* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* This class provides connection/session related information.
* Both the requested and the stored AP's are here.
//System Includes
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
#include <browser_platform_variant.hrh>
#include <ApAccessPointItem.h>
#include <VpnAPEngine.h>
#include <AknNotifyStd.h>
#include <AknGlobalNote.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <ApUtils.h>
#include <ApDataHandler.h>
#include <cdbstore.h>
#include <coemain.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <connectionmanager.rsg>
#include <BARSREAD.H>
#include <Avkon.rsg>
#include <errorui.h>
#include <aknglobalconfirmationquery.h>
#include <aknquerydialog.h>
#include <aknwaitdialog.h>
#include <cdblen.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <connectprog.h>
#include <nd_err.h>
#include <CommDbConnPref.h>
#include <MmTsy_names.h>
#include <etelmm.h>
#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
#include <AknsUtils.h>
#include <avkon.mbg>
#include <ConnMan.mbg>
#include <rconnmon.h>
#include <AgentDialog.h>
#include <ConnectionUiUtilities.h>
#include <AknQueryDialog.h>
#include <WlanCdbCols.h>
#include <etelpckt.h>
#include <FeatMgr.h>
#include <cmmanagerext.h>
#include <cmdestinationext.h>
#include <commsdat.h>
#include <CommsDatTypeInfoV1_1.h>
//User Includes
#include <internetconnectionmanager.h>
#include "connman.hrh"
#include "connectionmanagerlogger.h"
#include <connectionobservers.h>
#include "connmanactiveconnector.h"
using namespace CMManager;
_LIT(KConnectionResourceFile, "\\resource\\ConnectionManager.rsc");
//As per OCC, number of Connection observer states
const TInt KMaxOccStages = 1;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
//CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectL( TUint32 aIAPId1, TUint32 aIAPId2 )
EXPORT_C TInt CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectL( TUint32 /*aIAPId1*/, TUint32 /*aIAPId2*/ )
User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrNotSupported );
return KErrGeneral;
//CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectL( TUint32 aIAPId1 )
EXPORT_C TInt CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectL( TUint32 aIAPId )
//1) Check whether AP exists
//2) Check CSD coverage
//3) Check GPRS coverage
//4) Check Whether a connection already exists
CLOG_WRITE_1( "CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectL - %d", aIAPId );
// GPRS available
iInternalError = KErrNone;
iNewConnectionEstablished = EFalse;
TInt connErr( KErrNone );
connErr = ConnectWithoutCheckL( aIAPId );
return connErr;
//CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectWithoutCheckL( TUint32 aIAPId1 )
TInt CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectWithoutCheckL( TUint32 aIAPId )
CLOG_ENTERFN( "ConnectWithoutCheckL" );
iInternalError = KErrNone;
TInt connErr;
//Do the connection
TCommDbConnPref pref;
TBool gprsCovered( ETrue );
if( !CheckNetworkL( gprsCovered ) )
//show that there is no coverage!
ShowGlobalNoteL( EAknGlobalErrorNote, R_EXT_ERR_NO_NETWORK_COVER );
connErr = KErrGeneral;
else //there is coverage
TBool IsApGprs( EFalse );
IsApGprs = BearerTypeL( aIAPId ) == EApBearerTypeGPRS;
if( !iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference )
pref.SetDialogPreference( ECommDbDialogPrefPrompt );
pref.SetDialogPreference( ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt );
if( gprsCovered || !IsApGprs )
pref.SetIapId( aIAPId );
if( !iSilentMode && iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference )
// Temp fix for CDMA
if( IsApGprs )
pref.SetBearerSet( ECommDbBearerGPRS );
pref.SetBearerSet( ECommDbBearerCSD );
if (BearerTypeL( aIAPId ) == EApBearerTypeAllBearers)
pref.SetBearerSet( ECommDbBearerCSD |
ECommDbBearerPSD | // includes both KCommDbBearerWcdma and KCommDbBearerCdma2000. ECommDbBearerGPRS is ECommDbBearerWcdma
ECommDbBearerLAN |
ECommDbBearerVirtual |
ECommDbBearerPAN |
ECommDbBearerWLAN );
connErr = ConnectL( pref );
else //there is no gprs coverage and the AP needs it!!!
//show that there is no coverage!!!
ShowGlobalNoteL( EAknGlobalErrorNote, R_EXT_ERR_NO_NETWORK_COVER );
connErr = KErrGeneral;
if( connErr == KErrNone )
iConnected = ETrue;
// Enable connection cloning
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C2(KProcPolicy1, ECapabilityNetworkServices, ECapabilityNetworkControl);
TSecurityPolicyBuf secPolBuf;
iConnection.Control(KCOLConnection, KCoEnableCloneOpen, secPolBuf);
if( iSilentMode )
// Temp fix for CDMA
TUint32 iapId;
TBuf<20> query;
TBuf<40> val;
query.Format( _L("%s\\%s"), IAP, COMMDB_ID );
User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.GetIntSetting( query, iapId ) );
iCurrentAP = (CApAccessPointItem*)iapId;
query.Format(_L("%s\\%s"), IAP, COMMDB_NAME);
User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.GetDesSetting( query, val ) );
iConnName = val.AllocL();
CLOG_WRITE_1( "Iap id used : %d", iapId );
CLOG_WRITE_1( "Conn name : %S", iConnName);
else if( !iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference )
TBuf<20> query;
TBuf<40> val;
query.Format( _L("%s\\%s"), IAP, COMMDB_ID );
User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.GetIntSetting( query, iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference ) );
#ifndef __WINS__
CApAccessPointItem* ap = APItemFromIAPIdLC( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference );
UpdateCurrentAPL( *ap, EFalse );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ap
query.Format(_L("%s\\%s"), IAP, COMMDB_NAME);
User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.GetDesSetting( query, val ) );
iConnName = val.AllocL();
#ifndef __WINS__
CApAccessPointItem* ap = APItemFromIAPIdLC( aIAPId );
UpdateCurrentAPL( *ap, EFalse );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ap
return connErr;
//CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectWithoutCheckL( TUint32 aIAPId1 )
TInt CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectWithoutCheckL( TUint32 /*aIAPId1*/, TUint32 /*aIAPId2*/ )
User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrNotSupported );
return KErrGeneral;
void CInternetConnectionManager::DisplayConnErrorL()
if ( iInternalError && !iSilentMode && iInternalError!= KErrCancel && IsConnectionAllowedL( EFalse ) )
CLOG_WRITE("Some Error should be shown");
CLOG_WRITE_1("Error %d", iInternalError);
//filtering out errors that are shown by the phone app
if( iInternalError == KErrEtelCallAlreadyActive ||
iInternalError == KErrEtelBusyDetected )
ShowErrorNoteL( iInternalError );
else if ( !InIntArray( KNumsOfDontShowErrors, KADontShowErrors, iInternalError ) )
CLOG_WRITE("Error is shown by ConnMan");
if ( !InIntArray( KNumsOfExcludeFromConverting ,
iInternalError )
&& ( iInternalError == KErrGeneral || iInternalError == KErrCommsLineFail
|| KEtelExtErrIntervalLow < iInternalError && iInternalError < KEtelExtErrIntervalHigh
|| KGsmErrIntervalLow < iInternalError && iInternalError < KGsmErrIntervalHigh
|| KEtelCoreErrIntervalLow < iInternalError && iInternalError < KEtelCoreErrIntervalHigh
) )
ShowErrorNoteL( KErrExitModemError );
if (iInternalError == KErrNotFound )
// Since -1 is an error from bottom layer with no more information
// The good match using "Extended Error Handling" of UI spec would
// be "connection not available".
