* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Map containing the Variable CSS style rules
#ifndef CCSSVariableStyleSheet_H
#define CCSSVariableStyleSheet_H
#include <e32base.h>
#include "nw_css_defaultstylesheeti.h"
#include "CSSRuleList.h"
class TCSSParser;
struct TCSSPropertyTablePropEntry;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
extern NW_WBXML_Dictionary_t NW_XHTML_WBXMLDictionary;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/** *****************************************************************
* These structs are simple wrappers for the css property and string
* entries. They wrap the same structures found in the default style
* sheets. Note that a flag indicates whether they entry is a static
* referring to the fixed table or a dynamic one referring to the
* dynamic one. The dynamic (e.g. variable) entry is heap allocated and
* as such it and its components should be deallocated.
* @lib css.lib
* @since 2.7
******************************************************************* */
typedef struct _TCSSStringEntry{
TBool variableEntry;
NW_Ucs2* entry;
typedef struct _TCSSPropEntry{
TInt key; // MUST BE FIRST
TBool variableEntry;
NW_CSS_DefaultStyleSheet_PropEntry_s* entry;
typedef RArray<TCSSStringEntry> CCSSStringEntryList;
typedef RArray<TCSSPropEntry> CCSSPropEntryList;
/** *****************************************************************
* The CCSSVariableStyleSheet is a repository for the default and
* variable style sheet entries. If no entries variable entries are
* found (i.e. file not found or corrupt) then only the default entries
* will be used to populate the structure.
* @lib css.lib
* @since 2.7
******************************************************************* */
class CCSSVariableStyleSheet : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor. It is private because it is created as a
* singleton and shared.
* @return CCSSVariableStyleSheet*
static CCSSVariableStyleSheet* NewL();
* Creates the CCSSVariableStyleSheet singleton.
* @since 2.7
* @return style sheet.
static CCSSVariableStyleSheet* CreateSingleton();
* Deletes the CCSSVariableStyleSheet singleton.
* @since 2.7
* @return void.
static void DeleteSingleton();
* Get the CCSSVariableStyleSheet singleton. If it doesn't exist
* then return NULL.
* @since 2.7
* @return a pointer to CCSSVariableStyleSheet
static CCSSVariableStyleSheet* GetSingleton();
* Applies the combined variable and default styles to the element node
* in the document after pattern matching. This is called frequently by
* XHTMLElementHandler. Duplicates have already been removed so that the
* default and variable styles do not need to be treated differently or
* applied separately.
* @param elementNode Element node for which pattern matching needs to be done
* @param box Box to which CSS is applied
* @param dictionary
* @param event event resulting in style application (for e.g. focus)
* This is usually NULL.
* @param documentNode
* @param domHelper for resolving entities
* @since 2.7
* @return KBrsrSuccess or KBrsrOutOfMemory
TBrowserStatusCode ApplyStyles(NW_DOM_ElementNode_t* aElementNode,
NW_LMgr_Box_t* aBox,
NW_WBXML_Dictionary_t* aDictionary,
const NW_Evt_Event_t* aEvent,
NW_HED_DocumentNode_t* aDocumentNode,
NW_HED_DomHelper_t* aDomHelper);
* Parses the loaded variable CSS buffer stores entries in the tables.
* @param buffer data to parse. Stored as text
* @param length size of buffer in bytes. Does not include a null terminator
* @return ETrue if parsed.
TBool ProcessBuffer(const TUint8* aBuffer, TUint32 aLength);
* Accessor for the state of the default property sheet. It is true if
* the values were successfully loaded.
* @return ETrue if loaded
TBool IsStaticCSSLoaded(){
return iStaticCSSLoaded;
* Accessor for the state of the variable property sheet. It is true if
* the values were successfully loaded.
* @return ETrue if loaded
TBool IsVariableCSSLoaded(){
return iVariableCSSLoaded;
private: // Data
TBool iStaticCSSLoaded;
TBool iVariableCSSLoaded;
CCSSPropEntryList* iPropList;
CCSSStringEntryList* iStringList;
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Destructor. It is private because it is created as a singleton.
virtual ~CCSSVariableStyleSheet();
* Assignment operator. It is private because it should not be called.
void operator=(const CCSSVariableStyleSheet& obj);
* Loads a file into the buffer. Looks first in on the C drive and then
* if not found looks on the Z drive.
* @return Pointer to buffer containing loaded file contents.
* Otherwise returns NULL.
HBufC8* ReadVariableCSSFile();
* Loads a file into the buffer. This is a generic utility.
* @return Pointer to buffer containing loaded file contents.
* Otherwise returns NULL.
HBufC8* ReadFile(const TDesC& aFile);
* Parses the css file that has been loaded. The results are stored into
* the variable style sheet list. Duplicates are ignored. That is, the
* first entry is added and subsequent duplicates are ignored. This list
* is added before the lower priority default list so if a duplicate is
* found it is assumed to be equal or higher priority.
* @param buffer The buffer contains the css variable file.
* @return ETrue if successfully parsed. Otherwise it returns EFalse
TBool AddVariableStyles(HBufC8* aBuffer);
* Loads the CSS strings from the default tables. These are placed in a
* string table.
void AddDefaultStyleStrings();
* Loads the default css styles. They are merged with the previously
* loaded variable styles. That is, if a style is not found in the list
* it is added. If it is already present the default value is
* ignored. Duplicates are not allowed. Note that if duplicates exist in
* this default list, only the first entry is applied.
void AddDefaultStyleProperties();
* Initializes the property using the entry loaded from the variable table.
* @param propEntry Default/variable entry to be applied.
* @param prop Property that is being initialized.
* @param box Box to which CSS is applied
* @param val Value to apply. Requires valType for interpretation.
* @param valType Data type
* @return KBrsrSuccess if operation successful. Otherwise KBrsrFailure.
TBrowserStatusCode InitProperty(const TCSSPropertyTablePropEntry* aPropEntry,
NW_LMgr_Property_t* aProp,
NW_LMgr_Box_t* aBox,
NW_Float32 aVal,
NW_Uint8 aValType);
* Adds the styles for the element to the list.
* @param aParser loaded parser for the style sheet
* @param aRuleList list for this element token
* @param aElementToken
* @return KBrsrSuccess if operation successful. Otherwise KBrsrFailure.
TBrowserStatusCode UpdateList(TCSSParser* aParser,
CCSSRules* aRuleList,
NW_Uint16 aElementToken);
* Updates one entry in the list.
* @param aParser The parser
* @param aElementToken The token to add
* @param aAsciiPatternStr Optional pattern to include with token.
* @return Status of operation
TBrowserStatusCode UpdateEntry(TCSSParser* aParser,
TUint16 aElementToken,
char* aAsciiPatternStr);
* Wrapper method to call the correct setting method.
* @param aParser The parser.
* @param aVal The property value type
* @param aPropertyValue The actual value.
* @param aValStorage The text value
* @return Property type
NW_LMgr_PropertyValueType_t SetPropertyVal(TCSSParser* aParser,
const TCSSPropertyTablePropEntry* aPropEntry,
NW_LMgr_PropertyValue_t* aVal,
TCSSPropertyVal* aPropertyVal,
TText16* aValStorage);
* Inserts a value into the list. If there is an error or a duplicate
* the value is not entered.
* @param aPropEntry Value to enter into the list.
* @return index of inserted value or -1 if error
TInt InsertProperty(TCSSPropEntry aPropEntry);
* Dumps the contents of the style sheet to the log.
TBrowserStatusCode DumpVariableStyleSheet();
void ConstructCSSFileName();
#endif /* CCSSVariableStyleSheet_H */