* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of CHttpCachePostponeWriteUtilities
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <s32file.h>
class CHttpCacheEntry;
class RFileWriteStream;
class RFileReadStream;
class CHttpCacheFileWriteHandler;
class CHttpCacheHandler;
class MHttpCacheWriteSource;
* CHttpCacheEntryAsyncWriteHelper is responsible for asynchronously writing out the data from a CHttpCacheStreamEntry object.
* It is used in CHttpCacheHandler::FlushAsync() to provide the async write capability.
* At creation, it begins to write the first segment of body data. As each segment completes, the next is written.
* Once the body data is written, the headers are written and the status from the header write is returned to the observer.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CHttpCacheEntryAsyncWriteHelper) : public CActive
virtual ~CHttpCacheEntryAsyncWriteHelper();
static CHttpCacheEntryAsyncWriteHelper* NewL(MHttpCacheWriteSource* aSource, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
TInt GetResult(); // KRequestPending, or a completion code.
CHttpCacheEntryAsyncWriteHelper(TRequestStatus& aStatus, MHttpCacheWriteSource* aSource, TInt aPriority = EPriorityNormal);
virtual void DoCancel();
virtual void RunL();
void ConstructL();
void WriteNextBodyBlock();
const TRequestStatus& iSignalStatus;
MHttpCacheWriteSource* iSource;
TInt iBodyPart;
TBool iDone;
* CSegmentedHeapBuffer is a simple segmented buffer. You can add data progressively and storage will
* be automatically provided.
* When creating one of these, you provide aBufferSize which is the segment size and aCompressGranularity which is the
* multiple which is used to determine if the final block should be shrunk when Compress() is called.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSegmentedHeapBuffer) : public CBase
virtual ~CSegmentedHeapBuffer();
* aBufferSize is the size of each segment used for storage.
* aCompressGranularity is the multiple used when Compress()ing the last block.
static CSegmentedHeapBuffer * NewL(TInt aBufferSize = 32768, TInt aCompressGranularity = 4096);
* @since 5.0
* @param aRemainder [out] - returns the amount of data not consumed from aDes.
* @param aDes [in] - the data to append.
* @return void
* Add some data to the buffer.
* This function will append the data from aDes in chunks of iBufferSize.
* aRemainder will normally be zero after completion of this call, however if AppendL
* does leave, then aRemainder will tell you how many bytes from aDes have not been consumed.
* This is intended for calling code to cope in the case where the buffer cannot be extended (KErrNoMemory)
* to contain the whole descriptor. Calling code can take remedial action and know exactly how much data
* is left to handle.
void AppendL(TInt& aRemainder, const TDesC8& aDes);
* @since 5.0
* @param aSegment [in & out] - in -> the segment to address, out -> next segment.
* @return Segment data descriptor.
* Access data in the buffer.
* Simply returns descriptor giving access to the desired segment.
* Normal usage is to call with aSegment initialised to zero.
* Repeated calls with same aSegment will result in iterator behaviour.
* Do not call past number of available segments as returned by Count() - this will result in a panic from
* addressing past the end of the RPointerArray.
TPtrC8 GetSegmentData(TInt& aSegment);
* @since 5.0
* @param aSegment [in] - the segment to free.
* @return void
* Release data in the buffer.
* Frees the requested segment without changing segment numbering and order.
void ReleaseSegmentData(const TInt aSegment);
TInt Length(); // amount of data stored
TInt SpareCapacity(); // spare space in last block
TInt Count(); // number of blocks
void Compress(); // release space at end of last block.
void Reset(); // release all allocated storage
void ConstructL();
CSegmentedHeapBuffer(TInt aBufferSize, TInt aCompressGranularity);
const TInt iBufferSize;
const TInt iCompressGranularity;
RPointerArray<HBufC8> iBufferList;
virtual RFile& BodyFile() = 0;
virtual void BodyWriteInProgress() = 0;
virtual void BodyWriteComplete() = 0;
virtual CSegmentedHeapBuffer& BodyData() = 0;
// calls the given function when the preset timer expires.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CHttpCacheWriteTimeout) : public CActive
// Cancel and destroy
~CHttpCacheWriteTimeout ();
// Two-phased constructor.
static CHttpCacheWriteTimeout* NewL (const TInt aTimeout);
// Two-phased constructor.
static CHttpCacheWriteTimeout* NewLC (const TInt aTimeout);
// New functions
// Function for making the initial request
void Start(TCallBack aCallbackFn, TAny *aToken);
// C++ constructor
CHttpCacheWriteTimeout (const TInt aTimeout);
// Second-phase constructor
void ConstructL ();
// From CActive
// Handle completion
void RunL ();
// How to cancel me
void DoCancel ();
// Override to handle leaves from RunL(). Default implementation causes
// the active scheduler to panic.
TInt RunError (TInt aError);
TInt iTimeout;
RTimer iTimer; // Provides async timing service
TCallBack iCallbackFn;
TAny *iToken;
// End of File