ShowErrorNoteL(NW_STAT_WPS_ERROR, CTextResolver::ECtxNoCtxNoSeparator);
ShowErrorNoteL( iInternalError );
if( !IsConnectionAllowedL( EFalse ) )
CLOG_WRITE("Operation is not allowed in off-line mode");
ShowGlobalNoteL( EAknGlobalInformationNote, R_QTN_OFFLINE_NOT_POSSIBLE );
iInternalError = KErrGeneral;
EXPORT_C CInternetConnectionManager* CInternetConnectionManager::NewL( TBool aSilentMode )
CInternetConnectionManager* self = CInternetConnectionManager::NewLC( aSilentMode );
return self;
EXPORT_C CInternetConnectionManager* CInternetConnectionManager::NewL( CCommsDatabase* aCommsDb, TBool aSilentMode )
CInternetConnectionManager* self = CInternetConnectionManager::NewLC( aCommsDb, aSilentMode );
return self;
EXPORT_C CInternetConnectionManager* CInternetConnectionManager::NewLC( TBool aSilentMode )
CInternetConnectionManager* self = new( ELeave )CInternetConnectionManager( aSilentMode );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
EXPORT_C CInternetConnectionManager* CInternetConnectionManager::NewLC( CCommsDatabase* aCommsDb, TBool aSilentMode )
CInternetConnectionManager* self = new( ELeave )CInternetConnectionManager( aCommsDb, aSilentMode );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
TInt CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectL
TCommDbConnPref& /*aPref1*/,
TCommDbConnPref& /*aPref2*/
User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrNotSupported );
return KErrGeneral;
TInt CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectL
TCommDbConnPref& aPref1
if ( iAlreadyInUse )
CLOG_WRITE( "Reentering happend, calling User::Leave!!!" );
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
iAlreadyInUse = ETrue;
iInternalError = KErrNone;
iCalledFromProcessFinish = EFalse;
TInt connErr( KErrNone );
CLOG_WRITE( "ConnMan: Setting overides" );
//Leave point
TCommDbConnPref *overrides = new (ELeave) TCommDbConnPref;
CleanupStack::PushL( overrides );
// there's no copy constructor thus
// I need to make a copy of this object manually
overrides->SetDialogPreference( aPref1.DialogPreference() );
// Because from 2.0 there is only browser who integrates
// connection manager there's no need for prompt
// browser always sets valid access point id.
// __ASSERT_DEBUG( aPref1.IapId(), User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrArgument ) ); // Temp for CDMA fix
// set access point id in overrides
overrides->SetIapId( aPref1.IapId() );
overrides->SetBearerSet( aPref1.BearerSet() );
TInt connAllowed( ETrue );
TInt err =
iRepository->Get( KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed, connAllowed);
CLOG_WRITE_1( "ConnMan connAllowed: %d", connAllowed );
if( !connAllowed && ( KErrNone == err ) )
CLOG_WRITE( "ConnMan SetBearerSet: ECommDbBearerWLAN" );
overrides->SetBearerSet( ECommDbBearerWLAN );
//TUint32 bearer = aPref1.BearerSet();
CLOG_WRITE( "ConnMan Overrides set" );
if ( !iSilentMode && !connErr )
CLOG_WRITE( "ConnMan: Starting Wait dlg with name" );
HBufC* buf = NULL;
if( aPref1.IapId() )
buf = StringLoader::LoadL
*APNameLC( aPref1.IapId() )
CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
CLOG_WRITE( "Calling StartWaitDialogL" );
StartWaitDialogL( buf, EWaitGPRSIcon );
CLOG_WRITE( "StartWaitDialogL returned with no leave" );
if( aPref1.IapId() )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );//buf, HBuf* returned by APNameLC
if ( !connErr )
TBool alreadyCancelled = ( !iSilentMode && !iWaitDialog );
if ( alreadyCancelled )
connErr = KErrCancel;
if(iConnection.SubSessionHandle() <= 0)
// RConnection handle is invalid, we haven't opened the RConnection yet.
