author Kiiskinen Klaus (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Mon, 30 Mar 2009 12:54:55 +0300
changeset 0 dd21522fd290
child 1 7c90e6132015
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 200911 Kit: 200912

* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

#include "HttpClientAppInstance.h"
#include "HttpConnHandler.h"
#include "HttpDownloadManagerServerEngine.h"
#include "FileExt.h"
#include "HttpClientApp.h"
#include "HttpDownloadMgrLogger.h"

//extern  ?external_data;

//extern ?external_function( ?arg_type,?arg_type );

_LIT( KDownloadFilenameFormat, "%S%S");

//#define ?macro ?macro_def

//const ?type ?constant_var = ?constant;
//#define ?macro_name ?macro_def

//enum ?declaration
//typedef ?declaration

//?type ?function_name( ?arg_type, ?arg_type );


// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::CHttpClientApp
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHttpClientApp::CHttpClientApp( TUint32 aAppUid, 
                                CHttpDownloadManagerServerEngine* aEngine )
    : iAppUid( aAppUid )
    , iEngine( aEngine )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpClientApp::ConstructL()
    CLOG_NAME_1( _L("CHttpClientApp_%x"), iAppUid );

    iInstances = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CHttpClientAppInstance>(2);
    iDownloads = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CHttpDownload>(2);
    iConnections = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CHttpConnHandler>(2);

    TBuf<KMaxPath> folder;
    iEngine->ClientAppFolder( this, folder );

    // Create client app's folder
    TInt error = iEngine->Fs().MkDirAll( folder );
    if( error != KErrNone && error != KErrAlreadyExists )
        // leave if makedir failed in some way
        // don't leave if already exists
        CLOG_WRITE8_1( "MkDirAll: %d", error );
        User::Leave( error );

    // create folder for info files
    iEngine->DownloadInfoFolder( this, folder );
    error = iEngine->Fs().MkDirAll( folder );
    if( error != KErrNone && error != KErrAlreadyExists )
        // leave if makedir failed in some way
        // don't leave if already exists
        CLOG_WRITE8_1( "info dir: %d", error );
        User::Leave( error );

    // create folder for COD info files
    iEngine->CODDownloadInfoFolder( this, folder );

    error = iEngine->Fs().MkDirAll( folder );
    if( error != KErrNone && error != KErrAlreadyExists )
        // leave if makedir failed in some way
        // don't leave if already exists
        CLOG_WRITE8_1( "info dir: %d", error );
        User::Leave( error );

    // create folder for content files
    iEngine->DownloadContentFolder( this, folder );
    error = iEngine->Fs().MkDirAll( folder );
    if( error != KErrNone && error != KErrAlreadyExists )
        // leave if makedir failed in some way
        // don't leave if already exists
        CLOG_WRITE8_1( "content dir: %d", error );
        User::Leave( error );

    iEngine->ClientAppFolder( this, folder );
    LoadClientInfoL( folder );
    iEngine->CodFolder( this, folder );

    CFileMan* fileman = CFileMan::NewL( iEngine->Fs() );
    fileman->RmDir( folder );
    delete fileman;
    iEngine->Fs().MkDir( folder );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHttpClientApp* CHttpClientApp::NewL( TUint32 aAppUid, 
                                      CHttpDownloadManagerServerEngine* aEngine )
    CHttpClientApp* self = new( ELeave ) CHttpClientApp( aAppUid, aEngine );
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );

    return self;

// Destructor
    CloseClientApp( EFalse );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::CreateNewInstanceL
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        CHttpClientApp::CreateNewInstanceL( MDownloadStateObserver* aObserver,
                                            TBool aMaster )
    LOGGER_ENTERFN( "CreateNewInstanceL" );

    TInt instanceId( 1 );
    TInt index;

    if( aMaster )
        // Check that there can be only 1 master instance
        for( index = 0; index < iInstances->Count(); ++index )
            if( (*iInstances)[index]->Master() )
                User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );

    // generate new instance id
    for( index = 0; index < iInstances->Count(); ++index )
        if( instanceId <= (*iInstances)[index]->InstanceId() )
            instanceId = (*iInstances)[index]->InstanceId() + 1;

    CLOG_WRITE8_1( "New instance id: [%d]", instanceId );

    // Create new connhandler used by the instance
    // Every instance has its own connhandler
    CHttpConnHandler* conn = CHttpConnHandler::NewL( this );

    // connhandlers are owned by CHttpClientApp.
    CleanupStack::PushL( conn );
    iConnections->AppendL( conn );
    CleanupStack::Pop( conn );

    // Create new client instance
    CHttpClientAppInstance* instance = 
                    CHttpClientAppInstance::NewL( this, conn, aMaster, instanceId, aObserver );

