Created branch for release codeline RCL_1, for maintenance changes to the Symbian^2 platform
* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: The client side connection to a feed on the FeedsSever.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <FeedsServerRequestHandler.h>
#include <FeedsServerMsg.h>
#include "FeedsEntity.h"
#include "LeakTracker.h"
#include "Transaction.h"
class CEnclosure;
class CFeed;
class CFeedsEntity;
class CItem;
class CPackedFeed;
class RFeedsServer;
class RFile;
class CFeedRequestHandler;
* The RFeed observer interface.
* \b Library: FeedsEngine.lib
* @since 3.1
class MFeedObserver : public MConnectionObserver
public: // New Methods
* Called when the asynchronous request is complete.
* @since 3.1
* @param aStatus The completion status code.
* @return void.
virtual void FeedRequestCompleted(TInt aStatus) = 0;
* Notifies the observer that the feed has changed. This method is called
* when the feed is updated by the feeds server.
* @since 3.1
* @return void.
virtual void FeedChanged() = 0;
* Notifies the observer that the feed's item status has changed.
* This method is called when __another__ client updates the feed's
* item status (via UpdateFeedItemStatusL).
* @since 3.1
* @return void.
virtual void FeedItemStatusChanged() = 0;
* The client side interface to a server resident Feed.
* \b Library: FeedsEngine.lib
* @since 3.1
class RFeed: public RSubSessionBase, public MRequestHandlerObserver
* C++ default constructor.
IMPORT_C RFeed(MFeedObserver& aObserver);
public: // From MRequestHandlerObserver
* Requests the observer to send a command to the server.
* @since 7.1
* @param aFunction The function number identifying the request.
* @param aArgs A set of up to 4 arguments and their types to be passed to the server.
* @param aStatus The request status object used to contain the completion status of the request.
* @return void.
virtual void SendAsyncCommand(TInt /*aFunction*/, const TIpcArgs& /*aArgs*/,
TRequestStatus& /*aStatus*/) const {} ;
* Preserving Binary Compatibility.
* @since 7.1
* Empty function does nothing.
* @return void.
virtual void RequestHandlerCompleted(CRequestHandler& /*aRequestHandler*/,
TInt /*aStatus*/) {} ;
* Preserving Binary Compatibility.
* @since 7.1
* Empty function does nothing.
* @return void.
virtual void CancelAllCommandsL() { } ;
* Request to create a network connection.
* @since 3.1
* @param aConnectionPtr A pointer to the new connection. If NULL, the
* proxy filter will automatically create a network connection.
* @param aSockSvrHandle A handle to the socket server.
* @param aNewConn A flag if a new connection was created. If the
* connection is not new, proxy filter optimization will not
* read the proxy again from CommsBd.
* @param aBearerType The bearer type of the new connection
* @return void
virtual void NetworkConnectionNeededL(TInt* aConnectionPtr, TInt& aSockSvrHandle,
TBool& aNewConn, TApBearerType& aBearerType);
public: // New methods
* Notifies the observer that the request is completed.
* @since 3.1
* @param aRequestHandler The request handler.
* @param aStatus The result code of the request.
* @return void.
void RequestHandlerCompletedL(CTransaction& aTrans, TInt aStatus);
* Opens a session to the given feed on the server.
* @since 3.1
* @param aFeedsServer The shared connection to the feeds server.
* @return Error/success code
IMPORT_C TInt Open(RFeedsServer& aFeedsServer);
* Closes the session.
* @since 3.1
* @return void
IMPORT_C void Close();
* Fetches the given feed. FetchFeedCompleted is called upon completion.
* The same url could appear multiple times in the feeds DB if each has different folder list ID.
* @since 3.1
* @param aUrl The url of the feed.
* @param aFolderListId The folder list ID associate with the feed.
* @param aForceUpdate When true the server will ignore the cache.
* @param aNoCache When true the server will not cache the feed.
