Created branch for release codeline RCL_1, for maintenance changes to the Symbian^2 platform
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Macros for localized strings.
// Localized texts for the following are not in this file (common ones
// from avkon.loc):
// - text_softkey_accept ("Accept")
// - text_softkey_cancel ("Cancel")
// - qtn_size_kb ("%N kB")
// - qtn_size_b ("%N B")
/********** Title Pane **********/
//d:COD Viewer Application title
#define qtn_cd_title "Download"
/********** Details view **********/
//d:COD Details View, value for undefined data.
#define qtn_cd_value_undefined "Undefined"
//d:COD Details View, label of "Name" field.
#define qtn_cd_detail_name "Name:"
//d:COD Details View, label of "Price" field.
#define qtn_cd_detail_price "Price:"
//d:COD Details View, label of "Description" field.
#define qtn_cd_detail_descript "Description:"
//d:COD Details View, label of "Size" field.
#define qtn_cd_detail_size "Size:"
//d:COD Details View, label of "Vendor" field.
#define qtn_cd_detail_vendor "Vendor:"
//d:COD Details View, label of "Type" field.
#define qtn_cd_detail_type "Type:"
/********** Content types **********/
//d:Name of unclassified content type.
#define qtn_cd_type_not_classified "File"
//d:Name of sound content type.
#define qtn_cd_type_sound "Sound"
//d:Name of ringing tone content type.
#define qtn_cd_type_rtone "Ringing tone"
//d:Name of picture message content type.
#define qtn_cd_type_picture_message "Picture message"
//d:Name of operator logo content type.
#define qtn_cd_type_operator_logo "Operator logo"
//d:Name of image content type.
#define qtn_cd_type_image "Image"
//d:Name of game level content type.
#define qtn_cd_type_game_level "Game level"
//d:Name of game content type.
#define qtn_cd_type_game "Game"
//d:Name of document content type.
#define qtn_cd_type_document "Document"
//d:Name of business card content type.
#define qtn_cd_type_vcard "Business card"
//d:Name of application content type.
#define qtn_cd_type_application "Application"
/********** Queries **********/
//d:Memory selection dialog header text.
//d:User must choose download location: phone memory or MMC card.
#define qtn_cd_header_mem_selec "Download to:"
//d:Confirmation query prompt: file download completed, ask user if he wants
//to open the file. %U is the name of the downloaded file.
#define qtn_cd_query_download_complete "%U downloaded. Open the file now?"
/********** Wait note texts **********/
//d:Wait note text: downloading
#define qtn_cd_wait_downloading "Downloading"
//d:Wait note text: cancelling
#define qtn_cd_wait_reject "Cancelling, please wait"
//d:Wait note text: cancelling
#define qtn_cd_wait_please_wait "Please wait"
//d:Waiting for license note text: waiting for license
#define qtn_browser_downloads_waiting_for_license "Waiting for license"
/********** Error messages **********/
//d:Info note text: no Access points available
#define qtn_cd_info_no_valid_ap "No access points available. Add one and try again"
//d:Info note text: download failed
#define qtn_cd_info_generic_error "Downloading failed"
//d:Info note text: type of received content (923)
#define qtn_cd_info_unsupp_mime_type "Content could not be loaded"
//d:Info note text: storage space insufficient (901)
#define qtn_cd_info_file_too_large "File too large to be saved"
//d:Info note text: type described in COD unsupported (922)
#define qtn_cd_info_unknown_type "Content could not be used in this device"
//d:Info note text: syntax error in COD (906)
#define qtn_cd_info_syntax_err "File corrupted"
//d:Confirmation query prompt: to download unsupported file type
#define qtn_browser_downloads_unsupported_content_query "You are downloading content that is not supported by this device. Continue downloading?"
//d:Info note text: To be shown when device has insufficient memory (901)
#define qtn_cd_info_not_enough_mem "Not enough memory available"