author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Tue, 14 Sep 2010 23:23:58 +0300
changeset 50 d96eed154187
parent 49 919f36ff910f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201034 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Implementation of CHttpCacheHandler

#include "HttpCacheHandler.h"
#include "httpcachemanager.h"
#include "HttpCacheEntry.h"
#include "HttpCacheLookupTable.h"
#include "HttpCacheStreamHandler.h"
#include "HttpCacheUtil.h"
#include "HttpCacheEvictionHandler.h"
#include "HttpCacheObserver.h"
#include "HttpCacheFileWriteHandler.h"
#include <http/RHTTPTransaction.h>
#include <http/rhttpsession.h>
#include <http/rhttpheaders.h>
#include <HttpStringConstants.h>
#include <httperr.h>
#include <s32file.h>
#include <s32mem.h>
#include <brctldefs.h>









// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
void PanicCacheHandler(
    TInt aError)
    _LIT(KCachePanic, "cacheHandler Panic");

    User::Panic( KCachePanic, aError );

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    iEnabled = ETrue;               // Postpone enabled always
    iFreeRamThreshold = 6*1024*1024;    // 6MB free required
    iImmediateWriteThreshold = 0;   // Items below this size always written immediately
    iWriteTimeout = 30000000;        // 45s timeout

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::CHttpCacheHandler
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHttpCacheHandler::CHttpCacheHandler( TInt aSize )
    : iSize( aSize )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::ConstructL(
    const TDesC& aDirectory,
    const TDesC& aIndexFile,
    TInt aCriticalLevel,
    const THttpCachePostponeParameters& aPostpone)
    iIndexFile = aIndexFile.AllocL();
    iDirectory = aDirectory.AllocL();
    //1. Set up top-level cache directory if it doesn't exist.
    TEntry entry;
    TInt err( KErrNone );
    if ( iRfs.Entry(iDirectory->Des(), entry) != KErrNone )
        err = iRfs.MkDirAll( iDirectory->Des() );

    //2. Create subdirectories to store header/body files
    if ( err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists ) { //harmless errors

        __ASSERT_DEBUG ( (iDirectory->Des().LocateReverse( KPathDelimiter ) == (iDirectory->Des().Length() - 1)),
                PanicCacheHandler( KErrCorrupt ) ); // We assume that iDirectory is terminated by a forward slash

        HBufC* subDir = HBufC::NewL(KMaxPath); // Base cache dir + subdir name + another delimiter
        for ( TUint i = 0; i < KCacheSubdirCount; i++ )
            TPtrC ptr ( iDirectory->Des() );
            subDir->Des().Format( KFormat, &ptr, i, KPathDelimiter );
            TInt err2 = iRfs.MkDir( subDir->Des() );
            __ASSERT_DEBUG ( (err2 == KErrNone || err2 == KErrAlreadyExists), PanicCacheHandler( err2 ) );
        delete subDir;
        //end cache dir + subdir creation
    } else {

    // set path for the entries
    iRfs.SetSessionPath( aDirectory );
    iEvictionHandler = CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::NewL();
    iStreamHandler = CHttpCacheStreamHandler::NewL( iDirectory->Des(), aCriticalLevel, iRfs );
    if ( aPostpone.iEnabled )
        iPostponeHandler = CHttpCacheFileWriteHandler::NewL(this, iStreamHandler, iRfs, aPostpone);
    iLookupTable = CHttpCacheLookupTable::NewL( *iEvictionHandler, *iStreamHandler );
    TRAP( err, OpenLookupTableL() );
    if ( err != KErrNone )
        // failed to open the lookup table, delete the old one and start again.
        delete iLookupTable;
        iLookupTable = NULL;
        iLookupTable = CHttpCacheLookupTable::NewL( *iEvictionHandler, *iStreamHandler );
    iHttpCacheObserver = CHttpCacheObserver::NewL(iDirectory, iIndexFile, this);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHttpCacheHandler* CHttpCacheHandler::NewL(
    TInt aSize,
    const TDesC& aDirectory,
    const TDesC& aIndexFile,
    TInt aCriticalLevel,
    const THttpCachePostponeParameters& aPostpone)
    CHttpCacheHandler* self = new( ELeave ) CHttpCacheHandler( aSize );

    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    self->ConstructL( aDirectory, aIndexFile, aCriticalLevel, aPostpone );

    return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TRAP_IGNORE( SaveLookupTableL() );

