* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <apgcli.h> // RApaLsSession
#include <contentharvesterplugin.h>
#include <widgetappdefs.rh>
#include "wrtharvesterregistryaccess.h"
class CWrtHarvesterPSNotifier;
class CWrtHarvesterPublisherObserver;
class MLiwInterface;
class CLiwGenericParamList;
class CWrtInfo;
enum TWidgetState
EActivatedState = 0,
class TWrtState
* Constructor
inline TWrtState(TUid aUid, TWidgetState aState)
iUid = aUid;
iState = aState;
TUid iUid;
TWidgetState iState;
class CWrtHarvester: public CContentHarvesterPlugin
struct SWidgetOperation
TWidgetOperations iOperation;
TUid iUid;
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CWrtHarvester* NewL( MLiwInterface* aCPSInterface );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CWrtHarvester();
// from base class
void UpdateL();
void TryLaunchNextOperationL();
* @param aContentId
* @param aTrigger
void HandlePublisherNotificationL( const TDesC& aContentId, const TDesC8& aTrigger );
*Clears the Event Queue
void ClearAllOperations();
* Queues widget operation
* @param aOperation Operation to be queued
* @param aUid Uid of the widget
void QueueOperationL( TWidgetOperations aOperation, TUid aUid );
void DialogShown(){ iDialogShown = EFalse; }
* Perform the second phase construction
void ConstructL();
* Default constructor.
* @param aCPSInterface
CWrtHarvester( MLiwInterface* aCPSInterface );
void UpdatePublishersL();
void RemoveObsoletePublishersL();
void RegisteredPublishersL( RPointerArray<HBufC>& publishers );
* @param aWrtInfo
* @return TInt
TInt RegisterPublisherL( CWrtInfo& aWrtInfo );
* @param aBundleId
void RemovePublisherAndObserverL( const TDesC& aBundleId );
* @param aBundleId
void RemoveObserver(const TDesC& aBundleId);
* @param aWrtInfo
void RequestForNotificationL( CWrtInfo& aWrtInfo );
TUid WidgetUid( TPtrC aBundleId );
* @param aInParamList
* @return TInt
TInt ExtractItemId( const CLiwGenericParamList& aInParamList );
void LaunchWidgetOperationL( SWidgetOperation aOperation );
* Check If widget Ui Process Exists
TBool CheckTaskExistsL();
* Queues widget resume operation
* @param aUid Uid of the widget
* @return void
void QueueResumeL( TUid& aUid );
* Processes online/offline event
* @param aUid Uid of the widget
* @param aOperation Online/Offline operation to be queued
* @return void
void ProcessNetworkModeL( TUid& aUid, TWidgetOperations aOperation );
* Finds widget in the widget state array which has
* the same uid and state as specified in the params
* @param aUid Uid of the widget to be found
* @param aState Widget state
* @returns the array index of the widget found
TInt FindWidget( TUid& aUid, TWidgetState aState );
* Finds widget in the widget state array which has
* the same uid as specified in the params
* @param aUid Uid of the widget to be found
* @returns the array index of the widget found
TInt FindWidget( TUid& aUid );
* Checks if the widget has network access
* @param aUid Uid of the widget to be checked
* @returns ETrue if widget has network access,
* else returns EFalse
TBool CheckNetworkAccessL( TUid& aUid );
* Prompt for Allow Platform Access
* @param aUid Uid of the widget
* @return void
void AllowPlatformAccessL( TUid& aUid );
private: // data
* Instance of CPS interface used for update with CPS.
MLiwInterface* iCPSInterface;
* Publish & Subscribe listener
* own
CWrtHarvesterPSNotifier* iWidgetUIListener;
* Publish & Subscribe listener
* own
CWrtHarvesterPSNotifier* iWidgetRegListener;
* Publish & Subscribe listener
* own
CWrtHarvesterPSNotifier* iWidgetMMCListener;
* Publish & Subscribe listener
* own
CWrtHarvesterPSNotifier* iWidgetUsbListener;
RWrtArray<CWrtHarvesterPublisherObserver> iObservers;
RWrtArray<CWrtInfo> iWidgetInfo;
RWrtArray<TWrtState> iWidgetStateArray;
WrtHarvesterRegistryAccess iRegistryAccess;
RArray<SWidgetOperation> iWidgetOperations;
RApaLsSession iApaSession;
* Resource offset
TInt iResourceFileOffset;
TInt iHSCount;
TBool iDialogShown;