Merge tags.
* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of class CRoapSaver.
#include <RoapEng.h>
#include <roaptrigger.h>
#include "RoapSaver.h"
#include "RoapData.h"
#include "CodLoadObserver.h"
#include "CodLogger.h"
#include "CodError.h"
#include "CodPanic.h"
#include "CodProgress.h"
#include "CodData.h"
#include <AiwGenericParam.h>
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::NewL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CRoapSaver* CRoapSaver::NewL
const TDesC8& aType,
CRoapData*& aData,
TCodProgress* aProgress,
TInt aProgressBytes,
const TFileName& aTempPath,
const TFileName& aRootPath,
const TFileName& aFname
CRoapSaver* saver = new (ELeave) CRoapSaver
( aType, aData, aProgress, aProgressBytes, aTempPath, aRootPath, aFname );
CleanupStack::PushL( saver );
CleanupStack::Pop( saver );
return saver;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::~CRoapSaver()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("-> CRoapSaver::~CRoapSaver") ));
delete iEng;
delete iBuf;
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("<- CRoapSaver::~CRoapSaver") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::OpenStoreL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::OpenStoreL()
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("-> CRoapSaver::OpenStoreL") ));
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EInit, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iBuf, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
iSize = 0;
iState = EStoreOpen;
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("<- CRoapSaver::OpenStoreL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::AppendData()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CRoapSaver::AppendData( const TDesC8& aData )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, \
_L("-> CRoapSaver::AppendData (%d) bytes"), aData.Length() ));
//TODO: iState = EInstalling for dd2 __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EStoreOpen, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
TInt err = CheckMaxSize( aData.Size() );
if ( !err )
TInt needed = iSize + aData.Length();
if ( !iBuf )
iBuf = HBufC8::New( needed );
if ( !iBuf )
err = KErrNoMemory;
if ( !err && needed > iBuf->Des().MaxLength() )
HBufC8* buf = iBuf->ReAlloc( needed );
if ( buf )
iBuf = buf;
err = KErrNoMemory;
if ( !err )
iBuf->Des().Append( aData );
iSize += aData.Length();
CLOG(( EHttpLoad, 2, _L("<- CFileSaver::AppendData returns (%d)"), err ));
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::CloseStore()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::CloseStore()
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("CRoapSaver::CloseStore") ));
iState = EStoreClosed;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::CheckResponseAttributesL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::CheckResponseAttributesL( const CCodData& /*aData*/ )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("-> CRoapSaver::CheckResponseAttributesL") ));
//TODO: tmp EInstalling for dd2 __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EStoreClosed, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
#ifdef __TEST_COD_LOG
TPtrC8 mime( iType.Des8() );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L8(" MIME==<%S>, size(%d)"), &mime, iSize ));
#endif /* def __TEST_COD_LOG */
if ( !iSize )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L(" 0 bytes data") ));
User::Leave( KErrCodAttributeMismatch );
// Compare content MIME type against descriptor.
// Size is not checked, no exact match is required. Quote form spec:
// "The storage size and the execution size are dependent on the
// environment and may be different from the value of the size attribute.
// The transport size may also be different, if compression or some
// packaging format is used."
// There is a safety upper bound on the transaction size, that is already
// applied. See SetMaxSize().
// TODO (??) type not checked, ROAP Trigger is always accepted.
// if( iType != TDataType( aData.Type() ) )
// {
// CLOG(( ECodEng, 4, _L(" mismatch") ));
// User::Leave( KErrCodAttributeMismatch );
// }
iState = ERespChecked;
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("<- CRoapSaver::CheckResponseAttributesL (match)") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::InstallL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::InstallL( TRequestStatus* aStatus, const TDesC& aName, const TBool /*aAttached*/ )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("-> CRoapSaver::InstallL") ));
//TODO: __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == ERespChecked, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( aStatus, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iBuf, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
//TODO: __ASSERT_DEBUG( iType == TDataType( KOma2TriggerContentType ), \
// CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
#ifdef __TEST_COD_LOG
TPtrC8 ptr( iBuf->Des() );
CDUMP(( ECodEng, 2, _S("Trigger:"), _S(" "), \
(const TUint8*)ptr.Ptr(), ptr.Size() ));
#endif /* def __TEST_COD_LOG */
iContentName.Set( aName ); // TODO, must presist - use CodData instead?
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iEng, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
iEng = Roap::CRoapEng::NewL();
if ( iData )
iData = CRoapData::NewL();
//TODO: __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iData->iRiAlias, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
if ( iEng->Trigger().iRiAlias )
iData->iRiAlias = iEng->Trigger().iRiAlias->AllocL();
#ifdef __TEST_COD_LOG
CLOG(( ECodEng, 3, _L(" Type(%d)"), iData->iType ));
CLOG(( ECodEng, 3, _L(" ContextStatus(%d)"), iData->iContextStatus ));
CLOG(( ECodEng, 3, _L(" DomainOp(%d)"), iData->iDomainOperation ));
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iData->iContentIdList.Count(); i++ )
ptr.Set( iData->iContentIdList[i]->Des() );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 3, _L8(" ContentId #%d <%S>"), i, &ptr ));
if ( iData->iRiAlias )
ptr.Set( iData->iRiAlias->Des() );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 3, _L8(" RiAlias <%S>"), &ptr ));
CLOG(( ECodEng, 3, _L8(" RiAlias NULL") ));
#endif /* def __TEST_COD_LOG */
if ( iObserver )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 3, \
_L("CRoapSaver::StartRoapL notify RoapTriggerParsedL") ));
iObserver->RoapTriggerParsedL( *iData );
// CodHandler implements 'auto-accept' for ROAP Trigger.