    TRAPD( err, SaveLookupTableL() );
    if ( err == KErrNone && iIndexFile )
        TFileName validateFile;
        GenerateValidationFilename(validateFile, iIndexFile->Des());
        // we saved the index successfully, remove the validate file marker
    delete iHttpCacheObserver;
    // must delete before eviction handler
    delete iPostponeHandler;
    if ( iEvictionHandler )
    delete iLookupTable;
    delete iEvictionHandler;
    delete iStreamHandler;
    delete iDirectory;
    delete iIndexFile;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::RequestL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHttpCacheHandler::RequestL(
    RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
    TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlCacheMode aCacheMode,
    THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "request item" ), aTrans.Request().URI().UriDes() );
    TInt status( KErrNotFound );
    CHttpCacheEntry* entry = NULL;
    // 0. check if we need to check cache at all (protected vs no cache mode)
    // 1. check if the url is in the cache
    // 2. check if it is complete
    // 3. see if it is useable

    // use protected item on reload
    // currently not and do not use cache for post
    if ( aCacheMode != TBrCtlDefs::ECacheModeNoCache &&
         HttpCacheUtil::MethodFromStr( aTrans.Request().Method(), aTrans.Session().StringPool() ) != EMethodPost )
        // If the cacheMode is noCache then it must ignore the cached entry.
        entry = iLookupTable->Find( aTrans.Request().URI().UriDes() );

        // check if the trailing slash is missing
        if ( !entry )
            TUriC8 uri = aTrans.Request().URI();

            if ( uri.Extract( EUriPath ).Length() == 0 )
                CUri8* fixeduri = CUri8::NewLC( uri );
                fixeduri->SetComponentL( _L8("/"), EUriPath );
                entry = iLookupTable->Find( fixeduri->Uri().UriDes() );
                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fixeduri
        if ( entry && entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
            HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "item is in the cache" ) );
            status = CacheNeedsValidationL( *entry, aTrans, aCacheMode ) ? KErrNotReady : KErrNone;
            // entry could be invalidated at this point. check for status to make sure
            // the entry is still valid

        // prepare stream for request
        if ( status == KErrNone )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
            HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "prepare item for sending" ) );
            // access the entry
            entry->SetState( CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheRequesting );
        // cleanup
        if ( status == KErrNone && entry )
            // save handler and entry so that
            // on next call we don't have to start a lookup again
            aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler = this;
            aCacheEntry.iCacheEntry = entry;
            // cleanup response headers
            // response is not in the cache, so remove all the response header fields
            // set by cache handler
            RHTTPHeaders responseHeaders = aTrans.Response().GetHeaderCollection();
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "reload or post: do not use cache" ) );

    if ( status != KErrNone && entry )
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "item needs validation" ) );

    if ( !entry )
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "item is not in the cache" ) );
#endif // __CACHELOG__

    return status;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::RequestHeadersL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHttpCacheHandler::RequestHeadersL(
    RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
    THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "request http headers" ), aTrans.Request().URI().UriDes() );
    TInt status( KErrNotFound );
    CHttpCacheEntry* entry = aCacheEntry.iCacheEntry;
    if ( entry && entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheRequesting )
        // response headers should already have all the headers
        // as RequestL call adds them all.
        // no need to do much here
        // get header from file
        status = KErrNone;
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "sending http headers" ) );
    return status;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::RequestNextChunkL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CHttpCacheHandler::RequestNextChunkL(
    RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
    TBool& aLastChunk,
    THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
    (void)aTrans; //suppress compiler and PC-lint warnings
    HBufC8* bodyStr = NULL;
    CHttpCacheEntry* entry = aCacheEntry.iCacheEntry;
    if ( entry && entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheRequesting )
        // get next chunk
        bodyStr = iStreamHandler->NextChunkL( *entry, aLastChunk );
    return bodyStr;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::RequestClosed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::RequestClosed(
    RHTTPTransaction* aTrans,
    THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
    if ( aTrans )
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "CHttpCacheHandler::RequestClosed on url =" ), aTrans->Request().URI().UriDes() );

