Merge tags.
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Declaration of class CCodEngBase.
#ifndef COD_ENG_BASE_H
#define COD_ENG_BASE_H
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <apmrec.h>
#include <apparc.h>
#include "CodSaver.h"
#include <CodDownload.h>
class CCodData;
class CDocumentHandler;
class CEikProcess;
class MCodLoadObserver;
class CConnection;
class CHttpLoader;
class CRoapData;
class TCodProgress;
class CBodyPart;
class CAiwGenericParamList;
class CHeaderField;
class CDownloadDataClient;
class CMediaDataClient;
const TInt KMaxDriveListStrLen = KMaxDrives << 1;
/// Estimated data transfer for notify. Needed for progress.
LOCAL_D const TInt KCodNotifyTraffic = 1024;
_LIT( KDownloadFolderFormat, "%S%x\\%S\\" ); // <DRIVE> <KCodDefaultTempDir> \\ <uid> \\ <KTempFilesCodDirName>
_LIT( KCodDefaultTempDir, "\\system\\dmgr\\" );
_LIT( KDmDefaultDir, "c:\\system\\dmgr\\" );
_LIT( KInfoFilesCodDirName, "codinfo" );
_LIT( KTempFilesCodDirName, "contents" );
* COD Handler Engine Base (processing COD, fetching content, posting status).
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCodEngBase ): public CActive, public MCodSaverFactory
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C virtual ~CCodEngBase();
public: // new methods
* Process non-Unicode buffer and set data. Character set conversion is
* applied first. Character set is auto-detected if not supplied.
* Do this first before attempting anything else.
* @param aBuf Raw COD content buffer.
* @param aStatus Completes when done.
* @param aParams Parameters or NULL.
* @param aParts If descriptor is part of a multipart/related, body
* parts of the multipart/related content. NULL if not multipart.
IMPORT_C void SetL
const TDesC8& aBuf,
TRequestStatus* aStatus,
const CAiwGenericParamList* aParams,
const RPointerArray<CBodyPart>* aParts
* Return current COD.
* @return Current COD data.
IMPORT_C const CCodData& Data() const;
* Set or unset observer (pass NULL to unset).
* Panics if already set; unsetting more is allowed.
* @param aObserver Observer to set or NULL to unset.
IMPORT_C void SetObserver( MCodLoadObserver* aObserver );
* Copy data from CCodData to CDownloadDataClient.
void ConvertCodDataToDownloadDataL( CDownloadDataClient*& aDlData );
* Copy data from CCodData to CDownloadDataClient.
void ConvertMOToMediaDataL( CMediaDataClient*& aMOData, TInt aMOIndex );
* Inform DownloadMgrClntSrv about updated CodData.
void UpdateMediaInfoL();
* Inform DownloadMgrClntSrv about updated Media Object (Track).
void UpdateTrackInfoL();
* Inform DownloadMgrClntSrv about change in Type of a content.
void ContentTypeChanged();
public: // command handling
* Accept COD (download content, post status);
* @param aStatus Completes when done.
IMPORT_C void Accept( TRequestStatus* aStatus );
* Reject COD (don't download content, post status);
* @param aStatus Completes when done.
IMPORT_C void Reject( TRequestStatus* aStatus );
* Similar to Cancel, but further processing may be invoked (e.g.
* install-notify), so the request may not complete immediately.
* Please use this method (instead of Cancel) for user cancellation of
* downloads. Keep Cancel for error situations (final cleanup etc.)
IMPORT_C void Stop();
public: // checking results
* Check if downloading to removable media.
* @return ETrue if downloading to removable media.
IMPORT_C TBool RemovableMedia() const;
* Get path of saved content (or empty string).
* @return Path of saved content. Fits to KMaxFileName.
IMPORT_C TPtrC GetPath() const;
* Get type of saved content.
* @return Type of saved content.
IMPORT_C const TDataType& GetType() const;
* Get UID of handler for the saved content.
* @return Handler UID.
IMPORT_C TUid GetHandler() const;
* TODO can this be removed form API?
* Get HTTP status code of last operation. Default value 900.
* @return HTTP status code.
IMPORT_C TInt GetStatusCode() const;
* Get ROAP data (or NULL if no ROAP was involved).
* @return ROAP data. This is NULL if no ROAP was involved.
IMPORT_C const CRoapData* GetRoapData() const;
* Set attach to download for the COD (set from the DlMgr client)
* If aValue equals to ETrue it means that file is playing progressively
IMPORT_C void SetCodDlAttached(const TBool aValue);
* for Paused Download the info files are read
* Do this first before attempting anything else.
* @param aDownloadId the unique download ID
* @param aDlUid the application Uid
* @param aParams Parameters or NULL.
* @param aParts If descriptor is part of a multipart/related, body
IMPORT_C void SetL
const TInt aDownloadId,
const TUid aDlUid,
const RPointerArray<CBodyPart>* aParts
* Start the paused download
* @param aParams, parameters from Download Manager server
* @param aStatus , active object status
IMPORT_C void Start( const CAiwGenericParamList* aParams, TRequestStatus* aStatus );
* Return current COD.