// ROAP is initiated without user interaction.
iEng->AcceptL( this, aStatus );
iState = EInstalling;
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("<- CRoapSaver::InstallL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::CancelInstall()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::CancelInstall()
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("-> CRoapSaver::CancelInstall") ));
if ( iEng )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("<- CRoapSaver::CancelInstall") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::ReleaseContent()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::ReleaseContent( TFileName& aFname, TUid& aHandler )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("CRoapSaver::ReleaseContent") ));
// Note: assert EInstalling state, not EInstalled. This object never gets
// EInstalled as the request status is not ours -> it does not know
// when installing is completed.
//TODO: EStoreClose for dd2 __ASSERT_DEBUG( iState == EInstalling, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
aFname = iFname;
aHandler = iHandler;
iFname = KNullDesC;
iHandler = KNullUid;
iContentName.Set( KNullDesC );
delete iEng;
iEng = NULL;
iState = EInit;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::ReleaseFileName()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::ReleaseFileName( TFileName& /*aFname*/)
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::Cleanup()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::Cleanup( TBool /* aDeleteFile */)
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("-> CRoapSaver::Cleanup") ));
if ( iEng )
#ifdef __TEST_COD_LOG
TInt err = // ('Log-only' variable.)
#endif /* def __TEST_COD_LOG */
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L(" CRoapSaver::Cleanup err(%d)"), err ));
delete iEng;
iEng = NULL;
iContentName.Set( KNullDesC );
iState = EInit;
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("<- CRoapSaver::Cleanup") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::CRoapSaver()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC8& aType,
CRoapData*& aData,
TCodProgress* aProgress,
TInt aProgressBytes,
const TFileName& aTempPath,
const TFileName& aRootPath,
const TFileName& aFname
: CCodSaver( aType ),
iData( aData ),
iProgress( aProgress ),
iProgressBytes( aProgressBytes ),
iTempPath( aTempPath ),
iRootPath( aRootPath ),
iFname( aFname)
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("*** CRoapSaver::CRoapSaver") ));
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::ConnectionConfL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
TBool CRoapSaver::ConnectionConfL()
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("-> CRoapSaver::ConnectionConfL") ));
TBool conf( EFalse );
if ( iObserver )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 3, \
_L("CRoapSaver::ConnectionConfL notify ConnectionConfL") ));
conf = iObserver->ConfirmConnectL();
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("<- CRoapSaver::ConnectionConfL (%d)"), conf ));
return conf;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::ContactRiConfL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
TBool CRoapSaver::ContactRiConfL()
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("CRoapSaver::ContactRiConfL") ));
// CodHandler implements 'auto-accept' for ROAP Trigger.
return ETrue;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::TransIdConfL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
TBool CRoapSaver::TransIdConfL()
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("CRoapSaver::TransIdConfL") ));
return EFalse;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::RightsObjectDetailsL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::RightsObjectDetailsL
( const RPointerArray<CDRMRights>& /*aRightsList*/ )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("CRoapSaver::RightsObjectDetailsL") ));
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::ContentDownloadInfoL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::ContentDownloadInfoL
( TPath& aTempFolder, TFileName& aContentName, TInt& aMaxSize )
aTempFolder = iTempPath;
aContentName = iContentName;
aMaxSize = iMaxSize; // TODO must to be set.
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::ContentDetailsL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::ContentDetailsL
( const TDesC& aPath, const TDesC8& aType, const TUid& aAppUid )
iFname = aPath;
iType = aType;
iHandler = aAppUid;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::HandleDCFPartL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::HandleDCFPartL( const TDesC8& /*aFilename*/ )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("CRoapSaver::HandleDCFPartL") ));
// DRM Engine does not support multipart ROAP response yet.
// This method will never be called.
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::RoapProgressInfoL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::RoapProgressInfoL( const TInt aProgressInfo )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("CRoapSaver::RoapProgressInfoL (%d)"), \
aProgressInfo ));
if ( iProgress )
iProgress->SetAmountL( aProgressInfo );
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::ErrorUrlL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::ErrorUrlL( const TDesC8& /* aErrorUrl */)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CRoapSaver::PostResponseUrlL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
void CRoapSaver::PostResponseUrlL( const TDesC8& aPrUrl )
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("-> CRoapSaver::PostResponseUrlL") ));
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("aPrUrl = '%S'"), &aPrUrl ));
//Send an event to MCodLoadObserver which sends an event to DownloadMgr, which handles the
// PostResponse URL like NextUriL.
if ( iObserver )
iObserver->HandleRoapPostResponseUrlL( aPrUrl );
CLOG(( ECodEng, 2, _L("<- CRoapSaver::PostResponseUrlL") ));