    // Fine, make sure transaction is moved to the complete list
    CHttpCacheEntry* entry = aCacheEntry.iCacheEntry;

    if ( entry )
        // normal close on a request - when the content is loaded from the cache
        if ( entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheRequesting )
            entry->SetState( CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete );
        // transaction is closed without being completed
        else if ( entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheResponding ||
                  entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheDestroyed )
            // remove uncompleted/destroyed entry
            DeleteCacheEntry( *entry );
            entry = NULL;
            aCacheEntry.iCacheEntry = NULL;
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
            HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "CHttpCacheHandler::RequestClosed - uncompleted entry" ) );
        else if ( entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete )
            // normal close on the request - when the content is saved to the cache
            // ResponseComplete has already been called
            // check if the stream is released
            // __ASSERT_DEBUG( !entry->CacheFilesOpened() ) , PanicCacheHandler( KErrCorrupt ) );
            __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse , PanicCacheHandler( KErrCorrupt ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::AdjustResponseTime
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CHttpCacheHandler::AdjustResponseTime(RHTTPTransaction& aTrans)
    RStringF fieldName;
    THTTPHdrVal dateValue;
    TDateTime date;
    TTime now;
    TInt err;
    TTime serverResponseTime;
    RHTTPHeaders respHeaders = aTrans.Response().GetHeaderCollection();
    RStringPool strP = aTrans.Session().StringPool();

    // Get the current time. All internet dates are GMT


    // Get the date from the headers. Compare this with the response
    // GMT time. If the server time is wrong then adjust the time here.

    fieldName = strP.StringF( HTTP::EDate, RHTTPSession::GetTable() );
    err = respHeaders.GetField( fieldName, 0, dateValue );
    if( err == KErrNotFound || dateValue.Type() != THTTPHdrVal::KDateVal )
        serverResponseTime = 0;
        serverResponseTime = TTime( dateValue.DateTime() );

    // Implies some thing wrong with with origin server time.

    if ( now < serverResponseTime )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "Response time is less than GMT time" ) );
        // Remove the field first. It is must otherwise raw field
        // data is not modified. The cache data is written from the
        // raw field data.
        if( respHeaders.RemoveField(fieldName) == KErrNone )
            dateValue.SetDateTime( now.DateTime() );
            TRAP_IGNORE( respHeaders.SetFieldL( fieldName, dateValue ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseHeadersL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseHeadersL(
    RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
    THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("---> CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseHeadersL"), 0);
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseHeadersL - received http headers" ), aTrans.Request().URI().UriDes() );

    TBool protectedEntry( EFalse );
    // check if the item is cacheable
    // no item should be bigger than the 1/3 of the cache size
    if ( HttpCacheUtil::IsCacheable( aTrans, ( iSize / 3 ), protectedEntry ) )
        // check if the entry is already in the cache
        CHttpCacheEntry* entry = iLookupTable->Find( aTrans.Request().URI().UriDes() );
        if ( entry )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
            HttpCacheUtil::WriteLogFilenameAndUrl( 0,
                                       ELogEntrySize );

            if ( entry->State() != CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete )
                // multiple incoming entries doh.
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
                HttpCacheUtil::WriteLogFilenameAndUrl( 0,
                                       _L("CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseHeadersL - ERROR MULTIPLE requests"),
                                       ELogEntrySize );
                // ignore this one and the first will proceed.
                entry = NULL;
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
            HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseHeadersL - create new cache item" ) );
            //Check adjustment of response time is required or not.
            AdjustResponseTime( aTrans );
            // hash it
            entry = iLookupTable->InsertL( aTrans.Request().URI().UriDes() );
            if ( entry )
                // protect this entry
                if ( protectedEntry )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
                    HttpCacheUtil::WriteLogFilenameAndUrl( 0,
                                       _L("CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseHeadersL - this is protected item"),
                                       ELogEntrySize );
                    RHTTPHeaders responseHeaders = aTrans.Response().GetHeaderCollection();
                    RStringPool strP = aTrans.Session().StringPool();

                    // double expiration time
                    HttpCacheUtil::AdjustExpirationTimeL( responseHeaders, strP );
                // no luck with the lookuptable
                __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, PanicCacheHandler( KErrCorrupt ) );

        // save headers
        if ( entry )
            entry->SetState( CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheResponding );
            // 1. handle only 304 and 200
            // 2. check if either the header or the body ( or both ) need to be updated
            // 3. update the headers anyway in case of notmodified (304)
            // 4. remove the old body in case of bodyupdate
            TInt httpStatus( aTrans.Response().StatusCode() );

#ifdef __CACHELOG__
            HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0,  _L("CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseHeadersL - status code ="), httpStatus );
            TBool ok( EFalse );
            if ( httpStatus == HTTPStatus::EOk )
                ok = HandleResponseOkL( *entry, aTrans );
            else if ( httpStatus == HTTPStatus::ENotModified )
                ok = HandleResponseNotModifiedL( *entry, aTrans );

