* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Implementation of class TDdParser.
#include "DdParser.h"
#include "CodData.h"
#include "CodError.h"
#include "CodPanic.h"
#include "CodLogger.h"
#include "NwUtil.h"
#include "DdDummyDict.h"
#include "HttpDownloadData.h"
#include <xml/cxml/nw_dom_document.h>
#include <utf.h>
// ================= CONSTANTS =======================
// Attribute names.
_LIT( KDdName, "name" ); ///< name.
_LIT( KDdVendor, "vendor" ); ///< vendor.
_LIT( KDdDescription, "description" ); ///< description.
_LIT( KDdUrl, "objectURI" ); ///< objectURI.
_LIT( KDdSize, "size" ); ///< size.
_LIT( KDdType, "type" ); ///< type.
_LIT( KDdInstallNotify, "installNotifyURI" ); ///< installNotifyURI.
_LIT( KDdNextUrl, "nextURL" ); ///< nextURL.
_LIT( KDdInfoUrl, "infoURL" ); ///< infoURL.
_LIT( KDdIcon, "iconURI" ); ///< iconURI.
_LIT( KDdVersion, "DDVersion" ); ///< DDVersion.
_LIT( KDdMedia, "media" ); ///< media.
// Attribute names for OMA v2
_LIT( KDdProduct, "product" ); ///< media.
_LIT( KDdMediaObject, "mediaObject" ); ///< mediaObject.
_LIT( KDdMeta, "meta" ); ///< meta.
_LIT( KDdProgressiveDl, "progressiveDownloadFlag" ); ///< progressiveDownloadFlag.
_LIT( KDdLicense, "license" ); ///< license.
_LIT( KDdOrder, "order" ); ///< order.
_LIT( KDdSuppressUserConfirmation, "suppressUserConfirmation" ); ///< suppressUserConfirmation.
_LIT( KDdServer, "server" ); ///< server.
_LIT( KDdText, "text" ); ///< text.
_LIT( KDdTrue, "true" ); ///< true.
_LIT( KDdFalse, "false" ); ///< false.
_LIT( KDdAlways, "Always" ); ///< Always.
_LIT( KDdUserConfirmStepOnly, "UserConfirmaStepOnly" ); ///< UserConfirmStepOnly.
_LIT( KDdNever, "Never" ); ///< Never.
_LIT( KDdPost, "post" ); ///< post.
_LIT( KDdAny, "any" ); ///< any.
_LIT( KDdUpdatedDDURI, "updatedDDURI" );//updatedDDURI
#define INDENT_SPACE 2
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ParseL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ParseL( const TDesC& aBuf, CCodData& aData, const TBool aIsDd2, TBool& aIsLicenseTag )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ParseL") ));
CDUMP(( EParse, 2, _S("Buf:"), _S(" "), \
(const TUint8*)aBuf.Ptr(), aBuf.Size() ));
iError = KErrNone;
iData = &aData;
// XML Parser expects the buffer contain a BOM and be in
// network byte order (this is hard-coded into cXmlParser).
// We already have the buffer converted to UCS-2, native byte order, BOM
// removed, and this cannot be changed without changing API.
// So we have to re-add BOM and convert the buffer back to network byte
// order. This is an annoying a waste, luckily a DD file is small
// enough not to be significant.
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( aBuf.Length() + 1 );
buf->Des().Append( 0xFFFE ); // Add BOM, little endian as aBuf.
buf->Des().Append( aBuf ); // Append buffer.
// Now turn the whole buffer big-endian.
TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buf->Ptr();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < buf->Size(); i += 2 )
TUint8 tmp = ptr[i];
ptr[i] = ptr[i + 1];
ptr[i + 1] = tmp;
NW_WBXML_Dictionary_t* dictArray[ 1 ] =
{ (NW_WBXML_Dictionary_t*)&NW_DdDummy_WBXMLDictionary };
RNwWbxmlDictionary wbxmlDict;
User::LeaveIfError( wbxmlDict.Initialize( 1, dictArray ) );
CleanupClosePushL<RNwWbxmlDictionary>( wbxmlDict );
NW_TinyDom_Handle_t domHandle;
NW_Status_t stat;
CNwDomDocumentNode* docNode = new (ELeave) CNwDomDocumentNode();
CleanupStack::PushL( docNode );
docNode->iDocNode = CXML_DOM_DocumentNode_BuildTree
LeaveIfNwErrorL( stat );
User::LeaveIfNull( docNode->iDocNode ); // Safety code.
if (!aIsDd2)
DocNodeL( docNode->iDocNode );
iIsLicenseTag = EFalse;
ParseDd2DocNodeL( docNode->iDocNode );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, buf ); // docNode, close wbxmlDict, buf
#ifdef __TEST_COD_LOG
TPtrC ptr16;
TPtrC8 ptr8;
CLOG(( EParse, 3, _L("TCodParser::ParseL data:") ));
ptr16.Set( aData.Name() );
CLOG(( EParse, 3, _L(" Name<%S>"), &ptr16 ));
ptr16.Set( aData.Vendor() );
CLOG(( EParse, 3, _L(" Vendor<%S>"), &ptr16 ));
ptr16.Set( aData.Description() );
CLOG(( EParse, 3, _L(" Desc<%S>"), &ptr16 ));
CLOG(( EParse, 3, _L(" Size(%d)"), aData.Size() ));
ptr8.Set( aData.InstallNotify() );
CLOG(( EParse, 3, _L8(" InstNotif<%S>"), &ptr8 ));
ptr8.Set( aData.NextUrl() );
CLOG(( EParse, 3, _L8(" NextUrl<%S>"), &ptr8 ));
ptr8.Set( aData.NextUrlAtError() );
CLOG(( EParse, 3, _L8(" NextUrlAtErr<%S>"), &ptr8 ));
ptr8.Set( aData.InfoUrl() );
CLOG(( EParse, 3, _L8(" InfoUrl<%S>"), &ptr8 ));
ptr16.Set( aData.Price() );
CLOG(( EParse, 3, _L(" Price<%S>"), &ptr16 ));
ptr8.Set( aData.Icon() );
CLOG(( EParse, 3, _L8(" Icon<%S>"), &ptr8 ));
//TODO add logs for OMA 2
#endif /* def __TEST_COD_LOG */
//If there are no media objects present to download,
if( !iData->Count() )
User::Leave( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
// NULL data for clarity. These are never used later, but don't keep
// pointers to objects which are out of reach.
iData = NULL;
User::LeaveIfError( iError );
aIsLicenseTag = iIsLicenseTag;
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ParseL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::DocNodeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::DocNodeL( NW_DOM_DocumentNode_t* aDocNode )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::DocNodeL") ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aDocNode, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
// Validity checking of root element (media).
NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* elmt =
NW_DOM_DocumentNode_getDocumentElement( aDocNode );
if ( !elmt || NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType( elmt ) != NW_DOM_ELEMENT_NODE )
User::Leave( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
NW_String_t str;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeName( elmt, &str ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
iEncoding = NW_DOM_DocumentNode_getCharacterEncoding( aDocNode );
NW_Ucs2* name;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &name ) );
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( name );
if ( TPtrC( name ).Compare( KDdMedia() ) )
User::Leave( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // clean up name, str->storage
// Process child element nodes.
NW_DOM_Node_t* node = NW_DOM_Node_getFirstChild( elmt );
CMediaObjectData *mediaObject = CMediaObjectData::NewL();
while ( node )
if ( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType( node ) == NW_DOM_ELEMENT_NODE )
ElementNodeL( STATIC_CAST( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t*, node ), mediaObject );
node = NW_DOM_Node_getNextSibling( node );
iData->AppendMediaObjectL( mediaObject );
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::DocNodeL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ParseDd2DocNodeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ParseDd2DocNodeL( NW_DOM_DocumentNode_t* aDocNode )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ParseDd2DocNodeL") ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aDocNode, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
// Validity checking of root element (media).
NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* elmt =
NW_DOM_DocumentNode_getDocumentElement( aDocNode );
if ( !elmt || NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType( elmt ) != NW_DOM_ELEMENT_NODE )
User::Leave( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
NW_String_t str;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeName( elmt, &str ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
iEncoding = NW_DOM_DocumentNode_getCharacterEncoding( aDocNode );
NW_Ucs2* name;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &name ) );
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( name );
if ( TPtrC( name ).Compare( KDdMedia() ) )
User::Leave( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // clean up name, str->storage
ParseMediaElementsL( elmt );
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ParseDd2DocNodeL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ParseMediaElementsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ParseMediaElementsL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElement)
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ParseMediaElementsL") ));
// Process child elements for Media Object
NW_DOM_Node_t* node = NW_DOM_Node_getFirstChild( aElement );
while ( node )
if ( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType( node ) == NW_DOM_ELEMENT_NODE )
MediaElementNodeL( STATIC_CAST( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t*, node ) );
node = NW_DOM_Node_getNextSibling( node );
// Get Attributs for this node
NW_Status_t stat = NW_STAT_SUCCESS;
if ( NW_DOM_ElementNode_hasAttributes( aElement ) )
NW_DOM_AttributeListIterator_t attrIter;
stat = NW_DOM_ElementNode_getAttributeListIterator
( aElement, &attrIter );
User::LeaveIfError( NwStatus2Error( stat ) );
NW_DOM_AttributeHandle_t attrHandle;
while( NW_DOM_AttributeListIterator_getNextAttribute( &attrIter, &attrHandle ) == NW_STAT_WBXML_ITERATE_MORE )
ParseNodeAttributesL( &attrHandle );
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ParseMediaElementsL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ParseProductElementsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ParseProductElementsL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElement)
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ParseProductElementsL") ));
// Process child elements for Product Object
NW_DOM_Node_t* node = NW_DOM_Node_getFirstChild( aElement );
while ( node )
if ( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType( node ) == NW_DOM_ELEMENT_NODE )
ProductElementNodeL( STATIC_CAST( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t*, node ) );
node = NW_DOM_Node_getNextSibling( node );
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ParseProductElementsL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ParseMediaObjectElementsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ParseMediaObjectElementsL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElement)
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ParseMediaObjectElementsL") ));
//Create a media object and append it to Cod Data array
CMediaObjectData *mediaObject = CMediaObjectData::NewL();
// Process child elements for MediaObject
NW_DOM_Node_t* node = NW_DOM_Node_getFirstChild( aElement );
while ( node )
if ( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType( node ) == NW_DOM_ELEMENT_NODE )
MediaObjElementNodeL( STATIC_CAST( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t*, node), mediaObject );
node = NW_DOM_Node_getNextSibling( node );
if(!mediaObject->Name().Compare(KNullDesC) && mediaObject->Url().Compare(KNullDesC8))
ParseNameFromUrlL( mediaObject );
iData->AppendMediaObjectL( mediaObject );
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ParseMediaObjectElementsL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ParseMetaElementsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ParseMetaElementsL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElement)
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ParseMetaElementsL") ));
// Process child elements foe Media Object
NW_DOM_Node_t* node = NW_DOM_Node_getFirstChild( aElement );
while ( node )
if ( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType( node ) == NW_DOM_ELEMENT_NODE )
MetaElementNodeL( STATIC_CAST( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t*, node ) );
node = NW_DOM_Node_getNextSibling( node );
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ParseMetaElementsL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ParseMetaElementsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ParseMetaElementsL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElement, CMediaObjectData *& aMediaObject )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ParseMetaElementsL") ));
// Process child elements foe Media Object
NW_DOM_Node_t* node = NW_DOM_Node_getFirstChild( aElement );
while ( node )
if ( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType( node ) == NW_DOM_ELEMENT_NODE )
MetaElementNodeL( STATIC_CAST( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t*, node ), aMediaObject );
node = NW_DOM_Node_getNextSibling( node );
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ParseMetaElementsL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ParseObjectUriElementsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ParseObjectUriElementsL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElement, CMediaObjectData *& aMediaObject )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ParseObjectUriElementsL") ));