connErr = iConnection.Open( iServ, KAfInet );
CLOG_WRITE_1( "RConnection: %d", connErr );
if( connErr == KErrNone )
// Always pass the IAP Id to RConnection even in silent mode
connErr = iSyncConnector->Connect( overrides );
if ( iWaitDialog )
CLOG_WRITE( "Killing wait dialog..." );
iCalledFromProcessFinish = ETrue;
CLOG_WRITE( "ProgressFinished is called" );
iInternalError = connErr;
CLOG_WRITE_1( "ConnectL returned with %d", connErr );
iNewConnectionEstablished = ( connErr == KErrNone );
iAlreadyInUse = EFalse;
return connErr;
delete iStageNotifier;
delete iRepository;
if( !iSilentMode )
CCoeEnv::Static()->DeleteResourceFile( iResOffset );
delete iVpnEngine;
delete iApDataHandler;
delete iApUtils;
delete iNote;
if ( iCommsDbOwned )
delete iCommsDb;
if( !iSilentMode )
// Temp fix for CDMA
delete iCurrentAP;
delete iVpnItem;
// Temp fix for CDMA
delete iConnName;
delete iWaitDialog;
delete iNoteDialog;
delete iSyncConnector;
CInternetConnectionManager::CInternetConnectionManager( TBool aSilentMode )
: iSilentMode( aSilentMode )
CLOG_NAME_1( _L("IntConnMan_%x"), this );
CInternetConnectionManager::CInternetConnectionManager( CCommsDatabase* aCommsDb, TBool aSilentMode ): iCommsDb( aCommsDb ), iSilentMode( aSilentMode )
CLOG_NAME_1( _L("IntConnMan_%x"), this );
void CInternetConnectionManager::ConstructL()
CLOG_ENTERFN( "ConstructL" );
TBool CInternetConnectionManager::CheckNetworkL( TBool& aGPRSAvailable )
aGPRSAvailable = ETrue;
return ETrue;
TApBearerType CInternetConnectionManager::BearerTypeL( TUint32 aIAPId )
TApBearerType apbearerType = EApBearerTypeAllBearers;
if( !iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference )
if( iSilentMode || !iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference )
// Temp fix for CDMA
return EApBearerTypeAllBearers;
#ifndef __WINS__
CApAccessPointItem* ap = APItemFromIAPIdLC( aIAPId );
TUint32 wapAPId = ap->WapUid();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ap ); // ap
TRAPD(err, apbearerType = iApUtils->BearerTypeL( wapAPId ));
if( err == KErrNone)
return (EApBearerTypeAllBearers);
aIAPId = 0;
return EApBearerTypeGPRS;
// CInternetConnectionManager::ShowGeneralConnectionErrorL
EXPORT_C void CInternetConnectionManager::ShowGeneralConnectionErrorL()
ShowErrorNoteL( KErrGeneralConnection );
// CInternetConnectionManager::ShowErrorNoteL
void CInternetConnectionManager::ShowErrorNoteL(
TInt aErrorStat,
CTextResolver::TErrorContext aContext )
if ( !iSilentMode )
CLOG_WRITE_1( "Showing Error: %d", aErrorStat );
CErrorUI* errorUI = CErrorUI::NewLC( );
if ( !errorUI->ShowGlobalErrorNoteL( aErrorStat, aContext) )
errorUI->ShowGlobalErrorNoteL( KErrGeneralConnection, aContext);
// CInternetConnectionManager::StopConnectionL
EXPORT_C void CInternetConnectionManager::StopConnectionL()
CLOG_ENTERFN( "StopConnectionL()" );
if( iConnected )
CLOG_WRITE( "StopConnectionL() Stop the Connection" );
TInt err = iConnection.Open( iServ, KAfInet );
CLOG_WRITE( "Cancel the Connection" );
// iServ.Close();
iConnected = EFalse;
iEasyWlan = EFalse;
if( !iSilentMode )
delete iCurrentAP;
iCurrentAP = NULL;
// CInternetConnectionManager::NewConnectionEstablished()
EXPORT_C TBool CInternetConnectionManager::NewConnectionEstablished( ) const
return iNewConnectionEstablished;
TInt CInternetConnectionManager::ShowConfQueryNoteL( TInt aTextResId )
TInt retVal( EAknSoftkeyCancel );
if ( !iSilentMode )
HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( aTextResId );
CAknQueryDialog* dialog = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
dialog->PrepareLC( R_CONNMAN_CONF_QUERY );
dialog->SetPromptL( buf->Des() );
retVal = dialog->RunLD();
return retVal;
HBufC* CInternetConnectionManager::APNameLC( TUint32 aIAPId ) const
TBuf <KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> apName;
#ifndef __WINS__
TUint32 wapAPId = iApUtils->WapIdFromIapIdL( aIAPId );
iApUtils->NameL( wapAPId, apName );
aIAPId = 0;
return ( apName.AllocLC() );
void CInternetConnectionManager::DialogDismissedL( TInt /*aButtonId*/ )
if ( !iCalledFromProcessFinish )
CLOG_WRITE( "Dialog Dismissed called" );
CLOG_WRITE( "Stopping connection" );
void CInternetConnectionManager::ShowGlobalNoteL( TAknGlobalNoteType aNoteType, TInt aTextResId )
if (!iSilentMode )
HBufC* buf;
buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( aTextResId );
iNote->ShowNoteL( aNoteType, buf->Des() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//Cleanup the buf
void CInternetConnectionManager::ShowInformationNoteL( TInt aTextResId )
if (!iSilentMode )
if ( iNoteDialog )
delete iNoteDialog ;
iNoteDialog = NULL;
iNoteDialog = new (ELeave) CAknNoteDialog
( REINTERPRET_CAST( CEikDialog**, &iNoteDialog ),
CAknNoteDialog::EConfirmationTone,CAknNoteDialog::ELongTimeout );
HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( aTextResId );
iNoteDialog->SetTextL( buf->Des() );
TBool CInternetConnectionManager::InIntArray( TInt aUpperBound, const TInt* aArray, TInt aElement )
TBool found( EFalse );
for (TInt i = 0; i< aUpperBound ; i++ )
if ( aArray[i] == aElement )
found = ETrue;
return found;
EXPORT_C RConnection& CInternetConnectionManager::Connection()
return iConnection;
EXPORT_C TName* CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectionNameL()
if( !iConnected )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
TName *name = new (ELeave) TName;
CleanupStack::PushL( name );
User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.Name( *name ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( name );
return name;
EXPORT_C RSocketServ& CInternetConnectionManager::SocketServer()
return iServ;
EXPORT_C void CInternetConnectionManager::SetRequestedAPs( TIdPair aRequestedAPIds )
iRequestedAPIds = aRequestedAPIds;
iNoSecondPreference = EFalse;
EXPORT_C void CInternetConnectionManager::SetRequestedAP( TUint32 aRequestedAPId, TBool /*aDefault*/ )
iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference = aRequestedAPId;
iNoSecondPreference = ETrue;
EXPORT_C TAPValidity CInternetConnectionManager::RequestedAPValidityL()
return EBoth;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::Connected
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CInternetConnectionManager::Connected()
CLOG_WRITE_1( "Int::Connected: %d", iConnected );
return iConnected;
EXPORT_C const CApAccessPointItem*
CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentAccessPoint() const
User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrNotSupported );
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentAPId
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TUint32 CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentAPId() const
if( !iSilentMode )
if ( iCurrentAP )
TUint32 ret( 0 );
TRAPD( err, ret = iApUtils->IapIdFromWapIdL( iCurrentAP->WapUid() ) );
ret = ( KErrNone != err ) ? KPrompt : ret;
return ret;
return KPrompt;
// Temp fix for CDMA
return (TUint32)iCurrentAP;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentSessionSecure
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentSessionSecure() const
User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrNotSupported );
return EFalse;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentSessionConnectionOriented
// --------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentSessionConnectionOriented() const
User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrNotSupported );
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentGatewayLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC* CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentGatewayLC() const
User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrNotSupported );
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentStartPageLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC* CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentStartPageLC() const
User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrNotSupported );
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentApNameLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C HBufC* CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentApNameLC() const
if( iSilentMode )
// Temp fix for CDMA
return iConnName->AllocLC();
#ifndef __WINS__
if( iCurrentAP )
return APNameLC( iApUtils->IapIdFromWapIdL( iCurrentAP->WapUid() ) );
User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrGeneral );
// to avoid compiler warning
return NULL;
return KNullDesC().AllocLC();
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentConnectionSpeed
// --------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TApCallSpeed CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentConnectionSpeed() const
TApCallSpeed connectionSpeed( KSpeedAutobaud );
if ( iCurrentAP && !iSilentMode )
// Temp fix for CDMA
iCurrentAP->ReadUint( EApIspBearerSpeed, (TUint32&)connectionSpeed );
return connectionSpeed;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentBearerTypeL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TApBearerType CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentBearerTypeL() const
#ifndef __WINS__
if ( iCurrentAP && !iSilentMode )
// Temp fix for CDMA
CLOG_WRITE_1("BT: %d", iCurrentAP->BearerTypeL() );
return iCurrentAP->BearerTypeL();
CLOG_WRITE( "Unknown BT" );
return EApBearerTypeAll;
return EApBearerTypeGPRS;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::Disconnect
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CInternetConnectionManager::Disconnect()
TRAP_IGNORE( StopConnectionL() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::SetApChangeObserver
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CInternetConnectionManager::SetApChangeObserver( MApChangeObserver& aObserver )
__ASSERT_DEBUG ( iApObserver == NULL, User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrInUse ) );
iApObserver = &aObserver;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::UnsetApChangeObserver
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CInternetConnectionManager::UnsetApChangeObserver()
iApObserver = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::StartConnectionL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CInternetConnectionManager::StartConnectionL( TBool aDisableConnNeeded, TBool /*aIgnoreSecureAttribute*/ )
CLOG_ENTERFN( "StartConnectionL" );
CLOG_WRITE_1( "IAPid: [%d]", iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference );
TUint32 newIapId;
TBool doConnect( EFalse );
TInt err( KErrNone );
//Connect with Snap Id if the connection type is Destination Nw
if (iConnectionType == EDestination)
err = ConnectWithSnapIdL(iRequestedSnapId);
return err;
TApBearerType bearerType( EApBearerTypeAllBearers );
if( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference )
bearerType = BearerTypeL( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference );
CLOG_WRITE_1("Bearer type: %d", bearerType );
/* Connecting to VPN tunnel on the same real IAP using which VPN configurations were made then
the existing connection would not be disconnected but a new VPN tunnel will be created on top of it.
so iConnected would be true which was making it to leave with only if(iConnected), it should not leave
incase of VPN tunnel so that VPN tunnel could be created further. To avoid leaving from this condition
incase of VPN connection added a new connection for checking if iConnected is true + its a non VPN connection
incase of VPN this condition will be ignored and following connectL function will be called to create a VPN connection.*/
if( iConnected && !iVpnItem)
CLOG_WRITE("Already connected");
return KErrNone;
if( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference && CheckIfAlreadyConnected( newIapId ) )
// there's connection with any of the requested AP point
// try to attach to the that
CLOG_WRITE("Already connected with this IAPId");
err = ConnectL( newIapId );
if( err != KErrNone && err != KErrCancel )
// we couldn't attach but give me one more chance
CLOG_WRITE_1("Attach failed:%d", err);
doConnect = ETrue;
if( !IsConnectionAllowedL( ETrue ) )
// In offline mode it's not possible to start connection
return KErrGeneral;
TBool nw3G = Check3GNetworkL();
// In 3G network or if bearer type is WLAN
// we don't have to check if there is (HS)CSD connection
// opened in the phone
TBool isThere = nw3G || bearerType == EApBearerTypeWLAN ? EFalse : IsThereActiveHSCSDConnectionL();
if( !isThere )
// In 3G network or if bearer type is WLAN
// we don't have to check if there is active voice
// call in the phone
isThere = nw3G || bearerType == EApBearerTypeWLAN ? EFalse : IsThereActiveVoiceCall();
if( !isThere )
if ( !iSilentMode && !aDisableConnNeeded )
if ( ShowConfQueryNoteL ( R_WML_CONF_CONN_NEED ) )
if( IsConnectionAllowedL( ETrue ) )
doConnect = ETrue;
err = KErrGeneral;
err = KErrCancel;
// we are in silent mode, conn query is not needed.