            // entry could be corrupted at this point
            if ( ok )
                // save handler and entry so that
                // on next call we don't have to start a lookup again
                aCacheEntry.iCacheHandler = this;
                aCacheEntry.iCacheEntry = entry;
                DeleteCacheEntry( *entry );
                entry = NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseBodyDataL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseBodyDataL(
    RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
    MHTTPDataSupplier& aBodyDataSupplier,
    THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseBodyDataL - received body from url =" ), aTrans.Request().URI().UriDes() );

    // 1. check if we are caching this resource
    // 2. update the body data
    CHttpCacheEntry* entry = aCacheEntry.iCacheEntry;

    if ( entry && entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheResponding )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("---> CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseBodyDataL"), entry->BodySize() );
        HBufC8* bodyStr = HttpCacheUtil::BodyToBufferL( aBodyDataSupplier );
        if( bodyStr )
            // Do we have old body data to remove first
            if ( entry->BodyFileDeleteNeeded() ) {
                iStreamHandler->RemoveBodyData( *entry );
                entry->SetBodyFileDeleteNeeded( EFalse );

            // erase entry if we are unable to save it (low disk space)
            if ( !SaveBuffer( *entry, bodyStr->Des(), ETrue ) )
                // erase it
                DeleteCacheEntry( *entry );
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
                HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseBodyDataL - body cannot be saved" ) );
                entry = NULL;
                // remove entry
                aCacheEntry.iCacheEntry = NULL;
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
                HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "CHttpCacheHandler::ReceivedResponseBodyDataL - body is saved" ) );
#endif // __CACHELOG__
            delete bodyStr;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::ResponseComplete
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::ResponseComplete(
    RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
    THttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry )
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "response complete" ), aTrans.Request().URI().UriDes() );
    // 1. check if we are caching this resource
    // 2. mark the entry as complete
    CHttpCacheEntry* entry = aCacheEntry.iCacheEntry;

    if ( entry )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("---> CHttpCacheHandler::ResponseComplete"), entry->BodySize() );
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLogFilenameAndUrl( 0,
                                           ELogEntrySize );

        if ( entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheResponding )
            TBool postponed( EFalse );
            // flush the entry if necessary
            if ( iPostponeHandler )
                CHttpCacheFileWriteHandler::TAddStatus addStatus;
                TInt err = iPostponeHandler->AddEntry( addStatus, entry );

                switch ( addStatus )
                    case CHttpCacheFileWriteHandler::EAddedOk:
                        entry->SetState( CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete );
                        postponed = ETrue;
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
                        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("  Added object to postpone list."));
                    case CHttpCacheFileWriteHandler::EBodySmallerThanThreshold:
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
                        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("  Not postponed. EBodySmallerThanThreshold"));
                    case CHttpCacheFileWriteHandler::ENotEnoughFreeMemory:
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
                        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("  Not postponed. ENotEnoughFreeMemory"));
                    case CHttpCacheFileWriteHandler::ECheckReturn:
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
                        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L("  Not postponed. ECheckReturn - %d"), err );

            if ( !postponed )
                if ( !iStreamHandler->Flush( *entry ) )
                    // remove entry
                    DeleteCacheEntry( *entry );
                    entry = NULL;
                    aCacheEntry.iCacheEntry = NULL;
                    // We successfully saved (flushed) body
                    entry->SetState( CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete );
        else if ( entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheDestroyed )
            DeleteCacheEntry( *entry, EFalse );
            entry = NULL;
            aCacheEntry.iCacheEntry = NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Removes all entries in the Cache lookup table, commits table to disk.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHttpCacheHandler::RemoveAllL()
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "remove all items" ) );
    TInt numberOfBytes;

    // by definition, all entries in the postpone handler aren't active.
    if ( iPostponeHandler )

    // clear all the inactive entries
    numberOfBytes = iLookupTable->RemoveAll();

    // and save it. user initiated. no need to do idle save
    return numberOfBytes;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::ListFiles
// Adds all filenames known to this Cache to aFilenameList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHttpCacheHandler::ListFiles(RPointerArray<TDesC>& aFilenameList)
    return iLookupTable->ListFiles(aFilenameList);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::RemoveL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHttpCacheHandler::RemoveL( const TDesC8& aUrl )
    TInt status( KErrNotFound );
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "remove item:" ), aUrl );
    CHttpCacheEntry* entry = iLookupTable->Find( aUrl );

