Merge tags.
* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Encapsulates all the necessary information for a single page
* to be able to re-display the page.
* History Entry objects are stored on the History Stack.
#include <e32base.h>
#include "HistoryInterface.h"
//const ?type ?constant_var = ?constant;
//enum ?declaration
//typedef ?declaration
//extern ?data_type;
//?type ?function_name(?arg_list);
namespace WebCore {
class FormData;
class CFbsBitmap;
* HistoryEntry
* @lib ?library
* @since ?Series60_version
class HistoryEntry
* Two-phased constructor.
* @return HistoryEntry *
static HistoryEntry* initWithUrlAndFormData( const TPtrC8& url, const TPtrC8& requestUrl,
TPtrC& formContentType, WebCore::FormData* formData, HistoryCallback* callback, TBool wmlType);
* Overwrite the last request URL with a new one.
* The original URL is released and the new one is added.
void setRequestUrlL (const TDesC& requestUrl);
* Overwrite the last URL response with a new one.
* The original response is released and the new one is added.
void setResponseUrlL (const TDesC& responseUrl);
* Sets the new x and y coordinates
void setPosition (const TPoint& position);
* Sets the new zoom level
void setZoomLevel (int zoomLevel);
* Sets the new min zoom level
void setMinZoomLevel (int zoomLevel);
* Sets the page title
void setPageTitle (const TDesC& pageTitle);
* Set the field in focus
void setActiveBoxId (int id);
* Add a string to the list of post data
* Leaves with error code KErrNoMemory if unable to allocate memory
void addFormData (WebCore::FormData* formData);
* Set post content type
* Leaves with error code KErrNoMemory if unable to allocate memory
void setPostContentTypeL (TPtrC postContentType);
* Gets the URL Request
* @return TPtrC to the request URL
TPtrC8 requestUrl () const {return *m_requestUrl;}
* Returns a pointer to the URL response
* @return TPtrC to the response
TPtrC8 responseUrl () const { return m_responseUrl ? *m_responseUrl : KNullDesC8(); }
* Returns the x and y coordinates
* @return TPoint
TPoint position () const {return m_position;}
* Returns zoom level
* @return int
int zoomLevel () const {return m_zoomLevel;}
* Returns min zoom level
* @return int
int minZoomLevel () const {return m_minZoomLevel;}
* Returns a pointer to the page title
* @return TPtrC
TPtrC pageTitle () const {return *m_pageTitle;}
* Returns the id of the field in focus
* @return int
int activeBoxId () const {return m_activeBoxId;}
* Returns a pointer to a post data string.
* Returns null if no post data is found or if the index is out of range.
* @return TPtrC8
WebCore::FormData* formData () const { return m_formData; }
* Returns a post data content type.
* Returns null if no post data is found or if the index is out of range.
* @return TDesC
TPtrC postContentType () const {return m_postContentType ? m_postContentType->Des() : KNullDesC();}
* Sets page thumbnail
* @param aThumbnail - page thumbnail
* @return void
void storeThumbnail(const CFbsBitmap* thumbnail, const TRect& area);
* Returns page thumbnail
* @return CFbsBitmap
CFbsBitmap* thumbnail() const {return m_thumbnail;}
* Returns page thumbnail
* @return CFbsBitmap
CFbsBitmap* constructThumbnailL();
* Delets page thumbnail
* @return void
void deleteThumbnail();
* Destructor
const TTime& creationTime() const { return m_creationTime; }
* Changes the time during reload
* @return void
void touch() {m_creationTime.HomeTime();}
* Returns boolean indicator if WML content WAS at one time
* (things change and a different content type may be current on reload or back 404 error might be html)
* associated with the url stored in the history stack
* @return TBool
TBool ifWml() { return m_ifWmlMode; }
* Default constructor
/* Private Members */
private :
// URL request string
HBufC8* m_requestUrl;
// HTML string response from URL request. Used for caching the page
HBufC8* m_responseUrl;
// String containing the page title
HBufC* m_pageTitle;
// X and y coordinates of last viewing position.
TPoint m_position;
// Id of box with focus
int m_activeBoxId;
// Post body buffer
WebCore::FormData* m_formData;
//Post Content Type
HBufC* m_postContentType;
//void CWebKitBridge::SaveDocumentState(const TArray<TPtrC>& aDocumentState)
//TArray<TPtrC>* CWebKitBridge::DocumentState() const
// Number of entries allowed in the stack
int m_historyStackStackSize;
// Page thumbnail
CFbsBitmap* m_thumbnail; // owned
// The time this entry was created
TTime m_creationTime;
CBufFlat* m_thumbnailBuf; //owned
HistoryCallback* m_callback;
// true = wml; false = other stuff
TBool m_ifWmlMode;
// zoom level
int m_zoomLevel;
// min zoom level
int m_minZoomLevel;
// End of File