// Process child elements for Media Object
NW_DOM_Node_t* node = NW_DOM_Node_getFirstChild( aElement );
while ( node )
if ( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType( node ) == NW_DOM_ELEMENT_NODE )
ObjUriElementNodeL( STATIC_CAST( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t*, node ), aMediaObject );
node = NW_DOM_Node_getNextSibling( node );
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ParseObjectUriElementsL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::MediaElementNodeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::MediaElementNodeL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElmtNode )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::MediaElementNodeL") ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aElmtNode, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
NW_String_t str;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeName( aElmtNode, &str ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
NW_Ucs2* ucs2;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &ucs2 ) );
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( ucs2 );
TPtrC attrName( ucs2 );
TDdAttr attr = MediaAttribute( attrName );
CLOG(( EParse, 4, _L(" attribute <%S> (%d)"), &attrName, attr ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // Clean up ucs2, str->storage
if ( attr == EDdProduct )
if( iData && !iData->Count() )
if ( attr != EDdUnknownAttr ) // Unknown attribute is ignored.
ucs2 = PcDataLC( aElmtNode );
if ( ucs2 )
SetMediaAttrL( attr, TPtrC( ucs2 ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Clean up ucs2.
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::MediaElementNodeL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ParseNodeAttributesL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ParseNodeAttributesL( NW_DOM_AttributeHandle_t* aAttrHandle )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ParseNodeAttributesL") ));
NW_Status_t stat = NW_STAT_SUCCESS;
NW_String_t str;
// Get the name of the attribute.
stat = NW_DOM_AttributeHandle_getName( aAttrHandle, &str );
User::LeaveIfError( NwStatus2Error( stat ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
NW_Ucs2* ucs2;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &ucs2 ) );
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( ucs2 );
TPtrC attrName( ucs2 );
TDdAttr attr = DdVersionAttribute( attrName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // Clean up ucs2, str->storage
if ( attr != EDdUnknownAttr ) // Unknown attribute is ignored.
LeaveIfNwErrorL(NW_DOM_AttributeHandle_getValue(aAttrHandle, &str) );
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char(&str, iEncoding, &ucs2) );
if ( ucs2 )
if ( (attr == EDdVersion))
iData->SetVersionL( TPtrC ( ucs2 ));
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ParseNodeAttributesL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ObjUriElementNodeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ObjUriElementNodeL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElmtNode, CMediaObjectData *& aMediaObject )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ObjUriElementNodeL") ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aElmtNode, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
NW_String_t str;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeName( aElmtNode, &str ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
NW_Ucs2* ucs2;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &ucs2 ) );
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( ucs2 );
TPtrC attrName( ucs2 );
TDdAttr attr = ObjUriAttribute( attrName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // Clean up ucs2, str->storage
TInt ok( EFalse );
if ( attr != EDdUnknownAttr ) // Unknown attribute is ignored.
ucs2 = PcDataLC( aElmtNode );
if ( ucs2 )
/* composite objects (multiple server elements) are not supported in 3.2
So, it takes last ObjectUri
if ( (attr == EDdUrl))
ok = aMediaObject->SetUrlL( TPtrC ( ucs2 ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Clean up ucs2.
if ( !ok )
Error( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ObjUriElementNodeL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::MediaObjElementNodeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::MediaObjElementNodeL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElmtNode, CMediaObjectData *& aMediaObject )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::MediaObjElementNodeL") ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aElmtNode, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
NW_String_t str;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeName( aElmtNode, &str ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
NW_Ucs2* ucs2;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &ucs2 ) );
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( ucs2 );
TPtrC attrName( ucs2 );
TDdAttr attr = MediaObjAttribute( attrName );
CLOG(( EParse, 4, _L(" attribute <%S> (%d)"), &attrName, attr ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // Clean up ucs2, str->storage
if ( attr == EDdMeta )
ParseMetaElementsL(aElmtNode, aMediaObject );
if ( attr == EDdUrl )
ParseObjectUriElementsL(aElmtNode, aMediaObject );
if ( attr != EDdUnknownAttr ) // Unknown attribute is ignored.
ucs2 = PcDataLC( aElmtNode );
if ( ucs2 )
SetMediaObjAttrL( attr, TPtrC( ucs2 ), aMediaObject );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Clean up ucs2.