    if ( entry )
        if ( entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete )
            // Delete from lookup table
            status = iLookupTable->Remove( aUrl );
            // Mark it as deleted and erase it when the
            // trans is complete
            entry->SetState( CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheDestroyed );
            status = KErrNone;
    return status;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::Find
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHttpCacheHandler::Find( const TDesC8& aUrl )
    // find
    CHttpCacheEntry* entry = iLookupTable->Find( aUrl );
    return ( entry ? ( entry->State() == CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete ) : EFalse );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::SaveL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHttpCacheHandler::SaveL(
    const TDesC8& aUrl,
    const TDesC8& aHeader,
    const TDesC8& aContent )
    TBool saved( EFalse );
    // check if entry exist. do not overwrite.
    CHttpCacheEntry* entry = iLookupTable->Find( aUrl );
    if ( !entry )
        entry = iLookupTable->InsertL( aUrl );
        // prepare for saving
        if ( entry )
            // save header and body
            saved = SaveBuffer( *entry, aHeader, EFalse ) && SaveBuffer( *entry, aContent, ETrue );
            if ( saved )
                // flush
                saved = iStreamHandler->Flush( *entry );
                if ( saved )
                    entry->SetState( CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete );
        // cleanup
        if ( !saved && entry )
            DeleteCacheEntry( *entry );
    return saved;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::AddHeaderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHttpCacheHandler::AddHeaderL(
    const TDesC8& aUrl,
    const TDesC8& aName,
    const TDesC8& aValue )
    TInt status( KErrNotFound );
    CHttpCacheEntry* entry = iLookupTable->Find( aUrl );
    if ( entry )
        // get headers
        HBufC8* headersStr = iStreamHandler->HeadersL( *entry );
        if ( headersStr )
            CleanupStack::PushL( headersStr );
            // alter headers and save them
            HBufC8* newHeaderStr = HttpCacheUtil::AddHeaderLC( aName, aValue, headersStr->Des() );
            if ( newHeaderStr )
                // remove old headers first
                iStreamHandler->RemoveHeaders( *entry );
                // save new headers
                if ( !SaveBuffer( *entry, newHeaderStr->Des(), EFalse ) )
                    status = KErrDirFull;
                    // failed. should we save the original headers?
                    TBool saveOk( SaveBuffer( *entry, headersStr->Des(), EFalse ) );
                    // original save should never fail
                    __ASSERT_DEBUG( saveOk, PanicCacheHandler( KErrCorrupt ) );

                    if ( !saveOk )
                        // sorry, we made this entry corrupt. remove it
                        DeleteCacheEntry( *entry );
                        entry = NULL;
                    status = KErrNone;
                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // newHeaderStr
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // headersStr
    return status;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::CacheNeedsValidationL
// Note: This function check if cache needs validation
//       Delete cache entry from this function is too early, should avoid it
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHttpCacheHandler::CacheNeedsValidationL(
    CHttpCacheEntry& aCacheEntry,
    RHTTPTransaction& aTrans,
    TBrCtlDefs::TBrCtlCacheMode aCacheMode )
    // The entry isn't useable unless otherwise stated
    TBool mustRevalidate( ETrue );

    // If the cacheMode is PreferCache then it must use it even if it
    // is expired, etc.  This is typically used during history navigation.
    // Note: Cache also set the cacheMode to PreferCache after a resource has
    //       been validated -- that is when it tries to refetch an entry from
    //       cache after receiving a 304 response.
    // get cached headers
    HBufC8* headersStr = iStreamHandler->HeadersL( aCacheEntry );
    CleanupStack::PushL( headersStr );
    // headersStr == NULL happens if you erase the cache directory
    // using a file manager
    if ( headersStr )
        // use response headers for retreiving cached headers
        RHTTPHeaders responseHeaders = aTrans.Response().GetHeaderCollection();
        RHTTPHeaders requestHeaders = aTrans.Request().GetHeaderCollection();
        RStringPool strP = aTrans.Session().StringPool();
        // convert the buffer to httpHeader
        HttpCacheUtil::BufferToHeadersL( headersStr->Des(), responseHeaders, strP );

