(0);
TDownloadUiData* dlDataPtr = FindDlUiData( *iListModel, aDownload, index );
if ( !dlDataPtr )
// do nothing
// Create a local copy
TDownloadUiData dlData = *dlDataPtr;
// Track changed? We need to change icon of new track
TInt32 moIndex(0);
User::LeaveIfError( aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrActiveDownload, moIndex ) );
TBool activeIndexChanged = (dlData.iActiveMoIndex != moIndex);
// Update download state - this must always be done!
dlData.iDownloadState = aEvent.iDownloadState;
dlData.iProgressState = aEvent.iProgressState;
dlData.iActiveMoIndex = moIndex;
aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrName, dlData.iName );
// Permanent redirection changes the filename.
if ( aEvent.iProgressState == EHttpProgRedirectedPermanently ||
aEvent.iProgressState == EHttpProgRedirectedTemporarily )
CLOG_WRITE(" Redirection");
else if ( aEvent.iProgressState == EHttpProgResponseHeaderReceived )
// Is the download on an external/removable memory (like MMC)?
( EDlAttrDestRemovable, dlData.iIsOnExternalMemory );
// Return value is ignored.
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrDestRemovable: %d",dlData.iIsOnExternalMemory);
else if ( aEvent.iProgressState == EHttpProgDlNameChanged )
CLOG_WRITE(" EHttpProgDlNameChanged");
if (( aEvent.iProgressState == EHttpProgContentTypeChanged ) || activeIndexChanged )
// Update handler application icon
// Also update the content type, because the handler application
// icon depends from this.
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EHttpProgContentTypeChanged: ActiveIndex - %d",dlData.iActiveMoIndex);
HBufC8* contentType = iUiUtils->ContentTypeL( aDownload, ETrue );
// Not pushed to cleanup stack - unnecessary.
// There is a limit for dlData.iContentType
if ( contentType->Length() > KMaxContentTypeLength )
// What can we do? Use an empty mime string.
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" Length overflow: %d",contentType->Length());
delete contentType;
contentType = 0;
contentType = KNullDesC8().AllocL();
dlData.iContentType.Copy( *contentType );
delete contentType;
contentType = 0;
dlData.iIconIndex = iListModel->AddHandlerAppIconL( dlData.iContentType );
// Update the progress info.
User::LeaveIfError( aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrDownloadedSize,
dlData.iDownloadedSize ) );
User::LeaveIfError( aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrLength,
dlData.iFullSize ) );
// Update the download ui data in the 'model'.
iListModel->UpdateL( index, dlData );
// Update the 'view'
iExtension->DlExecuter().Dialog().HandleModelChangeL( EDownloadChanged, index );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DownloadPausedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DownloadPausedL
( RHttpDownload& aDownload, THttpDownloadEvent aEvent )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iExtension->IsDialogVisible(), Panic( EUiLibPanPausedNotVisible ) );
// First find the current download in the model.
TInt index(0);
TDownloadUiData* dlDataPtr = FindDlUiData( *iListModel, aDownload, index );
if ( !dlDataPtr )
// do nothing
// Create a local copy
TDownloadUiData dlData = *dlDataPtr;
// Update download state - this must always be done!
dlData.iDownloadState = aEvent.iDownloadState;
dlData.iProgressState = aEvent.iProgressState;
User::LeaveIfError( aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrActiveDownload, dlData.iActiveMoIndex ) );
aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrName, dlData.iName );
// Here we have to initialize the full size, if the
// content-type header arrives!!
if ( aEvent.iProgressState == EHttpContentTypeReceived )
TInt err = aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrLength, dlData.iFullSize );
if ( err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound )
User::LeaveIfError( err );
// Also update the content type, because the handler application
// icon depends from this.
HBufC8* contentType = iUiUtils->ContentTypeL( aDownload, ETrue );
// Not pushed to cleanup stack - unnecessary.
// There is a limit for dlData.iContentType
if ( contentType->Length() > KMaxContentTypeLength )
// What can we do? Use an empty mime string.
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" Length overflow: %d",contentType->Length());
delete contentType;
contentType = 0;
contentType = KNullDesC8().AllocL();
dlData.iContentType.Copy( *contentType );
delete contentType;
contentType = 0;
dlData.iIconIndex = iListModel->AddHandlerAppIconL( dlData.iContentType );
// Update downloaded size (introduced, because for non-pausable downloads
// paused command sets downloaded size back to 0 kB).