    CleanupStack::PushL( instance );
    iInstances->AppendL( instance );
    CleanupStack::Pop( instance );

    // Associate connhandler with client instance
    conn->SetClientAppInst( instance );

    for( index = 0; index < iDownloads->Count(); ++index )
        if( !(*iDownloads)[index]->ClientAppInstance() )
            // this download is not occupied by any client instance
            CLOG_WRITE8_1( "Controlling download: [%d]", (*iDownloads)[index]->Id() );
            // From it's owned by this new instance
            (*iDownloads)[index]->SetClientInstance( instance, ETrue );
            if( (*iDownloads)[index]->ConnHandler() && aMaster )//In case of embedded browser(aMaster =0) the connection should be set by parent application
                // conn handler in this download is not associated with
                // any client instance. do it now.
                (*iDownloads)[index]->ConnHandler()->SetClientAppInst( instance );

    return instance;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::CloseInstance
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpClientApp::CloseInstance( CHttpClientAppInstance* aInstance )
    LOGGER_ENTERFN( "CloseInstance" );

    CLOG_WRITE_1( "Instance: %d", aInstance->InstanceId() );
    CLOG_WRITE_1( "ExitAction: %d", aInstance->ExitAction() );

    TInt index;

    // find this instance
    for( index = 0; index < iInstances->Count(); ++index )
        if( aInstance == (*iInstances)[index] )

    __ASSERT_DEBUG( index != iInstances->Count(), DMPanic( KErrCorrupt ) );
    if( index == iInstances->Count() )

    // delete instance from the array
    iInstances->Delete( index );

    CHttpClientAppInstance* masterInstance = NULL;

    // find which client instance will inherit 
    // the downloads of the closed instance
    for( index = 0; index < iInstances->Count(); ++index )
        if( (*iInstances)[index]->Master() )
            masterInstance = (*iInstances)[index];
    // Detach instance from conn handler(s) associated with it.
    for( index = 0; index < iConnections->Count(); ++index )
        if( (*iConnections)[index]->ClientAppInst() == aInstance )
              (*iConnections)[index]->SetClientAppInst( masterInstance );
              if(!masterInstance && iInstances->Count() == 0)

    // detach download(s) from this instance
    for( index = 0; index < iDownloads->Count(); ++index )
        if( aInstance == (*iDownloads)[index]->ClientAppInstance() ||
            aInstance == (*iDownloads)[index]->PDClientAppInstance() )
            //Unregister the download in case of PDClientAppInstance. This was registered during attach
            if( (*iDownloads)[index]->DetachClientInstance( aInstance ) )
            if( !(*iDownloads)[index]->Pausable() )
                // non-pausable download always deleted
                CLOG_WRITE_1( "Download is not pausable: [%d]", (*iDownloads)[index]->Id() );
                (*iDownloads)[index]->Delete( aInstance );
                // index(th) element was delete
                switch( aInstance->ExitAction() )
                    case EExitPause:
                        TRAP_IGNORE( (*iDownloads)[index]->PauseL() );
                    // flow through

                    case EExitNothing:
                        (*iDownloads)[index]->SetClientInstance( masterInstance );

                    case EExitDelete:
                        CLOG_WRITE_1( "Deleting: [%d]", (*iDownloads)[index]->Id() );
                        (*iDownloads)[index]->Delete( aInstance );
                        // index(th) element was delete


    // delete the instance
    delete aInstance;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::CloseClientApp
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpClientApp::CloseClientApp( TBool /*bStore*/ )
    LOGGER_ENTERFN( "CloseClientApp" );

    if( iConnections )
        delete iConnections;
        iConnections = NULL;

    if( iDownloads )
          for (TInt i=0; i<iDownloads->Count(); i++)
        delete iDownloads;
        iDownloads = NULL;

    if( iInstances )
        delete iInstances;
        iInstances = NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::Instances
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CArrayPtrFlat<CHttpClientAppInstance>* CHttpClientApp::Instances() const
    return iInstances;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::CreateNewDownloadL
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CHttpClientApp::CreateNewDownloadL( CHttpClientAppInstance* aClAppInstance,
                                        const TDesC8& aUrl )
    if( !aUrl.Length() )
        // w/o url a download is meaningless
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );

    TInt downloadId = iEngine->NextDownloadId();

    CHttpDownload* newDl = CHttpDownload::NewL( aUrl,
                                                aClAppInstance );