* @return void
IMPORT_C void FetchFeedL(const TDesC& aUrl, TInt aFolderListId = 0, TBool aForceUpdate = EFalse,
TBool aNoCache = EFalse);
* Fetches the given feed -- using the feed's id. FetchFeedCompleted
* is called upon completion.
* @since 3.1
* @param aFeedId The id of the feed (from the associated CFolderItem).
* @param aForceUpdate When true the server will ignore the cache.
* @param aNoCache When true the server will not cache the feed.
* @return void
IMPORT_C void FetchFeedL(TInt aFeedId, TBool aForceUpdate = EFalse,
TBool aNoCache = EFalse);
* Request the feeds server to update the feed's item status.
* @since 3.1
* @param aItemIds The id's of the items to update.
* @param aItemStatus The new item status.
* @return void
IMPORT_C void UpdateFeedItemStatusL(const RArray<TInt>& aItemIds,
const RArray<TItemStatus>& aItemStatus, TInt aUnreadCount);
* Returns ETrue if it has an available current feed.
* @since 3.1
* @return Returns ETrue if it has an available current feed.
IMPORT_C TBool HasCurrentFeed() const;
* Once fetched, it returns the CFeed. This method panics the
* client if it is called before the feed item is available.
* @since 3.1
* @return The root CFeed.
IMPORT_C const CFeed& Feed() const;
friend class RFeedsServer;
private: // Data
MFeedObserver& iObserver;
CFeed* iFeed;
RPointerArray<CFeedRequestHandler> iActiveRequests;
TBool iPendingFetchFeed;
RFeedsServer* iFeedsServer;
* Holds information about a feed.
* \b Library: FeedsEngine.lib
* @since 3.0
class CFeed: public CBase
public: // Destructor
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C virtual ~CFeed();
public: // New methods
* Returns the feed's unique id.
* @since 3.1
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C TInt Id() const;
* Returns the feed's title.
* @since 3.0
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Title() const;
* Returns the feed's description.
* @since 3.0
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Description() const;
* Returns the feed's url.
* @since 3.0
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Url() const;
* Returns the feed's Date.
* @since 3.0
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C const TTime& Date() const;
* Returns the number of items.
* @since 3.0
* @return The number of items.
IMPORT_C TInt ItemCount(void) const;
* Returns the item at the given index
* @since 3.0
* @param aIndex The index of the item.
* @return Returns the item or NULL.
IMPORT_C const CItem& ItemAt(TInt aIndex) const;
* Returns the INITIAL status of each of the items in the feed.
* The caller can then modify the values and call RFeed::UpdateFeedItemStatusL
* to request the feeds server to update the feed's item status.
* @since 3.1
* @param aItemIds The ids of the items.
* @param aItemStatus The coresponding status of each of the items in the feed.
* @return void.
IMPORT_C void ItemStatusL(RArray<TInt>& aItemIds,
RArray<TItemStatus>& aItemStatus) const;
//#ifdef _DEBUG
* Prints the feed to the log file.
* @since 3.0
* @return void.
IMPORT_C void Debug_Print(void) const;
* Prints info about the feed.
* @since 3.0
* @param aUrl The feeds url.
* @param aFile The log file.
* @return void.
IMPORT_C void Debug_PrintInfo(const TDesC& aUrl, RFile& aFile) const;
private: // New methods
* Two-phased constructor. aPackedFeed is adopted by this method.
* Only called from RFeed.
static CFeed* NewL(CFeedsEntity* aFeedsEntity);
* C++ default constructor.
CFeed(CFeedsEntity* aFeedsEntity);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Appends the new Item to the Feed. aItem is adopted by this method.
* @since 3.0
* @param aItem The Item
* @return void.
void AddItemL(CItem* aItem);
* Sets an attribute.
* @since 3.1
* @param aAttribute The attribute.
* @param aAttributeValue The attribute value.