User::LeaveIfError( aDownload.GetIntAttribute
( EDlAttrDownloadedSize, dlData.iDownloadedSize ) );
// Update the download ui data in the 'model'.
iListModel->UpdateL( index, dlData );
// Update the 'view'
iExtension->DlExecuter().Dialog().HandleModelChangeL( EDownloadChanged, index );
// Also need to update the middle softkey
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DownloadCompletedL
// This is very similar to UpdateProgressInfoL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DownloadCompletedL
( RHttpDownload& aDownload, THttpDownloadEvent aEvent )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iExtension->IsDialogVisible(), Panic( EUiLibPanCompletedNotVisible ) );
// Update the download progress info at the current index.
// First find the current download in the model.
TInt index(0);
TDownloadUiData* dlDataPtr = FindDlUiData( *iListModel, aDownload, index );
if ( !dlDataPtr )
// do nothing
// Create a local copy
TDownloadUiData dlData = *dlDataPtr;
// Update download state - this must always be done!
dlData.iDownloadState = aEvent.iDownloadState;
dlData.iProgressState = aEvent.iProgressState;
User::LeaveIfError( aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrActiveDownload, dlData.iActiveMoIndex ) );
// In case of Album download, change the name to Album name
if (dlData.iNumMediaObjects > 1)
aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrAlbumName, dlData.iName );
else if (dlData.iProgressState == EHttpProgContentFileMovedAndDestFNChanged)
// Filename changed, get the updated filename
CLOG_WRITE(" EHttpProgDlNameChanged");
aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrName, dlData.iName );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aEvent.iDownloadState == EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted,
Panic( EUiLibPanDlStateNotCompleted ) );
if( dlData.iProgressState == EHttpProgContentFileMoved || dlData.iProgressState == EHttpProgContentFileMovedAndDestFNChanged )
HBufC8* contentType = iUiUtils->ContentTypeL( aDownload, ETrue, KFirstMoIndex );
if ( contentType->Length() > KMaxContentTypeLength )
// What can we do? Use an empty mime string.
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" Length overflow: %d",contentType->Length());
delete contentType;
contentType = 0;
contentType = KNullDesC8().AllocL();
dlData.iContentType.Copy( *contentType );
delete contentType;
dlData.iIconIndex =
iListModel->AddHandlerAppIconL( dlData.iContentType );
// Unnecessary to update dlData.iDownloadedSize, as it is not displayed.
// Update the download ui data in the 'model'.
iListModel->UpdateL( index, dlData );
// Update the 'view'
iExtension->DlExecuter().Dialog().HandleModelChangeL( EDownloadChanged, index );
// Also need to update the middle softkey
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DownloadFailedL
// This is very similar to UpdateProgressInfoL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DownloadFailedL
( RHttpDownload& aDownload, THttpDownloadEvent aEvent )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iExtension->IsDialogVisible(), Panic( EUiLibPanFailedNotVisible ) );
// Update the download progress info at the current index.
// First find the current download in the model.
TInt index(0);
TDownloadUiData* dlDataPtr = FindDlUiData( *iListModel, aDownload, index );
if ( !dlDataPtr )
// do nothing
// Create a local copy
TDownloadUiData dlData = *dlDataPtr;
// Update download state - this must always be done!
dlData.iDownloadState = aEvent.iDownloadState;
dlData.iProgressState = aEvent.iProgressState;
User::LeaveIfError( aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrActiveDownload, dlData.iActiveMoIndex ) );
// By default, update the progress info. Only the downloaded size changes.
User::LeaveIfError( aDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrDownloadedSize,
dlData.iDownloadedSize ) );
// Update the download ui data in the 'model'.
iListModel->UpdateL( index, dlData );
// Update the 'view'
iExtension->DlExecuter().Dialog().HandleModelChangeL( EDownloadChanged, index );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::PauseableStateChangedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::PauseableStateChangedL( RHttpDownload& aDownload, TBool aPausable )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iExtension->IsDialogVisible(), Panic( EUiLibPanFailedNotVisible ) );
// Update the download progress info at the current index.
// First find the current download in the model.
