* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains the definition of the Download Mgr Server.
#include "HttpDownloadManagerServerEngine.h"
#include <e32base.h>
class CHttpClientAppInstance;
class CHttpDownload;
class CDownloadSubSession;
class CDownloadMgrEventQueue;
class CDefaultAttrib;
class CDownloadMgrServer;
// panic reasons
enum TDownloadMgrSvrPanic
* Download manager server's shutdown timer.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDownloadMgrShutdown ) : public CActive
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CDownloadMgrShutdown* NewL( CDownloadMgrServer* aServer );
* Destructor.
* C++ default constructor.
CDownloadMgrShutdown( CDownloadMgrServer* aServer );
* Default Symbian 2nd phase constructor .
void ConstructL();
public: // New functions
* Starts the timer.
* @param
* @return
void Start();
private: // From CActive
* Cancels the timer.
* @param
* @return
void DoCancel();
* Handles an active object’s request completion event.
* @param
* @return
void RunL();
private: // Data
RTimer iTimer;
CDownloadMgrServer* iServer;
* Download manager server.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDownloadMgrServer ) : public CPolicyServer
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CDownloadMgrServer* NewL();
* Destructor.
* C++ default constructor.
* Default Symbian 2nd phase constructor .
void ConstructL();
public: // From CServer2
* Creates a server-side client session object.
* @param aVersion Version information supplied by the client.
* @return A pointer to the newly created server-side client session.
CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion,const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
public: // New functions
* Creates the object container.
* @param -
* @return A pointer to the newly created CObjectCon.
CObjectCon* NewContainerL();
* Removes the specified object container from this container index
* and deletes it.
* @param aCon A pointer to the object container to be removed.
* @return None.
void RemoveContainer( CObjectCon* aCon );
* Create Client App Instance owned by CDownloadMgrSession.
* @param aAppUid app uid of the cleant
* @param aGetAllPendingDownloads
* @return A pointer to the newly created CHttpClientAppInstance.
CHttpClientAppInstance* CreateNewClientAppInstanceL(
TUint32 aAppUid,
MDownloadStateObserver& aObserver,
TBool aGetAllPendingDownloads );
* Closes Client App Instance owned by CDownloadMgrSession.
* @param aAppInst client app instance
* @return None.
void CloseClientInstance( CHttpClientAppInstance* aAppInst );
* Keeps count of client sessions. Cancels shutdown timer.
* @param -
* @return None.
void IcrementSessions();
* Keeps count of client sessions. Starts shutdown timer if needed.
* @param -
* @return None.
void DecrementSessions();
* Generates and returns a unique session id
TInt NextSessionId();
* returns number of active sessions
TInt SessionsCount() {return iSessionCount;}
* Panics the server thread associated with this session.
* @param aPanic The panic number
* @return None.
static void PanicServer( TDownloadMgrSvrPanic aPanic );
* Returns the number of active download in the engine.
* @since Series 60 v2.8
* @param ?arg1 ?description
* @return ?description
TInt ActiveDownloads() const;
private: // Data
// A container for object containers
CObjectConIx* iContainerIndex; ///< Owned.
// The Download Mgr Server Engine
CHttpDownloadManagerServerEngine* iDmEngine; ///< Owned.
// The number of sessions
TInt iSessionCount;
// Shutdown timer
CDownloadMgrShutdown* iShutdown; ///< Owned.
// next unique session id
TInt iNextSessionId;
public: // Friend classes
friend class CHttpDownloadManagerServerEngine;
* This class represents the server side client app instance.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDownloadMgrSession ) :
public CSession2,
public MDownloadStateObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CDownloadMgrSession* NewL( CDownloadMgrServer* aServer );
* Destructor.
* C++ default constructor.
* Default Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL( CDownloadMgrServer* aServer) ;
public: // New functions
* Returns the subsession identified by the handle.
* @param aHandle the handle number that represents
* the subsession in the object index.
* @return None.
CDownloadSubSession* DownloadFromHandle( TUint aHandle );
* Dispatch request.
* @param aMessage The message containing the client request
* @return None.
void DispatchMessageL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Sets the current message.