// in this case connection has to be started automatically.
doConnect = ETrue;
err = iInternalError = KErrEtelCallAlreadyActive;
err = KErrGeneral;
if( !err )
if( doConnect )
TUint32 usedAp( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference );
if( IsConnectionAllowedL( ETrue ) )
err = ConnectL( usedAp );
if( err == KErrNone )
CLOG_WRITE( "No error in connection" );
#if !defined( __WINS__ )
// it's not a critical problem if this flag
// cannot be updated.
TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateEasyWlanFlagL() );
else if( err == KErrEtelCallNotActive )
// this is a special case. User pressed end key
// while (HS)CSD connection was coming up.
err = KErrCancel;
else if( err != KErrCancel )
// to make it compatible with old connman.
CLOG_WRITE_1( "Error: %d", err );
err = KErrGeneral;
return err;
} //if iConnection
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentAP
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CApAccessPointItem* CInternetConnectionManager::CurrentAP()
if( iSilentMode )
// Temp fix for CDMA
User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrGeneral );
CLOG_WRITE_1( "CurrentAP(): %d", (TUint32)iCurrentAP );
return iCurrentAP;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::UpdateCurrentAPL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CInternetConnectionManager::UpdateCurrentAPL( CApAccessPointItem& aBaseAP,TBool aOnlyWAPpart )
if( iSilentMode )
// Temp fix for CDMA
User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrGeneral );
CLOG_WRITE( "CIntConnMan::UpdateCurrentAPL" );
if ( !aOnlyWAPpart || !iCurrentAP )
delete iCurrentAP;
iCurrentAP = NULL;
iCurrentAP = CApAccessPointItem::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop();//Don't leave it on cleanup stack because it is a member
iCurrentAP->CopyFromL( aBaseAP );
TUint32 wapId;
aBaseAP.ReadUint( EApWapAccessPointID, wapId );
iCurrentAP->WriteUint( EApWapAccessPointID, wapId );
TUint32 length( 0 );
length = aBaseAP.ReadTextLengthL( EApWapGatewayAddress );
HBufC* gw = HBufC::NewLC( length );//C:1
TPtr addressPtr( gw->Des() );
aBaseAP.ReadTextL( EApWapGatewayAddress, addressPtr );
const HBufC* sp = aBaseAP.ReadConstLongTextL( EApWapStartPage );//Not owned!
length = aBaseAP.ReadTextLengthL( EApWapAccessPointName );
HBufC* apn = HBufC::NewLC( length );//C:2
TPtr apnPtr( apn->Des() );
aBaseAP.ReadTextL( EApWapAccessPointName, apnPtr );
TBool sec;
aBaseAP.ReadBool( EApWapSecurity, sec );
TUint32 ct;
aBaseAP.ReadUint( EApWapWspOption, ct );
TUint32 wapUid;
aBaseAP.ReadUint( EApWapAccessPointID, wapUid );
TPtrC temp = ( const_cast<HBufC*>(sp) )->Des();
iCurrentAP->WriteLongTextL( EApWapStartPage, temp );
iCurrentAP->WriteTextL( EApWapGatewayAddress, gw->Des() );
iCurrentAP->WriteTextL( EApWapAccessPointName, apn->Des() );
iCurrentAP->WriteBool( EApWapSecurity, sec );
iCurrentAP->WriteUint( EApWapWspOption, ct );
iCurrentAP->WriteUint( EApWapAccessPointID, wapUid );//change the wapUid of the current one
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );//apn, gw
CLOG_WRITE( "CIntConnMan::UpdateCurrentAPL done" );
TIdPair& CInternetConnectionManager::RequestedIdPair()
return iRequestedAPIds;
TBool CInternetConnectionManager::NoSecondPreference() const
return iNoSecondPreference;
void CInternetConnectionManager::SetNoSecondPreference( TBool aNoSecondPreference )
iNoSecondPreference = aNoSecondPreference;
TBool CInternetConnectionManager::SilentMode() const
return iSilentMode;
CApUtils* CInternetConnectionManager::ApUtils()
return iApUtils;
MApChangeObserver* CInternetConnectionManager::ApObserver()
return iApObserver;
void CInternetConnectionManager::StartConnectionObservingL()
CLOG_ENTERFN( "StartConnectionObservingL()" );
TName* name = ConnectionNameL();
__ASSERT_DEBUG( name, User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrCorrupt ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( name );
iSatges[0] = KLinkLayerClosed;
iStageNotifier->StartNotificationL( name,iSatges,KMaxOccStages,this, ETrue );
iSatges[0] = KConnectionUninitialised;
iSatges[1] = KConnectionClosed;
iSatges[2] = KLinkLayerClosed;
iStageNotifier->StartNotificationL( name,iSatges,KMaxStages,this, ETrue );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( name );
void CInternetConnectionManager::StopConnectionObserving()
CLOG_ENTERFN( "StopConnectionObserving()" );
if ( iStageNotifier )
void CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectionStageAchievedL(TInt /*aStage*/)
CLOG_ENTERFN( "ConnectionStageAchievedL()" );
// CLOG_WRITE_1( "ConnectionStageAchievedL() Stage = %d ", aStage);
// this is a connection closed event
CLOG_WRITE( "ConnectionStageAchievedL() Stoping the connection instead of closing" );
iConnected = EFalse;
if( !iSilentMode )
// Temp fix for CDMA
delete iCurrentAP;
iCurrentAP = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CInternetConnectionManager::APItemFromAPIdLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CApAccessPointItem* CInternetConnectionManager::APItemFromAPIdLC( TUint32 aAPId )
CLOG_WRITE_1( "iapId: %d", aAPId );
CApAccessPointItem* apItem = CApAccessPointItem::NewLC();
if( iVpnEngine->IsVpnApL( aAPId ) )
delete iVpnItem;
iVpnItem = NULL;
iVpnItem = CVpnApItem::NewLC();
TRAP_IGNORE(iVpnEngine->VpnDataL( aAPId, *iVpnItem ));
// get real WAP id
if( NULL != iVpnItem )
iVpnItem->ReadUint( EApVpnRealWapID, aAPId );
TRAP_IGNORE(iApDataHandler->AccessPointDataL( aAPId, *apItem ));
return apItem;
CApAccessPointItem* CInternetConnectionManager::APItemFromIAPIdLC( TUint32 aIAPId )
TUint32 wapAPId = ApUtils()->WapIdFromIapIdL( aIAPId );
return APItemFromAPIdLC( wapAPId );
CApDataHandler* CInternetConnectionManager::ApDataHandler()
return iApDataHandler;
EXPORT_C TBool CInternetConnectionManager::IsThereActiveHSCSDConnectionL()
return EFalse;
TBool CInternetConnectionManager::CheckIfAlreadyConnected( TUint32& aNewIapId )
CLOG_ENTERFN( "CheckIfAlreadyConnected" );
TBool retVal( EFalse );
RSocketServ serv;
RConnection connection;
TUint count;
if( serv.Connect() == KErrNone )
if( connection.Open( serv, KAfInet ) == KErrNone )
TUint32 reqId1( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference );
if( connection.EnumerateConnections( count ) == KErrNone )
TPckgBuf<TConnectionInfo> connInfo;
CLOG_WRITE_1( "Conns: %d", count );
for( TUint i = 1; i <= count; ++i )
connection.GetConnectionInfo( i, connInfo );
if( connInfo().iIapId == reqId1 )
CLOG_WRITE( "Found request1(Int)" );
aNewIapId = reqId1;
retVal = ETrue;
CLOG_WRITE_1( "CheckIfAlreadyConnected(Int): %d", retVal );
return retVal;
TBool CInternetConnectionManager::Check3GNetworkL()
// This method must not be called if 2G/3G distinction is not supported;
// the RMobilePhone-related classes are not open in that case.
