* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Implementation of class CHttpWapSession.
#include <HttpFilterCommonStringsExt.h>
#include "HttpWapSession.h"
#include "CodError.h"
#include "CodLogger.h"
#include "CodPanic.h"
/// WSP protocol name.
_LIT8( KCodWspProtocol, "WSP/WSP" );
/// Default WAP server port.
const TInt KCodWspRemotePort = 9201;
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpWapSession::NewL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CHttpWapSession* CHttpWapSession::NewL( const TDesC8& aGateway )
CHttpWapSession* sess = new( ELeave ) CHttpWapSession();
CleanupStack::PushL( sess );
sess->ConstructL( aGateway );
CleanupStack::Pop( sess );
return sess;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpWapSession::~CHttpWapSession()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CLOG(( EWapConn, 2, _L("-> CHttpWapSession::~CHttpWapSession") ));
if ( iGatewayOpen )
delete iWait;
CLOG(( EWapConn, 2, _L("<- CHttpWapSession::~CHttpWapSession") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpWapSession::ConnectL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpWapSession::ConnectL( TRequestStatus* aStatus )
CLOG(( EWapConn, 2, _L("-> CHttpWapSession::ConnectL") ));
CLOG(( EWapConn, 3, _L8(" iGateway <%S> port(%d)"),\
&(iGateway.DesC()), KCodWspRemotePort ));
// Misuse asserts.
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( aStatus, CodPanic( ECodInvalidArguments ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iState == EInit, CodPanic( ECodOffState ) );
// Internal asserts.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iParentStatus, CodPanic( ECodInternal ) );
RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = iSess.ConnectionInfo();
( StringF( HTTP::EWspProxyAddress ), THTTPHdrVal( iGateway ) );
( StringF( HTTP::EWspRemotePort ), THTTPHdrVal( KCodWspRemotePort ) );
// Connect to WAP gateway.
iSess.SetSessionEventCallback( this );
iState = EConnecting;
iParentStatus = aStatus;
*iParentStatus = KRequestPending;
CLOG(( EWapConn, 2, _L("<- CHttpWapSession::ConnectL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpWapSession::Disconnect()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpWapSession::Disconnect()
CLOG(( EWapConn, 2, _L("-> CHttpWapSession::Disconnect iState(%d)"), \
iState ));
switch ( iState )
case EConnecting:
case EConnected:
TRAPD( err, iSess.DisconnectL() );
if ( err )
// Nothing we can do about this failure!
CLOG(( EConn, 3, _L(" failed(%d)"), err ));
iState = EDisconnecting;
CLOG(( EConn, 3, _L(" starting wait") ));
case EInit:
case EDisconnecting:
CLOG(( EConn, 3, _L(" nothing to do") ));
// EInit state: no need to do anything.
// EDisconnecting: we can't do anything.
CLOG(( EWapConn, 2, _L("<- CHttpWapSession::Disconnect") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpWapSession::CHttpWapSession()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
: CHttpSessionBase(),
iState( EInit ),
iGatewayOpen( EFalse )
CLOG(( EWapConn, 2, _L("CHttpWapSession::CHttpWapSession") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpWapSession::ConstructL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpWapSession::ConstructL( const TDesC8& aGateway )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( aGateway.Length(), CodPanic( ECodInvalidArguments ) );
iSess.OpenL( KCodWspProtocol );
iSess.StringPool().OpenL( HttpFilterCommonStringsExt::GetTable() );
iGateway = iSess.StringPool().OpenFStringL( aGateway );
// Track whether open - cannot close unopened RStringF.
iGatewayOpen = ETrue;
iWait = new (ELeave) CActiveSchedulerWait;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpWapSession::MHFSessionRunL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpWapSession::MHFSessionRunL( const THTTPSessionEvent& aEvent )
CLOG(( EWapConn, 0, _L("-> CHttpWapSession::MHFSessionRunL event(%d)"), \
aEvent.iStatus ));
switch ( aEvent.iStatus )
case THTTPSessionEvent::EConnectedOK:
case THTTPSessionEvent::EConnectedWithReducedCapabilities:
CLOG(( EWapConn, 3, _L(" EConnected...") ));
if ( iState == EConnecting )
// Connecting: we are done.
iState = EConnected;
Done( KErrNone );
else if ( iState == EDisconnecting )
// Connecting was interrupted with a Disconnect call but it
// seems we have already connected by that time. Now we are
// not Done() yet: wait more for the disconnect to finish.
CLOG(( EWapConn, 3, \
_L(" late connect event, keep waiting for disconnect") ));
iState = EConnected;
// Unexpected state for these events.
CLOG(( EWapConn, 0, \
_L(" connect event in unexpected state") ));
CodPanic( ECodOffState );
case THTTPSessionEvent::EDisconnected:
CLOG(( EWapConn, 3, _L(" EDisconnected") ));
iState = EInit;
Done( KErrCodWapConnectionDropped );
case THTTPSessionEvent::EConnectionTimedOut:
CLOG(( EWapConn, 3, _L(" EConnectionTimedOut") ));
iState = EInit;
Done( KErrCodHttpTimedOut );
if( aEvent.iStatus < 0 )
// Negative value indicates error.
iState = EInit;
Done( KErrCodWapConnectionDropped );
CLOG(( EWapConn, 0, _L("<- CHttpWapSession::MHFSessionRunL") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpWapSession::MHFSessionRunError()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CHttpWapSession::MHFSessionRunError
( TInt LOG_ONLY( aError ), const THTTPSessionEvent& /*aEvent*/ )
CLOG(( EWapConn, 2, \
_L("CHttpWapSession::MHFSessionRunError (%d)"), aError ));
// This method should never be called - MHFSessionRunL does not leave.
CodPanic( ECodInternal );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CHttpWapSession::Done()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CHttpWapSession::Done( TInt aResult )
CLOG(( EConn, 2, _L("CHttpWapSession::Done aResult(%d)"), aResult ));
if ( iWait->IsStarted() )
// This must be Disconnect: we are waiting for it.
CLOG(( EConn, 3, _L(" stopping wait") ));
if ( iParentStatus )
// This must be ConnectL: parent is waiting for it.
CLOG(( EConn, 3, _L(" completing parent") ));
User::RequestComplete( iParentStatus, aResult );
iParentStatus = NULL;