Merge tags.
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Implementation of class CDdEng.
#include "DdEng.h"
#include "CodData.h"
#include "CodError.h"
#include "CodPanic.h"
#include "CodStatus.h"
#include "DdParser.h"
#include "CodLogger.h"
#include "CodSaver.h"
#include "CodUtil.h"
#include "CodDefs.h"
#include <DocumentHandler.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include <RoapDef.h>
_LIT8( KLicenseStartTag, "<license" );
_LIT8( KLicenseEndTag, "</license>" );
const TInt KElementEnd( '>' );
/// Supported DD major version (only major number needs to be checked, 1.0)
LOCAL_D const TUint32 KDdSupportedMajorVersion = 2;
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDdEng::NewL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
( CEikProcess* aProcess, MCodLoadObserver* aObserver )
CDdEng* model = new (ELeave) CDdEng( aObserver );
CleanupStack::PushL( model );
model->ConstructL( aProcess );
CleanupStack::Pop( model );
return model;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDdEng::~CDdEng()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CDdEng::~CDdEng()
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("CDdEng::~CDdEng") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDdEng::CDdEng()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CDdEng::CDdEng( MCodLoadObserver* aObserver ): CCodEngBase( aObserver )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("CDdEng::CDdEng") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDdEng::CheckDataL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDdEng::CheckDataL()
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("-> CDdEng::CheckDataL") ));
if( !iData->IsValid() )
// Syntactically OK, but mandatory attributes are missing.
User::Leave( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L("CDdEng::CheckDataL: data valid") ));
CheckVersionL( iData->Version() );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L("CDdEng::CheckDataL: version OK") ));
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("<- CDdEng::CheckDataL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDdEng::ParseDataL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDdEng::ParseDataL()
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("-> CDdEng::ParseDataL") ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCodBuf, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iData, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
TDdParser parser;
TBool isLicenseTag (EFalse);
parser.ParseL( *iCodBuf, *iData, iIsDd2, isLicenseTag );
if (isLicenseTag && iIsDd2)
iIsLicense = ETrue;
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L("CDdEng::SetL: parsed OK") ));
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("<- CDdEng::ParseDataL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDdEng::StatusCode
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDdEng::StatusCode( TInt aError, TState aState ) const
// Meaningless to fiddle with statuses after we are done.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aState <= ENotify, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
TInt code( KHttp954LoaderError );
switch( aError )
case KErrNone:
code = KHttp900Success;
case KErrNoMemory:
case KErrDiskFull:
code = KHttp910NoMemory;
case KErrCodInsufficientSpace:
code = KHttp901InsufficientMemory;
case KErrCancel:
case KErrAbort:
code = KHttp902UserCancelled;
case KErrCodInvalidDescriptor:
code = KHttp906InvalidDescriptor;
case KErrCodInvalidType:
code = KHttp907InvalidType;
case KErrCodUnsupportedVersion:
code = KHttp951InvalidDdVersion;
case KErrCodAttributeMismatch:
code = KHttp905AttributeMismatch;
case KBadMimeType:
case KMimeNotSupported:
code = aState == ESet ?
KHttp952DeviceAborted : // ESet -> COD MIME bad.
KHttp953NonAcceptableContent;// EFetch -> content MIME bad.
case KErrCodHttpLicenseFailed:
case KErrRoapGeneral:
case KErrRoapUnsupported:
case KErrRoapServer:
case KErrRoapServerFatal:
case KErrRoapDevice:
case KErrRoapInvalidDomain:
case KErrRoapDomainFull:
case KErrRoapNotRegistered:
code = KHttp957LicenseFailed;
case KErrTimedOut:
case KErrCodHttpCommsFailed:
case KErrCodHttpNoResponse:
code = KHttp903LossOfService;
case KErrCodHttpRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable:
code = KHttp909RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable;
case KErrCodHttpPreconditionFailed:
code = KHttp955PreconditionFailed;
case KErrCodHttpBadUrl:
code = KHttp954LoaderError;
return code;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDdEng::StatusText()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC8& CDdEng::StatusText( TInt aCode ) const
switch ( aCode )
case KHttp900Success: return KText900Success;
case KHttp901InsufficientMemory: return KText901InsufficientMemory;
case KHttp902UserCancelled: return KText902UserCancelled;
case KHttp903LossOfService: return KText903LossOfService;
case KHttp905AttributeMismatch: return KText905AttributeMismatch;
case KHttp906InvalidDescriptor: return KText906InvalidDescriptor;
case KHttp907InvalidType: return KText907InvalidType;
case KHttp951InvalidDdVersion: return KText951InvalidDdVersion;
case KHttp952DeviceAborted: return KText952DeviceAborted;
case KHttp953NonAcceptableContent: return KText953NonAcceptableContent;
case KHttp954LoaderError: return KText954LoaderError;
case KHttp956LicenseSuccess: return KText956LicenseSuccess;
case KHttp957LicenseFailed: return KText957LicenseFailed;
case KHttp910NoMemory: return KText910NoMemory;
case KHttp955PreconditionFailed: return KText955MediaObjectUpdated;
case KHttp970MixedStatus: return KText970MixedStatus;
case KHttp981DownloadCompletion: return KText981DownloadCompletion;
default: CodPanic( ECodInternal );
return KNullDesC8; /* NOTREACHED */
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDdEng::CheckVersionL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDdEng::CheckVersionL( const TDesC& aVersion ) const
TUint32 majorVer = 1; // If version is not specified, it defaults to 1.0.
if( aVersion.Length() )
// Version is specified, parse it to get get major version.
TLex lex( aVersion );
TReal realVer;
TInt32 intVer;
if( lex.Val( realVer ) != KErrNone )
// Could not parse version as a real number, this indicates that
// the DD-Version is some rubbish string.
User::Leave( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
User::LeaveIfError( Math::Int( intVer, realVer ) );
if( intVer < 0 )
// Negative DD-Version?
User::Leave( KErrCodInvalidDescriptor );
majorVer = STATIC_CAST( TUint32, intVer );
// For code clarity, we always check major version (even if not given and
// defaults to supported 1.0).
if( majorVer > KDdSupportedMajorVersion )
User::Leave( KErrCodUnsupportedVersion );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CDdEng::ParseLicenseL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CDdEng::ParseLicenseL()
HBufC8* descriptorBuf = CodUtil::ConvertLC( iCodBuf->Des());
TPtrC8 license;
TPtrC8 descriptor (descriptorBuf->Ptr());
TInt startTag = descriptor.Find(KLicenseStartTag); // "<license"
if (startTag != KErrNotFound)
descriptor.Set(descriptor.Right(descriptor.Length()- startTag -1));
TInt endTag = descriptor.Locate(KElementEnd); //'>'
if (endTag != KErrNotFound)
TInt licenseTagEnd = license.Find(KLicenseEndTag); // "</license"
if (licenseTagEnd != KErrNotFound)
iSaver->AppendData( license );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( descriptorBuf );