* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implements storage functionality in the DownloadManager
#include <e32base.h>
//#define ?macro ?macro_def
//enum ?declaration
//typedef ?declaration
//extern ?data_type;
//?type ?function_name(?arg_list);
class CHttpDownload;
class RFotaEngineSession;
class RWriteStream;
class CDocumentHandler;
class CBuffStorage;
* ?one_line_short_description.
* ?other_description_lines
* @lib ?library
* @since Series 60 v2.8
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CHttpStorage ) : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
enum TStorageMethod
enum TFileCloseOperation
* Two-phased constructor.
static CHttpStorage* NewL( CHttpDownload* aDownload );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CHttpStorage();
public: // New functions
* Sets storage method. Cannot be set if already storing.
* @param aMethod Storage method
void SetStorageMethod( TStorageMethod aMethod );
* Checks if the content file is
* @since Series v2.8 Series60
* @return ETrue if content file is valid
TBool CheckContentFileIntegrityL();
* Creates the destination filename from URL
* @since Series v2.8 Series60
* @return none. Leaves on error.
void CreateDestinationFileL();
* Closes destination file. Downloaded but not persisted
* chunks remains in memory until ResetAndDestroy
* @since Series v2.8 Series60
* @return none
void CloseDestinationFile( TFileCloseOperation aOperation );
* Persist received chunk
* @since Series 60 v2.8
* @param aBuf new chunk to be added
* @return EFalse if content-length had to be updated.
TBool WriteOutNextBodyDataL( const TDesC8& aBuf );
* Called when download is completed.
* @since Series 60 v2.8
* @return none
void OnComplete();
* Reinitializes storage.
* @since Series 60 v2.8
* @param aOnExit if ETrue content files are not deleted
* @return none.
void ResetAndDestroy();
* Adopt file handle from client.
void AdoptFileHandleL( RFile* aFile );
* @return ETrue if the download is progressive
TBool ProgressiveMode(){ return iProgressiveDownload; };
* Set progressive mode download
* @param aValue ETrue if progressive mode
void SetProgressiveMode( TBool aValue );
* Updates destination file name
* @param aFilename new filename
* @param aUserSet filename set by client application
* @return none. Leaves on error.
void UpdateDestinationFilenameL( const TDesC16& aFilename, TBool aUserSet );
* Append storage info to buffer
* @param aBuf buffer where storage info is to be appended
void AppendStorageInfoL( TPtr8& aBuf ) const;
* Loads storage info from file
* @param aOutFile open file where storage info is loaded from
void LoadStorageInfoL( RFile& aInFile );
* Returns the destination drive's id.
* @since Series v2.8 Series60
* @return id of the destination file's drive
TUint GetDestinationDriveId();
* Updates file extension
void UpdateExtensionL();
* Set size of disk buffer
* @param aBufferSize size in bytes
void SetBufferSizeL( TInt aBufferSize );
* Turn on disk buffering
void EnableBufferingL();
* Turn off disk buffering
void DisableBufferingL();
* If buffering enabled, flush data to disk
void FlushL();
*Returns iBufferingEnabled
inline TBool BufferingEnabled() { return iBufferingEnabled; };
HBufC* LocalFilename()const { return iLocalFilename; };
HBufC* DestFilename()const { return iDestFilename; };
HBufC* DdFileName()const { return iDdFilename; };
TBool DestFNameSet()const { return iDestFNameSet; };
TBool RemovableDest()const { return iRemovableDest; };
TBool ProgressiveDownload()const { return iProgressiveDownload; }
TInt32 Length()const { return iLength; };
TInt32 DownloadedSize()const { return iDownloadedSize; };
TInt32 MoDownloadedSize()const{ return iMoDownloadedSize; };
RFile* File(){ return iFile; };
void SetLength( TInt32 aLength ){ iLength = aLength; };
void SetDownloadedSize( TInt32 aSize ){ iDownloadedSize = aSize; iBufferedSize = aSize; };
void SetRemovableDest( TBool aRemovable ){ iRemovableDest = aRemovable; };
void SetLocalFilenameL(const TDesC16& aValue);
void SetPartialContentLength( TInt32 aLength ){ iPartialLength = aLength; };
void SetMoDownloadedSize( TInt32 aMoSize ){ iMoDownloadedSize = aMoSize ;};
TBool RFileSetByClient()const { return iRFileSetByClient; };
protected: // New functions
* Check if there's enough disk space for the content
* Returns drive letter where content can be safely stored.
* Leaves on error
* @since Series v2.8 Series60
* @return Returns drive letter where content can be safely stored.
* Leaves on error.
TInt CheckFreeDiskSpaceL();
* Creates the destination content file.
* @since Series v2.8 Series60
* @return none. Leaves on error.
void CreateDestinationFilenameL();
protected: // Functions from base classes
* C++ default constructor.
CHttpStorage( CHttpDownload* aDownload );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
public: // Data
protected: // Data
CHttpDownload* iDownload; // Pointer to the download object that owns
// this storage class
private: // Data
CActiveSchedulerWait* iWait;
TBool iRFileSetByClient;
RFotaEngineSession* iFotaEngine;
RWriteStream* iFotaStream;
TBool iProgressiveDownload; // EDlAttrProgressive
TBool iRemovableDest;
HBufC* iDestFilename; // EDlAttrDestFilename
TBool iDestFNameSet; // iDestFilename is set by client app ->
// do not delete it in Reset()
RFile* iFile; // destination file
TInt32 iLength; // EDlAttrLength
TInt32 iDownloadedSize; // How much data actually written to finally
TInt32 iBufferedSize; // How much data received over the air (but not necessarily all in file yet)
TInt32 iMoDownloadedSize; // EDlAttrMultipleMODownloadedSize
HBufC* iLocalFilename; // Generated from URL if destination EDlAttrDestFilename
// is not specified before start.
HBufC* iDdFilename; // Name of DD File.
TUint iDriveId; // Unique id of the drive where content is saved.
TStorageMethod iStorageMethod;
// Reserved pointer for future extension
//TAny* iReserved;
HBufC8* iWriteBuff; // for buffering download data - owned
TBool iBufferingEnabled;
TInt iBufferSize; // disk io buffer size - bytes
TInt32 iPartialLength; //partial Content Length in case of server Response 206
CBuffStorage *iStorage;
HBufC* iTempFilename; // EDlAttrTempFilename
public: // Friend classes
friend class CBuffStorage;
protected: // Friend classes
private: // Friend classes
// End of File