* @return Current COD data.
IMPORT_C HBufC8* UpdatedDownloadDataL();
* Return stream descriptor for single media object (track).
* @return Current COD data.
IMPORT_C HBufC8* UpdatedTrackDataL(TInt& aValue);
* Get Destination file name
* @param aMOIndex media object index between 1 to 'n'
* @return NULL if index out of range
IMPORT_C TPtrC GetDestFilePath (TInt aMOIndex ) const;
* Perform Pause for COD download.
IMPORT_C void Pause();
* Returns a flag saying whether or not download is pausable
* @return void
* @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
IMPORT_C TBool Pausable();
*Returns the currently Active download
* @return Index of the currently active download
IMPORT_C TInt ActiveDownload( );
* TODO can this be removed form API?
* Get HTTP status code of last operation. Default value EFailedPermanent.
* @return HTTP status code.
IMPORT_C TCodDownloadProgress::TState GetProductStatusCode() const;
* Check if download has Preview-only rights
* @return ETrue if download is Preview-only
TBool IsDrmPreviewOnly() { return iDrmPreviewOnly; }
* Set Download descriptor for OMA 2
void SetDd2Type(TBool aIsDd2){iIsDd2 = aIsDd2;}
* Creates download info folder
* @return void
* @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
void CODDownloadInfoFolder( TDes& aFolder ) const;
* Returns the download ID
* @return DownloadID
* @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
TUint32 DownloadID();
* Updates the download file path
* @return void
* @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
void StoreFilePathsL(TPtr8& aBuf);
* Reads the download file path from info file
* @return void
* @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
void LoadFilePathsL(RFile& aInFile);
* Updates the pausability of the download
* @return void
* @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
void SetPausable(TBool aPausable);
* To indicate the download is resumed and ready for PD
* @return void
* @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
void SetResumePDAvailable();
* Returns download info file path
* @return file path
* @Added in OMA pause-resume feature
TFileName& CodDlInfoFile()
return iCodDlInfoPath;
* Set iUrl in CCodData
void SetUrlL(const TDesC& aUrl);
* Creates the info files when Cod Engine is started
void StoreInfoFilesL();
* Creates info file for product (CCodData class)
void StoreMainInfoFileL();
* Creates info file for specified media object
void StoreSubInfoFileL( const CArrayPtrFlat<CHeaderField>* aHeaders, TInt aMediaIndex );
* Loads the CodData and MediaObjectData from info files
void LoadMainInfoFileL();
* Loads the CodData from info files
void LoadInfoFilesL();
* Updates the downloaded size in media object
void UpdateDownloadedSize( TInt aSize );
* Loads the MediaObjectData from info files
void LoadSubInfoFileL( TInt aMediaIndex, CArrayPtrFlat<CHeaderField>* aHeaders );
protected: // Constructors and destructor
* Constructor.
* @param aObserver Observer.
CCodEngBase( MCodLoadObserver* aObserver );
* Second phase constructor. Leaves on failure.
* @param aProcess Host process.
void ConstructL( CEikProcess* aProcess );
protected: // from CActive
* Cancel protocol implementation.
virtual void DoCancel();
* Outstanding request completed.
virtual void RunL();
* Handle error.
* @param aError Error code.
* @return KErrNone.
virtual TInt RunError( TInt aError );
protected: // NOT from MApaEmbeddedDocObserver
* Embedded document viewing has ended.
* @param aMode Exit mode (actually unused).
void NotifyExit( MApaEmbeddedDocObserver::TExitMode aMode );
protected: // types
enum TState ///< State.
EInit, ///< Initial state (no valid data set).
ESet, ///< Setting data is requested.
EReady, ///< Initial state (valid data set).
EStartInstallRoap, ///< Installing Roap trigger from DD2
EInstallRoap, ///< RO recieved
EStartConnect, ///< Initiate connecting to network.
EConnect, ///< Connecting to network.
EStartFetch, ///< Fetching requested.
EFetch, ///< Fetching content (GET).
EStartInstall, ///< Installing content requested.
EInstall, ///< Installing content.
EStartNotify, ///< Notify requested.
ENotify, ///< Reporting status (POST).
EPause, ///< Pause state.
EMediaChange, ///<Media object change (Track Change)
EStartProductNotify, ///<Product Notify Requested
EProductNotify ///<Reporting Status (POST)
enum TNotificationStatus ///< Notification status.
ENull, ///< No notification.
ELoad, ///< Notified about loading.
ECancel, ///< Notified about cancelling.