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::MediaObjElementNodeL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ProductElementNodeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ProductElementNodeL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElmtNode )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ProductElementNodeL") ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aElmtNode, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
NW_String_t str;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeName( aElmtNode, &str ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
NW_Ucs2* ucs2;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &ucs2 ) );
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( ucs2 );
TPtrC attrName( ucs2 );
TDdAttr attr = ProductAttribute( attrName );
CLOG(( EParse, 4, _L(" attribute <%S> (%d)"), &attrName, attr ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // Clean up ucs2, str->storage
if ( attr == EDdMeta )
if ( attr == EDdMediaObject )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ProductElementNodeL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::MetaElementNodeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::MetaElementNodeL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElmtNode )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::MetaElementNodeL") ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aElmtNode, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
NW_String_t str;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeName( aElmtNode, &str ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
NW_Ucs2* ucs2;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &ucs2 ) );
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( ucs2 );
TPtrC attrName( ucs2 );
TDdAttr attr = MetaAttribute( attrName );
CLOG(( EParse, 4, _L(" attribute <%S> (%d)"), &attrName, attr ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // Clean up ucs2, str->storage
if ( attr == EDdLicense )
iIsLicenseTag = ETrue;
if ( attr != EDdUnknownAttr ) // Unknown attribute is ignored.
ucs2 = PcDataLC( aElmtNode );
if ( ucs2 )
SetMetaAttrL( attr, TPtrC( ucs2 ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Clean up ucs2.
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::MetaElementNodeL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::MetaElementNodeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::MetaElementNodeL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElmtNode, CMediaObjectData *& aMediaObject )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::MetaElementNodeL") ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aElmtNode, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
NW_String_t str;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeName( aElmtNode, &str ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
NW_Ucs2* ucs2;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &ucs2 ) );
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( ucs2 );
TPtrC attrName( ucs2 );
TDdAttr attr = MetaAttribute( attrName );
CLOG(( EParse, 4, _L(" attribute <%S> (%d)"), &attrName, attr ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // Clean up ucs2, str->storage
if ( attr == EDdLicense )
iIsLicenseTag = ETrue;
if ( attr != EDdUnknownAttr ) // Unknown attribute is ignored.
ucs2 = PcDataLC( aElmtNode );
if ( ucs2 )
SetMetaAttrL( attr, TPtrC( ucs2 ), aMediaObject );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Clean up ucs2.
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::MetaElementNodeL") ));
}// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ElementNodeL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ElementNodeL( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElmtNode, CMediaObjectData *& aMediaObject )
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("-> TDdParser::ElementNodeL") ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aElmtNode, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
NW_String_t str;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_DOM_Node_getNodeName( aElmtNode, &str ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
NW_Ucs2* ucs2;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &ucs2 ) );
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( ucs2 );
TPtrC attrName( ucs2 );
TDdAttr attr = Attribute( attrName );
CLOG(( EParse, 4, _L(" attribute <%S> (%d)"), &attrName, attr ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // Clean up ucs2, str->storage
if ( attr != EDdUnknownAttr ) // Unknown attribute is ignored.
ucs2 = PcDataLC( aElmtNode );
if ( ucs2 )
SetAttrL( attr, TPtrC( ucs2 ), aMediaObject );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Clean up ucs2.