        // check if we need to validate the cahce
        if ( aCacheMode == TBrCtlDefs::ECacheModeOnlyCache || aCacheMode == TBrCtlDefs::ECacheModeHistory  )
            // no validation required
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
            HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "prefer cache mode. no need to revalidate" ), aCacheMode );
            mustRevalidate = EFalse;
            // Get the pragma no-cache header from the headers
            // no-cache on request header means "do not use cache"
            if ( !HttpCacheUtil::PragmaNoCache( aTrans ) )
                if ( !HttpCacheUtil::CacheTimeIsFresh( requestHeaders, responseHeaders, strP  ) )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
                    HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "cache item is not fresh. needs revalidation" ) );
                    // Avoid removing cache entry here
                    mustRevalidate = ETrue;
                    // add headers like EIfModifiedSince, EETag, EIfNoneMatch
                    HttpCacheUtil::AddValidationHeaders( responseHeaders, requestHeaders, strP );
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
                    HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "cache item is fresh. needs no revalidation" ) );
                    mustRevalidate = EFalse;
                // needs validation
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
                HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "no cache/no store header present. need revalidation" ) );
                mustRevalidate = ETrue;
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // headersStr

    return mustRevalidate;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::CacheNeedsSpaceL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHttpCacheHandler::CacheNeedsSpaceL( TInt aSize )
    TBool ok( ETrue );
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "the cache is this big" ), iSize );
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "we occupy" ), iStreamHandler->SavedContentSize()  );
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "this item needs space:" ), aSize );
#endif // __CACHELOG__

    // check if we need extra space
    if ( iStreamHandler->SavedContentSize() + aSize > iSize )

#ifdef __CACHELOG__
        // items in the cache
        TInt size( 0 );
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "cached items" ) );

        const CArrayPtrFlat<CHttpCacheEntry>& entries = iLookupTable->Entries();
        for ( TInt i = 0; i < entries.Count(); i++ )
            CHttpCacheEntry* entry = entries.At( i );
            if ( entry && entry != (CHttpCacheEntry*)0xffffffff )
                HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, entry->Url(), entry->BodySize() );
                size += entry->BodySize();
                size += entry->HeaderSize();
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "occupy with headers:" ), size );
#endif // __CACHELOG__

        CArrayPtrFlat<CHttpCacheEntry>* evictedList = iEvictionHandler->EvictL( aSize );
        if ( evictedList && evictedList->Count() )
            // destroy items
            CHttpCacheEntry* entry;
            for ( TInt i = 0; i < evictedList->Count(); i++ )
                entry = evictedList->At( i );
                if ( entry )
                    if ( iPostponeHandler )
                        iPostponeHandler->RemoveEntry( entry );

                    // when an item is destroyed, it will attempt to remove itself from the lookup table which will fail and panic
                    // because EvictL already removed it.
                    // In this scenario, we need to tell the item that it's no longer a candidate to prevent that.
                    // we don't want to make lookuptable::remove do that though, because this only applies when we are removing
                    // an item because of eviction and NOT for any other reason.

                    // destroy
                    iLookupTable->Remove( entry->Url() );

            // ok = ETrue if there is enough space
            ok = ( iStreamHandler->SavedContentSize() + aSize < iSize );
            // interesting...nobody can be evicted...
            // they are all protected entries?
            // or the incoming -not yet complete- items take the entire cache?
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
            HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "NO SPACE can be released!!!" ) );
            ok = EFalse;
        delete evictedList;
    return ok;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::HandleResponseOkL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHttpCacheHandler::HandleResponseOkL(
    CHttpCacheEntry& aEntry,
    RHTTPTransaction& aTrans )
    TBool saveOk( ETrue );
    RHTTPHeaders responseHeader = aTrans.Response().GetHeaderCollection();
    RStringPool strP = aTrans.Session().StringPool();
    HBufC8* responseHeaderStr = HttpCacheUtil::HeadersToBufferLC( responseHeader, strP );

    TBool update( ETrue );
    // get cached headers to compare
    HBufC8* cachedHeaderStr = iStreamHandler->HeadersL( aEntry );

    // we've got some headers to update, check if we really need to update them
    if ( cachedHeaderStr )
        CleanupStack::PushL( cachedHeaderStr );

        update = HttpCacheUtil::CacheNeedsUpdateL( responseHeader, cachedHeaderStr->Des(), strP );

        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // cachedHeaderStr

    if ( update )
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLogFilenameAndUrl( 0,
                                       _L("CHttpCacheHandler::HandleResponseOkL - cache UPDATE needed"),
                                       ELogEntrySize );
        if ( aEntry.HeaderSize() )
            // remove headers from headerFile first
            iStreamHandler->RemoveHeaders( aEntry );

        // save new headerFile
        saveOk = SaveBuffer( aEntry, responseHeaderStr->Des() );

        if ( aEntry.BodySize() )
            // We will remove this body data, after we confirm that we get new
            // body data
            aEntry.SetBodyFileDeleteNeeded( ETrue );
        // neither the header nor the body need to be updated
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "CHttpCacheHandler::HandleResponseOkL - no update needed, ignore response" ) );
        aEntry.SetState( CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete );
        // pretend that save was ok.
        saveOk = ETrue;