TInt index(0);
TDownloadUiData* dlDataPtr = FindDlUiData( *iListModel, aDownload, index );
if ( !dlDataPtr )
// do nothing
// Create a local copy
TDownloadUiData dlData = *dlDataPtr;
// Update download state
dlData.iPausable = aPausable;
// Update the download ui data in the 'model'.
iListModel->UpdateL( index, dlData );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::HideMenu
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::HideMenu()
if ( iExtension->DlExecuter().Dialog().MenuShowing() )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::HandleDMgrEventL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::HandleDMgrEventL
( RHttpDownload& aDownload, THttpDownloadEvent aEvent )
// Implementation info: iEventHandlerArray is not used yet.
if ( iExtension->IsDialogVisible() == EFalse )
// Don't respond.
switch ( aEvent.iDownloadState )
case EHttpDlCreated:
// Add new download to the list
NewDownloadCreatedL( aDownload );
case EHttpDlInprogress:
// Update progress info every KUpdateProgressInfoInterval
if (!iIsTimerStarted )
iIsTimerStarted = ETrue;
// start the timer.
if (iExtension->iIsUpdateInfoAllowed)
UpdateProgressInfoL( aDownload, aEvent );
iExtension->iIsUpdateInfoAllowed = EFalse;
case EHttpDlPaused:
DownloadPausedL( aDownload, aEvent );
case EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted:
DownloadCompletedL( aDownload, aEvent );
case EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed:
DownloadFailedL( aDownload, aEvent );
case EHttpDlMoved:
// Download moved to this session.
// Add it to the list
NewDownloadCreatedL( aDownload );
case EHttpDlMediaRemoved:
// Remove the download from the list
DeleteDownloadL( aDownload );
case EHttpDlMediaInserted:
// Add new download to the list
NewDownloadCreatedL( aDownload );
case EHttpDlPausable:
case EHttpDlNonPausable:
// Update the download UI data
PauseableStateChangedL( aDownload, aEvent.iDownloadState==EHttpDlPausable );
// No need to reopen menu as we no more allow manually
// pausing a download - PHAN-6KVK5R
// Update menu if opened
if ( iExtension->DlExecuter().Dialog().MenuShowing() )
// Hide & reopen: DynInitMenuPaneL is called
case EHttpDlDeleted:
// Download is deleted from another client instance.
DeleteDownloadL( aDownload );
CLOG_WRITE(" EHttpDlDeleted - DeleteDownloadL OK");
case EHttpDlAlreadyRunning:
// Nothing to do.
CLOG_WRITE(" EHttpDlAlreadyRunning - do nothing");
case EHttpDlDeleting:
// Download is going to be deleted.
DeleteDownloadL( aDownload );
CLOG_WRITE(" EHttpDlDeleting - DeleteDownloadL OK");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::PreLayoutDynInitL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::PreLayoutDynInitL( CDownloadsListDlg& aDialog )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iExtension->IsDialogVisible(), Panic( EUiLibPanNull ) );
delete iListModel;
iListModel = NULL;
iListModel = CDownloadsListArray::NewL();
RHttpDownloadMgr& dMgr = iRegistryModel.DownloadMgr();
AddDownloadsToListModelL( *iListModel, dMgr );
CLOG_WRITE(" AddDownloadsToListModelL OK");
aDialog.SetModelL( *iListModel );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::ProcessCommandL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::ProcessCommandL
( CDownloadsListDlg& aDialog, TInt aCommandId )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iExtension->IsDialogVisible(), Panic( EUiLibPanNull ) );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iListModel, Panic( EUiLibPanNoDownloadsListModel ) );
RHttpDownload& currDownload = iListModel->Download( aDialog.CurrentItemIndex() );
if( !iAIWServiceHandler )
TInt aiwServiceId( iAIWServiceHandler->ServiceCmdByMenuCmd( aCommandId ) );
if ( aiwServiceId != KAiwCmdNone )
HandleAIWCommandL(aCommandId, currDownload);
switch ( aCommandId )
case EAknSoftkeyOpen: // handle middlesoft key
// First close the downloads list.
CLOG_WRITE(" CancelDisplayingDownloadsList OK");
// check if it's pd supported
TBool isPdSupported = EFalse;
// Get the PD player application's UID for the download
TUid pdPlayerUid = { 0 };
HBufC8* contentType = iUiUtils->ContentTypeL( currDownload, ETrue, KFirstMoIndex );
TDataType dataType( *contentType );
delete contentType;
contentType = NULL;
CDocumentHandler* docHandler = CDocumentHandler::NewLC();
isPdSupported = docHandler->CanHandleProgressivelyL( dataType, pdPlayerUid );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( docHandler ); // docHandler
if ( isPdSupported && iUiUtils->IsNetworkPdCompatibleL() )
// Get the UI data for the current download
TDownloadUiData& dlData = iListModel->DlUiData( aDialog.CurrentItemIndex() );
TInt32 state( dlData.iProgressState );
TBool isProgressively = ETrue;
if ( state == EHttpProgContentFileMoved || state == EHttpProgContentFileMovedAndDestFNChanged )
// this will be used to tell multimedia app that content file
// has already been moved, and it does not need to attach
// to download - it can just read completed download from
// filesystem.