CLOG(( EParse, 2, _L("<- TDdParser::ElementNodeL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::PcDataLC()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
NW_Ucs2* TDdParser::PcDataLC( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElmtNode )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aElmtNode, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
NW_Ucs2* ucs2 = NULL;
NW_DOM_TextNode_t* textNode = NW_DOM_Node_getFirstChild( aElmtNode );
if ( textNode && NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType( textNode ) == NW_DOM_TEXT_NODE )
NW_String_t str;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_DOM_TextNode_getData( textNode, &str ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &ucs2 ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Clean up str->storage.
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( ucs2 );
if ( !ucs2 )
// Push the NULL.
CleanupStack::PushL( ucs2 );
return ucs2;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::GetAttrValueLC()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
NW_Ucs2* TDdParser::GetAttrValueLC( NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElmtNode, NW_DOM_AttributeHandle_t* aAttrHandle )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aElmtNode, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
NW_Ucs2* ucs2 = NULL;
NW_DOM_TextNode_t* textNode = NW_DOM_Node_getFirstChild( aElmtNode );
if ( textNode && NW_DOM_Node_getNodeType( textNode ) == NW_DOM_TEXT_NODE )
NW_String_t str;
LeaveIfNwErrorL( NW_DOM_TextNode_getData( textNode, &str ) );
CleanupNwStringStoragePushL( &str );
( NW_String_stringToUCS2Char( &str, iEncoding, &ucs2 ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Clean up str->storage.
CleanupNwUcs2PushL( ucs2 );
if ( !ucs2 )
// Push the NULL.
CleanupStack::PushL( ucs2 );
return ucs2;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::Attribute() // for OMA v1
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TDdParser::TDdAttr TDdParser::Attribute( const TDesC& aAttrName ) const
TDdAttr attr = EDdUnknownAttr;
if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdName ) )
attr = EDdName;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdVendor ) )
attr = EDdVendor;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdDescription ) )
attr = EDdDescription;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdUrl ) )
attr = EDdUrl;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdSize ) )
attr = EDdSize;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdType ) )
attr = EDdType;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdInstallNotify ) )
attr = EDdInstallNotify;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdNextUrl ) )
attr = EDdNextUrl;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdInfoUrl ) )
attr = EDdInfoUrl;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdIcon ) )
attr = EDdIcon;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdVersion ) )
attr = EDdVersion;
return attr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::MediaAttribute() // for OMA v2
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TDdParser::TDdAttr TDdParser::MediaAttribute( const TDesC& aAttrName ) const
TDdAttr attr = EDdUnknownAttr;
if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdVersion ) )
attr = EDdVersion;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdVendor ) )
attr = EDdVendor;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdName ) )
attr = EDdName;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdNextUrl ) )
attr = EDdNextUrl;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdProduct ) )
attr = EDdProduct;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdUpdatedDDURI ) )
attr = EDdUpdatedDDURI;
return attr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::MediaObjAttribute() // for OMA v2
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TDdParser::TDdAttr TDdParser::MediaObjAttribute( const TDesC& aAttrName ) const
TDdAttr attr = EDdUnknownAttr;
if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdUrl ) )
attr = EDdUrl;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdSize ) )
attr = EDdSize;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdType ) )
attr = EDdType;
else if ( !aAttrName.CompareF( KDdProgressiveDl ) )
attr = EDdProgressiveDl;
else if ( !aAttrName.CompareF( KDdSuppressUserConfirmation ) )
attr = EDdSuppressUserConfirmation;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdMeta ) )
attr = EDdMeta;