TBool is3g( EFalse );
#if !defined( __WINS__ )
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode networkMode;
User::LeaveIfError( iMobilePhone.GetCurrentMode( networkMode ) );
CLOG_WRITE_1( "Network mode: %d", networkMode );
if( networkMode == RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeCdma2000 ||
networkMode == RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeWcdma )
is3g = ETrue;
return is3g;
TBool CInternetConnectionManager::IsThereActiveVoiceCall()
return EFalse;
void CInternetConnectionManager::SetInternalError( TInt aInternalError )
iInternalError = aInternalError;
void CInternetConnectionManager::OfflineModeChanged( TBool /*aAllowed*/ )
// This function is not used anymore
TBool CInternetConnectionManager::CheckForWLAN()
TBool IsWLANSupported(EFalse);
TRAPD(err, FeatureManager::InitializeLibL());
if(err == KErrNone && FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdProtocolWlan ))
IsWLANSupported = ETrue;
return IsWLANSupported;
TBool CInternetConnectionManager::IsConnectionAllowedL( TBool aDisplayError )
CLOG_WRITE_1("Disp: %d", aDisplayError );
if( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference )
if( BearerTypeL( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference ) == EApBearerTypeWLAN )
// WLAN is enabled in off-line mode, too.
return ETrue;
// Always ask - enable connection because of WLAN
TBool IsWLANSupported(ETrue);
#if !defined( __WINS__ )
TInt OfflineModeConnAllowed( ETrue );
iRepository->Get( KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed, OfflineModeConnAllowed);
//Check whether WLAN is supported in offline mode
if( !OfflineModeConnAllowed )
IsWLANSupported = CheckForWLAN();
if(!IsWLANSupported && aDisplayError)
return IsWLANSupported;
TInt connAllowed( ETrue );
iRepository->Get( KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed, connAllowed);
if( !connAllowed && aDisplayError )
return connAllowed;
EXPORT_C void CInternetConnectionManager::ChangeIapL(
TConManChangeConn& aChangeConn,
TUint32& aNewIap )
CLOG_WRITE_2( "aNewAp: [%d], old: [%d]", aNewIap, iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference );
aChangeConn = EConManDoNothing;
if( !DoChangeIapL( aNewIap ) )
CLOG_WRITE("Do nothing1");
return; // Do nothing
if( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference == aNewIap && !iEasyWlan )
// Do nothing if the the selected AP is the same as we
// already have, but it's not EasyWlan.
// In case of EasyWlan we always disconnects
CLOG_WRITE("Do nothing2");
return; // Do nothing
TRAPD( err, CheckVPNL(aNewIap,aChangeConn) );
CLOG_WRITE_2( "CheckVPNL - err: [%d], aChangeConn: [%d]", err, aChangeConn );
if( err )
aChangeConn = EConManCloseAndStart;
EXPORT_C void CInternetConnectionManager::ShowConnectionChangedDlg()
TRAP_IGNORE( DoShowConnectionChangedDlgL() );
void CInternetConnectionManager::CancelConnection()
if(iSyncConnector && iSyncConnector->IsActive())
CLOG_WRITE( "Connection is cancelled" );
EXPORT_C TInt CInternetConnectionManager::AskIap( TUint32& aNewIap )
TInt retVal( KErrNone );
RGenConAgentDialogServer dlgSv;
retVal = dlgSv.Connect();
if ( retVal == KErrNone )
TConnectionPrefs prefs;
prefs.iRank = 1;
prefs.iDirection = ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing;
prefs.iBearerSet = ECommDbBearerCSD | ECommDbBearerWcdma | ECommDbBearerVirtual | ECommDbBearerWLAN;
TRequestStatus status;
dlgSv.IapConnection( aNewIap, prefs, status );
User::WaitForRequest( status );
retVal = status.Int();
return retVal;
EXPORT_C void CInternetConnectionManager::SetConnectionType( TCmSettingSelectionMode aConnectionType )
CLOG_WRITE_1( "CInternetConnectionManager::SetConnectionType - %d", aConnectionType );
iConnectionType = aConnectionType;
EXPORT_C void CInternetConnectionManager::SetRequestedSnap (TUint32 aRequestedSnapId)
iRequestedSnapId = aRequestedSnapId;
TBool CInternetConnectionManager::DoChangeIapL( TUint32& aNewAp )
TBool returnValue;
TUint32 elementID;
TConnectionPrefs prefs;
prefs.iRank = 1;
prefs.iDirection = ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing;
prefs.iBearerSet = ECommDbBearerCSD | ECommDbBearerWcdma | ECommDbBearerWLAN |ECommDbBearerVirtual;
TRequestStatus status;
TUint32 dummy( 0 );
RCmManagerExt cmManagerExt;
CleanupClosePushL( cmManagerExt );
RCmDestinationExt cmDestExt;
RCmConnectionMethodExt cmConnMethodExt;
// Getting elementID in both Edestination and ConnectionMethod cases as new NW APIs require elementID as 1 of its parameter.