isProgressively = EFalse;
// First close the downloads list.
iUiUtils->LaunchPdAppL(currDownload, isProgressively);
iUiUtils->HandleContentL( currDownload, *iExtension );
CLOG_WRITE("HandleContentL OK");
iUiUtils->HandleContentL( currDownload, *iExtension );
CLOG_WRITE("HandleContentL OK");
case EDownloadsListCmdOpen:
// First close the downloads list.
CLOG_WRITE(" CancelDisplayingDownloadsList OK");
iUiUtils->HandleContentL( currDownload, *iExtension );
CLOG_WRITE("HandleContentL OK");
// After the termination of the handler, download is removed
// from the list of downloads in NotifyHandlerExitL().
case EDownloadsListCmdPlay:
// First close the downloads list.
// Get the UI data for the current download
TDownloadUiData& dlData = iListModel->DlUiData( aDialog.CurrentItemIndex() );
TInt32 state( dlData.iProgressState );
TBool isProgressively = ETrue;
if ( state == EHttpProgContentFileMoved || state == EHttpProgContentFileMovedAndDestFNChanged )
// this will be used to tell multimedia app that content file
// has already been moved, and it does not need to attach
// to download - it can just read completed download from
// filesystem.
isProgressively = EFalse;
// First close the downloads list.
if (iUiUtils->IsNetworkPdCompatibleL() )
iUiUtils->LaunchPdAppL(currDownload, isProgressively);
case EDownloadsListCmdSave:
TBool saved = iUiUtils->SaveContentL( currDownload );
if ( saved )
// Remove the download from the Downloads List to
// avoid confusion...
DeleteDownloadL( currDownload );
// The save (moving) procedure is asynchronous!
// CUserInteractionsEventHandler handles
// EHttpDlCompleted/EHttpProgMovingContentFile and
// EHttpDlCompleted/EHttpProgContentFileMoved.
case EDownloadsListCmdDelete:
// Retrieve the full path to filename before deletion
// this way we check if the the actuall content file was deleted or not,
// if not, we will manually delete it
HBufC* fileName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxPath );
TPtr fileNamePtr = fileName->Des();
( currDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrDestFilename, fileNamePtr ) );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrDestFilename: %S", &fileNamePtr);
HBufC* fileName1 = HBufC::NewLC(fileName->Length());
TPtr fileNamePtr1 = fileName1->Des();
RFs fs;
TFindFile file(fs);
TPtrC ptr(KNullDesC);
TInt found = file.FindByPath(fileNamePtr1,&ptr); //when second parameter to the API is Null then the it searches for the file in the Dir specified in the first parameter
// Delete in DMgr
TBool deleted = iUiUtils->DeleteWithUserConfirmL( currDownload );
if ( deleted )
if(found == KErrNotFound)
HBufC* infoPrompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_DMUL_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
CAknInformationNote* note = new(ELeave) CAknInformationNote();
// Do not wait until the delete event is reported through the
// observer callback, but update the list right now,
// so the user will not be able to access and modify an already
// deleted download:
DeleteDownloadL( currDownload );
TBool result( EFalse );
RFs rfs;
User::LeaveIfError( rfs.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL<RFs>( rfs );
result = BaflUtils::FileExists( rfs, fileNamePtr );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" BaflUtils::FileExists: %d", result);
if ( result )
{ // if content file still exists on the device, delete it.
// don't care if it fails currently.
result = BaflUtils::DeleteFile( rfs, fileNamePtr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rfs );
// Notify Media Gallery about new media file
CMGXFileManager* mgFileManager = MGXFileManagerFactory::NewFileManagerL(
CEikonEnv::Static()->FsSession() );
if( fileNamePtr.Length() > 0 )
TRAP_IGNORE( mgFileManager->UpdateL( fileNamePtr ) );
TRAP_IGNORE( iUiUtils->UpdateDCFRepositoryL( fileNamePtr ) );
TRAP_IGNORE( mgFileManager->UpdateL() );
delete mgFileManager;
mgFileManager = NULL;
if( fileNamePtr.Length() > 0 )
TRAP_IGNORE( iUiUtils->UpdateDCFRepositoryL( fileNamePtr ) );
DeleteDownloadL( currDownload );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileName );
//PHAN-6KVK5R: Disallow Manually Pausing a Download
case EDownloadsListCmdPause:
User::LeaveIfError( currDownload.Pause() );
case EDownloadsListCmdResume:
// Set the Internet access point ID on WINS* platforms
// to the DownloadMgr session if not set yet.
