Created branch for release codeline RCL_1, for maintenance changes to the Symbian^2 platform
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Main transaction class for handling server client communication
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <ApEngineconsts.h>
#include "FeedsServerMsg.h"
#include "FeedsEntity.h"
#include "FeedsInterface.h"
class CIdle;
class CPackedFolder;
class CPackedFeed;
class CFeedsMap;
class CTransaction;
class RFeedsInterface;
class CFeedsEntity;
struct TFeedsServerSetting;
// Feeds Events
enum TFeedsEvent
class CTransaction : public CActive
// Data types
enum TTransactionType
ENone = 0,
// folder related
// feed related
// general client related
// Construct/Destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CTransaction* NewL(MTransactionObserver& aObserver, TInt aUniqueId,
TInt aFolderListId);
static CTransaction* NewLC(MTransactionObserver& aObserver, TInt aUniqueId,
TInt aFolderListId);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CTransaction();
// From CActive
* Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.
* @return void.
virtual void DoCancel();
* Handles an active object's request completion event.
* @return void.
virtual void RunL();
* Handles an active object's errors.
* @param aError The error.
* @return A status code.
virtual TInt RunError(TInt aError);
// New methods
* Starts an CIdle to delete the instance after the callstack has unrolled.
* @return Void
IMPORT_C void AutoDelete();
* Returns the handler's type.
* @return Void
IMPORT_C TTransactionType Type();
// New Methods
* C++ default constructor.
CTransaction(MTransactionObserver& aObserver, TInt aUniqueId,
TInt aFolderListId);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Starts the handler
* @return void
void Start();
* Called to handle the response.
* @return Void
void RequestCompletedL(TInt aStatusCode);
* Request the FeedsServer to cancel all activities that can be cancelled.
* @return void
void CancelAllL();
* Deletes the instance after the callstack has unrolled..
* @return Void
static TInt DelayedDelete(TAny* aPtr);
public: // Function from client request handler
* Print tables of database.
* @since 7.1
* @return void
void DebugPrintTables();
* Disconnect connection provided by client for manual update.
* @return void
void DisconnectManualUpdateConnection();
* Sets up a notifier to execute when the settings of given folder list changes.
* @param aFolderListId The folder-list's id.
* @return void
void WatchSettingsL();
* Handles the upating of the FeedsServer settings.
* @return void
void ChangeServerSettingsL(const TFeedsServerSetting& aNewSetting);
* Handles the fetching of the FeedsServer settings.
* @return void
void FetchServerSettingsL();
* Handles the fetching of the feeds server settings synchronously.
* @since 7.1
* @return void
void FetchServerSettingsSyncL();
* Returns the FeedsServer's settings.
* @return The settings.
IMPORT_C TFeedsServerSetting Settings();
* Sets the feed interface object
* @param aFeedInterface
* @return void
void SetFeedInterface(RFeedsInterface* aFeedInterface)
iFeedInterface = aFeedInterface;
* Returns transaction id
* @return Transaction id
IMPORT_C TInt GetId();
* Returns Status code
* @return Status code
IMPORT_C TInt GetStatusCode();
* Cancels the request
* @return Status code
IMPORT_C void CancelRequest();
//Folder related functions
* Fetch the root folder associated with the given folder list id.
* @param aFolderListId The folder-list's id.
* @return void
void FetchFolderItemL(TBool aItemTitleNeed);
* Add a new folder item.
* @param aTitle The title.
* @param aUrl The url if this is not a folder.
* @param aIsFolder Whether or not this is a folder.
* @param aParent The parent folder-item.
* @return void
void AddFolderItemL(const TDesC& aTitle, const TDesC& aUrl,
TBool aIsFolder, const CFeedsEntity& aParent, TInt aFreq);
* Change a folder item.
* @param aTitle The title.
* @param aUrl The url if this is not a folder.
* @return void
void ChangeFolderItemL(const CFeedsEntity& aFolderItem,
const TDesC& aTitle, const TDesC& aUrl, TInt aFreq);
* Delete one or more folder items.
* @param aFolderItems The list of folder items.
* @return void
void DeleteFolderItemL(const RPointerArray<const CFeedsEntity>& aFolderItems);
* Export one or more folder items.
* @param aFolderItems The list of folder items.
* @return void
void ExportFolderItemL(const RPointerArray<const CFeedsEntity>& aFolderItems,
const TDesC &aExportFileName);
* Move one or more folder items to a different parent folder.
* @param aFolderItems The list of folder items.
* @param aParent The parent.
* @return void
void MoveFolderItemsToL(const RPointerArray<const CFeedsEntity>& aFolderItems,
const CFeedsEntity& aParent);
* Move one or more folder items to a new position.
