Created branch for release codeline RCL_1, for maintenance changes to the Symbian^2 platform
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* This class creates a progress dialog, which shows the progress of an upload
#include <eikprogi.h>
#include <AknProgressDialog.h>
class CEikDialog;
class CEikProgressInfo;
class MBrowserDialogsProviderObserver;
class CBrowserUploadProgressNote : public CAknProgressDialog,
public MProgressDialogCallback
* Constructor
* @param aMaxValue The maximal value of the progress.
* @param aObserver Observers of the dialog
* @param aSelfPtr self pointer
CBrowserUploadProgressNote( TInt aMaxValue,
MBrowserDialogsProviderObserver* aObserver,
CEikDialog** aSelfPtr );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CBrowserUploadProgressNote();
* Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
* @param aMaxValue The maximal value of the progress.
* @param aObserver Observers of the dialog
* @param aSelfPtr self pointer
* @return The constructed progress note.
static CBrowserUploadProgressNote* NewL( TInt aMaxValue,
MBrowserDialogsProviderObserver* aObserver,
CEikDialog** aSelfPtr );
* Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
* Places the instance on the cleanup stack.
* @param aMaxValue The maximal value of the progress.
* @param aObserver Observers of the dialog
* @param aSelfPtr self pointer
* @return The constructed progress note.
static CBrowserUploadProgressNote* NewLC( TInt aMaxValue,
MBrowserDialogsProviderObserver* aObserver,
CEikDialog** aSelfPtr );
* Updates the progress bar by a given value.
* @param aChunkSize The size of chunk of data uploaded this time.
void UpdateL( TInt aChunkSize );
public: // from MProgressDialogCallback
* Callback which is called when a dialog has beed dismissed
* Requires registration with SetCallback( MProgressDialogCallback* )
void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
* Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
void ConstructL( );
* Divides the given parameters, and returns the result
* as a formatted string.
* @param aNumerator The numerator of the division.
* @param aDenominator The denominator of the division.
* @return A pointer to the created descriptor on the heap.
* The calling program must destroy the heap descriptor when it is no
* longer needed.
HBufC* DivisionL( TInt aNumerator, TInt aDenominator );
* The sum of sizes for all uploaded fields (to be uploaded).
TInt iMaxValue;
* The currently uploaded size of data.
TInt iUploaded;
* Handle of the progress note.
//CAknProgressDialog* iProgressDlg;
* Handle to the progress bar of the progress note.
CEikProgressInfo* iProgressInfo;
* Handle to the "Uploaded:\n %U / %U " decriptor in resource.
HBufC* iStrUploaded;
* Handle to the "kB" / "MB" decriptor in resource.
HBufC* iStrUnit;
* Dialog Observer Pointer
MBrowserDialogsProviderObserver* iObserver;