#ifdef __WINS__
// Resume = start
User::LeaveIfError( currDownload.Start() );
case EDownloadsListCmdResumeAll:
// Set the Internet access point ID on WINS* platforms
// to the DownloadMgr session if not set yet.
#ifdef __WINS__
// Resume all paused or failed downloads.
TInt count = Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
RHttpDownload& download = iListModel->Download(i);
TInt32 dlState(0);
TInt err = download.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrState, dlState );
//Changes for the bug JERI-7P8CF2
//Changes made in the server side to fix the video center receiving unexpected events
//Reassigning these events back to the changes done in server side
if( !err && dlState == EHttpDlCompleted )
dlState = EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted;
else if( !err && dlState == EHttpDlFailed )
dlState = EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed;
if ( !err && ( dlState == EHttpDlPaused || dlState == EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed ) )
download.Start(); // return value is ignored.
case EDownloadsListCmdCancel:
if (!iIsCancelInProgress)
iIsCancelInProgress = ETrue;
TBool cancelled = EFalse;
TRAPD( err, cancelled = iUiUtils->CancelWithUserConfirmL( currDownload ) );
if (err != KErrNone)
iIsCancelInProgress = EFalse;
if ( cancelled )
DeleteDownloadL( currDownload );
iIsCancelInProgress = EFalse;
case EDownloadsListCmdCancelAll:
if (!iIsCancelInProgress)
iIsCancelInProgress = ETrue;
TBool cancelled = EFalse;
TRAPD( err, cancelled = iUiUtils->CancelAllWithUserConfirmL( currDownload ) );
if (err != KErrNone)
iIsCancelInProgress = EFalse;
TInt count = Count();
TInt i = 0;
while((count>0) && (i < count))
RHttpDownload& download = iListModel->Download(i);
if ( cancelled )
DeleteDownloadL( download );
iIsCancelInProgress = EFalse;
case EDownloadsListCmdGallery:
TVwsViewId id = TVwsViewId(
TUid::Uid( KMediaGalleryUID3 ),
TUid::Uid( KMediaGalleryListViewUID ) );
// By default, custom message is empty
TPtrC8 customMessage( KNullDesC8 );
TUid::Uid( KMediaGalleryCmdMoveFocusToAllFilesTab ),
customMessage );
case EDownloadsListCmdFileManager:
if ( iPlatformSupportsGallery )
CAiwServiceHandler* serviceHandler = CAiwServiceHandler::NewL();
CAiwGenericParamList* inParams = CAiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
//get the destination file path
HBufC* fileName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxPath );
TPtr fileNamePtr = fileName->Des();
User::LeaveIfError ( currDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrDestFilename, fileNamePtr ) );
// Locate the last '\\' character and remove the file name so that we will get the folder name
TInt len = fileNamePtr.LocateReverse('\\');
TPtr ptr = fileNamePtr.LeftTPtr(len + 1);
// Append the directory name to be opened
inParams->AppendL(TAiwGenericParam(EGenericParamDir, TAiwVariant( ptr ) ) );
//Append the sort method
inParams->AppendL(TAiwGenericParam(EGenericParamDir, TAiwVariant( KMostRecentSort ) ) );
//Append to define whether to open in standalone mode
inParams->AppendL(TAiwGenericParam(EGenericParamDir, TAiwVariant( KLauchStandAlone ) ) );
TRAPD( err, serviceHandler->ExecuteServiceCmdL( KAiwCmdEdit, *inParams, serviceHandler->OutParamListL() ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( inParams );
delete serviceHandler;
//if there is any error, open the file manager in root folder
if (err != KErrNone)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::LaunchFileManagerApplication
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::LaunchFileManagerApplication()
TApaTaskList taskList( CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession() );
CRepository *repository=CRepository::NewL(KCRUidBrowser);
TInt fileManagerId;
User::LeaveIfError(repository->Get(KFileManagerUid , fileManagerId ));
TUid id = TUid::Uid(fileManagerId);
TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp( id );
if ( task.Exists() )
RApaLsSession appArcSession;
User::LeaveIfError( appArcSession.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( appArcSession );
TThreadId id1;
User::LeaveIfError( appArcSession.StartDocument( KNullDesC, id, id1 ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &appArcSession );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DynInitMenuPaneL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::DynInitMenuPaneL( CDownloadsListDlg& aDialog,
TInt aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iExtension->IsDialogVisible(), Panic( EUiLibPanNull ) );
if( !iAIWServiceHandler )
TInt currentItemIndex = aDialog.CurrentItemIndex();