if ( EDestination == iConnectionType )
cmDestExt = cmManagerExt.DestinationL( iRequestedSnapId );
elementID = cmDestExt.ElementId();
cmConnMethodExt = cmManagerExt.ConnectionMethodL( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference );
CleanupClosePushL( cmConnMethodExt );
elementID = cmConnMethodExt.GetIntAttributeL( ECmElementID );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //cmConnMethodExt
RGenConAgentDialogServer dlgSv;
User::LeaveIfError( dlgSv.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( dlgSv );
//Changed NW API which will take elementID of existing IAP and return elementID of selected IAP after selecting new connection from the list displayed
dlgSv.AccessPointConnection( dummy, dummy, elementID, prefs.iBearerSet, status );
User::WaitForRequest( status );
if(KErrNone == status.Int())
TMDBElementId tableId = elementID & KCDMaskShowRecordType;
TUint32 destId;
const TInt ID( 0 );
/*If tableid is KCDTIdNetworkRecord then the result of ( elementID & KCDMaskShowRecordId ) >> 8 will be SnapId otherwise its IAP
This is dependent on User Selection, while change connection user gets a list of SNAPs available for changing connection,
if user go into the options of a particular SNAP and selects a IAP
within that SNAP then the below condition will fall in else part and connection type/mode will change to EConnectionMethod*/
if ( KCDTIdNetworkRecord == tableId )
destId = ( elementID & KCDMaskShowRecordId ) >> 8;
SetRequestedSnap( destId ); // if SnapId recovered then setting snapid for creating new Connection further
cmDestExt = cmManagerExt.DestinationL( destId );
CleanupClosePushL( cmDestExt );
cmConnMethodExt = cmDestExt.ConnectionMethodL( ID );
CleanupClosePushL( cmConnMethodExt );
aNewAp = cmConnMethodExt.GetIntAttributeL( ECmIapId );
aNewAp = ( elementID & KCDMaskShowRecordId ) >> 8;
/* if Iap recovered then now connection type/mode changed to EConnectionMethod because in this case
user has selected a IAP instead of SNAP.*/
SetConnectionType( EConnectionMethod );
returnValue = ETrue;
returnValue = EFalse;
CLOG_WRITE_1( "New IAP: [%d]", aNewAp );
CLOG_WRITE_1( "retVal: %d", returnValue );
return returnValue;
void CInternetConnectionManager::CheckVPNL( TUint32 aNewIap,
TConManChangeConn& aChangeConn )
TInt wap( 0 );
wap = ApUtils()->WapIdFromIapIdL( aNewIap );
if( iVpnEngine->IsVpnApL( wap ) )
delete iVpnItem;
iVpnItem = NULL;
iVpnItem = CVpnApItem::NewLC();
iVpnEngine->VpnDataL( aNewIap, *iVpnItem );
// Fix for the TSW error JSIN-738BLA for making VPN work on changing connection.
// get real IAP id
iVpnItem->ReadUint( EApVpnRealIapID, aNewIap );
if( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference == aNewIap )
aChangeConn = EConManStartAgain;
aChangeConn = EConManCloseAndStart;
aChangeConn = EConManCloseAndStart;
void CInternetConnectionManager::UpdateEasyWlanFlagL()
CLOG_ENTERFN( "UpdateEasyWlanFlagL" );
iEasyWlan = EFalse;
if( iSilentMode )
// This is always CDMA
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCommsDb, User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrNone ) );
TUint32 serviceId;
CLOG_WRITE( "Getting servideId" );
User::LeaveIfError( iCurrentAP->ReadUint( EApIapServiceId, serviceId ) );
CCommsDbTableView* wLanServiceTable = NULL;
CLOG_WRITE( "Opening view" );
wLanServiceTable = iCommsDb->OpenViewMatchingUintLC(
serviceId );
CLOG_WRITE_1( "ServiceId: %d", serviceId );
TInt errorCode = wLanServiceTable->GotoFirstRecord();
CLOG_WRITE_1( "GotoFirstRecord returned %d", errorCode );
TWlanSsid sSID;
if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
wLanServiceTable->ReadTextL( TPtrC( WLAN_SSID ), sSID );
CLOG_WRITE8_1( "SSID: [%S]", &sSID );
// this is Easy WLan if string is empty.