* @param aMessage The message containing the client request
* @return None.
void SetCurrentMessage( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Gets the current message.
* @param -
* @return The current message.
const RMessage2& CurrentMessage() const;
* Creates a new download and subsession.
* Writes the handle of the subsession to the client's address space
* @param -
* @return None.
void NewDownloadL();
* Attach this session to the client, writes the handle of the
* current downloads to the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void DownloadMgrAttachL();
* Attach a client to an existing download (PD download)
* @param -
* @return None.
void AttachToDownloadL();
* Create a download subsession with CHttpDownload.
* @param aDownload
* @param aDefAttrib - indicates if default setting attrib is needed
* @return None.
void CreateDownloadL( CHttpDownload* aDownload, TBool aDefAttrib = EFalse );
* Attach a download subsession to the client.
* @param -
* @return None.
void DownloadAttachL();
* Delete the download subsession identified by the handle.
* @param aHandle the handle number that represents
* the subsession in the object index.
* @return None.
void DeleteDownload( TUint aHandle );
* Panics the client thread associated with this session.
* @param aPanic The panic number
* @return None.
void PanicClient( TInt aPanic ) const;
* Pauses all download.
* @param -
* @return None.
void PauseAllL();
* Starts all download.
* @param -
* @return None.
void StartAllL();
* Resets all download.
* @param -
* @return None.
void ResetAll();
* Deletes all download.
* @param -
* @return None.
void DeleteAll();
* Disconnects the instance's connection and pauses all downloads.
* @since Series 60 2.8
* @return none
void Disconnect();
* Sets the IAP to the app instance reading from the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void SetIapIdL();
* Gets the IAP from the app instace and write to the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void GetIapId();
* Copies data from an 8 bit descriptor in the server address space
* to the client thread’s address space.
* @param aParam This is a value between 0 and 3 and indicates
* which of the four arguments in the original client message
* contains the pointer to the descriptor.
* @param aMessage This is the message of which param is set.
* @param An 8 bit descriptor in the server address space.
* @return None.
void Write( TInt aParam, RMessage2 aMessage, TDesC8& aDes );
* Copies data from an 8 bit descriptor in the server address space
* to the client thread’s address space.
* @param aParam This is a value between 0 and 3 and indicates
* which of the four arguments in the original client message
* contains the pointer to the descriptor.
* @param aMessage This is the message of which param is set.
* @param A 16 bit descriptor in the server address space.
* @return None.
void Write( TInt aParam, RMessage2 aMessage, TDesC16& aDes );
* Copies data from the client thread’s address space into an 8 bit
* descriptor in the server address space.
* @param aParam This is a value between 0 and 3 and indicates
* which of the four arguments in the original client message
* contains the pointer to the descriptor.
* @param aDes An 8 bit descriptor in the server address space.
* @return None.
void Read( TInt aParam, TPtr8& aDes );
* Copies data from the client thread’s address space into an 8 bit
* descriptor in the server address space.
* @param aParam This is a value between 0 and 3 and indicates
* which of the four arguments in the original client message
* contains the pointer to the descriptor.
* @param aDes An 8 bit descriptor in the server address space.
* @return None.
void Read( TInt aParam, TPtr16& aDes );
* Creates the app instance we are representing if needed.
* @param aAppUid application uid
* @param None.
void CreateClientAppInstanceL( TUint32 aAppUid );
* Copies unique handle in the server address space
* to the client thread’s address space.
* @param aHandle the handle number that represents
* the subsession in the object index.
* @return None.
void WriteHandle( TInt aHandle );
* Initializes the session's event handler.
* @param aMessage the message which should be completed.
* @return None.
void InitSessionEvent( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Cancels the moved event handler.
* @param -
* @return None.
void CancelMovedEvent();
* Creates a new subsession with download and send event to the client.
* @param -
* @return ETrue, if event was requested and sent.
TBool CreateSubSessionAndSendEventL( CHttpDownload* aDownload,
TInt32 aDownloadState,
TInt32 aProgressState,
TInt32 aMoIndex );
* Removes download from the event queue.