__ASSERT_DEBUG( 0 <= currentItemIndex, Panic( EUiLibPanDLNegItemIndex ) );
RHttpDownload& currDownload = iListModel->Download( currentItemIndex );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" currDownload: 0x%x",&currDownload);
// Get the UI data for the current download
TDownloadUiData& dlData = iListModel->DlUiData( aDialog.CurrentItemIndex() );
TInt32 state( dlData.iDownloadState );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" state: %d",state);
// The moved state is only a temporary state - the server
// sets the download's original state back right after it,
// thus we query the state again:
if ( state == EHttpDlMoved )
User::LeaveIfError( currDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrState, state ) );
//Changes for the bug JERI-7P8CF2
//Changes made in the server side to fix the video center receiving unexpected events
//Reassigning these events back to the changes done in server side
if( state == EHttpDlCompleted )
state = EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted;
else if(state == EHttpDlFailed )
state = EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed;
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" state re-query: %d",state);
__ASSERT_DEBUG( state != EHttpDlMoved, Panic( EUiLibPanStateIsStillMoved ) );
TBool wasCompleted = state == EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted;
// Get if it's theme
TInt isThemeType = 0;
HBufC8* contentType = HBufC8::NewLC(KMaxContentTypeLength);
TPtr8 contentTypePtr = contentType->Des();
( currDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrContentType, contentTypePtr ) );
isThemeType = !contentType->Compare(KSisxContentType);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contentType );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( 0<iListModel->Count(), Panic( EUiLibPanOptionsShownWhileNoDownloads ) );
TBool isCreated = state == EHttpDlCreated;
// The fix of PHAN-6KVK5R makes this line no longer necessary
// TBool isInProgress = state == EHttpDlInprogress;
TBool isPaused = state == EHttpDlPaused;
TBool isCompleted = state == EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted;
TBool isFailed = state == EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed;
TBool isDrmDownload = EFalse;
TBool isDrmRightsOnPhone = EFalse;
TBool isPreviewRights = EFalse;
// OMA DRM information is used only in case of completed downloads
if ( isCompleted )
isDrmDownload = iUiUtils->DrmDownloadL( currDownload );
if ( isDrmDownload )
isDrmRightsOnPhone = iUiUtils->DrmRightsOnThePhoneL
( currDownload, isPreviewRights );
TBool s60Supported( EFalse );
TBool gallerySupported( EFalse );
s60Supported = iUiUtils->IsContentTypeSupportedL( dlData.iContentType );
gallerySupported = CDownloadUtils::IsGallerySupported(dlData.iContentType);
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" s60Supported: %d",s60Supported);
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" gallerySupported: %d",gallerySupported);
TBool isCodDownload( EFalse );
TInt err = currDownload.GetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrCodDownload, isCodDownload );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrCodDownload err: %d",err);
TBool isCodPdDownload( EFalse );
err = currDownload.GetBoolAttribute( EDlAttrCodPdAvailable, isCodPdDownload );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" EDlAttrCodPdAvailable err: %d",err);
// Get if it can be handled progressively
TBool canProgHandled = EFalse;
TUid pdPlayerUid = { 0 };
HBufC8* contentType = iUiUtils->ContentTypeL( currDownload, ETrue );
TDataType dataType( *contentType );
delete contentType;
contentType = NULL;
CDocumentHandler* docHandler = CDocumentHandler::NewLC();
canProgHandled = docHandler->CanHandleProgressivelyL( dataType, pdPlayerUid );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( docHandler ); // docHandler
//delete open file manager when download is not complete
if( !(isCompleted))
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdFileManager );
// For any gallery supported download, "go to gallery" option should be displayed in the download list option when the download completes
if ( (!( isCompleted && s60Supported && gallerySupported ) ) || (!iPlatformSupportsGallery) )
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdGallery );
if ( !( isCompleted && s60Supported && gallerySupported &&
( !isDrmDownload || ( isDrmDownload && isDrmRightsOnPhone ) ) ) )
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdUseAs );
TInt32 numMediaObjects = 0;
User::LeaveIfError( currDownload.GetIntAttribute( EDlAttrNumMediaObjects, numMediaObjects ) );
if (numMediaObjects > KFirstMoIndex)
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdUseAs );
if( iProgressiveDownload || isCompleted )
if ( canProgHandled )