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // responseHeaderStr

    // destroy corrupt entry by returning EFalse
    return saveOk;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::HandleResponseNotModifiedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHttpCacheHandler::HandleResponseNotModifiedL(
    CHttpCacheEntry& aEntry,
    RHTTPTransaction& aTrans )
    // Are we out of space ?
    TBool saveOk( ETrue );
    RHTTPHeaders responseHeader = aTrans.Response().GetHeaderCollection();
    RStringPool strP = aTrans.Session().StringPool();
    HBufC8* responseHeaderStr = HttpCacheUtil::HeadersToBufferLC( responseHeader, strP );
    // If a cache uses a received 304 response to update a cache entry,
    // the cache MUST update the entry to reflect any new field values given in the response.
    HBufC8* mergedHeadersStr = NULL;
    HBufC8* cachedHeaderStr = iStreamHandler->HeadersL( aEntry );
    CleanupStack::PushL( cachedHeaderStr );

    // don't merge with empty headers
    if ( cachedHeaderStr )
        mergedHeadersStr = HttpCacheUtil::MergeHeadersLC( cachedHeaderStr->Des(), responseHeader, strP );
        CleanupStack::Pop(); // mergedHeadersStr
    // don't update empty headers
    if ( mergedHeadersStr || responseHeaderStr )
        // remove cached headers first
        iStreamHandler->RemoveHeaders( aEntry );
        // save merged headers  (reponse + cached)
        if ( mergedHeadersStr )
            saveOk = SaveBuffer( aEntry, mergedHeadersStr->Des() );
        else if ( responseHeaderStr )
            // save responseheader instead
            saveOk = SaveBuffer( aEntry, responseHeaderStr->Des() );
        // if save failed, let's see if we can save old
        // headers
        if ( !saveOk && cachedHeaderStr )
            saveOk = SaveBuffer( aEntry, cachedHeaderStr->Des() );
    // do not remove the body as it was not modified
    delete mergedHeadersStr;
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // cachedHeaderStr, responseHeaderStr
    // check if save was ok.
    // or nothing was not saved at all
    if ( saveOk )
        // this item does not need update
        aEntry.SetState( CHttpCacheEntry::ECacheComplete );
        //iStreamHandler->Detach( aEntry );

    return saveOk;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::OpenLookupTableL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::OpenLookupTableL()
    OpenLookupTableL( iLookupTable );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::OpenLookupTableL
// Opens the index*.dat lookup table from file system.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::OpenLookupTableL(CHttpCacheLookupTable* aLookupTable)
#if 0
    // read entries from index.dat
    RFileReadStream readStream;

    iRfs.SetSessionPath( iDirectory->Des() );

    TInt ret = KErrNone;
    TInt tryCount = 0;
    for (tryCount = 0; tryCount < 5; tryCount++)
        ret = readStream.Open( iRfs, iIndexFile->Des(), EFileRead | EFileShareAny );
        if (ret == KErrInUse)
            // When the cache is full, it takes 65 - 85 miliseconds to write the index.
            // So wait 50 miliseconds and try again
    if( ret == KErrNone )
        CleanupClosePushL( readStream );
        aLookupTable->InternalizeL( readStream, iDirectory->Des() );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // readStream
    RFile readFile;
    iRfs.SetSessionPath( iDirectory->Des() );

    TInt ret = KErrNone;
    TInt tryCount = 0;
    for (tryCount = 0; tryCount < 5; tryCount++)
        ret = readFile.Open( iRfs, iIndexFile->Des(), EFileRead | EFileShareAny );
        if (ret == KErrInUse)
            // When the cache is full, it takes 65 - 85 miliseconds to write the index.
            // So wait 50 miliseconds and try again

    if ( ret == KErrNone )
        TInt size;

        if ( size )
            HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(size);
            TPtr8 buf( buffer->Des() );
            User::LeaveIfError( readFile.Read(buf, size) );
            RDesReadStream readStream( buf );
            aLookupTable->InternalizeL( readStream, iDirectory->Des() );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // read stream, buffer then file
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);  // close the file.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::SaveLookupTableL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::SaveLookupTableL()
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "lookup table is saved" ) );
    // save entries to index.dat
    RFileWriteStream writeStream;