return attr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ObjUriAttribute() // for OMA v2
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TDdParser::TDdAttr TDdParser::ObjUriAttribute( const TDesC& aAttrName ) const
TDdAttr attr = EDdUnknownAttr;
if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdServer ) )
attr = EDdUrl;
return attr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::DdVersionAttribute() // for OMA v2
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TDdParser::TDdAttr TDdParser::DdVersionAttribute( const TDesC& aAttrName ) const
TDdAttr attr = EDdUnknownAttr;
if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdVersion ) )
attr = EDdVersion;
return attr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::MetaAttribute() // for OMA v2
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TDdParser::TDdAttr TDdParser::MetaAttribute( const TDesC& aAttrName ) const
TDdAttr attr = EDdUnknownAttr;
if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdName ) )
attr = EDdName;
if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdText ) )
attr = EDdText;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdDescription ) )
attr = EDdDescription;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdInstallNotify ) )
attr = EDdInstallNotify;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdLicense ) )
attr = EDdLicense;
else if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdOrder ) )
attr = EDdOrder;
return attr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ProductAttribute() // for OMA v2
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TDdParser::TDdAttr TDdParser::ProductAttribute( const TDesC& aAttrName ) const
TDdAttr attr = EDdUnknownAttr;
if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdMeta ) )
attr = EDdMeta;
if ( !aAttrName.Compare( KDdMediaObject ) )
attr = EDdMediaObject;
return attr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::SetAttrL() // for OMA v1
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::SetAttrL( TDdAttr aAttr, const TDesC& aValue, CMediaObjectData *& aMediaObject )
TInt ok( ETrue );
switch( aAttr )
case EDdName:
if ( !aMediaObject->Name().Length() )
ok = aMediaObject->SetNameL( aValue );
case EDdDescription:
if ( !aMediaObject->Description().Length() )
ok = aMediaObject->SetDescriptionL( aValue );
case EDdUrl:
if ( !aMediaObject->Url().Length() )
ok = aMediaObject->SetUrlL( aValue );
case EDdSize:
if ( !aMediaObject->Size() )
// Parse as TUint - negative not allowed.
TUint size;
TLex lex( aValue );
if ( !lex.Val( size ) )
aMediaObject->SetSize( size );
ok = EFalse;
case EDdType:
ok = aMediaObject->AddTypeL( aValue );
case EDdInstallNotify:
if ( !aMediaObject->InstallNotify().Length() )
ok = aMediaObject->SetInstallNotifyL( aValue );
case EDdInfoUrl:
if ( !aMediaObject->InfoUrl().Length() )
ok = aMediaObject->SetInfoUrlL( aValue );
case EDdIcon:
if ( !aMediaObject->Icon().Length() )
ok = aMediaObject->SetIconL( aValue );
case EDdVersion:
if ( !iData->Version().Length() )
ok = iData->SetVersionL( aValue );
case EDdNextUrl:
if ( !iData->NextUrl().Length() )
ok = iData->SetNextUrlL( aValue );
case EDdVendor:
if ( !iData->Vendor().Length() )
ok = iData->SetVendorL( aValue );
// Unexpected value.
CodPanic( ECodInternal );
if ( !ok )
Error( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::SetMediaAttrL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::SetMediaAttrL( TDdAttr aAttr, const TDesC& aValue )
TInt ok( ETrue );
switch( aAttr )
case EDdName:
if ( !iData->Name().Length() )
ok = iData->SetNameL( aValue );
case EDdVersion:
if ( !iData->Version().Length() )
ok = iData->SetVersionL( aValue );
case EDdVendor:
if ( !iData->Vendor().Length() )
ok = iData->SetVendorL( aValue );
case EDdNextUrl:
if ( !iData->NextUrl().Length() )
// Unlike COD, DD has no separate URL-s for success and error
// service flow. Since we have a common data structore for
// both (which contains separate URLs for those), we fill both
// URLs with this value.
ok = iData->SetNextUrlL( aValue ) &&
iData->SetNextUrlAtErrorL( aValue );
case EDdUpdatedDDURI:
iData->SetUpdatedDDURI( aValue );
// Unexpected value.
CodPanic( ECodInternal );
if ( !ok )
Error( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::SetMediaObjAttrL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::SetMediaObjAttrL( TDdAttr aAttr, const TDesC& aValue, CMediaObjectData *& aMediaObject )
TInt ok( ETrue );
switch( aAttr )
case EDdSize:
if ( !aMediaObject->Size() )
// Parse as TUint - negative not allowed.