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdOpen );
if (isCodDownload && !isCompleted )
if ( !( gallerySupported && canProgHandled && isCodPdDownload &&
( !isDrmDownload || ( isDrmDownload && isDrmRightsOnPhone ) ) ) || (isPaused || isFailed))
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdPlay );
if ( !( gallerySupported && canProgHandled &&
( !isDrmDownload || ( isDrmDownload && isDrmRightsOnPhone ))) || (isPaused || isFailed))
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdPlay );
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdPlay );
if ( !( isCompleted && ( s60Supported ) &&
( !isDrmDownload || ( isDrmDownload && isDrmRightsOnPhone ) ) ) )
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdOpen );
//there should not be open in menu when download is not complete and file is not supported by s60 or Gallery
/* else if( isCompleted && ( !s60Supported && !gallerySupported))
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdOpen );
else // if iProgressiveDownload == EFalse
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdPlay );
if ( !( isCompleted && s60Supported &&
( !isDrmDownload || ( isDrmDownload && isDrmRightsOnPhone ) ) ) )
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdOpen );
else if( isCompleted && !s60Supported && gallerySupported)
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdOpen );
// ELFG-732DK3: There is no need to have save option since it's already saved
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdSave );
if ( !( isCompleted ) )
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdDelete );
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdCancel );
//PHAN-6KVK5R: Disallow Manually Pausing a Download
if ( !isInProgress || !dlData.iPausable )
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdPause );
if ( !( isCreated || isPaused || isFailed ) )
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdResume );
// Count paused downloads. Note that Creates and Failed downloads
// are also considered as Paused, and they can be resumed.
TInt pausedCount = iListModel->DownloadsCount
( MASKED_DL_STATE(EHttpDlCreated) |
MASKED_DL_STATE(EHttpDlMultipleMOFailed) );
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" paused count: %d",pausedCount);
if ( !( 1 < pausedCount ) )
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdResumeAll );
TInt downloadCount = iListModel->DownloadsCount
( MASKED_DL_STATE(EHttpDlCreated) |
CLOG_WRITE_FORMAT(" download count: %d",downloadCount);
if ( !( 1 < downloadCount ) )
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdCancelAll );
if ( iPlatformSupportsGallery )
if ( isCompleted && gallerySupported && s60Supported )
aMenuPane->DeleteMenuItem( EDownloadsListCmdFileManager );
if ( wasCompleted && !isThemeType )
InitializeAIWPlugInMenusL( aResourceId, aMenuPane, currDownload );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::OfferKeyEventL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::OfferKeyEventL
( CDownloadsListDlg& aDialog, const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType )
TKeyResponse resp = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
if ( aType == EEventKey && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyOK )
CLOG_WRITE(" DisplayMenuL via Selection key");
resp = EKeyWasConsumed;
else if ( aType == EEventKey && aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyBackspace )
// Clear "C" key
CLOG_WRITE(" Clear \"C\" key");
// Delete or Cancel depending on state
TDownloadUiData dlData = iListModel->DlUiData( aDialog.CurrentItemIndex() );
if ( dlData.iDownloadState == EHttpDlMultipleMOCompleted )
ProcessCommandL( aDialog, EDownloadsListCmdDelete );
ProcessCommandL( aDialog, EDownloadsListCmdCancel );
resp = EKeyWasConsumed;
return resp;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FindDlUiData
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline TDownloadUiData* FindDlUiData( CDownloadsListArray& aListModel,
RHttpDownload& aDownload,
TInt& aIndex )
TInt err = aListModel.Find( aDownload, aIndex );
if ( err == KErrNotFound )
aIndex = KErrNotFound;
return 0;
return &( aListModel.DlUiData( aIndex ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrDownloadsList::AttachAIWInterestL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::AttachAIWInterestL()
//creates the service handler object, this is called only in construction
iAIWServiceHandler = CAiwServiceHandler::NewL();
TResourceReader reader;
iCoeEnv.CreateResourceReaderLC( reader,
TInt count( reader.ReadInt16() );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; i++ )
TInt interest( reader.ReadInt32() );
TInt menupane( reader.ReadInt32() );
iAIWServiceHandler->AttachMenuL( menupane, interest );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