* @param aDownload
* @return None.
void RemoveFromQueue( CHttpDownload* aDownload );
* Return the session Id.
* @return id of the session
TInt SessionId() const;
* Return the client app instance.
* @return client app instance
CHttpClientAppInstance* ClientAppInstance()const;
public: // from MDownloadStateObserver
* Indicates an event occoured by the download.
* @param aDownload The download object which the event occured.
* @return None.
void Event( CHttpDownload* aDownload,
THttpDownloadState aDlState,
THttpProgressState aProgState,
TInt32 aMoIndex );
* @param aDownload The download object which the event occured.
* @return None.
void SetComplete( TBool aComplete );
* Called if the event needs to be vompleted
* @param aErrorStatus Leave code or KErrNone
* @return None.
void EventComplete( TInt aErrorStatus );
* Initialize the session with the parameters got from client side.
* Write the number of the attachable downloads to the
* client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void InitializeL();
* Gets the value for a TInt attribute writing to the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void GetIntAttributeL();
* Gets the value for a TBool attribute writing to the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void GetBoolAttributeL();
* Gets the value for a string attribute writing to the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void GetStringAttributeL();
* Gets the value for a string attribute writing to the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void GetString8AttributeL();
* Sets the value for a TInt attribute reading from the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void SetIntAttributeL();
* Sets the value for a TBool attribute reading from the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void SetBoolAttributeL();
* Sets the value for a string attribute reading from the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void SetStringAttributeL();
* Sets the value for a string attribute reading from the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void SetString8AttributeL();
* Get the number of live subsessions.
* @param -
* @return None.
void GetNumberOfSubsession();
private: // from CSession
* Handles the servicing of client requests to the server..
* @param aMessage The message containing the client request.
* @return None.
void ServiceL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
private: // Data
// To the current message
RMessage2 iCurrentMessage;
// Object container for this session
CObjectCon* iObjectContainer; ///< Owned.
// Object index which stores objects (CDownloadSubSession instances)
// for this session
CObjectIx* iObjectIx; ///< Owned.
// Pointer to owning server
CDownloadMgrServer* iDownloadMgrServer; ///< NOT Owned.
// The client app instance which we are representing
CHttpClientAppInstance* iClientAppInstance; ///< Owned.
// Queue the events comes from the engine.
CDownloadMgrEventQueue* iEventQueue; ///< Owned.
// Indicates if the request may be completed
TBool iComplete;
// Used by moved event handler, the message which should be completed.
RMessage2 iEventMessage; ///< NOT Owned.
// Indicates the moved event is initialized.
TBool iEvent;
// Initialization parameters set by the client side
TBool iIsMaster;
// Unique id of the session
TInt iSessionId;
* This class represents the server side download object.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDownloadSubSession ) : public CObject
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CDownloadSubSession * NewL( CDownloadMgrSession* aSession,
CHttpDownload* aDownload );
* destructor.
* C++ default constructor.
* Default Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL( CDownloadMgrSession *aSession,
CHttpDownload* aDownload );
public: // New functions
* Closes the subsession.
* @param -
* @return None.
void CloseDownload();
* Closes the completed subsession.
* @param -
* @return None.
void CloseCompletedDownload();
* Starts the download.
* @param -
* @return None.
void StartL();
* Pauses the download.
* @param -
* @return None.
void PauseL();
* Resets the download.
* @param -
* @return None.
void Reset();
* Deletes the download.
* @param -
* @return None.
void Delete();
* Moves the downloaded content.
* @param -
* @return None.
void MoveL();
* Returns the current message - gotten from session.
* @param -
* @return RMessage2& gotten from the session.
const RMessage2& Message() const;
* Initializes the download's event handler.
* @param aMessage the message which should be completed.
* @return None.
void InitDownloadEvent( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Cancels the download's event handler.
* @param -
* @return None.
void CancelDownloadEvent();
* Indicates an event occoured by the download.
* @param aDownloadState
* @param aProgressState
* @return TBool True if the event was sent.