    // Don't get notified about own changes
    TInt ret = KErrNone;
    TInt tryCount = 0;
    for (tryCount = 0; tryCount < 5; tryCount++)
        ret = writeStream.Replace( iRfs, iIndexFile->Des(), EFileWrite );
        if (ret == KErrInUse)
            // When the cache is full, it takes 65 - 85 miliseconds to write the index.
            // So wait 50 miliseconds and try again
    if ( ret == KErrNone )
        CleanupClosePushL( writeStream );
        iLookupTable->ExternalizeL( writeStream , iDirectory->Des() );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // writeStream

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::DeleteCacheEntry
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::DeleteCacheEntry(
    CHttpCacheEntry& aStrayEntry,
    TBool aUpdate )
    (void)aUpdate;//suppress compiler and PC-lint warnings
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog( 0, _L( "delete this stray entry" ) );

    // need to make sure this entry is removed from postpone handler, if it might be there.
    if ( iPostponeHandler )
        iPostponeHandler->RemoveEntry( &aStrayEntry );

    // remove from the lookuptable
    iLookupTable->EraseCacheEntry( aStrayEntry.Url() );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// There used to be a CHttpCacheHandler::FixLookupTableL here.
// Go back in SVN to re-discover it :)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::SaveBuffer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHttpCacheHandler::SaveBuffer(
    CHttpCacheEntry& aEntry,
    const TDesC8& aBuffer,
    TBool aBody )
    TBool ok( EFalse );

    TRAPD( err, ok = CacheNeedsSpaceL( aBuffer.Length() ) );
    if ( err == KErrNone && ok )
        // Did we have a safe save of the body or header
        ok = aBody ? iStreamHandler->SaveBodyData( aEntry, aBuffer ) : iStreamHandler->SaveHeaders( aEntry, aBuffer );
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
        // stop saving this entry
        HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog( 0, _L( "item cannot be saved. remove it please" ), aEntry.Url() );
#endif // __CACHELOG__

    return ok;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::UpdateLookupTable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::UpdateLookupTable()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::UpdateLookupTableL
// Slow method due to much file-system interaction. Don't call it from performance critical code.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::UpdateLookupTableL()
    CHttpCacheEvictionHandler* evictionHandler = CHttpCacheEvictionHandler::NewL();
    CHttpCacheLookupTable* lookupTable = CHttpCacheLookupTable::NewL( *evictionHandler, *iStreamHandler );
    iLookupTable->MergeL(lookupTable, iRfs, iDirectory->Des() );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // lookupTable, evictionHandler

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DestroyBadUrlArray
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DestroyBadUrlArray(TAny* aPtr)
    RPointerArray<HBufC8> *tmp = (RPointerArray<HBufC8>*)aPtr;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpCacheHandler::ValidateCacheEntriesL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpCacheHandler::ValidateCacheEntriesL(CHttpCacheFileHash *aDiskContent)
    // iterate through entries and check if file is present.
    // if not, add URL to a list of bad ones otherwise remove directory entry from list
    // at the end, go through list of bad entries and remove them from cache,
    THttpCacheLookupTableEntryIterator iter;
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
    HttpCacheUtil::WriteLog(0, _L("CHttpCacheHandler::ValidateCacheEntriesL"));

    // mark our index file as 'no delete'
    RHttpCacheFileHashMap& hashmap = aDiskContent->HashMap();
    TFileName indexFile;
    indexFile.Copy( iDirectory->Des() );
    indexFile.Append( iIndexFile->Des() );
    TFileInfo *info = hashmap.Find( indexFile );
    if( info )
        info->iUserInt = KCacheFileNoDelete;  
    // look for bad entries
    RPointerArray<HBufC8> badEntries;
    CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(DestroyBadUrlArray, &badEntries));
    const CHttpCacheEntry *tmpEntry;
    while(tmpEntry = iLookupTable->NextEntry(iter), tmpEntry)
        // check the files associated with the cache entry are present where they should be
        // if the file is present AND the size matches the entry, mark the hashmap value with noDelete.
        // otherwise, mark the hash map with delete and remove the entry.
        info = hashmap.Find(tmpEntry->Filename());
        if(info && info->iFileSize == tmpEntry->BodySize())
            info->iUserInt = KCacheFileNoDelete; // noDelete
#ifdef __CACHELOG__
            HttpCacheUtil::WriteUrlToLog(0, _L("Bad Entry: "), tmpEntry->Url() );
                info->iUserInt = KCacheFileNeedsDelete; // needs delete

    // remove entries from cache where files don't match content on disk, either file is missing or size is incorrect.
    // needed to save URIs because that's the only interface we have here.
    for(TInt i=0; i < badEntries.Count(); i++)
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // bad entry list

//  End of File