* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Declaration of class CRoapAppUi.
#ifndef ROAP_APP_UI_H
#define ROAP_APP_UI_H
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <AknAppUi.h>
#include <AknServerApp.h>
#include <RoapObserver.h>
#include <DownloadMgrClient.h>
#include "RoapAppWaitDialog.h"
#include <CentralRepository.h>
class CRoapAppView;
class CRoapAppDocument;
class CRequestCompleteCallback;
class CDocumentHandler;
const TUid KDRMHelperUid = {0x101F85C7}; // KBrowserHelpUid = {0x10008D39}
* ROAP Application UI.
class CRoapAppUi
: public CAknAppUi,
public MRoapDialogCommandObserver,
public Roap::MRoapObserver,
public MAknServerAppExitObserver,
public MHttpDownloadMgrObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Constructor.
* Second phase constructor. Leaves on failure.
void ConstructL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CRoapAppUi();
public: // from CAknAppUi
* Open a file.
* @param aFileName File name to open.
virtual void OpenFileL( const TDesC& aFileName );
* Handle command.
* @param aCommand Command id.
virtual void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
protected: // from CAknAppUi
* Process command line parameters.
* @param aCommand Command.
* @param aDocumentName Document name.
* @param aTail Don't know what; ignored.
* @return EFalse.
virtual TBool ProcessCommandParametersL
TApaCommand aCommand,
TFileName& aDocumentName,
const TDesC8& aTail
* Handle resource change.
* @param aType Resource type.
virtual void HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType );
private: // from Roap::MRoapObserver
* Confirm creating network connection.
* @return ETrue if network connection confirmed.
virtual TBool ConnectionConfL();
* Confirm contacting Rights Issuer.
* @return ETrue if confirmed.
virtual TBool ContactRiConfL();
* Confirm transaction ID tracking.
* @return ETrue if transaction ID tracking confirmed.
virtual TBool TransIdConfL();
* Handle right objects after a successful RoAcq.
* @param aRightsList Received right objects.
virtual void RightsObjectDetailsL
( const RPointerArray<CDRMRights>& aRightsList );
* ROAP response returned multipart response, return parameters
* needed saving.
* @param aTempFolder Folder for temp file returned here.
* @param aContentName Name for content file returned here.
* @param aMaxSize Safety size limit returned here.
virtual void ContentDownloadInfoL
( TPath& aTempFolder, TFileName& aContentName, TInt& aMaxSize );
* Details of DCF file received in ROAP (saved by ROAP Engine).
* @param aPath: The path and the filename of the saved DCF file.
* @param aType: The plain MIME type of the saved DCF file.
* @param aAppUid: The handler app UID of the saved DCF file.
virtual void ContentDetailsL
( const TDesC& aPath, const TDesC8& aType, const TUid& aAppUid );
* Handle DCF file (received in multipart RO response).
* @aFilename File name.
virtual void HandleDCFPartL( const TDesC8& aFilename );
* Progress callback.
* @param aProgressInfo Percentage completed.
virtual void RoapProgressInfoL( const TInt aProgressInfo );
* ErrorUrl
* @param aErrorUrl: The error URL
* @return void
virtual void ErrorUrlL( const TDesC8& aErrorUrl );
* PostResponseUrlL
* @param aPrUrl: The PostResponseURL
* @return void
virtual void PostResponseUrlL( const TDesC8& aPrUrl );
private: //from MHttpDownloadMgrObserver
* Indicates an event.
* @param aDownload The download with which the event occured.
* @param aEvent Event type.
* @return None.
virtual void HandleDMgrEventL( RHttpDownload& aDownload, THttpDownloadEvent aEvent );
private: // from MAknServerAppExitObserver
* Handle exmbedded application exit.
* @param aReason Exit reason.
virtual void HandleServerAppExit( TInt aReason );
public: // new methods
* Trigger parsed.
void HandleTriggerParsedL();
* Call back function to launch the help
static TInt ShowRoapCallback( TAny* aPtr );
* Handle One Pass RO
void HandleOnePassRoL( TInt aError);
private: // new methods
* Start ROAP.
void StartRoapL();
* Cancel ROAP.
void CancelRoap();
* Handle ROAP completion.
void RoapDone();
* Handle successful ROAP.
* @return ETrue if application should exit.
TBool RoapOkL();
* Handle successful RoAcq ROAP.
* @return ETrue if application should exit.
TBool RoAcqOkL();
* Handle failed ROAP.
* @param aError ROAP error.
* @return ETrue if application should exit.
TBool RoapFailedL( TInt aError );
* Handle ROAP completion (static wrapper for TCallBack use).
* @param aPtr Pointer passed to the callback (this object as TAny*).
* @return EFalse (as TInt).
static TInt StaticRoapDone( TAny* aPtr );
private: // new methods
* Access the document (casted to its real type).
* @return The document (casted to its real type).
CRoapAppDocument* RoapDocument();
private: // from MRoapDialogCommandObserver
* Handle dialog command (from wait note).
* @param aCommand Dialog command id.
void HandleDialogCommandL( TInt aCommand );
private: // new methods
* Show an information note.
* @param aPromptResourceId Resource id of prompt text (RESOURCE TBUF).
void InfoNoteL( TInt aPromptResourceId );
* Show an information note.
* @param aPrompt Prompt text.
void InfoNoteL( const TDesC& aPrompt );
* Show an confirmation note.
* @param aPromptResourceId Resource id of prompt text (RESOURCE TBUF).
void ConfNoteL( TInt aPromptResourceId );
* Show an confirmation note.
* @param aPrompt Prompt text.
void ConfNoteL( const TDesC& aPrompt );
private: // new methods
* Check if file can be opened (unprotected, or rights present).
* @param aFile File.
* @return ETrue if file can be opened.
TBool CanOpenL( RFile& aFile ) const;
* Launch help dialog
* @param TDesC aContext
* @return void
void LaunchHelpL( const TDesC& aContext );
private: // data
/// App's view (control). Owned.
CRoapAppView* iView;
/// Wait note. Owned.
CRoapAppWaitDialog* iWaitNote;
/// Callback object. Owned.
CRequestCompleteCallback* iCallback;
/// Document handler or NULL. Owned.
CDocumentHandler* iDocHandler;
/// File Server Session.
RFs iFs;
/// MO associated with the received RO.
RFile iFile;
/// Download manager
RHttpDownloadMgr iDownloadMgr;
/// Download status of PostResponse URL
TBool iPostResponseURLDownLoad;
#endif /* def ROAP_APP_UI_H */