EPaused ///< Notified about pause.
protected: // state machine parts
* Process buffer and set data.
void SetL();
* Initiate Roap installation.
void StartInstallRoapL();
* Roap installation ended.
void EndInstallRoapL();
* Initiate connecting to network.
void StartConnectL();
* Connecting to network ended.
void EndConnectL();
* Initiate fetching content.
void StartFetchL();
* Fetch ended.
void EndFetchL();
* Initiate installing received content (if any).
void StartInstallL();
* Installing ended.
void EndInstallL();
* Initiate notification.
void StartNotifyL();
* Notification ended.
void EndNotifyL();
*Change Media Object
void ChangeMediaObjectL();
* Clean up and notify parent.
void Done();
* Clean up and notify parent for case of dd2 with license tag.
void DoneDD2();
* Invoke next state asynchronously (via RunL()).
* @param aNextState Next state.
void Continue( TState aNextState );
* Complete own request status (if not already completed).
* @param aError Error code to complete with.
void SelfComplete( TInt aError );
*Initiate Notification for Product
void StartProductNotifyL();
*End Notification
void EndProductNotifyL();
protected: // validity checks
* Check data (storage space, MIME type, mandatory attributes etc.)
* Leave on any errors.
virtual void CheckDataL() = 0;
* Check device capabilities (MIME types, disk space) before download.
* Leaves with KMimeNotSupported, KErrCodInsufficientSpace
* (or system error codes).
void CapabilityCheckL();
protected: // error code / status code conversion.
* Parse data buffer.
virtual void ParseDataL() = 0;
* Get http status code from error code and state. This method contains
* the semantic interpretation of errors; e.g. failure to notify due
* to loss of service is regarded as success, etc.
* @param aError Error code.
* @param aState State.
* @return HTTP status code (to post).
virtual TInt StatusCode( TInt aError, TState aState ) const = 0;
* Get textual representation of COD notify HTTP code. This text is
* sent back as notification.
* @param aCode HTTP code, values should only be the ones returned by
* StatusCode(). Other values panic.
* @return Textual form of HTTP code.
virtual const TDesC8& StatusText( TInt aCode ) const = 0;
protected: // from MCodSaverFactory
* Create saver object.
* @param aType Data type.
* @return Saver object for this data type. Ownership not passed.
CCodSaver* CreateSaverL( const TDesC8& aType );
private: // implementation
* Set root and temp paths.
void SetPathsL();
* Reset paths.
void ResetPaths();
* Set file name based on the temp path file name from the url (for dd2)
void SetFileNameL();
* Append index to file name to avoid overwriting existing file
void SetUniqueFileNameL();
* Query the dynamic drive list.
HBufC8* QueryDynDriveListLC();
* Query the drive list from the CentRep.
void QueryDriveListL();
protected: // data
/// COD Data. Owned.
CCodData* iData;
/// COD buffer. Owned.
HBufC* iCodBuf;
/// Connection. Owned.
CConnection* iConn;
/// Http loader. Owned.
CHttpLoader* iLoader;
/// Current state.
TState iState;
/// Document handler. Owned.
CDocumentHandler* iDocHandler;
/// Observer or NULL. Not owned.
MCodLoadObserver* iObserver;
/// Saver object. Owned.
CCodSaver* iSaver;
/// Parent status.
TRequestStatus* iParentStatus;
/// ETrue when Stop is in progress.
TBool iStopInProgress;
/// Preferred IAP.
TUint32 iPreferredIap;
/// File Server session.
RFs iFs;
/// Keeping track of observer notifications.
TNotificationStatus iNotificationStatus;
/// Data type of saved content.
TDataType iType;
/// Handler app UID.
TUid iHandler;
/// Saving to FS.
TBool iFsUsed;
/// Download id
TUint32 iDownloadId;
/// App UId
TUid iAppUId;
/// COD info file path
TFileName iCodDlInfoPath;
/// Available memory has enough space to save the content
TBool iSpaceAvailOk;
/// Drive number that has enough space to save the content
TInt iAvailDriveSpace;
/// storage precedence from Cenrep
TBuf<KMaxDriveListStrLen> iDriveLettersCenRep;
/// Saving to phone memory is OK.
TBool iPhoneMemoryOk;
/// Saving to MMC is OK.
TBool iMmcOk;
/// Paths on removable media?
TBool iRemovableMedia;
/// ROAP Data. Owned.
CRoapData* iRoapData;
/// Progress or NULL. Owned.
TCodProgress* iProgress;
/// Multipart body parts or NULL. Not owned.
const RPointerArray<CBodyPart>* iParts;
/// Parameters or NULL. Not owned.
const CAiwGenericParamList* iParams;
/// download rights are Preview-only
TBool iDrmPreviewOnly;
/// ETrue if download descriptor is DD2 (OMA v2 download descriptor)
TBool iIsDd2;
/// ETrue if DD2 has license element
TBool iIsLicense;
/// ETrue if download is attached (playing progressively)
TBool iAttached;
/// HTTP code sent in install-notify.
TInt iStatusCode;
/// Resulting error code (overall result).
TInt iResult;
/// Confirms whether content type check is done
TBool iContentTypeCheck;
//True if the download is resumed after pause
TBool iResumedDownload;
#endif /* def COD_ENG_BASE_H */