TBool EventL( TInt32 aDownloadState, TInt32 aProgressState, TInt32 aMoIndex );
* Called if a leave from the download is trapped
* @param aError Leave code
* @return None.
void OnError( TInt aError,
THttpDownloadMgrError aDlError = EGeneral );
* Called if the event needs to be vompleted
* @param aErrorStatus Leave code or KErrNone
* @return None.
void EventComplete( TInt aErrorStatus );
* Gets the value for a TInt attribute writing to the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void GetIntAttributeL();
* Gets the value for a TBool attribute writing to the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void GetBoolAttributeL();
* Gets the value for a string attribute writing to the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void GetStringAttributeL();
* Gets the value for a string attribute writing to the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void GetString8AttributeL();
* Gets the file handle from the download.
void GetFileHandleAttributeL();
* Sets the value for a TInt attribute reading from the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void SetIntAttributeL();
* Sets the value for a TBool attribute reading from the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void SetBoolAttributeL();
* Sets the value for a string attribute reading from the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void SetStringAttributeL();
* Sets the value for a string attribute reading from the client's address space.
* @param -
* @return None.
void SetString8AttributeL();
* Sets the file handle for the download.
void SetFileHandleAttributeL();
* Sets the download data (media info).
void SetDownloadDataAttributeL();
* Sets the media object data (track info).
void SetTrackDataAttributeL();
* Sets default attributes.
* @param -
* @return None.
void SetDefAttributesL();
* Copies data from an 8 bit descriptor in the server address space
* to the client thread’s address space.
* @param aParam This is a value between 0 and 3 and indicates
* which of the four arguments in the original client message
* contains the pointer to the descriptor.
* @param A 16 bit descriptor in the server address space.
* @return None.
void Write( TInt aParam, TDesC8& aDes );
* Copies data from an 8 bit descriptor in the server address space
* to the client thread’s address space.
* @param aParam This is a value between 0 and 3 and indicates
* which of the four arguments in the original client message
* contains the pointer to the descriptor.
* @param An 8 bit descriptor in the server address space.
* @return None.
void Write( TInt aParam, TDesC16& aDes );
* Copies data from the client thread’s address space into an 8 bit
* descriptor in the server address space.
* @param aParam This is a value between 0 and 3 and indicates
* which of the four arguments in the original client message
* contains the pointer to the descriptor.
* @param aDes A 16 bit descriptor in the server address space.
* @return None.
void Read( TInt aParam, TDes8& aDes );
* Copies data from the client thread’s address space into an 8 bit
* descriptor in the server address space.
* @param aPtr A pointer to a valid address within the client
* thread’s address space.
* @param aDes An 8 bit descriptor in the server address space.
* @return None.
void Read( TInt aParam, TDes16& aDes );
* Checks the identity of the download objects.
* @param aDownload The download object.
* @return True if the specified aDownload equals with the represented one.
TBool IsDownload( CHttpDownload* aDownload );
* Returns a pointer to the download.
* @param .
* @return CHttpDownload*.
CHttpDownload* Download();
* Returns the handle number.
* @param -
* @return TUint.
TUint Handle();
* Sets the handle number.
* @param aHandle handle number.
* @return None.
void SetHandle( TUint aHandle );
* Dispatches download message
* @since Series v2.8 Series60
* @param aMessage FThe current message.
* @return none. Leaves on error.
void DispatchMessageL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
* Buffers attributes which need when a client deletes download.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void BufferAttributesL();
* Create a package for attributes. Part of IPC optimalization.
* @param aBuffered - indicates that all the buffered attributes needs to be passed.
* @return HBufC8*.
HBufC8* CreateAttribPackL( TBool aBuffered = EFalse);
protected: // Data
// Session owning us.
CDownloadMgrSession* iSession; // NOT Owned.
private: // Data
// The download we are representing
CHttpDownload* iDownload; ///< NOT Owned.
// Used by event handler, the message which should be completed.
RMessage2 iMessage; ///< NOT Owned.
// Indicates the event is initialized.
TBool iEvent;
// Unique handle of the subsession
TUint iHandle;
CArrayPtrFlat< CDefaultAttrib >* iAttribs;
#endif /* __DOWNLOADMGR_SERVER_H__ */