* @param aFolderItems The list of folder items.
* @param aIndex The target index.
* @return void
void MoveFolderItemsL(const RPointerArray<const CFeedsEntity>& aFolderItems,
TInt aIndex);
* Update one or more feed.
* @param aFolderItems The list of folder items.
* @return void
void UpdateFolderItemsL(
const RPointerArray<const CFeedsEntity>& aFolderItems);
* Update all of the feeds associated with the given folder list id.
* @param aFolderListId The folder-list's id.
* @return void
void UpdateFolderItemsL();
* Sets up a notifier to execute when the folder list changes.
* @param aFolderListId The folder-list's id.
* @return void
void WatchFolderListL();
* Returns the folder-item -- the caller takes ownership.
* Only returns a valid folder item after a sucessful call to FetchFolderItemL.
* @return The folder item.
CFeedsEntity* OrphanFolderItem();
* Import OPML file passed from the client.
* @param aFolderListId The folder list id to which imported feeds belong.
* @param aAutoUpdate The flag to or not to auto update the feeds with aFolderListId.
* @param aPath The OPML file path.
* @return void.
void ImportOPMLL(const TDesC& aPath, TBool aClearFolderList);
//Feed related functions
* Fetch the given feed.
* @param aUrl The url of the feed to fetch (if length equals zero then the aFeedId is used instead).
* @param aFeedId The id of the feed.
* @param aForceUpdate If ETrue the feed is always updated before returning it.
* @param aNoCache If ETrue the feed isn't placed in database after updating.
* @return void
void FetchFeedHelperL(const TDesC& aUrl, TInt aFeedId, TBool aForceUpdate,
TBool aNoCache);
* Fetch the given feed.
* @param aUrl The url of the feed to fetch.
* @param iFolderListId The folder list ID associate with the feed.
* @param aForceUpdate If ETrue the feed is always updated before returning it.
* @param aNoCache If ETrue the feed isn't placed in database after updating.
* @return void
void FetchFeedL(const TDesC& aUrl, TBool aForceUpdate, TBool aNoCache);
* Fetch the given feed.
* @param aFeedId The id of the feed.
* @param aForceUpdate If ETrue the feed is always updated before returning it.
* @param aNoCache If ETrue the feed isn't placed in database after updating.
* @return void
void FetchFeedL(TInt aFeedId, TBool aForceUpdate = EFalse, TBool aNoCache = EFalse);
* Handles the upating of a the feed's item-status.
* @param aFeedId The feed.
* @param aItemIds The id's of the items to update.
* @param aItemStatus The new status of the items.
* @return void
void UpdateItemStatusL(TInt aFeedId, const RArray<TInt>& aItemIds,
const RArray<TFeedItemStatus>& aItemStatus, TInt aUnreadCount);
* Returns the feedentity -- the caller takes ownership.
* @return The FeedsEntity.
CFeedsEntity* OrphanFeedsEntity();
* Returns Type of transaction being handled by this object
* @return TTransactionType.
IMPORT_C TTransactionType GetType();
* Extract the current settings from the servers response.
* @since 7.1
* @param aResponseBuffer The response buffer to extract the settings from.
* @return The settings.
static TFeedsServerSetting SettingsFromResponseBuffPtrL(CBufFlat& aResponseBuffer);
* returns the current settings.
* @since 7.1
* @param .
* @return The settings.
void GetSetting(TFeedsServerSetting& aSetting);
// friend class declaration.
friend class RFeedsInterface;
* Initialises iSetting by reading response buffer from server.
* @return ETrue if waiter is completed.
void SettingsFromResponseBufferL();
private: // Data members.
MTransactionObserver& iObserver;
TTransactionType iType;
CBufFlat* iRequestBuff;
TPtrC8 iRequestBuffPtr;
TInt iFolderListId; // Folderlist should be stored in transaction instead of FeedsEntity
// Data
CIdle* iAutoDelete;
TBool iNotifyOnCancel;
TInt iId;
TInt iTranStatus;
// Used to handle FetchFolderItemL/FetchFeed
TFeedsServerResponseType iServerResponseType;
TPckg<TFeedsServerResponseType> iServerResponseTypePkg;
HBufC8* iResponseBuffer;
CBufFlat* iSettingsResponseBuffer;
TPtr8 iResponsePtr;
CPacked* iPacked;
CFeedsEntity* iFeedsEntity;
TFeedsServerSetting iSetting;
// Used to handle AddFolderItemL
TInt iResponseEntryId;
TPckg<TInt> iResponseEntryIdPkg;
RFeedsInterface* iFeedInterface;
// End of File