* @return void.
void SetAttribute(TUint aAttribute, const TPtrC& aAttributeValue);
private: // Data
TLeakTracker iLeakTracker;
CFeedsEntity* iFeedsEntity;
TInt iFeedId;
TPtrC iTitle;
TPtrC iDescription;
TPtrC iUrl;
TTime iDate;
TInt iOtherTitles;
TInt iOtherDescriptions;
TInt iOtherLinks;
RPointerArray<CItem> iItems;
public: // Friends
friend class CFeedRequestHandler;
friend class RFeed;
* Holds information about a feed's item.
* \b Library: FeedsEngine.lib
* @since 3.0
class CItem: public CBase
public: // Destructor
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C virtual ~CItem();
public: // New methods
* Returns the item's id.
* @since 3.1
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C TInt Id() const;
* Returns the item's title.
* @since 3.0
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Title() const;
* Returns the item's description.
* @since 3.0
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Description() const;
* Returns the item's url.
* @since 3.0
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Url() const;
* Returns the item's Date.
* @since 3.1
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C const TTime& Timestamp() const;
* Returns the item's status.
* @since 3.1
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C TItemStatus ItemStatus() const;
* Returns the number of enclosures.
* @since 3.1
* @return The number of items.
IMPORT_C TInt EnclosureCount(void) const;
* Returns the enclosure at the given index
* @since 3.1
* @param aIndex The index of the enclosure.
* @return The enclosure.
IMPORT_C const CEnclosure& EnclosureAt(TInt aIndex) const;
//#ifdef _DEBUG
* Prints the item to the log file.
* @since 3.0
* @return void.
IMPORT_C void Debug_Print(void) const;
private: // New methods
* Two-phased constructor.
* Only called from RFeed.
static CItem* NewL(CFeedsEntity* aFeedsEntity);
* C++ default constructor.
CItem(CFeedsEntity* aFeedsEntity);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Appends the new enclosure to the Item. aEnclosure is adopted by this method.
* Only called from RFeed.
* @since 3.1
* @param aEnclosure The enclosure
* @return void.
void AddEnclosureL(CEnclosure* aEnclosure);
* Sets an attribute.
* @since 3.1
* @param aAttribute The attribute.
* @param aAttributeValue The attribute value.
* @return void.
void SetAttribute(TUint aAttribute, const TPtrC& aAttributeValue);
private: // Data
TLeakTracker iLeakTracker;
CFeedsEntity* iFeedsEntity;
TPtrC iTitle;
TPtrC iDescription;
TPtrC iUrl;
TTime iTimestamp;
TInt iId;
TItemStatus iItemStatus;
RPointerArray<CEnclosure> iEnclosures;
public: // Friends
friend class CFeed;
* Holds information about a feed's enclosure.
* \b Library: FeedsEngine.lib
* @since 3.1
class CEnclosure: public CBase
public: // Destructor
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C virtual ~CEnclosure();
public: // New methods
* Returns the enclosure's content-type.
* @since 3.1
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C const TDesC& ContentType() const;
* Returns the enclosure's Size.
* @since 3.1
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Size() const;
* Returns the enclosure's url.
* @since 3.1
* @return The value.
IMPORT_C const TDesC& Url() const;
//#ifdef _DEBUG
* Prints the enclosure to the log file.
* @since 3.1
* @return void.
IMPORT_C void Debug_Print(void) const;
* Two-phased constructor.
* Only called from RFeed.
static CEnclosure* NewL(CFeedsEntity* aFeedsEntity);
* C++ default constructor.
CEnclosure(CFeedsEntity* aFeedsEntity);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Sets an attribute.
* @since 3.1
* @param aAttribute The attribute.
* @param aAttributeValue The attribute value.
* @return void.
void SetAttribute(TUint aAttribute, const TPtrC& aAttributeValue);
private: // Data
TLeakTracker iLeakTracker;
CFeedsEntity* iFeedsEntity;
TPtrC iContentType;
TPtrC iSize;
TPtrC iUrl;
public: // Friends
friend class CFeed;
// End of File