* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of WebPolicyManager
#include "config.h"
#include <../bidi.h>
#include "WebPolicyManager.h"
#include "WebFrameLoaderClient.h"
#include "WebFrame.h"
#include "WebFrameView.h"
#include "WebView.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "FrameLoader.h"
#include "DocumentLoader.h"
#include "BrCtl.h"
#include "WebUtil.h"
#include "StaticObjectsContainer.h"
#include "PlugInInfoStore.h"
#include "MIMETypeRegistry.h"
#include <Uri8.h>
#include <badesca.h>
using namespace WebCore;
const char* typeTextHtml = "text/html";
const char* typeApplicationXhtml = "application/xhtml+xml";
const char* typeTextPlain = "text/plain";
const char* typeApplicationWapXhtml = "application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml";
const char* typeMultipartMixed = "multipart/mixed";
const char* typeApplicationOctetStream = "application/octet-stream";
const char* typeImageSlash = "image/";
const char* typeSvg = "svg";
_LIT(KPathBegin,"<!--framePathBegin ");
_LIT(KPathEnd," framePathEnd --!>");
_LIT8(KFileSchema, "file://");
_LIT8(KFileSchemaUnixStyle, "file:///");
WebPolicyManager::WebPolicyManager(WebFrameLoaderClient* webFrameLoaderClient) :
m_newWindowUserGesture = false;
m_newWindowTargetName = NULL;
delete m_newWindowTargetName;
void WebPolicyManager::dispatchDecidePolicyForMIMEType(WebCore::FramePolicyFunction function,
const WebCore::String& MIMEType,
const WebCore::ResourceRequest& /*request*/)
if ( m_webFrameLoaderClient->isWMLContent(MIMEType) ) {
// check for wml limitations
const Vector<CBrCtl*>& ctrls = StaticObjectsContainer::instance()->activeBrowserControls();
for (int i=0; i<ctrls.size(); ++i) {
// check non-current BrCtls to see if wml engine is loaded
// if it is then we need to ignore this url since only one BrCtl can load the wml engine
if (ctrls[i]->wmlEngineInterface() &&
ctrls[i] != control(m_webFrameLoaderClient->webFrame())) {
else if ( canShowMIMEType(MIMEType) ||
((m_webFrameLoaderClient->webFrame()->parentFrame()) && (PlugInInfoStore::supportsMIMEType(MIMEType)) &&
!(MIMEType.startsWith("audio/", false)) && !(MIMEType.startsWith("video/", false)))) {
else {
void WebPolicyManager::dispatchDecidePolicyForNewWindowAction(WebCore::FramePolicyFunction function, const WebCore::NavigationAction& action, const WebCore::ResourceRequest& request, const WebCore::String& frameName)
switch (action.type())
case NavigationTypeLinkClicked:
case NavigationTypeFormSubmitted:
case NavigationTypeBackForward:
case NavigationTypeReload:
case NavigationTypeFormResubmitted:
m_newWindowUserGesture = true;
case NavigationTypeOther:
m_newWindowUserGesture = false;
delete m_newWindowTargetName;
m_newWindowTargetName = NULL;
if (frameName.des().Length()) {
if (frameName == "_blank" || frameName == "_new") {
m_newWindowTargetName = generateFrameName();
else { // frame has a name
m_newWindowTargetName = frameName.des().Alloc();
if (m_newWindowTargetName) {
else {
void WebPolicyManager::dispatchDecidePolicyForNavigationAction(WebCore::FramePolicyFunction function, const WebCore::NavigationAction&, const WebCore::ResourceRequest& request)
// ResourceLoadDelegate does all the checks now.
void WebPolicyManager::cancelPolicyCheck()
void WebPolicyManager::dispatchUnableToImplementPolicy(const WebCore::ResourceError&)
void WebPolicyManager::dispatchWillSubmitForm(WebCore::FramePolicyFunction function, PassRefPtr<WebCore::FormState>)
WebCore::ResourceError WebPolicyManager::interruptForPolicyChangeError(const WebCore::ResourceRequest& request)
return ResourceError();
bool WebPolicyManager::canShowMIMEType(const String& MIMEType) const
bool found = false;
//RFC 2183: "Content-Disposition: attachment" means downloaded by DM
FrameLoader* frameLoader = m_webFrameLoaderClient->webFrame()->frameLoader();
if(frameLoader && frameLoader->activeDocumentLoader()) {
ResourceResponse r = frameLoader->activeDocumentLoader()->response();
if (r.isAttachment())
return found;
if (MIMEType == typeTextHtml ||
MIMEType == typeApplicationXhtml ||
MIMEType == typeApplicationWapXhtml ||
MIMEType == typeMultipartMixed) {
found = true;
//Check if the image type can be handled by the browser. If not
//forward download manager downloads the content
else if (MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedImageMIMEType(MIMEType)){
found = true;
// special case for application/octet-stream. some web servers
// are miscofigured and send application/octet-stream even for html
// page so we need to pass it to webcore as if it was text/html. however
// some binary content also comes as application/octet-stream (such as
// sisx files ). so here we che(ha)ck if the response url has .html .htm .asp
// extension. though luck for the rest. feel free to extend the list.
// some text/plain is actually not (example: cacert.org DER root certificate)
else if( MIMEType == typeTextPlain ||
MIMEType == typeApplicationOctetStream ) {
TPtrC8 url = (core(m_webFrameLoaderClient->webFrame()))->loader()->activeDocumentLoader()->responseURL().des();
//Converting TPtrC8 to TPtr8 as Delete() is supported in TPtr8.
HBufC8* lUrl = HBufC8::NewLC(url.Length());
lUrl->Des().Copy( url );
TPtr8 tempurl = lUrl->Des();
//Truncate file:// or file:///(Unix style) from the URI as the path
//file:\\c:\\...\\... is not recognised as a valid path by TUriParser
if(url.FindF(KFileSchema)!= KErrNotFound)
else if(url.FindF(KFileSchemaUnixStyle)!= KErrNotFound)
TUriParser8 parser;
if( parser.Parse(tempurl) == KErrNone ) {
TPtrC8 path = parser.Extract( EUriPath );
// path == 1 means only / (no filename)
if( path.Length() > 1 ) {
found = (path.Find(_L8(".html")) != KErrNotFound ||
path.Find(_L8(".htm")) != KErrNotFound ||
path.Find(_L8(".asp")) != KErrNotFound ||
path.Find(_L8(".php")) != KErrNotFound ||
path.Find(_L8(".jsp")) != KErrNotFound ||
path.Find(_L8(".txt")) != KErrNotFound);
// tot:fixme defaultcontenthandler is only for selfdownloadable, go through the list
return found;