// ----------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::HandleAIWCommandL(TInt aCommand, RHttpDownload& aDownload)
// ----------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::HandleAIWCommandL(TInt aCommand, RHttpDownload& aDownload)
// The command is an AIW command
CAiwGenericParamList& params = iAIWServiceHandler->InParamListL();
TInt aiwOptions( 0 );
ProvideInputParametersL( params, aiwOptions, aDownload );
CAiwGenericParamList& output = iAIWServiceHandler->OutParamListL();
iAIWServiceHandler->ExecuteMenuCmdL( aCommand, params, output, aiwOptions, this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::ProvideInputParametersL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::ProvideInputParametersL( CAiwGenericParamList& aParams,
TInt& /*aCommandOptions*/,
RHttpDownload& aDownload )
HBufC* fileName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxPath );
TPtr fileNamePtr = fileName->Des();
( aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrDestFilename, fileNamePtr ) );
TAiwVariant fileNameVariant( fileNamePtr );
TAiwGenericParam genericParamFileName( EGenericParamFile, fileNameVariant );
aParams.AppendL( genericParamFileName );
HBufC* contentType = HBufC::NewLC(KMaxContentTypeLength);
TPtr contentTypePtr = contentType->Des();
( aDownload.GetStringAttribute( EDlAttrContentType, contentTypePtr ) );
TAiwGenericParam genericParamMimeType( EGenericParamMIMEType, fileNameVariant );
aParams.AppendL( genericParamMimeType );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contentType );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileName );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::InitializeAIWPlugInMenusL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::InitializeAIWPlugInMenusL( TInt aResourceId,
CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane,
RHttpDownload& aDownload )
// Checks whether it is aiw menu or not
if ( iAIWServiceHandler->IsAiwMenu( aResourceId ) )
CAiwGenericParamList* params = CAiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
TInt i = 0;
ProvideInputParametersL(*params, i, aDownload);
TInt baseId = EAIWPluginMenu;
if ( aMenuPane->IsCascadeMenuPane() )
baseId = EAIWPluginSubMenu;
// Adds the aiw plugin menus
iAIWServiceHandler->InitializeMenuPaneL( *aMenuPane, aResourceId,
baseId, *params );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // params
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::SetDownloadListHide
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDownloadMgrUiDownloadsList::SetDownloadListHide( TBool aHide )
iDownloadListHide = aHide;
#ifdef __WINS__
#include <commdb.h>
#include <aknlists.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AskIapId(TUint32& aId)
// Ask IAP id from the user. Used due to efficiency only on WINS* platforms.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt AskIapIdL( TUint32& aId )
RArray<TUint32> idArray;
CleanupClosePushL( idArray );
CDesCArrayFlat* nameArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(16);
CleanupStack::PushL( nameArray );
// Get IAP names and ids from the database
CCommsDatabase* TheDb = CCommsDatabase::NewL( EDatabaseTypeIAP );
CleanupStack::PushL( TheDb );
CCommsDbTableView* view = TheDb->OpenTableLC( TPtrC(IAP) );
TBuf<40> name;
TUint32 id;
TInt res = view->GotoFirstRecord();
while( res == KErrNone )
view->ReadTextL( TPtrC(COMMDB_NAME), name );
view->ReadUintL( TPtrC(COMMDB_ID), id );
idArray.Insert( id, 0 );
nameArray->InsertL( 0, name );
res = view->GotoNextRecord();
RDebug::Print(_L("IAP name, id: %S, %d"), &name, id);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( view ); // view
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( TheDb ); // TheDb
// Create listbox and PUSH it.
CEikTextListBox* list = new(ELeave) CAknSinglePopupMenuStyleListBox;
CleanupStack::PushL( list );
// Create popup list and PUSH it.
CAknPopupList* popupList = CAknPopupList::NewL(
CleanupStack::PushL( popupList );
// initialize listbox.
list->ConstructL( popupList, CEikListBox::ELeftDownInViewRect );
list->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
// Set listitems.
CTextListBoxModel* model = list->Model();
model->SetItemTextArray( nameArray );
model->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );
// Set title
popupList->SetTitleL( _L("Select IAP:") );
// Show popup list.
TInt popupOk = popupList->ExecuteLD();
CleanupStack::Pop( popupList ); // popupList
if ( popupOk )
TInt index = list->CurrentItemIndex();
aId = idArray[index];
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, &idArray ); // list, nameArray, idArray
return popupOk;
#endif // #ifdef __WINS__
/* End of file. */