    CleanupStack::PushL( newDl );
    RegisterDownloadL( newDl );
    CleanupStack::Pop( newDl );

    return newDl;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::AppUid
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CHttpClientApp::AppUid() const
    return iAppUid;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::Downloads
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CArrayPtrFlat<CHttpDownload>* CHttpClientApp::Downloads() const
    return iDownloads;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::Engine
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHttpDownloadManagerServerEngine* CHttpClientApp::Engine() const
    return iEngine;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::RegisterDownloadL
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpClientApp::RegisterDownloadL( CHttpDownload* aDownload )
    iDownloads->AppendL( aDownload );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::UnregisterDownload
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CHttpClientApp::UnregisterDownload( CHttpDownload* aDownload )
    CLOG_WRITE_1("Unregister download: %d", aDownload->Id() );

    TInt index;
    for( index = 0; index < iDownloads->Count(); ++index )
        if( (*iDownloads)[index] == aDownload )
            iDownloads->Delete( index );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::DownloadsInMaster
// Counts how many (no media) downloads the Master instance has.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt32 CHttpClientApp::DownloadsInMaster( TBool aNoMediasOnly )
    TInt32 counter( 0 );

    for( TInt i = 0; i < iDownloads->Count(); ++i )
        if( (*iDownloads)[i]->ClientAppInstance()&& 
            (*iDownloads)[i]->ClientAppInstance()->Master() )
            if( aNoMediasOnly && (*iDownloads)[i]->NoMedia() )
                // count only the aNoMediasOnly
            else if( !aNoMediasOnly )
                // count every download

    return counter;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::DestroyConnHandler
// Deletes given connhandler from the array and destroys the object itself.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpClientApp::DestroyConnHandler( CHttpConnHandler* aConnHandler )
    CLOG_WRITE( "DestroyConnHandler" );

    __ASSERT_DEBUG( aConnHandler, DMPanic( KErrCorrupt ));

    for( TInt index = 0; index < iConnections->Count(); ++index )
        if( (*iConnections)[index] == aConnHandler )
            __ASSERT_DEBUG( !aConnHandler->ClientAppInst(), DMPanic( KErrCorrupt ));
            iConnections->Delete( index );
            delete aConnHandler;


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::LoadClientInfoL
// Download info and all the downloads are loaded here
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpClientApp::LoadClientInfoL( const TDesC& /*aFolder*/ )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::StoreClientInfoL
// For further improvement if any download info has to be persisted
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpClientApp::StoreClientInfoL()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::LoadDownloadsL
// ?implementation_description
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpClientApp::LoadDownloadsL()
    TPath folder;

    Engine()->DownloadInfoFolder( this, folder );

    CDir* dirs = NULL;

    TUint mask = KEntryAttMatchMask | KEntryAttMatchExclude; 

    User::LeaveIfError( Engine()->Fs().GetDir( folder, 
                                        EAscending | EDirsLast, 
                                        dirs ) );
    if( dirs && dirs->Count() )
        // there are downloads for this client
        TInt err;

        CleanupStack::PushL( dirs );
        for( TInt i = 0; i < dirs->Count(); ++i )
            if( (*dirs)[i].IsDir() )
                // directories are sorted to the end of the array
                // if this entry is dir we finished

            TInt32 id = DownloadIdL( (*dirs)[i].iName );
            if ( IsDownloadAlreadyLoaded( id ) )

            // Download is not assigned to any instance
            // Id comes from the filename
            CHttpDownload* newDl = NULL;
            TRAP( err, newDl = CHttpDownload::NewL( KNullDesC8(), this, id ) );
            if( err != KErrEof &&
                err != KErrCorrupt &&
                err != KErrNotFound && 
                err != KErrNotSupported )
                // no problem load info file and the download is valid
                // and it was pausable, or non-pausable but completed
                RegisterDownloadL( newDl );
                TBuf<KMaxPath> fileName;
                fileName.Format( KDownloadFilenameFormat, 
                                    &(*dirs)[i].iName );

                if( newDl )
                    delete newDl;
                if( !err )
                    // delete unusable info file
                    iEngine->Fs().Delete( fileName );

        CleanupStack::Pop( dirs );

    delete dirs;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::OutputFilenameL
// Gets the download id from the give folder name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt32 CHttpClientApp::DownloadIdL( const TDesC& aFilename ) const
    TLex temp( aFilename );
    TUint32 id;
    User::LeaveIfError( temp.Val( id, EDecimal ) );

    return id;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpClientApp::IsDownloadAlreadyLoaded
// Check whether the download is already loaded or not for the client
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CHttpClientApp::IsDownloadAlreadyLoaded( TInt32 aId ) const
     for( TInt index = 0; index < iDownloads->Count(); ++index )
         if( (*iDownloads)[index]->Id() == aId)
        	 return ETrue;
     return EFalse;         

// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================

//  End of File