TUint size;
TLex lex( aValue );
if ( !lex.Val( size ) )
aMediaObject->SetSize( size );
ok = EFalse;
case EDdType:
ok = aMediaObject->AddTypeL( aValue );
case EDdProgressiveDl:
TBool pd( EFalse );
if ( !aValue.CompareF( KDdTrue ) )
pd = ETrue;
else if ( aValue.CompareF( KDdFalse ) )
// Expected 'true' or 'false'
Error( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
aMediaObject->SetProgressiveDownload( pd );
case EDdSuppressUserConfirmation:
TInt confirm = CCodData::ENever;
if ( !aValue.CompareF(KDdNever) )
confirm = CCodData::ENever;
else if ( aValue.CompareF(KDdUserConfirmStepOnly) )
confirm = CCodData::EUserConfirmStepOnly;
else if ( aValue.CompareF(KDdAlways) )
confirm = CCodData::EAlways;
Error( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
iData->SetSuppressConfirm( confirm );
case EDdUpdatedDDURI:
iData->SetUpdatedDDURI( aValue );
// Unexpected value.
CodPanic( ECodInternal );
if ( !ok )
Error( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::SetMetaAttrL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::SetMetaAttrL( TDdAttr aAttr, const TDesC& aValue )
TInt ok( ETrue );
switch( aAttr )
case EDdName:
if ( !iData->Name().Length() )
ok = iData->SetNameL( aValue );
case EDdDescription:
if ( !iData->Description().Length() )
ok = iData->SetDescriptionL( aValue );
case EDdInstallNotify:
if ( !iData->InstallNotify().Length() )
ok = iData->SetInstallNotifyL( aValue );
case EDdInfoUrl:
if ( !iData->InfoUrl().Length() )
ok = iData->SetInfoUrlL( aValue );
case EDdIcon:
if ( !iData->Icon().Length() )
ok = iData->SetIconL( aValue );
case EDdOrder:
TBool isPostOrder( EFalse );
if ( !aValue.CompareF( KDdPost ) )
isPostOrder = ETrue;
else if ( aValue.CompareF( KDdAny ) )
// Expected 'post' or 'any'
Error( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
iData->SetOrderIsPost( isPostOrder );
case EDdText:
// Unexpected value.
CodPanic( ECodInternal );
if ( !ok )
Error( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::SetMetaAttrL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::SetMetaAttrL( TDdAttr aAttr, const TDesC& aValue, CMediaObjectData *& aMediaObject )
TInt ok( ETrue );
switch( aAttr )
case EDdName:
if ( !aMediaObject->Name().Length() )
ok = aMediaObject->SetNameL( aValue );
case EDdDescription:
if ( !aMediaObject->Description().Length() )
ok = aMediaObject->SetDescriptionL( aValue );
case EDdInstallNotify:
if ( !aMediaObject->InstallNotify().Length() )
ok = aMediaObject->SetInstallNotifyL( aValue );
case EDdInfoUrl:
if ( !aMediaObject->InfoUrl().Length() )
ok = aMediaObject->SetInfoUrlL( aValue );
case EDdIcon:
if ( !aMediaObject->Icon().Length() )
ok = aMediaObject->SetIconL( aValue );
case EDdOrder:
TBool isPostOrder( EFalse );
if ( !aValue.CompareF( KDdPost ) )
isPostOrder = ETrue;
else if ( aValue.CompareF( KDdAny ) )
// Expected 'post' or 'any'
Error( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
aMediaObject->SetOrderIsPost( isPostOrder );
case EDdText:
//TODO for OMA2
if ( !iData->Text().Length() )
ok = iData->SetTextL( aValue );
// Unexpected value.
CodPanic( ECodInternal );
if ( !ok )
Error( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TDdParser::ParseNameFromUrlL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void TDdParser::ParseNameFromUrlL( CMediaObjectData *& aMediaObject )
TBuf16<COD_URL_MAX_LEN> buf16;
TInt lastSlashPos = buf16.LocateReverse('/');
aMediaObject->SetNameL(buf16.MidTPtr( lastSlashPos + 1));