iEasyWlan = sSID.Length() == 0;
CLOG_WRITE_1( "iEasyWlan: %d", iEasyWlan );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // wLanServiceTable
void CInternetConnectionManager::DoShowConnectionChangedDlgL()
CConnectionUiUtilities* connUiUtils = CConnectionUiUtilities::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( connUiUtils );
connUiUtils->ShowConnectionChangedNoteL( iRequestedAPIds.iFirstPreference );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( connUiUtils );
void CInternetConnectionManager::InitializeL()
CLOG_ENTERFN( "InitializeL" );
if( iInitialized )
//Constructing commsdb
if ( !iCommsDb )
iCommsDb = CCommsDatabase::NewL( EDatabaseTypeIAP );
iCommsDbOwned = ETrue;
if( !iNote )
iNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewL( );
iNote->SetPriority( CActive::EPriorityHigh );
if( !iRFs.Handle() )
User::LeaveIfError( iRFs.Connect() );
if( !iSilentMode && !iResOffset )
TFileName fileName;
TParse parse;
Dll::FileName (fileName);
parse.Set(KConnectionResourceFile, &fileName, NULL);
fileName = parse.FullName();
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(), fileName);
if ( !BaflUtils::FileExists( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(), fileName ) )
// Use the Z drive one
fileName.Format( KConnectionResourceFileFormatter, &KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR );
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(),fileName );
iResOffset = CCoeEnv::Static()->AddResourceFileL( fileName );
if( !iApUtils )
iApUtils = CApUtils::NewLC( *iCommsDb );
if( !iApDataHandler )
iApDataHandler = CApDataHandler::NewLC( *iCommsDb );
if( !iVpnEngine )
iVpnEngine = CVpnApEngine::NewLC( iCommsDb );
if( !iSyncConnector )
iSyncConnector = CActiveConnectorSyncWrapper::NewL( iConnection );
CLOG_ATTACH( iSyncConnector, this );
if( !iRepository )
iRepository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCoreApplicationUIs );
if( !iTelServer.Handle() )
// this initialization needed for identifying 3G networks
User::LeaveIfError( iTelServer.Connect() );
User::LeaveIfError( iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName ) );
TInt numPhones;
User::LeaveIfError( iTelServer.EnumeratePhones( numPhones ) );
if( numPhones <= 0 )
// Huh???
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
RTelServer::TPhoneInfo phoneInfo;
User::LeaveIfError( iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( 0, phoneInfo ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iMobilePhone.Open( iTelServer, phoneInfo.iName ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iMobilePhone.Initialise() );
if( !iStageNotifier )
iStageNotifier = CConnectionStageNotifierWCB::NewL();
if( !iServ.Handle() )
User::LeaveIfError( iServ.Connect() );
CLOG_WRITE( "Fully initialized" );
iInitialized = ETrue;
TInt CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectWithSnapIdL(TUint32 aRequestedSnapId)
CLOG_WRITE_1( "CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectWithSnapId - %d", aRequestedSnapId );
iInternalError = KErrNone;
iNewConnectionEstablished = EFalse;
TInt connErr( KErrNone );
connErr = ConnectSnapWithoutCheckL( aRequestedSnapId );
#ifndef __WINS__
if( KErrNone == connErr )
if( iSilentMode )
// Temp fix for CDMA
TUint32 iapId;
TBuf<20> query;
TBuf<40> val;
query.Format( _L("%s\\%s"), IAP, COMMDB_ID );
User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.GetIntSetting( query, iapId ) );
iCurrentAP = (CApAccessPointItem*)iapId;
query.Format(_L("%s\\%s"), IAP, COMMDB_NAME);
User::LeaveIfError( iConnection.GetDesSetting( query, val ) );
iConnName = val.AllocL();
CLOG_WRITE_1( "Iap id used : %d", iapId );
CLOG_WRITE_1( "Conn name : %S", iConnName);
TUint32 iIapID;
TBuf<20> query;
query.Format( _L("%s\\%s"), IAP, COMMDB_ID );
if( iConnection.GetIntSetting( query, iIapID ) == KErrNone )
CLOG_WRITE_1( "ConnectWithSnapId::AccessPoint - %d", iIapID );
CApAccessPointItem* ap = APItemFromIAPIdLC( iIapID );
UpdateCurrentAPL( *ap, EFalse );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ap
return connErr;
TInt CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectSnapWithoutCheckL(TUint32 aRequestedSnapId)
CLOG_ENTERFN( "ConnectSnapWithoutCheckL" );
iInternalError = KErrNone;
TInt connErr;
//Do the connection
TConnSnapPref pref;
connErr = ConnectSnapL( pref );
if( connErr == KErrNone )
iConnected = ETrue;
// Enable connection cloning
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C2(KProcPolicy1, ECapabilityNetworkServices, ECapabilityNetworkControl);
TSecurityPolicyBuf secPolBuf;
iConnection.Control(KCOLConnection, KCoEnableCloneOpen, secPolBuf);
return connErr;
TInt CInternetConnectionManager::ConnectSnapL
TConnSnapPref& aPref1
if ( iAlreadyInUse )
CLOG_WRITE( "Reentering happend, calling User::Leave!!!" );
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
iAlreadyInUse = ETrue;
iInternalError = KErrNone;
TInt connErr( KErrNone );
CLOG_WRITE( "ConnMan: Setting overides" );
//Leave point
TConnSnapPref *overrides = new (ELeave) TConnSnapPref;
CleanupStack::PushL( overrides );
// set access snap id in overrides
overrides->SetSnap( aPref1.Snap() );
CLOG_WRITE( "ConnMan Overrides set" );
if ( !connErr )
if(iConnection.SubSessionHandle() <= 0)
// RConnection handle is invalid, we haven't opened the RConnection yet.
connErr = iConnection.Open( iServ, KAfInet );
CLOG_WRITE_1( "RConnection: %d", connErr );
if( connErr == KErrNone )
//connect with snap id
connErr = iSyncConnector->ConnectSnap( overrides );
iInternalError = connErr;
CLOG_WRITE_1( "ConnectSnapL returned with %d", connErr );
iNewConnectionEstablished = ( connErr == KErrNone );
iAlreadyInUse = EFalse;
return connErr;
void CInternetConnectionManager::StartWaitDialogL( HBufC* aLabel, TWaitIconType aType )
delete iWaitDialog;
iWaitDialog = NULL;
iWaitDialog = new ( ELeave )CAknWaitDialog( REINTERPRET_CAST(CEikDialog**,&iWaitDialog), ETrue );
switch( aType )
case EWaitDataIcon:
iWaitDialog->PrepareLC( R_CONNMAN_WAIT_NOTE_CSD );
case EWaitGPRSIcon:
iWaitDialog->PrepareLC( R_CONNMAN_WAIT_NOTE_GPRS );
case EWaitNoIcon:
iWaitDialog->PrepareLC( R_CONNMAN_WAIT_NOTE );
iWaitDialog->SetCallback( this );
if( aLabel )
iWaitDialog->SetTextL( aLabel->Des() );
void CInternetConnectionManager::SetOccPreferences( TSetOCCPreferences aOCCPreferences)
if( iSyncConnector )
// End of File